2022 Pro Men Redlands Criterium

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    1. I see the difference. But why is it that right behind TW it's smooth but 5-6 wheels back it's surging like crazy?

      Is it that the single file of riders makes it easy to choose good lines and limit breaking?

      Would the difference be as extreme in a less technical crit?

    2. Great video
      The haters are in the comments 🤣. Duh, You win crits by having a team. You protect your sprinter. The power of the draft and saving energy. Step your game up not your hate up.

    3. Don’t show 99% of the race then cut it short at the finish. Not cool 💩❌ I get that it is not the point, but… editorial poo…

    4. It seems so boring in your crit scene when you have one rich team who have literally no competition…. It’s such a snooze fest but you all praise them so highly. Boring.

    5. Thanks for sharing and commenting on these races. Question: as a spectator where do we find the schedule and the venue for these races? Thanks.

    6. TL:DR … Justin watched and learned how world tour teams set their sprint train… which actually started with.. crazy enough, when Justin has Gus Morton as a teammate at red hook crit some years ago and he pulled them all to the side and said " mates, we should do this the way we do it in the world tour"

    7. What also isn’t being said is how they work the corners. They ride the inside and swing out before the turn which essentially cuts off both the inside and outside lines. They do it so well. They make it near impossible to beat them on a technical course

    8. It would be interesting to see Legion at a pro kermesse in Belgium. Like you say, they are at their own league in US crit`s, but I think thats because the general level in US crit`s are quite average. Get them over to Belgium a cold rainy day, I think it would be an interesting reality check and cool to see. And Legion would probably grow as a team, you dont get better if you can sit at the front and control everything like the are use to.

    9. Legion isn’t just good. Their social media game and reach is insane. I bought a mug! They got me hooked on watching cycling videos. With or without them. Hope they grow and the whole sports grows! Been watching you for 2.5 years and cycling as much as I can. I guess I just wanna say thanks for all the videos and info on how to race better. I don’t race but I still watch!! Good stuff.

    10. Could you ask your Dutch guy if it would be possible for him to race the summer Criterium in Zierikzee and send you the footage? I think you and your viewers would really appreciate seeing that course. There are things about racing crits in Europe that's so different to the US and Zierikzee packs so many of these course elements in. Gnarliest flat crit course I've ridden.

    11. Ever since I started University here in Belgium I have lost the organisational skill to find the time to go ride. It's been 10 months since the last time I rode regularly and I really really miss it. I really miss training for a race and doing that race. I know you've been doing this for a really long time, do you have any advice? (great video btw and keep it up!)

    12. their ethos is special too. if you crash it's your fault. if they take you to the curb or their sweeper brake checks you, it's your fault for not being in front of them.

    13. The team that suggested paying women with gift certificates instead of the money they said they would? Sexism makes you fast I guess!?

    14. I mean they have the biggest team in every race. Easy to beat a bunch of solo riders. Sorry but calling it as it is equals not a fair fight. But thats crit racing I guess.

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