This is Dogman Uki right I’m sick tired their [ __ ] War they could Ram up their ass right what you’re about to see and here is on their own words all the crap all the stuff that been up to how I got dragged into how I got manipulated all these

    Women come run to me all these people was victims of all their War right come run to me I stood up there it right is there [ __ ] war never was my War right everybody’s jumped the B Mar and all the all these things have been manipulated all the way through well I’m

    Done cuz after this video you can go and hating each other in your shitty ass Community right Griff do what you want you’ve all been exposed for what years I’ve done right at least I’ve done the right thing and stood up to it but a lot of you have got a lot to

    Answer for everybody just sat back and watched me get attacked for months right and nah and everybody’s defending all their little friends right your friends AR in my friends that are all attacking me right so go and run along with your little friends right because I’m done

    With all you are know us are part of the problem us are the enablers right so what you’re about to hear is that little abnormal investigations he brought me into all this right then sit and saying that I got involved in everything what a load of [ __ ]

    [ __ ] and run along and tell J oh he’s just trying to keep the war on and everything what more [ __ ] and everything you hear it in all their own words right what’s exact what’s going on all the players involved all the people in the background I hope just comes up with all

    The people in the background right n are welcome on my channel I don’t care if you like me or not right people’s waiting up to what you have all done right and what could I say cuz after I put this I’m done with all you little [ __ ] rats little wronging yeah so run

    Along with your grifting groups and your hate groups and whatever you’re doing to each other just keep it all Ed and leave good people alone right cuz I tell you what he’s a nothing everybody’s got me all wrong right and in a sense it’s brought good

    People together right I met a lot of good people through all this bad stuff right so let’s start with all this let’s listen to this piece of [ __ ] normal investigations mik so you want to [ __ ] St and you want to tell Jos I’m trying to keep the war going right

    I’ll show exact what I said in my live right but let’s hear what you’ve got to say about me your little r picture feels better she’s not on drugs so she can do a toast with us tonight on MOX oh last time I mean you can’t drink with the drug she’s kind of

    Gy but uh I don’t know guys you think that big would will be out tonight the cold weather because I don’t know oh uh Mr dog man I guess is mad at me he’s put out about 12 videos of me in about 12 minutes that guy over there has freaked

    Out he’s had too much Scotch I think I can’t understand yeah it’s hard to understand well he drinks so filthy m i mean I say bad words don’t get me wrong guys I am no saint trust me I cuss C quite a bit but nothing like what he does I just oh

    Yeah thanks Lita she said honey if he’s out you’ll find him yeah we’re gonna sit Sarah out there yeah Lori I think he does a little bit of that but no no he’s he’s a weird character so seeing I’m doing drugs you little hate preaching [ __ ] don’t worry your time will come

    You little [ __ ] [ __ ] definitely different I went on there to try to uh talk to him and he blocked me you know it’s the funny thing about him is whenever you go to talk to him and you try to be you know adult about it look here guys somebody’s camping down

    Here on the Old Creek bet you they better have them a fire tonight too for me to be no I’d have to have me a woman right now if I be camping to keep me warm so you like tell Li saying that I’m drunk right and I

    Take drugs now you little hate preaching freak you think you’re going to get away with all this you little rat now let’s hear what I say to you when you come into my life you little liar little [ __ ] stter little hate preacher told you I’ll come to receipts I’m exposing it

    All everybody let’s hear what I’ve got to say right cuz this little [ __ ] stutter it’s try to cause me trouble my turn hello who’s just joined rats come out whatever you hello JP how are you doing my brother like you get this channel you’re not welcome here you little rat

    Bye want AB normal investigations fake BS go run along to your little cut leader and he do you’re not worth it you’re all exposed for who you are it’s all coming out with rat how you doing GP so abnormal then you’re run away to Josh and see I’m doing all these things

    And that oh let’s hear what j’s got to say now cuz it’s all going to get exposed right now you see what I’ve got to deal with right when they’re all shit’s done right everybody now let’s hear what Josh’s got to say because this stuff’s all serious

    By the way right and all this needs to stop right because there’s people sring this on the background I’ve caught on yet and certain people were all involved right certain people still St that snakes will always be snakes so let’s hear for this BS talker

    Josh and just so you know this is all a targeted attacks at me it’s been happening for months everybody I’m not having that no more I just want to know this is why why you see why I’m getting mad cuz they’re all trying to put on me when it’s all

    Them right they’ve done targeted attacks for months right this is very serious what they’ve been doing to people including me but I’ve stood up to all what about everybody else that just sat and allowed it to hurt them remember that shaming all use I’m glad people’s woking up to

    This uh they’re on board everybody’s just like you know we want this to end cease the hostility going back and forth um you know I said some things recently about him and his mother it was information that was given to me which I don’t know it could go back to someone

    That doesn’t like him I don’t know if it was completely true or not but what he was saying that my wife was saying wasn’t true and so I was like you know I don’t know if this was true or not but I’ve been sitting on it for 3 months and

    I threw it out there that was wrong of me and I’m big enough to sit here and say hey I shouldn’t have done that I was angry and I know what he was saying what he was saying which wasn’t the truth he was angry yeah dog man UK yes I’m gonna say

    Sorry yes Josh boy yes yeah you’re not going to drag me onto your channel little little piss an and rap me through the coals like you did with him I’m not going to do that okay if he chooses to go on your channel that’s on him what

    You need to do right now dog man UK is apologized for all the crap that you’ve been saying about me you know and he can deal with you however he wants to deal with you okay you want to be Rhonda’s friend go ahead you want to be her lap

    Dog be her new lap dog her new attack dog um what Ronda M was doing Ronda L lanard was doing and Ronda I know you’re probably listening was very underhanded because you kept on putting messages messages and messages that he had said and you were trying to get everybody to

    To get riled up and and fight with this guy but you wouldn’t do it yourself and then all the messages you sent me which you think I’m stupid I guess and that I don’t have receipts but you deleted them all why’d you do that why’d you delete all those

    Messages yeah folks it was a big old blow up between me and her because I told her to basically screw off quit messaging me quit trying to dictate to me you want to sit back and wage a war by proxy with your brother and you want

    To sit back and be innocent in this Tina warned me about you Way Way Back in the beginning and I warned everyone about you that I didn’t trust you I never did I never did there’s other things I know too that I that were very suspicious of

    You um and so you think that I just all of a sudden woke up on one side of the bed and decided to be that’s the picture that you’re painting like to everyone that you just all of a sudden woke up and I had said something bad about you

    Or to you whatever that’s not what happened that’s not what happened at all and UK dog man you can keep commenting all you want you’re just uh Angry and bitter because you want somebody to poke at and mess with well you can poke and mess with me all you want my listeners aren’t

    Going to go and care what you have to say you’re irrelevant right oh yeah right right gold man yeah right that’s all you do is talk um if you want to be a good guy then apologize for all the crap you’ve been saying and doing like

    Mike did and um then I’ll forgive you and I didn’t I haven’t done anything to you so I have nothing to ask for forgiveness for and then we’ll be fine otherwise go to hell okay thank you scorpion for taking care of my trash there yes dog man go

    Make some videos pump out some videos about me or Mike or whoever you’re irrelevant okay and you’re trying to become relevant by saying mean things the only thing I agree with you on is the stuff you were saying about D okay go talk about do DOS I don’t care okay

    Um do DOS has not reached out to try to make peace um nor will he more than likely I don’t think he will um am I accepting friends on Facebook again not at this time I’m sorry um also I don’t really know the extent of which Mike’s sister like I don’t know

    What what her role in all of this is to what extent okay until we know more we can’t really comment I do have my suspicions about a couple things um and Mike and me had had a long talk yesterday like I said it was about two hour long conversation putting some of

    The pieces together and so today she makes a post saying oh it worked like she had some master plan whatever I don’t know what your plan was lady and I don’t care I don’t give a crap like I told Mike yesterday what you have going on with him I’m not involved in y’all’s

    Domestic squabbles I’m not involved in your family matters I don’t care I don’t want to be involved I told Mike this yesterday I said here on on the live I don’t I don’t need to know that much about someone’s family okay I really don’t I’m not here to pick sides in a domestic

    Dispute and then honesty in all honesty folks this war would have been over a long time ago if other people hadn’t got involved and poured kerosene on the fire DW getting involved DS getting involved Ronda everybody on all these different sides and I don’t give a crap

    If you all team up and buy a tank and come drive it to my house I don’t give a crap I’m going to fight back I’m not going to take your crap I don’t care and the people that are throwing barbs at me for making peace it started last night

    When Mike made his live certain people like an angry Hive of of wasps I’m going to call them bees because bees are actually cool they decided to launch attacks on me and say a bunch of crap to me and about me because they’re mad because Mike went forward and said hey

    We’re at peace now I told Mike that would happen I told him I said people aren’t going to be happy about this this should be an example though for the rest of the community four months of trading blows barbs and uh I could sit here and say I

    Didn’t like Ike at all and I’m sure he didn’t like me probably still doesn’t I don’t really care about him at this point one way or the other in the last month has been kind of just half punching back because I don’t I know I

    Don’t I just want to move on I want peace things that he claims that my wife said never happened that never she never said those things those conversations are recorded it’s there and there’s things that I could have released in those conversations a long time ago but

    That’s that’s not how I do things like I gave DW every chance before I released those texts same thing with you Janice I did the same thing before you kept talking talking talking and it made you look like a fool whenever I released those those texts back and forth the

    Messages you claimed were so damaging and once again another crazy person that I want to be done with okay Janice Blake going around saying that you’re hiding from me and you’re here in Texas why would you announce that you’re here in Texas and that you’re hiding from me

    If you’re hiding from me if you’re so scared why would you announce to the entire world that that you’re in Texas I don’t want to know where you’re at I don’t care no one is calling you day and night no one is messing with you

    No one has any care about you at all and Mike told me he thinks you have dominion you know I this is funny this has been going for four months because I put a silly little message saying stop the hate I got brought into this just remember that and all the attacks come

    At me so I don’t know if that’s true or not but I mean you know I think me and Mike were being pretty honest yesterday and laying all the cards out there most of what he said adds up I mean there are a lot of weird things going on a lot of

    People saying a lot of stuff and they want to see us fight and they want to continue Dogman UK is a prime example he is getting something out of this war now like I said am going to be best friends with Mike no we’re not we’re not

    Going to hold hands and and toast marshmallows and and sing Kum Bay okay maybe sometime way down in the future when the wounds have healed we can actually you know be okay whatever but for now at least you know he extended the olive branch yesterday on his show like he said he

    Would and uh you know that’s fine that’s good enough for me I’m good now these other people who are doing all the stuff that they’re doing if you uh DW and D dolls same thing goes I don’t want to be your friend we’re not going to be

    Friends I can tell you right now we’re not we you know I don’t hold grudges I’m not a grudge guy you know what I mean like once it’s over it’s over everybody’s like oh he’ll fight with you and then he’ll be your friend G I don’t

    Give a crap because that’s how it works once you know where I’m coming from then I’m not going to take your crap that’s where we’re at my is you know what he’s done what he’s done part of living a Christian Life if you’re a true follower of Christ you

    Know this and you understand this it is to forgive that Jesus says how many when when he was asked how many times can you forgive a thousand times a thousand you keep forgiving my brother my own cousin some of my really best friends have done some things to me that make me so

    Mad but I forgive them and I move on and if they ask me for some help I’ll still help them now is that mean I’m going to take their crap no does that mean you have to take their crap no but when it’s time to forgive you forgive and you move on

    That’s what we’re doing right now that’s what we’re doing right here okay you forgive and you move on tonight there will be a show another live and batina will be in studio with me and we’re going to tell some stories like we always do and we’re going to do what

    We’ve been doing I’m sick of people saying that we’re not telling stories and and taking people’s encounters and putting people on shirt yes we are it has not stopped we have gone further we’ve done more and we hit 30,000 subscribers a few days ago well before the New Year we’re almost at 30,100

    We’re just rolling along there’s nothing you know stop saying these things if you were a supporter of the show you keep a lot of you kept saying you wanted this war to end you wanted this war to end and then the minute it end you’re all up in arms why are you making

    Peace with this guy some of the same people who were claiming that they wanted this war to end you got what you wanted you said that it was taking up too much time and that I needed to Let It Go block delete right everything’s fine don’t don’t argue back don’t say

    Anything and then when I do then there’s a problem and then you come in and one of you I called you out on it I called you out on it because I was like here’s the screenshot of you saying that you wanted me to end this and now

    You’re saying stand your ground keep fighting blah blah blah how about we do this how about the people that want to keep fighting you keep fighting how about these so-called allies of mine who didn’t do anything they just sat there and watched me fight these people two to nil and kept telling

    Me do this do that blah blah blah and sending me information and and trying to get me to fight why don’t those people go fight and Rhonda you’re telling me to go get my lawyers I do have a lawyer and it was suggested to me to play

    Defense that’s what it was suggested to because it’s much easier to depose than to prove so why don’t you go get a lawyer and go fight your brother instead of telling me and my wife and you said that in the messages you said that that we need to

    Use our lawyers to go fight you said you had a lawyer go do it okay but then by the same turn of the coin you wanted to say that you were defending your mother and your brother against me and that I was telling lies well for all I know

    This information that was that was given um you know I don’t know who it came from honestly Rhonda I know the person that gave it to me and I know that uh well I don’t know what your relationship is with him so I don’t know so why don’t you go get a lawyer

    Okay and go Sue Mike or sue me or whoever the hell you want to sue I’m sick of you and your crap and I’m sick of you stoking the Flames stoking the Flames but you’re too cowardly to come out and face this guy yourself you want someone else to do the

    Fighting well I’m not going to be played okay and I’m not going to do your dirty work anymore okay because you’re you’re laying on my back and getting riding me to to while I fight this guy and these other people and you don’t lift a finger

    You just sit back and act like you’re everybody’s friend and you didn’t want to be exposed for being the person that you are well now honey you’re exposed okay in a big way yeah I told you yesterday I didn’t want I don’t want any more messages from

    Me I meant it and then you went back after I had you know told you off you took all of the messages and you deleted them why would you delete them only a guilty person deletes messages if you had nothing behind hide why would you do

    That see you want me to fight Mike so now it’s your turn you can go fight Mike and Mike you don’t have anything to worry about for me I’m done I’m out so you can just focus your attention on her where right before I continue this right

    When this war all started right I was going R Josh’s channel was just find My Feet on YouTube Mike’s Channel loads of other channels right I got a t with d dos and all that at the start and he brought that Waters and tried to isolate

    Me right so I got prepared for what happens something happened between these two I don’t know what I put in the I put in the chat right hash stop the hate right then all a son I went on to Josh’s Channel after Mike’s abnormal investigation I didn’t even know it was

    Josh right I didn’t even have a clue about the war or what was going on between them right I got to joshy’s channel right all your sudden I’m bombarded shouldn’t you be on the other Camp right and getting attack with all the PRT mob that’s what brought me into

    The war they not little [ __ ] stirring abnormal investigations kept on filling the Flames all the little air boots in the ground kept on coming in all the little PRT mob kept on attacking me right they all stubbed at all there were other people there I could for all this

    Right they’ve all started at all all these women have been coming saying they’re all attacking me and everything and that they’re doing this to me and all that so I stood up for them right because that’s what they were do to me and now it’s all getting revealed

    Right so all these people saring [ __ ] right I told you I got brought into this I never asked for none of this right and this is the thing about it all and everybody just sat back and watched me get a ATT for [ __ ] months right

    Standing up to it right when you are all [ __ ] St in the background right I’ll continue this in a minute I’m going to have a quick cigarette cuz I’m pissed off so be this in mind right just two weeks prior to this D do attack me and try to isolate me I got

    ATT with loads of other people in the community that’s why I putting hasht stop the heat right cuz they all try to attack me gang up on me and other people in this so-called Community right so when I went in there I got the sub story

    For this trash piece of crap and all his little ear books on the ground right who’s been manipulating and playing all this and getting everybody feeling sorry for him sending all the women are across the me saying that Josh’s doing this they’re attacking my family attacking my sisters they’re attacking me this

    They’re doing this they’re doing that oh Josh is attacking me at the conference Josh is doing all this and everything then after them attacking me right I was thinking no [ __ ] way I’m getting attacked for what I never even done [ __ ] to anybody right and this little [ __ ] stalking the

    Fu playing the little game the sub story and all the rest of it oh I was on to you I followed this the whole way through right while your little camp and all your little [ __ ] Mr Peterson account remember a few your people attacked me or know Mr abnormal investigations after that

    Happened I caught on everything and all these women come out and comeing and saying all this stuff’s happening right I was already mad about everything right it was going on about me getting attacked right and I decided to stand up to it right cuz I didn’t want anybody

    Else to go through it and you manipulated it and all these other [ __ ] in the background manipulated it right like I say you brought me into your [ __ ] more I never asked for [ __ ] none of it right so stop [ __ ] coming with all that sub story you lying

    Piece of [ __ ] go back to my older videos go check all the older messages coming for your [ __ ] mob ear boots of the [ __ ] face [ __ ] so they start all that with your [ __ ] lies your manipulation [ __ ] hate preaching me your fakes yeah and what you’ve done to

    People and what you’ve done to your own people and all the rest that needs to be called out and what you’ve well it’ll come out I didn’t need to expose you for what you’ve been up to HH lying manipulation using people [ __ ] all the rest it give me [ __ ] sto in the fuel

    Get me off fired up with all your little [ __ ] people sending the woman to get me to feel sorry for them right well Josh you got played to come and attack me right like I told you I got brought into this I didn’t even know it was

    [ __ ] you right when I was just fing my feet after getting attack with everybody I was going to everybody’s channels fighing my feet right so you need to get the facts right before all this happened right is that little piece of [ __ ] in his little [ __ ] group and

    All the manipulators and all the other channels behind the scene right it’s time to get [ __ ] see what happened right I was standing up for all the [ __ ] woman right cuz they were all telling me what you were doing and showing me stuff right what happened at

    The conference and what you what your mobile done to me I just got attacked to the blue how the [ __ ] did I know this I was getting fed drip fed all this information by the way this is what I say I know more about this than what you

    Think by the way right that little manipulating Ling little [ __ ] hate preach and [ __ ] right and not DS and [ __ ] all the rest all me right you need to check right who’s on in the background all this so when you all ganged up on me and attack me right

    There were other people involved in us I figured this out for the start I’ve been going through this for months with them all the way be [ __ ] lies and that little rat W pay yeah this is why I’m exposing it all right so you need to go and check your

    Own people you need to go and check who’s been sring the fuel right I’ve been on it for months right we need to get the real facts out here right so everybody you’re going to see for yourself right we’ll get back to what Josh is saying right cuz M’s a line

    Pie is trashed right and needs to be stopped and don’t think you’re getting off the hook too just because you’ve done a lot of wrong too but not as wrong as they [ __ ] right and not D us and all the rest it right which other people’s exposing on

    That I’m not getting involved in all that I’m just wanting this [ __ ] to show people around how I got dragged into this this is a family feud between family members I don’t want to be involved in it but thanks for pushing and getting us involved you used a fake account too

    Rhonda to lure Us in to go after him didn’t you yeah so folks that’s what we’re dealing with Mike went all in guns blazing whatever his allies went all in guns blazing I called him F5 y’all know that and uh I’m not pulling punches I’m just telling you right

    Now that I don’t want to fight anymore I’m done I’m tapped out and if you people who are out there listening I know some of you are sneaking around listening some of the ones that were saying things to me yesterday last night saying that I’m a I’m a loser for

    Backing off and letting it go whatever why don’t you put your money where your mouth is why don’t you go invest in lawyers and go after these people yourself if you’re so committed to this war like dog man UK why don’t you go fight you yeah

    Right yeah I’m sure you’re going to make a thousand videos about me where you Babble On and nobody can understand what the hell you’re saying because you got half a brain obviously to keep messing with me ain’t nobody care what you have to say you crazy dude all right I’m

    Going to extend the Olive Branch to you too you come and you apologize you make a video publicly apologizing to me and we’re all good you don’t I told you I’ll give an apology if you can put your head between your arms and kiss it right I’ll get an apology all

    Right you got one hope both hope no [ __ ] hope do that don’t ever talk to me okay I will forgive you because that’s what I’m supposed to do I will forgive you right now I’ve say publicly I forgive you but as far as backing off and just

    Being okay with you you need to you need to apologize and you need to apologize to me and you need to apologize to other people you’ve attacked all right but I can’t speak for Mike and dos and all them you got to do what you got to

    Do guys y’all go to him y’all do whatever I don’t care y’all do whatever you got to do far as me in my house you’ve attacked my friends too Lono boo oh yeah oh yeah do you not remember the singling me attacking me all your people pulling me into all

    This bring me into stuff it was [ __ ] all day with me he’s not remembering that cuz I do I cly went through [ __ ] hell when I was supporting people and supporting her used right and I went over there to support big fot Miss and Rob you just couldn’t help yourself I

    Told you to leave me alone and you done it and there were other people there that witnessed it right and everybody said was [ __ ] wrong and not one person stood updated you not remember of that Josh and that little sneaky little [ __ ] [ __ ] sat there he he’s just a

    [ __ ] troll what for me getting attacked it wasn’t it just use it when attacking I was getting attacked by loads of people you forget that but keep continuing right because this is the sort of thing that needs to be exposed oh yeah right you attack them I’m going to tell you right now

    Dude anybody who wants to keep this war going stay the hell away from me okay I’m a man of my word and I gave this man whether he’s honorable or not in your eyes isn’t for us to judge that’s between him and God like I told him

    Yesterday I said we both have to stand before God for what we’ve done and said I will he will and everybody here in this chat everybody listening everybody who listens this you will have to do that whether you believe it or not that’s what’s going to happen you’re

    Going to have to and I’m going to have to sit there with a long list of things and tell God God I I did yeah I did those things I said these things bear false witness what I did and what Mike has done is bearing false witness I did

    That because I went on someone’s word that told me this and I said yeah I believe that this happened but when you’re so angry there’s no butt it was just be being angry and prideful and saying mean nasty things because I was angry and then Mike retaliated by saying mean nasty things

    And bearing false witness we both did it okay I’m guilty of it the one thing Wanda said that was true was that we were both acting like children and I took that to heart you were right about that L but the other thing though you

    Have to understand and this is a butt to you you have stoked the Flames severely severely you want your brother gone like I don’t know you have have a passion for hating that guy like I have never seen and you may have a right to that

    Passion and that hate I don’t know I have no idea but until you let go of that anger and that hate you’re going to be stuck in a Perpetual cycle with him now remember everybody this is Alm Mighty star or a bloody photo between us right now you see the manipulation you

    See what’s been going on you see the people that’s all been stoking a few in the background here right which I got dragged into all this just remember that loads of people’s been seeing this for the start what I’ve been doing standing up to all this try to stop all this

    Don’t forget that when everybody else just sat there I S and took all the hassle I took it on right to help [ __ ] so-called victims and victims of all this [ __ ] War right cuz I’ve got a [ __ ] P of balls and I’ve got a [ __ ] heart what do you

    Use all day me relation [ __ ] done you all need to be held accountable for what you’ve done but let’s listen to more of this cuz I’m getting really [ __ ] angry right so folks I want to pray I want you to pray for Rhonda and I want you to

    Pray for Mike and and the rest of their family that they can find peace and resolution but until you let go of whatever it is that you’re so mad about because you gave me a Litany of reasons okay and there’s some things that I could say about you that I’m not going to

    Say because I’m trying to be super polite right now but I also think that you have a lot to answer for in this war you wanted to stay in the shadows and commit cuge and sabotage and whatever now just remember all these people reached out to me after these are

    Part me right and see I stood up to it they all reached up to me and said they done this at the conference to me or my brother done this abnormal when he’s little [ __ ] air boots of The Fakes right I stalked all this right then all

    Their people coming to attack me then all the other channels coming to attack me I was getting attack for all sides right and I stood up to it remember on my own and I went through hell for months because of all this right cuz it was never my War I got brought in

    It HH shame on [ __ ] all you you manipulated [ __ ] pieces of [ __ ] and this is why I’m exposing it all because it needs to be done right so people can see what I’ve had to go through [ __ ] hell and look all the innocent victims you have all caused and

    All sides all because a bloody photo right and attacking between right because they’re all do their fake lies and the fake Ai and the fake [ __ ] and all the rest it right and they don’t like it right if you’re not a kiss ass I to kiss us to anybody and I never will

    Be that’s a fact and just bear this in mind I was supporting a lot of channels right and know I don’t support them now you don’t see me in their channels now you see why and not be exposed now as your friend said on the post in

    One of the groups you were in what woman or what child wouldn’t want their mother’s love I get that you want your mother’s approval whatever but at the cost you’re going to burn everything down including me to get it throw everyone under the bus Josh you and Mike are threw

    Everybody under the bus right even your own people right even your own friends right you tried to make me a victim all you’ve done is Made Me Stronger to stand up to you to show everybody exposes just remember that I stood up to use and you there about it right and

    This is why I’m exposing it all cuz it’s time all these little [ __ ] stutters in the background and I hope you all name and shame all these people that’s been stalking all the fuel of this fire right cuz a bit time they get exposed right because why is it only certain channels

    That stood up and everybody else is satday and [ __ ] start all back I apologize for whatever I said about your m y’all love your mother like I love mine my deceased mother that Korn attacked tonight on the show I’m going to tell you the story of my

    Mother because I think now was the most appropriate time I talked about it with patina I talked about it with my wife and I talked about it with Anthony Tony Chris kff all of my friends who were here for the New Year’s and I said said I think it’s time

    I’m going to tell you what happened to my mother when she died not the one you know time she died recently in 2021 and she rest in peace but before that she was on the operating table she died twice and I’m going to tell you what she

    Saw it takes a lot for me to come forward to talk about this is very hard I’m going to tell you what she saw and hopefully it’ll touch some people and then there’s some other stories you’re going to hear tonight but that one is a one that’s

    Taken me years to come up to talk about so I apologize for what I said about y’all’s mother it’s a rumor there was somebody some bues who told us that and I don’t know the exact Source but it was said I want you to know that

    So the person or persons I don’t know if it’s true or not I don’t think it’s right for me to out them because I don’t know if they’re being honest I don’t know if it’s true they swear up and down that they were told that and that they

    Claim that maybe it is maybe it’s not but perpetuating rumors is not good what you think you have all been [ __ ] D for the start you’ve all been putting yourself first your channels first right all your own people [ __ ] everybody else [ __ ] all the innocent people and all the rest it

    Right well no you all need to be held accountable right and all these little [ __ ] sers behind the ground all these other channels all these people right that have caused all this right I hope he names and shames them right go Josh there’s a favor could tell

    Me all the other [ __ ] right have been in the background right be a man right you got a p balls right be a man right we all know abnormal investigation M’s not a man his little hate family and all the rest it like that right but be a man

    Tell me who all these are and I’ll [ __ ] expose it right I’ll call them all [ __ ] out right yeah you have all started this [ __ ] War he have all cus all this hate divide what for what’s it achieved you just contradict yourselves you just made yourselves look all stupid

    Right you pushed me to the point where I thought [ __ ] this I’m standing up to it all right and all your little fake accounts your hate groups off attacking people’s families what the [ __ ] then kids all these people scared to come back on YouTube scared to come at their

    Homes to the point where I was getting messages saying that people were going to commit suicide because you’re all used right and you wonder why I got [ __ ] angry and you wonder why I stood up to it and the things I’ve seen on the both of these what you’re doing in your groups

    Right I they can just get away with it right vag break then we’ll continue this after let’s get back to this so these pieces of [ __ ] it’s orchestrated us all the way for the start it’s all come for the abnormal investigation side right other little hate [ __ ] I

    Figured out what was going on anyway I followed this the whole way through I’ve stood up to it what you have done to families what you’ve done to women there seem to be a pattern a all you wronging why do you always go after the weak

    People tried to come after me but I [ __ ] stood up to you caught you right out but you need to look in house right on both sides and all the people about you and all the other [ __ ] channels and see right we’ll get back to this cuz I’m [ __ ]

    Raging and it’s getting exposed for what it is you’re not shutting me up you can’t threaten me or suppress me just remember that Gilly boys and I did that and I’m guilty of that and I’m not that kind of person I’m not squeaky clean Mr good guy

    I’m not a saint I’m not an angel okay I’m a man and I’m flawed and I have issues okay everybody knows that because everybody has issues if you claim that you don’t have issues you’re lying you’re lying to yourself you’re lying to those around you and you’re lying before

    God you know what I’ve got issues with all attacking all these innocent victims and try to make me a victim right I’ve got issues with all that I’ve got issues why you attack family why you attack kids why you attacked your own people why you’ve attacked all the other channels stabbed

    Each other in the back brought everybody else into your [ __ ] [ __ ] War right you don’t have to answer for that to God not me I stood up to it all at least i’ done a decent thing what did you do just remember that everybody’s seen

    It do you think I put myself through all this hell if I didn’t think it was [ __ ] wrong what was going on I caught and run it all luckily I followed it all the way through and stuck by it and stuck my guns right all the way through and I use little [ __ ]

    Sers just remember I want you all use it know I just hope people do the right thing and name and shame of the other channel so I could call them out right cuz it needs to be done and all these other people right is stalked to this

    Because all this needs to stop for your so-called Community cuz it ain’t my community I didn’t want to party none of this you all [ __ ] a bunch of rat hate preaches about what other people judges in that one CU I ain’t judge in nothing because the on this is over with I’m [ __ ]

    Done and I’m no different I’m not perfect but what you see is what you get yeah I need to lose a few pounds I’m working on that everybody’s got the New Year’s resolution I’ve been I don’t do that I just go and just do it I gained 20 lbs since the

    Conference too much work and no play and all bunch of bickering and fighting and stuff well it’ll do that to you I’m sure it’s taking its toll on everybody involved these men that I’m I’ve been fighting with I don’t think that they’re good people I don’t think that they’re

    Good guys I’m not going to sit up here and tell you that um I will say this Mike has the least rap sheet I you know whatever but the other guys like I told him I said you’re going to have you know people who they’re not going to like this

    Piece they’re probably not going to respect it and now if you gentlemen out there are willing to come to me and talk to me like a man I’ll drop it too with you it doesn’t mean you have to like me you can hate my guts and I can hate yours and I

    Won’t hate you because I don’t hate but I will let it go because I’m that person I’m not a good guy I’m just trying to be a good guy everybody likes to say that I’m a good person let’s be honest we all born in sin will die in it let you get your

    Heart right with Jesus and I will say this not here to preach right now but everyone of every faith and every every gender every race everything is welcome at our table the round table I’m not a Prejudice person I don’t choose color I don’t choose gender I

    Don’t choose you know but I’m not I’m not a social justice Warrior and by any stretch of the imagination I’m not into this woke culture bull crap that’s what you’re looking for you’re in the wrong place but by the same token if you are that’s

    On you I that’s your thing man I don’t judge people based on any of those things and during this war I’ve been accused of every sin imaginable and what they don’t know is I’ve had people for his PRT mob try to send me information I’ve had people for the

    Normal investigations try to send me information on them all right I’ve had other people who they’ve all stabbed in the back right including their own people right try to send me information right on it all do you not smell something here everybody cuz I [ __ ]

    Do I stood up for all the people by the way right and when it come to it right they scared away they left me to deal with her I stuck to my guns and I stood up there to call it out for what it was where are they now they’re all doing

    Damage control cuz they’ve all been caught out not CL other channels on all by the way stting this I just hope people I just hope these [ __ ] Jokers nameing [ __ ] them I know who some of them are I don’t know who all the corporates are but I know who some are

    Right come on J just give me the fire right I’ll show them my [ __ ] fire because it’s not just how use it getting cold it they all need to be exposed to [ __ ] sers in the background right just did the right thing and name and shame them right

    Cuz I’m no W no [ __ ] away with this right there no way hell you are getting away with what you have all done right you need to be held accountable for what you have all done you didn’t like it when I stood up to use right I’m so

    [ __ ] glad I did and I would did a million times over right to stop this for happening to anybody else cuz like I say I was never a victim I was standing up for the [ __ ] victims what were us doing damage control protect your own interest [ __ ] everybody else that’s in

    The way just remember that everything from racism to sexism to homophobia to to the I am gay and and whatever you call it um just everything you think of got a rash on my sorry for that one but it’s you know I was accused of everything you could

    Possibly imagine and I still hopefully this is an example for people I forgive of these people and it’s I’m not the judge and juror of you people of you men you have to judge and yourself okay and you have to choose peace hopefully you guys will let this

    Man Mike have peace hopefully you Rhonda will let him have peace like I’m doing because I’m not here to judge this guy for what he’s done or what he hasn’t done what whatever his sins are it’s not my place to judge him it’s not his place to judge me I’m

    Not here to judge deontre dos I’m not here to judge dark Waters I’m not here to judge those men or da I’m not here to judge you either you said you’re never going to forgive me well I forgave you the minute you said what you said and

    When you were sick I prayed for you do I like you as a person no I don’t I think you’re very flawed and we just don’t go together we just don’t we don’t mix but do I hate you no do I wish you the best

    Yes do do whatever you got to do write books go fishing your your son is a great kid I like he’s a good kid your family is wonderful I don’t I don’t you know there’s there’s people who have wonderful families I’m sure you know everybody has a good family therez

    People that you know my dad is not was not a great guy but uh you know I think I think me and my brother and my one sister came out okay the other one I honestly I think she’s a sociopath that’s my opinion and Nell can attested

    That the thing she’s told us she doesn’t feel anything for people when somebody says that that’s take it for what it is they they’re being honest they don’t feel anything and you can’t make them feel anything so you got to understand there’s people that are like

    That I love everybody who comes to the show I love everybody who watches and participates in the chats and everything you don’t have to donate that’s a lie too I don’t beg for donations I’m about please give me money no if you want to help help if you don’t you don’t I move

    On I never got into this to to I didn’t ask for that called the Jerry Jones the Jim Jones and the Alex Jones of this community now I’m being called Donald Trump I don’t know if that’s a compliment but the people that said it they didn’t say it is a compliment they

    Were saying that I’m a megalomaniac narcissist the one thing I do have in common with that guy is that I didn’t come into this needing your money I didn’t do this for the money because I don’t need it the right is called me Bill Clinton the left has called me George Bush they

    Call me every bad thing any devil thing they can think of they say that’s what you are you’re the bad guy you’ve done all these horrible things you’re a bad guy with no proof they they tried and convicted me in a quarter of their own mind without

    Any proof they don’t know anything about me they don’t know anything about us they say I’m a coal leader one guy called me a dangerous man in the cold leader waiting to happen that guy actually has a lot of clout too he’s somebody who was like a city councilman

    In his town and blah blah blah and he said a lot of crazy things I’m sorry that he feels that way and I’m sorry for him but he doesn’t really know the true me one thing I do though will say this and I keep it real I am a zero crap tolerance

    Person when you bring it to me you’re going to get it back you’re going to get it in Spates and I think everybody in this war learned that we were kicking each other in the teeth hard so Josh your boy why you not being

    Get it to me big boy why’ you block me for your channel like all the rest of them day when I try and stand up to you cuz you didn’t know want to get exposed none of did cuz I knew what was going on the whole [ __ ] time and you were that

    Naive to think i’ never silly silly people you underestimated me and you brought me into your shitty War that’s just a fact I’m so glad that you’re singing It’s Time to expose that little [ __ ] abnormal investigations hate group right and yours and everybody else that’s involved so did the right

    Thing tell who the other names are because they need to be called or know I never bed I never backed down and I never gave up and crawled into the fetal position and said I’m just going to go away no stopped the show temporarily just so we could do what we had to

    Do but there was an outcry until we went back and my wife was very adamant hey we go back she’s very much a big part of this team I talked to my team and my closest Associates and my allies and we came to the conclusion that peace

    Is what’s best peace is what we need and going forward into the future we don’t want to fight and I promise as long as as Mike keeps his word I will keep my word and I hope that the peace lasts a thousand years I don’t want a problem with him

    Anymore Mike I’m not going to judge you for anything you’ve done I have not inserted myself for try to get involved in your domestic affairs however people have try to drag me into it and get me involved all right I am not financially supporting anyone

    Against you you have my word on that I haven’t been um there have been rumors flying about that um just as there’s rumors about money being given to you to whatever and what and so what I don’t care somebody gives you money that’s your money I don’t care it’s not my

    Problem I will say this there are many people who I made friends with in the in in the process of this whole war and conflict I will continue to be those people’s friend with the exception of Honor I will say this I am not going to sit around and talk trash about you

    Mike this is not worth my time I will still be friends with the people who don’t like you I just is you will continue to be friends with the people who don’t like me what you have to do and what I have to do and I’m not

    Dictating anything to you sir but we both have to keep ourselves composed and understand that when we say something it can go out there into The Ether it can go out there and people will come back and say hey Mike said this he said that

    And blah blah blah so I’m going to keep what I have to say even if I’m thinking it I’m going to keep it under my head I’m not going to say it you got my word I’m not going to catch me bad mouthing you nobody’s going to be able

    To record me saying because I’m not going to say it because that’s part of keeping your word now if you can do the same you’ll be fine last night I didn’t get to see the show but a lot of my associates did and they said hey Betina was on there um and

    I was busy we were up doing all kinds of stuff in San Antonio so here’s the thing from what I heard you guys were very cordial very cheery everything was good I hope it stays that way I wish you the best for the new year and like I said

    And I mean this if you stop the drama and just go back to doing what you were doing with your show it’d be fine you had a core audience that was always there and it will always cut for you that’s important and that’s how you keep

    What you you know now it’s up to you whether you want to turn that to a negative or a positive and this I know when you have success ESS you’re going to have people who are jealous you’re going to have haters who don’t like you and they’re going to come out of the

    Woodwork and they’re going to slam you now I’m I’m trusting that this man is not going to do that to me if he does he does I don’t need people going well we told you we can’t do that blah blah blah blah blah blah I don’t care okay because

    I’m going to do me do what I got to do for me myself my family and my peace of mind and my soul just as you have to do what you have to do now I’ve listened to all the advice and I’ve I’ve read all the messages and everything I understand people’s

    Concerns I get it okay I didn’t say that we were going to be hanging out every day playing video games together it’s not what I said said that we made peace it’s the truth it’s up to you and me in this community all of us together to maintain that peace because

    You right let’s get back into this right cuz I’m tired of this [ __ ] I’m glad it’s all coming out now right but see the months say hell I’ve had to go through because of all this right and some people’s waiting up to on and seeing what happened right which is

    Good it’s to all the whole way the world off my shoulders right but what they’ve done to innocent people right and innocent channels that’s just [ __ ] wrong and I had to do drastic measures to stand up to them cuz I wanted to show people right that if they’re going to be

    Bad I’m going to be worse right that’s why I done it okay everybody I’m not as bad as what everybody thinks actually I’ve got a heart at least I stood up to it all what did I used do hint hint anyway let’s get back to this because I’m [ __ ]

    Human how many people were affected by this war and I didn’t start it I did not start this okay I got drug into it and other people chose to join in and just you know and as it’s been winding down people have tried to keep it going and it’s really Insidious when people

    Are trying to keep it going that they’re saying oh oh you need to stop you need to stop I care about this then they’re tell they’re feeding information to keep you going and then pretending publicly that they they’re all outraged that part I didn’t appreciate that part I did not appreciate at all

    Going out and and acting all outraged after you’re the one that’s leaking information to people thinking that everybody’s stupid and then we’re going to be played benefiting a lot of people have benefited from this war like UK benefited for nothing I almost destroyed my channel for standing up to

    Used right do you not get that I started my channel up to help people like me went through all this right so they when they get ridiculed in that you think I [ __ ] benefited oh that’s far for the truth but you keep continuing right because this is what gets me angry you

    Always have to add all this [ __ ] go look at all my evidence go look at what I’ve done go look at what all the information go look at all the people I’ve helped get your facts right okay you’ve benefited greatly playing both sides like some sort of War

    Merchant yeah I got that too from several people just jumping in on the bandwagon like carpet baggers you think I didn’t notice that whether you’re a person from the south or a person from the north Carpet Baggers after the South Was Defeated whether you believe it was about slavery stage whatever irrelevant

    The point is they were defeated so a carpet bger for standing up and doing the right thing against youel so if I’m a carpet buer right okay what the [ __ ] are you vile pieces of [ __ ] what you’ve done to people you wrong and hate preaches you have got a

    Lot to answer for go pray your [ __ ] God on that one little Rats the the Federal government laid down on the south took control and there was a group of Bottom Feeders called Carpet Baggers who came here you know what they did that the southerners who were suffering This

    Calamity they they took their land for pennies on the dollar cuz they were starving didn’t have food and then the blacks who were recently freed and were supposed to be given acreage they couldn’t even write their names A lot of them this is true so not only did they take advantage

    Of the of the southerners who were suffering the whites who were suffering and take advantage of them they took the land out from under the blacks they were supposed to have it from the federal government and they bought it for pennies on the dollar because these people were ignant they couldn’t even

    Write their name so we had a name for them here in the South they were called carpet baggers opportunistic vultures who descended on a defeated Nation they do it every time and just destroy and rape and kill and do whatever they can because they can’t they get away with

    It Josh you think everything like that happens in America what happened to my country for thousands and thousands of years with my my own Scottish people there you go answer your question if you know your [ __ ] history rot because it’s a time of chaos that they take advantage of and they

    Steal what’s not theirs and some of these people now have created familial legacies in the cell one of these Merchants ended up being a big time person in Georgia I want to say his name CU I would get sued and then he says yeah my family’s been here since 1860s yeah

    Right at the time that the war ended right so you could descend upon and and take from the people how many people how many how many people’s 40 acres in a mual that you steal you get to where you’re at yeah that’s what these people are they

    Came down like carpet baggers and they took advantage of I’ve worked my ass off I never got no help with my channel I built my channel up for the ground I never asked anybody I’ve done this at the kindness of my heart to help people right so who the

    [ __ ] are you talking about you talking about yourself here and stabbed everybody else in the back like the lot of you ever done to protect your shitty little channels huh [ __ ] joke you are are fighting and they embedded themselves and they took and they took and they took and now that they can’t

    Take anymore now they’re mad now they’re vowing that they’re going to do this and do that to him and to me and whatever well you know what take your best shot at me dude okay because I don’t give a crap how he’s going to handle it is how

    He’s going to handle it how I’m going to handle it I’m going to give you what I give everybody carpet bger as far as I’m concerned UK that’s what you are oh yeah right hey my conscience is clear you have expose what you have all done to

    Other people right for all these [ __ ] months and all these people you have attacked for years right I’m just new to YouTube remember that and you’re calling me that when I’ve been attacked nonstop for the start of me doing YouTube right for all size in your shitty ass

    Community little rats [ __ ] lot you vile the way you attack women the way you attack innocent people all the rest it so glad you’re saying all this because people see you for who you are right I work my ass off for my [ __ ] channel right never asked for nothing

    Off anybody right I just didn’t want anybody here to go through what I had to go through right there’s a difference between me and you and people see it for the themselves but continuing little grifters hey so you either apologize or I’m going to continue to call you that cuz that’s what you

    Are I already told you the only way I apologize if you bend over and kiss your own [ __ ] ass I’ve nothing to apologize for at least I’ve done the right thing what did you do stab everybody in in the B rats for your own self gain you’re

    Opportunistic you got him on your show and then Rhonda sat there firing off in the comment section oh yeah right right carpet bagging seems to be something that you were born to do right wait a minute I’ve never asked anybody for the penny I’ve gave all my

    Evidence I’ve gave all my proof all my stuff out to people to help people right what are you used on think about it so anyways folks learn your history the true history the real history of what these people did and what they are and understand we’ve all been victimized

    For a long time by a system that’s been set up to keep everybody down and it’s one of those things where we can’t control it the average Yankee the average Johnny Reed was not really to blame there was a rich aristocracy here in the South less than 5% P the

    Plantations and the poor Southerners had to go fight fight and die the average Union soldier was poor illiterate potato Farmers whatever that were forced to go and fight by the machine then we get ground up old men talking and young men fighting right that’s what it was and these aristocratic families just they

    Don’t get their hands dirty they don’t have to fight they don’t have to do anything I for one am not going to sit here and fight anybody else’s War anymore you want to fight you go fight you get your hands dirty and you go do what you got to do okay

    What I asked you Ronda was very simple I said I don’t want to hear any more of this stop stop messaging me you lost your freaking mind sick and tired of every day getting messages from some screenshot from Mike’s Camp whatever I said this before

    And I’ll say it again I don’t give a crap what they said or they say or they do and I said that before many people can attest to this I said it over and over again I don’t care I don’t give a crap stop posting it

    If you don’t want it to happen or to be done stop posting it because as soon as you stop posting it and giving it Credence then it ceases to matter it doesn’t matter it has no power there’s no function for it so it falls off you couldn’t do that it was every

    Day with this crap and I told m I told Anthony I told batina I told everybody I said I’m sick and tired of this person if she wants to fight this guy then go fight him but then to turn around and act all indignant that was a new low that was a new

    Low and that right there ladies and gentlemen I’m glad it happened I’m let it happen because then that gives me Clarity to know that it was time for me to to no we’re done how you can sit there and do that and act all like like outraged when you’re the one that’s

    Constantly stoking the flames and then to demand that I use my lawyers they don’t work for you lady and are you going to cough up the money to go Sue everybody why don’t you do that and he Tred to get me entangled with you no we’re not doing that folks

    That’s not what we’re going to do that’s not what’s going to happen you’re not going to use me I’m just not going to be used so that being said tonight we have a good show planned it’s not going to be late tonight we’re going to do it early it’s

    Going to be in the afternoon folks because you know New Year’s Eve everybody’s got to be drinking champagne or I don’t drink but if you do whatever you do popping fireworks of all kinds you know bringing in the New Year it’s going to be a great celebration Christmas was good I hope

    For everybody and then you have that little L there that week um we are just hopefully once the new year is done we can get back on track and get get the giveaways going again the mail offs hopefully we can get it all together okay I’ll work on it I’ll do my

    Best to try to get it done and try to work on bringing you quality content for the new year um we have a good show plann for this afternoon I say this afternoon because it’s probably going to be around 5: because we got things we got to do Sharon Lane says Irish American

    African Southern girl it’s a lot of it’s a lot of stuff I’s see Michigan Rob there he’s a Yankee from Michigan some of the coolest people I know from Michigan and Ohio though you know I can’t say anything I got a lot of Yankee friends my best friend that I ever was

    My best friend ever was from upstate New York they’re considered Yankees but uh Yankees are good people it’s not their fault the federal government is what it is and uh they’re up there I mean they weren’t down here carpet bagging those people descended on the south I heard

    About it from my grandfather because he grew up listening to his grandfather talk about them and how they were the worst they raped the south in every way they possibly could black white whatever now to this day owning land that they never should have had they never should have

    Had this whole people that have done this they they’re the same people who persecute the entire world claiming that they did you know that’s their right well I don’t agree with that and I can say with this with all certainty there’s this other thing that

    Was said that I need to say and I need to make sure people understand this I don’t hate poor people I was a poor person I was homeless I lived in my car so I don’t hate anyone and I don’t look down on anyone for being poor that would be the most hypocritical

    Thing so that is not true so anyways folks I hope you guys tune in tonight or today this afternoon whatever time we get started I don’t know yet maybe 5 maybe 6 I don’t know maybe maybe 5 and then we can try to get things done because I got to be

    Somewhere you know um and hopefully we can put on a good show for you guys all right thank you and you have a good day so there you go everybody right it’s all being answered the people in the background the other channels are all these [ __ ] stalkers right all these

    [ __ ] V pieces of [ __ ] right huh I’m an easy target cuz I stood up to you all at least I done the right thing you need to look in house right and you need to stop praying cuz you are just the vious worst people I’ve ever known you can stick

    Your communities right up your ass cuz you’re all bullshitter fake liars manipulators users and abusers right not part of none of it he’s have all Ted me for the start what because you give a [ __ ] narrative and all the rest it this is why I got dragged into this war because

    The Channel’s got jealous right and somebody was trying to get one or and another one and they were all stabbing each other in the back and everything like that well I hope you feel good right and I hope this explains everybody right why I was standing up to them all and all

    The rest it you said find what you want about me at least I’ve done the right thing right he heard it for the [ __ ] horsey mouth they’re all exposed in their wrong words a lot of them’s got a lot to answer for but please name and shame all the other people that’s

    Involved in all this right come on just give me days a favor right the snakes need to be exposed right it’s easy to just put on news right we need everybody’s names right because they’ve got a lot to account be accountable for too I’m sick tired you can Ram your

    [ __ ] Wars right your ass cuz once this is done it’s done stay the [ __ ] clear away from me you little hate preaching [ __ ] right and as I like to say oh yeah


    1. Rhonda wasnt the bad person theyve turned it all on her bullies all of them
      They contacted Rhonda in the very beginning and wanted all kinds of info from her and she was nice enough to give it and now he turns on her bully this lady didnt even know anyone in this community until they all contacted her for info on mike cause he started this

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