We have this recurring question that seems to come up a lot when we travel to new special places. We look around in wonder and ask each other “How is this a place?” The experience of an amazing destination that you often encounter when traveling can be profound, and have a lasting impact on how you view the world.

    This video describes the impact of the feeling many may get when experiencing an epic or intimate special location during their travels.

    We are interested in exploring how slowing down your travel impacts your experience of the location and culture, as a slow traveler (#Slowtravel) or part time expat (#expat), and can help you get in sync with the culture and gain a deeper experience. If you are new to the idea of slow travel, check out our recent video that explains the overall concept.

    Please give us some feedback, and let us know the comments about your special experiences – your “How is this a place” experiences.

    And please LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE to support the channel!


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    👨‍🦱👩‍🦰MORE ABOUT US:👨‍🦱👩‍🦰 https://www.89daysaway.com/about-us

    We got rid of most of our belongings, and headed to Portugal to move overseas. But it didn’t really work out for a number of reasons. But we are really happy with the alternative – being slow travelers and part-time expats! We have a small home in the USA that is our home base, and spend 1-3 months at a time in one place overseas, several times a year. We stay long enough to really learn about a place’s people and the history, and experience living in the culture.

    And in case you were wondering: Our channel title “89 Days Away” refers to the EU Schengen limit of letting visitors stay 3 months (in the Schengen zone) during a visit—living away for 89 days before having to go home. If you want to stay away for longer, some other countries let you stay for 6 months, so you can put together an agenda that allows you to stay overseas as long as you need to get what you are looking for.

    We have this recurring question that seems to come up a lot when we travel to new special places we look around in Wonder and we ask each other how is this a place this began on a trip to Switzerland our 15-year-old daughter was amazed at the views from our apartment

    In the village of Miran located on the mountain side about 2500 ft above the louder brunin Valley at an elevation of about 5400 ft with views of the Iger and Schult horn mountains she was also enchanted with the village in the valley our constant refrain As We Came Upon new

    Vistas on that trip was how is this a place that statement resonated with us seeing the world through her eyes helped open hours to The Wonder of these new experiences both epic like the impact of these Mountain Landscapes and subtle like a hidden village you come upon by

    Accident when trying to find your way to another destination it gave us a renewed and grateful appreciation of the world around us what makes a place have this kind of impact the easiest to understand are places with epic Vistas epic nature on a massive scale with a unique landscape

    Think Grand Canyon or swiss alpes but it can also be Perfection on a smaller scale a subtle quiet Perfection that can have a dreamlike impact small villages in the cotswalds in England biking along a canal in the Netherlands seeing the sunrise while traveling on an overnight sleeper train from Oslo to Bergen or

    Strolling through a residential neighborhood in Paris for us it’s usually in the context of seeing some epic nature like first encountering the mountains rising up from the fiords in Western Norway or the vistas at Yellowstone Park or the otherworldly Landscapes of Iceland biking through the louder brunin Valley in Switzerland

    Climbing the narrow streets and alleys of the Alama neighborhood in Lisbon or the endless ocean views from the tops of the mountains on madira that initial amazement at an epic location an experience of awe and wonder can last a lifetime how this a place also comes up when experiencing special intimate

    Places coming upon a hidden waterfall while hiking in the forest an evening meal in a restaurant in an alley in some small village a drink at a cafe along the river in Lisbon a simple morning coffee and pastry in a bakery in Edinburgh relaxing in a cafe Under The

    Palms in Tulum Mexico wandering around a market in Saudi Arabia or getting lost in a maze of streets in talin an intimate new personal EXP experience can be as lasting as the experience of some epic location houses of place can also arise from a special experience a hike

    Through a new kind of landscape biking between towns in the Netherlands searching for special treats at the boaria marketplace in Barcelona settling in to hear the amazing jazz players in a bar on Frenchman Street in New Orleans or on a random corner of the French quarter or stopping at a modest Cafe you

    Stumble upon when searching for a shop in Paris and getting an amazing lunch that you keep trying to replicate in your own kitchen over the next few years photos don’t usually communicate the impact of these places you really have to experience it for yourself the houses a place reaction is

    A highly personal thing a reaction based on your experiences leading up to that moment maybe you grew up in a mountain town in Colorado so you aren’t that impressed with the mountains but an epic view of the ocean seems magical or you’re from New York City and are

    Captivated by walking around a small Country Village each person will have their own unique mix of reactions to the new places they visit experiencing new and unique locations can be transformative the experience of a special new place with an amazing natural landscape special historical significance or unique architecture and

    Culture can expand your worldview and give you New Perspectives on your everyday life we look forward to having many more new and memorable experiences in the upcoming years it keeps us going what about you what are your most memorable experiences that you’ve had in your travels let us know in the comments

    And don’t forget to like And subscribe thanks for watching


    1. Yes! When I traveled to Costa Rica age 14 in the 1990s for a month long Spanish immersion course, I was forever transformed! I got addicted to river rafting & actually ditched a couple classes to go rafting at the Pacuare River, one of the most magical (how-is-this-a-place moment for sure !!!) places I've ever been fortunate to visit. Nothing like the wondrous sights, smells, sounds, tastes of a different country! I have yet to visit (or move?) Europe and finally get my hands & tastebuds on some CHEESE & stroll cobblestone roads & catacombs lol

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