Follow a team of brave archaeologists who have encountered something so unexpected and shocking that it could turn the understanding of human history upside down.

    In the gloomy, secretive depths, they discovered secrets that had been hidden for eons – artifacts and drawings that reveal a civilization no one knew existed. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. What they discover next is so shocking that it sends waves of astonishment around the globe.

    Imagine exploring a mysterious cave and coming across a find that amazes the whole world that’s exactly what happened to a group of adventurers and we don’t want to deprive you of their Amazing Story the dead Axe Murderer the year is 1916 when Joseph Henry Loveless murders his sleeping wife Agnes with a hatchet

    And although Joseph was promptly arrested as a result he found himself at large just a few days later officially the killer managed to break out of St Anthony prison in Idaho by cutting the bars of his cell however it was rumored even then that Joseph had very likely

    Received help from the outside be that as it may from then on there was no trace of the axe murderer and it appeared that he had indeed managed to escape however in 1979 a family was to make a gruesome Discovery in the Buffalo cave near the town of

    Dubo a headless torso that someone had tied up in a canvas sack and although a hand an arm and both legs were recovered from the cave in subsequent years it would take until 2019 before the Dead Man’s identity was finally deciphered one DNA test from Loveless is 87-year-old grandson later

    It was determined that these were indeed the bones of the escaped killer after all this time however we can only speculate about the exact circumstances of Joseph less’ death all that is certain is that his body was dismembered with several Sharp Tools some researchers believe it is possible that

    The murder was the work of Agnes’s family the cave of horror what officially goes by the name Nal he cave is also known among archaeologists as the cave of horror but what’s the deal with this Eerie nickname located in the Judean desert in Israel this site made headlines for housing countless

    Skeletons of Jewish refugees from the time of the baroka uprising thus between the years of 132 and 136 the Jewish inhabitants revolted against the Roman foreign rulers and although the Romans initially suffered heavy losses the Revolt ended with the killing and enslavement of most of the population thus in the 1960s the

    Skeletons of 40 men women and children were also recovered from the cave of Horrors furthermore the researchers also came across other significant artifacts here including fragments of letters coins and copies of biblical texts but that’s not all in 20121 experts discovered a 6,000-year-old remains of a partially

    Mummified girl in the cave the child aged between 6 and 12 had once been covered with a cloth and laid to rest in a shallow pit in the same breath the forensic experts managed to find another big hit together with the grave they discovered some 2,000-year-old fragments

    Of the Dead Sea Scrolls these were Greek translations of the books of Zachariah and Nahum shark from the prehistoric times if we turn back the Wheel of Time 330 million years we end up in the era when cottis made the oceans unsafe these prehistoric sharks reached body lengths

    Of up to 9 M and were among the top predators of the underwater world at the time and a few years ago researchers in Mammoth Cave National Park were lucky enough to uncover remains of such a prehistoric shark located in the state of Kentucky the enormous Mammoth Cave

    With an extension of over 675 m is the largest cave in the world after the experts had Tracked Down the fossilized teeth and cartilage of the prehistoric fish here they were completely overwhelmed so the examination of the jaw shape alone can help find out more about the way of life of this species

    And to classify it more precisely in the superordinate shark family tree the cannibal cave it’s a realization that is both disconcerting and disturbing 14,700 years ago our ancestors ate other people the gruesome finds recorded in goff’s cave in the English County of Somerset leave no doubt about this for

    Example experts recovered several human remains in the cave including a teenager and a 3-year-old toddler that showed clear signs of cannibalism while while many bones had been nibbled and chewed and possessed cut marks three skulls were even said to have been carefully fashioned into vessels now one might

    Think that as a result of a severe famine the inhabitants of goff’s cave at the time knew no other way to help themselves than to pounce on their fellow species but this is not true cannibalism was not practiced out of desperation but as a part of a ritual

    For in fact bones of horses deer chickens and hairs were also to be found in the cave which is why the food supply must have been anything but scarce and also the conscientious processing of the human remains indicates that the prehistoric cannibalism was not merely due to the satisfaction of hunger a

    Scientific analysis showed how conscientiously the skulls were prepared according to this shortly after death the skulls were carefully freed from soft Parts such as the tongue eyes and lips after the subsequent removal of the facial bones and the base of the skull the remaining remains were shaped into

    Shells nowadays it is not easy to reconstruct the reasons for this bizarre practice however since the skeleton showed no signs of violent impact some experts speculate that the people were eaten only after their natural deaths possibly to honor the deceased intoxicated Cave visitors experts have debated for several decades

    What role mind expanding substances played in the creation of cave paintings a depiction immortalized hundreds of years ago on the walls of California’s pin wheel cave is now expected to help shed some light on the historical mystery researchers agree that the painting depicts a hallucinogenic detura what’s more not far from the painting

    The Experts also came across some Fiber remains of the same plant in detail we are dealing here with the first known evidence of the consumption of a hallucinogen at a rock art site but do these discoveries and findings mean that the cave artists of the time were necessarily High well not necessarily

    Because in fact the effect of datura is described as exceedingly the extreme those who consume the psychoactive substances henceforth find themselves in a trans-like state that lacks any sense of time very real hallucinations and severe anxiety can also accompany the intoxication in view of this it seems unlikely to scientists that the artists

    Were under the influence of this debilitating effect when they produce their Works nonetheless the cave probably served as a place for ritual group ceremony in which the detura was consumed furthermore hunting tools bone remains and implements testify to the fact that the site was used not only for intoxicating Gatherings but also for

    Other purposes the Crone shortly after two hikers decided to leave the official trails in the New York Catskill Mountains they unexpectedly found themselves at the entrance of a small cave inside the natural cavity the men then came across something that made their blood run cold a bizarre little

    Wooden figure that someone had driven a rope around its neck and six small Nails into its head in the end however curiosity was stronger than fear which is why the hikers took the Eerie object home with them without further Ado but soon after some strange occurrences are

    Said to have happened in their house from muddy Footprints to the acurate smell of stagnant pond water to an incident that made the hikers regret their decision thus on the seventh day after the discovery a frightening shadowy figure appeared in the living room sitting huddled in a corner staring

    At the men with its blood red eyes henceforth the mysterious creature was christened the Crone after the men gave the wooden figure to a museum of paranormal andic cult the disturbing events also stopped with a thud The Hobbit Cave the leang bua Cave on the Indonesian island of Flores or the

    Home of the prehistoric Hobbits thus in 2003 the first remains of the species homo florenci Enis were discovered here which were significantly smaller than our direct ancestors in the context of the first description the age of the found bones were at first estimated at 18,000 years which would have meant that

    Modern humans and and Homo florenci enes would have inevitably run over each other however more recent Research indicates that the fossils were at least 60,000 years old according to our current knowledge Homo sapiens was not yet resident in the region at the time furthermore we know that the first find

    Embodies the remains of a woman about 30 years old who was less than a meter tall and weighed a maximum of 29 kilos further discoveries show that this was by no means an individual anomaly but correspond to the average characteristics of this species compared to humans homo florenci enus possessed

    Unusually large and flat feet which is probably why it moved only very leisurely furthermore this species was equipped with disappropriate long arms especially exciting if one follows the myths of the natives homo florenci Enis might have actually managed to survive until the 19th century thus the natives told the European researchers about the

    People of the so-called eugogo whom their ancestors had still met it would have been about creatures which were as small as children and the exception of the face completely hairy among themselves the eugogo communicated in an incomprehensible mumbling however they also pared what the people told them the

    Last a goo is said to have disappeared shortly before the colonization of the island by the Dutch an underwater cave bursting with ancient Mayan artifacts a colossal Stone sphere and a bizarre alien mummy our world is truly full of mysteries for example mysterious artifacts that simply

    Can’t be put into a logical context are popping up all over the place the Mayan cave it sounds like the the story of an Indiana Jones movie but it’s reality in the hidden crevices and Nooks of the world’s largest underwater cave system lie the remains of ancient humans and

    Long extinct animals in the flooded caves of sakun in Mexico for example researchers came across among other things a 9,000 year-old human skull archaeologist guod dionda who is leading the investigation of the cave calls it the most important underwater archaeological Cy in the world while the system’s record-breaking Dimensions span

    More than 345 km deanda’s team found that a vast underground cave system called Doos is connected to sakun those connected cave systems in turn contain the bones of extinct Pine animals including the remains of giant sloths short-nosed bears and gumia elephant-like herbivores why the bone bones ended up

    In this cave system of all places has not been conclusively clarified it is conceivable that the animals fell into the socalled cenotes or water holes and drowned however some bones could also have been washed into the cave along with the rising sea level the bottom line is that the complex home to nearly

    200 different archaeological sites more than half of which belonging to the legendary Mayan civilization while the Mayan Empires flourished between the years 2000 BC and 1,000 ad their traces are still not fully uncovered it is possible that some human remains were placed in the caves after death others

    May have come from ritual sacrifices furthermore archaeologists have discovered Pottery artwork and statues that were probably thrown into the Cotes as part of sacred rituals and yet although many stunning finds have already been recorded in the cave researchers are certain that they have only uncovered the tip of a much much

    Larger archaeological Iceberg for in fact the underwater sites are far from being fully mapped which is why no one knows what undiscovered Treasures still lie dormant there enigmatic Stone sphere the work of a lost Advanced civilization or merely an idiosyncratic freak of nature ever since the mass Stone sphere was

    Discovered in Bosnia experts have been puzzling over the true background of the massive object with a diameter of 3.3 M and an estimated weight of 35 tons the sphere has attracted many curious visitors over the years and if we briefly recall the mysterious Stone fears of Costa Rica at this point it is

    Indeed reasonable to assume that we are dealing with a man-made artifact this assumption is also held by archaeologist Samir osmanagic while the massive structure is located in a forest near the town of voko the Bosnian Indiana Jones states that it originates from an unknown civilization that inhabited the region

    Over a thousand years ago furthermore the red brown color of the sphere would indicate a very high iron content however other experts point out that this iron content is typical for a so-called concretion these are again mineral Aggregates which are formed in a completely natural way atakama mummy have all the heated

    Discussions finally come to end ever since the so-called AMA mummy was found in 2003 in the desert that gives it its name in Chile the world public has been asking itself one central question what the hell is it after all one thing is indisputable with its size of 13 cm its

    Elongated skull and strikingly hard bones the skeleton looks anything but human against this background some people suspect that we are actually dealing with the remains of a completely unknown species a species that may not even have come from Earth however scientific DNA analysis paints a far more terrestrial picture accordingly the

    Analysis concluded that the genetic material came from a human however experts were still unable to explain the bizarre appearance of the atakama Mummy finally one genome analysis later a study found that the skeleton had a total of seven genetic mutations all of which influenced human growth thus the researchers assume that the strange

    Appearance is due to the combination of these mutations among other things these lead to premature inessence short stature and severe malformations accordingly the alleged alien is probably a stillborn fetus or a child that died shortly after birth the Viking sword every summer Saga vanichic goes with her parents and

    Little brother to Lake vast in southern Sweden while the girl usually build sand castles there or skip stones across the water an incident occurred a few years ago that made vanich a national celebrity overnight when Saga went into the water on a bright beautiful summer day she suddenly felt something long and

    Hard on her knee sticking out of the cayar bottom of the lake after pulling the object out she immediately noticed that this was something different from the Sticks and Stones she usually finds there lo and behold Saga had just accidentally discovered an ancient Viking sword that left the archaeologist she contacted in disbelief

    While the sword is estimated to be500 years old the family was initially asked to keep the exciting find a secret the researchers first wanted to make sure if there were any other historical Treasures slumbering in the lake and indeed afterwards the experts were to track down another brooch from the

    Viking age and a coin from the 18th century and even though Saga found it a bit of a shame that she had to give her sword to the local Museum she’s happy that it can now be admired by other people as well a city in the basement old clothes long-forgotten toys a full

    Grown City basement finds are truly something exciting and yes you heard that right in 1963 a man in Turkey made a strange observation his chickens kept disappearing through a gap in his basement that had opened up during renovation work to find out where his feathered contemporaries were going the

    Man tore down a wall and discovered something almost unbelievable the unique basement find has since been known as dinku describing a colossal underground city located in capid doia however the hidden site is still accompanied by many question marks for example why don’t we know exactly who built dinku or why some

    Experts suggest that the site was laid out by the hites over 4,000 years ago others estimate that we’ve been dealing with a secret Christian Refuge however the bulk of durink use still Slumbers in obscurity it is estimated that only 25% of the original complex has been

    Uncovered so far the part that has been uncovered so far comprises eight floors with rooms covering a total area of 2500 s m in addition to living and sleeping quarters these also house a monastery a wine press storage in meeting rooms churches and even a dungeon regarding the number of inhabitants experts

    Estimates vary widely while some experts believe that almost 3,000 people lived here at the same time others consider a population of 50,000 conceivable sealed off from the outside world by so-called roll Stone doors dinku had a sophisticated ventilation system consisting of over 1,500 shafts in fact the air circul ation system still works

    To this day the system was also used to transport water news from Sakara the ancient Egyptian necropolis of Sakara is always good for new surprises a few months ago researchers discovered several ancient embalming workshops here giving us a startling glimpse into the mummification skills of the fonic Empire’s inhabitant

    Laid out about 2400 years ago the sites contain Stone beds on which the bodies of the deceased rested during the procedure at the end of the beds scientists discovered gutters as well as clay pots that were used to store internal organs furthermore the find also included sheets and Natron salt to

    Stop decomposition all moisture was removed from the body during mummification a workshop was apparently used for embalming animals for as is well known the Egyptians were also known to preserve for Prosperity those animals they considered sacred these included cats for example as well as ibises and apis Bulls if one follows the

    Explanations of the director of the archaeological site of Sakara this was the first time that embalming workshops were discovered there in connection with temples a circumstance that is clearly different from the previous finds until now such facilities were always associated with the deity ipus in Memphis in the course of the one-year

    Excavation the researchers of Sakara also traced two new tombs which are considerably older than the embalming workshops thus the age of the tombs is estimated at 4,400 and 3,400 years respectively experts were also unable to uncover the identity of those buried they were two priests named NES bah and

    Men kebler other finds include statues and artwork and even some ancient Egyptian cheese when some scientists entered a cave that had been locked for millions of years they couldn’t believe their eyes you wonder what an ancient cave complex can hide well let’s just say that life sometimes finds bizarre

    Ways to flourish in even the most incredible places Cave of M the cave of Mile in Romania in in other words a 5.5 milliony Old Time Capsule that opens a vivid window today long gone located near the town of mangalia on the shores of a lake this complex has been slumbering beneath the

    Surface for at least 500,000 years in detail it would take until 1986 before Christian lasu discovered the structure thus opening the door to a hidden world that can be confidently described as extreme this already starts with the access to the cave if you want to reach the underground cavity you have to

    Conquer a water Vein from a depth of 400 met which on top of everything else is extremely sulf Furious the same applies to the atmosphere inside the cave itself the oxygen content there is 66% lower than outside in the same breath the proportion of cave carbon dioxide

    Exceeds that in the outside air by 100 fold against this background it seems almost unbelievable that the mooil cave is home to a fully developed ecosystem despite this so far researchers have been able to identify no less than 69 different species here more than 30 of

    Which do not appear in any other place in the world the cave animals include spiders leeches and so-called pseudoscorpions as well as centipedes isopods and even a snail the latter however may not have been native to the cave from the beginning but only belonged to the animal community for 2 million

    Years especially exciting without exception we are dealing with prehistoric animal species that have adapted perfectly to the merciless environment over the course of time time for example some creatures have completely regressed their eyes or the color pigments of their skin especially puzzling we have no idea how the animals

    Managed in detail to adapt to the oxygen poor atmosphere the only thing that is certain is that one pillar of the ecosystem is based on the existence of sulfur bacteria these form a bofilm on the water on which fungi grow on which other creatures feed and if the creatures manage to defy

    Even the most adverse requirements why shouldn’t they have succeeded in other places on Earth or in other places in the universe enigmatic structures thousands of years ago some neanderthals followed a puzzling procedure by the light of torches our extinct relatives spent hours tearing one stalagmite after another from the

    Cave floor removing the top and the base and carefully laying them side by side in this way not one one but two circular structures were created but what was the strange ritual all about practiced 175,000 years ago in a cave near the French city of tulo is an unsolved

    Mystery but the very fact that it was practiced gives us a rare glimpse into Neanderthal social organization the days when we thought this species of genus homo was crude and unintelligent are long gone thus archaeological evidence suggests the pressing conclusion that NE thals could think symbolically that they had basic

    Knowledge of chemistry medicine as well as cooking and possibly even possess some language ability in fact they may have even taught modern humans a new craft skill when the two species met and interbred altamura man deep in the heart of a great Cave System amidst countless stalagtites Slumber the remains of an

    Individual that was always the focus of heated debate what we do not know is that the the so-called altamura man was recovered in 1993 from a cave near the namesake town of altamura Italy what we don’t know however is what species of the genus homo we are dealing with here

    In detail originally categorized as homo hyle bergus and subsequently as Neanderthal assignment as Homo sapiens is also not ruled out dated to an age of about 130,000 years the fossil impresses above all those with its almost complete degree of preservation experts assume that the altamura man injured himself when he

    Fell into the cave and then got lost in it unable to find an exit in the absolute darkness and unable to climb out he surrendered to his fate and died although the timura man still rests in the cave it is not possible to visit it the complex is closed to visitors ancient

    Vegetables what did our ancestors actually eat 170,000 years ago well the unique remains found in the cave in Africa suggest that the paleo diet included lots of roasted carbohydrate vegetables in 2016 a team of researchers from the University of wiwand in South Africa discovered dozens of charcoal fragments and in them ultimately traces

    Of a plant of the genus hypoxis in detail these were the remains of so-called ryom stems that grow Underground in terms of their cobro hydrate content the ryom of hypoxis plants are comparable to potatoes even if they are more reminisent of sweet potatoes in terms of taste although the seeds of

    Root vegetables and other plants have already been found at an 800,000 year old site in Israel this find embodies the earliest evidence of food roasting chette cave no post about the most Sensational cave finds of all time without chette cave in France in fact if you will we

    Are looking at a stone age Art Exhibit Tracked Down in 1994 by recreational archaeologist Jean Marie chave the more than 400 murals with their 1,000 painted animals and symbols bear witness to how our ancestors perceive the world around them radiocarbon dating suggests that the cave located near the small town of

    Valon Ponda was used by humans over two periods the first period about 37 to 33,500 years ago was followed by the more recent phase of use which began about 31 to 28,000 years before our time whether woolly rhinoceroses horses eagle owls or deer the depicted animals which are characterized by a remarkable

    Variety prove the artistic talent our ancestors possessed however studded with countless details scientists are still puzzling over the purpose the paintings had at the time the evidence gathered so far suggests that the artworks were created as part of cultural and ritual acts if you are hoping to see the cave

    Paintings up close we have some bad news for you the chave cave is not allowed to be entered by civilians the risk is too high that the air you breathe will cause a change in the humidity of the air and thus lead to fungal infections even the professional

    Researchers are only allowed to stay here for a few hours and even that only for a few weeks a year here oldest wine in the world it is said that wines get better with age but what happens when the wine in question is not just a few decades

    Old but several Millennia old in a cave in Armenia archaeologists have Unearthed an ancient wine press fermentation and storage vessels drinking cups as well as withered Vines skins and seeds the special thing this very cave had already made the headlines before this find when researchers Tracked Down the oldest

    Known leather shoe here while this was made about 5,500 years ago the production of wine probably took place between the years 4100 and 4,000 BC the exact identity of the ancient leather shoe wearing wine drinkers remains a mystery but the wine was probably used in ceremonies held to

    Honor the dead thus the experts found 20 Graves around the wine press and significantly many drinking cups were found in the immediate vicinity of the graves the cannibal grave absolutely disturbing scenes took place in Go’s cave in the English County of Somerset 14,700 years ago humans were praying on

    Their own kind dismembering their remains and garring their flesh down to the bone but what had it with the backgrounds of this frightening cannibalism on itself did the cave dwellers act out of a Great Famine did they not know how to help themselves in their desperation well not quite if one

    Follows the statements of the experts then the human flesh was eaten in the context of a holy ritual that the recovered bones were clearly KN on by human teeth was never in question given the unmistakable teeth marks however some bones also show signs of cutting and three skulls were even reshaped so

    That they could hence force be used as bowls again among the most fascinating discoveries are the zigzag notches carved into a forarm bone at this point we should not forget one thing while cannibalism is a cruel disgusting and terrifying practice to us in a historical context it can tell us a lot

    About the complexity of a group accordingly the nod and decorated bone remains testify to the fact that the people of the time manifested a higher belief in their actions no matter how strange it may seem from today’s perspective the skeletons have no signs that indicate the dead were killed by

    Force very very likely they died a natural death possibly the engraving of the bones should serve the memory and or the reverence perhaps researchers speculate cannibalism was just a macor way of burial different in implementation but with the same meaning as cremations burials and mummification the mysterious father

    Crespy claims to have found evidence of the existence of Giants and extraterrestrial civilizations and indeed there is tangible evidence of these ancient myths and legends a fabled golden library but why is this Sensational find being covered up by the Vatican The Man Behind the mystery the story surrounding the ominous father

    Crispy couldn’t be more mysterious According to some controversial reports the priest stumbled upon an underground cave system in Ecuador complete with a metallic Library the artifacts there would completely overturn our common view of history for example the bizarre structures like the Americas to ancient Sumerians provide evidence of alien

    Visitation and reveal a global Vatican conspiracy but how much of this breathtaking story is true in the end and why is Father krispy’s private artifact collection actually kept in inaccessible storage rooms and vaults today first let’s start with the established facts what we do know is that father Carlos Krispy cochi was a

    Monk of the selian order who was born in Italy in 1891 one after studying anthropology at the University of Milan he decided to pursue a career as a clergyman as part of this crespy was sent to the small Indian Town of Kina in Ecuador in 1923 to do charitable work

    Among the indigenous population a task to which the priest was to devote himself until his death in 1982 within the local population the Italian born priest enjoyed great popularity to this day a statue of kesie commemorates the priest merciful Deeds among other things he founded an orphanage in several schools distributed

    Money and food and always had an open air for the worries and needs of the residents however father Krispy did not only want to help the people of cenda he also showed a keen interest in the numerous other indigenous tribes throughout Ecuador and tried to learn about their traditions and culture The crespy

    Collection overwhelmed by the priest’s selfless charity the natives eventually began began donating various artifacts to him in gratitude for his dedication these objects came from all parts of the country and represented virtually all of Ecuador’s indigenous cultures knowing that the families in the area were often desperately poor but that their pride

    Prevented them from asking him for money cresy insisted on paying them for their gifts as it happened father crispy acquired more than 50,000 objects over the decades some of them there was no doubt about it were clearly modern forgeries for the the clergymen however it was the gesture that counted so this

    Did not bother him after the crespy collection had taken on ever greater proportions the Vatican granted permission to found a museum to house the artifacts but unfortunately most of them were to be destroyed in a fire in 1962 since even the undamaged specimens were subsequently removed the rest of

    The crespy collection was considered irretrievably lost for decades what happened to the missing objects was completely uncertain while some suspected that they would henceforth gather dust in Hidden basement archives others thought it more likely that they would be sold to private collectors or taken to the Vatican unexplained

    Artifacts many of the crispy artifacts were common in that they could be clearly attributed to a particular indigenous culture however among the collection were some strange items that still cause heated debate today some of these objects seem to have a Babylonian style others seem to be made of pure

    Gold and and were decorated with strange symbols that could not be assigned to any known South American culture it seemed that the unknown characters were some kind of ancient writing that no expert had ever seen before Richard Windgate had the honor of seeing the mysterious artifacts with his own eyes in the

    1970s after the researcher and writer from Florida had examined and photographed the extensive collection he was deeply impressed he described the objects as quote the most valuable archaeological Treasure of all all time and by that he did not mean that the value of gold and silver objects Rose immeasurably but rather the fact

    The collection raised some fundamental historical questions how could it be that artifacts classified as Assyrian Egyptian Chinese and African appeared among the ranks of Ecuador’s indigenous populations if one follows the official histography these groups should never have met Presby also considered it impossible that the roots of the object

    Objects were in Ecuador he suspected a Babylonian origin finally Windgate complained that the researchers are apparently not at all interested in getting to the bottom of this mystery on the contrary it seemed as if the crespy collection was being deliberately erased from public coverage the secret

    Library 1973 was the year in which the crespy collection finally hit the international headlines thus Eric bonin’s controversial book gold of the Gods was published at that time in it the proponent of pre- astronautics claimed that a certain Juan Maurice discovered a secret tunnel system in the

    Teos caves in Ecuador that hid something almost unbelievable a colossal metal Library brimming with mysterious gold artifacts these objects had been handed over to Father crespy afterwards furthermore Von denigan stated that the artifacts came from the ranks of A Lost Civilization and were created with the help of extraterrestrial be

    Beings following the claims of meritz and Von danin the library consisted of thousands of books with metal pages each page adorned with cryptic symbols geometric patterns and unknown inscriptions furthermore the hidden vault was so gigantic that it could not possibly have been built by humans the beings who created the library would

    Have to be compared to Giants in the flesh on the trail of the mystery but how do we classify these almost unbelievable reports well this is a question that the staff of ancient Origins also wanted to get to the bottom of for this reason they set out for

    Ecuador to search for answers on site with success from Padre javia haran the current priest in kenka and a former companion of kesie they learned that the artifacts were acquired by the Ecuadorian Central Bank after the fire of 1962 and indeed a meeting was then arranged with Dr Louie Alvarez who allow

    The visitors to admire the remaining cresy collection with their own eyes however Alvarez who is a Bonafide crespy expert emphasized that there is absolutely nothing to the claims made by Moritz and Van donin rather he said the priest was completely shocked when he learned of the supposed discovery of the metal

    Library after the Central Bank of Ecuador agreed to the visit the ancient Origins employees were presented with an overwhelming sight as they walked through the storage rooms and marveled at row after row they spotted ceremonial figurines weapons jewelry Pottery elongated skulls and even some shrunken heads the only thing missing was any

    Trace of the metal pages from the underground Library the book pages doubters would claim at this point that the journalists did not get to see the pages of course after all the string pullers in the background would do anything to maintain the image of official histography asked about the metal Pages

    The experts Pres present immediately waved them off saying that the Central Bank refused to buy the objects because they were nothing more than fake scrap metal nevertheless Dr Alvarez agreed to guide visitors to the disputed plates these were stored at the opposite end of the complex in an old dilapitated

    Building while the previous artifacts had been neatly sorted and expertly displayed the plates were wildly jumbled on the floor and in simple cardboard boxes a quick glance was enough to realize that the people in charge did not attach any value to these objects moreover the plates were not made of

    Gold or silver at all but a very soft elastic material reminiscent of aluminum the decorations were at times crude and bumbling it is true that some of these scenes depicted were quite bizarre and yet they looked merely like modern carvings in cheap sheet metal should these really have been those

    Legendary artifacts that Von dankin had so pompously described in his book final thoughts let us draw a short conclusion at this point one thing is certain father cresy has indeed collected countless authentic artifacts from the ranks of the indigenous population in the course of his life but

    It is also certain the plates that the journalists examined had nothing to do with those breathtaking objects that Von dankin mentioned in Gold of the gauze is the story about the underground Library therefore invalid or have the originals always been kept in the secret Archives of the Vatican as is suspected in some

    Circles but even apart from that a mystery remains what happened to the mysterious gold artifacts that Richard Windgate photographed in the 1970s why were they not in the bank’s store rooms were they authentic and if so what historical significance do they hold even if we have come a few steps

    Closer to solving the mystery of the crespy collection some Mysteries still remain hidden should you live in an apartment or a house should you live in in the country or the city I’m sure most of us can agree that finding the perfect place to live out the rest of our lives can be

    A bit tricky and often causes many headaches for families Angelo Mastro Pietro back in 1999 Angelo Mastro Pietro was going on a biking adventure with several of his friends they spent the day traveling through the forested areas of their British Homeland twisting through mountainous curves and generally having a great time exploring the

    Outdoors on their bikes however what they never anticipated was a dense downpour of rain that would almost ruin their trip as they’re working their way through the forest thick clouds begin to form overhead before they know it the clouds give way to a violent storm that forces the men to abandon their

    Adventure and find shelter they pull off the road and quickly try to to find somewhere to hide in the nearby woods so that they can wait out the storm and continue their Journey as they’re searching one of the men comes across an old cave that appears to have been dug

    Into the mountain side many years ago the friends all gather inside the cave and wait for the storm to blow over when it does they pack up their things and continue on their Journey what Angelo never expected was that this chance encounter with a cave would change his

    Life forever as the years passed by Angelo almost forgot about the cave he eventually began to dedicate all of his free time to his career and even managed to move across the globe and set up a home in Australia his career was doing better than ever but Angelo’s life was

    About to change forever he went to a doctor’s appointment one day and got the worst news of his life he was being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis or Ms he took this terrible news as a signed that he needed to slow down so he decided to take a step back from his

    Career and considered moving back to Britain he began to wonder if all the stress he was placing on himself was truly worth it so he decided to sell his Australian home and make his way back to his hometown interestingly while he was searching for homes in the area he found

    Out that the cave he and his friends had sought shelter in all those years ago was now up for sale the cave and all of the surrounding Forest had just been placed on the market for €80,000 Angelo could not believe his eyes but he

    Knew what he had to do he got on a plane and headed back to his former home and purchased the property he spent the next several months Gathering supplies and hiring workers to help make his dream come true while it may seem insane these days to turn a cave into your permanent

    Home Angelo did exactly that after more than a year of construction he turned this dilapidated cave into a fully functional modern home the home is complete with all the modern amenities you’d expect a kitchen washer dryer electricity running water and even an internet connection experts believe that

    The home has been carved into the mountain side for as long as the Earth has been around it’s believed that indigenous people began using the cave as a home more than 800 years ago now all these years later the cave has become a home once again in the end

    Renovating the cave and getting everything up and running cost Angelo about 130,000 in many places around the world a 210,000 total investment into a home truly isn’t that bad of a deal these days Angelo is no longer living in the home instead it’s being rented out as a

    Holiday spot for tourists and locals let us know in the comments would you like to spend a few days in this bizarre idea of a home the converted Boeing 727 many of us have taken a trip in an airplane at some point in our lives even

    If you haven’t how would you like to live in one just think about it your home would have more windows than any other Home in the area you’d also have dozens upon dozens of seats to sit in but in all seriousness just imagine completely converting a 727 aircraft

    Into a suitable home that’s exactly what Bruce Campbell decided to do Portland Oregon is a beautiful area full of incredible buildings and Luscious Greenery to explore however if you wander around the forested areas for long enough you may stumble across an abandon Boeing 727 the new home of Bruce this aircraft

    Was scheduled to be dismantled and scrapped but Bruce couldn’t let them that happened he saw potential in the aircraft and decided to purchase the remnants of it for about 220,000 American dollars Bruce is known to have a serious passion for flying so this was the perfect home for him he can

    Now have his own private jet and a luxurious home Allin one package Bruce did his best to keep the plane as fully intact as possible by all means he wanted to give the appearance of living out of a plane in the middle of the woods and he’s done a great job of that

    He converted the Pilot’s area into a reading Nook but decided to keep the plane’s original Plumbing Network and water system he uses the factory-built toilet as your everyday toilet and converted a few of the seats into a sofa he uses the walls on either side of the

    Aircraft as storage and has done a lot of work to the flooring to make sure it’s far more durable and feels much more like home in some areas he’s installed acrylic panels that allow him to see below the flooring and into the lower levels of his home by all means

    Bruce seems to be having the time of his life and is living the dream while living in a Boeing 727 floating Fortress have you ever thought about leaving the hustle and bustle of the city behind maybe you’ve been thinking about finding a secluded home that’s far away from everyone and everything so so

    That you can finally rest your mind and relax in peace and quiet if you’ve thought about this you’re certainly not alone however Wayne Adams and Katherine King took this idea to a new level when they decided to set up a home on their own little island when most of us think

    About living on the Open Water we’d consider a house boat or something similar however this couple was looking for a more permanent solution and decided to set up their home on a priv Private Island they’ve set up their home on what looks to have been a former boat

    Dock they’ve painted all the wood a beautiful mixture of pink and blue and have even invited plant life onto their dock to live with them for electricity they’ve set up a solar network of power panels that allows them to store energy from the Sun and use it as needed

    They’ve also managed to begin farming all their own food meaning these two are completely self-sufficient their incredible new home is said to have been built with 12 separate buildings each serving a unique purpose in addition to their main home there are also a few green houses a lighthouse and even a

    Dance floor they say that while their new home may look like a Tropical Paradise it was actually built out of necessity the two needed a place to live but they didn’t have a way to afford many of the expensive houses that can be found in the area today instead of

    Giving up hope and searching for home elsewhere where they expanded their search to not only include a survey of the land but also of the water it was here that they found their little piece of heaven nestled onto a body of water that wasn’t too far away from where

    They’d been shopping for an ordinary home needless to say it took the couple many years to get their home the way it is today when they first purchased it the home complex was a far cry from the beautiful Retreat that the two enjoy so much these days over the years as they

    Continued to live here they begun to upgrade their amenities and now have their small island exactly how they want it they say that they exclusively live off the food that nature provides to them they’ll most often eat fruits or vegetables that they’ve grown but they’ll also fish for food every now and

    Then as well however one of the craziest aspects of their home has got to be just how far out they live in the water according to the couple the nearest piece of land is a 45-minute boat ride away needless to say these two probably don’t have too many midnight trips to

    Walmart or afternoon Starbucks runs the largest wooden house in the world this story is incredible unbelievable and also very sad a Russian man named Nikolai suen came up with the idea of building his own home he didn’t have the funds necessary to pay someone

    Else to build it for him nor did he have the money to Simply buy an ordinary home because of this out of sheer necessity he decided to begin building his own home out of spare wood that he would come across over the years the bad part

    About this idea is that Nikolai was not an experienced Builder nor did he have any of the permits that the law required in order to build a home or any sort of structure for that matter however he didn’t let this stop him and he did did his best to learn along the way

    Gathering more and more information about building a home mall on your own before long Nikolai had ended up with a two-story home that left a lot to be desired he soon found out that the home he had built was not nearly large enough so he continued building over the next

    Few years adding countless rooms and levels to his home to make sure that he and his family would have all the space they needed to do everything they’d ever dreamed of by the end of it all Nikolai had built a home that was at least 13

    Levels high and had more rooms than any of us would dare try to count he had finally begun to become satisfied with his new home but that’s when tragedy began to strike we don’t know much about nikolai’s past but it seems like he had a shady history with the law and had

    Been involved in some illegal activities as we all know you can’t run from the law forever and all your bad deeds will eventually catch up to you that’s exactly what happened with Nikolai police showed up at his door one day and hauled him off to prison for 4 years

    Considering the house was still a construction zone at this point and Nikolai had no time to prepare his home for his departure it began to fall apart and break down all of his hard work after all these years would be ruined by nature and weather while he was away

    Leaving his home in a terrible state by the time he’d returned once police caught wind of what had happened they decided to investigate the home they found that he’d been building without a permit or license and after thoroughly inspecting the property they decided that the building needed to be condemned

    This is where the story becomes incredibly sad after a few short months the local authorities made the decision to demolish the home tearing it apart board by board Nikolai was devastated however he’d soon learn that at the time of of demolition he had created the world’s largest wooden house to have

    Ever been built in modern history though to make matters worse the home managed to catch fire during the demolition process meaning it burnt to the ground far sooner than authorities could tear it down nothing remains of the home today aside from nikolai’s fond memories of doing his best to make his dream a

    Reality ladies and gentlemen brace yourselves for a discovery that will blow your mind in an astounding feat of human exploration a team of fearless scientists has just opened a sealed cave that has been untouched for 5 million years and what they found inside is nothing short of

    Incredible from the moment the team of experts set foot inside the cave they knew they were on to something special the air was thick with anticipation as they carefully navigated through the dark and winding tunnels never knowing what lay around the next corner but what they found inside this

    Ancient cave is beyond anything they could have imagined we’re talking about an incredible discovery that could change the way we understand the history of our planet forever it’s something so extraordinary that we simply can’t keep it to ourselves that’s right we need your help to spread the word about this incredible discovery

    Scientists find 33 new species in a sealed cave what do you suppose you would discover inside a completely sealed off cave after 5 million years of complete seclusion from the outside world dinosaurs ancient bugs alien life evidence anyone nobody knew until Dr Christian lascu of Romania eventually

    Broke open the mile cave except for a few animals that had evolved to be able to live there no living thing had entered the cave for approximately 5 million years prior to that the cave was sealed off from the outside world for so long that fresh air was totally absent

    Making the air inside noxious and oppressively humid but these circumstances not only made it possible for Extraordinary life to develop but also for it to flourish some animals are simply so flexible and dissimilar from humans that they can live in places where we’d never think to settle down

    The ancient Time Capsule is home to 48 different species including spiders scorpions centipedes and a wide variety of other creatures surprisingly 33 of the creatures discovered are unique to this particular Grotto and exist nowhere else on Earth they have been around for longer than contemporary humans have but

    Because they lived in isolation inside a sealed cave no one has ever found them nearly all of the creatures that inhabit the mile Grotto are completely blind and devoid of all pigments that give color the organisms involved incredibly long antenna Limbs and other physical characteristics in order to navigate the

    Tunnel without the use of vision when a creature exists in complete darkness does it really need eyesight but it’s imperative to have backup plans in case you can’t see in the Gloom the majority of these creatures are unlike anything we’ve ever seen in a place where the ecosystem never receives any sunlight

    Evolution certainly does look different the area is also home to a distinctive ecosystem that makes use of the dangerous gases in the tunnel even though we can’t breed these gases to survive in such an ecosystem some kinds of organisms can actually flourish on them the various kinds of microbes must

    Engage in a process known as chemosynthesis in order to consume food this technique uses toxic gas in place of sunlight and transforms it into a sustenance for the bacteria which is similar to the photosynthesis process that plants use on the surface chemosynthesis enables creatures to produce food by using chem chemical

    Reactions to produce energy naturally these smaller organisms become food for bigger organisms once they have produced their own food from the air while scorpions spiders and invertebrates consume the smaller animals worms shrimp and other small creatures eat the bacteria as a result everything inside the cave can continue to live and thrive

    In a perfect cycle of life that is entirely self-sufficient mile cave is the only ecosystem of its kind on dry ground however comparing environments exist in the ocean depths where organisms coexist with hydrothermal vents and support a lot of the same kinds of Life moal cave has been

    Accessible to researchers for 30 years has the potential to reveal a wealth of fresh data regarding the course of evolution but there is still much to learn about this region on the globe how did these animals end up trapped in the cave despite some plausible theories

    Experts are still baffled as to how the animals ended up in the cave in the first place many scientists think that the bacteria in the cave have been there for much longer than 5 million years but that other animals may have crawled or fell into a hole just before Mother

    Earth sealed it up they had to learn to live on what was available once they were locked inside and over time they evolved to thrive on their scarce resources according to Jay Colin Morell a microbiologist from the University of East Anglia it’s very likely that the bacteria have been there for a lot

    Longer than 5 million years but that the in became trapped there around that time the Limestone cast could have easily dropped trapping them inside and sealing the cave until it was rediscovered in 1986 in the moal cave there is still much that needs to be explored and learned and scientists will probably

    Continue to study this amazing site for many years to come would you like to explore this amazing Grotto and observe the rare life forms that occupy it how do you suppose they got there hidden e ecosystem a few months ago researchers in Antarctica stumbled across an unusual detail satellite images showed that a

    Subglacial river was hiding beneath the mighty Larson ice shelf in order to discover the secret of this Hidden World the experts drilled down about 500 M what the lowered camera then caught surprised the wildest dreams of the experts to all appearances hundreds of blurry spots danced through the water at

    First the researchers thought something was wrong with their equipment but the equipment worked perfectly after refocusing the camera it became clear that what they thought were spots were actually Myriad tiny Crustaceans called anthropods since the experts had never expected to find life at such depths their jaws immediately dropped

    Researchers have long suspected that a complex network of rivers and lakes lies dormant beneath the Antarctic ice but unfortunately this has hardly been explored to date as spectacular as the discovery of the hid hiden ecosystem may be it also shows the experts once again how many Secrets there are to still be

    Unraveled in Antarctica accordingly the nature of the subglacial river presented itself completely differently than the researchers had previously suspected bizarre life forms as if the discovery just presented wasn’t exciting enough in 2021 the Antarctic researchers made an equally Sensational bang this time however the groundbreaking fine was

    Not hidden at a depth of 500 M but at a full 900 M under the dense ice sheet there the expert’s camera captured some surreal looking formations that remained in their round heads and long stalks on the rocks of the secret underwater world this discovery is particularly unusual because according to our current

    Knowledge it should not actually exist previously the existence of seditary creatures under such extreme circumstances was simply ruled out but then how do these creatures survive the impenetrable Darkness freezing temperatures and scarce food supply of their homes in this regard experts assume that as the yet unidentified creatures which are probably sponges

    Feed on dead Plankton that have already drifted countless kilometers through the ocean however the complete decoding of this revolutionary find is still a long way off we currently do not know how old the creatures are nor whether we are really de dealing with a new species huge jungle International

    Experts were deeply impressed by The Sensational discovery made by a team of speleologists in China a few months ago accordingly the researchers in the GUI autonomous region encountered a huge sinkhole that resembles a natural Time Capsule a perfectly preserved primeval Forest Slumbers at the bottom of the 300

    M long and 150 M wide pit after repelling into the isolated Forest world the exploration team encountered shoulder High shrub and trees over 100 ft tall but that’s not all the scientists suspect that the forest is also home to countless small animals that are currently completely unknown to

    Us such sink holes typically occur in carts areas these landforms form when rain absorbs carbon dioxide in the atmosphere forming carbonic acid the slightly acidic precipitation then seeps into the cracks and openings in a rock as the rainwater dissolves celite marble and Dolomite it forms the characteristic caves streams and

    Cesspools sandang ho what animal secrets are slumbering in the Chinese sinkhole remains to be found out in the future the song cave in Vietnam shows us how groundbreaking the decoding of such a hidden world can be first discovered in 1991 this massive complex stretches 9 km in length counting at least 150

    Individual caves however we don’t just come across Barren stone walls and bizarre stalactite formations here in fact there are also lakes rivers and even a jungle of their own the cave jungle not only includes some rare plants such as certain orchids and Hues but also a number of newly discovered

    Animal species since the fauna could flourish here undisturbed the suong cave is now home to over 100 species of mammals 70 different species of birds and fish and 60 species of amphibians animals we didn’t know anything about before exploring the cave including the gray shanked do and the Sea Antelope

    Since 2013 tourists have also been allowed to take a look at this breathtaking complex if you want to be one of the 700 people who are allowed to visit the songdong cave between February and August you have to Shell out about €3,000 and be in good physical condition

    In in order to reach the cave which lies deep in the heart of the Jungle several days are necessary 224 new species how many Secrets the terrestrial animal and plant world still hides becomes clear to us when we look at the numerous new discoveries that have been

    Recorded within a year of the reparan states of the Southeast Asian makong accordingly the range of Flora and Fauna could be expanded by 155 plants 35 reptiles 17 amphibians 16 fish and one mammal the latter is the popal longar a species of monkey that reaches a body length of 60

    Cm and weighs a good 8 kilos in the highlands of Vietnam researchers came across the spadefoot frog although the small amphibian has only been just discovered it is already in danger its natural habitat is threatened by deforestation the appearance of this new gecko is particularly interesting it

    Looks as though the upper body fell into a yellow orange paint pot while its abdomen is presented in a shade of gray no other known animal on the globe has such a two-tone coat of paint this color separation acts as a sophisticated camouflage mechanism when the gecko is

    Sitting on a moss covered rock it is hardly recognizable the Amazon rainforest with an ecosystem that has been evolving for tens of thousands of years in a size of 5.5 million square km it is not unexpected that many areas of the Amazon rainforest are still unexplored when Europeans first arrived

    In South America there was a lot of early exploration due to how dense and hostile the jungle was many Spanish explorers entered the jungle in search of the mythical city of El Dorado many of them perished in their quest for gold but those who lived returned with maps

    Of the Amazon River and tales of the allegedly cruel natives at first people thought that legends about the natives were exaggerations particularly since some people thought that the jungle might be hiding a sophisticated Society given how terrible the soil in the Amazon is for producing crops it was

    Thought that this couldn’t be the case any natives found in the jungle were believed to be from simpler hunter gatherer tribes such tribes are still present in the Amazon today near the intersection of Brazil’s borders with Peru and Colombia is the region known as Veil de Javari which is located in the

    Center of the Jungle there are more pre-columbia tribes there than anywhere else in the Amazon but no one from outside the area is allowed to approach it’s untrue to claim that humans never visited 16 Clans are thought to be present there they are modern humans though they haven’t been in touch with

    Anyone and have only been observed from above the remainder of the Amazon was once thought to be an uninhabited natural Wilderness but it is now only sporadically populated but as researchers discovered this may not be the case despite scientific thinking they were the first to set foot in some

    Areas the Amazon has some of the world’s least fertile soil despite how it appears it is for this reason that clearing the Woodland to plant crops fails however there are some parts of the Woodland that don’t have this flimsy soil researchers have discovered seemingly random areas of fertile black

    Soil that contain traces of charcoal and bone meal these appear to be remnants of ancient Farms that were maintained by a long- gone civilization this demonstrates that even the areas we presume to be uninhabited by humans have been visited by our distant ancestors


    1. No the people who took the thing with nails in it had to taken back where the guys found it and did a reverse un cursed it took out the nails it was a big deal that thing was spooky

    2. Why do we keep finding mummies or any mummies? Why are they still here after 1000's of years? They were for an obvious serious belief that these bodies would live in the next life! So, either they were wrong or we are going take the wrath of some pissed off aliens for disrupting and moving them all over the earth!

    3. Don't you just love to see titles of things that "rocked the world"? My question is "whose world?" with all these "world shaking" YouTube videos, you would think that nobody would notice the minor stuff like wars, plagues, famine and such.

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