AdamCFest 2024 Tickets:

    At the latest Reading Japanese Meet, the last one of the month, which became a peaceful, festive meet, the local police arrived with their personal video camera to film the meet as evidence for themselves! I brought along the @carVertical Subaru and quickly parked up to watch as a great bunch of cars arrived with questionable lights attached all around.


    Instagram: @AdamC3046

    I reckon the gulf might be in trouble Yeah Hi Madam C and welcome to the reading Japanese meet with the car vertical Subaru impressor that we have replicated Brian’s car with and you can win for free in recent months these meats have been very very policed and uh this month is no different as you’ve seen so the

    Police are filming the entire meet I’ve got competition PC 3046 At Your Service so they’re filming this meet at has evidence in case anything happen so every car is on film so if anyone slips up or messes up they have all the information that they need to deal with

    The situation anyway cars are dressed up for Christmas to try and bring some joy and cheer this was a pre Christmas meet and cars are just starting to arrive when I came in the police were sat at the entrance they’ve now decided to do a lap maybe a real criminal has just

    Showed his face or maybe they prepared for the arriv of the mini with its yellow headlights but what that’s done is it’s left us police less as a chaser Arrives that’s what happens however we now have police on foot arriving at the arrivals lounge and I thought they were going up to that Civic but no so PC 3046 is now joining us at the arrivals roundabout to film The Cars rolling into the meet as well you think they blow

    Number plates now I know in recent months this meat’s turn into less and less of a Japanese meat but sometimes that’s not an issue next up r33 making some turbo noises and an eclipse another fast and furious car with those son’s Livery got the crown and the Colt

    I3 doing little noises oh ooh ooh purple RX7 and a micro with a bike rack and the L But Here Comes Santa not quite on his sleigh instead he’s on a motor bicycle with someone straddling his rear oh how delightful the 21 series spreading the Christmas chair Koop versus hat C63 little wiggle little wiggle the police just shot off for some reason so got more noises and Christmas tree is arriving oh my God CH lose but for a bit of a Twist the police have decided to drive up onto the pavement to watch the cars leaving here

    They’re driving along the pavement to join us single file please single file seem they just left the car there and that is where it is to stay so what we looking at VX asra from the Tims Valley police they’ve got a very very small it’s probably an espresso isn’t it a QR

    Code that can be scanned and a little bit of pavement left over from the police car it’s an as estate with a lot of junk in their trunk but I can’t see too much else arriving so I’m going to head in and see what has turned

    Up anyone would think it’s a summer meet with sombreros and a shark but to contrast against the summer Antics we are literally watching as a Christmas tree is being strapped to the roof of a BMW I think it’s just being bought I hope you’re being careful not damaging

    The car with the tree cuz I wouldn’t want the condition to be affective at all for once the police are the only cars without lights on their roof look you got Christmas lights everywhere and even a second white Chaser arriving hi hello there are actually three bmw1

    Series with the lights on and the perso 107 as well with the Santa hat to match but if you want Christmas lights you want to have a look at this E36 compact who was pulled up behind a police car that is stopped by his unmarked friend I don’t think there’s anything wrong I

    Don’t think the police have got any laws about a mass influx of light all around the car and uh that is why they’re not doing anything about it the Mark car is just leaving the show and the unmarked cars staying in his space just heard the police say on the roads yes they’re

    Illegal in here you can do what you want everyone’s making sure they’re on the best side of the police tonight do mils not drugs these two police officers are on foot and they’ve just stood behind a Celica that’s parked up and are filming the Celica for their YouTube

    Channel look policeman a is giving policeman B some tips about how to get the best angle but would you look at that you got two Chasers now parked with each other but what’s better than two Chasers that’s right one of which with a Christmas tree on its roof it’s not

    Strapped down they’ve just positioned it there for show but I appreciate that just behind you got the wide Arch Prelude and further on a car of a similar elk the Mitsubishi Eclipse I’m not even going to call that a tree that’s a branch he strapped a branch to

    The golf well done it is a bit bizarre though cuz all the crowd are just following the police offices especially the female police officers as they patrol around the meat chatting to everyone and all the other crowd they’re at the exit watching all the cars leaving also with police I can’t see

    Anyone doing massive accelerations because you’ve got Mr PLA and his co-host and regular patrols driving up and down you’ve also got police car just there W the female police officers have joined to listen to The Sounds but even the elf he’s clinging on for dear life just notice the unmarked police car

    Has gone that’s why we’re getting noises from the it sounds really bizarre the E36 made a few noises on his entrance to the depure Lounge what he do little bit timid of it cuz he doesn’t know where the police may be standing they’re all the way up There we got the flashy F5 pulling down just about to be filmed by the officers down there they’ve got their cam corders out filming traffic Is someone being pulled over I reckon the golf might be in trouble yeah oops hello hello and hello is said by the female officer as the other officers pull in front of the golf to make sure he can’t make a quick escape and now all

    Of the crowd have noticed that a golf is being pulled over and no one else can leave the meat not even the other golf that’s trying to get out in front of the golf oh I think it was just a brief word and now be on your Merry way as the

    Unmarked police car also appears behind the Golf at MX5 our next turbocharge vehicle to depart is the wh Chaser made a bit of sound on the entrance don’t think he’s going to do it again what a sample of the boots I’m back in inside the meat and I’ve just noticed I’ve got an MGF part next to me

    He’s also got Neons and using the app I can changes Neons I I can affect the mg’s Neons with my phone on my Subaru so I can let’s go give him pink he’s going to come back to his mg and see that he’s got pink or oh we could go strobing uh

    What’s that mean magic yes no I like pink let’s go back to pink pink Neons for you sir police are still on the Bank there watching the noisy cars leaving including a BMW still with its Tree on the roof that was a burnout I’m presuming the police officers aren’t over there

    Anymore now I’ve seen a lot of half and half Cars this year it’s a new trend but that’s first a faat estate having part of a that’s just weird but the police have now gone to another location cuz apparently there’s been an accident nothing to do with this meet so I’m

    Going to head home we’ve got some fans of the car and you you said this is your favorite car of the meat so we’re going to take the Subaru out I’m going to give these two a ride in the Subaru remember you can win this car for free uh you’ve

    Not got long all you need to do is like a post on my Instagram follow carv call follow hard of garage and follow myself as well and then you can win this fast and furious replica who call shotgun do you call shotgun yeah oh my goodness

    Take that off cuz otherwise it will fly have you been in a SE before I actually test drove one drove pretend you wanted to yes yes I think all the police have gone oh there’s still there’s still two people might be able to flow it off these

    Lights it’s so thippy when it wants to be but that was the reading Japanese meet of this month very heavily policed but that’s just an underlining theme for these meets now Mr police C 3046 is no longer filming anymore all of the crowds have gone now that I’ve left so follow me on

    All my social channels for updates highlights and pictures of what I take at these meets and more and you can even win this car for free as well but for now thanks for watching oh my God you good amazing yes I’m I’m just over the moon at the moment

    I just I can’t believe it good good good well you could win this car and be even more over the M I know don’t I will as soon as I get home I’m going to spam it lovely thank you very much see you next time evening and good

    Christmas yes you to have a good time see you


    1. Here is a question ? Do you really need a University degree to be a copper? As i cant believe they all have degrees ? Anyway as i said on FB a few weeks back amazing how all these officers turn up to patrol a car meet but they are never to be seen when real crime takes place , Anyway hope your Xmas went well Adam C

    2. Every single person should make a subject access request for the footage that had them in or their cars.

      After a couple of events and 1000's of requests for video, they might reconsider this shitty move.

    3. Police can do one, they only pick the fruit at the bottom of the tree ( the easy targets, the motorist ). Great content, roll on the next AdamC fest and all the best for 2024👍💪🍺

    4. In Spain you can’t change anything on your car from when it was manufactured otherwise it won’t pass its annual check, this prevents chav cars. You can travel the whole country and not see a boy racer chav car, it is truly glorious. Hopefully the UK will adopt the same rules.

    5. Amazing. I live in west Cornwall and certainly wouldn't see that many Police cars in a month.
      As for on foot, wouldn't see that many in a calendar year.

    6. Wonder how many houses were burgled whilst the jobsworths were there gathering pointless evidence. Like there's not enough cameras filming people wherever they go

    7. No issues with them filming, I've stopped going to car meets after some idiot nearly wrote my M2 and an RS3 off at Wilton Wake Up. Tw*t in a kit AC Cobra from Bouremouth.

    8. What’s the problem with Police filming?
      You film everything and people just walking by too. Doesn’t seem you bother asking folk for permission to film them.

    9. Police round my way have a simple way of dealing with car meets. A couple turn up with a show car, pop the hood, engage with the crowd and let it be known if you drive like tw4ts when you leave you’ll be nicked.
      Fair enough I reckon 🤷‍♂️

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