Top 10 Most Incredible Walled Cities in the World 🏰🌍

    Prepare to embark on a captivating journey through history as we explore the top 10 walled cities around the globe. These ancient fortifications have withstood the test of time, each with its unique stories to tell and secrets to unveil. Join us on this adventure as we delve into the fortified past of these remarkable destinations! β³πŸ—ΊοΈ

    🏰 Walled Cities Featured in this List 🏰
    πŸ‘‰ Dubrovnik, Croatia
    πŸ‘‰ Carcassonne, France
    πŸ‘‰ Xi’an, China
    πŸ‘‰ York, United Kingdom
    πŸ‘‰ Mdina, Malta
    πŸ‘‰ Cartagena, Colombia
    πŸ‘‰ Marrakech, Morocco
    πŸ‘‰ Pingyao, China
    πŸ‘‰ Avila, Spain
    πŸ‘‰ Jerusalem, Israel

    ✨ Explore the ancient walls that have witnessed centuries of history and culture. Don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE for more awe-inspiring journeys through time! 🌐


    ❀️🏰🌍❀️ Join us as we step back in time within the protective embrace of these remarkable walled cities, preserving the echoes of the past! β€οΈπŸ—οΈπŸŒ†β€οΈ

    Welcome back to our Channel where today we’re diving into a topic that will transport you back in time and leave you in awe of human Ingenuity we’re counting down that the top 10 most incredible wall cities in the world before we begin don’t forget to hit that subscribe button and ring

    The notification Bell so you never miss an adventure with us let’s get started number one kassan France our journey begins in the picturesque country of France with kassan this medieval Marvel boasts double walls 53 towers and a stunning castle at its Center the city’s history dates back to Roman times but its

    Current appearance took shape in the 13th century when it was extensively restored by the French architect Eugene Violet luk carcasson is not just a walled City it’s a Living testament to Medieval architecture and engineer nearing as you explore its winding streets cross the drawbridge and enter the Fortified Gates you can’t help but

    Feel like you’ve stepped into a fairy tale number two dubnik Croatia next on our list is that a pearl of the Adriatic dubnik Croatia this walled city is famous for its perfectly preserved walls that encircle the Old Town the walls which date back to the 14th century are remarkably intact and offer breathtaking

    Views of the city and the shimmering Adriatic Sea stroll along the Fortified walls and imagine the centuries of history that they have witnessed dubnik old town is like a living museum with its well-preserved Gothic Renaissance and Baroque architecture don’t forget to visit the ancient Fort lenac which played a

    Crucial role in the city’s Defense number three xan China heading east we find ourselves in xen China this ancient city is not only home to the famous Terracotta Army but also boasts the impressive zeen City wall which stretches over 13 km and is one of the best preserved City walls in China

    Originally built during the Tang Dynasty in the 14th century the wall served both defensive and administrative purposes today visitors can rent bicycles to ride along its massive parapets gaining a unique perspective on the city’s history and Modern Life don’t miss the four grand Gates each with its unique architectural features and

    Significance number four York United Kingdom our next destination is York in the United Kingdom this City’s well-preserved medieval walls date back to Roman times with some sections Still Standing from the 12th century walking these ancient fortifications provides a fascinating glimpse into the city’s history including the Vikings

    Occupation the walls in circle York men one of Europe’s most magnificent Cathedrals making it a city with both historical and Architectural significance as you explore the walls take in the panoramic views of the city’s Charming streets the river o and the Beautiful Yorkshire Countryside Beyond number five M Dina Malta

    Traveling south we arrive in Dina Malta often referred to as the as silent City Dina is a beautifully preserved medieval walled City with narrow streets stunning architecture and a rich history that Echoes through its walls the city’s fortified walls not only offer protection but also create a Charming

    Atmosphere that transports you to a bygone era exploring Dina is like stepping into a living history book take your time to appreciate the intricate stonework the picturesque Courtyards and the views that stretch across the maltes countryside number six caha columia our next stop takes takes us to the vibrant city of caha

    Colombia it’s fortified walls built to defend against pirate attacks now house colorful colonial buildings bustling plazas and a lively atmosphere that’s impossible to resist these walls have witnessed a turbulent history but today they provide a backdrop to the city’s vibrant culture making it a must- visit destination for

    Those seeking a unique blend of history and modernity don’t forget to explore the Castillo San Felipe de baraha a formidable Fortress just outside the city walls offering insight into card’s strategic importance in the Caribbean number seven maresh Morocco moving to North Africa we explore the enchanting wall city of

    Maresh Morocco the famous red walls that encircle the old Medina have protected its Rich culture and traditions for centuries the Medina is a Labyrinth of narrow bustling streets and within its walls you’ll discover vibrant markets tranquil Gardens and ornate palaces the CIA mosque with its impressive minet is a landmark that can

    Be seen from almost anywhere in the city the city walls themselves have a distinct reddish Hue which adds to the city’s unique and Timeless charm number eight Pino China back to China we visit Pino a remarkably well-preserved ancient city its intact City walls and traditional architecture make you feel

    Like you’ve stepped back in time to the Ming and Ching dynasties the city’s layout is a perfect example of traditional Chinese urban planning and it has retained its historic charm with Courtyards temples and historic residences the ancient streets of pinga are a Living Museum offering insight into China’s Rich history and culture

    Number nine alila Spain now we’re in AA Spain a city famous for its stunning medieval walls which are not only impressive but also have been recognized as a UNESCO world heritage site aila’s walls are a masterpiece of medieval military architecture they are made of granite and have 88 towers and nine Gates

    Providing a glimpse into Spain’s Rich history and its conflicts during the Middle Ages walking along these walls offers spectacular views of the city’s historic Center and the surrounding Countryside making it a Journey Through Time and Spanish Heritage number number 10 Jerusalem Israel finally we end our journey in the

    Holy city of Jerusalem Israel its ancient walls encompassing The Old City are Laden with history spirituality and culture making it one of the most incredible wall cities in the world these walls have seen the rise and fall of Empires the birth of religions and the meeting of cultures walking through the narrow

    Streets of the old city you’ll encounter holy sites such as the Western Wall wall the Church of the Holy Seiler and the Dome of the Rock Jerusalem’s walls are a testament to the enduring significance of this city which holds a special place in the hearts of billions around the

    World and there you have it our list of the top 10 most incredible wall cities in the world these cities not only provide a glimpse into the past but also continue to inspire and Captivate visitors from around the globe which of these walled cities would you love to

    Explore let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to like this video and share it with your fellow history enthusiasts thanks for joining us on this amazing journey and until next time happy Exploring


    1. All of the scenes of Pingyao are actually Xian. That's too bad because Pingyao is by far the most beautiful and better preserved of the two walled cities.

    2. I'm so disappointed a list like this does not include Morella. A Spanish town that is still almost 100% contain within its walls. Placed on a mountainous area, the town climbs a steep hill, with a massive castle at the top. The main entrance, faces north, with two monumental towers, bridged together at the top, so oversized they seem fake. An entrance that is best seen from the next hill, as it gives a great view of the entrance, the castle, and the remains of a roman aqueduct that supplied the town with water. A view that is almost of a fantasy setting.
      The inner streets are also very pretty and authentic, full of things to see for such a small town.

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