Third day of my 4 day tour thru Northern France. Riding a stretch of La Velo Maritime / Eurovelo 4 from just east of Dieppe to Cayeux-sur-Mer near the Baie-de-la-Somme.
    This all in the beautiful Normandy region.

    Total kilometers ridden on this second day of the tour: 95
    Meters climbed: 820

    Link to La Velo Maritime / Eurovelo 4 (including GPX files):

    Dobro Mash – Audionautix
    Cumbia City – An Jone
    Cats searching for the truth – Youtube audio Library
    To loom is to love – The Mini Vandals
    Cafe Regrette – Asher Fulero

    A nice Backdrop good morning another glorious day for keep calm and P on the rain just stopped and uh yeah let’s get going I see some sunshine do so let’s get this wet show on the Road let’s go so back on the road business as usual so first things to do get some breakfast it’s Sunday morning and yeah the good thing about France is that all bakeries are open on Sunday morning how do so nothing better like a steep fresh climb in the morning there will be more

    To follow today yeah we’re riding along the coast but it’s a coast with Cliffs some sometimes really high Cliffs so I think it’s a constant up and Down hello a nice warm coffee my bike is still over there near the bakery but I had to walk with my coffee and my pan of CHA Sand and I have to say this is a very good pound of CHA and very fluffy and light although not in Calories and there is the sea again and over [Applause] There S nice big Pebble Beach people actually ding in the Sea Marine so that is the route we’re on right now which goes all the way from I think rosov in Britany to uh yeah to the border with Belgium along the coast and it also is part of the eura 4 and it’s a beautiful area hello sorry for this

    Interruption but here we are in the Netherlands I just need to mention that this video is sponsored by me and myself and I if you like this video please consider to subscribe to my channel that would really uh help to grow my channel even further so thanks for that and on

    With the video how do and that will be my uh cycling for today so we have uh a nice wind here on the coast coming from the West relatively strong and the good news is that’s my general direction today is East Northeast so that should surely help me get up those

    Hills it’s a nice combination wow man beautiful Skies with beautiful clouds Actually I expected to it to be a lot busier on a Sunday because this is quite a touristy area but yeah so far relatively quiet with Cars okay so I was going up this uh climb and suddenly I heard some noises I thought it was some uh small sticks or grass sticks but it appears to be a Broken Spoke and that is a new thing for me so it’s this one never had that

    Before and I do not have any spare spokes so what to do it’s Sunday can I continue with one spoke glass for today and tomorrow let’s uh let’s see uh the coming uh the coming kilometers uh if things get worse but yeah it’s of course of course my back wheel so that’s where

    All the weight is let’s see to be continued so far so good I do not feel anything weird in my back wheel though confidence this is not really good for your confidence in the bike and uh with going fast down uh steep descent so yeah all the options

    Go through your mind yeah because my car is about uh yeah as flies I think 100 20 130 km away from here how would I get there what do I do with our bike options until now seems okay and in the distance you can see the ferry to England coming from uh yep Yes and I think I’m back at the place where the started in the meantime the bike feel still feels okay the back wheel so gaining back a little bit of confidence to continue but not sure nice climb towards uh the final Hill before yep I was on the spot uh yesterday

    Afternoon as well but uh today it seems uh it looks a lot nicer with the sunshine Now C again good we Go [Applause] getting into the harbor here pretty well protected I think because of people who want to uh illegally cross over into England or to to Britain the sea is always close you can see it over there that’s nice to have the sea and view even though I’m a little bit more inland uh back wheel still holding up fine till now and another nice Church completely different style than others but enjoying a really nice back wind at

    The moment still wind uh yeah things uh are looking good today except for the Broken Spoke but I’m still [Applause] Riding a little of electrical infrastructure I guess look also at security there’s a nuclear nuclear plant nearby so I have to look up which one this is so atel and about 11 kilm to go to Lor which is the bigger city also with a big Harbor and the back whe is still doing Okay So I think we’re actually going to see the sea again in that’s already here the seagull and we’re going uh West So Man just see Climb and I see the outskirts of lur in in the far away distance but first there’s another Valley to descend into and to climb up to A nice backdrop climbing climbing climbing so 650 M climbed so far today wonder how close we can get to the Thousand not sure how the hills are after Lor guess going out of Lor I’ll take another steep climb after that I don’t Know Ch [Applause] So I bought some nice fries I need to find a place now where to eat them where’s some Shad is I think and a nice view I think it’s going to be the cabins over there so those were some great fries with the a bit heavy on the stomach so I hope the

    Next Hill is not too Steep another steep climb with a lot of fries in my tummy I think I made it for this one so that was L still the sea is visible over there not sure how many climbs still to follow but what I did see that it’s only 18 km

    Uh go until the uh Bay De lasom so where the s River flows into the uh the North Sea or the channel uh so yeah that’s just another small hour left to right and it’s at 104 so it’s an early uh day for me the challenge is uh the next

    Challenge is uh to find a campsite again how do isn’t it beautiful over here so if you want to do the stretch around and of the V Mar or of the Euro 4 I would give it a big thumbs up totally recommended the only thing is yeah you

    Shouldn’t mind uh getting a bit tired on some of the very steep climbs or and there you have it the hill suddenly ends and you have this uh beum and um yeah over there in the distance you do see the hills The Cliffs again but then you’re getting to more towards

    Bolog and then the end Cal so got to get some more fruit in so can’t reach them now suddenly it looks like the Netherlands at least on on that side [Applause] flat so the camera probably doesn’t pick it up but from here you have a beautiful

    View on the cliffs south of me so the ones I already passed really beautiful not sure what the St was about but again I’ll look it up and There She is again so we’re very near the final destination for today I saw that yeah some campsites

    Should be around here but I don’t see them yet while cycling so let’s check out the The Village find a nice spot to sit and then uh check for campsites and perhaps for a shop so a lot of uh Beach HS so let’s check the Options Fore Fore Okay so let’s check how close I am actually to the camp sign because I do not see any signs yet so I made it tend is there I showered and uh let’s see what they have in the the store beer and uh semi dinner wise let’s See


    1. Houdoe, a lovely part of sunny France for cycling, it’s now on my ‘to do’ list. All that lovely warm sunshine, sign of good days ahead. Stay safe, Merci.

    2. Weer een mooi tochtje! Ik ga dit jaar naar zuid spanje vanuit Midwoud. Mn eerste grote trip. Ben eigenlijk benieuwd hoeveel km jij op zo'n tour per dag rijd? Groet Michel

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