CAUTION: My partner and I play along with the show.

    Tipping Point UK | 7 November 2023 | Play Along #GamesShow #QuizRound #TippingPoint

    Thank you: Endemol International BV Parent

    No copyright infringement intended. DISCLAIMER: I don’t own the COPYRIGHT of the show. Video is purely for entertainment purposes only.

    Hello and welcome to Tipping Point three players will be facing our machine and they’re all hoping to been thousands today so let’s meet them I’m Andrew a catering manager from Yorkshire I’m Angie an office administrator from psme and I’m Daran a property consultant from London good luck to you all let’s play Tipping

    Point so in round one you each start with three counters questions are on the buzzer if you buzzer and give me a correct answer you’ll have a choice to make you can either choose to play one of your counters into the machine or if you think the machine isn’t quite ready

    You get one of your opponents play one of theirs instead most of the counters you get ask the machine will add 50 pounds to your score that includes our mystery counters which of course come with a bonus prize but also nested in the machine we do have two double

    Counters one of those Falls for you or double the entire value of your drop should onf with the jackpot counter at the end of the game you’ll be leaving 20,000 richer now you’ll all be going through to round two but you’ll want to bank as much money as you can throughout

    The game just keep an eye on those double counters because they could make all the difference everybody ready yes hands on your buzzers here comes your first question which 1865 Lewis Carrol book features the white rabbit and Alice in Wonderland yep I can accept that Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland or

    Alice in Wonderland well done Angie you get the first correct answer so you can make the first choice would you like to play or would you like to pass this counter I would like to pass okay to Andrew or Darion to Andrew right Andrew looks thrilled about that absolutely

    Thrill you right where should we put the first one then Andrew Drop Zone one please Ben Drop Zone one it is come on come on Good Luck let’s hope let’s see if it’s going to be Flats FL it right yes it is nice okay so can we get something over

    That Top Shelf looks like a couple could go to get enough of a sh oh no next time they’re going to wait for another nudge from another counter Andrew I’m afraid nothing from your first drop Here Comes Your next question the challenge flip the switch was a 2020 viral trend originating on

    Which video sharing social media platform Angie was it Tik Tok it was Tik Tok Angie yes you going to play this time drop down one please let’s have one please be flat oh hopefully it will be ring around that’ll be flat it’ll be nice be nice

    Dar thinks it’s nice it does look nice that’ll bring the mystery down hopefully come on we two on the bottom shelf now now is the Tipping Point going to go for you Angie no not quite so you got the top shelf to work but the bottom shelf wasn’t playing so nothing from your

    First drop here’s your next question in the 2019 TV adaptation starring McKenzie crook the aonomus Scarecrow of scatterbrook is called worle who Angie gumbage it is gumbage yes right Angie you going to play again or you going to pass this one I’m going to play again please drop someone yes please Power it

    Up please it’s all about the timing isn’t it it is all about the timing good come on good nice’s and’s going to go come on that one really didn’t want to drop anything going hit come on now oh nothing from that one so you’re down to your last counter Angie here’s your

    Next question in July 2019 Dum fre and Galloway MP alist Jack was appointed Secretary of State for which country of the UK Darion Wales it’s not Wales Darion no it’s Scotland I’m freeing Galloway I’m afraid you’re wrong so we have to steal got a guess sometimes yes hopefully when you have a

    Better idea of getting it right Dar we have to steal CER from you that’s going into the penalty spot you’ll all be playing for that at the end of the round okay Darr you’ve got two left to play next question the legendary footballer Pelle played for the national team Darion

    Brazil of which South American country yes no problems with that one well done that’s better isn’t it did you play against him socer F’s never played so he’s a little I’m not that old I did meet him though he did come along to one of them did you did cool

    Can I go drop Z one please you can of course you can fire up one so what I’m going to try and do is get it as it goes back in nice special oh he’s got away with it lucky a it got lucky there Lucky oh now it’s working now it’s going to work for you Daran maybe maybe maybe I’m not sure definitely well done well done well done thank you guys six counters open your account with £300 very nice let’s take it from the machine and put it in your bank Darion and you

    Still got one counter still to play as well thank you bro here’s your next question guys in archaeology the three metal ages are the copper age the Iron Age and which other Darion steel age no no no it’s the Bronze Age oh yes yes yes yes now you say it

    Man Darren we have to steal that last counter of yours that’s going into the penalty pot there’s now two you’ll all be playing for at the end of the round that’s all three of yours used now and you have got 300 but for the time being you are out what name completes the

    Title of the 1961 UK Top 10 hit single by Ray Charles Hit the road what Andrew Jack Jack is absolutely right Well Done Quick top man right now it’s got to be dropped on one Ben we’re going one let’s do it fire up please nicely Ed Andre come on

    Mystery it on come on something just anything is the mystery going to go yeah well done Andie let’s give you1 for those two counters good job let’s take that and put it into your bank you also got your mystery prize which is a slushy maker courtesy of mankind grand kids

    Will love it they will you will too by the way I’m sure I will nothing better than a slushie you still got one counter left to play as well Andrew okay here comes your next question the top part of a guitar that contains the tuning pegs is referred to

    By what part of the human body that is supported by the neck Andrew nape no the head Andrew the head supported Byrum right Andrew I’m afraid we have to steal that last counter from you there’s now three that you’re all going to be playing for at the end of the round

    Andrew that was your third and final count you’ve got1 P for the time being you were out right Angie because it’s just you you don’t need to use your buzzer okay here we go this one’s for you Angie featured in Hollywood movies such as La La Land and rebel without a c

    The iconic Griffith Observatory is located in which Californian City San Diego it’s not in San Diego it’s in Los Angeles of course La La Land Los Angeles I’m afraid Angie we’re going to have to steal that last counter from you that’s gone into the penalty SP so Darion is

    Leading with £300 Andrew has 100 and he’s got nothing in the bank but it isn’t over there’s four counters up for grbs in the penalty but so I’m going to ask you all one more question if you buzzing and give me the right answer you put all four counters into the machine

    So everything could change good luck everybody here comes your penalty part question how many vowels are there in the word Blackthorn Darion two there is two well done all four counters are yours Darion where would you like to put the first one could I put it in Drop

    Zone one please B you can yeah far up one please okay trying to get that try to get that it could ride though could ride be okay I think you’ll be all right you’re going to be okay nice and you got a comfor voice here you go there’s a nice big pile

    There as well oh yeah see now this could be very nice Darion maybe maybe going to get there who wow well done well done thank you thank you thank you Darion 14 counts across the Tipping Point that’s 700 right there there’s a lot of hard work that went

    Into that so you £700 you’ve also got your hands on a mystery prize which is a pair of day passes and an overnight State at TH Park Resort oh that’s awes know what my girlfriend is at that rides I’m going to love it I’m my she can hold

    Your bag I might take my dad or something foret thank you you take no thank you Ser my pleasure three more counters to go Darion where do you want to take the next one can I go drop zone two please you can so drop zone

    Two it’s a double on the top shelf maybe get some action on that you just need to move around yeah it was very bouncy I’m not sure if if it’s going to like drop off the top I don’t think it is that’s okay think it just needs to be set and nudged

    Over you got two more to go Daren stay with two please please again please there nice wow quick decisions that should do it Jo well there thank you thank you I don’t think it’s going to work you see you see you see it’s baring that’s five more across Tipping Point another

    250 we’re up to 950 one more to go in can I say and drop down two please can more action for two please oh right that double behind the double but I don’t know if it will do much though might the silver ones down you’re off again any more to add yeah yeah

    Maybe not maybe not three more for you there Daren let’s give you another 150 well done M well done very nicely done what a lucrative penalty pot it was 1,100 in total let’s take that from the machine and put it into your bank and that means at the end of the round

    Darren is now way out in the lead with 1,400 Andrew has £1 and he’s got nothing in the bank yet get there so you will get there join us after the break see which of today’s three players will win through to our head-to-head and a shot

    At our £10,000 jackpot in a bit point where and Andrew Angie and Daren are all battling out for the right to play for today’s jackpot in this round they each have 45 seconds to answer as many questions as possible every correct answer will give them a counter to play

    Into the machine however this time the player with the lowest score at the end of the round will be leaving the game so Darion after the penalty pots you are way out in the league with ,400 which means you get to choose you can play first if you think the machine’s ready

    If not you could ask Angie or Andrew to play I’m going to take a risk and let Angie go first okay you were going to say that 45 seconds for you Angie every time you get a question mark I’ll give you cter if you don’t know just say pass

    Okay okay 45 seconds for Angie please your time starts now Cockapoo beagle and pug are all breeds of which domestic pet dog correct the ca trade agreement between the EU and which North American country provisionally came into force in 2017 uh the USA Canada the 2019 UK Top

    10 Single by Medusa featuring the good boys is titled pece of your what heart correct yes on which Motorway in England are the service stations Watford Gap and Woolly Edge is it the M25 M1 fly half and number eight are playing positions in the union version of which ball sport

    Rugby correct just add cream is a variety of which red summer fruit oh strawberries correct in which year of the 1940s did India and Pakistan gain independence from Britain oh I really should know there 45 1947 in 2017 which Canadian pop singer released the unisex fragrance signature no idea sha Mendes

    Andie four correct answers in there that’s not too bad okay let’s get some of these counts into the machine and see if you firstly can catch Andrew and then hopefully reel in Darion a little bit where would you like to start I think um I’m going to go for drop zone three

    Please okay let’s have drop zone three got to drop the counter come on okay there at least it’s flat flat you’re nice you’re nice you’ll be good yes moving them forward wow that’s three counters for you Angie £ 150 you’re on your way I put you ahead of

    Andrew and you’ve still got three more to go drop 7 three again yes please light it up please oh ni I didn’t think that would go over there no you’re good you’re good roll back to the middle takes silver ones yes and again on that’s going there’s a few hanging over there oh

    They’re getting closer one dropped in for you give you £50 for that silver one 200 in the machine now where now Angie uh drop down three again please three up please similar spot yeah you’re nice hopefully it’ll push those ones that are hanging over the

    Down might go on the way back do you think after the JW he a little wriggle doesn’t it to set itself free there’s one more counter there right you have got one more to put in I don’t want the boys to get that stay with three yes please three up

    Quick beautiful that’s not where I wanted it to go need some lateral on that so the silver one survive going to get a shot can do it and another four go for you Angie another2 200 nice thank you very much let’s take that fun the machine and put

    It into your bank get you off the m does it gives you 400 well done right then Daran we’re back to you so you could choose to play this time if you think the machine is ready or alternatively you could ask Andrew to play first can I

    Let the gentleman go per me course you can 45 seconds for Andrew please your time starts now in art how many primary colors are there on a color wheel seven three Courtney Kim and Chloe the daughters of TV personality Chris Jenner all have first names beginning with which

    Letter C me K which football team were named the 2019 2020 fa women’s Super League champions pass Chelsea discovered in 1948 Miranda is a moon of which planet in our solar system Mars Uranus a Liga is The Offspring of a tigress and which other mammal lion correct the 2020

    Film Summerland starring Gemma Aron is set during which World War World War One 2 dallis international airport serves which North American Capital City Texas Washington DC which Rel BBC TV program was first broadcast oh and dear we ran out of time in this one yeah which religious BBC TV program was first

    Broadcast in October 1961 the BBC religious program is songs of praise songs of praise yes we could have done with a prayer through that couldn’t we one correct answer I’m afraid Andrew if you can get six counters out you’ll catch Angie and there’s a double that’s

    Not far away where do you want to play it’ll have to be Drop Zone 3 Ben I think Let’s Do It Drop Zone 3 please good luck good luck perfect face perfect place going to go yes is the double going to get there is the double going to

    Get Darion can’t believe it I can’t first place I can’t believe that’s nine across the Tipping Point which is450 that’s enough to put you through but of course one of them’s the double as well so we can double it up and give you another 450 900 only had one counter and

    You’ve absolutely smashed it out of the park let’s take that 900 put it into your bank and that’s going to leave you on ,000 so well done W Well Done Right Daren we come to you no hiding anymore it’s your time 45 seconds for Darion please your time starts now cheddar is a

    Variety of cheese cow the children’s Noble Heidi by johannna spe is primarily set in which Alpine Country Switzerland the 20 7 film Lavi on Rose is about the life of which French singer Edith P the name for which great prehistoric shark roughly translates from Greek into English as giant tooth

    Great what Megalodon how long does it take for the minute hand on a standard clock face to do a full rotation 1 minute 1 hour which of the train stations on a traditional London Monopoly board has a name that begins with the letter f v Church Street correct in 2018 Nathan Sussex began

    Playing the character Buster Smith in which British soap H Oaks team GB athlete Rebecca Romero has won medals for cycling and which other Olympic sport did you know cycling and Rowing yeah Darion it’s tough isn’t it just the one correct answer you went very early with your cow

    Question if you waited a little bit longer you would have got it undoubtedly cheddar is a variety of cheese most commonly made from the milk of which animal you know before I left out this morning my girlfriend said to me explicitly daram listen to the whole question this the whole question the

    Good news is you’re still in the lead so you’ve got a chance now just to try and extend it with this one counter so where would you like to put it Daran can I try drop zone three please can yeah one more hit three please boun got to

    Go here we go there you go couple here between two and three Lal oh I would say that was better than expected five for you there Darion was £250 let’s take it from the machine and put it into your bank and that means at the end of the round Darren is leading

    With £1,650 look at that smile Andrew is through with ,000 Angie I’m so sorry you’ve been great fun but with 4400 that means we have found a TI Point thank you for playing Angie thank you very much for having me it’s been great fun cheers so it is Andrew and Darion who’ll be

    Going Head to Head after the break for the right to play for a 10,000 jackpot we’ll see you in a couple of minutes welcome back to Tipping Point where just two players remain Andrew and Darion we on to both of you for getting this far we’re about to find out which one he’s

    Going to be taking on the machine for our jackpot today now in this round you’re both going to be asked three questions alternately on your question you can choose to answer or you can pass it to your opponent if you give me a correct answer you put the counter into

    The machine if you give me a wrong answer your opponent will put the counter into the machine so whoever has the most money at the end of this round will be today’s winner still leading Daren so you still get to choose was that the first question was that offer

    It to Andrew uh could I have the question please of course you can first one for you Dar what girl’s name completes the first line of the Tennison poem that begins come into the garden honestly I don’t I’d like to pass this one over I don’t know if I know if

    You know it I reckon you might but I definitely don’t you don’t know so you don’t want to take the risk no I don’t want to take the risk no so it’s a famous Tennison poem and have you heard it you don’t know no Ben have not okay

    Let me give you the line again come into the garden so what girl’s name completes that line girl’s name Jane Jane Jane okay Daran if you were going to give me a name my name is unisex so I would come with my name Darion yeah come to the Garden Darion

    Let’s see Andrew if you’re right you’re still the first counter which would be very handy is the answer Jane it’s not no M come into the garden M Daran good pass in the end Andrew was wrong so you get the counter where should we put it can you drop down three

    Please B you can let’s have got zone three it’s not quite where I wanted it Ben it’s not is the top I’m not sure Ben it’s not going to go is it it’s not going to go it’s nearly there it’s on the verge it’s trying to RI free oh it’s

    Gone on top Dro too deep okay Andre we come to you time for your first question okay the 1887 painting that made its auction debut at sou bees in 2021 is by which artist think I’m going to pass this as well Ben okay don’t think Darion if you

    Heard of the painting s am a mar not by title B no no we just need an artist that was painting around 1887 when I think of old artist the only ones I can really think of are like van go um he’s the only one I can think of right now so

    I’m just going to go with Van go van go yeah okay Andrew what do you think I may have said Leonardo D Vinci you might have gone to Vinci that’s a good idea okay let’s see if you’re right is the answer van goth it is yes well done bab it’s not me

    It’s not me I’m telling you very nicely done so let’s put a counter in and get you some money could I stay and drop zone three please yeah let’s do it three up please B see not really where I wanted it again know if you get something over

    The top shelf it could work one of those two know what’s happening still the machine is making you guys work hard for these counters so no damage done there fortunately Andrew but Darren you keep control still time for your second question Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket are Islands located in which ocean you

    Can pass this to Andrew if you’re not sure I’m not sure so I’m going to pass it but I would say I have confidence that you’ll know the answer darion’s passing it over because he doesn’t want to have to take the risk Martha’s Vineyard or n Tucket Islands have you

    Heard of them yes okay I’m going to have to go with the Atlantic Ocean B Atlantic going with the Atlantic yeah Darren what would you have said I would have probably guess Pacific Pacific you might have go Pacific yeah let’s see if you’re right Andrew it’s a great steal if you

    Are is the answer the Atlantic Ocean yes it is off the east coast of America nicely done Andrew that’s a great steal so when where you want for the counter I think it’s going to have to be drop zone three Ben let’s do three please flat don’t ride get flat

    Hopefully it’s be flat it be flat oh oh oh there you go yeah but it might just fill the Gap no no no it’ll be good even if it just takes that one little count of out and it’s going to be lovely days go go go go go lovely days lovely days

    I’d say that is lovely days Andrew that’s nine across the Tipping Point £450 what a time to strike let’s take that and put it into your bank that puts you ,450 Andrew you keep control as well it’s time for your second question in January 2021 the Democratic

    Party won control of the Senate after an election runoff in which US state I have an idea but I I’m going to pass it Ben I’m going pass your chance has to steal this one now he could really do with it he’s closed that cat um States wise for some

    Reason I really don’t know why but in my mind Washington DC is standing out but I reckon that’s because that’s where the White House could be but then in this position right now I don’t even know if the White House is in Washington so it’s a tricky one um I I’m going to

    Go with Washington Washington DC okay Andrew what would you have said actually I think I’d have gone with Washington as well Ben you might have gone Washington too let’s see if you’re right Darion is the answer Washington DC no no it’s not it’s Georgia the original election no candidate got 50%

    So they had to have a runoff Andrew you get the counter so where do you want to put it I think it’s going to have to be drop zone four this time Ben drop zone four for angre please come on come on flat flat flat push them over

    Everything going over the top shelf in the corner there over yes give me some is it going to squeeze oh there’s one on the floor including the one that jumped out of the machine that’s five across the Tipping Point that drop there when we put it

    Into your bank that 2250 means you take the lead by just 50 Dar and we come back to you time for your third and final question on a standard D board what what number lies directly between six and 15 now you can play this or you can pass to

    Andrew but you think he knows his darts do you know your darts I think I know my darts B but I’m going to pass it you would do right Andrew we want the number that lies directly between six and 15 18 Ben you going with number 18 yeah okay

    He’s gone with 18 Darion did you have any ideas I would have said number nine you might have got number nine okay let’s see is the answer 18 no it’s not it’s number 10 hard luck Andrew good pass in the end Darion yeah look very tense we need something out of

    The machine you need two to take the lead again one will draw you level could I try number four please man you can let’s have number four say world you get that counter in let’s okay it’s down flat flat anything going over the top shelf we need a bit

    Of through the middle going to do oh here you go is the tick point ready though you need some more lateral in the corner going to drop anything Dar you have been controlling the game all the way through suddenly with just one question left it is Andrew who is

    Controlling the game it’s your question Andrew third and final one here we go which Hollywood composer wrote the scores for the films The Lion King Inception and Pearl Harbor compos I’m going to have to pass Ben sorry oh Darren we need this now can’t think of any I don’t know any can’t

    Think of any I’m going to have to at this stage take a wild guess and go for Rihanna Rihanna yeah I don’t think it’s going I don’t think she’s a composer she’s an artist but that’s all I can do she writes music question is did she write

    The film scores for the Lion King Inception and Pearl Harbor Andrew you didn’t have any Hollywood composers in the back of your line not composer I just I was going with the Elton John song of Lion King that’s all I would to come up with let’s see if you’re right

    Darion The Lion King Inception of Pearl Harbor were their scores written by Rihanna No Han Zimmer is the name of the composer Darren I’m so sorry that means we’re going to lose you you’ve been a great contestant but sadly uh your journey here has come to an end Andre

    Very well played youve got one more coun to put into the machine here because of course Darion was wrong where’ you want to put it drop on four please B let’s have four rattles down the right flat would anything have come out nothing from that one it’s IM

    Material because we’ve come to the end of the round and with 1,700 very well played Andre congratulations you are today’s winner you’ve played a great game and it’s a wonderful comeback Darren I’m so sorry you’ve been absolutely brilliant fun but I’m afraid with £ 1,650 we have found a point of course

    You have won your theme parks day Daran thank you so much for coming and taking part thank you Ben you had a great day it’s been lovely it’s been great to meet you so Andrew as our champion wow what a comeback and what a victory one count

    One and looking at that oh wow that’s yes forget you one count of this one here is the one you want to worry about one this one is bigger and better than all the others cuz you get this one out you’re going to go home with £10,000 I

    Can’t believe can Andrew Master the Machine by finding it jackpot Tipping Point go home with £10,000 just need to get it out again yeah remember though we still got that double on the top shelf Drop Zone to if you get them to go together you leave with £20,000 here’s

    How you’re going to do it I’m going to show you six question categories each category choose play one two or three counts into the machine the more counts you play for the harder the question’s going to be more counts you win the better your Chan to get into jackpot

    Count around it’s as simple as that simple as that right so what are you thinking with the jackpot count around well that doubles there Ben so I think it’s worth giving that a go so I’m going to go for drop down two let’s do it fire up two

    Please there you go yeah nice and flat it’s tight but it’s good but it might get the double pushing as well that’s okay it’s all in line it’s all in line too soon but we can move the double it can just settle itself there we’ll wait for the jackpot to come and hopefully

    It’ll collect it as we go we’ve got it just towards the left of center on Drop Zone 2 right let’s have a look at your subject this is what we have for you astronomy Geography music sport human body and film we can play them in

    Any order you like so where do you want to start for how many counters well sport is about the worst subject I could deal with so I think I’ll start with that then and I’m going to go for two going to start with one of your trickiest subjects so sport for

    Two which of these is the real first name of the Spanish professional football manager Pep Guardiola josep Pedro Cesar I’ve Got a Feeling I’ve heard of it but I’m not 100% I’m going to say Cesar Cesar after those three that’s the one I think it might be but again it’s it’s pretty much

    A guess it’s not my favorite subject any of this should we light it up I think we’re better sayar very very famous manager pep is how we know him yeah you have the choice of Joseph Pedro or Cesar I bet it’s Joseph let’s see is it Cesar J

    J good managed Barcelona he’s managed by Munich Manchester City I said it wasn’t a good subject that would have been a bonus cuz Sports not one of your favorites so let’s get into some of the ones that you’re more confident with well let’s go for film

    Okay we might as well go for three right film for three in the Disney film be the character flower is what animal rabbit owl or skunk can we rule anything out we can rule the rabbit out so it’s either an owl or a skunk flour flour

    Ah an owl would be in the tree skunk stinks but it might smell better as a flower still not really I think I’m going to go for skunk should we light it up yeah we’re going to go with skunk then please come on so it’s kind of like

    An ironic name or something like that cuz his skunks notoriously smell bad but flowers yeah so what flower a skunk yes yes sorry uh Bambi mistake skunk for a flower well done doesn’t matter I got three no that’s what we needed wow drop down two drop down two indeed Man Fire

    Up come on come on come on oh yes flat flat yes come on come on come stay on it come down start man yes come on we’re going to get a couple should take a few the Double’s going to get a little nudge as well do take a few six across the

    Tipping Point we can give you 300 right there money’s up to £22,000 every count of that drops moves you further up the plane we’ll buy the toilets at the minute two more to go okay drop on two yes please Ben fire up wrong side wrong side over

    There oh not this time two again two again please Power It Up This Time To the Left Right might take out a few of those on the top sh could do moves the jackpot over which isn’t too bad oh is the double going to go stay dou go four counts drop in though

    Let’s give You2 200 for those four Tak us up to 2,200 we can double it up and give you another2 200 getting towards the wing now ,400 jackpot couns mov slightly further left but no bad thing we’re right on the edge of the top sha getting there okay

    Let’s go back to the categories we’ll do astronomy and we might as well go for three I’ll give it a will astronomy three please in which decade did the first person walk on the moon the 1940s 1960s or 1990s I think it’s straight away Ben 1960s 60s yep should you light it up

    Yeah we’re going with 60s please let’s see is it the 1960s come on yes well done Neil ARR 1969 next Well Done Right three more drops on two B please let’s have job to please go on go on go on yeah nice the right way it’s not bad now if that silver one

    Just shoves it through okay so we need one hard on the left right on it don’t yeah okay two more to go drop some two please please roll a bit it’s going to just fill a gap now it might get a little nudge but yeah I think you’re right it’s

    Not going to go just yet okay one more to go J two yes please light it up please oh there’s the right behind it stay on it come on stay there give oh he’s hanging he’s hanging now just wait SEC hopefully either wles free now or

    It’s going to stay there it’s just going to let’s hope it stays there for a bit Yeah and we can get another counter in and we can drop it before it r again music not a great one so I’m going to just go two for music music for

    Two in the title of a 1973 UK number one hit what color ribbon is tied for three round the old oak tree purple yellow orange Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the old oak tree should you light it up yes please B we going to go with yellow

    Pretty confident about this one I’m yes was it yellow yes do you remember who wrote it I don’t um Dawn Dawn featuring Tony Orlando Tony Orlando right well done two counters drop zone two please two roll over could be enough that silver one could just bit a lateral on

    It there you go yes nice nice get it we’re on the bottom shell we are now £50 drops in £ 2,450 I’m not to the champagne yet though am I not just yet we’re getting closer though yeah one more to put in drop two yes please Ben Light It

    Up come on on the left ready could push that silver one into position though that would be good there you go see look look look it that worked yeah back to the category got two left let’s do human body and we’ll go for three human body for three dipsosis is a medical condition

    Characterized by the overwhelming desire to do which of these cry drink or sleep got a feeling I’m going to have to say cry I don’t know if it’s sleep I don’t think it is cuz that’s I’m sure there’s another cuz that’s sleep up near there’s another word there I’m going to go cry

    Cry yeah should we light it up yeah we’re going to go cry please cross something saying it’s cry not drink dipsosis what it be drink is it characterized by the overwhelming desire to cry drink drink it’s when the amount of water in the body falls below normal it

    Done we can still do it oh absolutely don’t you worry about that we are not done yet let’s get back to the categories geography in for a penny in for a pound in for three counters geography for three now submerged Beneath the Sea the area known as doggerland connected the UK

    With which continent North America Asia or Europe well I presume it’s going to be I’m thinking a Time dogger the weather things so I’m going to say Europe then Europe yeah going line up Europe please doger land it’s now submerged but did it used to connect the UK to Europe

    Oh come on yes thank you you’re absolutely right the shipping forecast area dogger corresponds to dogger land I did not but I know time dogger and it just seemed a logical answer to say right three more got to be Drop Zone too let’s do it drop Z two please here we

    Go come on that’s go on go on go on okay let’s squeeze into that hole Maybe come on push a few as well just just just really just trying getting okay two more to go Andre drops down two here again come on to SP y now that black count on the top

    Two or through yes yes yes oh come on come on going to get very close oh it is look at that two counters drop in Andrew £100 for you up to 2,550 he super close now premium economy that’s what I’m seeing right now drops over two fire up two please come on on

    Those black counters if that black one comes down we could be there get over no hold on don’t give up yet this black one that goes with a bit of lateral on the silver one it did if it did it could squeeze it it really could

    Oh oh you’re going to ask me that awful question now 50 drops in let’s give you 50 takes you to 2,600 Andrew we’re out of questions we’re out of categories but it’s not over I’m going to off you one last chance to leave today with £10,000 as

    Thing stands you got 2,600 Andrew you can walk away with that money right now or you could trade it for three fin counters put into the machine in the hope of getting that jackpot counter into the wind Zone if you decide to take the trade you’ll keep your Myster prices

    But nothing else has any value so you leave with £10,000 we leave with no cash at all the question is would three be enough yeah I think they would if they fell right oh my wife will kill me um what’s her name Joy Jackpot Joy Jackpot Joy yeah you

    What would joy say what would joy say Joy would say take the money or would she say take the trade I think she’d say take the money but it she’s not stood here looking at those counters and just it’s just so hard I’m going to take the trade B let’s

    Go for it okay yeah I’ll ask you one last time would you like to take the money or the trade I’ll take the trade he’s going to take the trade everybody Andrew you just given me £2,600 say don’t say that don’t say that I’m giving you three three more counters yeah we

    Just need one in the right place and the 10 Grand’s yours everyone has got their fingers crossed we’re all willing this over for you good luck let’s have drop zone two Please the first trade counter make it this one please make it this one side oh is that too far as that black counter comes down a bit of lateral give him all a lateral slide this way way it’s a little n it’s had a nud it’s had a nudge can I kick

    It not yet right drop on two again two up please second one bit further in and I think it’s yours come on machine Andre come on come on come through and get down that black counter come on now Andrew is it going to go is this the 10,000 lb yes

    Yes yes thank you I don’t believe it amazing Andrew I don’t believe it wow business class champagne flatbed me oh why didn’t take the wife lucky Joy lucky Joy Jackpot Joy jackp Joy from now on thank you so much WoW Andre was a massive 1,300 behind his

    Opponent Darion going into round two but he grabbed the double with nine counters and that gave him a Fighting Chance going into the head tohe head he had a huge mountain to climb but he fought back Like a Phoenix from the flames and picked him to the post by only 50 lbs

    And then in the final round with 11 counters played into the machine he worked the jackpot so it was teetering over the Tipping Point then he bravely took the trade and it was his second trade counter that shimmed the jackpot into the wind zone for an incredible

    10,000 which I’m sure feels very surreal yeah it’s like a dream well the dream’s going to get better cuz I need to remind you you’ve also won a slushy maker too forgot about the slushy don’t forget never forget the slushy maker slushy maker you’ve played a brilliant

    Brilliant game Andrew it’s been the most fun I’ve really loved it I’ve had a fabulous day and I’ve had a fabulous past couple of oh it’s just been brilliant and is that mine is that really all yours I promise it’s all yours thank you so much amazing stuff

    Thank you so how about that Andrew is leaving with 10,000 000 he’s off to go and see some friends in Australia and he’s going to do it in Star because he was brave enough to take the trade just magic stuff join us next time when the

    Fate of three more players will hang in the balance on TIY Point Goodbye


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