Okay um I am live apparently hello all um Steve and moody or coach Steve here um we have looks of just four people at the moment but we should have a couple more joining so we’ll give it a time is five so in between um if you could just

    Uh pop your name um and where you’re from in the chat I kind of get a flavor of who’s here and then we’ll kick things off and we’ll have a bit of a chat but again in terms of Comm communication it’s going to be via the comments so if

    You guys want to let me know where you’re from actually and whether actually if it’s your first or if you’ve done a couple of rmn as well I’ve lost a couple of people okay so I can see some people all right and where you from

    Okay presume you guys can see my chat um again if so give a thumbs up or put your name in the chat and let me know where you’re from um I can see Tony burn is here Mark matthus is here um a bit okay so all right can people use the

    Chat should be if you’re a subscriber cool mark from Belgium 16 arm man distances not your first rodeo I like it well done Mark um Dave Griffin from camlock hey there Dave how are you not your first rodeo either been to cona I believe um okay what we got

    Richard gash um Cambridge hey Richard how we second second Iron Man and first big first big finish let’s let’s be a bit more positive on that okay cool um Valerie con hey Val how are you um David gesy from the road doing 70.3 how how Dave how you doing it will be a

    Sth 70.3 cool um okay cool we will give it a well no we we’ll kick off because I don’t know how many people are here I did realize I’ve also scheduled it during was it one of the biggest World Cup games of France versus South Africa

    My bad I’ve kind of had my heart broken with the rugby yesterday so my I’m now giving up on Rugby it’s a stupid sport anyhow any so a quick bit about me I’m my name is Steven Moody or coach Steve as most people will know I’m Iron Man us

    Certified coach I’ve done 12 Iron Men at this stage gone to the world Champs twice for 70.3 Etc um and I’ve put together that um course preview on the basis of some of my guys who’ve done cash Kai before and also some of the

    Guys who are doing this year so I find I and I’m doing these previews and q&as just because I think there’s a bit of a gap and people seem to enjoy them so what I’m going to do guys is I’m gonna I’m going to suggest I got to do just do

    A refresh of kind of the key points I would have talked about in the video on the swim the bike the run and transition one transition two I’ll pause after each section and then I’ll get anyone can give me whatever questions they want um it can be

    Anything I’ve feeled a lot of questions about uh going to the toilet I feel a lot of questions about nutrition about course la la la but just we’ll we’ll shoot it in the comments so I’ll talk about about the swim hit me with some s

    Any swim questions move on to T1 hit me questions yada yada we’ll keep it nice and fluid okay all right so um by the way getting to cash Kai and best best advice is when you’re go to the airport the it’s fairly easy third if you use a

    Um the taxi it’s around 3030 and it’s pretty handy that’s other place is a bit more they need to get trains Etc and aut buses cash Kai it’s the fastest and easiest way logistically to get there um swim in terms of cash Kai it is a a fairly it’s a fairly beginner friendly

    Swim it’s in the harbor and it’s fairly sheltered so it’s not that choppy traditionally um it is the horeshoe shape as per my diagram the and the only things to really note about it is um the on the way out and on the way back it there can be some little

    Rocky outc crops and all the rest so if you if you really go badly wrong which your sighting you can it can you can get into shallow Rock so just be nailed down on your sighting um in terms of as I said it but it’s straight line out your

    Main sighting points are going to be the kind of red turning boys and at the end there’s the jetty um aim for that turn turn around and back in and as I said when you’re coming more in towards the the final when you’re sighting with the

    Black exit Arch um that’s where if you can you can drift and to either side this this well to the right there’s a little bit more shallow Rock so just be careful of that again and one of the key tips I give for people coming out of the

    Swim is kick a little bit more um as you’re coming along to get the blood flow to your legs it helps deal with a bit of jelly legs which people can suffer from if you’re going to be swimming horizontally for so long and then pop up another good transition tip

    Is actually don’t hop straight up slowly get yourself up to allow the blood flow go from that horizontal to your vertical um and as said anything else that the guy said yes the can and another tip one of the guy said in terms of um if you’re walking down to

    Transition down to the swim start make sure it is bring some of those old um Hotel slippers or an old pair of Crocs or old pair of sandals that you’re not going to worry about because it’s a bit a bit of a walk from transition down to

    The swim start and like you don’t want to stand on anything so a pair of slippers a pair of Crocs a pair of old sandals you won give a toss about bring them down um can keep your wet suit to the waist down before you can what one

    Of the guys were saying that there was a delay um in when they started so they were sitting hanging around with the wet suit on people are overheating but also bring a little I always get people to bring a gel or a bottle of water as well

    If there is a delay in starting that means you’re not going to be sitting there nervously kind of feeling like you’re burning calories and you can keep um hydrated so that’s always something to um keep up David Griffin yes it will be a wet suit swim the the for the history

    So far I don’t think there’s been a non wet suit swim in cash kite but again things can happen again it it tends the water temperature tends to be very wet too conducive um yeah so make sure you’ve got something in your feet to wear down to down to the

    Swim start when you get to the was it make sure you seed yourself correctly in terms of whatever Corral you’re going to go in work out what time you would swim and assume that it’s going to be a perfectly smooth swim people go like if it’s if it’s choppy or there’s a current

    Which there isn’t that much of in because it’s sheltered should I assume that I’m going to be slower no everyone has to assume what you would be in a standard kind of um was it uniform conditions um so if you’re a 220 per minute 100 swimmer put yourself in the

    90minut Corral don’t put yourself in a Corral that’s going to be hard that’s going to be above your ability because that essentially all that does is that means you’re going to get swam over by stronger swimmers coming in subsequent waves and then also com in with and

    You’ll lose the ability to draft off someone who is going to be roughly r same level as yourself so seed yourself correctly it’s a it’s a nice pleasant swim it’s a horseshoe shape you can’t go too far wrong do make sure you keep your sighting on point because I said if you

    Drift too far to the right there are rocks at the other side of the of the bay okay um I am going to okay so we’re going to throw some any questions on the swim guys we have hang on we have Richard gash I have a glasses wear will there be

    Somewhere to leave them before the swim and will they get moved to the swim exit actually um I don’t know how that works for like will you be wearing glasses for for the bike Richard as an so you’ll like I typically not sure how that works as in I I wouldn’t think

    You’d be able to put them somewhere and find them pristinely afterwards they won’t like stuff like that gets moved um or just lost so I would um if you’ve got the support crew going down with you um going of make sure they walk down with

    You and and sort of hand the glasses to them afterwards if you need to put them on when you’re exiting the water then make sure you so stand there and just be there and like make sure that they’re standing before you go to your corow and

    Say just don’t move from there and then you pass them and then it can hand them to you in theory that’s um what you call it outside assistance but that no one’s going to penalize someone for actually just getting was it h eyewear and all

    The rest okay um yes okay yeah walk down so okay that’s I think your your strategy there rich and would you being being a spare pair of goggles with you on the swim down your top or anything else something happens no I’ve people say they’ve done this and I’ve tried it

    In 70.3 means you have this goggles down here but it’s incredibly uncomfortable as in like if you think about it I get I suffer from neck neck a wet suit rash because of even that much and it’s if you have that the goggles moving around

    What I prefer my athlet to do is to use two swim caps and that is where you have one swim cap um on it and then you put your goggles on and then you put the Iron Man branded swim cap over that which is what you need and have to wear

    And that anchors the goggles so therefore if someone does brush pass you they won’t come off that’s your better option in terms of really securing it um wearing like can having them down the the arm or down the front of the swim of the wets suit it’s just a bit too much

    Um the uh was it it’s that it’s just a bit it causes too much friction and it actually will interrupt your swim stroke so you’re better off using the the two hat strategy I’ll put the video in the links as well for later on back on over

    To Richard um would they disc would they would that be okay to ACC me for spectator support no it would have to be a very it be an absolute jobsworth type person to actually be that much of a dick to disqualifier and all the rest on that

    No side support really is sort of people been given like painkillers on the run or food that’s out of the run or pacing them on the Run that’s what it’s meant to cover not for like something that you need to actually be able to um was it

    See where your way you’re going up what’s actually a difficult enough transition um is it possible is it a possible DQ to wear the race built on the swim no I I I don’t I don’t I find this a funny one if they said that you can’t wear your number underneath your

    Wet suit how do they police that unless you’d actually see you taking the wet suit all the way down um so I wouldn’t worry about that too much also but having bear in mind is that going to be a really huge benefit to you um is it

    Gonna is it is it worth the risk of if you take the wet suit down to your waist and they spot it and someone’s really looking for that probably not um versus it’s going to take you 10 15 seconds to put it on in T1 weigh that up

    Um okay Kenny no rason to gain no allows more than welcome Hey Yuki how are you doing okay guys so that’s the swim um as I said it’s a decent enough swim it’s a nice sheltered one and all the rest and it’s um the water temperature tend to be

    Very very wet too friendly so hopefully that answers that um oh by the way might as well here you can just check whether or not they like buttons working so all the people who are here we have nine people I should at least get nine likes

    Is it yes now we’re going to move on to the T1 this is one something that’s very PE uh very unique to H kashai its T1 exit is one of the harder ones on the on the circuit it’s actually not as long as something like Iron Man Italy or as long

    As something like Iron Man mayorca but it is up a hill so you come out onto the beach and then you have to run up this hill now what I would recommend people will do the day beforehand is they they actually when you’re doing your course familiarization you walk down you see

    What it is you see how much the hill is when you’re going to Mark out where your transition where your bikes racked where you pick up your blue bag where you pick up your red bag Etc and you’ll see what it’s like so it is a there is a a decent

    Hill and it’s for around a kilometer okay so I what I would recommend um what you call it uh doing for this is you can’t take your wet suit all the way off apparently and sort of like and and and run up what I would recommend is get as

    You’re going up the hill don’t Sprint up it use it to get your bearings use it to kind of like because you’ve just done a 3.8k swim that’s a win and then get the wuit down to Midway right so you saved yourself a bit of time kind of um and

    It’ll save you when you’re in the transition tent so take your time going up it it can be there’s carpet down from most of it it but there is some hard surfaces on that um so the I would just take your time on it there’s no point

    You you’ll only fry your legs sprinting up it for whatever to save yourself two three minutes you’re about to embark on a big long bike so take your time heading up that um Mark says yeah don’t take the risk of wearing your race belt during the swim you only risk damaging

    Your number and taking off your wet suit that’s a fair point mark I would yeah so back to my point to Dave it’s going to save you 15 20 seconds and transition just leave it in your blue blue blue wet suit bag okay um so yes transition You’ be getting your blue bag

    Um and you get your wet suit off as as way to get into changing tent kick off the legs wet wets suit goes after you’ve taken out your helmet and your white shoes Etc wets suit goggles hat into blue bag and then was it you hang that

    Again in the rack and then off onto the bike course can we put shoes on the swim as long as it’s on the way to T1 yes um a lot of my guys as I said we say when they’re walking down to the uh to the swim start as I said

    That’s another benefit of wearing some old crappy shoes or some old was it um slippers or um or Uggs not ugs sorry um what they call Crocs yeah Crocs um that they just put them somewhere along the Route and now there is the risk that if

    You’re in the water for 90 plus minutes that someone’s going to kick them off or like but put them somewhere on Route and you’ll see a lot of people doing that and but again also that there’s the risk of um they can get mixed up but yes you

    Can do that it’s not an issue um okay any other transition one questions folks stick them in the comments swim exit is not swim start yeah but what I would as I said when you’re walking down to the swim start I’d go over like there they’re close enough that you can walk

    Over to the swim exit and leave your shoes there and leave the was it slippers there or the Crocs there that make sense Mark hopefully okay all righty just just a little bit more Logistics and again I always say to people you give yourself a

    Lot of time in the morning um if what’s your worst case scenario you’re standing around for an extra half an hour but you’re not stressed worst case scenario kind of panicking and run down to the swim start and that’s just negative everything everything in lead up to the

    Race is all about minimizing stress and making sure you’re all nice and comfortable for the day bike um okay so covering the main things on the bike course it is it’s predominant the same course as previous years but there’s some tweaks to it um first five kilometers flat and fast in terms of

    Road surface it is generally good it’s not as nice as I don’t know what races the guys have done it’s not as nice as a Hamburg Road surf it’s not as nice as Barcelona um or Victoria gastes it’s better than Bolton um for anyone who’s done kind of that so it’s generally good

    But there are kind of like certain pole certain services so you can get punchers you do need to be very situationally aware watching what’s in front of you making sure that you’re not drifting um was it that you might hit any sort of of the the surface that will be there okay

    So be aware it’s not it’s not pristine but it’s it’s good first not 5K flat and fast that’s when you get your first climb which is whatever 5K and it’s roughly an average of 3% there are some Punchy bits in this climb you’re talking between I think 15 20% but the short the

    Short Punchy Parts um be prepared just to use your gears was it was it um you shouldn’t try to have to get out of the saddle too much um it’s not like a windmill Hill or anything like that so just take your time going up that hill the 11 to 16k

    The descents they get fast so just be again very aware and also as it’s a two-lap course it can get crowded on the second lap um also so just take your time under the sense um they’re not overly technical in terms of the switch backs Etc and all the rest but you just

    Need to take it easier right and um the 17 to 20K it’s is the second climb a little bit shorter than the first again roughly the same sort of profile 3% on average but Punchy little Parts in it again just be aware of it watch your

    Watts what’s your was it gear your gear ratio um in terms of use every single uh one of your gears at at the steeper parts of it um 20 to uh 20K to 43k it’s flat and fast you have that cool part where you go onto a the F1 circuit we do

    A loop of that that’s around 26k that’s the nicest Road surface you’ll be on all day um then you’re on to the 40 44 to 58 is mainly on the coast but then you go Inland kind of up into Inland so up these Hills and back down they’re basically trying to break

    Up packs and anything like that so the first climb is at um 44 kilm roughly around two there 2K worth it’s slightly less gradient than the other ones again use your gears um use it you any climbing use times to ref refuel stretch out your back um load up in your

    Nutrition the the next CL next Hill is at 54k similar kind of profile and again be careful on the sense on the way down um then you’re back on then you’re on the coast and it’s kind of this is the nicest part of the the course between 59

    To 65 is um that’s off to your turnaround point at 65 you actually do a complete um was it 180 turn and head back and then the the nicest part of your day will between 65 and 90k and this applies to 70 fastest on the coast um do be wary of

    Packs building on this part because it can get quite crowded um keep your nose clean they do was it they’re more rigorous on the draft penalties they would be in Barcelona because they they they want to get that rep so keep your 12 meter distance if you’re over taking

    Go around don’t Fanny don’t Fanny around don’t hang off someone’s wheel don’t get into a pack if you can just drop out because otherwise you’ll end up in the penalty tance do will do that twice and for the the full so again just be wary of that

    That can be mentally taxing in terms of actually for the um for the you know you s of going up this hill inste of love to see that again just keep it fresh as and just use it so look I know exactly where this is I know exactly where um how what

    Wats I Ed I’m trying to keep that similar for this time around make sure I’m keeping on my on my target Aid stations are bump up bomb there’s around 10 to they one every 10 to 15 kilometers they serve H Gatorade Morton gels um bananas H water etc for those who are

    New to the aid stations they’re mirrored so you come in and they’ll have the the water the eso or so the the Gatorade the um Cola the food um and you’ll sort of you get your chance to go into there key things to do when you are

    Coming into an aid station there would be a litter Zone at the start of it and there’ be a litter Zone at the end of it only Chu your bottles there and you saw was it you one um nib today got actually done for was it h done yesterday for for

    Unintentional littering um Chuck your bottles in there so when you know your a station is coming up drain your water bottle Chuck it in the a station get the new water bottle which the RM ones will fit in the standard bottle pouch and then get that and then sort of replace

    That so expect you’ll have a recycled set of bottles as you go through for the the um Gatorade bottles they don’t fit snugly into the what you call it your standard bottle cage so what I tend to do with those is I will get I will and drain my normal water

    Bottle Chuck it I will take the first water bottle and put that in and that’s fine that’s going to stay there it’s nice standard I will grab a gatorade bottle I will take a good old slurp of that if I if you have a front mounted hydration system fill that in there if

    You’ve used Gatorade before and then chook that as when you’re leaving the second uh the litter Zone at the exit again if you choke the bottle outside of these sort of litter zones you’ll get a penalty so but again also remember everyone’s coming in key with good aid station

    Etiquette is is communication and situation awareness I am going in when you’re going in start shouting to the guys around you I’m going to the water bottle make eye contact with the um volunteer point I’m grabbing your bottle bottle slow down grab the bottle bottle and then make sure you’re still in

    Control water bottle in shout I’m coming out or whatever or I’m going I’m going onto the the gate the eso bottle make sure you’re in control make sure you’re situation aware it’s around this place where people drop bottles and they sort of have and things can go wrong so make

    Sure you’re at your own pace and you’re communicating to people you have all these situation where people are just veering in try to grab a bottle off a volunteer and the bottle goes flying they don’t get the bottle and they could actually cause an accident and you’ll

    See these people just also be aware of when they’re coming in and again it’s all about communication doing everything at your own pace and as I said eye contact with a volunteer when you grab a bottle say thank you um and do not miss AG stations make sure you

    Have your your strategy worked out in your sort of your plan how many bottles are you taking how many bottles should you take on board how often are you going to eat um was it and what you’re going to eat and where you’re going to trans where you going to transport that

    You should have all that nailed down you’re you’re on you’re up and on in less than a week so hopefully that is um that’s the bike session by the way Tony had a question which event is first in the water 7 three of the full um I

    Believe it’s the 70.3 based on what they did in um Barcelona um so I need you need to check the age station onor the athlete guide on that but that’s how they typically do it and again that’s another reason why the course is going to be quite busy because you have 70

    3ers and you’ve got was it AR um people doing two Loops so always be aware and it’s a whatever Loop there’s going to be um two and a half thousand people on that at in one time it’s going to be busy always been aware we’ve had a couple of very um horrible accidents

    Recently in our man races we just always in control especially in descents especially on the flats and that’s why we keep our distance Etc all right any questions on the bike guys or Aid stations or anything like that give me a thumbs up if you’re happy

    With that and we’ll move on to the next stage more more thumbs up cool all righty um Run Okay T1 again T1 it’s a single transition so you’re going back to the same place where you had your transition at this um from swim to bike you you

    This time you’ll be grabbing your red bag and remember and again part of your familiarization you should have walked the flow on what it be like moving back in uh I’m walking back in from the bike this Mount line where you have to go and rack it and then also where the racks

    Are in terms of the your red bag and again this time you get your red bike and you put your helmet in you put your bike shoes in or if you haven’t left them on the bike and then you’re taking out your Runners putting on your Runners

    Are taking on um your hat and visor Etc um questions personal needs at the bike um yeah I believe that’s Midway on the bike course I am not a fan of personal needs bags either on the run or on the bike because I think at that stage what

    You kind of have to wonder what you’re going to put in them and like for example I know people put in certain kind of comfort Foods certain people put in put in Coke or they put in a modium um people who do wrongly put in like ibuprofen which you shouldn’t put put in

    Your system um I think you should never really count on getting to a personal needs bag and just anything you can carry or pick up in an age session they’re going to happen more frequently and therefore you’re actually better off and you can because the if if you miss a

    Person needs um bike do you think if you’re having problems on the bike that you think you was a kind of Coast going to fix you do you think it’s going to happen at a nice point where you’re going to be like 5K away probably not so

    You’re better off just not planning for personal needs also remember you don’t get that back um it means you have to pull in and stop um and soort of go right I’m Number 523 and they have to go around find your bag and or and again

    I’m not a fan of stopping if you can avoid it because it allows the lactate lactate and build up your muscles and it’s harder to get going um so the yeah so it’s it’s on the it’s on the map um in the video but again I

    Wouldn’t plan for it and I think it’s you’re better off trying to avoid it um okay Tony checked the both athlete gu 73 is first start at 8:15 think full is around nine thanks very much David um Mark said yeah we’re 703 start first and

    And the the half the fall starts at 9 hours cool and Richard gash says the B personal needs is at 90k so okay thanks for that guys good um teamwork give yourself a thumbs up actually do give yourself a thumbs up it helps my video If You thumbs up just it’s there hit

    That little button good God thank you very much um I I was thinking have two fuel bottles at the at the personal needs yeah you can um but I said you’re better off planning and using the a stations because they’re like every kind of 15 miles and you’re more likely to be

    Able to do that so if you need to kind of put was it grab a a Gatorade or stop and sort of go grab some fuel and load up there you’re better off than kind of hoping that you’ll it’ll be the r the white time so if you either you kind of

    Get one shot at the person each back so I wouldn’t even overly build it into plan you can’t put put them there but it’s the likelihood of it working out for a little bit far stretched okay okay so T2 any questions on T2 are we all comfortable what goes in the red

    Bag if not there’s a video down there make sure you have a look at it um Run course it is a 3X 14k uh loop for the full and it’s lumpy um it’s not flat at all as in there’s these sort of Rolling Hills um Tony bur I haven’t tried

    Gatorade is it hard in the tmy actually well this is what your plan is this week Tony you are going to get a bottle of Gatorade which you will be able to find most of your garages and you’re going to have a good old slurp of it it’s

    Actually okay it’s um they have the blue and the orange one um I find them easy enough on on the tummy but again you you need to figure out whether or not that works for you so it just get it’s literally the sports Gatorade bottles and um they’re fairly sugary to be

    Honest but they’re actually fine um so do try that out and that’s that goes for rest as well if you haven’t tried Gatorade go find it it’s was it it’s it’s part of globalization it’s all all over the place um yeah so the run is

    Lumpy so what I would say to here just build it into your your pacing strategy um take it nice and steady going uphill um and then was it when when you’re when you’re you’re coming down the other side as then try to lean into the run and actually try not to lean

    Back which is the natural reaction that just engage your groups and your quads and actually just tires out those muscles and it for it the the Run itself it’s fairly well supported around the town um so there’s great support there but when you’re heading out a little bit

    Further on it does get fairly quiet and you’re kind of alone thoughts alone with your your competitors so therefore do talk to talk to your competitors have your mental game ready have your mantras ready mantras being kind of short powerful statements that will get would get you back in the zone

    Use your visualization what do you think about the Finish Line think about things you’re going to do afterwards have your dedications ready the thing about an Iron Man marathon is a couple of things break it into chunks don’t think about it’s a marathon because it seems a bit

    Overwhelming break it into four 10K runs and because we’ve all done that I’m sure you’re doing them midweek at this stage and they mean nothing to you um and dedicate each of those S of 10K to people why are you doing it are you doing it for to inspire your kids you’re

    Doing it to was it memory of a loved one a fallen training partner give that mental focus because that helps you um Iron Man training itself I always say that in the leadup it’s 703 70 70% physical because you have to do all the training 30% mental because

    You have to argue with yourself and get yourself out training and then on the race day it actually flips over it’s 30% physical because you’ve done the training you’ve done the mileage and it’s 70% mental because you start questioning yourself of the entire Journey like there will be highs and

    Lows of this um in terms of where you start your try devil versus your triy angel starts going now this is D you can’t do this you’re too weak everyone else looks stronger than you everyone else looks bitter than you they’ve got a better bike the marathon is where that

    Really comes to for where you need to have that element where you pull yourself together and as I said the hints and tips are you make sure you have a you break it into manageable chunks as make it four by 10K runs and there’s a little dog leg that will bring

    That up to the marathon um you do your mattress is go long you do not miss any Aid stations make sure if you’re um that you are um taken aboard fuel or food or even just taking water to keep your your your body temperature cool if it’s a hot

    Day in cash guy um Finish Line is epic it’s just fantastic uh do again as part of your visualization make sure you go down and check out that before you leave um so before you actually the day of the race so you can think about that that is

    Google uh YouTube videos on the Finish Line it’s awesome it’s an absolutely brilliant race um The Run course I said is a little bit more challenging than you probably want and it’s not it’s not an easy course aside In The Swim the bike is tough because of those those

    Climbs and those descents the run is tough because of the those the lumpy parts of the run but if you’ve done the training it’s going to be very well worth the the metal okay folks we’re going to leave it open to any other any questions any questions on the run any

    Questions on anything you should be doing now or concerns or Target times shoot the floor is yours I’ve answered everything okay cool um so as I said what I’ll do now is there’s a couple of videos I’ve referenced and a couple things I’m going to send out an email as well and also

    Part of the mental game some transition tips Etc and you’ll get that video as well um if you do have questions in a room up my in my email is info@ smartur and David Griffin from experience doing a marathon it’s good to talk to people

    Around you and also Target one or two people and for pacing is this can be used as a goal absolutely it it’s all part of the mind games where you distracting yourself from the enormity of this of the challenge ahead um talk to people talk to the crowd engage with

    The crowd that be banter people will start cheering your name if you’re in if you have Club gear wear it because people start shouting come on dra to try or come on whatever is Smart Insurance Solutions feed off that energy because you will need it and because it will

    Test you to the very depth of what you can actually physically do um is there a need to book a taxi from the airport no this book it’s a taxies there and what you mainly struggle is making sure if you’ve got a bike box that you have you

    Get one of those kind of um the people carrier Yoki Bobs or the the estate ones um don’t talk about the weather but rain forecast is it worth wearing a rain Jack it probably hot enough um it’s a good question Val what I what I recommend

    Is the days that my guys have done it they haven’t needed rain gear but I know it can sort of get a bit inclement at times so what I tell people is put a rain jacket in your blue bag and you make that call out because you’ll come

    Out of the water and you’ll be let you look at the sky went that’s clear blue I’m not I do not need any sort of addition jacket if it’s that’s gray and those look thundery I’ll need a rain jacket stick on the rain the rain jacket because the good thing about the

    Transition back system is you either use the stuff or just stays in there um so even pack in arm warmers just in case um the uh was it rain jacket just in case and you you can use it or not use it another thing by the way it does get

    Cold afterwards when the Sun goes down and cash got it gets PR pretty cold so make sure in your after gear bag you’ve got some warm clothes tracted bottoms uh a nice hoodie because you otherwise you get very chilly otherwise and I’ve been Richard I’ve been wearing calf

    Compression should I put them on for the swim or just for the run and cycle you can’t actually put com calf guards on for the swim that is illegal so you have to put them on T1 and when you’re coming out of the bike so it apparently it it

    Can gives you some sort of uh was it uh hydrodynamic benefit if you’re squeezing your calves together under the web suit apparently so no put them on that’s in your blue bag Richard um okay guys uh any other questions if this has been useful hit the thumbs up

    Please people and you should all have been subscribed um show the love right I’m hitting yeah there we go I’m got get myself a little um heart up okay guys questions shoot we are calf compression is allowed um or is allowed if there are tubes not entire socks yep

    Good point um Mark um so but again I always worry whether or not the actual uh the organizers know what that that the rules are not so I actually just don’t take any risks I just put on my calf cards in um T1 um how well lit is the Run do you

    Need a head torch and the road the the course will be well lit so um you don’t need to bring a head torch with you for the Run and what they tend to do as well if it if it does get dark they hand out

    Those um glow sticks as well so like the and but it’s it’s well aluminated um is the head torch useful in the morning sorry actually Tony that’s a great that’s a great Point yes you should do and that’s one of my transition tips um bring a head torch

    Because it can be dark they do have the kind of the lights and all the rest up but if it’s if you’re trying to fiddle around with your bike making sure that the tire pressure is right and all the rest it’s very useful because it will be

    Dark when you’re in transition at a around was it 5: or 6 in the morning um or 6 in the morning so the head torch is a great piece of Kit to bring dark by 7.m do we need head torch well up area no they will it’s a Well lit up area um

    You should be fine on that um and so just a head torch would be be awkward and difficult to run with as well so no you don’t need that it’s not not a value ad item um these are good questions guys quick hit me up now before I start going

    Off and watching South Africa versus France I just remember the I’ll get the second half but it’s good that you’re all worried and I missed it um was this useful thumbs up was um I will put the recording up I will send out an email with the links of other videos please do

    Kind of um share with your friends um I am I am kind of keenly trying to grow my channel I do find these Q&A are useful I love chatting to people um cashy is one of the races I will definitely add on to

    My list to do um I will um okay guys I I think okay okay cool you’re very welcome David best of luck let us know how you going on 73 Mark um very very welcome as well I hope you get it wasn’t get another cone of qualification out this I

    Don’t know if that’s the goal but number number 17 it might be be a great one and very welcome Val um well welcome Tony um and we will and and again check in afterwards I will send out an email with some links and stuff that your videos

    Might be useful to you guys share them with your training buddies share them with your Tri club and more than happy go and and Richard best of luck we’ll be tracking your progress closely um Richard is on one of my training plans so that’s how I know um to keep an eye

    On them and David you’re very welcome listen guys we will leave it there there will be an email going out with more of the links and as I said do take advantage if you want to send me an email and ask any questions I’m happy to

    Help out I want people to have smashing race experiences because then you become IR man addicts and then you come and eventually ask me to coach you or get a training plan and that’s my long-term business strategy to eventually retire in the marcius islands folks have a

    Lovely time um and thanks very much for your for your questions and your interaction and best of luck in cashar Steve Coach Steve out


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