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    Right then guys and girls here we go lovely old Vel set look a little bit out of breath we just turned that fuel on giving it a couple of kicks and um to be fair I don’t think it’s going to take many minutes to get going I’m

    Sure there’s a bit of a knack to it uh as there is with most of these bikes but anyway might just want a quick once over I’m sure bit of fresh fuel don’t know how long it’s been sat and um yeah clean plug etc etc the usual um but we’ll make

    A lovely bike of course we’ll clean up very well nice and tidy overall on the paintwork wants a good polish up and a clean and um yeah like I say Quick Service and um hopefully a way to go but best thing to do of course is to come

    Down have a proper look around it see what you think nice and clean on the chrome wheels we’ve got a couple of numbers here as well there you go I think there’s some on this Frame around this side there you go a few more there so anyhow there you go plenty of

    Compression paperwork wise will be in the office with the girls so just touch Bas with them and they can let you know what we’ve got for it but please do pop down and have a little look

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