The film follows Jon Ellis, Chris Ellis, Andy Brandon, Mark Cawthorne, and George Karkalemis on the final 10 days of their 6 week cycle from London to Istanbul. In the film they cycle through Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey, cycling over 920km.

    Check out our other adventures!
    Ep2. Greece Cycle Adventure:
    Ep3. BICYCLE TOURING the WW1 BATTLEFIELDS – London to Berlin:
    Prequel: India Cycle Adventure:

    Edited by Jon Ellis

    The excellent film about Batman and Robin (Jamie Mcdonald and Kev Brady) cyling across Turkey can be found at For all of Jamie’s cycle adventure videos visit his uploads page and scroll to the bottom.


    1. I always enjoy your adventures and you look like you're having such a laugh! Also I watch bicycle touring pro, and he is obsessive about stealth camping, whereas you lot just doss down anywhere…. which I find hilarious. Well done guys… more adventures please.

    2. Tell Chris we all wondered what had happened to him after living in Sheff! And now we know! He's cycling round the world! Also tell him we all got married! Zoe moved away, I live in Cov and Petes still in Sheff!

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