Morning guys it’s half 7 that was a cold one last night got to a low of like 10° so I had to put extra clothes on and my micro tower on top of my sleeping back let’s have a look it’s clear sky that’s why it’s so

    Cold further north I get now the CER is at night I’m going to get up g pack up and go I’ll catch you in a bit all right guys all packed up ready to rock and roll um 70 km to L and it’s higher 31 C today so C

    Up protect myself from the S anyway let’s get going [Applause] [Laughter] Don’t if you can see that on camera a massive climb coming Up a Surv [Applause] St it’s nearly 10:00 that’s uh 20 km I’ve done but I’m in this really cool uh town I’ll put the name of it up now um it’s got a really big church a monastery just over there um so I’m going to get my drone up film

    It yeah another 50 km to go it’s going to be a hot one today up to 30 1 see yeah I’ll catch you in a Bit w a got He I Oh A W Here Oh new One no hold [Applause] no definitely in Wine Country Now Vineyard last the vineyard kind lady just let me uh take a few photos up there it’s it’s a private school very nice School domain DEA frer Is Just under 10 km away from n now P section at the start while the first hour today after that it’s quite relatively Flat on the outskirts and that now be coming into the city in the next half Hour On M see [Applause] M So here’s my pitch of electric I’m just going to set up and uh head into the city center catch you in a Bit H Me No Sh so much to see so little Time Got all Right Using the guys W voila [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Oh Oh [Applause] N oh

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