Hello and welcome to The Everything is Black and White Podcast.

    It’s time for The Match Preview as Andrew Musgrove and John Gibson preview The Magpies’ clash with Sunderland in the FA Cup tie.

    Andrew says he would play Jamaal Lascelles, while both agree Dan Burn will keep his spot despite poor form.

    There’s nerves ahead of the game, but can United get their first victory since 2011?

    Hello and welcome to the everything is black and white podcast it’s time for the match preview Newcastle head to Sunland in the FA Cup third round that a sentence I didn’t think I’d be saying for quite a while but it has come around I’m joined by John Gibson and we’re very

    Excited if not a wee bit nervous about Saturday John first things first have you had a nice Christmas and a good New Year I’ve had a terrific one despite the results I’ve managed to rise above that and uh enjoy myself as as much as possible yes indeed and it’s John’s

    Birthday this week as well um so hopefully you have a good birthday and that’s rounded off nicely by a a victory for Newcastle United but John I think it’s fair to say that uh I don’t want to speak for you but I’ll speak for myself I’m a little bit apprehensive about this

    Fixture because of newcastle’s form and I know in a derby game form goes out the window but Newcastle has been on such a bad run that I do wonder whether it’s going to impact them just some your general feelings a few days before the Derby how are you feeling about it yeah

    That’s a very very good point that we’ve got every reason to be apprehensive we would be apprehensive as well because um a lot of things are against us we’ve had a run of seven defeats in eight um we’ve gone out under Ed how we’ve gone out at the first hurdle of

    The FA Cup in the two uh competitions he’s taken part in to lower up I lower league opposition Cambridge United a couple of years back Sheffield Wednesday last season so it’s all set up with a championship side this season and uh seven defeats out the last eight and our

    Derby record nine Derbies without the win three draws six defeats okay we haven’t met each other since March 2016 but that’s still the record nine Dobies without a win so we’re naturally going to be apprehensive but uh you know I prefer to try to be realistic about it

    And um before we played Liverpool I expected us to get exactly what we got which was not a little bit short of a good hiding but for duka it might have been a good hiding but I certainly thought we would lose and we did but I also thought prior to Liverpool this was

    The match to Target I don’t mean give up Liverpool I don’t mean give up man city but they’re tough they’re the book ends this is the meat and the sandwich and this is where we have a real chance of getting rid of that run of defeats and

    Get a victory and we ought to um for several reasons we ought to because of our standing against sundland standing uh for goodness sake this season sunland’s been playing in the championship and we’ve been playing in the Champions League that tells you the the gulf there is is in the class and

    You know all right we have every and of course fans I believe Andre the fans have a right to be apprehensive nine games without a win but the team don’t because the team are virtually newcomers you know the the guys outside of long staff who’s Jordy and etc etc uh these

    Are new Lads that aren’t part of our recent Derby history and they should just look at the difference in the class cup between where we are in the Premier League and where sundland are in the championship and okay this is away from home and our record is shocking away

    From home this season but that’s our Premier League record I would like them to remember the other competitions and remember that we went to Manchester United and the car Cup in won 3-0 remember we went to Chelsea in the same competition in overnight 90 minutes Drew 1-1 remember in the Champions League we

    Went to AC Milan and Drew we went to Paris San gerain and Drew now you tell me if sundland are as good as those four four teams or sundland as good as Manchester United Chelsea AC Milan in PSG I would suggest not in that being the case there’s no reason why we can’t

    Get a result on Saturday where we win or we draw and produce a rep play which then we win at St James’s and therefore Newcastle should go through and that’s the way we have got to approach it we’ve been the team representing a JIS we can be apprehensive because we’ve been used

    With a history of chaos and confusion and we’ve got a Derby history that’s bad but the players ought not the players ought to remember those four games all away from home when we never lost against vastly Superior opposition I don’t think sunland’s record at home is is too clever either so that’s

    Something that maybe Newcastle can can get at you mentioned that John Sean longstaff of course there’s Dan burn there’s Lewis Miley Ellie Anderson will be there in thereabouts and obviously he’s not going to be involved but he obviously have Paul dummit Jamal LEL was here the last time Newcastle played in in this

    Fixure back in 2016 how important is it for those players the jordis particular but will include Jamal LEL in it as well to to Really relay the message back to those who have no idea what this is this F show means to Newcastle United fans who’ve never played it it who haven’t

    Grown up watching it yeah from par how I’m I’m certain people like uh like long staff and perhaps not uh leou Miley because he’s a young boy will he go in and wag his finger under the nose of the senior POS and say lose this one at your

    Peal but I think the others will already have done that but you know where it starts before that hang can we make certain and I’m certain it has happened that Eddie how knows because the first thing he’s going to do is put his best side out man put out the side he

    Considers his very best side I mean we went to Manchester United in the caribo cup I’m saying and we won three nil but it was virtually reserves in the Outfield 11 The Outfield 10 of the 11 and really on a run of 70 fats and eight

    And playing a derby I mean Eddie how will get the message there I mean you know Edie how anybody that’s been having a go Eddie out has been ludicrous and ridiculous because of he’s brought was so far in such a short space of time and he’ll get it right again before the

    Season ends but I tell you what’s his worst night man do Newcastle losing at Sunland because then then there will be a section of fans that he lose because of that result coming on top of 70 fats out of it and the best way to guard against that is saying your very very

    Best what he considers he very very best side out against Sun surely there’s no doubt about it he’ll be playing his strongest team I would I would hope so but I mean I can’t remember I can’t I remember only too well how shocked I was when I got the team sheet at Manchester

    United was wonderful later because we won 3-0 but if you remember that team there were 10 out field changes there was only the keeper which was pop at the time that was retained now don’t have any he might have had a temptation to go down that route you know because that’s

    The route he went down with Sheffield Wednesday last season and look at the result we got there and I don’t think Eddie would be D enough to risk that this time because you know why not just because it’s a derby but because of the run one if we’ve lost seven out of eight

    You can’t afford to lose to a championship side regardless of whether it’s sundland or not H so I can’t see him doing it but Eddie do yourself a favor my son don’t do it don’t even think about it I suppose the big question is what indeed is his strongest

    Side because of the injuries de brka know out will start in goal I I guess the big questions are John about the fullback area so ke tripier misses Liverpool he’s got a groin injury Eddie House Ed he’s unsure about the severity of it will there be a chance he’s back

    In let’s see he misses the game against Sunland just for this question what do you do do you play IM craft at right back and liento at left back or do you play liento at right back and keep down burning the side well I know I know um before I get on to

    That one and I’m not ducking it because it’s a terrific question I can I say this you know we look at it a lot is being made now about newcast United you know they’re having 10 guys or more two figures 10 11 12 13 guys unavailable mainly because of injury couple because

    Of suspension or whatever but this huge backlog in the minute we get somebody back we say oh isn’t it terrific what a boost that is I tell you what watching us against Liverpool and watching us in the games before that we have had big names back that I can’t recognize botman

    Is because of been rush back botman is not playing like the botman we know fabulous goal at Liverpool great header he was Head and Shoulders literally above anybody else to stick it in but Batman’s not playing like bmann can and I thoroughly understand why I’m not

    Having a go burn is looking since he came back I’m not a fan of him playing left back but he is not looking anything like long staff’s a pale Shadow Gordon looks shattered and looks as if he hasn’t got the legs and his whole game’s

    About legs and if we go to other players that’s currently out the side Al’s out the side because he’s not doing anything Wilson was out the side anyway now injured and trippier has looked well beneath his form so there we go B burn longstaff Gordon alir and Wilson

    Trippier can all be on team sheets recently and it doesn’t mean a thing because it’s not the botman we know it’s not the Gordon we know so the team Sheet itself isn’t going to be the answer to all the problems because they can go out there and be pale Shadows of themselves

    At fullback we have got a we have got a problem because you know what I thought the whole back four was poor individually and collectively at Li poool um and and you know we didn’t know that we would say this and it sounds ludicrous if somebody wasn’t watching

    The game to say the man of the match let four goals in and that was DEA but he was it could have been 10 without Martin it could have been 10 and I thought the two Center halfs were pulled about and were off the pace and I thought you know

    The fullbacks I thought leendo struggled burn I thought was awful but I thought liment or didn’t look the the best because Diaz was a was a problem and and and obviously Mo Salah was going to be a problem so you can go right along that

    Back four and say what was there and you can look into Midfield and is there anybody with discipline in Midfield that can actually defend I mean is Bruno supposed to be playing as a six he hasn’t got the discipline to play as a six and also Andrew he doesn’t want to

    Play as a x does he when you watch the way he plays is it to get forward and when he gets forward who drops in nobody so the Midfield you could drive a bus through it you could drive a bus which puts the the back for in their immense

    Pressure because people are pouring under them I mean I’m always going to depress ourselves and haven’t boosted us about how we can beat Sunland through looking at those a away results we now going into you’ve asked me about them individually and it’s tough going isn’t

    It it is it is um but it’s it’s the realistic Viewpoint of of what is going on and I don’t think anybody will argue with your analysis of the Midfield of the defense of Dan burn of the players you’ve mentioned who are severely out of form I think you’re absolutely spot on I

    I agree with you wholeheartedly um I think I full back if it was me making the decisions and this is always the key point I would be playing a craft at right back and Tino Leno at left back I think what will actually happen is Tino lenzo at right back

    Uh and Dan bur at left back if K trippier’s fit I think it’ll be trippier and Dan burn at left back basically what I’m saying is I think if Ed how is picking the side which he will be Dan bur doesn’t drop out of the side and

    That’s a little bit worrying I don’t want to scape go Dan bur I don’t want to scap go anybody because it’s a collective issue the team collectively are below PA they’re tired they’re fatigued the fight’s lacking a little bit it’s not just Dan Burn’s fault but

    If Dan bur starts against Sunland and he plays like he did against forest and Liverpool that could be the weak point you got maybe Jack Clark Target him I don’t know which side to play on but you know Dan Burns likes the other side he

    Play against the right back and he is a good player by the way by he is sunland’s best player by Miles and could play in the Premier League clock so he is going to be a problem for somebody whoever is up against him but you know

    My thoughts about Dan BN bless him and I always say bless him because he’s my famous phrase that you always smile about he’s got the hardest size of a fine pack and he has and he’s a Jordy and he cares like Bilo but he’s not a

    Left back for me he’s obviously a left back for for for um Eddie because he plays him there enough and he’s signed uh I mean he can play trippy over there he can play Le over there he’s signed Hall he’s got Dum it he’s KN deep

    In theory in people that can play left back would burn STS the number one choice so he’s a left back to the manager and I bow his knowledge but he’s not a left back to me and I think he struggles there is better at Center half

    Than at left back I think he struggles there and we could get done in the wide positions because I think I think Diaz and sah done us well and truly at anfield they two wide man tortured our fullbacks yeah yeah I mean Salah getting his 150th uh Premier League goal and

    Getting him getting another one but I mean the first goal people will know I’ve already slated Dan burn for what I saw a school boy defending the way he ran over to the right side and left Salah in a has the space to do what Salah could have done with his eyes

    Closed and we can’t see that on Saturday it doesn’t matter whether it’s against Liverpool or against Sunland or whether it’s against you know writing and in a preseason friendly you can’t leave Wing as you know with that much time and space but given it’s a local Derby John

    It is the derby given what we’ve said about the the knowledge that the likes of long Stafford and Dan burn will be passing on do you play Dan bur in the hope that it gives him a little bit more you know he’s playing in this dream fixture which he never thought he’d get

    Play in I think I think Eddie how will play him like you think he will I think Eddie how will almost certainly play uh Dan burn on one side and probably love FCO on the other unless trippier miraculously gets off his bed of nails I wouldn’t and by the way I understand why

    You play Craft because Craft’s a seven out of 10 every game he’s not a nine out of 10 but he’s not a four out of 10 and now my only hope if you play uh if you play Dan burn is that he’s he least not playing in the Premier League he’s

    Playing a championship side and he’s not playing moah so perhaps he he would get away with doing a job H using his Lo a little bit um at Sunland but he’s always going to lack paie and and and it’s horrible seeing them turn around and try

    To chase somebody it is really tough but I don’t want to have a good in because I think you know sha and botman have been two of the greatest players we had last season and look but I tell you what do I recognize those guys down at downfield

    Those two no I didn’t and you what I would do I would be tempted to play Jamal lels and I would be tempted to bring him in for S botman and you have botman on the bench and I know people watching and listening what we saying are you’re

    Crazy but I just think Jamal asels he’s played so well replac and send botman during the time he’s been out botman as you rightly say doesn’t look fit and yes the only way you get match fit is by playing games but this is a this is a different kind of game Al

    Together this isn’t a game where you play your your players to to get the numbers up to get the fitness up this is a game that you need to win and look I’m not saying if ow loses he’ll be under pressure and he’ll be out the door

    That’s not the case at all but you don’t want to lose this game death Glory game it’s a death of Glory game and it’s the last competition that we can win this season you know if if you lose now heaven forbid but if you lost somehow

    You lost to Sun and then you don’t beat Man City n Villa then you’re out of all competitions part the Premier League and and you’ve trailed off we’re ninth now if we lose to Man City in Aston Villa and that’s a distinct possibility I’m not suggesting it’s going to happen but

    It’s a distinct possibility now if that happens where’s our season so this is the one we’ve got to first things first we’ve got to get through the FA Cup and then if you do lose this game John those defeats to Villa and Aston Villa H sorry to Man

    City and Aston Villa as much as some people would expect anyway they sting a little bit more because you’ve got the Sten of the Derby defeat right there and you know so if anybody doesn’t if anybody doesn’t realize that be it Eddie how be it Bruno be it isak um any of the

    The new Lads or the forign lads if they don’t realize it by J and heaven forbid they ever find out but let them see what Newcastle as a city center is like like once we’ve lost a derby Matt um so we’ll continue with the with the starting 11

    Let say my starting 11 is not fit would be liento H share L cells and um sorry craft share L cells and liver M on the left and what I think will happen I think they’ll try everything to get tripier back I think it’ll be tripier sh

    Botman and Dan burn in the Midfield I think it’ll be Miley Bruno and long staff um I mean I would I’d be tempted personally to take long staff out but again I think Eddie how will be relying on a Boost because he’s a local lad and this is the game he’s always

    Wanting to play sentimental sentimentality hasn’t served Ed how too well of late again I’m not sure if this is the game where you rely on certain mentality but I can see maybe the reasoning for it to a degree I can’t see him changing the Midfield three though John despite them again against

    Liverpool given the ball away at every opportunity despite the fact it is their main weakness because the Conn hanel a counter attack they’re awful in the transition but I guess people would say well what what options have you got do you bring long staff in the by the way I

    I think you’re right picking Eddie how side I think the back four that you said would be Eddie how’s back four and the mid three of what you’ve just said of longstaff Miley and um Bruno will be Eddie’s three one thing I I am so worried about the Midfield is a sweeping

    Generalization not just for the Sunland match you always get the feeling you might just get away with something in the sundland match because the opposition isn’t Champions League or top of the Premier League like Liverpool or like man City’s going to be or like Asen Villa at home will be it’s not that

    Level whatever sundland may say whatever ever the fans may say the brutal truth is that sundland aren’t at that level if the word there would be a division open doing it so that you might get away with people that have been playing indifferently being able to find some

    Sort of form against Sunland but I mean if this was a Premier League game I would only be creating a a problem up front but we are so people just drive open bushes through our Midfield that I would be tempted to put Joel l and in there just to give us some physicality

    In the Midfield and I know we’ve then got a problem what do we do with the the front three and does that mean Alan’s got to come back to go with Gordon and ISAC or or what so you know you it’s you plug one hole and you you you create a

    Hole somewhere else and I don’t think that will happen I think you’ll play the normal three will Eddie but if I was playing Man City I would be wondering about playing Joe Linton in the middle of the park to give us some sort of presence because I tell you what we are

    Like confetti in the breeze in the Midfield you know when you get confetti at a wedding and you throw it all up in the air and it just goes anyway that’s our Midfield at the moment yeah it certainly is and I think one of the things that concerns me more than

    Anything is that when you look at that Midfield three the long staff Bruno and Miley I genuinely think from an ed how point of view the one who is most at RIS risk of dropping out is Lewis Miley now in my view Lewis Miley has been the best

    Of all three of them for the last month six weeks and I wouldn’t be dropping him out for loving the money but I do think there’s a strong possibility that if a change comes in it will be juul linon or leis Miley and Miley drops to the bench

    Which I think would be the wrong decision because over the last few weeks the only man in that Midfield the man the only boy should I say with all due respect Smiley because that’s what he is he’s a boy at the moment with compos

    Is him a 17y old lad has been the best midfielder Newcastle had over the last few weeks only on the ball I do I take that I take that Andrew the worry is of course and I’ve seen it over the years and over the years and we’ve had all the

    W kids at Newcastle from Gaza and Neil McDonald who was coming at 16 and Paul Ferris who come in at 16 and I saw all these players play at the trouble is that it if only Miley could have come in at his age now because a year ago it’s

    Getting to be nonsense because a year ago he was even more of a boy but if he could have come into a top four side what a player he like we were last season what a player he would look the trouble is when you come into this sort

    Of side you either he pick up bad habits temporarily I mean or B the people around you not only don’t help you but they don’t even keep that shape or keep that position and you start looking not the player you really are I mean defensively m is not defensive player

    But people have run off him a couple of times defensively because he’s said boy for goodness sake he’s Lear going that way going forward he is absolutely magnificent a couple of players have taken advantage of his naivy in Youth and run off his shoulder into space and

    He’s let players go by the way he’s hardly the only one that does that we do that completely in the middle of the field I mean Bruno the Superstar and by the way it’s it’s a just a little thought mate but Bruno we love you you

    Don’t have to play the hero every week you don’t have to P forward you don’t have to lash over to the crowd after a tackle and do do your He-Man stuff you know on the spot you know we love you we know you care keep your discipline keep

    The game and don’t don’t want to be Superman with a cape on every week just get the job done that is one thing that wores me about Saturday John is that I have got a strong suspicion it’s not going to end 11v 11 and if I was a best

    Man which I’m not I’ll be putting a few quid on uh Bruno to get to get sent off because I think you you watch him and you’re right he he he always wants to be involved he’s passionate and you love it you love to see him whipping up the

    Crowd and all that but he’s getting frustrated as games go on he’s getting more and more frustrated he’s out and in that scenario that Derby you know the the fierce rivalry the atmosphere that’s going to be there he’s going to be pumped and if Newcastle are are losing if Newcastle are playing particularly

    Badly which we hope there won’t be you could see him getting frustrated a lot earlier on if I’m Michael be if I’m honest I I’d be in the air of I mean I couldn’t tell you which midfielder would be up against him but I’d be in the year

    Of one of his midfielders and saying right get inside the head of Bruno because he’s a quality player but he’s got sure fuse that’s where I’d be targeted and that does concern me a little bit because you need to channel that passion and that aggression and we haven’t seen

    Of late someone going over and just saying Bruno as you said John just calm it down slightly you’re gonna get yourself sent off lad pick up spooking you’re gonna get sent off you know we need to see that leadership from other people going over to a worldclass player

    And just saying Pok it because we need you on the Forest is a walking potential right God there there’s absolutely no question but also when he loses it like that he’s less of the player than he really is that goes and the more we you see

    This is what I was saying about Lewis Miley when you get in a side that’s lost seven out of eight Lewis Miley looks around people aren giving them this I would love to have seen them in the side when we were for top you know AG is now

    If I could transfer him back into that site where the players around them were doing the job where long staff was covering things when was covering Bruno when he went up Etc ET you know what we’ve got now we’ve got and I’m sorry to say it we’ve got three ill disciplined

    Midfielders they go anyway they just go anyway I mean have has somebody sat them down and talked shape to them talked discipline to them you know if Brunos are six I tell you what you’re going to play six I’m going to put trains on you in the minute you can’t go forward

    Because you’re playing six or longstop play six and Bruno goes forward by the way you know why we’ve got this trouble because we didn’t buy a six we’re supposed to buy a six so that Bruno could get on his bike and be what he

    Wants to be tanal is not a six by the way we a lot of people presumed that he was when we bought him so that it released Bruno Tali everybody we’ve got you look at them willick Joe Linton tari Miley long staff Bruno there’s another six there so who does the

    Defensive Duty in Midfield and we’ll pass on we’ll pass the book on oh it’s Bruno but should it be there be long staff and and it’s certainly not going to be Louis Miley so there’s a real real problem there and by the way can I just point out this is January we

    Can do something about it this is not for Saturday’s Cup day but we can do something about it this is January if we want to do something about if if if ffp allows as well as the other thing but do you think John Forest managed to exploit

    It Luton managed to exploit it Liverpool managed to exploit it do you feel Sunland are going to exploit it there’s two sides there and I want to give UT most respect but I also want to be truthful there’s two sides there called forest and Luton that by premier League

    Sides are below average and they exploited it so what’s to say that Sunland is slightly better than average Championship side at home with a huge crowd behind them a lot of bonuses to be had if if sundland win this a lot of qos a lot of takes for a new manager for

    Them a lot of confidence for them trying to get into the playoffs we can it can hand them an awful lot and yes it it is distinctly possible now we got away without the six last season but we we had a different mentality Bruno was all

    Over the park and we had a discipline if Bruno went long staff sat if long staff went Bruno said they they worked in a tandem like that so there was always a player covering that defensive in front of the back four we don’t do that now no

    Neither of those guys do do that now what did did then Bruno went long staff immediately dropped in the way Bruno used to be or the or the other way on if Bruno if long staff goes we don’t do that anymore if Bruno goes long staff’s

    Up there and by the way they’re both getting overtaken by sh yeah yeah no there is an issue with that I agree I don’t understand why no one sat down and just explained to them how they should be playing at least until they get a new number six and it

    Does worry is that something may exploited because of our Michael beel that’s what I’ve been looking at over the last uh few days that’s where I’ll be targeting and I spoke to my colleague James Hunter who covers uh Sunland we’ve done the view from the opposition um a

    Few days earlier this week that’s already out on the podcast channel so make sure you do have a listen and he said the one thing s are really good out of late is the research you know he he he actually said the effort they put into researching the opposition is the

    Best it’s been he feel and his his his time then he’s been there since 1999 so that shows you um how much work is going on behind the scenes at Sunland but on Michael Beal John obviously he’s he’s new into the job only been in there a

    Few weeks um he’s also come to a situation is as James explained on the view from the opposition episode where it wasn’t a bad situation it wasn’t a firefighter job you know things were happy you know mory’s moved on not because he was doing badly just because

    The want a change for whatever reason so he’s not coming and had to fight fires I guess that’s obviously a big plus because if you were coming in and you’re brand new to the job and you you know you’re having to sort out loads of issues and then You’ got this big

    Fixture right on you within three weeks of taking the rule it’s slightly different it’s slightly more daen but if things are they’re quite Rosy you”ll be looking forward to this G this this fixture a lot more than you would be otherwise I I feel very sorry for Tony

    Moy who I know quite well from the old days when he was muger when he was a player at middlesburg and I feel sorry for him because at Championship level he’s a very good manager and he works very very well with young players he he had a lot to do with Adam Armstrong’s

    Development H in the championship into a goal scoring Championship player and Adam is that he’s proved that at Southampton now it’s a different Kettle fish in the Premier League but in the championship and mbre is terrific with young players and that made him the perfect manager for sundland because

    They’re a bunch of young players but the trouble is that mbre like any manager s reaches an imp pass and he wants to win promotion and quite rightly and he wants that on his personal TV so he’s pushing the board to say what we we’ve got a

    Bunch of terrific kids but we need three senior players to go in there with a little clever housee and just be the icing on the cake and we get promotion Sunland un interested in senior players they’re too old they’re interested in kids brought in at a certain price and

    Sold on at a bigger price and believe you me Jack Clark will go at some stage there’s no question I don’t think it’ll be in January because it’s not a window but it’ll be next summer in unless Sunland went up to the Premier League I think Jack Clark will go and I

    Feel sorry for Mo because he was doing a good job well liked by the fans and all he suffered from was ambition well isn’t that what you’re supposed to have so I do feel sorry for him but you’re right the new managers come into a situation where there isn’t trouble and strife a

    Lot of managers come into a new club and they they you’re firefighting from the first day he arriv here you know it sounds peculiar Andrew but there’s more pressure on Eddie in this game than there is on Beal because Eddie ‘s on the bad run Beal isn’t Newcastle on the bad run Sunland

    Don’t M newcast if Sunland lost this it wouldn’t be the end of their world they would be disappointed the fans would be seconded etc etc but they would just say let’s get promoted let’s get into the playoffs let’s con the FA Cup isn’t our competition we want to beat Newcastle

    But the FA Cup isn’t our competition Newcastle haven’t got that Newcastle lose to suland the world temporarily falls apart so there’s more pressure on Ed hour and there’s more pressure on Newcastle the n on the new Sunland man sundland yeah I mean James did say it wouldn’t be a defining result of

    Newcastle beat Sunland it wouldn’t be defined for Michael Beal Michael Beal you get the sense that Sunland are kind of lay in the groundwork you know with the things they’re saying and you speak to fans as well you know they’re not optimistic of a win and always comes

    Back to Newcastle being a Champions League side and Michael Beal in his press conference said it’s a great time it’s a great game to be involved in it’s a it’s a game that captivates the Northeast we need to be at our best as we arrive in the game it’s intriguing

    Going up against the Champions League team so there we go again dropping in the Champions League team and you know they they’re playing up they’re lapping up this Underdog uh badge that they got going into this game aren’t they well yeah and so they should I mean I can’t

    Blame them for that I mean I’m I’m out and out Newcastle United man but I mean that’s the way to approach it and I mean I’ve done a lot of that in the league I remember going with in the FA Cup I remember going as a nonleague side gates

    To Halifax town which who were managed by Paul brell ex Newcastle and ex Sunland in the FA Cup and I was doing exactly the same I was talking to our Lads well it’s nice for part-timers to be playing against full-timers it’s nice for for non- League to be playing

    Against the league side bulling up the the the difference but and we won we beat them and knocked them out 2-0 and so it is what Sunland will be doing and it’s quite right but our man and I’m I’m sure any should be saying excuse me there’s a SE of a difference here

    There SE of a differences they’re playing the championship and we’ve been playing in the Champions League you should give them the four results I’ve just given to you Manchester United away Chelsea and the cber cup AC Milan and PSG in the champions league three draws

    And a win and by the way either of those results will do on Sunday a draw a win for Newcastle that’ll and he should be saying look that’s what we’ve done never mind last season everybody’s saying what a great side we were last season and this season we’re not there four we

    Results forget about the Premier League where results which are hopeless we’re not playing a premier league side they are four results this season and are those four teams better than sundland and even though Chelsea and Manchester United AR the Chelsea Manchester United Ro you would still say they’re better in

    Sunland and you would certainly say AC Milan and Paris ger so there you go that’s what our lot should be saying and there lot will be saying we’re playing a Champions League side this is lovely but there’s no shame if we have another defeat yeah well I mean we’ve been

    Talking about the message from the players the Jord players to the rest of the squad but we haven’t yet spoken about Eddie how obviously he’s not had experience to my knowledge of of a proper derby um obviously you don’t get a lot of them at Bourn mouth you do but

    You’re playing Southampton or something and I would suggest not quite the passion of this game so how easy is it for him who’s not experienced a derby all Derby’s are different of course Michael be has been in the old firm which is a ferocious Derby but each

    Derby is different you know what you get at the old firm is not what you get in the time we Derby you know each each has their own Merit but that experience in the old firm will then Michael Beal somewhat to understanding the situation maybe slightly better some would argue

    Would you subscribe to that notion or do you think Eddie how will be well aware of what this means and how important it is it better be and I’m certain he is and then you know if you go to Wembley in the C cup or you play okay we lost

    That one but talk about the semi-final which we we won if you go away to grounds like Liverpool Man City uh Arsenal they’re pretty tough they’ve got good atmospheres they you know it ain’t that much different uh the the result is to the fans but the atmosphere isn’t and

    His mind’s concentrated I mean Eddie how does his homework he he’s lost seven games out the last State he he won’t go lighthearted into this because and he’s not a fool and he he always talks about blocking out the media and blocking out and not watching the news or the Telly

    And not this and not that and not the other you don’t think he doesn’t know what defeated Sunderland would do to him personally as well as the club and I’m not suggesting for one second that he would get the the the bullet on Sunday night I’m not being silly but it would

    Off do him no favors would it you know you forget what we all think it would off do them no favor by the way it would do us no favors if we are sitting sad T night and we’ve just been knocked out the cup for the third success of year by

    A team from a low division and that team just happens to be Sunland yeah it’s certainly wouldn’t and I mean both teams have got shocking records of late in the FA Cup just to just to to to add that but you right and look anyhow every time he speaks he

    Seems to get it he seems to understand I’m no doubting that he’s he’s well aware of the the the seriousness and the the importance of of picking up a victory on Saturday he will want to win it will start that momentum hopefully for the rest of the season which

    Goodness knows Nast need it’ll stop the the the the rot that they’re in um currently with the Premier League form hopefully so massive massive game and I’m sure he’s done his research and is well aware of what it means to to the fans and to those players who have lived

    It and breathed it since they were little ones as well H John just just briefly before we get your your prediction of how it’s going to go the atmosphere is going to be electric isn’t it your Castle fans been bushed along from about half state so they’re going

    To have a long wait until till the kickoff but they’ve got additional seats um some fans not happy and then you can understand why because some of them have been removed from their from their seats which they hold through their season tickets which I if it was the other way

    Around I’m sure Newcastle fans would be raging at that as well but it’s you know the increased amount of visiting fans just takes it up a level doesn’t it and it’s going to be a boisterous atmosphere come I mean it’s March 2016 since we last had a time we Derby atmosphere that

    Is how long ago and we’ve missed it and yes I agree the previous nine were unbelievable like you know six defeats and and three draws unbelievable from majority’s point of view but I’ve got a a lot of memories of derbies and um you know they are extra special we’ve wanted

    Them back and now I welcome them back I would like us to be in in better shape H there’s absolutely no question about that because as I say um field your best team but when I see the team Sheet Andrew I will not be convinced by the

    All the names being on there because I’ve just run through with you earlier in this podcast all the guys who are big names who aren’t performing anything like they should um so there’s that sort of problem and another problem I haven’t mentioned that I would just like to

    Mention in passing is Callum Wilson I didn’t want to bring the mood down further John well and this wasn’t to sort of get depressed because he wasn’t there it’s just to say I’ve Loved Callum he’s been in England International I once said about I don’t know nine or 10 months ago that

    If he stayed completely fit all the time he could become a number nine Legend on ability but I tell you what I’m sick of waiting and I’m waiting no more this guy cannot hold a meaningful shirt at Newcastle in the future whether it’s a second half of

    This season or next season he could stick around in the same way as dmit has stuck around and Matt rich is stuck around because he’s loved by how if he’s willing to do that and be number but he can’t be one of our two Center forwards because he’s not reliable enough Fitness

    Wise and by the way when he come back after the last injury he’s never looked the same player yet he was still getting up to speed wasn’t he he was still getting up to speed when all of a sudden it’s a cough I mean we don’t have to see

    Him get injured in a game he’ll get injured in training in regularly and quite frankly we can’t live on just isak we can get isak’s find for saday but we have got to get another both of us have been banging on about a number nine anyway um and a third number nine we

    Were talking about as far as I’m concerned it’s a second number nine now yeah yeah and we have been banging on it for a while and I made the point um just about six weeks ago two months ago that you bring in a striker who can both

    Rival Wilson and isak for now you’re not talking about a young stri I took a few pels for it and look I’m not I’m not sitting here glad that I can say I told told you so because when we say about Callum Wilson’s Fitness and we get frustrated about it I’m I’m devastated

    That he’s not gonna play on Saturday because for me I would I would have started him against Sunderland that’s what I would have done if he was fit I would have played him ahead of isak and when we I wouldn’t but I wouldn’t but you you might I wouldn’t because I I

    Actually think isak got better feet a better brain and it’s quicker um but I rate Wilson as well there’s no doubt about that but Isaak and bear in mind Wilson’s on the wrong side of 30 and isak’s on the right side at 25 um so

    And I think isaach look at the goal he took it it he’s not playing well he he’s not playing up to the standard he can you could have added him to all the names I give you before but when you see him score that goal at Liverpool and

    Other is quality but what can’t reely on him Fitness wise too much we can rely on him more Wilson but not too much and and so that but quite you me if we go on what we need Andrew we need a six we need a center forward to want the right

    Winger um you could put anybody along the back four and and want somebody in there you could say we need a goalkeeper until the BR played like that and still let four in bless him and so there’s an awful lot we could sign and but we won’t in January sign them all

    Yeah yeah and I was actually going to make the point that the kind of the criticism and and Analysis of Callum Wilson his injuries is is done through frustration because I think as we’ both mentioned both big fans and we wish it was a totally different scenario but

    Sadly it isn’t before I get your uh prediction John just sum up briefly what this fixture means to you um everything that is possible to mean from being a small boy of being Newcastle United obsessed but the game inevitably the game I’ve always looked forward to in a fixture list when we’re

    Both in the same division has been sundling because of the games have mean more than anything else and I’ve gone through you know the great days where we’ve had super matches like beating them sunling five it’s in James’s Park when um uh Kevin Nolan scored atrick in

    Uh Steve Bo was standing in front of me in the sundland Dugout I could almost tap him on the shoulder and he was so decimated and um you know Bley scoring a hattick against sundland so many wonderful wonderful memories I have had the other side of the coin and I’ve

    Watched gabini in Gates do at and james’ Park in in a playoff for promotion where we lost 2N uh Agony H agony uh uh mam swinging on the crossbo roer park when he we were 31 down and I was getting dogs abuse from the the sundland

    Fans just in front of me and then in the 93rd minute mam bullet head has swung on the on the crossbar 33 I was doing my report on the phone all the sundland fans in front of me dispirited disappearing home two fans left in the sundland right in front of

    Me turned around unzipped the coat opened it like that and had black and white shirts on put the thumbs up to me great Gibble memories like that stay with you for all time and that’s what this match means it’s the biggest match on our calendar of course we want

    Champions league and PSV nights of course we want to go to Cup finals but Newcastle V sundland is something special and we haven’t had it for youngs we’ve got it on satday but you know what it’s only a great game when you win certainly certainly is and I think if

    I’m not mistaken the last time these two met in the FA Cup was 1956 so you would have been a a young man and in that team interest and by the way and we lost we were you we were du to go back to Wembley uh because for the fourth time

    In six years to win the cup for the fourth time in six years and we went to Sun and we lost but he has another little fact to thr you before with all the nonsense we’re talking I think I know what you’re going to say the season

    Before the season no you know this is interesting in the in the FA Cup the season before 1955 the last time Newcastle United won the FA Cup that beat Manchester City in the final which you you probably remember from the record books not from being there I hen to that but what

    People forget is that that year should have been a Newcastle V sundland FA Cup final at Wembley Manchester City beat Sunland one nil in the other semifinal when Newcastle beat York or it would have been Newcastle V Sunland Wembley in an FA Cup Final wouldn’t that have been

    Something that’s not what I thought you were going to say I had no idea that was the case which is a fantastic little tale I was just going to mention um that Bob stoko was in that 56 side with Milburn and then of course went on to to

    Win the FA Cup with Sunland didn’t he so as his manager so Bob stoko was in the Newcastle side that won the FA Cup at the beginning the 50s one of the three sides as well he won the FA Cup with Newcastle and then he won the FA Cup

    With Sunland yeah and and I mean I’m haven’t got the numbers but I suspect he’s probably the only person to do that and well CU Sunland have only won it once up in the back in 73 my m is right not they won it again in the 20s or

    Whatever with r SC and whatever but yeah I think he’s probably the only guy that’s he’s certainly the only guy that’s won it as a player with Newcastle is a mano with sun yeah and but let’s not get too ahead of ourselves let’s just look to get the right result on

    Satday now you’re going to want the prophecy I presume yeah go on how’s it going to go well the first thing I’m going to say is that I think Newcastle United can win on Sunday but what I’m convinced of is and this is the only thing it’s important to me that is that

    Newcastle will get through and be in the fourth round whether that takes a replay after a draw at the stadium of light and we win the replay or whether we win first time if you push me I’m going for winning first time but I’m more convinced that we’ll get through and

    Quite frankly that’s all that matters if it takes a replay I would you settle for that now I’d settle for that now I’d settle for a replay I’d like Newcastle to win outright on the day and beat Sunland in their own backyard Down The Stadium of Light I am really really nervous though

    John I’m never ever going to see any Castle gonna get beat because I can’t bring myself to do it but I’m I’m dreading Saturday but fingers crossed they do get through um first time we don’t we don’t want to replay we don’t want an added game H to the

    Schedule if it 89 minutes were one n down and equalize you’ll want the replay mate don’t worry about yes in in that scenario but if I could pick it you Castle win in a cancer at the stadium of light H thank you John for providing the match preview ahead of Sunland versus

    Newcastle in the FA Cup third round on Saturday 12:45 kickoff head over to conical live. codk for all the latest new cast news including any house press conference on Friday and of course live coverage of this game through our dedicated Match Day blog


    1. dan burn will 100% start at left back on Saturday and I think trippier will start at right back…I agree we could 'rest' botman for this one and wouldn't be against this with lascelles coming in…who would have imagined I would be saying this a few months ago 😊

    2. Looking back on the Carabao Cup game at Old Trafford, it was a disgraceful performance from Man Utd… they just didn’t care. They showed a bit of urgency when Fernandes, Rashford and Amrabat came on, but it was too late by then. Casemiro was just going through the motions.

      If we don’t match Sunderland’s intensity and desire then something is not right with our lads.

      Prediction: Sunderland 1-2 Newcastle – Isak with both goals

      Botman MOTM

    3. Someone needs to have a strong word with Bruno , there is already posts from Sunderland saying they need to aim at Bruno cos he has a short fuse and they can get him sent off !

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