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    I give way to the car yes a no B I turn my head to the right side yes c no D I approach an intersection without signals and therefore with priority on the right the car which has turned on its indicator is on my left and will have to let it pass before

    Turning as the intersection is not at a right angle I turn my head to the right side to make sure that no one is coming the rearview mirror does not allow me to see this street in the presence of smoke in a tunnel I turn my car around

    A I reach an emergency exit on foot B in a tunnel you must not turn around if there is smoke I stop to reach an emergency exit on foot if possible in the direction opposite to the smoke a marking on the

    Walls of the tunnel allows you to know at what distance and in which direction the nearest emergency exit is located in this exit I will be protected from the smoke and the heat this sign can announce increased rain a snowfall B freezing rain C this sign does not announce increased rain but a

    Nearby danger linked to snowfall or freezing rain even when the temperature external is positive the raindrops falling on frozen ground can cause vergat I have just broken down I turn on my hazard lights at my flashing location B my dipped headlights

    C unfortunately we do not choose the place to fall into breakdown here in the absence of a shoulder it is imperative to signal my vehicle in order to quickly warn other users I immediately turn on my hazard lights to see clearly I remain on high beam

    Until the vehicle comes to a complete stop my vehicle then I turn them off to leave only the position lights in addition to the hazard lights as for the low beam it would discharge the battery the white Balis on the left mark a turn a signal an intersection

    B I am driving in a frequently snowy region yes c no d the white markers on the left I am approaching a turn no marker here indicates the position of an intersection if I were driving in a region frequently covered in snow the top of the turn markers would be

    Red my visual field narrows if I telephone while driving yes a no B if I drive faster yes c no D during a telephone conversation my visual field narrows in fact my attention is mobilized by the communication which leads to a fixed gaze my visual field

    Also narrows if I drive faster the higher the speed the less I see to the sides when the engine is cold I let it warm up while stationary for 2 minutes a I drive normally from the first meters B I drive calmly at a low speed for the first four kilometers C

    When the engine is cold to avoid overconsumption of fuel I drive quietly at a low speed for the first four kilometers it is useless to let the engine warm up when stopped because consumption would be increased it is the same if I travel from the first few meters at

    Normal speed novice driver I drive at 90 km/h I can accelerate yes a no B on the motorway the speed is limited to 130 km/h however novice drivers must not exceed 110 km/h driving at 90 km /h I could therefore accelerate but

    In this situation I should not do so because a vehicle is overtaking me I will encounter a toll at 1500 m yes a no B this sign placed on a free section of motorway indicates that the last exit

    Before the toll section is 1500 m away if I take this exit I will not have to pay if I continue on this motorway the toll will probably not be at 1500 m but further on the blue sign indicates a crossing of tramway lane has a lane reserved for the tramoou B

    This obligatory sign indicates a lane reserved for the tramo a crossing of the tramoou lane would be indicated by an indication sign containing a triangle I should give way if I turn into street number 1 yes a no B in street number 2 yes c no

    D in the absence of signs I apply the rule of priority on the right the car located on my left must therefore give way to me if I turn into street number 1 I do not have to give way to any user for information in an intersection a pedestrian who crosses the road

    As an extension of the sidewalk is engaged regularly even if there is no pedestrian crossing therefore if I turn into the street number of I should give way to the pedestrian I can overtake the white car yes a no B the central landmine informs me that I am traveling on a one-way road

    The vehicles that I see in the mirrors are far away and no user is about to overtake me therefore I can overtake the white car my 4 year old car underwent a technical inspection last month in case of sale a new inspection is obligatory yes a no

    B before selling a car whose implementation in circulation for 4 years or more you must undergo a technical inspection you are however exempt if another inspection has been carried out in the 6 months preceding the sale your vehicle was presented for inspection last month a new technical inspection n It is therefore not

    Obligatory after this signal the speed will be limited to 80 km/ha 90 km/h B 100 kmh C 110 km/h d this sign indicates the end of a road with restricted access, however this road remains two separate carriageways by a central ground pin and therefore in

    One direction after this signal the speed will therefore always be limited to 110 km/h this driver is well installed yes a no B this driver has a good driving position but she is not well installed because her seat belt

    Is twisted in the event of a significant impact the belt can cause injuries to the thorax and sternum injury much less serious than that caused by the windshield, steering wheel or dashboard but they will be aggravated by the sharp angle formed by the fold the belt must therefore be laid flat

    This signal announces to me a motorway exit yes a no B a rest area yes c no D the sign announces a deceleration lane which leads to a motorway exit but also at a rest area if I turn right further I could therefore exit the motorway or rest while remaining in the

    Motorway infrastructure the defibrillator is a device which allows you to restore the heart rhythm a measures the alcohol level B measures the blood sugar C the defibrillator is a device which restores the heart rhythm using an electric shock it can therefore save the life of a person in

    Cardiac arrest this tire is apparently roadworthy yes a no B wear indicators are bumps located at the bottom of the grooves a tire must be changed when the wear of the tire reaches the level of the bump which is not the case here

    None of the tears nor Hern are visible this tire is therefore apparently roadworthy I must slow down yes a no B I must move to the left yes c no D the pedestrian closest to the road must particularly attract my attention because

    He is not looking at the road and is walking close from the edge of the sidewalk moreover as he is going to cross other pedestrians he risks going down on the road in this situation I must slow down and move to the left in built-up areas

    I must leave a lateral safety space of at least 1 m between my vehicle and pedestrians to overtake the cyclist I move into the left lane I stay in my lane B to anticipate a possible deviation from the cyclist I overtake him leaving a

    Lateral space of at least 1 m to respect this distance even if I plan to turn right I must move into the left lane I will return to my lane after overtaking an MRE is a minimum in built-up areas but I can very well

    Leave a greater distance if necessary for the cyclist safety I can enter this street if I tow a 220 kg trailer or if I tow a caravan of 700 kg B if I drive a motorhome whose GVWR is 3 tonnes C

    These two signs are superimposed but independent the signal at the top prohibits access to vehicles and all vehicles whose GVWR or GVWR exceeds of yours if I drive a motorhome with a GVW of 3 tonnes access to this rume is therefore prohibited the

    Bottom sign prohibits access to the vehicle towing a caravan or a trailer weighing more than 250 kg I can therefore engage if I’m towing a 220 kg trailer but not if I’m towing a 700 kg caravan to be properly installed I adjust in order seat rearview mirror backrest a

    Rearview mirror seatback B seatback rearview mirror C seat backrest rearview mirror d to be properly installed it is necessary first adjust the seat in order to use the pedals effectively then adjusting the inclination of the backrest is necessary to be at the optimal distance from the steering wheel adjusting the mirrors depending on

    The driving position it must be done after adjusting the seat and from the file I turn left I stop at the white line yes a no B I give way to the red car yes c no D

    At this intersection I come across a stop sign I must therefore stop at the white line it is the front of the hood which must be stopped on this line as I turn left I give way to the red car because when two vehicles encounter the

    Same sign it is the rule of priority on the right which applies to this driver also encounters a stop sign but it will be on my right when I turn left the high beam indicator light is orange a green B red C blue D

    The high beam indicator light is blue lights of the other front lights are green those of the rear fog lights are orange the red lights alert the driver of a serious problem I can make a brief flash of light with the dipped headlights yes a no

    B on this road not lit I drive on high beam to signal my approach to a user arriving opposite I can make one or more light signals with my low beam on this narrow road at the entrance to a blind bend it

    Is particularly recommended to warn by luminous Rael knowing that at night I must not honk so as not to disturb public tranquility the main clue is located in AB I am preparing to give way yes c no D the blue sign in a indicates the presence of three lanes from

    The place where it is located it is the main clue I therefore travel on the new right lane and as I stay in this one I do not give way I must continue straight yes a no B give way to the pedestrian yes c no D

    The round sign prohibits turning right on this one-way road to turn left I should be on the leftmost lane plus the presence of a vehicle does not allow me to change of wire I must therefore continue all the light is green the pedestrian who is not

    Yet engaged must give way to me I can engage at reduced speed while monitoring the pedestrian to turn left I take into account light number 1 a I take into account the light number 2 B I Meng C I will transfer the Pass to D

    The light number 1 located on my left is only for the tramoouet it does not concern me I take into account the light number 2 which is green I commit but before turning I should give way to the vehicle in front which also encounters the green light before these signals parking is paid

    A prohibited B for a limited duration C with semi-monthly alternation D the signal at the top does not mark the entry but the leaving a paid parking zone parking is therefore paid up to the place where the

    Sign is located it is also limited by the validity period of the ticket that I would have withdrawn from the logger if the paying ement is not is not prohibited it is not alternating either semi-monthly I commit yes a no B

    When the color markers work I do not take into account the priority signals the diamond-shaped sign informs me that I am traveling on a priority road but the light is red I stop without taking into account the sign even if the car on the right

    Is blocked by the one in front of it I am in no way exempt from this stop I overtake the truck A I am waiting B the central platform is the r line continues to the left allows me to notice that I am traveling on

    A one-way road but a car visible in the rear-view mirror is overtaking me consequently I do not overtake for this I wait until the left lane is free in the event of a collision with two other vehicles I complete a single amicable report A two amicable reports

    B the front of an amicable report contains two columns, each of which is attributed to one of the drivers involved in a material accident if, for example, I am hit by the vehicle following me for being then thrown against the one in front of me I complete two reports, one with

    The driver who hit me the second with the one against whom I was thrown I specify in observation that the following vehicle pushed me because if I ‘forget my responsibility will be wrongly retained an insertion voice reduces the differences in speed from one

    Vehicle to another yes a no B in this situation I accelerate yes c no D the role of an insertion route is to reduce the differences in speed from one vehicle to another this limits the risk of accident and makes traffic flow more smoothly as the car

    Behind me has moved into the left lane to facilitate my insertion I accelerate and I commits me a motorway junction is announced by the top sign yes a no B the bottom panel yes c no d the top panel announces a motorway junction at 2000 m I could continue

    On the motorway at 39 in the direction from on or take the A31 motorway towards the island the bottom sign also announces the same motorway junction this is a new sign which can supplement the current signage in certain places I could drive

    50 km away /h if I drive a van yes a no B if I track a caravan yes c no d this signal limits the speed to 40 km/h until the next intersection the Panon saut specifies that this limitation is aimed at the transport vehicle of goods I could therefore not

    Drive at 50 km/h if I drive a van because it falls into this category, however if I tow a caravan I could drive at 50 km/h because I would not be affected by this limitation peripheral vision makes it possible to read a sign precisely

    A to evaluate the speed of movement B to detect the presence of a user C it is central vision which allows me to read signs precisely peripheral vision gives me information about the environment it is less detailed but will allow me

    To evaluate the speed of movement by scrolling the landscape on each side it also allows me to detect the presence of a user such as for example the movement of a pedestrian who crosses a driver who has a poor visual acuity risks slowing down excessively before

    A junction yes a no B reacting too late to a danger yes c no D with poor visual acuity a driver will have to be close enough to a sign to be able to read it to know risks slowing down excessively before the junction

    As he sees less far he will only perceive dangerous situations late which will prevent him from anticipating he therefore risks reacting too late to a danger in the right-hand space I could park yes a no B stop me yes c no D

    The blue indication sign indicates a bus stop which is confirmed by the yellow zigzag line painted on the space on the right on this space I could therefore neither park nor m stopping or parking at this location would be considered

    Inconvenient I can stop on the sidewalk yes a no B along the sidewalk yes c no d you have the right neither to stop nor to park on a sidewalk your immobilization would constitute an obstacle to the circulation of pedestrians who would be

    Obliged to temporarily use the roadway to go around your vehicle it would force a disabled person or a person pushing a baby carriage to carry out a painful and dangerous maneuver; however, you can stop along the sidewalk since neither the signage nor the environment you prohibit it and the axial line is not

    Continuous used in built-up areas air conditioning increases fuel consumption by approximately 10 to 15% a 20 to 25% B 30 to 35% C 40 to 45% D air conditioning allows, thanks to cooler air, an improvement in comfort and therefore safety but it has two major disadvantages: overconsumption of fuel and

    An increase in greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change. It is increasingly used in urban areas. air conditioning increases fuel consumption by approximately 30-35 %.