Carrington – “River Bend Settlement”

    For the first time on TVI, we’re in Manchester! Welcome to Trafford, and the parish of Carrington. Located to the Southwest of the city centre on the banks of the River Mersey, Carrington was historically once part of Cheshire until administrative boundaries were redrawn in the 1970s. Its name refers to a bend in the Mersey, although could also mean Cara’s Estate, its not 100% defined.

    Carrington is a typical ribbon settlement, stretching for well over two miles primarily along one road. It has for many years been one of the most industrialised parts of Manchester. Along with brand new developments, scars of former industry are very apparent here. This was once the site of a massive chemical works, owned by Shell, which produced polythene and polystyrene. On the bank of the Mersey is Carrington Power Station, which has been operational since 2016. It replaced an old one demolished using explosives in 1991.

    In amongst all the industry there are dwellings, although not many at present this will soon be different. The Shell site is now derelict, but could soon be redeveloped to provide new homes. And Carrington is heavily associated with sport. For many years none other than Manchester United have trained right here in the village.

    Let’s check it out!


    #Carrington, #Trafford, #Manchester, #GreaterManchester, #Football, #Rugby, #PowerStation, #Shell, #Chemical, #Industry, #Rivers, #Canals, #Railways, #Stockport, #Bury, #ManchesterUnited, #ManchesterCity, #Sale, #Sharks, #Pubs, #Churches,


    Training Grounds:
    Manchester City behind the scenes

    Carrington History:


    Carding Place:

    Lorries Shaking Houses:

    Windmill Inn:

    Corner House:


    Carrington RUFC:


    Primitive Methodist Chapel:


    Harcon Fall Protection & Safety Services


    About Us

    Sale/Stockport Training:

    New Training Centre Confirmed

    New training centre confirmed for Stockport County



    Some of the following music tracks may appear in this video:
    Brendan Perkins – “Foxsnow” (B. Perkins)

    Brendan Perkins – “Mickey’s House” (B. Perkins)

    The Keyhouse – “Voices” (H. Flunder)

    The Keyhouse – “Circles” (H. Flunder)

    Helen Flunder – “Sun” (H. Flunder)

    Helen Flunder – “Angels” (H. Flunder)

    Helen Flunder – “C Song” (H. Flunder)

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    Hello my name is Andy and I Am The Village Idiot I’m armed with a car and a GoPro and an unhealthy amount of time on my hands I’m using that time to attempt to visit every civil Parish in England you’re watching the Trafford series Trafford is one of the 10 districts of

    Greater Manchester and it only has four parishes let’s dive in and see which one we’re in today hello folks happy New Year it is 2024 now and here begins another year of evvi and it’s a brand new year and to go with the brand new year we’ve also got a

    Brand new District in a brand new County welcome for the first time to Greater Manchester and today I’m going to be tackling one of its 10 districts in its entirety four episodes beginning right here in this Parish here this one’s very industrial and it’s got a few

    Connections to a few sporting things as well including the training ground of Manchester United this is Trafford and welcome to the Parish of [Applause] Carrington here’s my disclaimer for people who may be watching me for the first time I say things as I would in my native accent and dialect as a result I may not pronounce things in the same way as the locals do remember I’m a visitor it’s impossible to know everything leave me a

    Comment spin me a like and Bash that subscribe button let’s get to today’s Parish video Carrington River Ben settlement for the first time on tvi where in Manchester welcome to Trafford and the Parish of Carrington located to the southwest of the city center on the banks of the river Mery Carrington was

    Historically once part of cheshier until administrative boundaries were redrawn in the 1970s its name refers to a bend in the Mery although it could also mean Caris estate it’s not 100% defined Carrington is a typical ribbon settlement stretching for well over 2 miles primarily along one road it has

    For many years been one of the most Industrial IED parts of Manchester along with brand new developments scars of former industry are very apparent here this was once the site of a massive Chemical Works owned by shell which produced polythene and polystyrene on the bank of the mercy is Carrington

    Power station which has been operational since 2016 it replaced an old one demolished using explosives in 1991 in amongst all the industry there are dwellings although not many at present but that will soon be different the shell site is now derelict but could soon be redeveloped to provide new homes

    And Carrington is heavily associated with sport for many years Manchester United have trained right here let’s check it Out Let’s get the sports connections out of the way first Carrington has at least three training grounds all associated with well-known national sports teams the most familiar to many is the Trafford Training Center where Manchester United have trained since the year 2000 they moved to the site from

    The cliff in sford after then manager Sir Alex Ferguson deemed it to be inadequate for the Premier League it can be found at the end of isherwood Road and of course it’s very much private property so the main walk won’t pass it Carrington also has other sports grounds

    Though on the road East towards the M60 is the Carrington Training Center which was formerly used by Manchester City until 2015 when they moved out and leased it to Berry it’s built on Carrington Moss a large area of Pete Boog which was reclaimed for farming Rugby Club sale sharks also train on

    Carrington moss and efl League two side Stockport County currently use their facilities until a brand new training center is built in Stockport itself we start on Stamford Road at the Western end of Carrington this is named after the Stamford estate which this Village was once part of we’ll talk more about

    It as we walk this is Manchester Road the a 6144 upon which The Village stands it’s a ribbon settlement stretching for around 2 mi boundary to boundary it’s served by three buses to Manchester the numbers 247 253 255 and also one to altringham and Warrington called The

    Chesher Cat 5 behind that stock is a business Haron who manufacture fall protection equipment designed for working at Great Heights a few Paces East brings us to Trafford vets although there are businesses along Manchester Road the majority of the property in this Central Area is residential and it’s a mixture

    Of both the Old and the new when it comes to housing there’s been residents in Carrington Village for several centuries it was a village originally built for the farm laborers who worked on the surrounding farms and the Stamford estate it’s easy to see what’s been here the longest some of the

    Original architecture has survived but as it’s grown housing here has dramatically improved our next Landmark is a chapel this was built in 1875 and was originally used by the Primitive methodists aside from the church of St George which we’ll see later this is the only religious building Carrington

    Village is ever known to have had it’s now an office used by Corner House a which have more than 35 years experience with all things to do with the print industry including photographs directly opposite the old chapel is School Lane I assume this is where the original Village School was located but later

    We’ll see where else a school was once cited Carrington’s Pub next The Windmill Inn this is a Sam Smith’s Brewery pub thought to date back to the 18th century when it was a series of cottages over the years it’s been extended to give the feel of a traditional multi-room Pub

    It’s still very much a locals Pub and draws a lot of trade from nearby Partington after the pub the road becomes a little empty for a few moments aside from one landmark in particular on the left hand side although there are lots of sports facilities here Carrington has no playing field these

    Days this was it but as you can see it’s now disused next up is the Linko care Factory since 1979 these guys have made sun and skin care products and I’m willing to bet that some of you have used them in the past they’re the parent company of Brands such as Calypso silkia

    Cabana Sun dimples and regen amongst others all of which can be found in major UK supermarkets beyond the factory Manchester Road begins to run off towards the M60 at Junction 7 but not before it’s crossed the B- 5158 just before the saale Sharks training ground which runs north over the Mery and into

    Flixton it’s a busy old Crossroads this Now we’ve turned down a side street called aka’s Lane despite having no playing field this does feature a small play area for Carrington’s little ones there’s a similar green at Stanford Road this is perhaps the quietest part of the village because it’s not on the main road some residents have complained in

    The past about the amount of traffic in Carrington and the effect it has because of its industrial nature this is a village that sees lots of lorries and houses on Manchester Road have been known to shake when they pass down here though that’s much less of a

    Problem the same can also be said for the street that runs parallel isherwood Road where Manchester United training ground is located along with Carrington riding Center this road has several new buil culde saacs along it like inglut close and Cypress Gardens and soon even more new homes will be built here to

    Alleviate the traffic issue a brand new relief road is also planned which will cut through Carrington Moss which will take some Vehicles away from Manchester Road here’s carding place currently the newest of the new builds in Carrington Village at the end of the road we come to the entrance of a huge Industrial

    Area known by various names including the isherwood estate Carrington Business Park and the Carrington Moss estate this is still in use today by several companies including H firms corporate offices and even a taxi service most of the site though is strictly off limits to the public and there are stacks of

    Security cameras this was the site of a vast Refinery which produced polythene and poyene run by petrochemical giant shell UK it covered 311 acres and shell still own a further 433 acres of land which is agricultural at its peak in the Years immediately after World War II employment levels in Carrington were Sky

    High shell were just one of a number of major multinational companies that took advantage of the flat open ground of Carrington Moss the shell Chemical Works employed upwards of 3 and half th000 people in its Heyday the facility closed in 2007 leaving this Barren open Wasteland in its wake two operational

    Chemical production facilities remained though until 2009 operated by Bassel the site was bisected by a railway line at one time to which crossed the Manchester Ship Canal close to the Mery although it looks a bit of an eyesa now the future is bright for the former shell plant the are now plans to

    Redevelop the site dubbed new Carrington by developers this soon could be the location of up to 112,000 brand new homes and 3/4 of a million square meters of employment floor space on the edge of the shell plant you’ll find another Sports Club this is Carrington Rugby

    Club known as the pigs they were founded in 1957 as the rugby team associated with shell due to a no alcohol ruling on shell property The Windmill Inn is their spiritual home now as well as the former shell plant which I’ve tried to cover as best as I

    Can not much I can do with it being private property there’s also something else industrial here and this is much more relevant to today the here and now and that would be Carrington Power Station let’s go and have a look at that power generation has been a thing

    In the Village since 1956 when the original Carrington power station was completed on the Southern Bank of the river Mery crazily though it was back in 1916 when land for its construction was acquired that’s the effect the world wars had the original station was decommissioned in the late 1980s and was

    Blown up in 1991 All That Remains now is this 400 kolt switching station however there is now a brand new plant behind this responsible for the plumes of steam you can see in the sky it’s a combined cycle gas turbine Power Station built on the site of the old one and only

    Occupies roughly half the space as its predecessor it was completed in 2016 and generates up to 880 megawatt of electricity enough to supply approximately 1 million homes when being built some parts for it was so large they had to be transported to the site via the Manchester ship

    Canal a word to the wise don’t try and use this foot path to see the power station or the uh the switching station or anything like that it’s very difficult to walk down very overgrown as you can see I’ve got to trudge back through that as well to get back to the

    Start point because there’s no way of getting out up there I thought there was initially which is why I came up here but not a problem not a problem we’ll make our way back and we’ll be safe and sound in a few moments time there’s one

    More thing I want to cover here in Carrington and that’s the church which actually isn’t in the main village cluster it’s on the road towards Partington so we’ll go and see that to finish located away from the main village is Carrington’s Church dedicated to St George it’s a redundant building though

    And is looked after by the church’s conservation trust St georgees stands in a relatively isolated position along the northern edge of the Carrington Moss industrial estate it was built by Isaac Shaw between 1757 and 1759 for Mary Countess of Stamford it was a Chapel of ease built to serve Partington and

    Carrington which at the time were nothing more than hamlets nowadays Carrington’s main religious building is shared with Partington St Mary’s Church the Vicor of St Mary’s is still responsible for this churchard clearance work here in 2008 uncovered the graves of two World War I soldiers they’re now registered by the Commonwealth wargraves

    Commission standing in front of the church is another building of note this is an old schoolhouse despite my best efforts to find a date for this building they fell short mind you this has now been given a new lease of Life by Galloway construction a civil engineering company established in 2002

    They are fervently passionate about spearheading change in the modern construction industry and with that we are done with Parish number one here in Trafford that was a good way to kick off the New Year wasn’t it there are three more to go in this part of Manchester next week we’ll

    Be seeing the second join me for a place with lots of schools a paper mill an Old Railway line and allegedly the most deprived area in Manchester thanks for watching this video folks don’t forget to like this episode if you haven’t already it really makes a difference with YouTube if you’re new here subscribe to the channel for more videos like this and give us a share too if you’ve got friends who’d

    Like it you can find all the links to my social media accounts below as well as my buy me a coffee page where you can donate to the channel also if you’ve enjoyed this episode have a look at some more videos in this series until next

    Time I’ve been Andy also known as The Village Idiot and I’m out


    1. Hi Andy .
      Quite a interesting village.
      Of past industerial history.
      Along with present football Man u football training ground.
      Great video..
      First of 2024.

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