New year, same us. How we spent our Holiday Breaks in Fun, the lads absolutely doing NUMBERS on Twitter, overrated Bama, Epstein list, Dave Dutton, Will needs some new home help, the Texas fan in NOLA who (allegedly) made a messy in his pants, and more.

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    (0:00) Fun & Easy Banter
    (11:00) Recapping This Holiday In Fun
    (34:12) The Boys Just Doing Numbers on Twitter Over Break
    (46:34) Major Dave Announcement
    (58:12) Will Needs Home Advice
    (1:07:10) Texas Ass Sweat Man Gets Vindicated in NOLA

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    All right we’re back circling back podcast coming to you live from the wash media Headquarters in Austin Texas my name’s will def freeze to my left David rough dude man this is going to distract me but they just released the the list have you seen some of the names on this

    List the Epstein list uh no this is not good at all what perfect timing right as we hit record yeah crazy crazy [ __ ] Efron really uh Zack Efron Peter Dinklage really the dink man Hemsworth oh [ __ ] what hold on dude Lil Esco is on there oh wait this this isn’t

    This isn’t the right list this is fake news Matty B’s on there isn’t lco the one who told me to get my drip up yeah [ __ ] that kid man do you think Matty B’s going to be on the Epstein list proba didn’t he have like a Gucci pillow

    Around his neck like a Gucci flight pillow probably dude yeah airplane pillow I’m not saying I mean obviously the reason Matty B got famous because he’s got bars but like I think another thing that helped him was just the pure production budget that his parents had

    The entire time sure yeah I don’t think he got by on just pure talent alone speaking of people who don’t get byy in just pure talent alone Dylan shivery wow thank you very happy to be here first pod first episode of the new year happy

    New Year let me be let me be the first Happy New Year to you all hey Dylan happy New Year dude now you probably think I’m just I’m like in such a [ __ ] sad mood because of my horns and I’m okay I’m okay which is good I they made

    The playoff you know what it was a good season Dave I thought you’d be more upset walking in the studio today yeah I’m okay yeah you you weren’t really Too Faced uh when we started talking this morning was almost there I’m very very surprised pleasantly surprised at how my

    My super Longhorn friends my my Longhorn super fans put differently uh have taken the slots they’re like well you know it’s a good season you can’t you can’t rag on Texas five and seven two seasons ago oh I had a chance to win yeah would have been one of the biggest beefing

    Chunking you’ve ever seen it was a situation there at the end Davey but we’re in spirits are are good okay they’re not you know they’re not they’re not bad okay does it bother you that MCC is not only like on the sideline but he’s actually interacting with players

    Who are like playing a pivotal role in the game I like it I don’t know why it it’s just it’s just a little much it’s like imagine just coming off the field after after giving up six like oh MCC is there you’re like oh this is okay he’s

    Not as big of a deal to kids of that generation but he’s he’s technically like on staff from like the University of Texas has him on staff so it’s not like just some random celeb is just walking down the sideline like he actually technically speaking has a

    Place there which is a weird it’s he’s a minister of culture which is not a real title what if he’s on the flight log o I don’t know that’s I don’t know that’s the thing like I don’t I if I had to put money on I don’t think mccon is

    On there I’ve never heard any smoke from that but like no I’m just saying would that that would really devastate the the program yeah but Simply Having your name on the log is not exactly like incriminating what if Arch Mannings on there o that would be tough dude he

    Looks so young he does he’s got a baby face he needs to grow some whiskers did you think he was going to get some run yesterday I thought that ERS may have been concussed his head F off the turf and he actually weirdly played better after after it yeah he’s got some sense

    Knocked into him yeah the third quarter not great no not great for anybody not you’re a Washington fan man well I know you’re you’re bombed about your tie but I know you’re pumped about your Wolverines man yeah yeah you know it’s a it’s a double-edged sword David people made the the mistake that

    You know they don’t often make and a lot of people were overrating B on this saying that you know even though they were not favored in Vegas that uh they were going to put it to Michigan and you just can’t over people famously underrate Bama all the

    Time but I think we reached an overrate part of the season last last night I was yeah Michigan has a surprisingly great defense I didn’t I know they were good I didn’t know they were that good so hey congrats they don’t call it the big blue wall for nothing Dylan I didn’t know

    They called it that it’s a big blue wall dude yeah well it’s kind of like the monster but instead of being a a physical wall it’s uh just dudes on a defensive line speaking of big blue balls here’s Randy Randy well it’s kind of easy when you know what the play is

    Gon to be yeah I agree I we go big 10 Ring conspiracy theory I’ve I’ve been on record saying that I don’t care what my teams do if they cheat to win a championship and we have to apologize after we vacated after that’s fine with

    Me I wish I wish the Tigers would have done steroids to win One World Series the entire time somebody was doing some roids yeah I just wish they would have done more yeah you know like I I would have been totally fine with like a bunch of Miguel Cabrera stuff coming out later

    That he was roiding if you weren’t doing roids in the late 90s you were leaving money on the table Yeah like you had to do it mhm legit had to do it to were were there guys that were like micro doing the roids just to like get like some

    Just tangential effects to them hard to say you’re doing roid gummies or Nummies hard to say how you do that’s that’s the sound you make when you do that’s how you doing all right all right yeah happy New Year will happy birthday hey thank you Randy oh

    Yeah happy birthday man yeah dud I need to find a I need to find a funny picture of you to tweet about no I’m 37 today hey I’ve got a photo of us from The Last Cowboy lion game if you want to post it on yeah dude I love watching the Lions

    Play in Dallas it’s like my favorite thing in the world I was thinking your lobster costume one cuz that makes me laugh yeah it’s a good one it’s a good one we’ll see about it yeah I I don’t I don’t know Brett brought Brett brought up a good point this morning that like

    There’s definitely something there of my birthday being January 2nd a day when normally people have to return to school or work and Sunday scaries being my thing like I think it’s just deep inside of me yeah I think it’s just in my bones yeah it’s not you’re Cut From a

    Different Cloth they don’t make they don’t make people like me anymore you’re a Dying Breed I hate to say it it’s so easy to forget it that it’s your birthday on January 2nd trust me Dylan like there’s a laundry list of reasons that this is a terrible day like there’s

    No one wants to go out to do anything for your birthday because everyone’s either doing sober January or is just absolutely tired and beaten down from having to go back to work you have to go back to work it’s it’s the ultimate Monday even though today’s a Tuesday

    It’s just not a good scene yeah I’m sorry are you out Friday I’m looking at the calendar are you taking the a long weekend for Jan 6 Dave come on man come on this guy’s you don’t [ __ ] with that [ __ ] [ __ ] with that [ __ ] didn’t you have

    A flight at back don’t you have a flight from DC to Houston Oh that’s come man what are you doing you might need to cancel that one what are you doing oh I found the lobster Pig dude it’s a good pig dud I’m going to post dude I was roast clawed

    People I’m to post it it was that’s that’s the most prepared I’ve ever come in with bits like ever probably was that the old Studio yeah I kind of miss I kind of missed the lodge we cooked in the lodge man my phone tried to take me to the lodge the

    Other day I clicked on work to see what my new route would be and it took me straight to the lodge I was like I don’t think I want to go there I love having to either walk upstairs or downstairs to use the alternate bathrooms cuz someone

    Was always blowing up our floor it was always Dave dude no it wasn’t you left that Corona in there too that was not those things are true no the executive bathroom on the second floor of the lodge was just goated that was a scene you had double doors so you didn’t have

    To worry about someone knocking on the one door and like startling you they had to knock on the outside door and you were on the inside of two doors the problem with the one on our our floor was that it was was a a two hitter and

    You know it was all connected by the same door frame situation but it wasn’t put together correctly so if someone went into one and shut their door and locked it it would alter your door and one of the doors didn’t lock completely so your door would just slowly start to

    Swing open so you’d have to like be cognizant of it and hold it and you just that’s not what you want you’re generally going in there just to kind of get you know do the thing the foul deed but also to just kind of relax a little

    Bit we also had a random who just listened to full audio in there and I just I never like sitting there doing that we should roll through see see what’s up it’s like going in there listening to an and Tate audio B you can’t just roll through there like it’s

    It’s owned by like a security company the the women next door loved us they gave us free lunch all time they gave us KFC one time it was so good so last time I’ve had KFC I like KFC it hit that day I have no edits there I missed

    Them can we get can we get some announcements out of the way please yeah uh first and foremost welcome back it’s to circling back great to have you guys here to start a new year uh we’re coming up on our anniversary soon oh we actually joined Twitter yesterday circling back officially

    Joined Twitter yesterday that’s our anniversary pretty big stuff go follow the 14th is first episode okay 2019 first episode of cing back you’re always 14 in your home town no it’s not how that goes that would suck tomorrow we’ll be doing our patreon episode it’s looking like we’re doing exactly 5

    Minutes so we’ll put up a prompt on Instagram go follow us there and you can submit your listener submitted prompts it’s always fun to have fun on that episode go over to circlingback podcast And subscribe you can also listen to all the patreon episodes on a separate feed on Spotify

    Just search circlingback and you’ll see exactly what we’re talking about washed. substack domcom for washed weekly it’s going to make its triumphant return after the holiday break and more than anything go to circlingback and check out our YouTube page if you really want to get in go watch uh the

    The live that we did with uh after the the holiday party probably my Mo that’s my episode of the year of of 20123 people seem to uh love it we had some real eaters on that episode that’s for show yeah facts everybody was straight up munching it’s

    Time to recap this holiday and fun presented by our friends over at fitbod I could use fitbod right now more than anything it’s it’s time of year to kick fitbod into into gear I’ve been absolutely letting it rip lately if I could use anything it could be an

    Approachable app that would allow me to do some uh exercises at home or at the gym doesn’t really matter uh the essential uh workout that you really need is fitbot it’s a fitness app that creates completely personalized workouts that adapt as you improve so whether you’re a season gymgo or just starting

    Your fitness journey fitbot will push you to make progress it’s like having your own personal trainer but better it’s cheaper and you work you can work out anywhere with or without equipment and it’s easy to build a custom fitness plan that works for you Dave you’re a

    Big full body Friday guy yeah I’ve actually switched up I’m now doing full body Friday on Monday Wednesday and Friday so it’s now just full body three days a week full body Friday three days a week dude it’s almost like you’re improving and you have an app that

    Adapts with you are you trying to turn that shitbot into a fit B that’s good that’s good that’s good yeah that’s what I’m trying to do it’s it’s already looking you look I already think you have a good body you’re a hot man but this fitbot is great it adapts as you

    Improve it tracks your Muscle Recovery it’s fine-tuned by experienced certified personal trainers to bring the best practices and exercise science to you and you can learn movements the right way with over thousand demonstration videos a thousand a stack a stack Dylan wow that’s a stack sure C know add fitbod to your workout

    Essentials join fitbod today to get your personalized workout plan get 25% off your subscription and try the app for free at fitbod domme steam that’s steam Dylan how’s your holidays man oo thanks for asking will uh it was it was good man Christmas uh spent it

    With uh the little guy and some family he went to my dad’s house my brother sister-in-law and my two little nieces were there so that was lovely did you go prime rib on them uh we we did a pot roast instead this year nice dude burned down with the family that’s it was

    Really good Prime I love prime rib everybody knows that about me but this was good too sounds like you guys really understood the assignment do you even freak with pot Rose dude I don’t even know if you do yeah I freak with pot R it’ll make you

    Toot but it’s worth it what makes you to we’re not saying we don’t we don’t we’re not saying to Toot’s my uh that’s probably Will’s to that’s the little kid version like Fritz tootes toes oh you want to use like the the better word for it fart yeah I’m not teaching my kids

    Fart let’s use the classy let’s let’s use the classy version I got a little toot going there toot probably means something a lot different to you in what way is that you it’s a cocaine thing why you why you touching your nose a little tutor do people call it that I don’t

    Know I don’t know it’s not like I ever ran in circles with people were doing this [ __ ] okay why would you run in circles i’ never done I would know seems pointless like I got that dog in me it’s true yeah so Christmas was chill I had

    Pretty zies I had a very lowkey break man I didn’t I I a lot of dog walks a lot of just just chilling I slept dent a bunch oh will told Landry to delete his dog walking Michigan tweet mhm everybody in the group was like oh what what’s the

    Tweet and I went looked I was like oh no I did I I I realized that after I sent I said Landy you delete delete your Tweet about how Michigan was going to get run by Bama and I I was worried that everyone in the the group text was going

    To think that he tweeted something like racist or something and he needed to take it down uh New Year’s Eve I I stayed in I drank wine and I did laundry and and I watched Fargo and it was honestly pretty nice I know that sounds

    Lame as hell butg no dude the older you get the older you get the better it feels to like intentionally stay home for New Year’s these people who spend like 175 bucks You Know cover charge to go to some Hotel bar and and then spend another $300 there it’s like no thanks

    That’s not for me I don’t even know yeah that’s not your kind of fun I don’t even know those people like it’s fine I’d rather just chill so that’s what I did then I watched uh some football and you know that was okay what football did you

    Watch I don’t I’m sorry I don’t need yeah here we are ma’ what about you jerks Dave been a [ __ ] prime rib dude what oh Dave brought me the gift of a uh petar shirt which is very nice of you Dave would have been cool if it was [ __ ]

    Rowack well yeah but it was still very I gave some roback as Christmas gifts this year went great yeah a I did too yep my dad scooped a wilman’s polo y my brother-in-law scoop some stuff it was just it was good for everybody what did I so when was the

    Last time we were in here pre- Christmas so what did I do I’m Gonna Save what I really did for oh yeah you have a big announcement today big announcement it’s gonna probably change change the dynamic of the show um but we’ll have to let that sit are you want

    Testosterone no does it look like dude I feel so let’s get a tea guy in the studio inject us live I would I would absolutely take it dude this sleep this lack of sleep is tanking my tea let’s get a two for one deal I don’t know if

    They do that somebody might I don’t know um we’ll just start with Christmas Eve um we stayed here for Christmas I was home for Christmas um we didn’t know we had a our son our son Sammy he was only like three weeks old like we don’t want

    To travel up to the Dallas area so I get it we stayed here and did Christmas just uh kids dog and wife and uh did a felt a little upset not upset we were I was a little homesick so we did uh something my my parents always

    Do Italian food on Christmas Eve we don’t do Seven Fishes is thing because like we’ve had lasagna every Christmas Eve that I’ve ever been down in Texas I think it is a thing I didn’t realize it was a thing I thought it was just a

    Thing that we did and then I realized a lot of people do it and so I think people just do that um much how like uh our friends in the Jewish Community will do Chinese food on Christmas Eve I believe is that right getting no help here I think that’s

    Right sure yeah it sounds right I don’t know if it’s Christmas Eve Christmas day whatever um but I did uh I did some uh short bra short rib manicotti so I did like the Ragu Sauce and I did it on some manotti I’ve never made manotti basically it’s very similar to

    The enchilada of the Italian world stuff it with the cheese mix and whatnot okay quite delightful that was good they’re almost like it’s almost like uh I don’t [ __ ] know it’s tubes it’s tubes it’s what’s uh what’s the Italian dessert that Tony Soprano always got it’s like yeah it’s

    Like a it’s like a meat sauce canoli it was very good yeah and I’m I’m very happy with how it turned out the sauce was very good manotti I could have done a little bit better but whatever you’re not hooking the boys up with the gift of

    Manotti I gave some to my neighbor he fell off his bike like Biden style he BR broke two he broke two ribs I’m sorry to your neighbor that’s that’s really devastating but now whenever I hear someone falls off a bike I just go to Biden just like eating it it’s a top 10

    I don’t know was that 2023 that’s a top 10 video Whatever year it was he straight biffed it dude no feel out of frame he’s like a he’s like a senior citizen cyclist I probably didn’t need to describe it that way but he Cycles but

    He is older he’s like you know like our parents age and yeah he like hit a pothole didn’t doesn’t remember it woke up and there was like strangers in an ambulance he broke cracked two ribs he’s good now he got the gift of uh manotti you’re just fine uh I got

    Something that’ll hit the spot rub some short rib Ragu on that and you’ll be just fine reflux to pair with those broken ribs yeah um yeah now you get to push on the toilet later tonight okay I I imagine that would hurt with the ribs yeah you’re right the straining

    Yeah like when I got surgery that was like going to the bathroom was the worst part well Chris we did Christmas celebrated that it was delightful um only had to I I really only had to wrap a couple gifts um I think I am by far the worst Christmas

    Gift rapper of the three of us I could see that but um maybe we’ll do a little something with that my performance this year was garbage it’s just just trash dude we wrapped everything this year though really we’re I’m a wrap everything household Sally doesn’t want to some of

    The stuff was unwrap I put together a uh large Radio Flyer wagon just a classic red wagon which was a little bit more difficult than it should have been but um like we weren’t rapping that instead we put some toys in that very C good it’s good very cute

    Um it was great man it was a great Christmas and then we did two other Christmases my parents came down my sister’s family came down my in-laws are coming down today jeez we’re just it’s just never end so rhs my son he he’ll be three at the end of this month he thinks

    That Christmas is just like he’s like oh well this is this is Christmas now it’s just like the next year is just we’re going to be doing this did it click with him like more on Christmas Day Fritz isn’t really getting it which I’m fine with I don’t really know what what he

    Understands what he doesn’t like he understands Santa but I don’t think he gets like he doesn’t connect that his behavior is um somehow part of the deal like hey you got to be good here so this happens he just thinks it’s going to happen come easy to him which isn’t a

    Good thing long term but New Year’s Eve stayed in um more on that later um big showing out coming up pretty excited I forgot to mention one of one of parks’s Christmas gifts that he got from his grandparents Park’s got a cow for Christmas is he all cattle no hat he got

    A cow that’s uh pregnant actually so he will soon have two cows dude that’s what’s up yeah he’s a cattle man he is it will live at the ranch they will live at the ranch and he has a cow and it’s a it’s like an investment thing like

    They’re of course they the idea is that they’re going to More Cows will join the mix as can a player scoop a cow and then what do they slaughter him yeah are they GNA eat this thing it dep maybe they can sell him they can yeah sell them to to

    Be slaughtered it depends but what if he gets attached to it then I don’t know he’s already named it what is it Bonnie that’s cool that’s a good name for it’s a good I like that I like that that’s classic and so uh yeah Parks Parks Parks has a cow now

    That’s my cow you do your cows better than mine hey Parks they don’t talk they don’t speak English I’m Brown welcome to the ranch Randy do you have a cow moo they mo they don’t really do a traditional Mo they don’t that was terrible I know as a kid they moo all

    Right off mic cow ready that’s [ __ ] good pretty good that’s what a cow sounds like yeah I don’t know if I have it that’s a cow that’s giving birth that’s my neighbor after eating my manicotti yeah I going to say that cow’s trying to pass something that makes that makes all

    Everyone else’s gifts look like [ __ ] you got a [ __ ] cow I a cow yeah we did not give a living gift it took me uh about 10 minutes to convince him that he’s getting an actual C I thought it was it like a like a joke or there was a

    A Chick-fil-A bit Yeah like it was a you know a metaphor for something else like no dude it’s just a it’s cow man clearing lack of mammals in our Christmases yeah sorry yeah I think give any mammals out this year yeah well that’s a Miss dude all the grandkids got

    One by the way it’s like the whole little community of cattle tell I won’t oh [ __ ] I forgot I went to the zoo how’ that come for you dude went to the Austin zoo I posted a pig from it um yeah I they sneaky have lions and [ __ ]

    It’s it’s a very small Zoo if you are you know from a big city like the San Diego Zoo Fort wor Zoo even Dallas Zoo um you’ll you’ll be like wait what this is tiny but they do have they do punch above their weight a little bit they’ve

    Got they’ve got Lions they have a Bengal tiger love a tiger they’ve got uh two gray wolves they’ve got the [ __ ] giant box tortoise the the huge ones that look and they’re probably like they don’t know how old they are but they’re probably like 90 years old dude they could live

    Forever they’re [ __ ] sick they scared roads roads thinks they’re dinosaurs and I was like you know what man that’s closest thing we got even like that’s pretty cute yeah closest thing we got he called him a turtle and uh some little little [ __ ] little like a little bit

    Older than was like ah it’s a taurise I would have put that kid’s face in the tank dude I would have zipped him up hey little bud [ __ ] L Seon that kid would have taken a hard L if I was around little [ __ ] yeah don’t come at Road like that you little [ __ ] oh yeah you little [ __ ] stuff him in a locker yeah and then uh yeah it was two one of the there’s two like like brothers and one

    Of them’s name is gelato the Lions and um that’s sick it’s pretty Italian I don’t know but it was their birthday one of those Italian breeds they did a they did a birthday party and we just happened to be there that’s sweet dude gelato the lion gato’s birthday it was

    [ __ ] sick they give him like some extra they give him like prime rib for no they didn’t give him Prime they give him manotti I brought some that’s even better you brought a you brought a Trey manicotti to the to gelato the gel’s birthday yeah that’s cute who’s the gift

    Did they sing happy birthday for him the new hey the [ __ ] news was there really yeah dude I saw a big camera there out they did a thing was their 10th birthday do they interview you there’s a Splash Zone outside the lion thing that’s a good line Den there’s a

    Sign that says do not stand if you stand this close you you might get sprayed with pee so you might get fake Trump taped facts remember the pp tape yeah I don’t know actually happened turns out it was fake fake news that’s a good one keep that’s all I

    Have will man dude I was raised in the Lion’s dead I’m [ __ ] you were raised dude you raised by lions yeah dude I will [ __ ] your [ __ ] up up you’re Cut From a Different Cloth they don’t make men like me anymore no you’re a Dying Breed that’s crazy why is

    That clip just going viral again it’s big content guy I had I had the least relaxing break of all time you know when your company decides to take a week off between Christmas and New Year’s to refresh and you know recharge the batteries I did the exact opposite and we chose to move

    Our entire uh our entire place to a new place not ideal so uh enjoyed Christmas got a PS5 I’ve acquired a PS5 I don’t know uh when I’m going to play it I have not unboxed it yet uh I I’m I’ve got a a situation unfolding but yeah it’s I might I might

    Do it today as if it’s like my birthday present you need to drop in and zip some [ __ ] up with us I’m gonna zip some [ __ ] up dude I’m excited about that but yeah just did the move dude it’s just the worst thing in the world you

    Guys ever heard of this Bron well first of all Sally refused to get the hunks proba good you I mean luckily for us like the dudes that we had were honks anyway so it didn’t really matter massive L we had two dudes named it was really convenient because both the dudes

    We had their names were Reggie both of them yeah I was like oh that’s great they’re doing they’re doing a bit no I think it was a father and son tandem you’ve never seen two reggies together but I was like that’s great this makes my life really easy did they bleed on

    Your furniture uh no they did scuff up a wall which was not ideal and they they did break a photo but you know we can get past that look at this Photograph M that’s that what they said when they broke it No No in fact they didn’t say

    Anything and they just ran out and then uh didn’t confront anything that’s the move I mean they did they did a great job no no no actual complaints from my those [ __ ] broke my TV I’m pretty sure remember that [ __ ] it was probably the one that you tried to uh you tried

    To uh Mount and it fell off no that one just broke broke this I do have some TVs to mount Dyan this one’s sneaky broke yeah why did you why did you say you need to make that right with him about the TV M I got a question am I joke to

    You no dude here’s the thing okay so I put in the group text does anyone know any good TV mounters in Austin Texas text with me in it the reason I did this was because I don’t want to assume that you just want to come over and mount my

    Televisions so I was kind of doing it in a joking way to be like hey I actually do need you but I’m not just asking you to like help me do something really annoying so with this guy I got to tell you it starts as like hey come mount the

    TV and he’s always wanting to turn it into a goon SES always is D here’s where I land on it I happy to do it I’ve done it for friends before I’m I’m happy to do it again I I I enjoy doing it almost um but I don’t want you to feel

    Obligated because we’re friends to use me like you can get a professional job done and it won’t hurt my feelings I need it done I’m happy to do it though I have I have numerous TVs that need mounting well I I I can do it have you

    Ever mounted a frame before uh I haven’t I think it should be pretty straightforward for you okay I have not but I I’m just not built like that I can I can hang photos I can do a French cleat on that wall for you do the thing again hang

    Photos going to hang a photograph that’s good that’s good good it’s good it’s good G to go to Wills goon cave on uh on New Year’s Eve I had the pleasure of going over to my in-law’s house who are now our are pretty close neighbors and so uh we went

    Over to uh Sally’s sister and her husband’s house uh we’re just we’re just making uh small um we’re just making small whiskey C now you’re micro doing whiskey C we’re micro doing whiskey Cokes in 2024 you don’t see I don’t know why we did this but we were just

    Drinking tiny whiskey Cokes all night with just like pretty much like two shots of whiskey and a splash of coke and I think I’m all in on Tiny whiskey Cokes for the the remainder of the Year sounds kind of lit it was very lit and

    Then I I celebrated it by going home and just watching YouTube videos uh as as the uh the ball dropped in in various cities did you know that you can watch YouTube on your smart TV you can yeah what you can download the application

    For your smart TV you can uh I did I I was really looking forward to moving in and we had an internet issue they there’s something someone someone cut a cord they weren’t supposed to cut when they were redoing the house that we moved into and one of the issues that

    We’re having or we were having was that they had to replace that and they told me it going to be about two to three days I was like dude I have a lot of football to watch like there’s major games and I I can’t just have no

    Internet in this household they ended up fixing it very quickly shout out Google Fiber unreal service from Google Fiber uh everyone did it with a smile on their face but then I got to chrisen my new place by watching the the Dallas Cowboys play the uh the Detroit Lions um do you

    Guys watch this game at all some of it yeah oh yeah do you guys like what you saw yeah man good there’s a lot to like a good team um got to watch Jimmy Johnson go into the ring great hair Hall of Fame hair oh my God I cried I don’t care

    Damn um did you cry I was pretty upset why cuz I pregamed all day getting ready for that game uh I pregame pretty much all day just watching uh the the picked up pedigree flag from the 2015 playoffs so I was just like already kind of chomping

    At the bit and just getting angry at the Dallas Cowboys and then when that two-point conversion went down the way that it went down it was just it was just heartbreaking you know had Mark Wahlberg been out there it wouldn’t have gone down it would have gone way

    Differently it would have gone different mark wber would have checked in for sure where does he line up he would have checked wallberg he’s just Deuce vaugh back there yeah I don’t know what he would have been doing he’s he’s kind of tiny but uh yeah so I got to go go to

    Bed angry my first night in the new crib that’s okay though that’s okay though I think they’re going to use this as a springboard to get angry and and go back to Dallas at some point I would have simply checked in harder yeah like hey

    For real me this guy right here that’s a that was a bad look for the the zebras okay but okay you get pushed back to the seven why not just kick you GNA be like all right look you’re pot committed at that point dude you’re po committed I respect

    It already run you’ve already tried to run two plays and you got to go back and do it again I was ready to be like you know what sucks we lost that game but I gotta respect Dan Campbell I had no doubts that they were going to get the

    Two-point conversion from the seven like I thought I thought it was I thought they were 100% going to get it and it wasn’t going to matter and and this was going to be the team of destinate gotta say though still 23 seconds on the clock and you have the

    Probably the best kicker in the league who’s good up to 65 70 yards if he really wanted to be according to him 70 yard is in range just saying there’s a lot of game left I don’t like getting invested in the Detroit Lions because it traditionally has not worked out very

    Well and so it’s just not a fun time I’m trying to get not invested I’m trying to have the opposite of diamond you’re divesting yeah I’m I don’t want diamond hands with these Lions anymore oh okay he’s not gonna hodle no hodling you know tough losses Bama

    Detroit Lions we we will endure you’ll be fine you got you still got your your Wolverines ma’am yeah yeah we got him we got him I guess my huskys though [ __ ] you Dylan walked in the office today and he said something he said hey does anyone have

    Any uh neutral that they’re not using I did say that I’d like a little I didn’t even know that they were on the on the list today you had no clue that they were on there today your hair might be not talking directly to you Dylan but

    This could this could be it is a bit so you can no my hair’s I I have to say the hair right at the top right at the above my forehead like that area it’s been thinning a little bit lately that’s where your boys get and so it’s it’s

    Neutral season dude uh neutral is a proactive approach which you always like to see you just don’t want you don’t want anything else you don’t have to choose between hair growth and health nutrifil drug-free whole body approach promotes hair growth from within so no compromises just better hair because

    Hair thinning is not inevitable you can take control of the hair’s future before it’s too late with neutri Fall’s clinically tested hair growth supplement for men nutrifil is the number one dermatologist recommended hair growth supplement brand with over 1 million people seeing thicker stronger faster growing hair with less shedding nutriful

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    RF men and ENT promo code circling again that’s menprom code circling um I’d like to talk real quick about uh the boys talk about us um we famously I don’t know Dave have you have you taken the dive are you paying are you paying Epic Man yet no I’m not not

    Paying Epic Man wow you’re on that organic sh hasn’t run his masterful Gambit on you and gotten you to pay him money yet did you see Epic Man was at uh New Year’s Eve with like the tellers some Alyssa was like did she just hang

    Out with like I I was like yeah I guess I feel like I feel like Elon shows up to a party that like Miles Teller and like sea wher at and everyone’s like yeah elon’s here so like we kind of have to like be cool with him but like at the

    Same time like don’t tell him where we’re going after tell him where we’re going after that’s the vibe I got well like can I just say that I’m really proud of the boys for doing absolute numbers on the Twitter T this week there was some cooking going on like what’s

    Going do you think Dylan do you think paying the Twitter man is has launched our [ __ ] into the the thing because I feel like we’re doing more views than ever yeah I I I do think so um it’s it’s getting served up to on the for you page

    I think I saw some people on uh on Reddit giving us some [ __ ] about paying no no I I feel like that was a positive threat I think I think people understand um but we should also get credit for being transparent about it there’s no

    Check mark yet we owned it money on the table here by not paying like would I have made $7 from this tweet I don’t know I had a couple viral tweets and I got paid I’ve been paid twice from Twitter now I’ve been made made $21 uh

    In total you know that Meme where that kid says you guys are getting paid for this I’m not getting paid what do you mean I’m not getting paid for [ __ ] you should be maybe you have to opt into some [ __ ] or something I don’t know

    Y’all it’s the the the the $21 that I’ve made has gone to the watchh media uh bank account well thank you that’s very very generous for the homies everyone’s eating if anyone wants to go buy a four pack of Guinness I’ll drink one of them uh yeah I’m doing some numbers right now

    I mean you have you what one did you not tweet between December 25th and January 1st Dylan did you just take the week off Dog yeah decompressing I was and then you just came back with a with just a two absolute hitters dude yeah couple

    Hay makers landed when I got back in in the ring you’re football guy yeah yeah for sure look at this guy he’s doing he’s doing 1.7 million views on these Dave that’s what’s up dog wait on individually or like combined combined individually no individually you you had

    Your Cameron Ward one dude one of 1.3 is that how you’re going to announce your transfer portal thing to bar stool but the video is hilarious like why not just tweet or something just just a 5sec video to announce that he’s going to the draft it’s great Scouts will like that yeah

    He’s all business yeah just P efficienc just wearing a hoodie shorts like [ __ ] it yeah yeah I respect that I’m I am uh not at the Millie Mark and I I think had I paid I might have been able Dave had you paid you would have been at the

    Millie Mark for sure dude for for a tweet that I’ve honestly probably repackaged like every New Year’s Eve for the last five years I you know I’ll take it it’s fine I have a tweet going off right currently like all my notifications are just these frogs crawling around on

    Stage right now where is that from it’s everything are you guys familiar with the band fish heard of them yeah I don’t I don’t so I did something weird during our move during a move I have you guys ever worked at like a retail store ever no working at Subway

    Okay the worst thing wirel the worst thing about working at a retail store is doing inventory but anytime I ever had to do inventory back in the day I’d always just choose like one thing and like and be like okay I’m going to listen to like only this band for a

    Little bit while we do this just to like chew on something just to to change my mindset distract myself so when we did our move I was like I’m going to see what all the the the fuss is about I had been I’ve been to a fish show I enjoyed

    It I uh I don’t actively listen to fish very often you like Trey Trey is fine and so when we were moving I was like I’m gonna listen to fish they have these uh they have their entire Madison Square Garden uh four shows that they do

    Leading up to the new year they’ve got The Spar shows like all the fish fans are really mean to Goose people so I just want to know I want to know what’s up and so I just listened to fish for like a week straight to see what the the

    HBL is all about and they did they did this performance of I don’t even describing it’s going to be really weird so I’m not even going to try to but they had a a Monumental concert on New Year’s Eve where they just had a bunch of frog

    Dudes come out on the on the floor and just get wild with it it was a good tweet dude imagine being there on CBD and seeing that if you took one CBD and saw these things just going around dude are those real Fro I’m not going to the sphere to go

    See Fish though I’m not I’m not taking that dive why not cuz I don’t really want you talking a big game yeah but then the dead end code rumors popped up I’m not going to double sphere it dude that’s too much fear that’s right that’s that’s a lot of sphering dude you only

    Get one sphere per year you can’t be the guy who goes like season tickets to the sphere that’d be sick actually are you gonna go to The Deco if I can get tickets man you know there’s bad seats in there there’s some block there’s some

    Uh yeah yeah I I went online to see what I didn’t I wasn’t trying to buy tickets for the fish sphere shows but I wanted to go see what they were like reselling for and the ones that were like actually not jaw-dropping were all obstructed view not ideal have you ever sat someone

    With an obstructed view game have you seen the guy on Twitter who just goes to stadiums and finds the most obstructed View and sits there it’s a good bit it’s so stupid it’s a good bit I had a somewhat obstructed view when went to the Chelsea

    Soccer game in London we had a Hu we just had a huge overhang so I could see the entire field which is good but I couldn’t see the atmosphere throughout the entire like like Stadium it was just kind of a bummer yeah yeah obstruction dude what are we going

    To do about it no that’s that’s a bummer I’ve had that at the the ballpark before not great what do we got to do we need to send you in the stratusphere Dave I I might up a tier man no you don’t need to up a tier that get that

    More Expos can you do that is there a different there a thing think there are three tiers you pay for I’m thinking about getting a tier on my tattoo on my face I think the one I’m on you can’t even get a check mark what’s the lowest

    TI have to Randy tier the bottom the Randy tier’s the bottom tier yeah the free tier the bottom tier though you get that big ass the lowest pay why called the little St Randy tier dud we got we got a good pledge class coming in though

    So we’re good give be mid tier no we got that pipeline we get that uh that Jesuit pipeline doing a frat play they got some good guys yeah for sure that kid was B Victorian you know the one’s Dad yeah that [ __ ] dork his dad owns that

    Mineral Company yeah dork yeah do you get do you actively try to recruit a couple dorks to get your GPA up and stuff no no no you just got to have that on your you got to have that W RZ that’s all that matters facts for real for I think Charlie’s

    More frat than Fritz at this point well he’s an infant yeah so it’s hard to really know it is frat it is frat to just make messy and you’re nappy yeah yeah it is frat yeah you’re just so [ __ ] whatever I’m just gonna piss myself yeah dude I’m just gonna [ __ ] drink until

    I [ __ ] piss myself pissing yourself is frat is dumping beard down your pants frat absolutely it is does he do that did you guys do any pants beers at Christmas dinner just two I wasn’t really feeling it I don’t like doing it with the Christmas sales as much it

    Stains your pants more than just light beers that’s a good point yeah be careful if you do it with an IPA why just be careful okay you ever done too much Gold Bond No I was drinking a Canadian move on what were you saying what were you saying did you guys do the

    Dawn on your balls thing PL pledging who’s the Dawn Dawn VTO da dish soap Big Balls oh that’s okay why you have to do it no what do you do no I think I mentioned this beforee I’ve heard it there was an ongoing arist has heard this before

    There was an ongoing hazing ritual over the where you take Dawn dish soap and you’re supposed to like rub it on your balls and leave it there and it starts to burn really really badly after a while and and we had to do that and it was uh really miserable

    Actually it really hurts your balls turn like bright red after a while it was a whole thing it was how long do you have to go uh I think I had to leave it on for like 30 minutes to an hour something like that have you ever done Gold Bond

    Immediately upon getting out of the shower yeah I didn’t know I didn’t know this was the thing and I was it was my freshman year in college and I was a big Gold Bond fan because we’ always do it on the soccer bus and I was like trying

    To get fresh after a shower in my dorm and I tossed on some triple strength do not apply it to wet surfaces it is the it is so painful for about five minutes for five minutes it just Burns Burns yeah you wonder if you did something

    Wrong like was I not supposed to do what I did there did I get the the tainted Gold Bond oh can get on the taint that’s good no it’s triple strength though that that that turquoise container that Tiffany blue container you got to be careful quote that one it’ll burn your

    Nuts right off you don’t want that no hey did you see so my my tweet I I found this funny it may not be that funny but um it was about Chris it was just a you know Chris Collinsworth and too were wearing tuxedos because it was uh

    Saturday night or whatever so they’re they’re wearing tuxedos doing the Cowboy game was it the Cowboy game yeah no this is New Year’s Eve sorry my head’s all foggy what night was that the Collinsworth too game I don’t I don’t know okay it was New Year it must been

    New Year’s Eve yeah sure New Year’s Eve and uh so I tweeted this photo of Collins where just kind of looking just looks you know it’s a bad photo of him looking like [ __ ] in his tuck and I said uh yeah at the $200 hotel party waiting

    30 minutes for a drink and talking to zero chicks I think it’s very relatable that was a a com that was a Trope on pgp we would often be talk about how New Year’s Eve is always a let down that’s part of the reason why anyway some guy

    Some guy responded to it riding for Collinsworth as if like I was actually dissing Collinsworth which he just happened to be at the you hate Chris Collinsworth he goes callings Collingsworth not his name is 65 wealthy been a winner his whole life guarantee he got more than his fair

    Share of women dot dot dot and the response is to that guy okay the random strangers who just hopped in said uh bro you’re giving him schlop like he does momes insane glazing yeah it’s just my favorite there’s there’s an account that’s like that points out glazing like

    That and it’s pretty funny he’s not going to [ __ ] you bro and then then last one if you’re going to swallow him at least spell his name correctly why do people feel the need to come to the defense of sleps who don’t even know that the like the Tweet even exists to

    Begin with the Tweet isn’t about him I don’t know why are you sending to that AI girl I understand Chris Collinsworth has been quite successful his Port I would trade portfolios with him right now is he the most successful Chris to not have an H in his name did Chris Carter Kringle uh

    Pratt what are you talking about the first name who’s more successful Chris Carter or Chris Ronaldo or Chris Collinsworth Collinsworth Collinsworth had the career after football yeah Chris Carter Carter but he’s got his go net worth I bet Chris Carter made more money in the league definitely did oh yeah

    Colins would have made money in like the 80s in the league oh yeah probably spend it on the to another Co another cocaine play there you [ __ ] youve been down that road 25 million says Carter’s worth 20 million damn you got to wonder though like those that those numbers can

    Fluctuate with a good or bad day on the stock market you know insan glazing dude that’s when you sent us that masterful glazing sir I didn’t know that was in response to your Tweet when you sent us that I thought you just found like a random conversation no what what’s the

    Account that exposes the glazing it’s just like uh I think it’s like in say glazing or like something like that I could be wrong I I’ll try to find it okay Dave do you have a major announcement you’d like to bring to the class did a lot of things over the the

    Break I did a prime rib for uh New Year’s Eve turned out quite well I was very jealous of your prime rib Dave I didn’t can I expose myself real quick please C let’s see that Gold Bond um I didn’t know that that’s what prime ribs

    Looked like when you made them they sent me a photo of his prime rib he gave me the gift of a photo of his prime rib and I I said that looks amazing but what is that yeah kind confession the um the little ribs the beef ribs under it you

    Kind of set it up on that to act as like a little rack because I did mine in a cast iron skillet seared it on the stove top and then did it in the oven gotta say it wasn’t all that difficult what were the autra months I mean did you

    Guys s them with the creamy horseradish or anything I did we did I just did horseradish and prime rib I’m probably gonna eat some for lunch too sounds can a player like ride in your car with you to your place and just we got some it

    Wasn’t a big big roast it was a feed the squad dude I’m going Pesco a week from today are you really yeah all right we’ll see if we can get some meat in you it’s meat week so I did that great we’ll do that again maybe for Easter or

    Something who knows but I did something else over the last couple weeks really um um okay you mentioned uh you mentioned you guys got your son cow made me think of when uh the dutton’s got their grandson a horse and he’s got to train him and

    Break him and stuff and then he gets kidnapped by the Beck Brothers yeah I’m watching Yellowstone stop stop watching Yellowstone dude but how far are you it gets hold on hold on this is where it gets weird you started 1812 uh I started in like I started like three episodes

    Into season 2 and I’m probably not going to go back and watch season you went non helicopter budget for the first episode Yellowstone is the most entertaining terrible show you’re ever going to watch Once you real once I realized that this was not going to be some Prestige television show like succession or

    Something once I realized that they had like the dips and the turns that like these like other shows have that’s when I like was like okay I need to stop having such a high bar for this show they they’ve been in numerous gunfights with like automatic weapons like they

    Ranchers they just murder people and never confronted again they’re all murderers the whole family that so okay so season two a few things have happened I I started watching when uh spoilers when Jamie uh decides to rather pathetically kill a journalist and he does it like in like

    The the least like he just like pushes your head like and then he finishes the job he’s a squid squid he’s a squid they’re all just zipping people up like left and right yeah got the guy’s got some bodies on his ledge Randy am I wrong that’s facts for how bad do you

    Need to protect this leg how much blood needs to spill I got to say it it’s it’s very beautiful piece of property get a Payday though get a little Payday the best part of the show is the scenery because it’s beautiful like you said you know most of it’s

    Filmed in Utah I understand facts they do a lot they do they still do some in Montana because my sister will randomly be like oh yep Yellowstone shooting today stop zipping up everyone well so yeah so I was like well I got I watched that episode with Alissa and I was like

    Well I got to keep watching I kept watching it that that scenario Jamie killing that person was like what made me get away from the show because I was like uh so I need to check out season one maybe I’ll do that after I watch the

    Rest of it what’s the the main Cowboys name that you kind of resemble what no what’s his name Rip rip you know Benny from Days of confus right I do know that yeah his role of uh if you’re going to fight anyone on this Ranch it’s to be me

    Is the dumbest [ __ ] thing I I wouldn’t want to fight him you see two people fighting all right now you got to fight me it’s like what people got shot in the in the belly he took one to the belly and then like two days later was

    Just out and about like people probably Beth Beth was uh like one one more punch from her deathbed and uh like a day later she’s drinking vodka milkshakes just walking around the ranch just telling Jamie he should kill himself [ __ ] you Jamie she’s at a bar Jamie okay why don’t you

    [ __ ] die Jamie does Jamie does suck and like should be in jail and all that but she just like takes her time she like hey um just want to stop in here say hi and be like I hope you one you’re gonna you’re gonna find somebody who

    Loves you and um I’m gonna kill that yeah she she’s sitting at like a hotel bar and some random like nice guy walks in like hey can I buy you a drink and she just like eviscerates him she’s like w you’re a piece of [ __ ] so the I

    [ __ ] hate you I hope you die you go away it though what’s the hot dutt what’s the hot Dutton Casey Casey so Casey’s wife girlfriend that’s now living with them on the ranch she goes into town she’s like I’m going to go she’s she’s very very gorgeous to me and

    She’s down to bang in front of wolves that’s oh I miss that is that season one I don’t know you got to catch that scene Dave I think that might have been season three I saw a bathtub scene well oh there’s a that’s why I like Beth she

    Goes into town and she’s going to do some shopping she goes into this one little boutique store and and they’re profiling her you know because I believe she’s Native American and they’re like oh God college student or whatever oh Native American she’s going to be stealing stuff so they set up this whole

    Thing where they call the police the woman who owns the store like shoplifter they lock her in and she calls Beth Beth comes down there you remember this one yeah I do and it’s not just like Beth’s like hey I’m a Dutton she’s with us thanks guys sorry about the

    Misunderstanding we’re going to lock the door and um I’m going to I’m going to [ __ ] up your store also you’re going to strip down you’re wearing Spanx I’m going to make fun of you for wearing Spanx even though I think most people are wearing Spanx in

    2023 yeah we don’t spank shame onast the cops yeah the cops show up and they’re like well you can’t [ __ ] do this yeah well she did and um she just humiliates this woman and it goes on for way too long you’re like dude could we just move

    On to something else can we just go uh I don’t know I the only thing that would make this show better is if maybe um we utilized our limited Authority Under the like land commissioner uh power that we have or whatever that what’s their Wildlife they have some Authority so

    They print up a warrant they get a warrant and they’re like you know what they kidnapped uh my grandkid we better go find the militia we better go [ __ ] get in a gunfight with them anything that can go wrong does and then some it’s it’s the most ridiculous plotline

    Well of all time and and whenever it comes time to like go do some [ __ ] like this they all just turn into uh like an elite Commando Force where they’re like clearing clearing rooms like they all like were special Casey has like an office in town and like one day he like

    Tips the desk over and shooting people from behind the desk and it’s like dude look you’re in small town Montana like you can hear these gunshots from everywhere in town that was like his third gunfight of the Year relax dude what is Benny’s character’s name the the

    Badass Ranch rip rip rip okay so rip uh Rip’s talking to Casey and you know Casey apparently was in Afghanistan and they’re like they’re trying to figure out hey how we going to go get this kid back he’s a bad ombre he is a bad ombre

    In case he’s like well you know in Afghanistan or whatever we used to we would send in like a bait like an armored vehicle as bait to draw them out so we could see where they were then you know it sounds like a tactical plan good

    Idea and he’s like well we don’t have any armored vehicles and and rip is like you got me so I’m GNA go draw him out I’m going to get on my horse and you guys are going to stand back and I’m going to just ride into the middle of

    The militia and my horse that makes sense yeah and uh and by the way no one’s going to get wounded in this here gunfight we’re g to just except for the bad guys except for the bad guys and it doesn’t end well for them they just wear bullets all over them soft dubs

    Everywhere for the Dutton family though dude I I’m watching I’m like this sucks but I’m going to continue to watch bad guys getting zipped up left and right so season one they had the helicopter budget season two I think they they didn’t get any money for the helicopter

    Season three they bring back the helicopter though so I am I have watched what’s by far the lowest budget season yeah so you you have nothing but you know helicopters and more shooting so that’s why that’s why they go from like they find out like oh the kids in

    In White Fish or then they got to go back to Billings and they just show them there they didn’t like show them getting there because they didn’t have the budget or something I did think that the the editing was weird and it’s just because it’s they didn’t have a

    Transportation budget okay oh my very good to know that show to The Cho up I’ve never watched an episode until recently like I I would just laugh out loud at times like watching the show because it was so Preposterous what was happening like okay guys yeah how much

    Work can you get away with well keeping every I look forward to finding out um I can’t believe you finally took the do dude it’s soic and then the the [ __ ] dude I just we watched the first episode of season 3 the other night and uh it’s

    The dude from law like so Beth’s driving over the bridge and she sees somebody fly fishing in their River and she’s like hey the dude from Lost it’s the [ __ ] hot dude with the Jaw from loss and he’s still really hot and it’s years latat in this in this season and I’m

    Looking at listen I’m like I don’t like how this is trending for rip be Beth’s gonna this is going to be a problem this [ __ ] guy fly fish in the river here may not surprise you to learn he’s a total scumbag in the show too well don’t

    Spoil it but he did put off scummy Vibes I mean we don’t have a helicopter budget but we do have rocket money are you kidding me are you kidding me you us do that up from half court and got nothing but n Love Rocket money I’ve been using rocket money since they came

    On board with us and I’ve been happy ever since when I used rocket money for the first time not only did it get rid of a bunch of subscriptions for me but it gave me a lot of uh just kind of an oversight of my finances that I

    Appreciated I even got some Monday emails let me know how my budget was doing that week but more than anything rocket money is just here to help uh when it comes to Rocket money we all have subscriptions that we don’t use we don’t know that we don’t

    Use them no bu do you ever just feel like money’s just flying out of your account you have no idea where it’s going well we know it’s all those subscriptions think about it between streaming services fitness apps delivery services parenting apps it’s endless I’m guilty of this so I use Rock money to

    Help me find the subscriptions that I’m actually spending money on and it was eye opening and I had to cancel the ones that I didn’t want anymore it’s been a great thing not only is this uh just helped me out financially but it’s it’s loosing me up to uh get some other

    Services under my belt too it’s a great service rocket money is the personal finance app that finds and cancels your unwanted subscriptions it monitors your spending and it helps you lower your bills you can see all your subscriptions in one place and if you see something you don’t want you can

    Cancel it with just a tap you never have to get on your on the phone with customer service man you like when you get on the phone with customer service and they’re trying to cancel something they’ll just put you on hold for like 10 minutes just to make you wait it out and

    Hope you don’t cancel it happens so often it’s it’s ridiculous but rocket money’s got over 5 million users and it’s helped save its members an average of $720 a year with over $500 million in canceled subscription stop wasting money on stuff that you don’t use cancel your unwanted subscription by going to Rocket that’s rocket circling again rocket I need to talk some stuff out with you guys um okay this is the first time I’ve lived in a house in probably five years uh I’m excited about it I’m also dreading certain parts of the house we have a famously we have a lawn

    Now how’s that thing going to get mode ain’t going to be me I can’t do it you don’t know how to start a law M no it’s not good it’s not good but I’ve acquired two things in my life now that require immediate attention um I’ve acquired a

    Goon cave yep which ry’s trying to make wa there’s the one already built like in you didn’t like make your own Randy why are you so perverted when it comes to them dude is aren’t goon caves just where you go hang out and you know what

    It is you’re you earlier today knew you always try to make it gross dude and it’s just like a really innocent space where you can just go you know be silly hang out with your goon yeah and drop in you know like what are you you’re so gross dude

    No no I have no furniture for my cave okay um I also bags so dude you’re not the first person to tell me I need bean bags lazy boy it’s a bean bag chair is not the worst thing in here with a fridge in the side of it o What’s that

    Show or that that store in the mall Modern Man or Sharper Image Brookstone Brookstone Brookstone and Sharper Image both you need to go in there and go off just get some unnecessary [ __ ] get a massage chair yep like one of the ones from the airport y I have these slanted

    Ceilings and I don’t know what to do with them I can’t fit anything naturally in there I can’t mount a TV vaulted I don’t know what know what you mean I no there it’s like a it’s like the roof the ceilings the roof yes faulted ceilings angled it’s not vaed not

    Vaulted vaulted it’s like the opposite of vaulted ceiling ton Vault it’s it’s low ceiling come on guys I don’t have any ceilings the roof is forgot he is a real estate professional vaulted ceilings Randy get the [ __ ] out of here vaulted ceiling is a thing vaulted ceiling is like high ceiling yeah that’s

    I thought that no I mean like it kind of looks like that Dave but it’s like you knock you can knock your head on it if you’re not careful like if I get a soft Dub with the boys and I jump out of my chair my goon chair then like I’m going

    To hit my head on the ceiling you know okay I need I need a low Media Console oh this is you have more room this is higher than I thought it’s it’s not back [ __ ] can we get much higher no it’s not vaulted um um can we get much

    Higher you you you’ll be fine in here do I need to set up my goon cave to have other people in it like what if like what if my brother-in-law is trying to catch soft dubs with me in FIFA and stuff I don’t think you want to do

    That is that a skylight yeah are you guys going shoes off I think we’re going shoes off but like now that we have a lawn like Rosie’s tracking in a lot of dirt and so like it’s kind of like what’s the point the bottom of the shoe is just

    Hey you need to stop worrying you can do a lot with this space I’m looking at right now I just don’t know what to do like like do I need to get like a special TV for my PS5 I want to make sure that I’m gooning at like my top

    Goon abilities you got that barn door that’s sick there’s a barn door in there that the one that slides I don’t think it I don’t think it slides it sure looks like it does it yeah well maybe it slides I don’t [ __ ] know dude you have chip gains over here come over just

    To really show you what you’re working with it definitely slides yeah you’re good you’re gu okay okay well here’s here’s the bigger question that I think I need the backers help with okay I now have a back patio I don’t want to buy a bunch of patio furniture patio furniture is

    Outrageously expensive and I don’t think I’ll actually spend any time out there so I’m not going to do that but now I have the opportunity to get the gift of grilled Andor Smoked Meats Andor vegetables Andor fish so it’s like okay I’ve always been a grill guy you know

    Your boy likes firing up the grill you know I like that high heat right do I go Grill do I go like full 2015 Texas and get a green egg or do I go tag do I pull tag um I’m a free agent in the grill

    Game right now guys and I just need I need a little guidance here okay a grill like a a a gas grill you will get the most use out of they’re just so easy to use and you can use them with many different ways I’m not I’m not well

    Versed in smoking these meats at this point but I am well versed up the grill the grills it’s you’ll get more us get that and then see if you really want to take it up a notch okay but yeah you need you need just a good gas grill that

    You can get hot do some searing maybe one that has like the little um stove top component next to the grill oh you’re trying to get me to grill up some Smash Burgers on this [ __ ] you got to smash the burger right it’s 2024 if your

    Burger’s like a little round it off like what do you [ __ ] do you got to smash you got to make it smashing baby oh that burger smashing yeah baby yep that’s my Austin power smashing baby I just saw Mike Myers on the list no you didn’t no I didn’t is it is

    It actually out or you [ __ ] who’s your worst case scenario looking at the rundown outside of yourself who’s your worst case scenario being on the list Dylan if one of us is on the list it’s it’s going to be tough for watch media it’s Dyan because I just I don’t know if

    I don’t know if that would actually be tough I think it would it would shine a light on us and we’d have to show them what we’re made of here and really assure them that we were never a part of any Epstein bad stuff well we know Dylan wasn’t because Dylan’s famously never

    Flown private I forgot about that that’s true what if you found out that the play we were on was ep’s played at some point we were on the flight long so it blow your mind it wouldn’t blow my mind it would not blow my mind actually now that you mention it

    That’s that would be tough that would be we didn’t go to Epstein Island know we went to we went to Dallas no we went to fris you go to little St Randy yeah we went to fris and then we went to to Bob Steak and Chop House and it was one of

    The best meals ever that sounds sick I ate more blue cheese in that restaurant than anyone’s ever eaten in one sitting I left there absolutely miserable I went three blue cheese Olive martinis I went wedge salad with blue cheese dressing and blue cheese on it and then I got

    Blue cheese on my steak what are you doing I was dude because we were your breath was terrible after that meal okay I was with like five dudes that all did investment they didn’t care like this guy like this guy eats a lot I don’t know eats a lot of blue cheese I

    Realized at the time I was like oh order blue cheese on everything right now cuz we’re not paying for this [ __ ] going through your blue cheese phase era mhm okay oh uh another announcement I’m going through my cottage cheese era welcome I’m looking for a quick protein

    Um Source small Cur large Cur small curds do you have do you have any are you brand dedicated at this point yet no this is the first one I’ve done in years what do you eat it with I just put salt and pepper on it and Munch that [ __ ]

    I’m new to the cottage cheese I mean not new I’ve never actually tried it but I’m willing to give it a shot I love it dude I love it so they you have to make it in a cottage like what’s the deal with no a cottage actually made it it’s made out

    Of cottages oh that explains it you ate that recliner one time for when you were pledging okay I’m about to Google what is cottage cheese it’s cheese I know but like what is it though cheese dude why is it why does it have so much protein

    How are you eating it just putting it I’m measuring out half a cup throwing it on a plate putting some salt and pepper on it and just eating it as fast as I can I mash that Cracked Pepper button on that so hard sometimes sometimes I’ll do

    Something crazy you ready for this yeah sometimes if I know that it’s just my own personal cottage cheese container I’ll just crack a bunch of pepper on top of it and mix it all in I’ll preix the the pepper I like that why does it have protein in it because it’s dairy dairy

    Is loaded with protein yeah glass of milk you’re getting like nine grams 10 grams pretty sure like whey protein is just like milk like evaporate milk kind of fair enough pretty much like yeah something like that wayy does come from dairy that’s true no way I think about it yeah okay fair enough

    My dad puts Catalina dressing on his from the wine mixer what will just made that joke what’ he say no way I know I double down on the joke got a problem curdled milk product a good joke dude yeah sorry I liked it so much I double doesn’t that make you want to

    Drink it or eat it I love curdled milk products you don’t know remember Little Miss Muppet it’s made from she sat at her tet dude eating curds in way made from skim she was like gains she was [ __ ] just getting stacked she was just doing like lunch

    And [ __ ] Little Miss Muffin just had that [ __ ] dumper on that protein rolling in 2024 we’re just a [ __ ] dump truck ass she broke the [ __ ] chair she put up numbers on Tik Tok shut up she’s just doing that the HIIT machine she’s on she’s on the tur dude

    You want to know how it’s made she’s just putting down her phone and just recording her doing hip thrusters and posting it online showing up on your Instagram you’re a little Jack horny over there sitting on your thumb and [ __ ] it’s made from skimmed milk by raining CDs but retaining some of the

    Way and keeping the CDs loose this this is what the CDs look like the CDs are just that’s a curtain though they’re warming up on the sidelines they got their helmet on yo you might go in any second you won’t play away can we give some Vindication to

    Someone who Texas ass Sweatman who might have pooped his pants but now he claiming it’s coffee he got wronged man bro that ain’t that ain’t coffee bro dude I believe it dog not there buddy okay hold on okay so I have several questions about no one just poops their

    Pants like that why you going all white on Bourbon by the way Reckless move if you poop your pants you don’t just walk around Bourbon Street and brought daylight my kid did so there was a tweet that went out yesterday of a dude who who allegedly pooped his pants on

    Bourbon Street uh he got busted down on Bourbon Street for pooping his pants yeah see who just happens to have a c that’s sorry he Cott in 4k okay but the video that they show originally showed or like this original video we have it on the

    Screen right now just a screenshot of it the wife like walks up and like touches it yeah you don’t walk up and touch it if it’s Dudu which Mees makes me actually believe that it’s coffee she was concerned for her man walk around looking like he had doooo butt she’s

    Down ass for that he was down ass that’s W RZ so he all then he went and tweeted he he saw he must have seen this going on and been like I gotta I gotta vindicate myself here and so he’s gone on Twitter from his own personal account Corey

    Elliott shouts to Corey and he said there’s currently a video viral on the internet of me walking with a brown substance on the back of my white shorts it was coffee and it has been since cleaned off I sat and summon our lift truly hash blast see if it wasn’t coffee

    If it was dooo he’s not cleaning and putting those drawers back on he’s got to do an emergency like dip into a store somewhere did he go to like lefit and like go in the sink and just wash that coffee out and then like go sit there

    It’s hard to get that out cuz like you go to the clean picture I believe that he can get this out pretty efficient but at the same time how do you dry this so quickly cuz you need to absolutely just soak these things yeah I don’t know how he cleaned it off so

    Well he looks like the kind of dude who would Doo his pants though no come on you can’t you can’t do that to our man Cory Elliot dude he’s got doooo pants face no dude the worst person in the world is the person who posted the original video the dude with the stuff

    On his pants no matter what if you got stuff on your pants it’s bro code it’s man code that you don’t sit there and and video your boy’s butt all right you see you see you Ohio State fan walking down Bourbon Street with dooo pants you’re not going to get your phone out

    I’m not tweeting it okay I might I might I might send it to the a group text but I’m not tweeting that I’m not GNA I’m not going to publicly expose someone for that go back to the original photo if I ever found out if I was like playing

    Golf one day Dylan and I had swamp ass going on and I went on my phone after the round and saw that I was tagged in an Instagram story and you had zoomed in on my swamp ass like that’s on site action like that is that is not what you

    Can do with your boy yeah we’re fighting my man pooped his pants potentially in the Jordan Els I believe yeah those are clean they are clean he rocked some Jordan Els and then white shorts and a white jersey on Bourbon she hit him with the all white too CRA they did go with

    The white jerseys last night though we finally got CR to put on his Texas football jersey last night for the first time they won the uniform battle I will say that yeah I like the heres I like how like simple simple Washington’s is but Texas is classic did

    They have a husky at the game I think so I didn’t pay attention I think they did bivo was there holding it down they should have put him in a [ __ ] smoker after and ate him like they did the Pop-Tart a what are you doing you can’t put a whole

    Steer in a smoker like I don’t really watch commercials at this point it’s phone time for me I I can’t recall commercials because they don’t really stick with me the brand activation done for the Pop-Tart stuff was the most amazing marketing I’ve seen in years it

    Made me want to go buy poptarts if there like anyone that was on the team that came up with that entire thing I want that person on my team now like that is that is amazing marketing what was the uh one they tried to do last night and they kept screwing

    It up it was the uh Mayhem Mayhem oh yeah yeah that was horrible and even when they got it right it was [ __ ] pathetic yeah it was supposed to be like he was throwing stuff into the crowd and the whole crowd was just didn’t know they’re on camera just standing there

    That was an L it was a major L and on the heels of the Pop-Tart thing too it’s like o when that when that [ __ ] went put down the toaster and then a real like edible uh mascot came out and they started to just tear it apart that was great think

    The mascot got laid that night he’s he was eating ho I I don’t think they have popos don’t have penises good point they do yeah yeah yeah well he could the poptart could have just gotten just like you could dagger I guess he did a couple pop tootes no who do pop

    Tootes doing they called pop tootes poppers what are poppers poppers for the table hard to say you sit down at a table and poppers are on the menu and you don’t order them for the table you’re a flawed guy the best the best jalapeno popper I’ve ever had was at uh

    Dylan’s family range really yes yes the poppers are just absolutely hitting that day along with the 8 O Miller Miller Liv they were smoked I believe yeah we brought our own jalapeno poppers and and we we approached the situation with them and it was like we got to put these

    Poppers away we we are disrespecting the other poppers on the table right now did you bring the the pre-made HB poppers yes poppers get zipped up no we did he he hemade him though he body bagged your poppers we hit him we hit him with the

    HB straight up HB Johns they’re not bad they’re fun in a pinch no no they’re not no I but when you roll into a homemade like I just did these situation you you got you got to have a little apprehension yeah they were on the sideline let’s go get this Epstein list

    It’s it’s trending with 690,000 posts about it this morning David bro people I saw people yesterday being like Oh my God Bill Clinton is on the list we that dude listen to a podcast once listen to Donald listen to the Cheeto man one time he’s been talking about this for

    Years so this is it’s imminent then right it’s I mean it’s about to hit they said it was going to drop either January 1st or January 2nd and the post on Twitter today say it’s dropping later this afternoon there’s going to be like redacted names if it’s if it’s if it’s

    Actually juicy like if there’s actual juice to this it’s going to be the best birthday present I could have got think the juice is on there I don’t think OJ’s on it I would believe it if he was but I don’t I’m gonna say OJ is not on it

    Hello toter World OJ hello little St James little St Randy all right let’s get this list then like that at all little St Randy’s not good bye Bye


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