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    16 violent assault in a disturbing incident from October 2019 in Arcadia California 27-year-old Robert Michael Mendes was arrested on charges of attempted murder kidnapping and false imprisonment the arrest came after Arcadia police received doorbell footage from a local residence depicting Mendes allegedly assaulting his estranged girlfriend the previous night the

    Incident unfolded around 11:40 p.m. on Sunday when police received ring doorbell footage from a property near Santa Anita Avenue and Camino Royale Avenue in the footage a distressed woman later identified as the victim can be seen Desperately Seeking help as she knocks on doors screaming no no no the

    Situation then takes a horrifying turn as Mendes the alleged as salant rushes over and violently drags The Woman by her hair across the yard during the struggle Mendes is heard yelling at the victim to get up while she pleads for assistance the situation escalates as Mendes threatens the woman stating get

    Up now or I will kill you following the alarming footage an investigation led the police to a residence in the 1,500 Block of South Santa Anita Avenue there they discovered Mendes and the severely injured woman who was promptly hospitalized the victim identified as Mendes’s estranged girlfriend had reportedly been held against her will

    Since the attack the charges against Mendes include suspicion of attempted murder kidnapping and false imprisonment the incident sheds light on the painful experiences faced by the victim who endured not only physical assault but also threats to her life the Swift response from law enforcement led to Mendes’s apprehension highlighting the

    Importance of surveillance technology in aiding criminal investigations in 2020 Mendes entered a plea deal admitting to one count of injuring a girlfriend or a child’s parent in addition the other charges against him were dropped but for now his sentencing remains unclear as the legal proceedings unfold the community awaits

    Further updates on the case hoping for justice for the victim and accountability for the accused 15 killer clown chilling CC’s TV footage has emerged capturing a horrifying incident involving a killer clown attempting to enter a family home in Texas the video recorded at approximately 2:30 a.m. in

    October 2016 shows a person dressed as a clown with complete white face makeup and an orange wig approaching the front door and attempting to open it then realizing the door is locked the clown armed with a large knife proceeds to explore the side of the house the Intruder opens the back gate and

    Attempts entry through various doors surrounding the property all of which are found to be securely locked failing in the attempt the Killer Clown eventually gives up and exits the garden the unsettling footage was discovered by the homeowner after noticing an open gate in her yard in a caption accompanying the video the homeowner

    Expressed concern stating in her own words that earlier that day she observed that her gate was a jar and upon reviewing the footage from her surveillance cameras she discovers an individual dressed in a clown costume attempting to gain entry to her residence she believes that the situation could have turned tragic if

    They had succeeded in entering the kill clown phenomenon originating in the US in August 2016 spread to the UK with numerous reports of creepy clown sightings these incidents range from harmless pranks such as scaring people in passing cars to more Sinister events where individuals dressed as clowns have

    Approached school children the rise of this trend was fueled in part by a Facebook page sharing photos and videos of these alarming sightings sparking a nationwide debate on whether these acts are harmless pranks or genu genuine threats other reports from 2016 include a mother claiming a clown trying to

    Kidnap her daughter at a bus stop and another incident where a creepy clown allegedly attempted to lure children into the woods near a residential area the controversy surrounding these incidents continues to divide public opinion with some dismissing them as harmless pranks and others labeling them a menace to society 14 mysterious orb in

    Daytona Beach Florida in October 2020 an unidentified flying object UFO made an unexpected appearance in the home of Pastor monzel Ford who also happens to be a police chaplain The Peculiar event unfolded as the pastor was sleeping and he became aware of it when his home surveillance cameras Emotion Detector repeatedly triggered

    Alerts curious about what triggered the alarms Pastor monzel checked the camera feed on his phone and was astonished to find an orbl likee object hovering in his living room recalling The Experience Bast monzel expressed his initial reaction saying nope nope nope nope nope something’s going on here something’s

    Going on here notably he confirmed that no one else was present in the house at the time ruling out the possibility of someone using a flashlight and once even more strange is that the object was too large to be dismissed as a dust particle attempting to comprehend the situation

    Pastor monzel went to the living room but the mysterious orb wasn’t visible to the naked eye the or persisted appearing and disappearing for hours even taking on different shapes at times having faced challenging situations as a police chaplain Pastor monzel admitted that this particular encounter spooked him

    Like never before he explained that when face with something physical he feels confident in dealing with it ready to challenge and approach the situation however when confronted with the inexplicable such as things floating and disappearing he finds it unsettling knowing what something is gives him a sense of assurance but the unknown

    Elements are the ones that truly perplex him the scientic spark spirited debates but as of now Pastor monzel remains without an explanation for the mysterious event despite the odd occurrence he affirmed that it hadn’t deterred him from continuing to resign in the home the incident adds another

    Layer of mystery to the realm of unidentified flying objects leaving both the pastor and those following the story intrigued and puzzled 1 smart girl saves herself from kidnapping in a harrowing incident in Hamilton Ohio an attempt to kidnap a 6-year-old girl from her front yard was thwarted thanks to the family’s

    Swift action and surveillance footage the event unfolded on East Avenue where security camera footage caped the child throwing out trash by the curb in the video a man walking down the sidewalk stops touches the child and attempts to grab her seemingly intending to pull her down the sidewalk but thankfully the

    Quick-thinking girl screams and manages to escape the grasp of the as salant the accused 33-year-old Derk mcferson of Hamilton has been charged with gross sexual imposition and abduction according to K documents mcferson bent down and attempted to grab the girl prompting the girl to move away from the

    Defendant the defendant then grabbed the Girl by the wrist and pulled her along the sidewalk the child’s mother identified as Mandy recounted the terrifying moment when she heard her daughter’s blood curdling scream Mandy and her husband Ricky were just steps away inside their home when the incident occurred in a courageous response Ricky

    And Mandy attempted to chase down the as salant Ricky deciding to use his car pursued the man who attempted to flee through alleys and yards surveillance footage from Terry’s Automotive captures mcferson on foot in front of a business on Route 4 with Ricky in pursuit in his car mcferson attempts to hide behind

    Cars and Crosses over route four but eventually Ricky locates mcferson inside an old Dodge Caravan in a parking lot behind pool’s Auto Hamilton police arrested mcaren at the scene Mandy and Ricky credit their daughter’s quick thinking and their prior discussions about stranger danger for her Escape Ricky emphasized I’ve always told her

    That if somebody ever touches her talks to her or grabs her make her scene scream as loud as she can and fight the girl’s ability to scream and resist played a crucial role in preventing a potentially tragic outcome 12 breaking attempt in Bowie Maryland on October 26th 2021 an unsettling event took place

    As a man was captured on surveillance camera lurking outside kaziah Williams’s home moments before she called 911 to report an attempted Breakin the Prince George’s County Police were put under investigation regarding their delayed response time taking nearly 30 minutes for officers to arrive at the scene Williams living alone expressed her

    Disappointment in the delayed police response emphasizing her expectation of relying on law enforcement for protection the entire incident was recorded by Williams’s ring doorbell camera unable to file a police report Williams took to social media sharing the footage on Instagram and Twitter where it quickly gained viral attention

    In the video Williams calmly tells the suspect to have a good day as she swiftly enters the home with her dog the man wearing a Laker’s hoodie follows her attempting to open the door and even obstructing the camera at one point when the police did eventually charge the man

    With trespassing he wasn’t detained and he hasn’t been named either authorities explain that trespassing is considered a criminal citation requiring the accused to appear in court rather than being immediately incarcerated the suspect has a significant criminal history including charges of burglary theft and dangerous weapons with some cases still pending

    Despite the issuance of a criminal summons for attempted burglary in the fourth degree Williams advocates for upgraded charges that would lead to the suspect’s incarceration however an arrest seems unlikely given the officials insight into the suspect’s recent open cases Williams appreciative of the Maryland State Attorney’s action so far urges

    People to stay vigilant and secure their homes she’s taken additional measures including a iring pepper spray and a taser emphasizing the importance of personal safety and reflecting on the incident Williams expresses gratitude for being unharmed and encourages others to prioritize their safety as well 11 danger at your doorstep in September

    2023 Chesterfield County Virginia made headlines as the local police department investigated a concerning incident captured on doorbell video in the rockshire neighborhood just after 2:00 a.m. on Saturday September 9th the footage was recorded and the unnerving incident prompted homeowners to share the video online as a cautionary measure

    In the footage the man approached her home rang the doorbell revealed the gun and when met with no response he walked away before departing in a light colored SUV a post by the homeowners warn neighbors revealing that the same individual had approached another home across the street expressing their

    Concern one neighbor said absolute fear that this is happening in our neighborhood this could have been a lot worse which is very scary emphasizing the Rarity of such incidents in their Community as the community remained on high alert in the days following the incident questions lingered about the man’s identity and motives residents

    Grappled with uncertainties pondering why someone would approach homes late at night armed with a gun reflecting on the unsettling situation a resident voiced the collective sentiment saying in her own words from an external Viewpoint the question arises what could be the motivation for an individual to enter a neighborhood and ring

    Doorbells understanding the underlying reasons and determining measures to ensure safety became pivotal concerns in such situations the community with a focus on Family Safety sought answers and reassurances from law enforcement 3 days after the incident the Chesterfield County Police Department continued working to identify the man captured in the doorbell footage

    In a subsequent update it was revealed that the man voluntarily visited the police department for an interview with investigators the investigation suggested that he hadd been using an application to locate a specific piece of property in the rockshire neighborhood authorities stated that his approach to residences was solely an

    Attempt to retrieve the property and there was no evidence of criminal activity the police assured the community that the individual posed no threat to Residents providing a sense of relief after days of hiding concerns 10 don’t trust strangers in a chilling event that took place in Millwaukee in

    January 2023 a homeowner shared the disturbing encounter where her house was shot at multiple times in broad daylight by an unknown man the victim who was too fearful to reveal her identity displayed the shocking footage captured by her doorbell camera revealing the entire incident the horrifying event occurred

    On a Monday afternoon in a neighborhood along North 17th Street the homeowner having a day off was upstairs cleaning and listening to music while her 14-year-old daughter and 2-year-old twin grandsons were asleep the incident began when her daughter heard a loud noise prompting the homeowner to check her

    Doorbell camera footage upon review she discovered an unfamiliar man standing at her doorstep ringing the doorbell twice initially thinking he might have dropped something off the situation took a terrifying turn when the man after walking away turned back and fired eight bullets at the house the victim expressed her distress emphasizing that

    The trajectory of the bullets posed a serious threat to her grandchildren and daughter fortunately though no one was injured in the shooting however the incident left the homeowner feeling traumatized and unsafe in her own home Milwaukee Police are actively searching for the perpetrator and the victim in an

    Effort to Aid the investigation shared the video footage and recounted her ORD deal hoping for a swift resolution to the case in a recent update it was revealed that a 46-year-old Milwaukee man suspected in connection with the incident was arrested by the authorities Milwaukee police stated the criminal

    Charges would be referred to the district attorney’s office soon indicating progress in the case and providing a glimmer of hope for the victim and the affected Community nine robbed a gunpoint in Chicago’s Beverly neighborhood in November 2023 the pford family became victims of a Brazen armed robbery just outside their home Michelle

    Pford and their 12-year-old daughter were confronted by two armed individuals as they returned home from volleyball practice on a routine Thursday evening at around 8:45 p.m. surveillance footage captured the harrowing moments as the armed pair demanded the keys to the Family’s car Michelle pford was pushed

    To the ground and her purse was rifled through by the assailants and as she was screaming on the ground putting her hands in front of her face to protect herself one of the suspects flashed her gun at her perhaps in an attempt to get her to cooperate the family described

    The chilling experience when Michelle’s daughter ran inside screaming leaving a lasting impact on her father Jeff petot Jeff rushed outside to assist his wife but one of the suspects pointed a gun at his head despite the intense situation though Jeff tried to negotiate with the robbers offering them money however

    Their sole interest was in the car prompting Jeff to guide them on starting the family’s Udi the emotional Trauma from the incident has been challenging for the pord family with Jeff expressing concerns about the long-term impact on his daughter while physically unharmed the family is left grappling with the

    Aftermath of the ordeal as of the latest update the stolen vehicle hasn’t been recovered and Chicago Police continue their search for the suspects the pord family hopeful that sharing their story and the surveillance footage May Aid in the suspect’s identification and arrest encourage anyone with information to provide anonymous tips in the

    Investigating area 2 detectives at CBD 82 scan in a peculiar turn of events in Pennsylvania in November 2022 a mother of four Amanda pit was left spooked and sleep deprived after encountering what she believes to be a ghostly figure on her home security camera the Eerie

    Incident un folded at 3:40 a.m. on October 21st when pit HUD what she described as heavy Footsteps in her home upon checking the security camera footage pit was startled to see a ghostly figure standing in the doorway of her kitchen Disturbed and uncertain she woke up her husband Jeffrey and sent

    Him downstairs to investigate however the surge revealed no Intruder and no signs of a break in but even the family dog oie seemed uneasy as it paced around the kitchen un able to shake off the unsettling experience pit stayed awake watching TV to calm herself down she kept revisiting the security camera feed

    Questioning whether what she saw was real despite capturing a screenshot of the mysterious figure pit remained perplexed especially considering this wasn’t the first Supernatural incident for the family The Pit family moved into their home in 2020 and strange happenings have been a recurring theme regular notifications from the security

    Feed when no one’s home and odd noises have become commonplace previous bizarre incidents include a recorded instance of a door opening on its own while the family was away and another incident where the kitchen sink turned on by itself pit initially skeptical about ghosts admitted that these inexplicable

    Events have made the family question their beliefs the unsettling picture of the ghostly figure has intensified their contemplation about the strange occurrences prompting thoughts of moving to a different home reflecting on their experiences pit said we’re confused we just question everything when we hear stuff now it’s

    Not so much living in fear it’s just questioning everything the family’s Journey from skepticism to uncertainty about paranormal activities continues as they navigate the Mysteries within their home seven a visit from the Men in Black in a spooky incident in California that took place in September 2023 a doorbell

    Camera captured the attention of many as it showed two mysterious individuals in suits and sunglasses knocking on a woman’s front door the Intriguing scene unfolded when the woman received an alert from her ring system prompting her to investigate the unfamiliar visitors the two men dressed in black suits and

    Dark sunglasses lingered at the doorstep and then one of them knocked on the door perplexed about their identity the woman texted her children to check if they knew the visitors but they were equally Clueless upon reviewing the video later an unexpected detail emerged in the background a Dark Orb hovering in the

    Sky behind the suited man the combination of the enigmatic strangers and the peculiar looking UFO has fueled spinulation with some entertaining the idea that the individuals could be the infamous Men In Black or even extraterrestrial visitors Skeptics however argue that the UFO might be a mundane object like a balloon captured

    At an opportune moment UFO sightings have been a topic of discussion and the video adds a layer of intrigue to the ongoing discourse about extraterrestrial existence the reference to the men of black known in conspiracy lawers government agents dealing with evidence of aliens further spices up the narrative the conspiracy suggests that

    Some men in black might even be aliens themselves giving a speculative element to The Peculiar doorbell camera recording whether a bizarre encounter or a case of misinterpretation the video has sparked curiosity and debate about the possibility of mysterious visitors and government agencies in dark suits six dingdong it’s a snake in a surprising

    Encounter that was captured on a doorbell camera in kety Kansas a woman prompted by her nest device was taken back to find an unexpected visitor at her doorstep a rather large snake McKenzie bullets the resident of the witchar subur shared the startling videos on Facebook seeking assistance in

    Dealing with the snake while her husband was away expressing the urgency of the situation bullins posted this is no joke accompanied by SOS emojis as the snake triggered her doorbell camera repeatedly while she was at work the four videos she shared depict the snake slithering around her doorway providing a bizarre

    Spectacle for the unsuspecting resident with her plea for help resonating on social media bullins later updated the post revealing that a friend had come to her Aid and successfully relocated the snake bullins lightened the mood surrounding the unexpected snake encounter humorously she compared her situation to what happens in the 2006

    Movie Snakes on a bladee noting that the snake rescuer wasn’t Samuel Jackson and that the snake was on the planes not a plane in a subsequent news report by kw12 the snake was identified as a western rat snake by natural Todd vogan he clarified that these snakes are

    Common in the area and that they’re not venomous the snakes are also known for their climing abilities while bman acknowledged that the snakes can bite he advised against touching them emphasizing the importance of letting experts handle such situations the incident while initially alarming ended on a lighter note as the

    Community came together to assist bullins in addressing the slithery surprise at her doorstep five m and threatens homeowner in a disturbing incident from July 21 in Las Vegas Nevada 40-year-old Christopher sums was arrested and identified as the man caught on a ring doorbell camera making chilling threats to the female homeowner

    He faces charges including aggravated stalking coercion with Force attempted burglary and making false statements or obstructing a public officer additionally he’s currently being held on a warrant from Los Angeles on July 21st first the ring doorbell footage captured s’s knocking and peering into a residence initially hesitating he repeatedly questioned are you sure

    Before revealing his Sinister intentions walking away he was confronted by someone inside who asked about his identity then in a horrifying response sums claimed he was searching for a girl to assault and kill the video posted by the homeowner quickly went viral on social media prompting widespread concern

    The following day her tip LED police to sums near Clark Avenue in Third Street when approached he identified himself as the Holy Spirit and remained uncooperative refusing to answer any questions police corroborated the events in the video with the terrified woman who lived in the targeted home she

    Disclosed that she believed sus had observed her through an open kitchen window intensifying her fear and stress over the situation scheduled for a court appearance in Las Vegas in 2021 sums opted not to attend adding a layer of complexity to the legal proceedings the charges against him Encompass a range of

    Serious offenses reflecting the gravity of the threat and actions captured on the ring doorbell footage four Thug’s batter front door in a shocking incident from August 2014 in shury shumsher CCTV footage captured the harrowing attempt of two hooded Intruders to break into the home of retired software engineer Simon barnesley the 58-year-old was

    Awakened by a disturbance outside his residence at 1:00 a.m. and that’s when he discovered the trespass is trying to access his basement responding instinctively Mr Barnsley completely naked and armed only with G Keys confronted The Intruders at his front door the unsettling video depicts the asalan aggressively assaulting the front

    Door while Mr Barnsley valiantly clung to the handle the audio lasting 9 Minutes saw the thugs kicking and punching the door causing splinters and shattered glass in the process throughout the attack Mr Barnsley and his 58-year-old wife Julia pleaded with The Intruders while simultaneously dialing 999 for emergency assistance as

    The couple engaged in a desperate struggle to repel the attackers the thugs eventually retreated the police went on the hunt for the asals and they examined the CCTV footage for leads Mr Barnsley who retired from London for a quieter life in the countryside expressed shock at the incident

    Describing it as a vivid example of societal decline reflecting on the terrifying encounter Mr Barnsley highlighted the deteriorating safety in the area noting previous burglar attempts that prompted him to install CCTV cameras the asants undeterred by their naked confrontation intensified their attack leaving the couple frightened but despite the traumatic

    Experience the bars assert their commitment to their home refusing to be driven Away by criminal activities the footage captures The Intruders ltering talking on phones and repeatedly approaching the house before initiating the assault in the face of danger Mr Barnsley calmly records the events vowing to report the criminals to the

    Police West Mia police urged anyone with information to come forward describing the asalan as wearing light color jackets one in trousers and trainers with the other in shorted but unfortunately it’s unclear if the thugs were ever captured and held accountable for their crimes leaving the outcome of this case a mystery three

    Beware of big cats Nebraska residents were in for a surprise when a ring doorbell camera captured footage of a mountain lion casually strolling in front of an Omaha Home in July of 2023 and Denine the homeowner discovered the unexpected visitor while reviewing the footage the sighting confirmed by Nebraska G and

    Parks occurred near I8 and Q Street in Southwest Omaha in response to Urban Mountain line sightings the mountain line response plan grants police the authority to safely relocate the animal without harm to protect Public Safety while Mountain lines are a natural part of Nebraska’s Wildlife diversity the

    Response plan allows for the removal of animals posing a threat to people the Nebraska gayman Parks Commission approved mountain lion hunting in 2022 establishing a maximum Harvest of four cats with a sublimit of two females the primary objective of the Harvest is to manage the mountain line population’s well-being and vitality

    Ensuring it neither increases nor experiences a significant decline according to the mountain line Foundation the Pine Ridge area in Northwest Nebraska is home to 59 Mountain lines encompassing both adults and kittens although Mountain line attacks are rare authorities advise residents to contact the Omaha police department or G and Parks if they have

    Any pertinent information about the recent sightings with an ongoing search for the mountain line officials aim to balance coexistence with these majestic creatures while prioritizing Public Safety two masked thief in a bizarre incident that could easily be mistaken for a horror movie scene surveillance footage captured from a New Orleans home

    Captured an IND individual wearing a Michael Myers Halloween mask stealing lawn ornaments the Eerie incident unfolded at around 4:00 a.m. on Joseph Street The Mask figure described by the affected homeowner as having hands covered and possibly wearing pajama bottoms casually approached the front door picked up a small bunny ornament

    From a bicycle basket and then fled down Clara Street the unnerving theft recorded on the New Orleans Police Department’s YouTube channel left neighbors both concerned and uneasy some considered it a potential prank While others deemed it a scene straight out of nightmares despite nearly a dozen people declining to comment on camera

    The neighborhood expressed a collective sense of unease about the unusual occurrence the homeowner who opted to remain anonymous watched the surveillance video in disbelief describing the incident as both confusing and frightening she mentioned that this wasn’t the first time her property had been targeted suspecting the same person might be responsible for

    Previous incidents including pulled up PLS New Orleans police were alerted to the theft and an investigation is underway while no other items were taken during this peculiar incident the homeowner remains Vigilant keeping a watchful eye on her surroundings and security cameras in case the masked figure decides to return as of now the

    New Orleans Police Department hasn’t provided any comments on the ongoing investigation and now for number one but if you want to hear more bizarre and crazy stories stay tuned after the video for some more content one ghost deer in a quirky Twist of the supernatural a family security camera footage has

    Sparked speculation about the existence of a ghost deer the unusual occurrence was observed in their backyard particularly in an area where their late dog is buried the video begins with a seemingly ordinary deer making its way through the yard however the mystery unfolds when instead of passing on the

    Left side of a tree the deer appears to vanish the skeptical explanation involves the thickness of the tree potentially blocking the deer’s path or it heading into a field behind the home while this seems plausible the video fails to provide clear evidence of the deer reappearing the family’s late Don

    Bear was known for enjoying the sight of deers in their backyard adding a Sentimental layer to The Peculiar incident the aled ghost there was also seen walking over the exact place bear was buried in the family’s yard the video undergoes scrutiny for any signs of editing or manipulation with the

    Homeowner closely examining the footage for inconsistencies while miscellaneous bugs Traverse the security camera no apparent evidence of video tampering has detected the incident humorously raises the question of whether we’ve entered a realm where the world of ghosts and deer intersect although the video is presented in a light-hearted manner

    It still raises lingering questions and adds a touch of mystery to the situation 10 deadly Revenge raldo Daga was a Filipino politician who focused many of his efforts on peacekeeping within the city of kukan he found himself in the exact opposite of a peaceful situation on New

    Year’s Day 2011 when he went to snap a photo of his wife daughter and mother-in-law outside his home and was shot dead right after he took the picture the image shows the gunman pointing his weapon directly at the photographer just a moment or two before pulling the trigger as well as the

    Assassin’s Lookout who can also be seen in the background 6 days later police arrested the suspected gunman identified as Arnell buenaflor and his alleged accomplices roml Oliver and Mikel Gonzalez buenaflor was known to have ties with the local passaway gang and claimed that he shot Dana as revenge for

    Someone among Dana’s people hurting him in a par shootout meanwhile law enforcement claimed that buenaflor was actually motivated by dax’s peacekeeping activities rather than a previous active violence either way the merciless killing was attributed to a deadly grunge and buen FL apparently realized after being captured on camera that he

    Wasn’t going to get away with the crime after apprehending the suspect at his hiding place police said that he looked tired perhaps he was ready to quit running from the law and to face the music for his horrific crime nine the murder of Paula Ruiz 41-year-old Paula

    Ruiz had just finished her shift at a hotel in chapas Mexico and was walking out to the parking lot around 11:00 p.m. with her son Miguel Alejandro earlier this year the pair noticed that the motorbike K driven there to pick her up with was gone the two of them proceeded

    To search the surrounding neighborhood and saw two men pushing the bike down a street ruis confronted the suspects and asked for the motorcycle back at one point stepping between the two parties to block her son from being hurt as one of the men identified only as Pedra raised his gun the protective mother

    Took out her cell phone and snapped a photo that was the last photo the woman would ever take he then shot her in the chest and the two Crooks fled the scene leaving the motorcycle behind ruers was pronounced dead at the hospital leaving her four children orphaned and the

    Community outraged over her murder police apprehended Pedro and his alleged co-conspirator Sergio Antonio a few days later they also took other suspects into custody on suspicion of being involved in the deadly theft eight girlfriend killer the day after India macky’s 20th birthday in 2019 sadly turned out to be

    Her last day alive during a terrifying domestic dispute with her boyfriend 18-year-old Kevin Dixon the Michigan woman used her cell phone to record footage of him threatening her and showing her the bullet that he would soon use to kill her the couple were sitting in a parked van outside Dixon’s

    Home in Detroit’s Warren Suburban neighborhood when he fatally shot Macky just minutes after she discreetly captured the threatening video Dixon then allegedly moved Mackey’s body from the driver’s seat into the passenger side and sped off in the bag police pulled him over in another neighborhood a little while later when they noticed

    Him driving erratically and discovered his victim’s body in the front seat further investigation revealed that after shooting his girlfriend Dixon used her phone to call his mom and asked her to help him dispose of the murder weapon he was charged with first-degree murder and several weapons offenses at his

    Arraignment he asked the judge to release him because he was due to start a new job the next day but the team learned the hard way that freedom is a hard thing to come by when you’re a murderer Dixon pleaded no contest to second degree murder earlier this year

    And will serve between 20 and 35 years in prison his mother 44-year-old Nikita Dixon avoided jail time for accessory and tampering with evidence for helping hide the gun and instead received a four figure fine along with probation seven lethal road rage 60-year-old mother and grandmother Pamela Ry Martinez had just finished her

    Last Uber re delivery earlier this year and was on her way back to Glendale Arizona home when a suspicious driver pulled up next to her in a van something concerned Martinez enough for her to pull out her phone and snap a picture of the man behind the wheel he

    Shot Martinez just moments later and sped off while her car rolled off the side of the road after realizing that she had been shot and that her death was unrelated to the minor accident that occurred detectives went through Martinez’s phone and found the photo she’d taken of the killer they

    Identified him as 62-year-old Rusty French and suspected that the killing was road rage related it although they were admittedly unsure of the motive investigators also determined that the two didn’t know each other and that Martinez had not delivered any orders to him under police questioning French allegedly claimed that he blacked out

    Right after the photo was taken and said that he didn’t remember what happened next a gun recovered from his home was determined to match the weapon used in the murder and French was charged with murder in connection with the retired school teacher’s death Martinez’s family is devastated by their loss but said

    They’re grateful she snapped the picture that led to her suspected Killer’s arrest six fatal falling out in July of this year 20-year-old Vernon Stokes was recently found dead from several gunshot wounds on a metary Louisiana Street Weeks Later US Marshals apprehended the young man’s best friend 22-year-old

    Brandon Thomas Clark in Texas he had fled the state and now faces a second degree murder in connection with stokes’s death Vernon’s mother Nichelle Stokes told that she was utterly shocked by the news describing her son and Thomas Clark as growing up together and being like brothers and

    Adding that she treated the suspect like a son she told police that the pair were around together celebrating Thomas Clark’s birthday when the fatal shooting occurred police went through the victim’s phone and found a series of photos that show his body posing in front of him with a gun the pictures

    Were taken of the crime scene just minutes before Stokes had shot him more than 10 times leaving him with essentially no chance of survival it also appeared as though someone had gone through the young man’s car before fleeing the scene Thomas Clark has denied any involvement in the murder and

    Claimed that he wasn’t even there when it happened but prosecutors argue that the photos found in stokes’s phone prove otherwise and while the outcome of the case remains to be seen it’ll probably be pretty difficult to argue against the time stamped evidence in court five she

    Poisoned my coffee in May of last year 20-year-old Agnes aom’s concerned boyfriend called the police and reported her missing they would soon discover that a 64-year-old Romanian truck driver named neoli pisan had bludgeoned her to death inside the shipping container he’ converted into a home in Northwest

    London he struck the young woman over the head at least 20 times with an electric jigsaw and then buried her in a sh shallow grave in a nearby wooded area disturbance surveillance footage shows the moment Paisan rolled his victim’s lifeless body away in a garbage can before dumping her remains in the forest

    This along with other evidence helped police locate aom’s body weeks after the murder which happened a week before her 21st birthday detectives found the victim’s blood inside Pan’s container home and his vehicle pisan reportedly claimed that he didn’t know aom and falsely accused her of pooning his

    Coffee he also accused his victim of being a sex worker and said that he only wanted to help her get on a better path but that she demanded money and drugs from him the bizarre ruse failed to convince the authorities that he was somehow innocent especially since there

    Was no evidence indicating that aom was a drug user or a prostitute a jury found pan guilty of murder and he received a life sentence with a minimum of 22 years four Uber gonr mother to four children 38-year-old Christy spuza was working nights as an Uber driver in alagen County

    Pennsylvania earlier this year when what seemed at first like a normal pickup went terribly arai it ended with her being fatally shot in the head her body was found 3 days later in a wooded area dash cam footage revealed that about 10 minutes into the ride the suspect identified as 22-year-old Calvin crew

    Put a gun to the woman’s head and told her to keep driving spuza responded by saying come on I have a family to which the suspect replied that he also had a family and to keep driving Christy continued to beg for her life telling the armed passenger that she had four

    Kids crew replied that as long as she did what he told her everything would be fine at that point the dash Can was turned off and the video ended however no footage is necessary for anyone to know that the interaction ended with spuza being shot in the head

    An investigation revealed that she drove the suspect through several local neighborhoods while someone accessed her cash app account on her phone police established that spuza and crew did not know each other before the shooting and that the suspect’s main motive was robbery crew faces a murder charge in connection with christe’s death his

    Attorney argued against the death penalty but it currently remains on the table as a possible outcome of the case three Chinese Zodiac Killer a criminal going by the nickname of the Chinese Zodiac Killer was arrested on May 19th 2022 for allegedly sending cryptic threatening letters to various targets throughout the Northeastern

    United States in some of the terrifying messages he claimed that he killed people ate their flesh and planned to kill more victims various media Outlets government offices police agencies politicians religious institutions and private businesses throughout New York New Jersey Connecticut Vermont New Hampshire Pennsylvania and Washington DC including

    The White House received alarming pieces of correspondence from the self-proclaimed Chinese Zodiac Killer many of the letters came with a sheet of paper covered in a code or Cipher hence the culprit nickname and some were signed alist Crowley one letter reportedly claims that the suspect has killed both men and

    Women every month since November and implies that the victims might be people who are difficult to track such as illegal immigrant runaways and homeless individuals according to Albany based news station wwny Federal authorities took the threats extremely seriously and were quick to use the resources at their

    Disposal to find and track the suspect their efforts LED them to 46-year-old Jesse Badland who was captured on camera depositing some of his threatening letters into postal collection boxes in Watertown and Clayton New York in the photos the suspect can be seen wearing blue latex gloves as he places the

    Creepy correspondence into the box as of right now it appears unclear as to whether Bartlet actually killed anybody or if he simply claimed to If He Did In fact Target vulnerable victims it is theoretically possible that authorities have yet to track those crimes if convicted under his current charges

    Bodet faces up to 5 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 along with 3 years of supervised probation two life behind bars sandre taow dedicated her life to charity work so it wasn’t surprising when she left her hair salon in Rim Wisconsin to go pass out quarters to

    Those in need at a local laundromat one day in October of 2010 nobody ever expected that she would soon turn up dead nearby in a secluded field with some quarters and a digital camera next to her someone had beaten and strangled her police went through the camera and found two photos that

    They believe believe taow took shortly before she died one shows the sky above and another features a man with a four-pronged cane walking away detectives searched the home of a 65-year-old sex offender named Wilbert Leonard Thomas and found a half-filled jar of quarters clothing and a cane

    Matching the man in the photo they also noticed several scratches and broken Nails on the suspect’s hands while they were taking evidence Thomas was charged with first-degree intentional homicide theft from a person or corpse and several counts of bail jumping regarding an unrelated case several news articles

    Reported that he had a history of assaults dating back to the 1960s he was found guilty of Tao’s murder and received a life sentence with no possibility of parole one Mother’s Day tragedy this year’s Mother’s Day suddenly turned tragic for a 25-year-old Dallas area resident named Eric Montes

    And his mother who found themselves face to face with a crazy gunman while arriving home at their apartment complex surveillance footage shows the shooter exiting a white SUV and approaching Eric on the driver’s side of the car in an attempted robbery gone wrong the asalan can then be seen shooting Eric in the

    Head and fleeing the scene according to Witnesses the man brandished a gun and demanded money but Montes said that he didn’t have any so the gunman demanded his mother’s purse Montes once again said I don’t have anything and pleaded with the Armed robber not to hurt his

    Mother at which point the thief told Eric that he was going to die anyway and shot him in the head he grabbed the victim’s cell phone got into the SUV and sped off the disturbing video didn’t capture the Killer’s face but police are hoping that someone recognizes his build

    And voice authorities have also released a composite sketch of what the perpetrator looks like based on eyewitness accounts in hopes that someone will help lead them to the person responsible for turning Mother’s Day into a devastating occasion for the Montes family would you rather find a video of a stranger approaching your

    Door with a gun but leaving peacefully when they realize that nobody’s home or find footage of a large snake slithering into your house with no way of knowing where it went let us know what you think in the comments down below and if you enjoyed this video be sure to leave a

    Like And subscribe to the channel thank you so much for watching and we’ll see you in the next one bye

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