Secret War – Episode 4: Double Agent Tricycle | History Documentary

    Watch ‘Secret War – Episode 5′ here:

    In this episode:
    A wealthy lawyer, debonair ladies’ man, consummate actor, and fearless gambler, Dusko Popov played the role of playboy amongst the top echelons of British society to become one of Germany’s most trusted spies. In fact, he was one of Britain’s most successful double agents and some say the inspiration for James Bond.

    Secret War goes inside Churchill’s Secret Army, to a dangerous WWII world of secret agents. It tells the story of the Special Operations Executive agents and others who went behind enemy lines to conduct intelligence-gathering, sabotage, and assassination.


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    His name is Bond James Bond spy Adventurer sex symbol and license to Kill but was Ian Fleming’s fictional 007 in fact a reality was James Bond this man pop off duko Popov but this secret agent was no work of fiction dushko Popov was a real spy who

    Played at a deadly game as a double agent in World War II he was critical to the success of D-Day he robbed the Nazis of thousands of dollars in cash he supplied vital intelligence to the Allies about Hitler’s flying bombs and he almost succeeded in preventing the Japanese attack on Pearl

    Harbor this is a high-stake story of Deceit and delusion and a tale of personal excess in the bar the casino and the bedroom this is the true story of dko poov Whose actions influenced the outcome of the second world war for that he will be lorded as one of the most

    Important players in the history of the secret War dushko poov grew up in one of Europe’s Most Beautiful cities du brnik in Croatia then part of Yugoslavia he had a privileged upbringing he had wealthy well-connected parents duko wanted for nothing and was a popular boy having many friends and great self-confidence his Rich father insisted duko attend the finest European schools D’s family wanted duko to have a good education they sent him to the

    Local schools in Du brnik but soon he was sent uh to a English boarding school uh and then uh to lisos in Paris where he took his Borat after leaving school his passions were fast cars and fast Women but he’d also been a star pupil and had become fluent in Italian German and French [Applause] at 24 he ended up in fryberg Germany to study for a PhD in Law it was here that he met a young man from Hamburg Johan jebson popof called him Johnny Johnny was a similarly aristocratic similarly well-connected similarly wealthy uh German C Dame I think it’s half Danish half German and they became very close friends it was the beginning of a

    Friendship that would lead them both down roads they could never have dreamed Of 1936 was a strange time to be a student in Germany in the streets swas stickers were multiplying and so was the hatred towards Jews in fryberg the liberal popof was outraged by the public harassment of Jews by the Nazis the experiences dko had during um his years at University in Friberg was the first experience with Nazi Hitler’s Youth and this this actually gave him the drive to fight against what was happening in Europe in those Days popof and jebson often defied Nazi rules and drank coffee in Jewish owned cafes but the day after he obtained his PhD he was betrayed and arrested by the Gestapo jebson alerted duso’s father who made use of his contacts in the Yugoslav government when he was arrested and

    Rescued thanks to his uh uh garden angel U Johnny Jepson he was then um I I think at that point he understood how serious this was going to be the Nazis released Popov but he was ordered to leave Germany he got out just in Time In September 1939 Germany invaded Poland 2 Days Later Britain declared war on Germany if Hitler was to confront Britain he would need information about this new Enemy he turned to his intelligence gathering organization the Ab they already had a small network of secret agents in Europe but they needed more and began a recruitment drive it would lead them to dushko popof in 1940 popof was running a small private Law Firm back in De brnik in neutral Yugoslavia on the 4th of February he

    Received a telegram from his old friend Johnny jebson asking if they could meet urgently in Belgrade they met in a hotel where Johnny revealed that he had joined the abve popof was shocked but then incredulous when jebson asked him to join and become a spy for the

    Nazis first I I suppose dko must have been a little bit surprised and a little bit shocked because he knew Johnny was also an anti-nazi but uh I think Johnny told him something key he said the the best way to beat a team is to be part of it

    Popof spent the longest night of his life thinking about the strange offer from his old friend he was surprised but somehow excited jebson was suggesting that they become double agents working for the Nazis while secretly undermining them he knew that if he was caught he would pay

    With his life he later wrote no use going over the same Ground 50 times facts don’t change but there was one piece missing to complete the game would the British Play so the next morning he went to the British Embassy in Belgrade and offered them his Services they sent him to the British passport office which was in reality the headquarters for British Military Intelligence MI6 MI6 spent 2 days vetting popof and then accepted his offer he called Johnny

    Jebson and told him he was ready to play the game dusko popof double agent was born code name Ivan for the Germans code name tricycle for the British At his first meeting with the ab popof lied that he had friends in high places in England they provided him with a cover story he was to head up an import export business between Yugoslavia and England the abve made Johnny jebson his Handler he supplied popof with lengthy questionnaires concerning British

    Military strength and morale popof gave them to MI6 for completion and then handed them back to the abair he was just getting on with his life going Here There and Everywhere and Reporting both to the abve and to the allies and he’s being driven around by longstanding um Family retainer called

    Bosar the the family driver bosar had volunteered to be popov’s driver poov was amazed bosa’s laziness was legendary and he was right to be suspicious popov’s old friend an abver Handler Johnny jebson discovered that the abver had recruited Bidar to spy on popof and might soon discover his links to

    MI6 dushko poof was left with no choice 2 Days Later bosar was found shot dead near Railway warehouses in Belgrade if you consider this first in retrospect and in in the cold light of day I mean it was a brutal coldblooded um killing and you it doesn’t really sort of fit very well into what we know

    About disko who was not inherently violent individual I mean much preferred taking girls out than you know getting involved in fights but um but I think it what it tells us about those times were how dangerous they were the police concluded that bosar had been killed in a bungled robbery popof

    Had got away with it as Drisco got more and more confident and as he began began to win the confidence of his German handlers um they were more and more interested in using him more extensively and they decided that they would send him to London where um they had a a very small

    Network of spies but they thought somebody like drco could build up a larger Network and the first process in that was a stop off in Lisbon Lisbon was the Espionage capital of Europe during the war it was a spy nest the city was swarming with suspicious characters deserters conscientious

    Objectors refugees and adventurers all rubbing shoulders bars cafes and restaurants were infested with agents of all backgrounds and Origins although Portugal was officially neutral the Germans had a significant presence there so the British ensured that They too had a strong covert delegation it was in this atmosphere that popof was

    Sent to Lisbon by the abve in November 1940 when dko poov arrived at Lisbon airport his eye was taken by a pretty girl who kept winking at him her name was Elizabeth sarak and she’d been sent to collect him he followed her to a waiting Black Limousine got got in and together they

    Sped off the car was driven to a large Villa where a tall aristocratic man was waiting to greet them it was Elizabeth’s boss and popov’s ab controller ludivico Von castoff real name ludvig Kramer Von aen rer popof instinctively liked Von Casto who shared his fondness for the company

    Of women and took him under his wing they became friendly quite easily uh they shared the Same Love of uh life and freedom uh so Li Lisbon was a good setting for duko they got on fantastically well together they they were very friendly um and so so then dko

    Was given in Lisbon his instructions what he had to do when when when he got to London uh what information he was supposed to find out what contacts he was supposed to make etc etc but as soon as he had the chance duko poov made sure he registered with the

    British passport office which as in Belgrade was the cover operation for British Military Intelligence MI6 neutral Portugal and neighboring Spain were also safe places to meet his old friend Johnny jebson whose job was to keep him informed of German progress in the war he told popof how the German people

    Resented living hand to mouth while factories churned out thousands of planes and tanks about disloyalty within the ab ranks and he revealed news of a new technology German scientists called the micro do popof would come to be familiar with the micro dot but in the meantime simply passed the information straight to

    MI6 they were able to share Secrets pass on the information that they were giving U to the British to the Germans um plan things ahead popof was busy building his cover as a businessman representing import export interests in Yugoslavia when the ab delivered airline tickets to his

    Hotel his flight left Lisbon on the 20th of December 1940 for London Hitler’s Luft Rafa were trying to bomb the British into submission but while the blitz was the most visible sign of the war the ab were secretly laying the foundations for occupation and popof was key to the strategy they instructed him to find out if there were influential Nazi

    Sympathizers in Britain who they could use to support an invasion popof realized that this was the opportunity he’d been waiting for he would look the British in the eye and tell them how he could help them win the War as he was driven into the capital on the 20th of December 1940 Popov was confronted for the first time with the horrors of War War as he watched the city burn and the people bury their dead it only reinforced his commitment to the cause

    He wrote if I had any doubts moral or ethical about what I was doing they vanished when I experienced the blitz at firsthand and how the British were standing up to it he understood at that point how um the British were going to fight this

    War to the end and he was going to participate and he was going to be part of the effort to beat uh Nazi Germany his car pulled up at the Savoy Hotel on the Strand where he was greeted by a smartly Dressed Man it would be this man’s job to vet

    Pop off and Report whether he could be Trusted he was met by marvelous individual called tar Robertson ta Robertson who was running something called the double x committee which was double double X double cross they had arrested quite a number of German agents in Britain and given the choice they could either be executed or they could work for us under

    Very very strict supervision MI6 in Lisbon and Belgrade had already briefed Robertson and the double cross committee about popof even so there were many on the committee who didn’t trust him he could be working for the Germans the committee were not prepared to take any chances there were still some dissenters

    Who said no we we mustn’t trust this man but eventually Ty Robertson said no let’s go with him let’s see how it works out and of course um you know it took a long time for him to really get everybody’s confidence popof had passed his first

    Test T Robertson knew that he had the potential to become the double cross committee’s most valuable agent he had neutral nationality could travel freely all over Europe and had the trust of the ab there he threw himself Body and Soul into working with the British in turn they trained him in the

    Arts of spycraft such as the use of invisible ink tips and tricks on on breaking and entering and the use of evasion techniques to avoid being followed is comical in a way because long before we had the kind of technology that that um you know made

    All those things much simpler but um you know there they were writing letters in in invisible ink um but you know it worked I it worked for the time he had to absorb enormous amounts of information and equally enormous amounts of disinformation his job would be to provide the Germans with bogus

    Intelligence about British military strength and Planning on New Year’s Eve 1940 Popov was invited to a society party given at the home of Major General Stuart mingis the head of MI6 known as C there he was introduced to the Cabaret artist fredel Gardner she was the most beautiful woman he’d seen since arriving in

    England but as their conversation got interesting mingas interrupted and asked pop off to his study Mingus told him in no uncertain terms that he didn’t like him but he had the makings of a very good spy but a better learn to take orders or he’d become a very dead spy Popof left the party contemplating Ming’s words but dreaming about fredel Gartner’s eyes he would meet her again very Soon popof was almost ready to return to Portugal but first he was introduced to leftenant Commander y montue it was his job to assemble a cover story that would convince the Germans that Popov had used his time in England well monu made sure Popov met several Military Officers and high ranking civil

    Servants that would show the abve he was plugged into the highest quality sources to enhance his credibility still further he gave him the names of three Lords whom the British already knew was sympathetic to the Nazis then on the 2nd of January 1941 he bed a km flight back to Lisbon

    It was the beginning of the deadliest of spy games back in Lisbon he met Von casto’s assistant Elizabeth at the hotel pal he checked in dressed for dinner then made his way to the casino and in particular the roulette table there he waited for Elizabeth to play three numbers the numbers reveal the

    Date and the time of his next meeting with Von Castoff at that meeting Von castoff questioned popof thoroughly about his trip to England he told him about his high level political contacts and began supplying false information such as bogus details of a new RAF attack aircraft called the bow [Applause] fighter he was given this information which he was ostensibly collected in his

    Role as a spy for the ab went back to um Lisbon handed all this stuff over to um Von COV his controller who was delighted Von COV sent it up to Berlin they were thrilled got this all this information and then that was the pattern popof worked the Lisbon London

    Route immaculately for two months the abver were Keen to know as much as possible about the bow fighter equally he was able to pass to the more and more fake intelligence such as the incorrect location of British minefields he was given um a chart showing where where there were minefields in the

    English Channel which were in the wrong place um and you know so anything that would a confuse the Germans or make them confused about what was happening in Britain it was it was just a extraordinarily complicated game of bluff and Double Bluff they were trying to

    Create um a picture in the minds of of of the German ger um in mind of the Germans of what was happening in Britain but it wasn’t precisely what was Happening to alleviate the unquestionable stress popof also made sure he made time to let his hair down when in Lisbon he had the companionship of a shapely Brazilian blonde called Maria aera when in London he was on everyone’s a list here’s an extract from his diary from one week in February 19

    41 evening cocktails American Bar seavoy dinner at Mirabal met at Mayfair Lounge dinner at clares dined in an out club his hectic social life alarmed his superiors so they arranged for an old flame to make contact he didn’t know that frel Gardner was also working for MI6 but they knew

    This agent they called gelatine would be perfect at keeping duko occupied Popov would find her company Stimulating as he got used to the London Lisbon routine the casino of the hotel palao became his headquarters and it was here that the James Bond Legend was born a British agent ordered to keep an eye on popof witness much of his Behavior at the casino bar and at the backarat

    Table the agent was Ian Fleming but in March 1941 as Popov arrived yet again at the hotel palao he was instructed to report immediately to Von COV had he been discovered he arrived at Von casto’s Villa and was standing looking out through the French windows and Von Casto entered the room silently and said to him don’t move

    Don’t move don’t turn around and he thought this is it you know I’m done and he he leaned he leaned up and into his pocket to take his gun out and he saw in the reflection of the French windows that vono was standing behind him with a pet monkey on his

    Shoulder popof hadn’t been rumbled after all and Von castoff gave him some terrible news neutral Yugoslavia had been bombed and then invaded by Germany coming from De brnik poov was officially on the German side side and he could continue to work for them but back home his entire family were now at risk he was in little doubt that if he was exposed the Gestapo would have no pity on

    Them and then Von kastoff told him of new orders from Berlin Hitler was making plans to go to war with America he instructed the abve to gather information about the United States and was Keen to establish a new network of spies there fastov told popof that he’d been selected to lead that

    Mission this was greeted with dismay by the um double X Committee in London because he actually POA was a very valuable asset for them because he was the only agent who had Direct face-to-face contact with with the Germans but popof had an Idea the next time he was in London he explained to the Double Cross committee how he could turn the trip to the United States to their advantage popof had already convinced the ab that he had a bogus network of Agents operating in Britain he told them he’d been paying

    Them out of his own pocket here at the Double Cross committee’s HQ he told them he’d convince the ab to take on the costs themselves popof would then launder the money in the United States and rout it to MI6 the abve would be paying cash straight into MI6

    Coffers the double cross committee were amazed at the Simplicity of the idea they called plan Midas Popov returned to Lisbon to sell the idea to Von castoff it worked and Von Casto agreed to have the cash before pop off’s departure for America in return he handed pop off a single sheet of typewritten paper he produced a piece of paper with um just typewritten paper and said all the information is on this piece of paper and dko looked at it it’s just a ordinary letter he said what do you mean

    Where is it and it was the first anyone had ever heard of micro do Secret micro do technology visible only with a microscope the micro dot hid a dossier with a huge number of questions about the American Military beneath a full stop the Germans had developed a technique of reducing documents

    Photographing documents and reducing so small that they could be hidden under a fall point in a typewriter Von castoff asked Elizabeth to fetch a bottle of champagne and together they toasted popov’s new Assignment before leaving for the USA popof contacted his old friend Johnny jebson One Last Time jebson told him something intriguing he had been asked by the ABA on behalf of their allies the Japanese to go to the port of Tanto in Italy and find out why a recent British

    Air strike had been such a success it turned out that this was the first ever attack launched entirely from aircraft carriers popof was puzzled he wondered why the Japanese were so interested in an operation launched in this Way he took another look at his United States Mission questionnaire it requested detailed information about a US Naval Base in the paciic Pacific Ocean called Pearl Harbor why would the Japanese want to know about the base and why would they want to know about attacks from aircraft

    Carriers Popov put two and two together and realized the Japanese were planning to attack Pearl Harbor there was now real urgency about duko Poof’s trip to America On the 10th of August 1941 he took the equivalent of $40,000 from Von castto for plan Midas and boarded a plane for the USA when he landed he went straight to the headquarters of the f FBI they’ve been told by the British that popof was on his way but they were

    Not at all welcoming at the time the FBI was headed by the formidable J Edgar Hoover who considered himself to be above the law and trusted few people particularly foreigners there is nothing mysterious about the manner in which the Federal Bureau of Investigation Works its formula is a simple one intensive training carefully

    Investigated and highly efficient Personnel Plus rigid requirements in regard to conduct intelligence and Integrity Hoover believed that being a double agent made popof doubly untrustworthy he had no intention of granting Popov an audience and instead sent a team of agents to question him the agents were fascinated by the micro do technology but not at all by Pearl Harbor popof was treated with mistrust and ordered to

    Leave from then on he was followed and watched everywhere he went it went on for weeks it was an impossible position for popof he couldn’t warn the FBI about Pearl Harbor nor could he conduct his fake spying activities on behalf of the abair To take his mind off the FBI he got on a plane and headed for the fashionable ski slopes of Sun Valley I skied from early morning to dark it didn’t work my nights passed in a blur of alcohol and sex but it was easier to grin in company

    Than to so alone in New York but he knew he couldn’t drown his Sorrows forever he headed back to New York City and it was there that he bumped into an old friend at a party a Hollywood star he’ befriended before the war in Paris Simone Simone he resurrected their pre-war relationship and they began a passionate

    Affair he and Simon were seen at all the big New York parties and since popof was running out of money here was someone who could fund his champagne Lifestyle then out of the blue the FBI contacted popof Hoover wanted to see him had his message about Pearl Harbor got through through after All on the 24th of September duko popof walked back into the FBI offices in New York City he was escorted to a small back office Hoover was seated at a desk he didn’t get up there were no introductions and no preliminaries Hoover ordered popof to sit down and began to rant pounding the

    Desk with his fist as he attacked popov’s reput ation Hoover was extraordinary character in many ways probably homosexual hated hated foreigners hated in particular dko hated Playboys hated everything about dko Hoover told him to leave his office but poov refused he lit a cigarette and began a spirited defense of his position

    Describing the micro do questionnaire and warned him of the plot to attack Pearl Harbor Hoover accused him of being a German agent saying you’re begging for information to sell to your German friends so you can make money and be a playboy popof seething with rage tried to defend

    Himself but Hoover had heard enough telling poov are you trying to teach me my job as poov got to his feet he snapped I don’t think anyone could teach you anything he stormed out of the office and slammed the Door I walked away from the FBI building with a knot in my stomach Hoover acted as though it were his divine right to fabricate whatever tale he [Applause] pleased pop off soon forgot about his detractors in the FBI when he received a telegram from Lisbon instructing him to

    Meet Von cast st’s assistant Elizabeth in Rio De Janeiro Brazil poov flew to Rio at the end of October and began many days of meetings with Elizabeth and ab their Agents they weren’t concerned that popof had made no contact with his German handlers in Lisbon and no progress on the pole Harbor questionnaire they simply gave him new instructions and a new questionnaire hidden beneath a micro dot his mission to investigate why the Americans were so Keen to find sources

    Of uranium ore in South America he had no idea that both the Americans and Germans were in a race to produce nuclear Weapons po pop off decided to return to New York by sea but just 3 days from Port shocking news reached his Ship the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor Japan is almost 4,000 mi from Hawaii so the 353 Japanese aircraft that launched the surprise attack flew from aircraft carriers 12 us warships were sunk 188 aircraft were destroyed and almost 2 and half thousand Personnel were killed but popof would have even more to worry about in Bletchley Park England British intelligence had cracked the top secret code the Germans were using to communicate this Enigma code was cracked

    By a team assembled by Stuart mingis from MI6 and provided them with an insight to the inner workings of Hitler’s military machinery and now Cod Breakers received chatter about popof from the abair popof hadn’t been in contact since the meeting in Ria weeks ago and now they’d grown suspicious they were questioning his

    Loyalty but the British couldn’t alert popof for risk of revealing their codebreaking operation so they allowed him to return to Portugal and face the music when he returned to Lisbon he was surprised to find that Von castoff had been joined by another abair controller together they questioned him on his Mission why hadn’t he carried out any of the tasks they’d requested but he kept supremely calm telling them all manner of stories to explain his inactivity in the United States had the Germans believed him 3 Days Later a message was sent to Berlin it was intercepted by the British at Bletchley Park the message stated that popof could still be trusted the British were astonished as well as Jubilant best of all the abver allowed popof to resume the Lisbon to London shuttle He’d not been back for 2 years but London was a vastly different place to the one he’d known in the winter of 1940 despite the battering the city had endured at the hands of the Lov Fafa londoners were cheerful and optimistic the tide of the war was

    Turning by October 1942 Germany was in trouble defeat seemed only a matter of time the Allies were planning a Counterattack the beginning of the end of Hitler it was to be called Operation Overlord or D-Day and key to D-Day preparations was Operation Fortitude prepared by the double cross committee and one of which

    Popof played a central role Operation Fortitude was a plan for Mass deception the Allies didn’t want Hitler to know that the invasion would take place on the Normandy beaches so they built hundreds of decoy tanks and aircraft knowing they’d be visible from German spotter planes they placed them in strategic locations to convince

    Hitler that Invasion would start in places like Cal and even Norway anywhere except Normandy this sophisticated operation also relied on Popov feeding the Germans false information his role was significant because it was essential that this whole jigsaw was put together in the minds of the Germans and once they got that

    Entire picture they weren’t looking in the right place when when D-Day actually happened on his final trip to Lisbon popof presented Von castoff with a dossier about the Allies order of invasion it contained misleading information about troop numbers in Britain giving the false location for three armies three Army Corps and 23

    Divisions that’s over half a million men on the 9th of March Bletchley Park intercepted an abair message describing popoff’s intelligence as reliable as a consequence 15 divisions or almost a quarter of a million German soldiers were re-rooted to Cal the whole trick was to actually convince the Germans of

    His loyalty so that when uh the day for the big lie came uh they would swallow the pill that much Easier as popof made his way back to London for the last time he took with him intelligence about new German secret weapons Von castoff had warned him to stay out of London because in the coming weeks Hitler would unleash his new Terror weapon on the British so poov gave MI6 the dates of

    The first attacks by the V1 flying Bomb but then with Operation Overlord just 5 weeks away some disturbing news reached Bletchley Park Poof’s friend Johnny jebson had been kidnapped in Lisbon by the Gestapo who were investigating his finances the double cross committee were concerned that jebson might blow popoff’s cover and jeopardize a deception plan for the Normandy Landings but it was too late to postpone D-Day the sixth of June 1944 175,000 Allied troops landed on the Normandy beaches but were they entering a trap had Operation Fortitude worked or had Johnny jebson cracked though he’d been tortured by the gapo jebson hadn’t uttered a word about his true identity or pop

    Offs D-Day was the beginning of the end for the [Applause] Nazis in London popof was invited to a celebratory dinner where he was given the seat of honor it was announced that he was to be awarded the order of the British Empire but popof was in no mood to celebrate he’ learned that Johnny jebson had been shot dead while trying to

    Escape a common euphemism for murdered Johnny’s death was a big blow to my father his life uh changed I think afterwards he they they had been watching each other’s back for throughout the war they were able ble to achieve um important things together U the double effort um on both sides worked

    Perfectly hate cold bitter destructive hate Rose in me like Fury I wanted Vengeance popof would have his revenge after the war outside Buckingham Palace clouds Cher themselves horse seven times during V Day the British royal family appeared on the [Applause] balcony and the people below were the

    People of Britain a people who for five and a half long years had suffered under the bombs and guns of Nazi [Applause] [Applause] Germany As Europe rejoiced at Victory in the Third Reich collapsed Popov embarked on his quest it would be his last mission he got hold of a British officer’s uniform and traveled to Germany once there he scoured the country inspecting every prisoner of war camp trying to track down the man

    Responsible for the murder of his friend he had the honorary role of leftenant Colonel so he had some status within the Allied Army and he set himself the role of finding out what happened to his friend one name kept cropping up Walter sultzer a member of the German teligence

    Service was the likely the man most likely to know what had happened to jebson Sala had been commandant of the camp where jebson had been killed in popov’s eyes he was Johnny’s murderer he tracked him down to the northern town of Minden there was no one home of the

    Address pop off had been given so he broke into the house and waited when salsa came through the front door popof confronted him he took him to nearby woods and forced the barrel of his pistol deep into his mouth could Popov kill again I knew I wouldn’t couldn’t kill

    Him I vomited my sins and my shame and my pain dko popof started the war a wealthy Playboy encourageable womanizer and dedicated Gambler he ended it as one of Germany’s most trusted spies and one of Britain’s most successful double agents he fed the Germans a constant stream of doctored Military Intelligence

    His Midas plan drained the adver of $85,000 over 2 million in today’s money and almost the entire cost of running the double cross committee popov’s warning about Pearl Harbor may have fallen on deaf ears but his deception skills were important to the success of D-Day what dkoa achieved during the war was to

    Constantly befog the minds of German intelligence what he did was to confuse them to to make them think things were happening that weren’t happening and that things that were happening weren’t happening and could dko poov really have been the inspiration behind Ian Flemings James Bond the comparison would downgrade his

    Effort what he did during the war with the rest of the double cross gang I think uh was uh was quite amazing and and uh the the James Bond uh Association is is quite a a practical but not very uh honest one when he returned to Britain after

    His attempt to avenge Johnny jepson’s murder duko poof was granted British citizenship and awarded his OB the presentation was made appropriately in the the cocktail bar at the [Applause] Ritz


    1. A wealthy lawyer, debonair ladies man, consummate actor and fearless gambler, Dusko Popov played the role of playboy amongst the top echelons of British society to become one of Germany's most trusted spies. In fact, he was one of Britain's most successful double agents and some say the inspiration for James Bond. Who knew? No, serious question: have any of you heard of this Popov before?

    2. Love these types of docs …. Popov sounds like a real hero …BUT ..I think the Germans took their eyes of the ball… Popov seemed to contiually provide false info to them …and when he went to the USA ..he provided them with nothing …..Surprised they trusted him so much after the America trip ….

    3. I cant see how his chiledhood in Dubrovnik was relevant in this story,but who he was wasnt. But , thats probably just me. If he was still alive and I had a chance to ask him a question what would it be? What were his thoughts as he whatched pictures of ordinary people lining streets of Zagreb, Croatia throwing flowers at German soldiers as they drove by. Oh, lets not forget that happend couple of hundred miles from where he grew up.

    4. Flemming did not base Bond on a single person ….Bond is a mix of characters that Flemming encountered during the war ….coupled with Flemmings imagination

    5. August 1990 August and how unfortunately the truth I really niw and having fun away from such fun to see I a ouce and your welcome totryst and watch the game is okay 👍

    6. Sounds like an exciting Hollywood movie.. with all of his high profile connections, how come Gestapo or German intelligence not suspicious?

    7. I read in a museum in DC that the character of James Bond was loosely based on Richard Sorge, the Russian master spy. Richard Sorge was German, but his mother was Russian. He was killed in Japan.

    8. Popov and a meating with the director of the FBI.Hoover was always out to take care of Hoover. IE, there is no organized crime. The FBI are very good, and there is no way they didn't know. On the take probably, but it doesn't seem like those who would know how to find out, want to. He had every president from the 30s to the 70s under his thumb. To think he blew off Pearl Harbor because he was jealous of Popov's manhood. From what I understand, Churchill tried to warn FDR of the same thing.

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