Living out our childhood dream of buying EVERY AMERICAN GIRL DOLL. Every doll from 1986-2024
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    I bought every American Girl doll ever from the original Three first made in 1986 to the newest limited edition it wasn’t easy or cheap and I’m saving the most rare and the most expensive for last starting with all of the dolls that are currently available on the website

    There is 24 of them to be exact on top of the 24 dolls that are for sale there are 40 that have been discontinued and I tracked down every single one of them and this is not counting the Welly wishers or the Bitty Babies I’m not

    Going to lie the well just kind of creep me out a little bit but in this video we are focusing specifically on the iconic classic American Girl doll beginning with lla the Girl of the Year 2024 here she is oh my gosh she’s so cute yay here’s our

    First girl okay we got to take her hair nut out first it show has like highlights oh look at her little freckles by the way this is not sponsored let me reiterate I’m kind of embarrassed how much I spent maybe I’ll tell you later in the video the total

    Okay so this is the newest Girl of the Year and she’s a gymnast but she also loves horse back ring and she has the cutest horse when I was little I always wanted an American Girl horse but they’re so expensive they’re like more expensive than the dolls and she has

    Some little accessories they’re like little friendship bracelets are you kidding me one down 63 to go they’ve been doing a girl of the year every single year since 2001 and they do have the two previous years available to buy still cavi from 2023 and kin from from

    2022 let’s open CI next CI Sharma so she is indianamerican she’s so cute and she is a performer she loves to sing and dance and she comes with like the cutest little playsets cute she’s so stylish with her little mesh top yay cabi 2022 Karin tan oh she’s cute too wait till

    You see her hair ah it’s so fun okay so Karin is Chinese American and she lives in Aspen not fancy Karin oh my gosh her outfit oh my gosh this might be my favorite American girl hair color that is so cute these girls are supposed to be like 10 too literally the most

    Stylish 10-year-olds ever and her sparkly leggings and her little boots that’s all of the girls of the year that are still available cuz once they are gone they are gone forever but don’t worry I got all of the discontinued ones coming up later but now for the Contemporary still available for sale

    Girls McKenna is up next she launched in 2021 wow look at her outfit look at her braids so Makenna loves fashion and her whole little story book is just about her surviving the pandemic American Girl literally not missing a beat with current events but to be honest it’s probably really helpful for like

    Pre-teenage of girl that was going through the pandemic I’m sure she was great moral support and she comes with butterfly Clips okay also released in 2021 is IET or Eevee a her curls okay okay so little Eevee is multi-racial she loves thrift shopping and vintage as you

    Might be able to tell from her cute outfit she’s also uh surviving the pandemic girly comment below if you had an American Girl doll or maybe there was one that you always wanted these dolls have always been expensive though like even in 1986 when they launched they were $65 and nowadays they are

    $15 I begged and begged my mom for an American Girl doll all growing up when I was little and then finally on my eighth birthday I got my dream American Girl doll Kirsten she was one of the originals and she was my best friend I took her everywhere we had matching

    Outfits so a little while ago I texted my mom and I asked hey do you still have M Kiren doll at your house and she said I don’t think so sad face where is she so in a fit of Despair I took to eBay to find a new Kirsten doll tripped and fell

    And hit checkout on 64 of them so Kirsten’s on her way and I’m so excited but first continuing with our active still available on the website dolls okay so every single holiday season for the past few years American girl has come out with a special Limited Edition

    Holiday doll this year it’s this toy soldier that’s in collaboration with FAO shorts I just got done talking about how expensive these dolls can be but these limited edition ones $300 and if you miss the drop and you have to get them secondhand even more money you’ll see

    What I mean later in the video oh my gosh she’s so cute though wow okay this girl deserves to be displayed she is like a full-on Christmas decoration this year American Girl also did a collaboration with Disney look at these okay so actually only one of these is technically available on the website

    Still and it’s Jasmine oh my gosh this is Iconic this is absolutely incredible look at all of her little accessories okay so that’s Jasmine but there are also two other girls that sold out like almost instantly when they dropped Rapunzel she’s perfect I think she wins for the most iconic American

    Girl doll hair look at the flowers and her little freckles so I had to pay $480 for her that’s the thing with American Girl dolls is once they discontinued if you have one they only go up in value and our last princess is Belle I think she was actually the best

    Selling out of the whole collection they just really crushed this collaboration these are all so cute um she was also for $180 though oh by the way you guys should subscribe if you haven’t yet cuz we are so close to 4 million subscribers and when we hit 4 million I’m going to

    Take you guys on an Apple product shopping spree all right that’s it for our current limited edition dolls moving on to the historical dolls honestly the historical dolls are what I think make American Girl dolls so special so there are 15 historical girls that are currently available on the website but

    Like I said I have all the discontinued ones too coming up in a bit but the newest historical girl is actually there’s two of them Nikki and Isabelle so these girls are the ’90s twins can you think of anybody that that might be you know based off of okay here’s

    Isabelle a cutie and Nikki I haven’t been this excited about American Girl dolls since Kirsten I think oh my gosh look at their outfits I obsessed with these dolls and the playsets that they come with are absolutely unreal okay I know that they’re supposed to be ’90s

    But Nikki’s hair is like trendy they little blonde money pieces in the front Okay so Nikki is the more like tomboy one that left skateboarding and stuff and then Isabelle likes dancing and Tennis they’re just so cute okay and before the ’90s twins in 2020 they released Courtney So Courtney is set in

    1986 oh my gosh although I don’t know how y’all feel about the ‘ 80s and ’90s being considered historical that’s a little weird it’s iconic look at her scrub crunchy and her jean skirt so I did get some of her accessories and you are going to

    Absolutely die when you see this it’s a tiny Kaboodle box and it matches my full size one oh and it folds out and there’s stuff in it what we’ve got hairspray that like actually kind of works oh my gosh and a little makeup palette with a real brush and of course the scrunchies

    Next up is CLA oh my goodness okay we’re going back in time with her to 1922 okay you know how all of the girls girls in their books have like a hobby or Talent or like a really strong personality trait well claud’s whole book is about um how she has no talents

    Or skills or personality she’s not good at anything I need to read the book and see if that’s true like I hope there’s a happier ending look at her hair though her little ringlets oh adorable okay NAA Mitchell launched in 2017 but takes place in 1941 the contrast between some

    Of these stories like cla’s just trying to find her Talent trying to find her way in the world and meanwhile NAA is getting bombed little NAA here takes place in Hawai right after the Pearl Harbor attack very intense they’re called historical dolls for a reason oh my gosh

    She’s so cute though but I think there’s a positive twist she learns the meaning of Aloha oh wait and her accessory they all come with like one tiny accessory and hers is a little flower oh so cute okay Melody launched in 2016 she’s from the’ 60s this outfit is so

    Hairspray I love it all right I’ll give you one guess as to what Melody’s Talent is it’s a really tough one singing and dancing and gardening okay her hair you probably can’t tell on camera but it has like texture to it dang and standing up and speaking out

    About civil rights okay melod they’re like 10 this is crazy she’s literally Hairspray the entire cast in one allll all right next up Mary Ellen she is also from the ‘ 50s and 60s okay so Mar Ellen is like just a pretty normal girl she likes drwing and watching TV and stuff

    But she did have polio when she was little so one of her legs is weaker than the other but she overcomes it and still does Sports and stuff great job Mar Ellen okay there was a little bit of like a 10year gap where they didn’t come out with historical dolls so we’re

    Taking it all the way back to 2007 now with Julie and she is from the 70s oh my gosh cute little braid in the front literally I don’t think there’s another doll with this shiny of hair wow and Julie plays basketball give it up for Julie Rebecca we’re going all the way

    Back to 1914 so Rebecca is our first Jewish girl and she has dreams of being an actress I’m really really excited for the next one okay so she has her own lore but I also have a backstory with this doll of my own it is Ka or Ka Anton ma is her

    Full name oh and she is the first and only indigenous American Girl doll I’m going to cry oh my gosh okay it was 2003 my mom and I were walking through the mall past the Hallmark store having like a sweep Stakes giveaway drawing for a Kaaya doll and I looked at that drawing

    And I said Mom I’m going to win that and she looked at the little bin and could see that there were literally hundreds of entries and she was like honey the chances aren’t good and I was like no we are going to win her a couple weeks

    Later we got the call that I won her the only giveaway that I’ve ever won in my entire life but it was a good one so um Ka and Kiren were the best of friends and I loved these dolls and you’ll notice she is the only well almost the

    Only American Girl doll that has her mouth closed and that’s because she is actually part of the NES Pierce tribe and it’s a belief of theirs that showing your teeth is a sign of aggression so they actually had a bunch of NES Pierce Elders on the council to like design and

    Approve everything about this doll and her story which I thought was really cool I love her all right we have an absolute American Girl icon up next it’s Kit she originally came out in the year 2000 but they’ve had her pretty much ever since I think she’s one of the best

    Selling American Girl dolls of all time okay I’m really glad that they put her in her iconic pink outfit because I just feel like this one’s so cute and Timeless they had another dress but that one’s like giving Great Depression and that’s not a joke either she actually

    Takes place during the Great Depression but she dreams of being a reporter and she like does little stories to distract herself from the fact that her world is so Bleak 1988 we have Josina and she is from 1824 we’re going way back and back in the day when there was only like 10

    Dolls she had the longest prettiest hair out of them all oh she’s so pretty and I think her whole plot line is that she wants to be a Healer when she grows up all right launched in 1993 we have Addie and she is from the 1860s Addie is our first black girl oh

    She’s so cute she probably has the worst story out of everybody though as you can probably imagine oh my gosh I love this blue dress that is so cute on her and look at her little shoes with the buttons so Addie wants to be a teacher

    When she grows up her story though man she’s enslaved sold family members die it’s really quite a dark story but Addie sticks through her journey to Freedom they always have like a really good message at the end you know yay Addie all right right all that’s left are our

    OG’s so these two dolls were part of the original Three that was launched in 1986 as you can see there’s one missing for some reason these are the only two that they have brought back Samantha and Molly let’s open Samantha first okay so she takes place in the early 1900s is

    I’m not going to lie I’m not the biggest fan of the new dress they put her in I really liked her original if you want to see that you can go watch my discontinued products from our childhood video and I compared the the new Samantha to the OG Samantha um Samantha

    Is a rich orphan she doesn’t have parents but she lives with her very very wealthy Grandma I think she might be the bestselling American Girl doll of all time okay so Molly is 1940s also a kind of depressing time where are her glasses they’re here don’t

    Worry I was like if she doesn’t come with her glasses I’m going to be upset there we go she’s just not Molly without her glasses yeah 1940s depression War sadness but Molly’s got a winning Spirit yeah they discontinued her for almost a decade but they just recently brought her back a couple years

    Ago so I have a feeling they’re going to bring back Kirsten I could be wrong all right $4 dolls down 40 more to go I bet you’re wondering what am I going to do with all of these dolls I’m going to be donating them to my local children’s

    Hospital and they’re going to love them My Hope before we move on to the discontinued extremely rare extremely expensive dolls there is one category of dolls that is still for sale that we simply cannot ignore it is the truly me customizable dolls there are 117 versions that you can create if I

    Were to buy every single one of those it would be over $113,000 and I’m already very heavily invested into this video so I have a better idea an idea that will also allow me to live out one of my biggest childhood dreams and I am taking you

    With me here we are at the American Girl doll store it’s going to be so much fun the store is way bigger than I imagined and there are so many different activities that you can do and we are going to do all of them here we are at

    The truly me section I’m going to pick one that looks like me but I think I’m going to get probably 102 yes there she is okay Anna you’re next my assistant Anna always wanted an American Girl doll growing up so today we are getting her her first one do they

    Look like guess Tyler do you know what she needs a Leo they have a whole pet sex ction that’s literally Leo are you kidding me with our American Leo secured it’s time to pick out outfits okay I think these are some of the cutest outfits it’s the birthstone collection

    Our first outfit choices is this cute purple one for Anna’s doll and the diamond one for me they also have a whole Harry Potter section though the little quidditch outfits they have all the houses I ended up going with the classic Gryffindor look for my second outfit for Anna’s second look she really

    Liked this traditional Hawaiian look from Na’s collection I feel like our girls need like a holiday outfit I actually think that in the store there’s some outfits that you can get for you and your doll do you think I’d fit in any like this one that could fit it

    Could we decided Anna’s chances of fitting in a matching outfit are better so we picked out this cute set for her and her doll it’s actually so cute oh my gosh it fits perfectly I don’t know why I thought it was going to be so small I

    Don’t know either looking good okay I feel like we should set this stuff down and then go to the historical section okay now we’re getting into the actual historical girls I wait they don’t have my girl here huh that’s so sad kren’s missing oh my gosh I think they have

    Minis of these two apparently they make a dollhouse for the American girls and it’s like four times as big as a Barbie Dreamhouse oh my gosh I see the minis but I see something even better please tell me that some of you had this book growing up okay but these minis these

    Are literally like an American Girl doll for your American Girl and I think they’re so cute okay they got rid of my doll but they have the Mini version of her the next activity that we booked is a birthday party this is so oh my gosh do I get the pink chair it

    Even has a doll chair oh my gosh happy birthday to you it is definitely not my birthday but I wanted an excuse to order everything on the menu so if you want to see that that video will be up on my hang with hope scope Channel later it

    Was so much fun after that not so quick food break it’s time to head to the salon you get to pick from a menu of the cutest Styles and this Dallas store actually just moved location so when we were there we couldn’t get our hair done

    To match the dolls but now you can we’ll have to make a trip back and now for the main event I am getting my ears pierced with my doll are you a little bit that’s right the stores offer earpiercing for your American Girl doll and yourself I

    Also talked Anna into do it too all right oh my gosh you got this ready one two and three ooh thanks for joining me at the store but we have 40 more very rare very expensive discontinu dolls to unbox still kicking off our discontinued dolls with our holiday collection so this one

    Is from last year 2023 it is the shimmering silver holiday and this was a collaboration with Swarovski wow oh my gosh her hair all right I think Julie got beat for prettiest hair that is crazy unreal look at her sparkly lip gloss and look at her sandals I got

    To add her little Crown oh I love her oh all right 2022 is our Sapphire Splendor and I had to buy this one on eBay $500 yeah she is a very unique one though also a collaboration with Swarovski I mean she cute I think I definitely like the silver one but I

    Mean her hair is cool though all those different colors crystals all over the front I like the silver one better but she’s fun too I don’t know if she’s $500 worth of fun but all right 2021 we have the winter princess I actually got her for $200 not bad also a Swarovski

    Collaboration and this one they came out with two they have the brette one and The Blonde one okay yes I like her a lot better than the blue one just like classy Christmas holiday doll and now for our first ever holiday American Girl doll she launched in 2020 she was

    $550 it is The Nutcracker Sugar Plum Fairy doll I was in The Nutcracker ballet every single year growing up so I really love this okay she might actually be my favorite she definitely has the most Swarovski Crystals out of all of them I love her purple hair the details

    Of her little tights and her ballet slippers oh look at her makeup too moving on to our discontinued girl of The Years starting with our very first ever Girl of the Year from 2001 okay so 2001 we have Lindsay oh she is packaged I paid $227 for Lindsay wow there she is

    Lindsay loves her dog and playing soccer and she didn’t sell very well at all so bad in fact that they took a Hiatus for a year from Girl of the Year 2003 they decided to try again with Kaye okay so there were a few girls that I there’s

    Just like not a new inbox version of them anywhere so we have a used Kaye I don’t know there’s something cute about the ones that you can tell have just been well loved like her her joints are like so loose this is her original dress though so Kaye is a California Surfer

    Girl 2004 Girl of the Year is Mary Soul does she go with her cat stop so her whole story line is that she’s a dancer that is such an early 2000s fit I’m obsessed moving on to Jess Girl of the Year 2006 I paid 200 for her oh I like

    Her so Jess is an adventurous girl her parents are archaeologists and her book takes place in B and it’s about all of her little adventures that she has Nikki Fleming Girl of the Year 2007 she is a rare one she is not easy to find but I found her on eBay for

    $350 and she comes with her dog too oh my gosh I’m training tree I don’t know that she actually like needs a service dog or if she just trains it but that’s so cute girl of the year 2008 is Mia $300 oh I’m excited for this Mia is an

    Ice skater she’s so cute I love her sweater she kind of matches me all right these next three all three are from 2009 one of these dolls in the stack is the most rare American Girl doll there is tea between these dolls that I’m about

    To tell you okay let me just set the stage for you so it’s 2009 we’re in school sonali here is part of the cool girl she has her two friends Tara and Jaden and they are the Mean Girls of the school the bullies they’re called the queen bees Chrissa moves to town she’s

    Looking for some new friends sonali and her crew mean to her it’s not good Gwen definitely has the saddest story her parents lose their job they’re living out of their car and this group of Mean Girls they call her loser girl all three of them end up on the swim team together

    And somehow they become friends and sonali decides hey I don’t want to be a mean girl anymore I want to be friends with you guys and now they’re best friends I don’t think there’s any other American girl that has like there’s a couple of like best friend situations

    Coming up but I think that’s our only Trio Chris out was only $169 that’s not terrible Gwen was $300 sonali $700 we got her we got the queen bee all right 2010 Girl of the Year we have Lany okay so she’s not and brand new but I do

    Believe this is her original outfit and she was still $190 so I’m saying even if you have used American Girl dolls if they’re discontinued they are worth money um so she is very outdoorsy and she wants to be a scientist when she grows up canani we have another cute Hawaiian cutie she was

    $319 T oh my gosh wow look at her hair I think the main plot of her story is that she saves a seal yeah she just loves animals and stuff McKenna 2012 McKenna is a gymnast McKenna was $200 definitely the cropped leggings that is very to and

    The peplum top it doesn’t get more 2012 than that for hair bump 2013 we have sage and she was $190 cutie okay here’s Sage she’s so pretty and her riding boots because she loves horses and art her little freckles and her pierced ears all right 2014 is Isabelle Palmer this

    Is another one that I don’t think she exists brand new um I don’t think this is her original outfit it might be it actually might be one of her outfits because she is a Dancer she goes to an art school she was $77 so still pretty expensive Grace Thomas

    2015 and her skill is baking the little French ber she has to be from France and her shirt oh my gosh she and her French cousins so her family is from France 2016 Girl of the Year Lee Lei Leia I don’t really know once again not brand

    New inbox or anything but I think this is her original outfit here she is she was $65 definitely a well-loved doll she loves photography 2017 Gabriella look at her box basic but she is a dancer and she has a stutter that’s something that makes her unique okay these next ones

    Are like like kind of a set Tenny here so she was $120 and then her best friend Logan who is the first ever American girl boy was 159 I’m guessing the American girl boys didn’t sell very well cuz they don’t have any anymore you can get a truly me

    Boy but oh my gosh his hair Zack Efron coated hairstyle welcome Logan and tenny they’re our little musical Duo so apparently they hated each other and then they started writing songs together and now they’re a Bab band little enemies to band mates story cuties controversy with Logan though so you

    Know how earlier I said Ka got her own face mold well they reused ka’s face mold for Logan and people were offended cuz they thought that that meant that like K had a more masculine face yeah it didn’t go over very well Girl of the Year 2017 we’ve got some fun new

    Packaging for this one as well this was a hard one to find as well Zang she is Korean Amic and an aspiring photographer as you can probably tell by her box and her shirt and her everything oh she comes with other stuff too a little Beanie her little camera are you kidding

    Me and there’s a picture of a dog on it oh and she has glasses I want to say she is the only other American Girl other than Molly to come with glasses hers are so cute too I love Z Luciana Vega another hard one to

    Find $85 and she’s just in like a random outfit so her family is Chile lay in and she loves space she wants to go to Mars and she has the cutest little space suit and a Mars Rover I was so tempted to get it she just has one cute purple streak

    2019 is Blair oh my gosh her book is so cute her dress look at the bees this is underrated doll she’s so cute as you could maybe Gather By the book she lives on a farm Josh Josh Josh why can’t I say her name Jos Girl of the Year 2020 she was

    $165 and she’s another Surfer girl her outfit though that is a cute outfit and her little flipflops um I think that she has a hearing aid as part of her story but I don’t think she comes with it Kira Bailey she was $220 Girl of the Year 2021 Kira down

    Under so her family must be from Australia oh so cute look at her hairstyle the boots okay yeah so she goes to Australia to help her family at the animal sanctuary after the 2019 is that one the big Australia fires were 2021 Marissa oh I like her look at

    Her little octave wear outfit ah so this one was 200 oh my goodness where has this doll been my whole life I needed her years ago look at her hair oh I love her she has a pretty face okay now for prob my favorite part of this whole video the discontinued historical dolls

    Also the most expensive part of the video starting with Caroline Abbot she is the most recently discontinued historical doll she came out in 2012 but her little time period is 1812 look at her outfit my gosh look at her eyes so she loves to sail and she

    Dreams of being the captain of her own ship she was $250 it gets worse don’t worry Okay so theal Ray came out in 2011 and she represents the 1850s oh my gosh it’s CeCe what she even has her hair nut and everything still wow she’s beautiful

    Look at her silky dress her cute girls she’s from a wealthy family in New Orleans and she wants to be an actress okay so she’s going to stay here for a second because we have her best friend okay so this one came out same year oh

    And this Marie Grace is brand new I paid $300 for her look at her little boots cutest best friends so they met at voice lessons I don’t want to get rid of any of these but I know somebody’s going to love them okay so remember our girl kit

    So 2008 they came out with Ruthie and Ruthie is Kit’s best friend they totally have the same five once again not even brand new condition and she was still $200 all right we’ve got another rare one this is is Ivy ivy Ling oh my gosh her

    Outfit look at her little hat once again inbox but not brand brand new still $350 she’s just a tough one to find look at this little purse oh I love it I think she was the first Asian Aman Aman girl ball but she’s from the 70s as you can

    Maybe tell all right Emily so you’ll remember our Girl Molly so Emily launched in 2006 and she is Molly’s friend really sad story though uh her house got bombed in World War II uh so she went to live with Molly but so cute her little Cherry dress okay we’ve got

    Another best friend and this one is the best friend to Samantha Nelly she’s very looks kind of like kit actually with the freckles blue eyes little bob haircut um look at this hat though are you kidding me and now for our final three dolls until our entire collection is complete

    And all of the dolls from here on out are the original Pleasant company packaging and everything I’m so excited this is from 1991 Felicity oh my goodness okay after opening all of the new dolls she feels so different wow look at her in her original dress she has a little purse

    And a handkerchief that purse is impressive though it’s like embroidered and then her book the old school books that’s f it she was $400 and then in 2005 they launched Elizabeth oh she’s a cutie I love her dress oh cutest best friend Elizabeth was $350 so almost as much as Felicity um

    She also came with this little box I don’t even know what that is but a little fan that’s never been opened wow are you ready for the moment we’ve been waiting for in this box is my Kiren doll and I’m so excited I haven’t seen her especially in like her full

    Outfit that she came in in 20 years I’m so excited and then after Kiran I have the actual most expensive and rare American Girl that we’re going to open in a Second I don’t think mine came with this though that must be a thing that was special to the 1986 version there she is we’re reunited she smells really old but I still love her so she was $530 you can probably find less expensive ones but she is legitimately a

    First edition one uh so her story is she is a Swedish immigrant in the 1800s um and she literally hates America yay she just doesn’t feel like she fits in but then she gets really good at sewing and she is one of the og3 which I did buy

    Even though we already have a new Samantha and a new Molly I had to get all three of the ogs so okay let’s start with Samantha I’ve actually already opened her for my other video so surprise she was $500 to get the original one see what I mean though her original outfit’s so

    Cute and now for the most rare most expensive American Girl doll from 1986 I give you Molly McIntyre wait and she has a locket does it actually open no way it actually opens and there’s a picture of some somebody in it adorable this original Molly was $750 making her the most expensive

    American Girl in our entire haul there they are the original Three I feel like this is such a rare thing but do you know what’s an even rarer thing is every American Girl doll ever we’re making history I feel like I should like unlock a superpower now that I’ve collected

    Every American Girl or something while this collection is very fun and impressive I know that there are kids out there who need these dolls more than I do so it’s time to donate all of them well maybe not all of Them


    1. Leave your guess of how much $$$ I spent on ALL of these dolls total down below 💀 the person that gets the closest will be crowned MVP HOPEFUL of the year 👑

    2. I love you so much for donating those dolls. My childhood dream was always to donate American girl dolls but I couldn’t afford it obviously😅

    3. i never had any of the dolls, but i owned most o the movies they came out with. i owned molly, samantha, kit, grace, and Felicity. i may have owned more, but those are the ones i remember most.

    4. My jaw DROPPED to learn that Isabelle Palmer couldn’t be found new. She was the only doll I INSISTED I buy directly from the store, and one of my favorite dolls period.

    5. Molly was my first doll. I remember doing an entire school project on the importance of American Girl Dolls to learning kid friendly versions of real American events and displaying Molly and her friend for everyone to see.

    6. My first doll was Samantha in the plaid outfit my parents gifted me with turning 8 sadly had an idea to chop her hair off and give her a bob haircut . My second doll was Joss Kendrick as soon I found out the doll had a hearing device 🦻🏾I asked my mom for her 😂 I never thought I would ask for a doll so fast I was about 12 or something… than I found out about the custom made doll to look like me I tried to get everything useful accessories available including the hearing device 🦻🏾😂 if you read this far thank you

    7. I actually never even knew about American girl dolls until adulthood, lol. We didn't have a lot of money growing up, so spending that much on a doll definitely wasn't happening. I loved watching this though and seeing your true love and passion for these dolls. I also love that you donated them to a hospital to lessen the chance of someone winning it just to resell it.

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