Mia lernt Deutsch als Fremdsprache mit einem Fokus auf Wortschatz, Verben und Nomen. Diese Deutschlektion richtet sich an Anfänger auf den Niveaus A2, B1 und B2, ist aber auch für Fortgeschrittene auf den Niveaus B1 und C1 geeignet.
    In dieser aufregenden Serie begleitet Mia die Zuschauer auf aufregende Abenteuer, bei denen sie Rätsel lösen, Freunde finden und die Welt erkunden. Die Serie ist voller Überraschungen und Spaß und bietet eine unterhaltsame Möglichkeit, Deutsch zu lernen und die Fantasie zu beflügeln.

    #learn #germany #now #mia

    Hello my friends! On the occasion of the end of 2023. We agreed, my family and I in this video we will show all the previous episodes. All episodes are incredibly exciting and exciting and thank you very much! I love you guys a lot and now continue the video and enjoy.

    Happy New Year and all the best to everyone. My God, this nightmare was intense. Did you also see my dream? Is it possible that Mia is alone and doesn’t invite you? This is madness. My friends, don’t believe in the nightmare. Impossible. Mia wouldn’t do that. Mia, what are you doing here?

    Have you slept until now? Do you see me sleeping, daddy? No, but I still see you in the bedroom. Why are you still here in the bedroom? Dad, I saw a nightmare. And I am afraid. Are you afraid of nightmares? You’re a nightmare in my life anyway. Nightmares are afraid of you. Mia!

    Father! Father! Why do you speak to me like that? Nobody speaks to me like that. You too, dad. I know this behavior is rude of me, but I can’t stand it when he speaks like that. Father with square head. I would like to ask you if you have subscribed to the YouTube channel.

    If you still haven’t subscribed, your head is no better than my father’s head. Your head is square too. I don’t know why the square heads don’t subscribe to the channel. Trust me, you won’t lose anything by subscribing to the channel. If you don’t know how to subscribe

    Then you really know you are a square head. I will go now. That’s what you do. Mia, do you hit your father? Your father, the hero who works for you at home. I forgot to introduce myself to you, My dear friends. My name is David.

    And I’m the father of Mia, who you just saw. Did you see what my daughter did? Is there a girl in the world who does such things? Of course there is no one like her with this madness. My head still hurts from the blow. She hits and walks away

    So I don’t know where she went as I am her father. It’s my duty to know where she went. I have to go and look for her. She is my little one and I am the only one who can protect her. She’s outside and I’m talking to them.

    That’s not a sensible father reaction. I have to do something and look for her immediately. Please let me go and look for her. My daughter. You are here and I am looking for you. What do you want, dad? I was worried about you. My daughter. Calm down a little and tell me

    Why you hit me with the hatchet. You humiliated me in front of the audience. Sorry, dad. But you talk too much. When you speak, you often don’t know what you’re saying. That’s why I didn’t know what to do. You don’t know what you’re doing. Are you stupid? My daughter.

    Listen to your words, dad. And tell me who talks too much. I speak for your good. Mia, I am your father. My love. And I love you very much. Leave the laptop, Mia. And speak to me respectfully. Mia, leave the laptop. Put the laptop aside. Have you seen, my friends? Am i right?

    To silence him? Or not? You decide. I apologized, but it was in vain. You broke the laptop, Mia. You haven’t seen anything yet, Dad! Stop! Mia, what are you doing? Please. Mia! Is there anyone else who would like to try this feeling? Maybe I’ll make your square heads round.

    If you haven’t subscribed yet, go to the end of the video and subscribe. You’ll miss out on a lot if you don’t subscribe now. Our episode for today has come to an end. Thank you for watching. Goodbye My friends. Until the next episode. Yes, my friends. See you in the next episode. Goodbye.

    Hello my friends. How are you today? I’m Mia if you don’t know me. But you should know me. Did you see what I did to my parents? You watch the episode and judge for yourself. Whether my dad deserves all these beatings or not? Alright then let’s get started with the episode!

    I wish you a lot of fun. Hi Papa. Are you going out? Yes, my daughter. I’m going out for a walk. And? Will you take me with you? My daughter. This walk is for adults only. Does that mean I’m so small in your eyes? Father. Don’t get me wrong, My daughter.

    You’re a little crazy. I’m crazy, dad. What do you say, dad? I’ll go out with you. Whether you agree or not. No, my daughter. I’m going out with my friends. I don’t want you to be there. Okay, dad. As you wish. I hope she won’t cause me any problems.

    I finally styled my hair. Good, dad. You’ll see what I’ll do to you this time. What do you think, my friends? Should I go with him or not? Naturally. I will go. Naturally. Do you still want to go out without me? Father? Have you changed your mind? What have you done? My daughter.

    My daughter. I am your father, not your enemy. Tell me, why did you hit me? I want to go with you, dad. I. Do not like. Staying home alone. I told you my daughter that this is a walk for adults only. And I told you I want to go. Do you understand that?

    I told you you were crazy. My daughter. You can’t do any other type of child. I think you won’t understand what walk means for adults only. That means, my daughter, that I go out with my adult friends. And that means I can accompany adults. The adults will take care of me.

    Isn’t that true, dad? The adults will be busy. My daughter. No one will notice if you refuse. And what will they be busy with? Are there things more important than me, Dad? Things that children won’t understand. Things you won’t understand until you’re older and married. My daughter.

    When I get married, I will understand what you say, dad. Marry me now, daddy. I want to get married now. No, my daughter. You’re not getting married now. You’re still far too young for marriage. Your thoughts are crazy and you are too hasty in everything. You told me I should marry to understand.

    And that’s what I want to do. Father. My daughter. Marriage is not suitable for your young age. Go to your room and play with your toys. My little. Go to my room and take a walk. What do you think, my friends? Do you think a father doesn’t want

    His daughter to go out with him? Tell me your opinion. Is it all worth it for a trivial trip with stubborn people? I will never allow him to leave. He’s crawling now. I’m coming, daddy! Oh God! Save me from the hands of crazy Mia. May God save you from me.

    Daddy won’t let him save you from me. Mia. My friends are waiting for me outside. Please let me go. Remove the vase from my back. I want you to stay like this. Father! Do not move. How could you throw that vase at me? My daughter. Do you have supernatural powers?

    Yes. He has a daughter but didn’t allow her to go for a walk. And now? What do you think, dad? I will stay on your back until you take me for a walk with you. I give up on my daughter. Get off and remove the vase. I’ll take you with me. Really, Dad?

    Yes, my daughter. Are you ready, daddy? What will you do? My daughter? I’ll remove the vase. Father. Do not worry. Everything is under control. No worries. Everything will be good. My father is very strong and can withstand all kinds of hits. And now go down and subscribe to the channel

    For more episodes like this. We need your support for the channel. Go down and subscribe right now. Just a button, nothing more. Press it and thank you very much. How are you, David? Why are you late, David? I’m sorry, my friends. For the delay. What’s happening in the house? We heard loud bangs.

    Oh my God. What if you find out Mia hit me? They will leave me because I am a failed father. You must not know anything about the subject of the blow. Yes. I was setting the table and the items fell off the table. Do not worry. We’re not worried about the items, David.

    We’re just worried about you. Yes, David. We’re just worried about you. Don’t worry about me. Just worry. Because Mia will be with us. What did you say? As you heard, boys. That does not make sense. How will Mia go with us? It’s your fault, David. Do not worry. I’ll take care of Mia.

    And she won’t bother us. She will give us away if we talk to a woman in the garden. I’ll take care of her. Do not worry. Tell us how you will look after her, David. She will take good care of us. David, don’t worry. I will not go. I don’t want any embarrassment.

    Guys. And now? Goodbye. And I’m going too. David. Goodbye. Oh my God. You’re not kidding. They really left. All because of Mia. What did you say, dad? How can you fly? Mia. I heard you say it was because of Mia. Yes, you are the reason. The reason? Exactly for that. Father.

    My friends left because you will go with us. We’ll both go. Father. No, Mia. I won’t go either. You told me you were taking me with you. And now you say no. Wait for me, daddy. I’m coming. I wonder where she went. What do you do. You? You crazy. Calm down, dad.

    Your temperature is very high. That’s enough mia, Mia, I’m going to take you to a psychiatrist. Wait for me, daddy. I’ll come right away. Where did that stupid girl go this time? I no longer know whether she is my daughter or my enemy. Have you seen it yourself?

    This is my father with the square head. I’m not joking. His head is really square. Don’t be fooled by appearances, gentlemen. My father is a devil inside. He said he would take me for a walk. And you heard what he said for yourselves. Don’t worry about him.

    He is a cat with seven lives. Before I go and deal with him. Go down and subscribe to the channel. I know there are many of you who haven’t subscribed to the channel yet. If you like my videos, please subscribe. Otherwise, a car will shock you like it did my dad.

    Now let’s go and check on my dad. There you are OK, Dad. Do you see that I’m fine? My daughter. Soon your dad will be on fire. My daughter. Go and call emergency services quickly. And what will the emergency services do? I will burn. My friends. And she won’t help me.

    Write enough in the comments. Mia! Tell her enough! Stop hitting your dad. I am poor. My friends. Help me! He is laughing at you, my friends. Don’t answer him. You saw how he lied to me. He always has a square head and always talks without doing any deeds.

    He lies to me every time! Why are you talking about your dad like that? Where did you get all this strength, Mia? help me. Mia, I can’t feel my legs anymore. Okay, dad. I’ll help you. But you have to promise me. You will never lie again. Who told you that I was lying?

    He’s lying again. I will wait for your comments. Tell me, should I help him or not? I want you to know before you decide. He will never change. I will wait patiently for you. My friends. Take the time to decide. OK. Our episode ends here. Until you decide.

    Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and turn on the bell notification to be notified of new episodes. Goodbye. For now. I beg you, my friends. I have no one but you to help me. I feel the heat of the fire. Quickly comment and ask Mia to help me.

    I trust in you, my friends. Do not forget me. Goodbye My friends. Hello my friends. How are you? Are you doing good? My father played with your heads. There are people who wrote in the comments. Help your father. The father who lies. In my opinion he doesn’t deserve rescue. Oh my God.

    It looks like the fire is growing. Good. I decided to just save him this time. Wait for me, daddy. I’m coming. What will you do, My daughter? The fire keeps getting bigger and bigger. I don’t know, dad. But I decided to help you. Your muscles work, but your little mind doesn’t work.

    Why do you talk like that, dad? I could leave you under the car. You’re there. I don’t need enemies, dad. Be quiet and let me think. You distract my thoughts a lot. Isn’t that true? My friends? Before I save him, I want you to go downstairs and say thank you, Mia. Father.

    When I lift the car, please come out from under the car. Good. My daughter. Thank you for your help. I can’t feel my legs, but I’m strong like Superman. I’ll try to get up, but before I get up, I’ll do some exercises. This hurts my back, but I must never give up.

    The strangely stupid thing is how Mia has all this supernatural power. She is far too small to have such power. It’s getting more and more difficult for me. It’s hard for me to get up. Mia completely destroyed me. She’s still so small. I love you very much. Now she’s acting strange.

    She is not conscious. I’ll try to crawl home. It hurts so much. Oh my God. Mia, where are you, my little one? Here, my friends. Tell Mia and ask her to return home. Mia has to support me now. She is the reason for all these problems. Is not that right? My dear viewers,

    I’m going to take a little rest. My friends. I deserve a little break. I’ll try to rest. Until Mia tells her to come back. Please leave my room. Leave my room. Fast! I want to rest. Come on. Go out now. Take! Oh my God! Who lets the water into my house?

    Oh my God! What’s happening? Hi Papa. What are you doing outside? Father? The house is filled with water. My daughter. Do you have any idea who did this? I slept. And all of this happened. Maybe God is punishing you for your lies. Father. That’s enough, my daughter. Don’t accuse me of lying.

    I broke my leg because of you. And I can’t go. You shouldn’t have lied and taken me for a walk. Is my statement not true? My dear viewers. My daughter. This walk was for adults only. Dad, that’s enough. We are all adults. Look at me, Dad, and tell me what you see.

    My little. I understand you well. You’re an adult in your mind, but your body is too small to keep up with the adults. Dad, I have a surprise for you. A surprise. Are there any more surprises that happened? Yes Dad. This surprise is bigger than your head. Wait for me. I’m coming.

    That’s enough for today. I can’t carry my dad. Can you carry him? I think you can’t. Our journey ends today. You can watch the old episodes of this series. And now goodbye. David. How is your life going these days? Life is Beautiful. Bernd. And how are you doing in life?

    For me, life moves slowly. Hello Bernd. How are you doing? I’m doing well. Thanks. Hello my sweet. Hello, my darling. You become more beautiful every day, Anna. Thanks. That’s nice of you, Bernd. Anna is beautiful. Even though it looks like a barrel. He’s just joking with you. Anna. David, I think

    The drink rubbed off on you. No my Darling. The drink hasn’t worked yet. Anna, please calm down. Get out of the pool and come to me, my darling. Go on. I’m coming. My love. I won’t take long. Don’t be late, my love. Come swim with us to lower your temperature. Don’t worry, Bernd.

    My temperature is normal. I’ll lower my temperature with David. Do not worry. Get out of the pool quickly and come to me. My Darling. I miss you very much. I’m waiting for you. Quickly, David. Get out of the pool and go to Anna. Don’t worry, Bernd. She is always like this!

    The size of the barrel never changes. But David. She is very angry with you. I told you the barrels don’t change. I’ll go see what she wants and come back quickly. David! Go quickly before our day gets messed up. Do not worry. I’ll be back soon. Bernd.

    Why do I feel like this is the last time? That I see you? Don’t think badly of me. Bernd. I’ll be right back. Remove these thoughts from your mind. Hello my friends. How are you? I feel like I’m seeing him for the last time. I love you, David.

    I hope nothing bad happens to you. Tell the director that David is an important person. We don’t want to lose him. Please. We must act and save him. David was a very good man. May God rest you in peace. David. Why are you angry? My love. The barrel is waiting for you.

    Of course you are more beautiful than the barrel, my love. I’m just kidding with you, my love. Please forget what I presented before. You violated my dignity. What will Bernd tell his wife? Come closer to me, David. Oh my God. What’s up? OK. Just so you know how much I love you.

    Oh my God. I expected this to happen. I have to get out of here quickly. If I stay here, I will suffer the same fate as David. Anna never jokes. I told you, talk to the director to save David. But now it is too late. I don’t know what happened in the house.

    All that noise I heard. I am sure that David lost his life. Oh my God. My clothes are in the house. I’ll go into the house like this. My life is more important than any clothes. Clothes are the last thing on my mind. I’ll move quickly. This is a place, David.

    Under my feet. You know very well that I hate your heavy humor. Am I not right, ladies? I know I hit my husband. I want to ask you a question, ladies, but tell me the truth. Excuse me. I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Anne, David’s wife. Yes, Mia is our daughter.

    Let’s go back to our question. Does your husband speak like mine in front of guests? Please comment below this video. I want to know it. Do not worry. I will not expose you to anyone. The episode ends here. Thanks for watching before you go. One last question. Am I really what David said?

    Please tell the truth. I would like to know your opinion, Hello, my dear Mea. I came bringing your gift , my love. I hope you like it. You are so Beautiful. To myself when you sleep. Hello my friends. Have you guessed who I am? Santa Claus. I give gifts to the children

    And Mia will be the first child I give a gift to. I am the first and last person you will give a gift to. Oh my God. You woke up. What are you doing in my room? You stranger? Why are you wearing clothes? Like a clown? Is that you? My father.

    Father! What are you doing? What are these movements? I’m not your dad. I give out free gifts. I brought your gift. A gift. And who are you to bring me a gift? I will not accept a gift from strangers. I’m not a stranger. My daughter. Haven’t you heard of Santa Claus?

    Or as Santa Claus? Unfortunately, I’ve never heard of it. Is this a new scam? Go into people’s houses in the middle of the night. I’ll introduce myself. Why? What kind of children are these? I’ve never seen such reckless children. Is this the new generation? Oh, my stomach hurts. You didn’t tell me

    Why you were wearing that dress. I know thieves often wear black clothing. I’m not a thief. My daughter. I’ll tell you a short story. A story about your thefts. A story about stealing from children. Listen to me and judge my daughter and judge. After I’m done with the story. OK. I’ll start.

    On a cold evening before Christmas in Germany, a little boy named Lukas waited with anticipation for Santa Claus’ arrival. Luke knew he must have been good all year to receive presents on Christmas Eve. He cleaned his boots thoroughly and placed them in front of his window. Along with some candy

    And a letter to Santa Claus. While Lukas was sleeping in his bed, he heard quiet footsteps outside his window. He carefully opened the window and saw a man in a red coat and hat standing in the snow. It was Santa Claus who had come to visit Luke. Santa Claus gave Luke small gifts

    And read the letter the boy had written. Then he said in a warm voice , Lukas, you were a very good boy this year . Continue to be kind and helpful to others. And I’ll be back next year with even more gifts. Lukas felt happy and grateful and returned to his bed

    With a smile . He now understood the meaning. To be kind and helpful all year round and that Santa Claus came to the houses to make the children’s wishes come true at Christmas. The story is over. Nice story. You also deceived Luke. Poor Luke. You don’t look anything like Luke.

    Why should I have to be like him? Get up and leave the house. Fast. My back hurts a lot. I think my spine is broken. I’m going to take a vacation this year. Many children will not receive any presents this year. Do you think you won’t kidnap children this year ?

    Good. The children will be better off without you. I am Santa Claus and I distribute gifts to the children. If what you said is true, why do you go into people’s houses at night? You’re right. I should have come that day. You will be awake during the day. The surprise won’t

    Be nice when you’re awake. I really apologize. I broke your back because I didn’t believe you. I forgive you my daughter even though you broke my back. Go to sleep. My daughter. I really apologize for hitting Santa Claus. Happy new year to everyone. I hope it will be a happy year for everyone.

    Thank you for watching and goodbye. Don’t forget to watch previous episodes and subscribe to the channel for more videos. Hello my friends. How are you today? I want to talk to you today. There are a lot of comments under the videos, comments that I don’t know what they are for.

    I don’t know where to start. Even though some of your comments are negative, I still liked them. Let’s start with the first comment. Jasmin asks where did she come here from? Jasmine From more. Don’t you know that my grandfather has a farm? If you want a bull, I can get one for you.

    Don’t worry, I won’t throw it at you like I threw it at my dad. And you say the bull lives in Spain? I won’t answer this question. I’ll let mom answer for you. Mom where are you? Come on for a minute. What’s up? My daughter. Mummy! Answer Jasmin to her question.

    She wrote a comment saying that the bull doesn’t live in Germany. Bulls only live in Spain. Oh my God! How innocent you are, Jasmine. And what is this bull doing to me? Taurus can live anywhere he finds a woman. Mom, do you mean my dad? No, my daughter.

    I’m just comparing him to a bull, darling. Jasmine, I’m just kidding with you. I have work in the kitchen. My daughter. If you need anything, call me. Goodbye, Jasmine. I hope my mother’s answer is enough for you. Enough of talking about bulls. I’m already bored, but the information about Taurus was useful.

    Thank you again for your comment. Jasmine And here is a person with an unknown name. He says there is a lot of violence. My mother plays karate. She has many medals. She was very slim before she got married. After the wedding she became fat.

    You said there is a lot of violence in this video. But you didn’t say there was a lot of fun too. They’re just cartoons. What do you expect to see? And here’s a comment from someone with a square head. He says there is no subscription.

    If your subscription costs your square head, then don’t subscribe. And here another person says Who thinks she’s crazy too? You haven’t seen the real madness yet, my friend. There is madness in every one of my episodes. If you do not believe me. Go and watch the previous episodes!

    Today it is enough to reply to the comments. Thank you for your nice comment. You don’t know how much I love you. Always comment. Because I love seeing all of your comments. I miss my dad very much and want to see him. I’ll go and see what he does.

    Dad, how long have you been smoking? Please, my daughter? Don’t tell your mother. No, dad. I won’t tell mom. But you will tell her in the hospital. Like my daughter. I don’t understand you. Don’t worry, dad. She will understand. Nobody tells me that this is wrong. I know what is right and wrong.

    Don’t worry about my dad. And now goodbye. Are you afraid for me? My friends, don’t worry about me. My friends. I’m not dying. Do you know why? Because cartoon characters don’t die now. Goodbye. And don’t forget to comment and write. We hope to see you again in a new episode.

    Thank you for watching. And check out the old videos! What do you think, my love, of the Christmas tree? She is wonderful. My darling Has Mia already seen the tree or not? I think she hasn’t seen the tree yet. That’s good. Because it will be a big surprise for them. Thanks, David.

    My dear David. That is my duty. My love. You are really great, my dear. And you are my role model in life, my love. Tonight our night will be long, my love. I’m ready for the night, my dear. Do not worry. Today will be an unforgettable day. But I hope

    Our friend doesn’t disturb us. Why should your friend bother us? My dear? Because I told him to dress up as Santa Claus to put a present in Mia’s room. And how are we going to stay awake tonight, my dear? What if your friend accidentally comes into our room instead of Meier’s room?

    Have you thought about it, David? I didn’t think about it at all. That was my mistake, my love. I’m sorry. It’s okay, my dear. I know you’re a square head. But I have an idea, my love. And what is this idea, you square head? Your thoughts are all as square as your head.

    Listen to me, my love, darling. We’ll turn off the lights. What do you think, my love? I am very smart, my love. Shut up, David. Is that all you think about? It’s a well thought out plan, my love. Even if he comes into the room, he won’t know what we’re doing.

    He will hear our voices. Oh, you genius, you Einstein. Oh my God. I didn’t think about it either. What’s wrong with my mind today? Only today. David. You mean every day. Enough talked. David puts the gift under the tree before Mia comes. Heard and obeys. My love.

    Good. Now we have to wait for Mia. We are waiting for more. Really? David, has something happened to you? Go and let her come with you. Okay, my love. Don’t worry, my love. Oh my God. You don’t know that I heard everything, but you don’t know that I hit Santa Claus.

    I broke his back, but I didn’t know he was my dad’s friend. But even if he had told me, it would be useless because I broke his back. And my knowledge of him won’t change anything. I’ll quickly go to my room before my dad comes. Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel.

    My friends. So you don’t miss a new video. Believe me, you will never regret it. And now I’m going to my room. See you in my room. Goodbye. Hello my friends. I think Mia will be very happy when she sees the presents and the Christmas tree. But like every year.

    My husband always ruins our evening because of his square head that doesn’t work. I don’t know when it will work. Do you know that my friends. The good news is that the most important thing he has works. We will meet soon. Go to Mia’s room, My sleeping princess. How are you,

    My crazy little one? I love you very much. Very, Dad. Do you really love me? You weren’t sleeping. My daughter. I love you with all my heart, My daughter. Thank you, Dad. And I love you very much. What do you want from me? Father. What are you doing in my room?

    You sneaked into my room. We have prepared a surprise for you. And what’s the surprise, dad? You shouldn’t know what the surprise is. Because it’s just a surprise. Come here to me and close your eyes. Go, dad. I’m going to cum while I have my eyes closed. Come and follow me immediately.

    Okay my friends, this is where our episode ends. We will continue this episode in the next episode. If you are excited for the next episode. Head down below this video and subscribe to receive notifications of new videos. Click on one of these videos and watch it, it awaits you.

    Unparalleled fun and thank you for watching. See you in the next episode. Hello again my friends. My parents want to surprise me today, but I know what the surprise is. Do you know it? If you know, tell me in the comments. And now let’s go and see the surprise.

    Where is Mia, my dear? She’s right behind me. Nobody is behind you. Except your butt. Mia, where are you? Don’t worry, my love. She’s coming soon. Oh my God. What do I do with you? Go get her now. Please calm down. I’ll go and get her. I told you to bring more.

    Then you come and say Mia is behind me. Maybe you’ll bring her quickly this time. I will wait for you now. Uh! Father! You fly. You broke my things. Father. I didn’t know your mother would hit me from behind. Do you think my mom flew you here? Do you know why your mother

    Hit me? What did you do to be beaten like that? Because you were late, Mia. I’m really sorry, Dad. Stand up and walk before me. We will go together. OK? Please be behind me. Come, my daughter. Come, my love. Here is your daughter. Hello mum. I know you’re angry. Please calm down.

    Hello, my daughter. Don’t worry, my love. I’m sorry for my delay. No problem, my love. It’s nice that you’re here. Now go and open your present. Gift. And why the gift? Mummy? Yes. We celebrate New Year’s Eve. My daughter. Happy New Year. Happy New Year. Thank you likewise. Mom and dad.

    You were too young to remember last year. How did we celebrate that you’re older now? Will you remember it this time? We are now in 2023 and we will enter the new year 2024. Exactly, my daughter. That’s right. I will open my gift. What is this green thing? This is a new dress.

    Go quickly and put it on! Good. I’ll put it on. Why all this applause? It looks like outfit resembles the tree. She really looks beautiful on you. She looks like a Christmas tree. You are our Christmas tree. My daughter. Be silent. You ca n’t talk too much when I’m here. Father!

    Why are you silent? Please speak. My head hurts. My daughter. I know a bull’s head doesn’t hurt. Mom, please calm down a little. I am calm, my daughter. Thank you both for this wonderful gift. I wish everyone a happy new year. And you too, my dear viewers.

    Happy New Year to all of you. Do you like my new clothes? Honestly, I don’t like it. Please tell me your opinion too. People have different tastes. Maybe you like it. Dad, I’m hungry. And I’m hungry too. And I’m hungry too. Go prepare dinner. Mom, please calm down with Dad. I am calm.

    My daughter. Let’s go and eat dinner. My daughter. Your dad went to prepare dinner. He left very quickly. Your dad is quick at everything. Come on let us go. My daughter. The dinner is very tasty. Thank you, Dad. Bon appetit and have fun. My ISS, my love. why are not you eating? Thanks.

    Don’t you know I’m on a diet? I know. My love, you are slim in my eyes, my love. What? You with that, darling? Am I slim only in your eyes? Sit down. My love. I’m full. I’m waiting for you in the bedroom, darling. More After you eat, go to your room and sleep.

    Yes Mama. I will go. Goodbye. It, dad. You will spend the night with mom. I am shocked my daughter. All because of mom. I go. My daughter. I am. Good luck, dad. We will start the new year with some family problems. But do not worry. Wherever you go there are problems.

    The most important thing in life. At the moment. It. And get full. And leave the problems behind you. Just like I do now. Subscribe to the channel to fill yourself with laughter. Share the video with your friends. And thank you. Watch. Hello my friends. Snow falls. Is it snowing where you are today

    ? I saw a storm in Hamburg on TV. I hope everyone is doing well. Please share in the comments which regions you are in. Let’s get back to our episode. I was just changing my clothes. Many of you liked this outfit. I’ll keep it because you liked it.

    My dad clears the snow from the street. What do you think if we play with him a little? I think you guys agree with that. I’ll throw him a little snowball. He will take the hit. Don’t worry, dad. Look here. Don’t you see what I’m doing? My daughter. Go play with the neighbors.

    I have prepared a surprise for you, dad. Darling, please go. I don’t want any surprises now. I’m going to show you what the surprise is now , dad. It’s just a little snowball. Are you sure, Mia? Is that your surprise? It looks like you hit me with a rock. Is my statement correct?

    My friends, write in the comment. Whether my statement is correct or not. Dad, I’m not lying. Did you hear? My friends. He says I hit him with a stone. Not with a snowball. Do you really think I hit him with a rock too? How will I prove to you that I’m right?

    But I have an idea. I’ll let him believe this time. Father. Wait for me. I’m coming. I think this girl is crazy in the end. Oh God! Save me from this crazy one. Hi Papa. Mia, my love! Where did you get this big snowball? You brought this big snowball to throw at me.

    I want to throw it at you to prove to you that it’s just a snowball and not a stone. Correct? Please, My daughter. I believe you. Unfortunately it’s too late. Dad, there. Now maybe he will believe me. I do not lie. How can you accuse me of lying? I do not get it.

    I am an innocent girl. Take me out of here, Mia. I believe you. Mia. I told you it’s just a snowball. Quickly, I almost suffocate. I’m freezing from the cold. Don’t worry, dad. Mia will save you. I won’t take long. Dad, are you okay, Dad? How long have you been driving cars?

    Your age doesn’t allow you to drive cars. Instead of thanking me for saving your life. You tell me I’m not allowed to drive cars. You are right, my daughter. I almost died. Thank you for saving me. My daughter. My daughter. Please don’t repeat such things. You’re hurting your daddy this way.

    If I throw snow at you, don’t say it’s a stone. I still have doubts that it was a stone. Still doubting, dad? Haven’t you learned yet? You square colored head. The viewers have learned. And you do not. Except a few people. Square heads. Mine as well.

    Respect your dad in front of the spectators. You always beat me to them. Isn’t that true, my dear viewers? No, dad. You know that I will never hurt you. I beat and torture you. But I’ll save you too. I want the audience to have a good time. Your mother completely destroyed me

    In the last episode . I want to know why I’m always the victim. I’ll tell you, dad. Like I always say. Square, cape finger. He doesn’t learn and doesn’t want to learn. And he tells me. What did you learn today? Life is a school. You are always learning, regardless of age.

    The director works hard. If you would like to help him, subscribe to the channel. Subscribing is a way to show gratitude and request more videos like this. You are very beautiful, Anna. It’s good that you visited us. That’s very kind of you, Thomas. It’s great weather for grilling.

    Even though it’s cold, it’s beautiful. It’s not cold when you’re there. Anna. Even though I’m on a diet, I’ll eat because of you. How is your wife Lena? Is your relationship good? Yes. Our relationship is good. But she lost a lot of weight. You know me well from school days.

    I find chubby women more attractive. I have a master’s degree. When a woman is chubby. Just like you. Really? Thomas. Do you remember when I sent you messages? Of course I remember. I ran behind you to see your whole body. But those days are over. I often saw you behind me.

    I thought you made me back then. Now it turns out you were after my ass. Not just your butt. I really loved you back then. But I loved your butt in a different way. Now your butt is twice as big as it used to be. Everything about your body has doubled

    In size compared to before. And why didn’t you say anything before? But that time is over. Now I am married and have a daughter. And you are also married and have a daughter. Those were beautiful days. Thanks for the invitation, Lina. No reason to be grateful. David. Today the weather is perfect

    For grilling in your presence. Especially because you wear red, like me. I didn’t know you wore red too. Is Thomas neglectful of you? Lina? Not in the slightest. Because you are very thin. Because you don’t like mine. I mean, you are very slim and I am chubby. I thought.

    You said I was ugly. Didn’t you see that Anna was just like you before we got married? Now, after that, it has become thicker than a barrel. Everything changes with time. Bon appetit. Mia, thank you, Lisa. We haven’t seen each other for a while. Mia? Yes, Lisa.

    But we will see each other often. Schools will open after the new year. Yes. Mia, do you remember Dennis? Yes. I remember him well. He confessed to me that he loves me. My love, you’re talking about Dennis. Dennis loves all the girls at school. Didn’t you know that?

    I know but I am sure he loves me because he gave me a red rose. The red rose caught all your attention. Since when has he loved you? Yesterday when we were alone in the classroom. Honestly, something else happened. Next to The Red Rose. No, my love doesn’t worry you.

    Just a little kiss. Just a little kiss. Since when is there a big kiss and a small kiss? It’s just a little kiss. Mia, there’s no reason to even think about it. I hope it doesn’t go beyond a kiss. Take care, Lisa. Do not worry about me. Mia, it’s very hot here.

    It’s hot because my husband is burning. David, do you hear me? I’ll get help for you. Don’t move too much so you don’t burn yourself out quickly. Thomas! David! Oh God. Do something. Do something. Thomas. I think I haven’t found a solution yet. What are you thinking about, Thomas?

    Where is the fire extinguisher? At school they gave us this lesson. We should call 112 if there isn’t one. Aunt Lina, please call quickly! What was the number again? My daughter. The number was 112. 112 Okay. I think the number is correct. Hello. You’re at the emergency call.

    What is the emergency you have? I’m calling because my neighbor is on fire. And how did it catch fire? We grilled meat and we talked while we were happy. Then we talked a little about private things. Private things I can’t tell you. Then the cruiser with the box fell onto the grill.

    And how did you put out the fire? I’m calling because he’s burning as we speak. Why don’t you tell me right now that the man will die while you’re telling your life story? I think that’s his voice as he burns. Yes, that is his voice. Sorry, but you asked how the fire started.

    Yes. You should have made it shorter. Why don’t you have enough fire extinguishers in case of emergencies? My husband won’t buy a fire extinguisher. A fire extinguisher is important for every home. It is very important for such emergencies. Give me your address. I’ll come right away. Please hurry up.

    The man is still burning. I know. I hear his voice with you. The address is Learn German Street. The zip code is 7000. The street number is zero. Okay, I’ll come right away. See you soon. See you soon. The episode ends here. Thank you for watching. Dear viewers, enter the video.

    I like it. If you’re excited for the next episode, how is David rescued from the fire? The ambulance has arrived. But they ran over my husband. Don’t move too much, Anna. The car hit me. I can not concentrate. Please stop. Where is the man who is burning? You ran over my husband.

    You killed my dad. The paramedic ran over my uncle. Yes. And he also hit me with the car. I hit the brakes. But the car didn’t stop because the ground was frozen. I’ll drive backwards. Father. Please don’t die. Oh, my poor husband. Please come back to us. Please calm down a bit.

    Save my dad. Paramedic! He died. More. Let me concentrate. How will I save him? Good. I know what I’m going to do. Breathe. Please. Wake up. Your family is waiting for you. What are you doing over me? You push hard enough. That’s enough. I saved your life, my Lord. Okay, that’s enough pressure.

    The manual says I have to do this. And when does the book say enough is enough? I didn’t finish reading, Sir. I’m telling you, enough is enough. What if you died? If I stop? Stop it. Get off me. As you wish, sir. David! Darling! Are you all right?

    I know that my father has seven lives. I’m fine, my love. Only minor first degree burns. I’m sorry I hit you with the car. You should be particularly calm. You should be particularly calm. When I burned. Why didn’t you provide a fire extinguisher? We were really scared, David.

    And we didn’t know what to do because Thomas doesn’t have a fire extinguisher. Where is Thomas now? I am here. David. Is it true that you don’t have a fire extinguisher? I don’t have David. And the fire extinguisher in your car. Oh God. How could I forget that? I’m sorry, David.

    Your friend is burning in front of you. And you don’t remember having a fire extinguisher. You have a fire extinguisher. Thomas, please forgive him. Anna, my aunt. He doesn’t know what he ate yesterday. Please forgive me. You had a fire extinguisher. Why didn’t you use it? Because Mr. Thomas forgot

    That he had a fire extinguisher. Mia, do you have a lighter? Yes, Dad, I have a lighter. Will Thomas burn my daughter? Have you lost your mind? David, I want to refresh your memory. Thomas, don’t worry. The paramedic will help you quickly. Is not that right? Here. Paramedic. I’m the paramedic.

    Of course my job is to save people. Be patient with me. I will do it. Anna, please. This is my dear husband. Oh my. Save my dad! Auntie, don’t burn my father. Do not worry. Anna please. I can not move. Do you remember my butt? But you don’t remember that one.

    What? How dare you, Thomas? How are you talking about my wife’s butt like that? You embarrassed me in front of my family. Anna! How could you do that? Thomas, Is my butt no longer good enough for you? And what do your asses have to do with burning your father? Teach him a lesson.

    Anna burns his butt. Do not move. Thomas, calm down, Thomas. Hello my friends. How are you? Are you having fun or not? This episode was the continuation of episode twelve. If you want to know why I did that, go and watch episode twelve! Write your opinions in the comments.

    Does Thomas deserve this or not? The videos are displayed on the screen. Click on a video to watch it. And you can also see the first episode of this episode that you just watched. And don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel to receive notifications of new videos.

    Oh, hello everyone. Merry Christmas! I wish you all happy times and love this season. Don’t forget to leave milk and cookies for me tonight. I would like to thank everyone who helped make this season special. I wish everyone happy wishes and a new year full of joy and success. This season, let us

    Come together to share love and joy with everyone. Don’t forget to be kind and friendly to each other. All year round. I will always be here for everyone. Santa Claus loves everyone. With the new year, we wish everyone a healthy and successful year. And now let’s start our journey. I have finally arrived.

    The first house is Mia’s house. I’ll just steal her gift. She is really a very naughty girl. Go, you reindeer. And it something. While you eat, I’ll steal Mia’s presents. Good. The crazy woman hasn’t opened her presents yet. I will accept all their gifts. Good. I took all the gifts. What is that?

    I’m Santa Claus. David! Mia! Come here. Santa Claus. Once again. I am innocent. Mia, He stole all the presents. He told me before that he gives out the gifts. That was my friend. I sent him to bring you a gift. Really? Dad, you really care about me a lot. Thank you.

    You have misunderstood the topic, gentlemen. A thief in a costume. Why? You thief! You miserable thief! I’m not a thief. You stole all those gifts. You also knocked over the Christmas tree. And you claim you’re Santa Claus. You will rot in prison. Please calm down, David.

    What can I do to make you believe me? Mia calls the police! All right, dad. No, Mia. Wow! Not on! Be silent, you thief! Hello! Police! Comes! Fast! We have a thief in our house. Don’t delay! Don’t you be ashamed of your behavior. You old man? You will confess, I came to

    Take Mia’s gifts because Mia is very naughty. How can you talk about me like that? You lowlife. Shoot him. Father! Calm down, my daughter. If he kills me, all the children in the world will no longer receive gifts. Dad! Shoot him now. It’s better to wait for the police. Mia doesn’t deserve gifts.

    Close your mouth, you fool! Shut up, you old man! Father! I’ll come back quickly. No, Mia, don’t go! Come back! Mia! David! How many times has this girl hurt you? Many times. She doesn’t deserve a gift. Look at me, you thief! This is my only daughter. I will give her my heart

    To be her. I am her father. I’ll protect you. I protect her from people like you. You thief! Oh my God! How faithful you are, David. Let me go. Please die, you villain! And raise your hands up! Please, let me go. I don’t want to take any more gifts. Wait for the police.

    You don’t deserve any place other than prison. Please save me, David. I got the police car for you. Are you okay? Yes. I’m alright. Father. Okay, my friends. You can watch old videos. There’s a lot of tension in it. Thanks for watching and goodbye.

    Subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss any future videos. Hello my friends. Don’t believe my dad. Just believe me, he, the director. Laugh at you. I’ve heard everything. There are actually negative comments. But that’s your opinion. You want to find a way to get him to stop making videos.

    You blame the comments because you are lazy. Don’t give them a chance to stop. I’m sorry I hit him, but he deserves it. And now goodnight. I’m going to sleep. Where does this football come from? Is it possible that Mia still hasn’t slept? It was a painful blow.

    I’ll see if she sleeps or stops sleeping. Then he never didn’t hit me. I’m sorry, my dear daughter. I doubted you. And you were innocent. I’m going to check on my wife Anna. You really have a square head, Dad. The truth must be told, right? I’m going to sleep. My friends. Good night.

    It was a wonderful bath, my dear. Your butt is beautiful, my darling. David doesn’t know their worth. I’m afraid he might come here. My love. He is busy on the laptop. Don’t worry, my dear. Oh God. He’s coming quickly. Hide yourself. Hello my dear. Hello, my dear. Why did you not tell me.

    That you’re going to take a shower? Sorry, but I didn’t want you to be with me. I wanted to shower alone. I’d like to ask you something. You and your stupid questions. Are you the one? Who threw me the football? Do you see that I come from a football field?

    Because football is my head. hit hard? Your head is still intact. Oh God. Please help me. You came here. Just because of that. All right, my love. Good. He closed the door behind him. My husband is very polite. I have to go. Anna, it’s late. Your kiss was very hot, my love.

    I know, my love. And not as cold as your husband David. I’m sorry for burning you that day. Thomas. It’s okay, my love. I’m burned for you. So, you don’t know what we’re talking about. Go and watch the 14th episode of the exciting series! You’ll see Anna burn me.

    I will give him compensation for the burns I caused him. You have compensated me greatly. My dear, The tension in this episode won’t be on. I highly recommend you watch episode 14. I’ve been dreaming about your butt for a long time. Today Thomas is enough. I also have work with the world.

    I know I’m cheating on him, but I love him. He’s my stupid husband. Good, my love. I’ll get dressed and go out the window. See you soon, my dear. Of course, my love. I’m not happy with yours yet. Maybe next time we’ll meet in the park near you. Go, Thomas.

    My ass won’t run away. Goodbye my love. Come on, Anna. I missed you very much. Those watching us are not allowed to smoke. I smoke because I’m passionate about Anna. And what will you burn when you smoke? Please don’t think about my wife. And not to Lena either.

    The best thing is not to smoke at all. Smoke harms the health. The episode is over. And she hasn’t come yet. She showered alone. I should have been with her. But I miss Lena too. First I’ll put out my fire with Anna. Then I will contact Lena.

    I also have to put out my fire with Lena. Oh God. What is she still doing? She was very late. And now my friends, the time is very late. Go to sleep. Tomorrow we’ll see you in a new episode. As always. Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and

    Turn on the bell notification to be notified of new videos. You can also watch the very interesting previous episodes and write your opinion under this video. Be it positive or negative. Thanks for watching and see you soon. The weather is very nice this evening. When Anna comes, the weather will be even nicer.

    What do you think, my friends? Who is the man who walked out of my house? I should go and check on him. He looks like Thomas. Was he lost? What is he doing here at night? Let me get closer. I’m sure it’s Thomas. I should make sure.

    I’m going to zoom in on the image. Is Thomas’ butt really that big? It’s really Thomas. What was he doing here? I think the distance is not far. I’ll jump off here to catch up with him quickly. It’s only a few meters. No worries. I’ll be ok. Oh my God.

    The distance wasn’t too far. My calculations were not accurate. Am I still alive? Nothing happened to me. There is a question that puzzles me. I don’t remember why I jumped off the roof. Do you remember? But why am I outside? I was waiting for Anna. Oh, I remember now.

    I saw Thomas coming out of our building. I have to move to see what he’s done here. Finally I arrived home. How will I get into the house? I forgot the house keys at Anna’s. Where will I sleep? I’ll sleep outside. Does Thomas always sleep outside? Are there any problems between?

    Him and Lena? He’s stupid. He doesn’t sleep with his wife. I’ll take a look at Lena. I missed her very much. Oh my God. Thomas has. Happiness. I can’t hold back. I’ll sneak in. Do you see what I see? My Lena. She even wears red underwear. This is a clear sign

    That she loves me. Now I have to take off my clothes. Fast! David! I can’t believe I’m with Lena today. I’m sorry, Lena. My underwear is green. We’ll merge it. Please turn off the camera. Director David? Yes, darling. Where is Thomas? Don’t worry, darling. Thomas sleeps outside. Why is he sleeping outside?

    What happened? How did you come here? And why are you taking off your clothes? Why is there no blanket for me? Lena, please calm down. David, please go and leave this place before Thomas comes. Thomas was in our building. I followed him here. Then he fell asleep outside. What are you saying?

    And what did he do there? I don’t know, darling. Maybe he’ll see you with someone else. You fool. How can you get into the house when Thomas is there? Why did you hit me, Lena? I didn’t know you were so violent. Do you want to destroy my home? What if Thomas or

    My daughter Lisa see you? I’m here, mom. How are you doing? My uncle. I’m doing well. My daughter. Mummy! Why is my uncle lying on the floor? Your uncle is sick. My daughter. Where is my dad? Mummy! Daughter! Go to your room. Your uncle is waiting for your dad. Mummy!

    Where are your clothes? You will get sick. It’s very cold outside. We’ll get dressed. My daughter. Uncle, you should get dressed too. You will get sick. Yes, my daughter. I’ll get dressed. Don’t worry, Lisa. Go to your room and don’t tell your dad I was here. Why, uncle?

    I’ll buy you some ice cream tomorrow. If you don’t tell him I was here. I love ice cream. Uncle and mom too, uncle. Yes. And your mother loves ice cream too. Mia too, uncle. Come with me. My love. Goodbye, uncle. Has something happened to your mind? I really need you, my love.

    Thomas could enter the room at any time. Who is Thomas? What’s wrong with you, David? My daughter saw us naked. You exposed me. And we didn’t do anything. I will go, my love. Do not worry. I think that Mia’s dad is not normal. What do you think? My friends.

    My husband is not cheating on me. And I won’t cheat on him. So watch out for infidelity. Infidelity means the breaking of houses. David is a nice person, but trust between spouses is important. But there is a question that concerns me. What was Thomas doing in David’s building? Please write your answers

    In the comments. Thank you for watching. It is delicious. What do you think, Mia? She is really delicious. Thank you my dear. Enjoy your ice cream, my love. That’s strange. David, we’ve been friends for a long time. You’ve never invited me before. Don’t say that! My dear husband. David is a respectful man.

    I did not say anything. My love. Is the ice cream delicious? Yes. She is delicious. It’s time for the bill. Yes, of course. David, get off your ass and pay the bill. Thomas, keep your butt stiff and don’t move it. How much is the bill? My brother. You are wrong, sir.

    I’m not your brother. How much is the bill? You fool! Who’s the fool now? You fool! My poor husband. My head hurts. David! My eyes! Are you all right? Now I am your eyes. Thomas! My father! Are you okay, uncle? Are you all right? All because of the ice cream.

    Is the ice cream fast? Lisa. But your dad needs help. They destroyed the business. Sir, you will pay for everything you have destroyed. I’ll call the police. Hello, police! I have a husband who destroyed the business. I am waiting for you. Please Sir. Just forgive him this time.

    Why are you asking this man? Mummy. Dear. Keep your pride and don’t beg anyone ! Mia. What are you doing on the table, little one? You hit my dad. Nobody in the world and in the universe. He dares to hit my dad. And you dared and hit my dad.

    I’m the only one who hits him whenever I want. I hit him because he told me you were stupid. You’re really stupid. You babble a lot. Go to your mother. I don’t want to hit you because you’re small. Where is your mother? Is in the cemetery. Why are you asking about her?

    Do you know her? I don’t know her. I want to send you to her. Now tell me who is stupid. You fool! Don’t forget to give her my regards. This is my daughter I know. We have to get out of here. The police are coming. My daughter? Yes, my daughter.

    Let’s get out of here quickly. Good. Let’s get out of here. I’m shivering. Oh my God. Father! Can you walk on your legs? We will go before you. Come with me quickly. Lena and Lisa. Well done, mom. You have finally arrived. Where is Mia? Aunt! She was behind us. Mia, my love.

    She saved me. Why did you stop, Thomas? The shopkeeper beat me. And you stopped. Why didn’t you help my husband, Thomas? Have you forgotten how I burned you? Thomas? Of course I remember. Would you like us to repeat it? Of course I don’t want to repeat Aunt. My dad is very scared.

    I know. My daughter. He is very afraid. He likes to stay away from problems. Hello, my dear viewers. Do you remember which episode where I burned Thomas? You have ten seconds to guess which episode this is in. Well, I’ll tell you. In episode 14 I burned Thomas and he was alive.

    In episode twelve I was burned. They are exciting episodes. I recommend you see them. Anna, you know me well. I will help your husband. But Mia stepped in and helped him. The main thing is that you’re okay. David? Yes I’m fine. And Mia contributed to that. You didn’t move your butt.

    Not even a little. Your butt is very big. How did you know my butt was big? Yes. And I noticed her butt is big. Have you seen his butt too? Anna, I saw it when he ran away. Why are you talking about butts? Are there problems with your butt?

    These topics are for adults. My love. And since when do adults talk about butts? That’s enough. Let’s go into the house. I will go home. I’m worried that if I stay here, you’ll burn me. We’ll meet in one day. Thanks for the ice cream. David. You’re welcome. Yes, my uncle.

    Thanks for the ice cream. Thank you. And see you soon. As you wish. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Farewell, my little one. Sea was very late. Yes, my love. Go get yourself out. I will go. Looking for you. And this is where our episode ends. My friends. Don’t forget the old episodes.

    Tonight is New Year’s Eve. Yes. The hour is approaching. Tonight we will watch the fireworks. I am so excited. My daughter. You have to take care. Because fireworks are dangerous. Why are they dangerous? Because they can cause fire and sparks, which can be dangerous. Are you afraid you’ll burn?

    We must keep a safe distance, My daughter. After dinner we will go out. I know it’s dangerous. We will enter the new year and. We don’t want to be hospitalized. I’ll take you to the hospital if we don’t go out. Don’t say that, my daughter. You are very good at dynamo. My daughter.

    Your dad took us out. Do not worry. Isn’t that right, David? Of course, my love. To move around a little. Because you resemble one in almost every way. You should exercise. What did you say, you stupid? I’m going out. You stay here. Mia. Goodbye, dad. I didn’t mean to disturb you, My love.

    Oh well. Oh my God. Since when has my dad been flying? I think my mother taught him to fly. What do you think? I would like to tell you something. This video is a comedy to make you laugh. Any action or behavior you see in this video is not real.

    Don’t try these actions at home. Let’s continue the episode. Dad Where did you go? I will find him. I have to move quickly. Oh my God. It’s you again. You will be Santa Claus. Yes, I am Santa Claus with flesh and blood. What did your father in heaven do?

    My mother sent him to heaven. And how did she send him? I didn’t ask her. If you want to know. Then go and ask her. I don’t want to ask her. Tomorrow we will see the new year. What are you doing in heaven? You will burn. When they light the fireworks.

    There are children who haven’t had theirs yet. Your dad ruined everything. Even when I fly in the sky, I have problems. It’s good that you told me about the fireworks display today. I will be like a burning firework in the sky. Dad, wake up. Enough with the acting. I hear you,

    But I can’t move. Explain to me, how did you fly to the sky? I don’t remember how I flew. Good thing you were in heaven. Santa Claus, you brought me quickly to earth. Maybe I was on my way to China. I didn’t bring you down, David. You made me fall from the sky.

    You ruined all the children’s presents. You even ruined me with the presents. Even my reindeer ran away. You brought all your problems with you. And you threw them at me. In what time did you hear? Santa Claus distributes the presents on foot. Would you exhaust yourself if you walked to deliver the gifts?

    It is not necessary to deliver the gifts. I will take all the gifts. The presents are now safe, Santa Claus. Don’t worry at all. My daughter. These gifts are not just for you alone, my daughter. Take all the gifts. But call for an ambulance for us. Don’t worry, dad. Oh my God.

    Your daughter didn’t come back. I. She won’t come back. The gifts drove her crazy. We will enter the year 2024. Happy New Year. Slide in slowly. Don’t slip out. This example applies exactly to us. Happy New Year, Dad. Happy New Year. Santa Claus or Santa Claus. And thank you for the lovely gifts.

    We went sledding outside. We were paralyzed at the start of the new one. Worst year ever. For me it is the most wonderful year. Mia, why didn’t you call emergency services? I was busy opening presents and forgot to call. My friends. I wish you a new year full of joy.

    Far away from what happened to my dad and Santa Claus. I hope you enjoyed the episode. Thanks for watching the whole thing. I love you very much. You have seen all the videos I made in 2023. And there will be more in the new year 2024. Goodbye, my dear viewers. The end.

    Don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel to receive notifications of every new video on the channel. Also, don’t forget to watch the exciting previous episodes. Goodbye!


    1. Geh Respektvoll mit deinen Eltern um erwachsene brauchen Zeit für sich übrigens Steckt Mia in ein Internat für eine sehr lange Zeit Mia lass deinen Vater in Ruhe doch dieser Kanal ist Bereits Abonniert Mia Nimm das Mia braucht Dringend ein Psychiater Mia ist eindeutig Psychopathisch

    2. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ mir ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Ja

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