In this episode of my cycling trip from Edinburgh to London, i travel through the Scottish borders from Denholm into England, and onto Stockton on Tees

    I aim to get a video out a week at least..

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    And welcome back to an episode on the palace the palace series The Journey from Edinburgh to London Hollywood Palace to Buckingham Palace if this is the first time you’re seeing this base there is another two episodes before this but on this particular episode we leave the comfort of old cros Keys Inn

    In Denim and we travel South to escape the borders of Scotland and it wasn’t that easy trust me anyway we managed to escape Scotland we get to England land and then lo and behold it’s just as hard the whole route was really really tough everything hit me on this one the

    Darkness the busy roads the rain and yes the hills Hills heels and more heels enjoy this episode and please please give us a little like And subscribe and let me know what you think in the comments right that’s me I’m just about to leave the old Cross Keys in in um

    Denham um and the bike is packed everything is dry um and uh yeah so I’m just going to sort of um Carry On really anyway I shall be uh keeping everything updated as I go along CIA for now I’ve done basically 12.92% ju’s out whether or not I’ll hit the Sentry

    Today but I’m going to do my best to get as far as I possibly Can I’m actually riding into England right now here we come England I made it finally jeez only took 3 days uh but I’m here and uh I must admit the borders borders they they are rough man the hills are Relentless I don’t think the hills will be quite as bad

    Now um so I’m just going to hopefully have quite a smooth Journey Back not back to MB um yeah so here I am in England Happy Days in Shilling pot I don’t know exactly wor I’m yet right I found myself a little bus shelter um I’ve been doing some cooking um made myself a nice little Meal which is in my little sort of heat pack thing thermal thermal pocket so that’s cooking in there nicely

    Um just got myself a brew here I’m uh now in England and um yeah got the temperature dropped quite a bit but yeah I’m in England now so um I’m doing good I’m about 22 miles in so here we Go okay right it’s starting to get dark now now so I’m just going to bash on through just going to keep on going really it’s been pretty nice though riding through the English country side has been great borders was relentless it was a huge some really nice roads though to ride on unbelievable

    Right I’m now in Hexum and I’m not camping I am here at the Travel Lodge doing this in style um I just come all the way through from denim to Hexum and the hills are Relentless seriously wow that was nuts there’s some like bigger ones are in

    Scotland I could not wait to get to England cuz I knew England’s Hills are a lot smaller the hills in Scotland are just nuts uh so so like for me anyway and I’ve not really been training that much to be honest um so um yeah so it

    Was really sort of testing me today I think I’ve done about 50 odd miles maybe 55 miles today I think uh so that’s not so bad morning morning good morning right off the test goes because or little actually Little’s right there so I need to pick up

    Some water and some snacks 50 miles to do today I’m going to meet Becca um so looking forward to that it’s um about 3,000 ft in elevation so it’s going to be quite hilly um yeah so looking forward to it yesterday was rather brutal on the

    Hills um but you know it’s all good it’s all part of it that’s why I’m doing it doing it for the challenge I’m doing it for the training um and uh yeah all that that’s what I’m talking about perfect right I’m just about to leave Hexum now um not really much to update

    Good good sleep leaving a little bit later than planned but um I think I’ve got about 4 or 5 hours riding um so yeah should be should be good 3,000 ft in elevation I think yeah 3,000 about 3,000 ft in elevation All right got a few nicy little Hills just gone by now Bally pushing the bik on this one cuz I’m just sweating so much right that is it the layers are coming off I am melting unbelievable the bike I’m using weighs about 25 kilos so the heels are

    Punishing so a lot of the time I’m not actually um riding up the hills I’m pushing up the hills depending how steep it is some of I mean a lot of the hills I have been riding but sometimes I’ve got to sort of manage it because you just sweat so much that when

    You end up with like Hills you um you get really really cold so you constantly have to like jump from layer to layer so I’m taking the layers off now cuz I am I’m [Applause] done right I’m currently um at the anchor in and where where are we ex stall wit stall wit stall wit stall and I’m with gavlar and um Matty Matty that’s it Matty right um and they’ve just basically given me some Christmas uh sandwich turkey sandwich and a coffee

    And I’ve just come up this nasty Hill and I got here nearly collapsed and these guys saved me so it’s fantastic the only good thing about it is when I’m going down I start because I’m only wearing like get cold yeah this is like really thi the wind will be yeah it’ll

    Be freezing right but good because when I’m going up I just my body just suddenly just overheats you get in the bottom of the death there’s a tiny little probably only 200 yards Hill like that and you get the Crossroad in your L then light that and then up you go I’ve

    Totally had it with heels I’ve got 1.26 miles 152 M to go right I just basically thought i’ had done seven heels but actually hadd only done six that was the seventh just then which was pretty brutal U they’ve all been brutal actually all the hills have

    Been pretty gnarly um yeah now I’m 20 mi left now but mostly downhill so I should smash 20 mi piece of piss Easy an interesting Journey it’s about 3,000 ft in elev slept in the travel LOD last night as you know and um yeah so pretty well rested to be honest but um yeah just letting that car go Past hello and welcome to one of my Amazing Adventures um I’m actually at Stockton on te as look can you see that there there we go I made it this is where I was aiming for today and I’ve made it it’s pissing down rain I am uh officially

    Wet so but I feel pretty warm anyway so I shouldn’t have long to go now I should have probably about 5 miles maybe I think uh um and then I am uh then I’m at my [Applause] Destination

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