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    ENGSUB【站住!莫小姐 GoodBye My CEO】母胎Solo霸總愛上天才設計師🖌️主動做男模大秀好身材💪順勢撲倒傻白甜💛|灰姑娘決定遠赴法國追尋夢想🇫🇷霸總化身粘人精巴黎鐵塔下浪漫求婚💒🗼#張翰 #徐璐

    明遠時尚集團總經理唐明軒,業界青年先鋒,典型的工作狂。 唐明軒的世界裡永遠是單一的工作,直到一個不照常理出牌的設計師莫菲闖入他的生活。 唐明軒和莫菲因一場設計大賽相識相知,又因傳統非遺技藝蘇繡結緣,莫菲讓唐明軒了解了傳統技藝的可貴和處境。 兩人的每次相遇都充滿火花,愛的萌芽早已種下,但是莫菲即將出國留學,唐明軒又忙於明遠的新戰略,加上唐明軒的青梅竹馬從中阻撓,兩人心已動卻口難開。 莫菲到巴黎留學,相隔萬裡重洋,初戀卻留在了國內。 幾經波折,兩人終於明了彼此的心意,夢想因愛更有光,愛因夢想更有力量,在唐明軒和莫菲的共同努力下明遠的海外拓展計劃順利啟動。 這段期間雖插曲不斷,但是他們始終堅守初心,感情歷久彌堅,從上海到蘇州再到巴黎,處處都留下了他們的傾城時光。 若所愛之人安好,便是晴天,如所追之夢同在,便能開出最美的愛之花。

    0:00 每天更新歡迎訂閱【站住!莫小姐 GoodBye My CEO】
    5:00 母胎Solo霸總愛上天才設計師🖌️巴黎鐵塔下浪漫求婚💒🗼

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    Remember. When you get there and you feel unwell, call the doctor. Your eyes just recovered. Don’t play games too much. Don’t watch dramas too much. And don’t stay up all night reading books, right? Dad, you’ve told me these things so many times already. I can already memorize them. Yes, Weiguo.

    Qianqian is all grown up. She can take good care of herself. I only have one precious daughter. Of course I must tell her these things more. This way, I can feel at ease. Dad, don’t worry. Xiaoyu will be taking care of me. Xiaoyu. I know. I’ll take good care of her. Don’t worry.

    Okay. Auntie Zhuang. After we leave, please take care of Dad. He’s not healthy and he has a bad temper. Please tolerate him more. Don’t worry, Qianqian. I’ll take good care of your dad. All right, get in the car. If you don’t leave now, the traffic will get worse. It’s time to go.

    We’ll be late. Okay. Bye, Auntie Zhuang. Bye. I really want to wear this gown to a party. Dongdong. You’re really giving this clothing the highest rating. It’s also been a while since I’ve seen a design that makes me so satisfied. Let’s give it a name. This clothing gives the feeling

    That you can get lost in this mountain amidst the clouds and mist. And we have the nine-colored deer pattern. What if we call it Cloud Ink? What do you think? Let’s call it Cloud Ink. It seems like it’s been so long since we walked on the streets this way. It feels quite good.

    Yes, because we’ve been busy fighting. Don’t apologize. Because I don’t want to say, “It’s fine.” What’s the matter? I haven’t ridden a bike in a long time. You want to ride one? Let’s ride a bike. Mo Fei, come on! ♪I’ve fallen for you♪ ♪Perfect love song♪ ♪I love with all my heart♪

    ♪I’ve fallen for you♪ ♪I’ve fallen for you♪ ♪Perfect love song♪ ♪We both♪ ♪Smiled♪ ♪Your eyes♪ ♪Seem to be saying♪ ♪Love is so deep♪ ♪Love is so pure♪ ♪Love is genuine♪ ♪I’ve fallen for you♪ ♪I’ve fallen for you♪ Good morning, Mingxuan. Good morning. You look quite handsome today. I received a call from Meng Jing. She said that my holiday in France was almost over. I know. You have one more week. I’ve been counting the days. Don’t act this way. I’m just going there to study. I’ll be back very soon. You have one more semester. One semester passes by very quickly.

    And when I have a holiday, I can come back and visit you. You can also fly there to visit me. Paris is very near. And communication is so convenient nowadays. You can send me a WeChat message anytime or make video calls. I promise, as long as you need me, I’ll be there, okay?

    I just can’t bear for you to go. I can’t bear to leave you too. Eat. You’re hungry, right? Then don’t be mad. I’m sorry about today. I’m too busy. I don’t have time to entertain you. It’s fine. What do you think? Does the food suit your taste? It’s really delicious.

    Is this a newly-opened restaurant? It’s been open a long time ago. However, they just serve regular customers. You just came back to the country, and you’ve already found a place that serves such delicious food. I must prepare for future dates or something. So you’ve found a girlfriend already? I guess so.

    But I don’t know yet if she’ll agree or not. You must ask her then. Ask her directly? Of course. The more direct, the better. Will you be my girlfriend then? Yes, ask her that way. Me? Are you willing to be my girlfriend? I’m not joking. I’m serious, Xueling. Since I met you again

    After returning to the country this time, I’ve realized that my feelings for you never diminish. Before, I wasn’t confident. I didn’t dare to express how I feel. But this time, I don’t want to miss out on the opportunity again. I hope that you can give me a chance to stay beside you

    And take care of you. Okay? Yan Xu. I can’t say yes. Because I’ve always loved someone. Even if I’m not sure if we’ll end up together, since I was little, he’s been the only one I love. I’m sorry. You’re not together yet, right? Then that means I still stand a chance. Now,

    I just want to stay beside you, take care of you, and protect you. If you two end up together, I’ll also wish you two well. But that’s not fair to you. Because I’m not sure if I can completely let go of him or not.

    I also don’t know how much time I need to do that. I’m willing to wait. I forgot, you must still return to France. Didn’t I file a leave before? The product launch is also over. So I must go back to school. Okay, your studies are important. Did you tell Mr. Tang already?

    He knows. There’s nothing much to do here anymore. There’s no work for you to turn over either. You just came back here and helped me a lot. I feel a bit reluctant to see you go. This is what we’ll do. I’ll gather everyone to give you a sendoff party.

    Forget the sendoff. That’s too high-profile. Everyone’s been busy with the product launch. We didn’t have any time for a gathering. We can use this opportunity to gather together. All right, let’s do as you said. Thank you. You’ve helped me so much. I’m the one who should thank you. Wait. Mr. Cheng. Let me make a toast to you. Please wait a moment. I’ll… No, I’ll really have to make a toast to you. I… Sit down. Speak while sitting down. Listen to me. I came to this company, and you taught me so many things. I can’t drink if you’re standing.

    Drink while sitting down. Okay. Bro. Thank you, Mr. Cheng, for teaching me so much knowledge. Thank you. Mo Fei. I’ll give a toast to you. Thank you for teaching me. I sincerely want to thank you today. Don’t take mine. You must have

    (You know that I can’t bear for you to go) an eager to learn seriously. (and you want me to send you off) I know (and you want me to send you off) that my attitude is too casual sometimes. Don’t have a casual attitude. Fashion design is an art. Dongdong.

    I’ll make a toast to you. I’ll make a toast to you with a tripe. No. -Take it slow. -Okay. This isn’t cooked yet, bro. (Cheng Yang thinks that the more) It is. I promise that it’s cooked. (the merrier) I’m sure it’s cooked already. (the merrier) It’s been cooked a long time ago.

    Why won’t it be cooked after 20 minutes? Do you want me to feed you? Thank you. Look at your hands, forget it. I’ll make a toast to you. Listen to me… I think I’m too loud. I’ll lower my voice. It’s fine. Today, Mr. Tang is with us.

    Let’s all make a toast to Mr. Tang. A toast to Mr. Tang. Mo Fei’s the one leaving. You should make a toast to her. A toast to Mo Fei. A toast to Mo Fei then. Mr. Tang, join us. Here. Thank you, Mr. Tang. Thank you, everyone. Mo Fei,

    Shouldn’t you say a few words to Mr. Tang on behalf of all of us? Thank you for coming to my sendoff party. No, that’s too simple. Who wants to listen to that? Right. You’re leaving the country. Say some dramatic words. At least express your sentiments in parting ways. We’re not parting ways.

    The internet is so advanced now. We can see each other any time, right? Right? So you’ll visit me often, right? Yes. Pinkie promise. We’re such third wheels here. Cheers. Cheers. Thank you, everyone. Cheers. Bon voyage, Mo Fei. Thank you. Study hard. All the best. Today’s sales in all the stores

    Are more than double the usual amount. What do you think? Can we keep up with the replenishment? No problem, we’ve already made arrangements in advance. Speed isn’t a problem. You don’t need to do it too quickly. After all, what’s rare is precious. Help me thank everyone for their hard work.

    We all worked hard. You worked hard too. When you’re working, you look quite formidable and cool. I’m sorry, I forgot. Okay, I’ll go ahead. -Bye. -Bye. It’s fine. A short wait will only make me more excited to see you.

    You must have waited for a long time. How about this? Dinner is my treat. It’s very late already. The restaurant reservation has been canceled. What should we do then? Originally, I wanted to treat you to a nice meal. But we ended up eating so simply. I hope you don’t mind.

    I’m the one who should feel embarrassed. It’s because I was too busy. I forgot the time. It’s fine. Yan Xu. Do you have a plan for the future? My biggest wish is that when I grow old, I want to leave the bustling city with the one I love

    And live the rest of our lives by the ocean. Leaving everything and going back to the basics is a life that people look forward to indeed. Xueling. Are you willing to do that with me? I haven’t decided on what to do in the future yet. That’s fine. We have a whole lifetime ahead.

    Besides, with you by my side today, I feel like half of my wish has already come true. If we really live by the ocean, aside from the moon, we should see a star-studded sky, right? It’s just a shame that we live in the city. The lights are too bright. We can’t see anything.

    Leave that to me. When did you prepare that? We even played with this together when we were in school. Do you remember? It’s been so long since I played with this. Here are the stars. Based on this board, the company’s stock prices are steadily rising again.

    And lots of big orders are coming in. Perhaps an institution is optimistic about Mingyuan Group. People buy and sell stocks. Buying Mingyuan’s stocks can earn money. Yes. After our show, the feedback from malls and e-commerce platforms is both good. Dad. Stop worrying. Have a good time. Right.

    You’re worried when the prices go up, and you’re worried when they don’t. You’ll get sick this way. Fine. I’ll stop looking at it. Mr. Xia is playing golf with me today. Do you have time? Join us. I won’t join you anymore, Dad. I’m a bit busy at the office today. Okay.

    You must still maintain a good relationship with Mr. Xia. Speaking of which, Xueling hasn’t eaten in our house for a while. What’s the matter? Did you choke? He just said that he was busy at the office. He didn’t have time. Let him handle his own affairs. Stop worrying for him.

    I’m his mom. Can I not worry? Is there a mom in this world who doesn’t worry about her child’s marriage? Should I be like you, and not care, ask or hear about these things? He told you he had a girlfriend. Did I acknowledge her? Mom. Do you want me to marry two girls?

    Right. Do you agree with that? You two… Don’t you dare. Enjoy your meal. I’m going to work. You didn’t finish your bun yet. I’m good, Dad. I’m full. Bye, Mom. You brat. He didn’t finish eating again. It’s all because of you. What do you mean? Get my medicine. Mr. Fang.

    Mr. Fang, you don’t feel well? No. I’m just a bit dizzy. What’s the matter? I’ve already been working on the stocks you told me to buy. How much did you buy already? Around 3 percent. 3 percent. Okay. I got it. Continue buying them. Okay. Don’t be too obvious. I understand.

    What? We only sold five items today? And 57 items were returned or exchanged. And there are comments saying that our clothing’s quality isn’t as good as Mingyuan’s. That’s bullshit. Can they only eat with their mouths? When it’s time to speak, why are they shutting up? They can’t even handle sales returns and exchanges.

    What do I need them for? They’re useless. Haitian. Liu Rui. You may go first. Haitian, why are you here? Aren’t you busy with gaming? Good thing I came here. If I don’t come, I don’t know what will happen to the company. Why have the company’s sales fallen so drastically? As the general manager,

    Explain it to me. Haitian, don’t be mad first. I don’t want this to happen either. Mingyuan’s new clothing items have a big impact on us. So it’s very normal for our sales to fall. After all, their clothing just launched. Don’t panic first. Don’t panic? I shouldn’t panic? That’s not the problem at all.

    Six out of ten clothing items have defects. Why? Why did that happen? Let me ask you about another thing. Regarding the money we invested to produce this batch of clothing, where did it go? What did you use it for? What else can I use it for? You’ve seen the contract.

    I used all the money on Water and Sky Color. If there’s a problem with the quality, it must be the Purchasing Department’s problem. That’s ridiculous. That’s definitely impossible! Mr. Chen in the Purchasing Department has been with us for so many years. He’s an old employee. I absolutely trust him! Don’t blame others

    Whenever there’s a problem. Haitian. Are you suspecting me? I’ve worked very hard for Haiyao too. For such a long time, didn’t I do everything for you and Haiyao? Bai Xiaoman. You better manage this well. Any news from Haiyao lately? I heard that because of their clothing’s quality, they’ve in a terrible fix.

    This is the best opportunity for us. What do you mean? It’s time to settle matters with them. Come in. Mingxuan. This is the document you wanted me to tell the lawyer to draft. It’s ready. I’ll get back to work. Xueling. Take a look. If you need to do something, go. It’s not important. Aside from work, your personal life is very important too. Go. Mr. Fang, you already have five percent of Mingyuan’s stocks. You’re already one of our investors. Mr. Fang, I’m very interested to know why you want to acquire our stocks. I’m a businessman.

    Before doing anything, I always evaluate it from the perspective of profit. After evaluation, do I even need to tell you via WeChat about the pros and cons? To be honest, well… In the past, Mingyuan experienced lots of crises indeed. But until now, it can still remain invincible in the industry. That proves

    Its brand value. Its brand value is limitless. And I have always liked collecting things of value. So, up next, I’ll acquire Mingyuan. Acquire Mingyuan? It’s not that easy. In the past, I’ve always believed that if the Tang and Xia families become in-laws, the combined stocks might be over one-third.

    It would be impossible for me to acquire it indeed. But based on the current situation, Mingyuan’s stocks outside are extremely dispersed. In addition, the Tang and Xia families wouldn’t possibly stand on the same side and deal with me together. So it’s very possible for me to become Mingyuan’s biggest investor.

    Mr. Fang, why are you so sure that the Xia family won’t do that? The rumors should be true, right? Perhaps they’re fake. They should be true. As the one managing Mingyuan, the Tang family won’t give up on Mingyuan. I like your confidence. But remember, confidence doesn’t represent actual capability.

    Thank you for that lesson. Okay. What should we do? Mingyuan didn’t take any actions against us before because of their show. The point is that they have the evidence of us stealing the design sketches. It’s over. We’re doomed now. Stop walking around! It’s making me dizzy! How can I come up with something?

    Bai Xiaoman! Haitian. I was blind for letting you manage my company. You’re unable to accomplish anything, but you’re good at spoiling things. Since you started managing the company, you’ve made so many big and small mistakes. Don’t you know your own capability? You insist on competing with Mingyuan.

    Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Look at yourself! Are you qualified? Stop right there! Shen Jiaxi. You’re good-for-nothing too. I’ll go to find you later! Regarding the return and exchange problem, you begged me to give you time to handle it. Fine, I gave you time. Did you resolve it?

    You resolved nothing! Now, Mingyuan, Tang Mingxuan, is suing Haiyao. Is this how you resolve matters? Why did you entrap Haiyao? Why did you entrap me? Haitian. I… I never did anything against you. Since we became a couple, I’ve really just focused on you and the company. You can’t treat me this way.

    You’re still pretending? You’re still putting on an act? Let me ask you one thing. Why did you steal Mingyuan’s design sketches without telling me? Who made you so bold? Who? Steal design sketches? What design sketches? Jiaxi, how can you do that? I really didn’t know that you stole them.

    I bought them from her! Jiaxi, you can’t do such a thing! Bai Xiaoman! What are you talking about? The design sketches were… Jiaxi. I know that you hate Mo Fei. I also know you hate the fact that you couldn’t showcase your talent in Mingyuan. But how can you steal the design sketches?

    As a friend, I’ve always wanted to protect you. But this time, I can’t anymore. Look at Haitian. If I don’t explain things clearly, he won’t forgive me anymore, Jiaxi. Bai Xiaoman! Can’t you act like a human being just for once? You were the one who told me to steal the design sketches!

    That’s enough! You’re still putting on an act here? Are you doing a Shuanghuang show? Bai Xiaoman. I see very clearly now the type of person you are. If this matter gets resolved, that’s fine. If it doesn’t, just wait. None of you can get away with it. Bai Xiaoman. I was so blind.

    I even believed what you said. I don’t know if you’re blind or not. But that’s what I’ll say in front of Haitian and the judge! If I were you, I would have been on the run. Will I speak nonsense here and wait for the police to arrest me? Xueling. Mom.

    You just got home? Have you eaten? I ate at a friend’s house. A friend? You never eat in other people’s houses. He was my classmate in college. We haven’t been in touch for a long time. He happened to be back in the country for an exhibit, and we met each other.

    Is it a guy or a girl? Mom, what do you mean? Nothing, I’m just asking. I think your dad wants to talk to you. Tonight, he even asked why you weren’t home yet. He’s waiting for you downstairs. Go. Okay, I’ll go downstairs then. Okay. Dad, you were looking for me?

    What do you think about Fang Weiguo’s acquisition of Mingyuan’s stocks this time? What do you mean? I think that Mr. Fang is a bit out of line. Even if a business is business, what he’s doing now is taking advantage of the situation. I don’t like this kind of competition.

    So you’re supporting the Tang family? Of course. I just want to know your thoughts. Dad. I don’t understand what you mean. If we don’t support Mingyuan now, what will happen to Mingyuan? Xueling. That’s the reason why I want to talk to you today. Actually, regardless of who manages Mingyuan,

    It won’t affect our family. Perhaps it might even be a good thing. Dad. Are you planning something? If you’re also acting this way, what will Mingxuan do? It seems like compared to Mingyuan’s future, you care more about that brat. Let me tell you. Regardless of who manages Mingyuan, we’ll either be the second

    Or the third largest investor. When that time comes, they’ll be rushing to collaborate with us. Hello. I’m home now. Don’t worry. I need to handle some matters here. I’ll talk to you later. Is that Mingxuan? No. Who is it then? Stop asking. Okay. I won’t ask. What is your relationship with Mingxuan now? What kind of relationship are you referring to? You know what I’m referring to.

    I don’t know. Outside of work. Nothing. Nothing at all? Perhaps we’re not fated for that. Fated? I think human effort is the decisive factor, understand? Some decisions aren’t important. But some decisions will determine your life’s direction, understand? Like… That’s enough, Dad. Let me finish. Sit down. Now is a very dangerous time indeed. But I think this is also an opportune time. You must know that for the latter part of my life, I’m only concerned about one thing.

    I want you to be happy. Don’t yawn. Listen to me. Go ahead. So Fang Weiguo’s appearance isn’t a bad thing. At this time, take the initiative. When the time comes, regardless if it’s your position in Mingyuan or your relationship with Mingxuan, you’ll be able to control them, understand?

    Hi, the number you’re calling is turned off. Sorry… You’re home? I’m talking to you. I’ve been looking for you all night. Where did you go? You wouldn’t even answer your phone. How is that your business? I’m just concerned about you. You’re concerned about me? You’re concerned about my well-being? Zhu Haitian won’t die.

    Haiyao won’t perish either. I’m going to bed now. Move. Wait. Didn’t we already clear up the matters at the office? Don’t worry. I’ll settle this matter with Shen Jiaxi. Don’t worry about it. You’ll settle it? What can you settle? Are you done? No! This matter won’t ever be over. Move!

    Bai Xiaoman, remember this. Don’t ever forget your own status and position. Before you met me, you were nothing. I’m sorry about yesterday. Where did you go? I went to find Tang Mingxuan. Why did you go to find him? From now on, wherever I go and whoever I talk to

    Is none of your business.

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