Every week on Bag that Badge we complete a new Zwift Route Achievement Badge. There are various different routes on Zwift and some of them are run only and some we share with the cyclists. Completing some of these routes will give you an Achievement Badge which is stored in your Zwift Garage. Come every week and you’ll soon have bagged them all.

    Get yourself an incredible Noble-Pro SMART treadmill with a 4% DISCOUNT from this link https://zwift.run/noble-pro

    Running Gear
    My Main Running Watch | Garmin Epix Gen 2 – https://amzn.to/3PaZjli
    Other Running Watch | Garmin Fenix 7x – https://amzn.to/3yssryp
    My non Garmin watch | Coros Pace 2 – https://amzn.to/3wanSpO
    Run Dynamics | Coros Pod – https://amzn.to/39E2523
    Heart Rate Strap | Garmin HRM Pro – https://amzn.to/3N15vKP
    Race Belt | Salomon Pulse Belt – https://amzn.to/3Fxz444
    Climbing poles | Leki Micro Pro – https://amzn.to/3L0o1S6
    My running socks | Injinji Midweight Toe – https://amzn.to/39EY4KM
    Incredible insoles | Enertor – https://amzn.to/37BXtsQ
    Budget Treadmill Shorts | ZENGVEE Men’s 3 Pack – https://amzn.to/3kUQdv9

    Camera Gear
    DJI Action 2 Camera | used in this video – https://amzn.to/3w08TQv
    Rode Lav Mic | used in this video – https://amzn.to/3sr5Yhk
    Live Streaming Camera | Canon M200 – https://amzn.to/3slOUta
    Secondary streaming cam | Logitech Brio – https://amzn.to/3yok2w5
    Streaming and Voiceover Mic | Rode Podcaster – https://amzn.to/3kUcklh
    Studio lighting | Falconeyes RX-8T – https://amzn.to/3M5kR0A
    Stream Automation | Elgato Stream Deck – https://amzn.to/3FuYoaS
    One of my 360 Cameras | GoPro Max – https://amzn.to/3wfg2v7

    Music | used in this video – https://share.epidemicsound.com/6s7jgj

    Zwift Run Live. Broadcasting live treadmill running on Zwift. Races, workouts, group runs and solo challenges round the many worlds of Zwift. Watopia, Makuri Islands including Neokyo and Yumezi. New York, London, Innsbruck, Richmond, the France and Paris courses, Boulogne and Harrogate.

    Zwift (http://zwift.com/run) is an indoor running app. It incorporates a ‘game’, a training tool and live races in a virtual world. I have a TechnoGym MyRun treadmill in the Film My Run shedquarters!

    My name is Stephen and I have been running and riding on Zwift since the early beta days. I love it.

    I am a runner first and foremost, but I also do triathlon. I am not a cyclist and it’s something about which I have a lot to learn.

    I stream live here on YouTube, on Facebook, and Twitch.tv almost every day.

    Please subscribe to Zwift Run Live here https://www.youtube.com/zwiftrunlive?sub_confirmation=1

    My Zwift Race Results HERE https://zwiftpower.com/profile.php?z=3688

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    Website – http://filmmyrun.com

    Film My Run YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/filmmyrun

    Please subscribe to the Film My Run channel by clicking here


    Good morning good afternoon good evening wherever you are in the world this is film my run on zwift my name is Steven cousins and we are broadcasting live on Facebook and on YouTube while we’re getting everything ready it would be absolutely awesome if you could go and subscribe to the film my run

    YouTube channel and also the zwift live YouTube channel you can also find us on Facebook at facebook.com/ film myrun and also Twitter @ filmy run and the website is www. filmy.com it’s very nearly time so sit back relax don’t forget to drop me a ride on and watch me do all the hard

    Work welcome along to bag that badge for a Thursday evening hello Tina beard hello Carol hello Jeff hello Thiago and Amy Amy green is uh running uh the tour of otopia or tour of zift uh instead of Bap B that’s fine and and I know a lot

    Of people will be wanting to get their tour of zift races or runs in Darren hello he’s still uh in cycling mode taking part in my very first cycling tour wow okay flame Rouge racing watopia tour well done Darren good job uh Overman is excited to bag this badge he

    Says uh and Carol is excited that he’s only 2.4 km very nice I’m going to do five so it’s only yeah he only 2.4 km but I’m going to do 5K so if you want to come and join me for 5K then that’s great uh

    Tina did to at 4:00 well done Tina we did film my run 500 this morning so this is our nice easy uh run this evening we’re going to do half an hour 6:00 until half 6 let me just speak to the gang hello everyone welcome to bag that badge

    I know there are still some of you who do not have this one yet 2.4 km and then you’re done I will be running on to 5K Dar says what happened to to the background noise why have we got background noise or we don’t have background noise oh I’m echoing oh I know why okay yeah I know why that it should have sorted It I shouldn’t I don’t need that mic on the other Mic Paul haward says that was a hard run to make this so um Paul hayward’s had to run home from work in time to get on the treadmill for this run uh Thiago is in the Run Paul Haywood is in the Run TR finore is there Carol rushworth is there

    Uh Jeff Partridge is there David Muppet is there uh bonany from Italy is there enre from Spain Balan from France nice to have you all with us gang thanks for coming uh so yes apologies for that I did have the mic the other mic on which is why you were hearing lots of

    Echoing so nice easy Run 10 kph 5K that’ll do us in half an hour my family are all out of the cinema it’s still Christmas according to them so they’ve gone to the cinema and I’m running through watopia on the Italian Villas route and the

    Reason we’ve had this on for so long so it’s been this has been the route now for bag that badge for the past four weeks and I am going to change it next week so we’re going to change to a different route next week but we very

    Rarely get to do the Italian Villas route so I thought we’d keep it on for a little while before we move on to another one yes Tina Christmas is long gone however my family are still in Christmas mode so that’s why they’ve gone to the cinema they’ve gone to see Wonka I hope you all had a good weekend I am not very well I’ve got the lury the rest of the family have all had it and they are recovering I am just on my way into it so I’ve got the uh cough I’m just waiting for the headache and the fever

    Which is what my son Ellis had uh welcome along Sarah Jacobson right in order right Sarah has said tell everyone about your shower workout okay you asked for it and I will tell you about my shower workout it’s not really a workout anyway I I did this

    At the beginning of last year in preparation for my marriage Marathon so I’m doing it again this year in some small way I want to do some strength training core strength you know just to uh add that little bit of strength to my core and hopefully that’ll help me along in the

    Marathon I took to doing wall sits so you know what a walls is it’s when you put your back against a wall and then you sit down and you hold it as long as you can so I’ve taken to doing that in the shower because most of the time in the

    Shower I’m basically just standing there so I may as well do something useful so I’ve taken to doing wallit so I will do that every shower I have have I will do a wallit for at least one minute and as I get stronger try and do it for a little bit longer each

    Time so we’ll see how that goes shall We okay so everyone’s been to see Wonka Jeff Partridge saw Wonka last Monday not a bad family movie Darren says what have I got it’s just a a cold you know man flu Christmas lurgy I don’t think it’s covid uh Carol rushworth loved the Wonka movie Amy green says my dad took my girls to see Wonka and they enjoyed it Anthony Anderson says evening all not long until summer this is True and Sarah Jacobson uh Cooper’s grandmother is picking him up to see Wonka in half an hour’s time so Cooper is going to see uh Wonka today as well so it sounds like everybody is seeing Wonka and I haven’t mispronounced that once so a round of applause for me

    Tina says I go to the gym three times a week and Stephen wall sits in the Shower it saves on traveling to the gym doesn’t It uh Sarah is back at work today after the Holidays um although she just say look at how productive I’m being because uh even though she’s at work she’s sitting watching me 3,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean is it 3,000 2,000 hey Google how far away is Chicago in miles oh my God near 4,000 M away 3,959 M away good Grief yeah Sarah thought about 3 and a half yeah 3,959 you’re a long way away Sarah yeah C finore is a bit worried about saying the word Wonka on voice to text let’s try it shall we has anybody been to see Wonka yet well that well that worked perfectly Well right 1 kilm to go for those people who are just doing 2.4k Tina beard has not seen Wonka and she has no intention of Going right and hang on a minute you have no recourse then to tell Jeff that he’s a a miserable Grinch not that you have said Jeff Jeff is a miserable Grinch but I imagine that’s the kind of thing you could say gosh it’s getting warm in here I might

    Have to open the windows doors windows whatever they’re called bear with me two seconds absolutely pouring with rain today one mile done two miles to Go How many weeks now to the start of the spine Jeff Partridge uh Amy says we’ve got some bad flooding near us yeah um I mean we haven’t got really bad flooding but there’s certainly a lot of water Around right Jeff Partridge is in taper mode now he’s done all the training he possibly can 10 days to go until Jeff Partridge attempts for the third time to run 268 miles across the penine way in the UK good luck Jeff third time or fourth time third

    Time uh yeah looks like they’ve got flooding where Tina is as well she says I’ll be getting a rbo the way things are going around here no flooding where Anthony is sun and blue sky but a little windy Blue Sky what time of day is it where you are

    Is it absolutely pitch black here Carol says good luck Jeff you’ll smash it I just I just want Jeff to get as far I want Jeff to get further than he’s ever got before I’m not going to put the pressure on him that he has to finish it

    Will be great if he finishes just get further than you’ve ever got before Jeff do your level best grind it out you know that you can do It uh Clyde findmore says possible snow for the Arc of attrition how are you feeling ahead of the Arc of attrition Clive All right Anthony had blue sky and sunshine this morning when he was out it probably is dark now as well uh 2K done so uh those who are just doing the once round will’ll be coming to the end of their run let don’t forget to keep running until you see the badge appear Uh Clive is going to just deal with it on the day that suggests to me that he’s probably not ready but he’s just going to give give it his best shot which is probably what it’s like for Jeff as well not as ready as he’d like to be but

    Just give it the best shot he Can are you wearing a bucket hat Amy is it part of the new dress code for uh for this tour of zift apparently Amy Amy’s doing tour of zift at the moment and she says everyone’s wearing bucket hats yeah Anthony says good luck to anyone who is attempting a long run this Winter well I’m glad to see people have come to their senses and realize that the bucket hat is where is where it’s at look the bucket hat hasn’t been available for years so people have a chance to earn it Now although that’s bad news for me because it means that everybody can look like me now I’m not going to be individual anymore right let me just pause the camera angles here now that we are out of the game or out of the event don’t want to go the wrong way do

    We all right you’ve got a colorful one uh Nick dumbleton yes says yes it’s what you get given by Default Jeff Mar says yes but who would want to look like you good point fair Enough Carol ran with John hanock yesterday and it sounds like John hanock was hoping to get the bucket hat at the end of his run yesterday although from the conversation I saw on Facebook it looked like John hanock was hoping for to get some of Carol’s nipple tassels

    We haven’t we haven’t seen Carol’s tassels for a little while we need to do another film my run video 5K don’t we just for that although the thought of John Hancock wearing nipple tassels that might put me off a bit to be honest with You I don’t want to see that muscly frame wearing nipple Tassels they would would look great on me though they no they really would don’t look at me like that you know it’s true look they’d be Great don’t don’t tempt me do not tempt Me Carol I’m not reading that Out tassel Tuesday sounds good doesn’t it tassel Tuesday uh next Tuesday I will do uh a TFT so we’re usually a bit bereft of events on a Tuesday so we’ll do tour of zift on Tuesday next week I am I am partially considering doing one on Saturday as well because

    We’re not here on Monday so if you’re not aware already because I’m now in marathon training I am going to do track work outside on a Monday so I won’t be around for the Monday Community Run for the next 3 months Sarah says I can’t believe you’re

    Bailing on a Monday I did it last year you coped you coped perfectly well last year I’m sure you can do it Again you don’t need me dragging you round on a Monday 3K done 2K to go 12 minutes of running remaining And because we’ve opened the do we got a nice breeze behind us now although my heart rate is very high 138 that is too high did I tell you I told everybody this morning on the fmr 500 I am I weighed myself yesterday I am 2 kilos heavier than my standard weight

    And that means I’m 4 kilos heavier than race weight so I have a bit of weight to lose over the next three Months no that’s not true hang on a minute no that’s a lie it’s it’s worse than that I’m 4 4 kilos over my normal weight so I’m 74 kilos normal weight is 70 kilos race weight is about 68 kilos so I’ve got 6 kg to lose over the next 3 months oh my Goodness three years ago Clive reminds us we were doing the Eddie isard runs and Eddie was into his fourth Marathon Uh Tina says we’ve been hearing about this marathan training for over a month now and I seen no evidence that it started and Tina you would be absolutely right there is no evidence that it started because it hadn’t started I had all these good intentions of starting my

    Marathon training at the beginning of December well it just didn’t happen one thing and another I just didn’t get going at all so we have to start now we have to start now so you will start to see evidence of it now I promise you That What does everyone have planned for the weekend I’m going to do Park room not entirely sure where I’d like to travel and do um maybe uh one of my nearest ones not yet Done um right Sarah’s getting fomo it’s too late now Sarah Brighton Marathon has sold out which would never happen with Paris Marathon so I’m already regretting not doing Paris because there might be so many people who start doing this training session and and want to join us in Brighton and

    Now they can’t do well they can’t run the marathon anyway cuz it has sold out there is the smallest chance that they will open up some more places nearly the time if they get returns people who can’t do it or whatever or they’ve just kept a few back but as it

    Stands um Grace Shin who many of you will know from zift Grace went on to try and book yesterday and she can’t do it because they’re booked up sold Out There are a lot of variables Sarah one of them obviously being that it’s not not possible to sign up you could do the 10K why don’t you come and do the 10K Sarah less pressure just a nice international trip and a 10k run that’s all you have to

    Do Amy’s not sure she might do park run this weekend Anthony Anderson says how can you have eaten six kilos in just over a week well it isn’t is it it’s 6 kilos in s well it’s 6 kilos since my last Flat Road Marathon my normal weight is about 70

    Kilos and I was that in October when we ran the Autumn 100 and when we did beachy head Marathon so it’s basically November and December eating cake and biscuits and minced pies and chocolate that it’s been two months to put those four kilos on and not and not running as much I

    Mean you know normally I’m running 50 to 60 miles a week average and since November I’ve been doing 30 to 40 if that even 20 to 30 some weeks so nowhere near the same amount of mileage as usual Carol has just bought another 40 mince pies but I’m not coming around to

    Your house Carol I do think we’ve still got a box a box or two of mince pies left but I’m going to do my best to avoid them I am going to try now and get in shape I promise You Sarah it doesn’t have to be 50 minutes of running you could eek it out make it an hour and a half of running and then you can pretend you’ve done a half marathon or something uh Carol thinks she’s going to be chubby for a few more weeks yeah I

    Think that’s what Victoria’s worried about as well I think she’s Keen to get back into training but she does need to get rid of this little foot niggle since finishing her last race the the Autumn 100 Victoria has had a foot problem and she’s only it still hurts

    She’s kind of getting better she was able to run uh yesterday and she’s been doing the odd park run and thing here and there but nothing substantial so we’ll see how she goes over the next few weeks Tina says I can’t believe that for a minute Carol yeah it’s hard to imagine

    Carol rushworth being chubby isn’t it to be honest with you I mean it’s hard to imagine any of us being chubby we’re you know we’re running every day aren’t we most of us running most days we’re not we’re never going to be we’re never going to be proper big are we really

    Anyway getting into dangerous territory there we don’t want to be fat shaming Anybody I Carol says I can see my belly moving up and down if I Look uh Amy says I was doing well up until Christmas yeah well you know the thing is you feel like such a grouch when you you know you’re drinking water and eating salad when everyone else is eating cake and minced pies and drinking eggnog uh Jeff Partridge is looking to

    Burn 7,000 calories a day for a whole week uh he’s looking forward to losing the blubber during the spine yeah that’ll do it that’ll most definitely do it right where am I up to now where are we about 600 M left and then we’ll call it a day Amy just just keep up the good work you’re such a good runner you’re so dedicated and committed and you inspire a lot of Runners here on zwift so well not just on zwift so just keep it going Amy and that goes for everyone really keep up the work keep being

    Dedicated and disciplined as best you can you know like Me we can only do what we can do can’t we but we all Inspire and support each other on here so let’s keep that up uh Carol says me you are a Starlet thanks for joining everyone so perhaps we’ll see you for the long run tomorrow you don’t have to come for all of it just come for half an hour 40 minutes whatever you want but I’ll be on from 6:00 p.m. tomorrow with the Brighton marathon training long well

    It’s a medium long run and the reason we’re doing it on a Friday is so that people can do their real long run on a Sunday so go and do your real long run on Sunday come and join us for a medium long run on Friday 600 p.m. tomorrow UK

    Time and we will see you there we have 300 M left to run thanks for joining tonight thanks for running and thanks for watching and as always great in the chat there uh Sarah says just a reminder that Runners come in all shapes and sizes absolutely correct yeah it’s dangerous ground isn’t

    It it’s very easy to Mark or even accidentally um denigrate other people who run or even don’t or don’t run and we shouldn’t be doing it Really everyone does what they can do we don’t know what everyone else is going Through so as always be kind just don’t follow my example is basically the the answer there Jeff Partridge will be losing a key tomorrow morning when he gets his haircut uh Clive says well done everyone thank you stevenh have a good evening all and see you again next time Amy says

    Well done everybody great running Tina says I’ll be on tomorrow I have some s have some stride repeats to do in the middle so uh tin is going to join us for the long run tomorrow and there we are 5K done finishing by the Hut the famous old blue

    Hut that’s been there since the very beginning of zift you used to have a banjo player outside don’t if it still does when you when you used to pass that Hut you used to hear a guy playing the Banjo anyway there we are done uh Tina says kindness is the best thing you can give in life yeah I’m not going to argue with that okay we are done here thank you very much for watching 5K in the bag and let’s get some more miles in tomorrow

    And Saturday and Sunday and we’ll see you tomorrow for uh the uh Brighton Marathon long run training take care everyone thanks for joining bye-bye that

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