Is it worth moving to Sydney Australia?
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    If you are planning to migrate to Australia and are thinking of moving to Sydney Australia, this video is a great overview and guide on living and working in Sydney.

    Note: This video serves as a guide only on labour market data and lifestyle in Sydney. The information provided in this video draws on research (mainly Australian government sources) as well as personal views – I highly recommend travelling to this city yourself or doing more research if you are planning to move here.

    Note: For the average wage for NSW, this is average weekly ordinary time earnings, not median (the Australian Bureau of Statistics only released the average). And this figure is also for full-time workers – If you want to know the average earnings for your occupation, watch this video ➡️

    ⚡Want to work in Australia? ️ See the Living Simply Australia Career Coaching Program ➡

    – Pros & Cons of Moving to Australia –
    – What’s your Salary in Australia? Australia Job Market –
    – Australian healthcare system –
    – How to Live in Australia –
    – Testing an Aussie’s Australian Slang –
    – 9 Must Watch Australian Films and TV Shows –
    – 10 Things to Know Before Moving to Australia –
    – Top 9 Most Amazing Places Around Melbourne –
    – 8 Reasons Why I love Living in Australia –
    – How to Buy a Car in Australia –
    – Is it really worth studying in Australia? –
    – 7 Tips for Getting a Job in Australia without experience –
    – Australian School System and Costs –

    ⚡️Download the Living Simply Australia FREE GUIDE: FIRST MONTH IN AUSTRALIA here ➡️

    ⏰ Chapters:
    00:00 – Where to live in Sydney? (Sydney areas)
    03:30 – Working in Sydney
    04:40 – Higher Education in Sydney
    05:14 – Sydney Housing Cost & Lifestyle
    10:14 – Sydney Transport
    11:14 – Is it worth moving to Sydney?

    Let’s talk about Sydney and things you probably want to know before moving to the city let’s get Started Sydney is located in the state of New South Wales and is one of Australia’s largest cities with a population of over 5 million people another thing that you may want to know is that Sydney is divided into different areas yes first we have Sydney city which is basically the CD area where

    You’ll find most ofice buildings but also very important landmarks such as the oer house the westfi tower darling Harbor the Rocks area and the Sydney H bridge now next to the CBD area we have inner Sydney which basically refers to Inner City suburbs like s Hills and these are very trendy suburbs very

    Gentrified and more on the expensive side because of course they are close to the city and are full of cafes people they’re very very Lively now then another area is Sydney East which refers basically to Sydney’s Eastern suburbs this is where you’ll find Sydney’s most popular coastal areas and beaches such

    As Bond Beach Ki whether you are there for a visit or you’re going to stay there longterm I highly recommend taking out these areas they’re super super beautiful but of course expensive now if you travel past the Sydney breach you’ll find Sydney’s Northern suburbs such as Malley DIY Palm Beach these suburbs

    Again because of their proximity to the beach and the coast they tend to be pretty pretty expensive but of course they’re beautiful and then of course you have Sydney South and Western Sydney here you’ll find areas such as Parada these areas tend to be a bit more affordable than the areas that I

    Mentioned before because they’re further from the beach and the the city so if you’re looking for affordable options in Sydney perhaps it’s worth considering these areas now as you can appreciate Sydney is huge so if you’re planning to move to this city I highly recommend doing your research to make sure that

    Whatever you choose to live fits your lifestyle as well as your budget now if you’re watching this video you’re probably planning to come to Australia or perhaps you’re already living here if this is the case you may want to hear about nor bpn the sponsor of today’s

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    Thank you noan for sponsoring this video and now let’s continue talking about Sydney now let’s talk about working in Sydney considering that this is a huge City for Simplicity purposes here I’m going to focus on the Sydney City and inner South area the most popular occupations in Sydney are people working

    In professional jobs managers clerical and administrative workers technician and trade workers and community and personal service workers and and the industries that employ most workers include professional scientific and Technical Services Healthcare and social assistance retail trade accommodation and food services financial and insurance services and speaking of Industries the ones that are

    Experiencing the highest growth are professional scientific and Technical Services Education and Training construction accommodation and Food Services Healthcare and social assistance and something that you may want to know is that Sydney’s unemployment rate is currently at 3.3% which is pretty low now in terms of salaries something that you should know

    Is that average weekly earnings for people employed full-time across the hall of New South Wales are $1,800 Australian dollars now let’s talk about higher education in Sydney the main universities in Sydney are University of New South Wales the University of Sydney the University of Technology Sydney mqu University Western Sydney University Australian Catholic

    University Charles Darwin University and of course there’s a bunch of other universities but these are the main ones now if you’re an international student you can expect to pay between 20K and 50k per year for your University Fe lifestyle and cost of Living now in terms of housing cost something that you should know if you’re planning to move to Sydney is that this city has the highest rent costs in Australia with the medium weekly rent being around $711 Australian dollars and of course as we always say your rent

    Cost will vary according to where you live that is your location whether you live close to the beach further from the beach Etc so for example renting a one-bedroom apartment in an inner city suburb in Sydney they cost you over $500 Australian dollars per week whereas if

    You go to areas further from the city especially the west or south of Sydney as we said before rent becomes a bit more affordable and you may be able to rent a house for the same amount of money so this is something worth considering beit an

    Outdoors of course as you may be aware and this is probably one of the reasons why you’re choosing to live in Sydney is that this city is home to some of the most popular beaches in Australia so if you’re seeking a beach LIF Sydney might be the city for you but again remember

    That this is very likely to happen if you live in inner city suburbs or the east or the North which are more expensive if you go to the south or west of Sydney going to the beach might know be as accessible so take that into consideration now some of the mass SE

    Beaches in Sydney include Bond Beach Malley Beach Brony Beach Watson’s Bay Palm Beach and if you’re visiting Sydney for the first time I highly recommend doing the Bondi to kui Beach Walk every time I go to Sydney especially around the upper house because I love doing

    Tsty things I don’t know just being by the water is just makes me it makes me feel so so happy and yeah kui and Bondi even though they’re full of tourists for me it’s just it’s just such a beautiful area I I wish I was able to afford it

    Yeah so if you live around those areas consider yourself very very lucky now if you’re visiting Sydney again Sou else that I recommend doing is going to Watson’s Bay you just can hop on a ferry and it will take you to Watson’s Bay mly Etc and another thing

    Of course is that if you’re an outdoor lover if you love doing sports Sydney could be a really good option for you from surfing to sailing to hiking to rock climbing in the Blue Mountains you have lots of outdoor activities I highly recommend visiting the Blue Mountains especially this is an amazing super

    Beautiful National Park and yeah it’s out of this world you could also go to nearby coastal towns there in New South Wales such as Baron Bay Wen gong in March we had a wedding in an area near Newcastle it was just beautiful I didn’t know that there was so much to see as

    Well outside Sydney right it was just by the coast it wouldn’t was in a beautiful reserve and yeah I don’t know it’s just I highly highly recommend exploring a bit more now cultural and recreational activities even though Sydney is very well known for its speech lifestyle it does offer lots of cultural activities

    So if you’re into that still a very good place to live in from being able to go to the theater and watching place at the opera house which is extremely beautiful to annual festivals such as viid Sydney or sculptures by the Sea and so many others and even if you live in other

    Australian States I high recommend going there and taking out those festivals it’s worth it now another thing that I highly recommend doing if you come to Australia again whether it is as a tourist for a short visit or if you’re staying here temporarily or permanently

    Is to go at least once to the New Year’s Eve fireworks show I think once it was like a party opposite the over house and it was so so beautiful I think I even got a bit emotional because usually you watch it on the TV it’s one of the most

    Popular shows globally I guess when it comes to yes New Year safe so if you got the opportunity to do so do it it’s super touristy but I don’t know personally speaking I think it’s worth it another thing that you can do is to walk around especially in the Sydney

    Area if it’s your first time visiting Sydney you can walk around the botanic gardens it’s beautiful if you have kids you can take them to the Luna Park which is a theme park basically it’s next to the H bridge if you like cycling I highly recommend hiring a bike and

    Cycling over the hover Bridge yeah and just exploring the city by bike in that case it’s super super accessible it’s pretty easy to get wrong and other cultural activities that you can do in Sydney include going to the art gallery of New South wals the Museum of

    Contemporary Art or you can even book an original guided tour experience to learn more about the culture and history of the traditional custodians of this land so as you can see there are many cultural activities in this beautiful city and again if you local and you have other recommendations please leave a

    Comment below now let’s talk about the most exciting topic of all public Transport getting around Sydney by public transport is pretty easy in my opinion again this includes the inner city areas and you have a range of options you can take the train buses trums or fies and the system is very simple you can get the Sydney public transport card which is called opal or

    You can just pay with your phone which is what I usually do it’s a shame that it hasn’t been rolled out in other states for example in Melbourne we still need the Mikey card but in Sydney you can just pay with your phone so super super convenient now if you’re planning

    To go to outer areas in Sydney or even if you decide to leave in those areas public transport could be a good choice but it will take you a considerable amount of time and if you want to go on road trips it’s very likely that you’re going to need a car remember that

    Distances here in Australia are very long having said that if you decide to leave I don’t know in wenong you can easily take the train to the city and that’s what many people do and I even I’ve done it every time that I go visit some relatives of my partner there we

    Take the train from wangong to the city and it’s super super but yeah I I guess it depends on the person many people what they do is they drive their car to the train station they park it there for the day and then they take their train and go to work and

    This is also a good alternative if you don’t want to get stuck in traffic as well in morning traffic so in summary is it worth moving to Sydney in my personal opinion Sydney is an amazing City for families students young professionals Backpackers basically everyone and in as I show in

    This video it’s a truly amazing City that offers a lot of activities for everyone but especially those who love the outdoors and the beach lifestyle now having said that cine is super super expensive when it comes to renting so this is something that you have to keep

    In mind if you can’t afford living in the Eastern suburbs or the northern beaches and a be lifesty is what you’re looking for then I would definitely recommend looking for other Alternatives in other Australian States because realistically if you can’t afford living in these suburbs then you’re going to

    Have to live in areas much further from the beach and you’re going to have to spend a lot of time commuting and basically sitting on your car so at the end of the day I’m not sure if it’s worth paying the price now if you come

    To Australia and you get a job in Sydney and basically Sydney is the only city that offers job opportunities in your industry then of course go ahead and come to the city now another thing that I want to say is that as I showed you Sydney is huge so the configuration of

    The city itself makes it very hard for people to really move around in terms of traveling long distances so what tends to happen for people living in Sydney is that they end up living in their City hubs or suburbs and they rarely leave those areas unless it is for work for

    Example so many sydneys Siders what they usually tell me is that it’s like living in your own bubble and that’s amazing of course if you have your friends Etc but otherwise again traffic and having a car is something that you do need to take into account if you’re planning to move

    To the city so in summary yes I do think it is worth moving to Sydney as long as you’re able to afford it otherwise again I would suggest exploring other Alternatives in other Australian cities now if you’d like to watch more videos like this about living in Australia or

    Other Australian cities watch these videos here and here and if you like this video please like And subscribe to keep supporting the channel so I can keep bring in more content for you and I’ll see you next time bye


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      – Cost of Living Australia Guide –
      – Is it worth moving to Brisbane Australia? –
      – Is it worth moving to the Gold Coast Australia? –
      – Why are these Melbourne SUBURBS so popular? –
      – Australian healthcare system –
      – Testing an Aussie's Australian Slang –
      – 9 Must Watch Australian Films and TV Shows –
      – 10 Things to Know Before Moving to Australia –
      – Top 9 Most Amazing Places Around Melbourne –
      – 8 Reasons Why I love Living in Australia –
      – How to Buy a Car in Australia –
      – Is it really worth studying in Australia? –
      – 7 Tips for Getting a Job in Australia without experience –
      – Australian School System and Costs –

    2. I'm japanese and went to Australia the other day. the people there are all kind and even when i can't understand english, they kindly taught me.
      I want to go back to australia again.

    3. Good luck surviving in Sydney unless you make $$$$$$ $1891 average weekly wage is a misrepresentation, and once you tax out the high rates of tax and rent you get to choose if you want to pay for food or electricity. enjoy it!

    4. This video glorifies Sydney, yes there are beautiful places but the reality is its so ridiculously unaffordable and futher reality check rents have skyrocketed due to lack of housing and the influx of immigrants rents in parramatta and even penrith are now on par with rents of inner Sydney. Unless your very wealthy this city will rob you of every joy and dollar you earn.

    5. Can someone please explain why the air in Sydney, especially in the west, has such an odour to it. It's almost unpleasant and if exercise or jog you can almost taste it.

    6. I am a 19yo in colombia, I learned english and I'm studying all Software Coding stuff. I did a lot of research to find a good place to live, I was thinking on going to Canada or Europe, but at the end I decided Australia, for the language, and opportunities for TECH. But also I could notice that like in every other country there's housing crisis, do you really recommend me to continue studying and finding a way to go to australia for living and being able to raise a family?

    7. honestly australia is extremely overrated. Very expensive, inept government, real estate is shit and not much career growth if you are in IT. Singapore and USA are much better options IMHO

    8. i have an online friend who lived in the uk for most of the time of our friendship but then he went offline for a couple days and when he came back he said he moved to sydney australia and he says thats its a literal dream come true to live in such a state with such beautiful places and nice people and ive been considering moving there too so thanks for the information

    9. I was wondering if you could talk about the "alowed" in australia. Living in Europe, i'd like to know if there is big changes on some laws.
      Is the police strict ? What level of "craziness" is allowed, i already saw somebody playing music in a DarkVador costum :p
      I expect you understand what i mean.
      Thanks for sharing your experience on this continent 🙂

    10. Sydney is highly overrated and used to be a great place to live but has suffered from lack of infrastructure to keep up like adequate public transport and public amenities. The costs of living here are through the roof . The beach life style has suffered from over crowding and gentrification. The beaches south of Sydney are better quality. She mentioned sculptures by the sea. So overcrowded it is uncomfortable to go now and they use sheep runs to manage people for buses to Bondi beach. OK if you like those sorts of crowds. It just is not the place it once was.

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