#strasbourg #travelguide2023 #france #cost #timings #recommendations #experience #2023 #francetravel #francevisit #travelguide #europetravel #myexperience #francetour #dailyvlog

    In this captivating Strasbourg Travel Guide 🇫🇷, discover the information about the enchanting city’s hidden gems, explore its charming streets, and get insider tips on costs and timings.

    Welcome everyone to the new day in the new blog. Today we are thinking about our trip to Strasbourg yesterday. How was your post about that trip experience? What was the system, what was the timing, what was the cost? Let’s talk about all those issues. I hope you see the blog.

    You must have enjoyed it as you must have seen your city tour done right and after that you saw the twinkling of lights in the evening. Brother, the experience was very good. If we talk from the beginning, it was an EA trip and the costing in it was like this. It was 10

    Euros if you do not have an ES card and 8 Euros if you have an EA card, so if you go by the value of 10 Euros, then your traveling cost was included in it and the costing of your city tour is like

    The cost of the tour guides who were giving different information was also included in the price, so I felt it was good in that sense in terms of costing because Stas Berg was my friend in France and what I saw. Our first stop would have been Wissam

    Berg, that too is in France, so as if our trip started and we left from here around 8 o’clock and reached Strasbourg around 11:30, first we went to Noi Start and then to the next one. Changed train at Wissam Berg and then reached Strasbourg through this connection. When we got down, brother who

    Was our guide, what happened was that let’s say we had made sub-groups of three or four people because even in the group we were fine. There were people, so a few groups were formed. There was a tour guide in each group and they take us to different stops and what

    Is the history of that place, is there any information behind it, how was this place established, how long has it been there, all of them. Talking about the points, when you go on a guided tour, it also happens that you may get to know a little about the information there. You

    Can go and explore on your own or read it, but yes, even in a guided tour, there is someone who Those who are staying there and know different points also tell me, so brother, it is good to reach there and they had already given indication that the crowd today

    Is going to be fine and it was fine, meaning the crowd seen. One more thing, he also said that when you are walking, here people are also fond of cycling, so walk on the same route, it is not that you are walking here and there in zigzag mode and some are

    Following the lane. There are people who roam around with whatever in the transportation, then after reaching there, they were following their guides wherever they were taking us, and for example, they first took us to a church, right about which I

    Told and showed the Mast meaning which was divided into different parts for example Catholic was on one side and Protestant was on one side right, so the whole was telling about one church and its history, from there then what do they do like a spot

    If you want to make a photo or video, then do it quickly, that is, in good time, because what happens is that when they come out to the next spot, from there

    They were taken to other streets, which was their river, Wright, whose name was They were telling after walking down the river that they took us there and then there was a break. They went a little higher and took photos and videos. They were walking. The weather was good, meaning there was sunshine

    In the morning. Brother, my guided tour was going on. In that, almost if I tell the time, it is around one and a half hour or around two hours because you go to different spots and move, people also take breaks but you also have to follow, if you stop at

    One place then let’s go friend. We are making our photo video here for 15-20 minutes, so what happens is that they will move ahead, now there is a map here, so follow it, usually we share the location in the group, so that if someone assumes that he has stopped somewhere.

    So, after seeing the live location , at least you have an idea about the routes and routes of WhatsApp2 and like my SIM seems to be so international, it has the charge right, like some people have it in the group,

    Those who remain active, so brother, stay with me a little. It is better if you stay in the map so that if you have to use the location in the map, then you can have some idea as to where you are going and

    Where you are walking, then it is a matter of your guided tour that you should keep track of the location right where those spots are. They take you there, go there if you have some information because they share it, show photos, then you get to know and just keep track

    Because they give a break in between, like 10-15 minutes, they give a break that you go up, take a photo and Your good but come right on time because if you have to follow then either see the live location, keep track brother, it was a good experience

    Of the guided tour, so after that we will tell you let’s talk about the time, assume you have taken it. We reached Strasbourg at 11:30 and our guided tour started at 12:00 and I would say it ended at maximum 2 o’clock, even after that we had time from 2 to 6:00

    As per our schedule. And I think if you want to go to the city which is the main main spots like for example cathedral or to see the Christmas market then there is enough time to see and we are the first to go to the Christmas market which they

    Said has a decent sized tree there. There was a Christmas market so if you wanted to eat, you wanted to try some authentic food, like you could see the baguettes, you could try different ones, you tried our vegetaer, one was madam, brother, I mean, I was speaking, so maybe she

    Doesn’t understand French there. So I asked him in English, ‘Brother, what is there in it? Because it is written as vegetarian, but if you want to have some other different dish, then ask, brother, is it veg or meat, so

    One thing. There was a madam next to me brother, she did a great job by translating it into French and he brother found out what all the ingredients were in it, mushroom and ordered it and tried it. Brother, let’s

    See some of the authentic food there too. It was good brother, there were cheese and vegetables mixed in it, so that is the Christmas market where you can get your items whether it is food dish or want to have some drinks like glue, wine, some beer, or any other

    Drinks. There is fruit juice, that too is available in hot form there and sleep is nearby. For example, does anyone know that brother, I want to take a post card, magnet or something like that, if I want to take any thing from here with me, then that too

    There . If you find it, I would recommend it in the Christmas market because there are different shops for all these things, there is good decoration there, you must have seen it in the blog, brother, what wonderful shops there were, so we were there earlier. I was there,

    What happened now? It started raining, so we thought brother, we are going to be walking in the rain for some time, we have also gone on our city tour, we are sitting somewhere, so those who were with us saw that we are

    Setting the location, if there is a cafe nearby, then we will go there. We were walking with the location of the cafe in mind , we were walking in the cafe near by restaurants near by, then after some time we went

    Around in a loop and reached back to the Christmas market, so we thought brother, we should sit somewhere because then when we saw the lighting. Even if we go out to see, we will go,

    We will sit somewhere for a while, have something to eat and then go, then it came to our mind that brother, there is no such mall here, there is such a complex where food is available and arrangement for sitting is also made. Brother, earlier

    The guide had given the indication that there is a good crowd today, so there was a good crowd and when we were looking at the location for example, we asked, brother, what is near by, our main cathedral for example. Within a radius of 250-200 meters, there

    Is a Magdi or Five Guys or anything else, there are different food shops, people sit somewhere in the Magdi, people are standing in queues even outside to enter the washroom. If you want to use it, then I went to Five Guys and saw

    That the line for the washroom was fine till the outside, so you did a little search and the Berliner was authentic, meaning brother, go to France and try the authentic German Berliner donut there. Although there was a good crowd there too, we had somehow

    Found a place to sit outside, which you must have seen I have talked about in the blog and people were also passing from behind, so we had found a place to sit outside and

    In a short time, like you have to go to the washroom, you have to do something, brother, there was a queue there too, so join the queue because it takes half 15-2 minutes, half an hour, which means there is a crowd because it was well attended,

    So stand there and after some time we will have to wait. There was a place to sit inside too, so brother I was happy to sit inside because it was raining and there

    Was a slight cool breeze as if a gust of wind was still blowing and so brother I felt as if I could have taken a little warmth inside. We sit down and then we will go out in this season,

    Although we roamed around with an umbrella for a short time, but in a short time we found a place to sit inside, we bought our brother who is a donor in which zucchini and falafel bhai is cool, meaning the difference, so we found out that

    It is authentic . I thought I would recommend that if you go there and want to find some food item then you can eat that too, so it felt good brother, that too, we

    Sat there for some time, that is, probably a good time, we sat there for half an hour because The people who were with us, if some wanted to take some rest or some had to use the washroom, some had to order food or something, then brother, there was enough time.

    It didn’t mean that we were running continuously, we even took a little break and visited different Christmas markets and we still got enough time to explore things, so I feel that Time is sufficient if you want to see things around the city or there are different

    Christmas markets in the city, like we also saw, brother, this Christmas market is set up here, some shops are set up there, although we did not see the cathedral till then. We were eating in Berliner , a glimpse was visible while we were eating brother, when I came there to order

    Because it was almost evening time, so brother, the lights of the Christmas tree came on and the lights shining outside which we are seeing in the morning. Lights are decorations, obviously they are lit when it gets a little dark, so the lights that are shining are so good, it means

    Eat your food and then those who have gone out, brother, I would definitely recommend that they come in the morning because there are various things. You get to see the scenery even without the lights being on,

    You can see the decorations, you can see the spots of your city and when the lights are on, you can see the glitter of the decorations, it was a very beautiful scene, I hope you

    Would have enjoyed watching it. So one thing we followed was that brother, when we were sitting there, our food was cooked, our city tour was done in the morning, then we would go to the cathedral and

    See the lighting of the cathedral. When we go to see the lighting, we would see the decorations on the way and the lightings. After doing the Teddy Bear Christmas House, after taking Gruber, he was in one mind that brother, this is a must see, I will definitely recommend it,

    Go see, it is 5060 meters from the cathedral, he was only in his mind that he will see it and then he went out from there. Come out, walk straight because it is in the same area within a radius of 250-200 meters, then reach your cathedral and brother, the lights

    Are shining above and the lighting of the cathedral has been switched on. There is a Christmas market near the cathedral too, there is Christmas at the other end of the cathedral too. If there is a market then there will be different sports, no

    Christmas market, our own cathedral, our own lightings, everything comes under that area, if we have to live in the same area then right separate area too, there will be some decorations but in different areas also, different things are covered in it. I feel like it happens, so eat more and

    We went there, some people with us said that they wanted to eat crepes, so brother, if you are fond of sweets, then you can eat there comfortably, although it was raining continuously. And when it was happening, it was happening continuously, sometimes less, sometimes more, and comparatively, like for example, in the middle, brother

    Started falling very fast due to the speed, so we had to take out the umbrella, we had first thought that it would be from hoodie D. Your work will be done, right after that, we have to cross only after 40-50 meters,

    Don’t take it, Gruber Bhai, there were so many good people there, and everyone is taking photos and making videos, so just take care of your stuff too. And make a photo and video there,

    I would definitely recommend it in the street. If you want to see it, brother, if you want to go, you can see it, then go to the street, after that we had fixed the location of our hop off from there,

    So brother, whether it is the lighting or the city. That all of that was visible when we set up the location of Hop Bun Off, the Petite France which was written above comes in different lightings and brother, there were such

    Shining lights above that there were lights as far as the eye could see. The lights are installed, it looks very beautiful and beautiful, even if you walk in the city in the evening, you will see different types of lights and different

    Decorations put up by people, so you will have to stop as soon as you go till the Hop Bun Off. So many different lights were seen that I tried to show them and I hope you would have enjoyed seeing them,

    So stay within the limits of that area, have your food and drinks and then enjoy the wonderful lightings and which is written by Strasbourg. Brother, I reached that spot there also, there was a good crowd and people were taking photos, so brother, whatever place you like, every place is beautiful

    And go to different places wherever you feel like. Take photos and videos, brother, there is lighting in the entire city, there is a festive atmosphere going on as if it was the name of Strasbourg as mentioned, people were taking photos there too, some people were also taking photos in Petit France

    And wherever they feel like going there. If you pull then I would definitely recommend you brother, go, it was a good time and we were returning after catching the 6 o’clock train. We caught the return train at 6:30 and we came back to Kaslatan at 9:00. Wissam went to Bug and then

    Came back after changing the new start, so we followed this route, so brother, I am It was a lot of fun, I hope you would have enjoyed seeing the lightings too. If I am in Samra, then consider two hours as the city tour, right maximum, after that it depends on your package, but

    Like the group tour which we did, then take two hours maximum. Another 10 euros cost us a traveling cost plus a guided tour because we were on behalf of a group from ESN. After that, we had a margin of four hours for example two to six, which we

    Found sufficient. From there we could go to the cathedral of Le Gruber. You can go and see the lights of Petit France as it was written or the Strasbourg which was written is not around, so while returning, we

    Took the location of turn off from the cathedral from there. While returning, we got all this. Things were visible so we kept stopping and taking photos. It was fun and fun. So, I would definitely recommend it. Some of the locations we saw for example were Cathedral, Le Gruber,

    Petite France, Decoration of Strasbourg. We went where it was written and tried whatever city lights were there, saw whatever things we could and enjoyed it. Every location has its own specialty and beauty, so see as much as you want. Brother, I would recommend you

    To go to Strasbourg and have a good time. As told in Samra Ease in a Short also, as said, consider your two hours as a guided tour in a group, after that, consider your time to explore from two to six, then see the spots of your city during the day and see

    Your lighting in the evening. Watched it and returned, we caught the train around 6:30 and reached Kais Slot at 9:00. It was a great experience. I hope you would have enjoyed watching and also got some information from this blog. Now this Let’s conclude

    The blog, rest is already known. Like, comment, share and subscribe . It doesn’t take much time. Bye bye Chao Chao, Namaste, let’s meet in the new blog on a new day.

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