20 Best Places to Live in Ireland.

    The Republic of Ireland is an island nation located in western Europe and a beautiful place to live. Ireland was a part of the United Kingdom until it won independence in 1922. The country has 32 counties. Ireland is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Channel and the Irish Sea. It’s climate is temperate. The towns of Ireland lay along mountains and hills, plains, and coastal peninsulas. The Irish are known for their love of many sports including football, rugby, horseback racing and swimming. They also love arts and culture, and many towns host annual festivals attracting residents and visitors. Many towns have historic sites including castles and churches. The Irish also love shopping, dining and their pubs. The Irish are known for their friendliness and warmth welcoming visitors to their towns.

    #ireland #cities #top20

    Hello friends in this video we are going to discover the top 20 best places to live in Ireland the Republic of Ireland is an island nation located in Western Europe and a beautiful place to live Ireland was a part of the United Kingdom until it won Independence in

    1922 the country has 32 counties Ireland is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean the north Channel and the Irish sea its climate is temperate the towns of Ireland lay along mountains and Hills Plains and Coastal peninsulas the Irish are known for their love of many sports including football rugby horseback racing and swimming they

    Also love arts and culture and many towns host annual festivals attracting residents and visitors many towns have historic sites including castles and churches the Irish also love shopping dining and their pubs the Irish are known for their friendliness and warmth welcoming visitors to their towns kindly make sure

    To hit hit the Subscribe button and press the Bell icon before we start this video about the 20 best places to live in Ireland now let’s dig deeper into each of the top 20 best places to live in Ireland number 20 Karne County Carry Karne is a major tourist spot in Ireland

    And also considered a great place to retire located in Southwest Ireland Karne is quite in laidback the town with a population of about 14,500 is home to AR national park there is a real sense of community in Karne and the town hosts several sports clubs including rowing cycling football

    Rugby and horse racing Karne has always been an attraction for tourists since the town was visited by Queen Victoria in 1861 today Karne hosts several festivals including the Irish Folk Festival Karne walking and cycling festivals and the Karne beer festival number 19 can May County Carry

    Kenmare means the little nest and is a peaceful Village to live in with enough amenities to keep you busy Kenmare is located at the ruffy river at the head of Kenner bay the city has a population of just over 2,100 it’s known for its beautiful countryside Golf and horse riding the

    City’s Carnegie Library was built by Andrew Carnegie during the 1990s the citizens of Kenmare realized their potential to host tourists because the city lies along two major tourist routes Estates and Holiday Homes were built as well as bed and breakfasts kenm has always been known as a local market town

    So its citizens began holding monthly auction and Fair Days number 18 Bray County Wicklow Bray is a resort Town popular with tourists located just 12 mil south of Dublin the coastal town is a great place to live for commuters and retirees Bray was founded by St Kevin

    During the 6th century and became a town of pilgrimages it remains a destination for tourists residents and visitors enjoy the city’s 28hole golf courses the mile long prominade to the harbor where swans relax the BR heed walking trails the Elizabethan Revival Mansion kill ruy house and the Gothic Revival churches

    Built during the 18th and 19th centuries Bray has several local sports clubs and host several annual festivals including St Patrick’s Carnival the bray Summer Festival and the bray jazz festival number 17 conora county gallway kanamara is a suburb of gallway and takes up much of the area’s western

    Coast the Charming city is rural yet it’s not difficult to make your way to gallway and other surrounding towns the coastline of kanamara is made up of several peninsulas that offer amazing views of the mountains and the Atlantic Ocean koraa is a center for Irish culture its residents mostly speak the

    Gail Tac dialect of Irish number 16 Waterford County Waterford Waterford Ireland is located on the Waterford Harbor in Southeastern Ireland it has the country’s fifth largest population 53,500 yet it’s a great place to live Waterford is best known for Waterford Crystal which began making Blass in

    1783 the company was sold in 2009 but its Visitors Center Still Remains Waterford is filled with art and cultural events including theater libraries Cinema and the Barack Street concert band the city hosts several annual festivals including a film festival a music festival a tall ship Festival a food festival and the

    Waterford International Festival of Light Opera Waterford hosts several sports clubs including boating and football the city has a major Community feeling number 15 cork County County Cork cork is Ireland’s largest city in area and its third largest in population the population is 125,000 located in southwestern Ireland

    Cork City Center is located on an island between two channels of the river Lee there are keys and docks mixed with medieval remnants cork was a monastic Village that was expanded by the Vikings in the 10th it became a walled City during the 12th century cork is

    Nicknamed The Rebel City because of its opposition to the anglo-irish treaty and the Irish Civil War as well as its constant competition with Ireland’s capital city Dublin cork has a great Sports and cultural Scene It is home to the cork Film Festival the cork Opera House the Crawford Municipal art gallery

    And the Crawford School of Art and Design cork has a major industrial presence shopping is also big in Cork on St Patrick’s Street cork has a major culinary presence and is well known for its English Market which sells traditional Irish food number 14 canale cork if you don’t want to live

    In the big city of cork but wouldn’t mind being nearby canale is just 16 M south of cork canale has a great public Railway system so it’s not difficult to get to Cork for a fun time kale is a port and fishing village with a population of just over

    5,000 canale is known for its water sports including yachting and angling it also is close to lovely golf courses the quiet town has several sports groups and a major sense of community can sale hosts an annual JazzFest each October which attracts several locals and tourists number 13 kildair Town County kildair kildair

    Means Church of the oak the Midwest Irish city was named for the fifth century Monastery founded by St Bridget the monastery became a Carmelite frary the Dublin suburb is Qui and peaceful with a population today of just 8,600 today the city is best known for its horse racing at KK

    Racecourse it’s also loved for its kildair Village shopping outlet for those who don’t want to live in Dublin this suburb is a great place to reside number 12 gway county gway gway is the central western Port City of Ireland the city Li along gway Bay and the rivers

    Corb and gway run through the city the city was built during the 12th century and through the Middle Ages platok is the oldest part of gway and Remnants still exist there are also remnants of th earliest medieval settlement which can be viewed through a protective glass floor gway is called Ireland’s cultural

    Heart the city hosts several festivals throughout the year it has a strong theater Museum and music presence the Nui gallway was built in 1849 during the Potato Famine and Remains the location of three major universities of course as with most Irish cities gway has many sporting clubs for everything from football to

    Horse riding attractions include pubs restaurants and shopping goway’s population is just 880,000 so it’s not too crowded should you choose to live there number 11 Shannon County CLA Shannon is newer city located on the eastern coast of Ireland the city was built on redeveloped Marshland in the

    1960s in 1959 the area was named Shannon free zone which had a large cluster of American Investment businesses Shannon was built with this in mind as well as to provide housing for airport workers although not ideally planned the city underwent more development during the 1990s as the population grew today there

    Are modern housing developments a large supermarket and a large indoor shopping center there’s a lot to do in Shannon including walking trails in the city’s Rolling Hills barley Harbor kayaking the River Shannon dining shopping and visiting pubs number 10 Dublin County Dublin the capital of Ireland is a great

    Place to live if you want to deal with crowds and a higher cost of living than other Irish cities Dublin has a lot to offer its residents and visitors Ireland’s economic Center is home to large businesses great universities great Sports and then great entertainment the city was founded by

    The Vikings and is divided in half by the river lify it’s home to cro Park Ireland’s largest stadium Dublin Castle dates back to the 13th century as the city’s Fortress Dublin is home to Great cultural centers beautiful cathedrals like St Patrick’s the national museum of Ireland and plenty of restaurants pubs

    And shopping Dublin was home to several renowned authors including James Joyce Oscar wild and George Bernard Shaw number nine doy County Dublin if you’re not interested in the crowds and High Cost of Living of Dublin doy is a Southeastern suburb of Dublin located along the sea the city is named for doy

    Island which is located just offshore doy became an active Port Town during the Middle Ages later its quaries were mined for stone and granite today the Quarry is used for Rock climbing there are several small Harbors along doy’s Coast Wildlife love doy there you will seals wild goats and many species of

    Birds doy’s Main Street is Castle Street which is lined with churches castles shops and pubs doy hosts several festivals including the Jazz and seafood festivals doy was once home to Irish authors James Joyce ma Bindy and George Bernard Shaw as well as singer and songwriter Van Morrison number eight eight Kilkenny

    Kilkenny Kilkenny is a great place to live it’s located in central Ireland and has a population of just 2,600 the city is a tourist attraction due to its historical buildings art galleries Museum and theater Kilkenny also hosts several festivals including one on St Patrick’s Day Kilkenny is

    Built on the banks of the river no popular historic sites include Kilkenny castle and walls St Kansas cathedral in Tower and the city’s old wooden Mills number seven agrim County Wicklow aam is a Charming village located in Eastern Ireland in County Winslow the population is just 1,400 so if you’re looking for a

    Small town to live in this is it the town is known for its agriculture Timber processing and horiculture there are several Granite Terrace houses located throughout the town agrim is also known for its angling fishing with the main catch being rainbow trout the town also hosts the Gaelic Athletic Association

    And the augm Rugby Club for young players aam is familyfriendly with Parks playgrounds and walking trails number six Den garven County Waterford Den Garvan is Seaside Market Town located on the southern coast of Ireland the town has a population of a little over 9,200 it’s home to a few Manufacturing

    Facilities agricultural businesses and the ding Garvan Cooperative a creary ding Garvan is located at the mouth of the Cagan River more than a century ago the town had a Tannery a Distillery a Gas Works and a fishing fleet today ding Garvin hosts visiting yachts in its harbor the town has historical buildings

    Still Standing including a 13th century Castle number five Lismore County Waterford another lovely County Waterford town to live in is Lismore Lismore is located at the foot of the knme down mountains and along the river Blackwater the town’s population is just 1,300 lism Mor’s historical landmarks include Lismore castle built at the site

    Of medieval Monastery where the book of Lismore documenting the lives of saints was written other places to see in Lismore include The Towers Fort Williams fishery and St carthage’s Cathedral Lismore hosts of farmers and crafts market there is also shopping and dining in Lismore including pubs like the popular Craftsman bar Number

    Four Cove County Cork Cove is a Seaport Town located on the southern coast of Ireland the name means Cove from 1849 until 1920 Cove was called Queenstown in honor of Queen Victoria Cove was a major ship building center and a major transatlantic Port the town saw off two

    2.5 million Irish immigrants it was also the final Port of Call for the RMS Titanic today the town is a tourist destination for many and welcomes cruise liners to its Port Cove overlooks the islands of Spike and haloline at its highest point is St common Cathedral one of Ireland’s tallest

    Buildings number three Dingle County Carry Dingle is the only Town located on Ireland’s Southwest Dingle Peninsula on the Atlantic ocean the town has a population of just 250 which makes it a wonderful place to live if you’re looking for a laid-back quiet city to live the city also has a good bus system

    That will take you to other larger cities if you feel the urge for a little more energy Dingle was a walled City during the 16th century and during the 17th century the town had a major linen industry there are several quink bed and breakfasts in the town as well as pubs

    Dingle is a major fishing port it also produces agriculture including Dingle Mart which sells livestock number two limmerick county limmerick limmerick is Ireland’s thirdd most popular city and one of its most beautiful the city is a major Business Center its population is 95,000 however limmerick is less

    Expensive to live in than other large Irish cities like Dublin Cork and gallway rivers Shannon and Abbey run through Limer which includes Kings Island where the core of the city is built during the late Renaissance period limmerick was called the most beautiful city in Ireland it also has a great shopping dining and

    Entertainment limmerick is well known for its arts and culture in 2014 it was named National City of culture limmerick City Gallery of Art features Contemporary Art and Irish art contact Studio hosts artists the Irish chamber orchestra ra is based in limmerick in 2008 limmerick opened contact students which encourages authors limmerick was

    Home to several famous authors including Frank mccort Kate O’Brien and Michael curtain Number One Westport County Mayo the best place to live in Ireland is Westport the Western city was named best place to live by the Irish Times the town is called Stone o of the beaves and

    Its residents are known as Cubbies again dialect once spoken in Westport Westport is located on clue Bay which empties into the Atlantic Ocean it was once a shipping Port but now the quain town is known for its fishing and angling as well as its beauty and laid-back atmosphere the town’s design was

    Commissioned by John Brown in 1780 Blaine built Westport house and its beautiful gardens the Town Center was designed by William Leon and features Georgian architecture Westport has several sports teams including football soccer rugby and golf the Westport Town Hall theater hosts artists musicians stage Productions and children’s puppet shows

    The area known as The Quay was once a shipping Port but today has restaurants pubs and housing in former warehouses so which is your favorite places among the top 20 best places to live in Ireland well that’s all we have for you today thanks for watching if you enjoyed

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