▶︎ Download my DJI Pocket LUTs: Pro Pack – https://bit.ly/3SGrgC
    Basic Pack – http://bit.ly/3J7V5ZC

    ▶︎ Equipment featured or used to make this video
    DJI Osmo Pocket 3 Creator Combo, Vlogging Camera – https://amzn.to/46X5cuY
    DJI Osmo Pocket 3 – https://amzn.to/3u2PlfP
    Suptig Chest Mount, Adjustable Chest Strap – https://amzn.to/46TIaF8

    ▶︎ All Music in this video is from Epidemic Sound – https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/9l0dzy

    ▶︎ ▶︎ If you would like to discuss your project or idea and find a tailor-made solution that will help you find a way forward, you can schedule a 1 hour 1-2-1 consultation session over Zoom ☎️ BOOK 1-2-1 WITH ME – https://bit.ly/49ac6P3

    ▶︎ Some of the camera gear I use:

    My camera – Canon R – https://amzn.to/2Y7XufV​
    My Phone – iPhone 12 Pro Max – https://amzn.to/2Y3AjTV​
    DJI Pocket 2 Creators Combo – https://amzn.to/2O7eYY7​
    Canon EF 70-200mm L series – https://amzn.to/2KFG3zB​
    Canon EF 16-35mm L Series – https://amzn.to/39c1J0j​
    Canon EF 24-70mm L Series – https://amzn.to/39fFK94​
    Manfrotto 504HD,546BK Video Tripod Kit – https://amzn.to/3avvjwt​
    ESDDI DSLR Camera Tripod – https://amzn.to/31YnprB​
    Zoom H6 (2020 Version) 6-Track Portable Recorder – https://amzn.to/2E5XQg0​
    Tascam DR40X – https://amzn.to/2MdYgoD​
    Zoom H1N Sound Recorder – https://amzn.to/32rs07i​
    ANDYCINE C7 Field Camera Monitor – https://amzn.to/3mct5H6​

    DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge for you! Thank you for supporting our channel so we can continue to provide you with free content each week!

    Copyright © 2023 Samuel Sotiega. All Rights Reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

    Let’s hope uh we get some good footage here today I have no idea what the sound is going to be like but I’m using the DJI uh wireless radio mic at 32bit uh audio so that should help in getting rid of the well of any inter interferences

    Or wind issues or wind issues or anything we should definitely helping getting the best possible quality let’s go by the river because it’s a lot nicer to go through the river than it is to go through this concrete that looks like any near other the city cheers

    Buddy some of these people they already know me because I’ve been here cycle through here so many times I mean look at this massive construction project and it’s right next to a a rubbish sorting Factory or pit I mean why would you want to live right

    Next to a place that stinks you know and it’s massive as well you know it’s not like it’s a little it’s not like it’s some small rubbish sorting center it’s a really massive one on a whole warm day that place stinks so why would you want to leave and you know

    And pay top dollar because you know London is not cheap you pay half a million already for a a one-bedroom apartment or two bedroom well these ones are new I bet is half a million for one bedroom if they do one bedroom apartments because they might not do it’s one of those Mysteries

    Okay well construction is on Full fors out today and that’s the beauty of a bicycle in a city you know you can just get through anywhere whereas in a car be stuck on a queue or something on a traffic jump oh I love the river any anything to do with

    Water I love it it’s it’s just nice you know gosh I I don’t think I’d be able to live in a city where there is no water of any kind it it’s just so nice you know it kind of relaxes your mind your eyes become a lot calmer it’s actually quite nice

    Actually we need to go all the way to Tottenham CT road heading to the British museum to film with a new pocket 3 which I’m used in as an action camp and I have no idea what the footage is going to be looking like but I hope it’s

    Going to be looking good and the sound I’m quite curious because I’m I’m cycling a fair bit I’m cycling a bit fast I mean I don’t know whether you can tell you may not get a sense of his speed on the on the footage but I’m I’m I’m going quite fast

    So quite curious about the quality of the sound that gets recorded this is a helipad sometimes it’s really cool when you see the helicopters up and down there is one about to go up let’s leave that behind this is quite a slippery ground on a wet days is really dangerous

    This used to be the worst stretch in this whole in this whole area and now is the nicest smoothest I wish it was everything like that is so nice and smooth I look the day is opening up we actually going to get some blue skies in the

    End the one thing I like about Mondays is that come 9 9 10 a.m. you don’t see anybody in the road it’s almost like it’s almost like everybody’s feeling miserable in the office and they all packed in there like sardines yeah just make sure that I

    Don’t have an accident first thing on a Monday either H you know I love the water I love the river I love the sea but I hate rain and cold I just hate it and for cycling is I mean actually actually cycling under the rain is really cool it’s actually really nice and

    Shoothing and you know you you you lay it up and you’re actually a low warmer than people in the car but it’s the the mess of it you know the roads are slippery it’s messy oh when it’s cold oh my God I hate it I love to chase the good weather leave

    The autumn and winter in a warm place and then move to another place that is also warmer in the spring and summer so when one is cold the one the other one is hot and when one is hot the other one is is cold this is really really spping

    Believe it or not I needly falling twice here when it’s wet it rides amazing but it’s really slippery little bit of architectural Wonder this albian building actually it’s a very nice building and one of my favorite bridges in London the Ala Bridge it’s such a nice bridge and at night time is it’s

    Gorgeous with the lighting is really very nice very romantic if you ever come to London bring your wife or your girlfriend or boyfriend here because it’s really nice and romantic not many places to go to though for dinner but let’s jump on the road now we could go through the park

    But let’s just get onto the road this is a city that never stops there is constantly things that they need to do they need to renew they need to change it’s like New York City you know they will never finish that City just as they would never finish this

    City there’s always something that needs to be patched up bridge that needs to be repair ah okay let’s go there you go let’s go kick in let’s go kicking now oh we got traffic ahead of us ah this this is a really cool road to speed up you

    Know it’s really smooth in the middle no on the sides is really bad why okay perfect Want oh oh there is one thing that London is improved a lot in the last 10 years and is the amount of cycling cycling places and allowances that they do spaces on the road and they still do more segregated areas on Lanes that’s really nice you can actually cycle through London

    Feeling fairly safe really I mean it’s all down to Common Sense and sometimes anticipate to what a DW may or may not do but you know it’s actually kind of nice I just wish most most of the traffic lights did not apply to us but but that’s an Impossible Dream

    Really but it’s nice this road when you get the combination and you get all the lights in green this is really nice cuz it’s really smooth you can pick up some good speed it’s actually very nice o who I mean I have to say this pocket 3 it’s really nice the CD screen is big enough you can look down and see what it is that you’re doing you can actually you know judge what it is that is going on on the screen I’m really liking this and the

    Image quality is really good too ah I could have sprinted for this but it’s not worth it over there I don’t know if you can see this the Secret Service building building that green and and Gray Building all this area is covered with CCTV everywhere there is not a a blank

    Spot I was talking one day to a a police officer when I was doing some drone filming and with obviously the US Embassy nearby the MI6 build in the on the river you know this whole area is very sensitive high security as a matter of fact the airspace above the

    MI6 is not civil airspace is military airspace so if you want to fly over the MI6 building good luck to you because you need to ask permission to the military and they just not going to do it so that’s one thing that you learn when you try to get permission to fly a

    Drone around here this is very sensitive area so you blow a fart and they will know but some of the buildings are really nice and one thing that I like about London and uh you know many European cities as well this is no exclusive to London is how

    Nice they bridge between the old architecture and the new one I mean sometimes you do have these jarring buildings that you ask yourself how the hell they got permission to build that in in in such a nice area or a nice looking area but most most of the times

    You know they kind of blend nicely you know the old stuff is disappearing really fast in central London you go to Soho and in the last 10 15 years that has changed so dramatically I would say that 95% of buildings in Soo they they’ve gone down and they’ve

    Come up or whatever it is that was going on in has changed for some new fancy modern shop or Cinema or something and the perfect example is carnaby Street when I first came to London decades ago that was like a heavy metal Punk uh scene you

    Know you had punkies and guys with with the with the crest and it’s all kind of t-shirt shops and all the sort of grung and sort of a clothing style Dr Martins and high boots and you got now and it’s all high and fashion really expensive I

    Guess I guess the time passed by you know you you know you either catch up and up to date or you either catch up and get up to date or or you risk be left behind like this building here is gorgeous the house of parliament with a big

    B the renovating I think how many Renovations this building has had because it’s a it’s an old building but it needs to catch up with 21st century the building across the road is an extension now to this building where ministers have their offices because they just didn’t have

    Enough space in the actual building itself and you can you can visit this building you can pay a ticket and you get a tour and you can go into the actual Parliament and the House of Lords and you can walk around and see and you get

    A tour guide very cool if you come for a visit in London you’re not allowed to sit they’ll te you off I know that for experience I sat once on the on the leader of opposition seat and I was to off but hey take that away from

    Me but you shouldn’t do it really but this is a really nice Square it’s very funny there are some places there’s some areas that you cannot put the tripod and then two two two M uh 2 m on one side you can’t it’s really OD they have this security or

    Safety allocated spaces and nothing can be on the ground let’s go the green is going to come on any moment now and obviously this is full of tourists and there’s a lot of police there must be some demonstration of something going on later all right there you go let’s go let’s go let’s

    Go oh wow yeah there must be some big demonstration because they’re already getting ready for it uh this is the monument the Fallen you should always pay some respect whether you agree with it or not these are people that have fallen defending and values and this is the women of world war same

    Thing I always like to Bow and show some respect even if I have my own personal opinions about conflicts and why they happen and why they shouldn’t happen but you know respect when is due these people give their life for us to be able to have an opinion sometimes people forget that you

    Know we’re coming on to uh trafala square and the the British Gallery as well the National Gallery sorry not the British Gallery the national portray Gallery we’re coming on to the National Portrait Gallery that’s some amazing Museum that you go there if you like art that’s really really nice the

    National Gallery and the portray Gallery very very nice and you go there Mr Nelson overlooking the square I just hope they never change anything in this Square they never put out some new building because they literally are taking everything down you know it’s nice to hold on to some history you

    Know you might want to change the world you might want to do things new but it’s always good to know where you’re coming from and why things are today the way they are as a reminder of the good and the bad anyway that’s my opinion you might have a different one

    But sometimes we try to erase the past like it never happened and then the lessons that we learn from it they go away just as we erase everything else that’s the problem with the race in the past that you lose the lessons that you should have learned anyway this this

    Is a beautiful Square we’re getting political now very beautiful Square this whole area is beautiful you know so nice they try to limit the amount of traffic because on this used to be so much worse but now now they have all this uh environmental friendly areas

    So you know uh low emission areas where you can just you can’t just drive a car in this you can’t just drive a car in central London unless it meets certain environmental parameters and the standard so I like that it makes everything more expensive but it’s a lot less

    Congested it is very congested regardless but it kind of helps but then again I don’t drive a car someone that drives a car probably things very differently because when you have to pay 15 or 17 pound a day to drive in a particular location holy cow that’s the best part

    About of 100 lb a week just to enter there’s nothing to do with fuel cost the cost of the car monthly payments that’s just to enter ah there you go we’re Green so we’re coming on to Tottenham C Road it’s another square that has changed so much in the last 10 years this used to be a bit of a bit of an ugly Square it used to be the chip end of Oxford Street but that’s changing

    Rapidly now and the rains are going up you know new more fancy fashion houses setting up shop and obviously that brings that brings new business new developments this is all new wow you know my God that’s totally new that’s going to happen so quickly so this is Tottenham cor

    Wow that’s a new training station new new Underground Station everything changed so much the Dominion theater is I hope it stays here for a long time because it’s great place to go to oh there you go and we’re going to go right now okay so we are close to the British

    Museum so we’re going to stop now and uh we cut up of the museum


    1. I bet you've got Care Refresh, with that mounted on your chest and going that quick. Watch out for long retractable dog leads. Best Dave ps have a combo on order.

    2. How did you get the camera to get mounted to the strap? This needs the dji osmo pocket 3 Expansion pack that's still not available… Am I correct? If not what have you done?

    3. Thank you for your insight about what is possible and that you can capture clearly on the camera, but for specifically your demonstrating a new added advantage of the DJI Osmo Pocket 3 when just used like an action camera.

      Though got to say, you do ride on a lot of smooth surfaces there, where leisurely you can take in any of the magnificent surrounding and whenever exhilarating to view on a fast going e-bike; one that’s fast as yours.

      As a modern city where I ride mine, Los Angeles appears riddled with countless frequent bumps and very obtrusive gaping potholes which today are everywhere either light or heavy motor vehicle traffic was expected, even planned. Some of the former had been proposed by city council members as in some neighborhoods they’re designated speed bumps…

      Seriously, I have been learning from your videos sometime. They are instructional to me while having a Pocket 2 also. (That from what I gather might require faked blurry backgrounds, if really I want any blurred.) Now I’m appearing completely convinced by your earlier video that I may just need to get a Pocket 3 though I got already a Pocket 2 that that new Pocket 3 can replace, effectively, and at least save time in lengthy edits, those otherwise without any naturally occurring depth of field showing in them.

      I will try hard to decide whether a new camera is something really worthwhile as an investment or just fun to have…

    4. Very smooth , sky is a little over exposed in the later part. Maybe just the crappy London weather, I would not survive a month there without the sun after living in South Florida for so long. If I was to move to Europe it would be Spain or Portugal. Thank you for the bonus video you’re the perfect you tube presenter !

    5. After a lot of experimentation I mount the Pocket on the rear of my helmet so that I can monitor the rear (phone on handlebars) for safety and selfie mode it in an instant to get footage from the front. Your head is a natural stabilizer, and it's also a very interesting perspective. Didn't occur to me how good the angle would look until being mesmerized by Terry B's videos riding in NYC.

    6. Great video. Do you think that if the pocket 3 is used in the wind like this on a daily basis the stabilisation motors might wear out? What's the benefit of using the pocket instead of the action camera?

    7. Firstly, great content! I was born in Kennington and I used to ride my bicycle all round central London in the late 60's / early 70's, and this really recreates the experience. (Especially when viewed in my VR headset!) But so much has changed! I now live in Australia and haven't been back since about 2004, so it fascinates me to see how much has changed, and what hasn't. And among the things that has changed is having power on an e-bike – unheard of in my London days. As for the camera, I am amazed that despite it being clearly not an action camera, it sure acts like on in this footage! Very stable, excellent image, and your commentary (which I greatly enjoyed) very clearly recorded. Well, I just hope you stay out of jail after uploading this confession to multiple traffic offences, and I look forward to further videos, now that at last I have got around to joining your subscribers.

    8. Thanks Samuel, the video is excellent as it shows that it would be useful for Highway Inspection work as would the Action 4 in the rain.
      But I noticed that the road was wet with puddles, was that OK for the non IP rated Pocket 3?
      The Action 4 has a smaller sensor but would I notice a difference in clarity because your example was excellent for reading number plates and street signage.
      You have given me an idea to do inspections on an ebike instead of a car and dashcam but I won't match your speed and weaving as I'm a coward worrying a car door would open, but you and others must be used to it.
      I'm now 12000 miles away from that route, I drove many times and so much as changed so thanks again along with the calm and informative commentary.

    9. Hi Samuel, it's my first time viewing the channel. I plan on visiting London within the next year and you really so a condensed and broad view of the city. I love it and subscribe I will. Just a brief question. Did you additionally stabilize the footage or is it stratght from the camera? Drive safe & hope to see more. Cheers

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