SYLVIA EZE TV 2023 Latest Nigerian Movies Movies

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    This is my home you’re welcome at this point I know what I’m doing here like I can’t believe I’m here right now what am I even doing here I can’t believe this I don’t believe it either but instead of trying to figure out what’s going on why don’t we just go with the

    Flow and see how it goes Olivia what do you want from me I don’t know but I find you attractive I like you my sister is going to eat you raw trust me I know but I’m willing to take that risk just one week and after one week

    You’ll be a free man besides you’re not a child anymore you’re old enough to know what you you want make a decision for yourself one we it is all right anyway we got a pretty place here though nice thank you okay make yourself home I’ll show you to

    Your room okay sure thank you after You yeah so this is why you thing this is your space so yes your sister would definitely get you a job she’s not meaning words and but I can get to a job faster just one week so what do I have to do to make this happen Stay With Me that’s

    What whatever you think just stay with me look Olivia I’m not a child okay and know the type of life you and my sister live do you want me to live that kind of life with you I don’t know the kind of life you think we live and I don’t know why I’m

    Making this proposal to you but there’s something about you so just give me one week okay so where do I tell my sister I am you handle your sister and I’ll handle the job you know that I’m not going to do anything with you Right I haven’t asked you to do anything with me just stay here and you think she want to find out she’ll only see a man who wants to be seen you call me a man cuz you’re way over a Boy can see he you knock come put on the shirt please it’s my room right why you here you want to talk to me about something talk to me um go to this address they’ll be expecting you at 10 everything is sorted so you should get the job today

    Wait I’m getting the job already in just two days yeah promising me forever than thank you your sister and I are different okay um she could get to a job today if she wanted but I guess she has her reasons thank you yeah I didn’t know I

    Had this much effect on you though what wonderful de head Yeah Hello Mama my brother are you saying C is not with you I don’t understand come see left two days ago I personally dropped him off Mama are you saying Kam is not in the village with you where the hell is this boy Excuse me who are you hi good afternoon good afternoon and ask again who are you uh I live in this house and I’ve not seen you before so I should be asking you who are you I am Sandra Olivia’s friend oh hi Sandra I’m kamy Olivia’s friend Olivia

    Doesn’t keep male friend in the house do I look like a female Too welcome back Olivia thank you I see you’ve met KY yes and he and I have been talking I see and I think you and I need to talk sure let’s Go sit what’s going on I don’t understand kamy said he’s maa’s younger brother so I asked again what is going on nothing nothing does Matilda know that her younger brother is here and you think that’s cool bab what are you up to Matilda is your friend or do you want to

    Make things bad from the look of things you gave this guy like 15 years so this boy is a small boy what are you doing with him I don’t know what I’m doing with him okay but I like him and I want to help him get to job is there something wrong with

    That there’s nothing wrong with her but you doing it behind her back means you have an arterial motive I know but I don’t know how to communicate that to Ma I asked her to let the voice stay for a few weeks but she didn’t she didn’t want to do that are you for

    Real do you know what I think I think you should let that guy leave to the Village MAA is your friend and you only want MAA to have your head do you babe there’s limit to stupidity let this boy leave you and Matilda have come a long way don’t SP things

    M can you imagine that idiot that brother of mine if I lay my hands on you I’m going to kill him um good evening to you too Matilda hi what was good about the evening I sent my brother to the Village two days ago now he’s not in the

    Village and he’s not even picking my calls brother you didn’t tell us you have a brother yes I have a brother he just finished youth service he’s searching for a job I’m supposed to get him a job and I’m already working on it I sent him to

    The Village he has not gotten to the village now my mom is calling I’m troubling My Life um I hope he’s okay I really hope he’s all right I told you to let that boy stay for a bit I wanted to let him stay but you

    Know now uh-uh stop acting like this you know what’s up um so what are you going to do now let me call him again At first it was ringing now he has switched off the Phone I really hope he’s okay huh I have a Poli friend I’m supposed to see let me go see him and see if you can track him okay that’s great and while you’re on that I also go through my contacts and we’ll see what comes up MAA you

    Really need to calm down Sandra sorry I didn’t acknowledge you I need to find this boy and when I find him he will get it H with Me babe you really need to send this guy home Matilda is not someone you want to have a show With so how did your interview go very well everything is fine so far I’m just waiting for your call back that’s good mhm um I’m sorry your sister buged in on us today yeah he’s fine it was bound to happen I think you should tell her the

    Truth mat that would not understand no matter what and to be honest I don’t know how to begin to explain I think I should give her a call she’s pretty worried you know I just had I mean one of my friends play in one of the villages you

    Know I that euse our attention you know H I think that that should work right I should to or Something where are you now here you’re looking for me makuku if you do not start talking now you will not like what will happen whenever you call my full name it means you’re really really angry anyway I didn’t go back to the Village straight I

    Went to my friend’s place in um M Town you know I didn’t want to go back to the V directly not be as if I went for I came back jobless and you could not call Mama to inform her and you did not inform me what what’s the meaning of this do

    You know how worried we were last thing I remember you drove me from Lagos kamy you are and I know that nobody loves you or like you more than I do I may have a way of showing that but I do you see this stunt you pulled do not

    Try it again I need to know where you are at all times Bo you have people I mean personal security guards looking for me already so I’m sure you’re paying them want me to still do their job watch your mouth come see all right fine bye Thank God he’s fine this boy will not kill me she’s very mad I she’ll be Okay at least he took the initiative to call you but then if he had kept him with you you won’t be out here running around looking for him Olivia you met my brother just once and you have turned to a f man am I supposed to have him in the

    House while I do all that I do huh I work all the time so I need time to flex you know what I’ll get him a job and I’ll make sure he stays far away from me what if he wants to stay with you

    Trust me c want to stay far away from me why is it that two of you don’t don’t get along or what yeah we share a strange kind of relationship he’s my my brother and I love him so much but if we stay together there’s going to be a

    Volcanic eruption because he definitely not agree with some certain things that I do and I also not agree with some of the things he does we fight we argue about it but trust me he is the best brother in the world a my friend get out at least he fine

    That’s the most important thing right but if he tries this taunt again I will deal with him I’m sure he won’t do that yeah yeah I have to get going all right baby bye okay yeah bye shut the door yeah Sure have you head from Sandra thank you love Sandra that one no I haven’t but don’t worry very soon she’ll have an episode with her husband and come running to us looking for somewhere to hide I don’t I don’t I don’t understand that I wonder why she just chose that

    Life she could have done something better with her life you know rather than sticking herself with a cheating fool in name of being married such his life we all know what we want now don’t we I guess she knows what she wants and she she choose to be married so let her

    Enjoy the marriage ha enjoy and she should enjoy her marriage Now E Sand you’re finally home yeah and you got to leave what friends for if not for inconveniences don’t worry one day you my is going to look for me and trust me you guys are not going to see me so you guys should better do and go and get married married

    Mhm so we can end up likeing no thank you but we good we’re living good and we’re having fun girl you guys can’t continue living like this I should say the same thing to you you cannot continue to live like this being with a man who’s a

    Cheat hm and let me guess you coming here today is because you’ve cten with someone so looking for somewhere to go are it B don’t my husband and don’t insult M than me I don’t blame you she is me that used to come and cook for you girls no

    Problem you know we love you your leg me alone well thank you I know my kitchen is filled with food well I’ve separated your own from MAA so you take it to her oh thank you that’s so good yeah I’m going take it to her tomorrow morning all right really

    Tell me how are you I’m fine not hanging in there are you sure you know you can do whatever you want to do right you can get a job just do something with your hands and MAA and I are there to help you right you can’t

    Continue to waste your emotions on a man who’s not worth Okay maybe when you find a husband get married then we can talk but now what can a single girl advise a married woman if not to leave her husband MH wow really sh we are here we see how end anyways I miss you girls I miss you

    Too come with me I have things in the room a lot of things for you to take okay bribery and Corruption did not start with me good all right oh my God I hope I’m doing the right Thing Hi what’s up I’m hanging out tonight will you join me why I thought we agreed not to work on weekends so you expect me to hang out alone tonight so why can’t you join me after your meeting all right All [Applause] Oh M what’s up Olivia what’s up oh well I went to the office to pick something up and is there any problem I just had lunch I’m going home I want to know if we can hang out tonight uh I don’t know but I just love the office now when

    I’m heading home so once I get home I’ll let you know what’s up right no excuses you’re going home and I want you to give me feedback you’re hanging out tonight yes Ma I’ll call you when I get Home We How could you how could you leave here who the hell do you think you Are are you mad or something why would I walk into my place and FL me Really You stop it you asking me what is happening you knew everything that has happened all this while I’ve had betrayals as friend are you kidding me what’s going on here um um I know how this looks you don’t know how this looks I’ve been running around searching everywhere

    Looking for my brother calling everyone calling the police everyone that I know that can help me why you kept my brother in your house come what are you doing here I’m not a child anymore I can be where I want to be anytime shut up your

    Mouth you have no right to say anything as far as I’m concerned you are a child and this R out and if that is what all of this is about just come down and hear me out please come down and hear you out I should come

    Down and hear you out my brother has been here in this house and you didn’t tell me anything only God knows what you have done with him but you see this one I’m not letting it go Matia can we talk about this you knew about this so there’s nothing to talk

    About Olivia has gone overboard Olivia has made me an enemy I’m not going to forgive this can let’s go let me at grab my bag get it and let’s [Applause] go will need to stop treating me like a child as long as I am Matilda as long as I remembera you always be a child you will forever be a child CI what we do with Olivia do you know the kind of person she is do you even know the kind

    Of life she lives exactly the lifestyle you live so now you want to compare me with Olivia now come to you comparing me with ol eh yes because you two live exactly the same lifestyle no difference we live the same lifestyle and you think that is the kind of life you want to

    Live she’s not your mate she is old enough to be your mother what were you even doing with her what do you want to get from this don’t the funniest part I was even doing anything with her if I wanted to I would have done it look I know you’re my

    Sister I love you and I appreciate you but you need to learn how to draw the line I’m not a child more you’re saying that to me yes I am and if I want to be with Olivia there’s nothing you can do about it I mean Nothing Cassie can’t you can’t just talk to me like that and walk away I warned you I told you this is going to go bad yes you did but I was also trying to look for you the right time to tell her the truth I know what happened is

    Wrong yes I’m not ashamed to admit it it is wrong but Matia has no right to hit me are you serious you’re sit on talking about rights to hit you Matilda is your friend she’s our friend you see with this whole thing that just happened you’ve messed everything up and if you

    Know what is good for you better stop this whole thing Now I’ve gone too far to stop Now what are you talking about don’t you get it Sandra I have feelings for Kami and I’m not going to throw away those feelings for anything in this world not even my friendship with Matilda you have feelings for kamami kamami is a small boy what I feel knows no age

    Sandra I have feelings for him and if Matia wants to bring a battle then I’m War Ready when to Heart fully connect iFly Disconnect MAA you’re not the only stubborn person here I know you’re mad at me you’re angry with me but I’m not going anywhere I need my privacy you’ll get it once I’m gone what do you want I am sorry I know I found out about this but

    Even at that I didn’t know what was happening I’m not here to justify myself I’m here to tell you that these things can be settled you don’t need to go to war with Olivia over nothing kamami is not a child kamami is not a child kamami is not a child but he’s a

    Kid to me what does Olivia want from him Olivia is way older than cany what does she want does she want to sleep with him that’s if she has not done that already I don’t know if she has or she has not done that but whatever the case is don’t spoil

    Things oh Matilda is now the one spoiling things E when Olivia took my brother kept him in her house for what I came looking for my brother and she could not see say anything you were there C is under my care and I’m not letting Olivia mess his life up have you

    Even asked kamami what he wants I should be asking kamy what he wants or I should be asking Olivia to stay away from my brother Mata I don’t want you and Olivia going to war over nothing Olivia started this so she should be ready for it but we are all friends

    Friends we are all friends we are all friends but Olivia took my brother kept my brother in her house I came looking for my brother and she could not say anything and you’re here telling me that we are all friends oh that’s what friendship is all About I yeah I’m fine I’m okay hope you’re good yeah yeah I’m fine well I’m I’m sorry okay I didn’t know she was coming that’s fine it’s all right I understand the difference between you two I just have to sort it out I miss You connect come did you hear me I said I miss you yeah I had the first time thank you Coming Comey what are you doing here mat that will have your head for this you listen I’m not 17 okay I’m 22 I can be anywhere I want to be at any time okay I know that but as far as this state is concerned MAA is responsible

    For you and believe me I understand her grievances I understand her anger then you should understand my love too what did he just say Olivia I stayed in your house for one week and another that one we got me a job you didn’t even ask anything in

    Return I know how many times my sister called you we get to hang out at night but you said no what’s the problem Olivia whatever it is is inconsequential okay what is most important is that you’ve got a job now and you found your sister my sister was never missing neither was

    I listen Olivia I know how you feel I mean your eyes sees it all your body language your movements I see it all but your lips is not just saying it I feel maybe you don’t think I’m going to accept it or my sister will not

    Accept it stop trying to read me c not a book you already made yourself readable to me okay I see you I could read You whatever I think of you and however I feel it’s my problem okay and make it our problem let’s see if it’s going to ease up a bit what I talking about you don’t know what you’re saying I’ve done things come see things I’m things I’m not proud of

    Things like what Olivia things like What I’ve had I’ve had three songs with your sister so if we People is everything ready I’ll be there the next 20 minutes get everyone seated no late coming is the presentation ready good that is what I want to hear wake up get wow you guys are up already reasonable people are up and working only lady arst like he was in

    Bed out just like that come on we had a good night yesterday because they have something you know quick fast you had what you had get used to it and get out why this is never happening again come on tell me you do not enjoy it last

    Night come on should I call it please fine I’ll leave easy go on That [Applause] You [Applause] [Applause] If we get together now how should take it that’s the problem you love you is my problem then I think we have the same problem because I love you Olivia hey hey he no but no but just allow yourself to be loved okay no but they I want you no matter how they

    Feel I need you I’ll do every little thing just to be with you and the come to now where are you coming from to see Olivia you went to see who you went to see Olivia just laugh becomeing old probably try something else use a leg or

    Something you need to watch your mouth with me look MAA I know you’re my sister you care for me you love me but you should stop treating me like a child and learn how to trust me yeah come Here this is just the beginning if you insist on being in C’s Life The Nest will end your life my head My calm down Olivia really need to calm down you should expect something like this from Matilda I will calm down I will not what I haven’t done anything C take it easy sorry sorry I haven’t touched Kami and Kami hasn’t touched me either so why would

    She do this attack me in my house no she’ll get a payback so what are you going to do now she attacked you you want to attack her then what whatever the problem is it can be sorted out but you see I will not let

    Matia walk over me no I will not she sent me a message here she will get a reply calm down doing my head He C see you said the insult you’re bringing my way hi MAA good evening s that fire you and that your good me because of you Olivia came to my office and Destroy things and because of me you went to Olivia’s house and attacked her with the button what’s wrong with both

    Of you why can’t you to just act your age for once if you guys are behaving like this how am I supposed to behave did you hear yourself you are my younger brother you are under my care and I pay your bills thank you thank you thank you

    So much you can now stop paying my bills I have my job now I can pay my bills by myself okay where are you going I’m talking to you and you’re walking away where are you going Cy are you mad I’m talking and you’re walking out on me

    Are you mad where are you going I’m an adult okay I can go wherever I want to go to in fact you didn’t want me to stay in your house right so why are you complaining now C if you leave this house you will never find your way back

    Into this house trust me on that all right that’s fine let me leave first we’ll talk about that one later all right you see you’re growing wings eh you’re growing wings this boy will drive me crazy in this house It’s you where is kamy he left what do you mean by he left C left my house today and I’m not surpris if he has moved in with Olivia why will he do that the same reason you decided to shut up your mouth the moment you found out

    In the first place come on you should let go of all these things this thing is getting out of hand it has gotten out of hand already my younger brother who has always wanted to be with me suddenly decided to walk out of me today Olivia must collect kamami is an

    Adult you can’t Pin It On Olivia even if he decide to go to her place are you here to speak for Kami or are you here to speak for Olivia it’s obvious you’re not on my side oh I am not on anybody’s side I’m on the side of stopping this madness this

    Madness this madness as you call it has already gotten beyond what you can handle Olivia will get what is meant for her seriously you guys really need to settle This come In KY Leia can I stay here for a couple of days pleas you know I don’t have a problem with you staying here but mat listen Olivia I’m not a teenager anymore I can make my own decisions all right so do you want me to stay or should I go of

    Course my door is open to you truly connect it can hardly disconnect when two hearts really Bond Come see this is not the life I want for you this is not the life I pled for You all at the end love con all love con all at the end of it all love No what do you want from me what do you think I want from me because ever since I came here you practically stopped going to the club stopped hanging out with my sister you stopped going out at night all you do is go to work come back home

    And that’s it you’ve never told me what you want so this is me asking you Olivia what do you want from me you already know what I want but the question is can you give it to me of course I can give it to you who can you handle it I can handle

    It but can you stand the shame stand the shame it’s a man’s world out there people will turn to me they will turn to you so can you handle the shame I have a thick skin if I want something I go for it oh really I’m right here come

    Get what do you mean I didn’t need my sisters please because I was just looking for a place to stay I left because I wanted to be with You so are you ready to fight because if you are ready to fight she’s going to give you hell of a B as long as I have you by my side I don’t need anyone or anything else okay I can give you me if I’m sure I’m going to have you too you already have me just know it Oh [Laughter] On [Laughter] Matilda Matia is Sandra where are you is outside [Laughter] Matilda Matilda Matilda Matilda somebody help matild my God oh my oh my God oh my God my oh My thank you so much for your support I really appreciate now two of you can actually leave hey come on sis don’t you understand what I’m saying I’m not leaving your side until you get better okay this is my house and I decide who stays and who goes this is not the

    Hospital no matter what you do I will never accept this thing you call a relationship Olivia leave my house babe you’re just coming back from the hospital can we not talk about all this can we just let this thing slide okay at least give them till

    Evening but for now you really need to Rest sis s I’m not going anywhere All right thank you you’re welcome You know you really need to handle this right this can continue to go on I know and I’ll handle it today Bo you still need to rest I can’t stand seeing my brother with Olivia I can’t I will rest so I can handle this once and for all all right so what your

    Decision you will find out very soon I will go straight to the point I’m trying so hard not to be more peace than I am already Olivia C is my kid brother and there’s no way on Earth you’re going to have a relationship with him I know he’s Str stronge headed we both are but but nothing on this Earth

    Will make me allow you have a relationship with him not on my watch are you sure you want to have this conversation right now yes now I’m ready to have this conversation I wanted to have this conversation for a while now that we having it get it into

    Your T call nothing can ever happen between the both of you I don’t know if something has happened already or whatever it is you have to raise it and get back on track off track what makes you feel I’m off track I want Olivia and I want to be with

    Olivia don’t push my buttons I know I’m a kute brother yes but you can’t make decisions for me you can’t decide who’s going to be in my life or who’s not going to be in my life you can’t do that Olivia is your friend why can’t she

    Be my friend too we are both women it doesn’t change the fact that if she was a bad person you wouldn’t have had her in your life I know I’ve not said this before and I want to say it now I love Olivia you don’t want this fight with Me you want to go into war with me please calm down guys no no no no no don’t calm down yet I have to clear this matter right here right Now I have the right to decide who you be with and who not to be with even mama don’t have that right Matilda she doesn’t you can’t decide who’s going to be my life you can’t do that that is where you get it wrong I’m not your sister I’m your Mother what did he say yes I’m not your sister I’m your mother mother what do you mean I don’t understand I was barely 15 he was a product of rape so my mom took him on and rais him as a child because she wanted me to have the best in

    Life so I decided to stay away not because I love you less I just wanted to give you the best in life without being ashamed of the source and now today you decide to look me straight in the face and tell me that I cannot decide for you I decided

    To keep you in my stomach when everybody asked me to abort you I decided to keep you even when I know I shouldn’t I didn’t ask you for permission when I did that I gave you the best of everything and now you tell me that I need to take

    Polition from you before I tell you who to be with and who not to be with before I tell you that you cannot be with Olivia So why didn’t you tell me why play Sister because I want wanted you to have a normal life because I didn’t want the stigma of what happened to Rob off on you because I wanted you to not feel any less of Yourself I wanted to love you I look at you I raise you as mine because I want to share a relationship with You now tell me Cy as your mother do I still have the right to tell you to stop this madness or have I lost a chance hello hello hi hello it’s you I’m talking to what’s the meaning of this year stop playing with someone’s heart stop playing with some When Love you you can see when

    Love you you can see when love we love God we love God goodbye when love God goodbye the love God When Love Go when love go goodbye When Love go goodbye You are deter me I am deter me come let’s play this game together come let’s peace when Love all my life I serious man sister but spending the night yesterday thinking about everything then you called to me the moment where you played Mother I know you have all the right to like abort me or do with me but you decided to keep me I know that you don’t want anything bad to happen to me and I do not want anything about to happen to you too so it is me saying I’m going to do

    Anything anything you want me to do all right anything go Yes um I’m also in shock over everything you said and I’m not in the position to ask you questions oh I want to find out more more than you are willing to Share and I know we’ve done some things a lot of things things that we are now not out of and I understand you don’t want CI to be with me on that Ground so I’ve decided to walk Away not because I cannot fight for this love but because I have chosen to understand my friend I’ve chosen I’ve chosen to respect your decision and and I know you love him and you want the best for you and I know you don’t see me as the best for him so I walk Away I walk away and I really I really to love come see regardless of our age difference I love him I really do and I want to go the whole night yards with him but I I know I know I know it’s too late now okay so I’ll leave like I promised but I need need need to please do one thing for me promise me that you’ll stay with

    Him that you love him that you protect Him that you make sure that he falls into the hands of the right woman please that’s all I ask are you not ashamed to be in love with a boy who is old enough to be your Son and is love there’s nothing to be ashamed of when you love someone there’s nothing you can do the heart just wants what he Wants I don’t know what you’re feeling I’m sorry this cannot work they can’t be Together I Understand I understand please just take care of Him so this is it still birth he died even before he was born how am I supposed to live without you Olivia come how am I supposed to survive without you Olivia we we were leaving without each other I’m sure we’ll find a way why am I supposed to do that I’ve never felt this way for anyone before all my Life I never saw today happening I never wanted commitment and never wanted to be with a man when you came into my life and all of that changed I don’t know how I’m going to teach my heart differently why does he Hur so much I don’t Know gu life through things at us that just twist our arms I love you Olivia I love you too come but now I know that in life you can only love the people you love and be with the people you designed to be With Is I have to leave the country okay because we cannot be in the same space and be part my heart can of Course just promise me you tell your future wife about me that’s all I ask meance I I really do and nothing can stop me from loving youing even if you reject me I will still love you I love you I really do w i love you I love you I do I

    Do I really love you I truly love you give me one more CH I love you I truly I really do and nothing can stop me from loving you even if you reject me I will still love you still love you CU I love you I really Do thank you for helping me back the rest of my bags are you sure this is the right thing to do my love for Kami is too deep I will not be able to keep my promise to Matia if I see him close to me I’m going to miss you

    Sandy I’ll miss you more but remember what we talked about yeah I’ll make arrangements for you to get a job you need it yeah I’ll hit your Advice thank you all right [Applause] He [Applause] [Applause] N [Applause] aah Oh aahah


    1. Nobody is talking about the way Olivia sacrificed her love for the respect of her friendship with màtilda,, letting go is not easy mehn,, lesson of the day is you gotta do anything for your true friends even if it's gonna break you 🥺❤️❤️ great movie 🎉❤

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