Today we take a look at Amazon UK LTN2, Boundary Way, Hemel Hempstead HP2 7LF.

    Security was not very happy about filming and flying the drone.

    Google Maps Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    No M sorry you you can’t do nothing here okay okay I’m not asking for your permission I’m just telling you what I’m Doing to the K oh where you Booker where Booker Booker Booker Booker just done it Booker oh you where was you oh I didn’t come out the lady come out I’m not giving you I give a lady one didn’t I you give it to me a Super Fan oh really

    Yes oh sound mate yes was you in the video in the yard at all no because I some of them wanted to go out and I said no don’t go out um because legal airspace this that and the other brilliant and um I kind of relayed what

    You would have relayed in your videos yeah yeah I saw them unblocking the drains and stuff so yeah and I bet when you went over um it looked a busy site I think the time you arrived everyone was coming in and there was a bit of it for

    You yeah yeah it was a good video of that we had one guy who who just asked about what we were doing but then went into reception the lady says we’ve just been watching your stuff that was buillt and he only come out for an IR rate

    Driver that was trying to come in yeah what was he on about I don’t know I didn’t ask him about him then then we gra gra to you so um we really uh really enjoy your stuff bro yeah thank you bless thank you mate cheers Hello hi yeah I’m just film in it’s okay oh okay I do you want pi a picture um I want to just make a little video about the empty Place fly the drone over and just put it on YouTube it’s empty yeah it’s not empty oh what’s

    Inside the worker people you know oh yeah what building what business uh uh from Murphy Murphy yeah yeah it’s Amazon like you know Amazon what this is Amazon yes am I in the wrong place then maybe what Amazon LT N2 yeah this is empty this this is oh yeah but it’s

    Empty no operation yes where’s the vehicles in the other side oh so all these loading bays are not used yeah but you can’t make a picture man sorry yeah you can’t make a picture you can’t make a video you know I can you can’t why because

    No sorry because no because no yeah what do you mean no I said no yeah you don’t decide why give me the reason wa for YouTube I put make a little video about this building put it onto YouTube with the Drone Drone footage okay yeah just a second

    Please what are you doing asking somebody yes or onsite or offsite you was as well to the another gate yeah yeah and who is there what was the question you was to to another gate the main gate not yet no I want to film all the gates

    Why give me the reason why why why you put the in the YouTube this property why because it’s empty it’s not empty well I can’t see any Vehicles no M sorry you you can’t do nothing here okay okay I’m not asking for you permission I’m just telling you what I’m doing why

    So that I can put it onto YouTube and make some money no sorry no what you can’t do that I’m not asking for your permission no no no I will do it I am doing it I call I call the police what you think it’s illegal yes what to film an empty

    Warehouse you being serious yes why would that be illegal huh am I missing something here just wait a little bit I’m busy yeah wait yeah you’re busy I’m trying to make a video wa wait yeah no have little bit of respect yeah please no no I’m going to

    Carry on I’ve not got all time please wait no no pleasing I’m going to carry on I’ve got a video to make my friend I’ve got to carry on I’ve got places to go so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in Hil Hempstead and this is Amazon ltn 2 we’ve

    Just had a little chat with security there he is from the K9 unit so he will have a dog with him apparently his shoelaces are undone so I presume he had his shoes off when we first arrived in the gate house and I also presume that the dog

    Van does not have a dog in it because the boot is closed and I’ve heard no no dog at all he did mention that we are not allowed do not do it I’m saying no and all that rubbish he started to get a little bit rude so we ignored him towards the

    End and as you’ll see every single gate is locked we’ve got these sensors salot taped to the fence sort of an a homemade warning system it’s over here as well as well just salit tap lot and they will have a a dingdong plug in the gate house so he knows exactly

    When people are approaching and when to wake up oh I don’t know uh apart from his vehicle there’s only two others over here has shown us there the ground has lots of leaves no vehicles I’ve been through here recently the gate is padlocked and I suspect this is a uh

    Empty area empty site disused so we can certainly make a video here that is for sure did you shout me did you shout me you can’t make a the the the video you can’t make the video here inside Mister it’s a is a property is a private

    Property you know so you can’t make a video Mister yeah you need you need I’m outside you are outside there yeah I’m outside looking in okay okay okay it’s not okay but I don’t know why you do that why I don’t know why for YouTube I put the video on to YouTube industrial

    Estates you put mhm yeah but it’s not good man my friend it’s the private you know it’s private property it’s not yours it’s not public I’m not standing on your private property am I yeah this is Private Road here no just St up what this is public just there you know where

    That that Tac is there this until there is the private this is private so just ask me to leave then please that’s all you need to do and then I’ll go back to this bit of tarmac here and I’ll fly the drone over okay telling them how to do their job for them

    Now if you don’t want me on your little bit of tarmac just ask me to leave and I’ll go 20 steps onto the the black bit I do know crazy a it so he tries to tell me that this is still Amazon and it’s still operational with an empty car park and a

    A tette sign outside what do you think a is he telling the truth or is he being dishonest dishonesty of an siia licensed security guard ah not good is it so anyway now we’re off is Tomac onto the black stuff Council maintained let’s get David up

    And let’s see what this place looks like from above up mate where it going yeah sounds on a cubing oh love a cubing my friend what’s your name Chris Chris yeah thank you for watching Chris was always watching nice one mate this is Amazon and

    It uh yeah not the Amazon on the other side but sh now used to be Amazon but no longer no you don’t see many Amazon closing do you no no moved to P something like that do you know why why they moved I me used To you know whatever night two weeks wow normally you see them open and not closing I know I know must be more to it than we don’t know mate yeah more than likely where are you based L the corner all right okay spotted me on the roundabout did

    You spt Spott the bik Spott the I know exactly that is just as I had a bite of my chocolate bar as well you turned up face best bu thank you you take care thanks for watching byby take care so that was Auto Mobility Concepts limited based in Hil

    Hempstead I’ll put on screen now what they do contact them if you wish you want a clear ining I’ll throw one in yeah thank you very thanks for watching mate thank you a dri there from Colina so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area at

    All Amazon ltm2 I don’t know why he would try and say it’s still operational that has baffled me let’s have a look at you then shall we take off so there we are the little Access Road into Amazon that we were asked to leave the massive staff car park which is completely

    Empty no vehicles at all in the yard other than two cars and one dog b or dog car with no dog I suspect so there really is nothing to see on this one I’ll just get the whole site in one shot let’s have a look around the local area shall

    We some sort of oil oil storage over there Majestic wines Caravan storage a few big units over there that we need to have a look at hello mate DJ aits yeah do you want a key R yeah yeah yeah that’s why come over this used to be Amazon by the way

    Yeah it’s not anymore they’re closed down about oh right s me just want to come yeah my what do you know about ltn 2 uh it used to be Amazon but they closed down uh they got another one just the indust as well which is open yeah yeah

    That’s still open you got bfield over there bfield yeah the oil thing why is it just oil storage yeah basically yeah it’s where the tank was coming in out of to feed the supermarket Fuel and stuff so it’s piped into that site and and Lor is come and collect

    Yeah and it’s also piped to he right okay from there to e throw I think it’s it the back of this one is it so just down there I’m heading down this guy here thinks he can actually tell me that I can’t make a

    Video I love these I love it I love it imagine that oh no he say no I can’t let you do it CU well how’s that going to work then you’re outside it don’t it’s fun yeah you look out for this video this will be a good one we do yeah

    I love I love the like the logic of your videos yeah and it’s entertainment and it yeah but it’s the point of like you say who are you to tell me no yeah yeah you’re in there you’re securing that place whatever I’m doing outside I’m just looking fur so if I walked along

    The High Street with my phone out recording no would really say anything but just some people do that on the ice Street outside Banks and they hate it you know yeah good to meet you guys been waiting for you to come to him waiting to see him he got back to the

    Depot I went oh look what i f look what I’ve seen I no I’m going to have to go see him yeah yeah I did wonder when this vehicle like just parked up and you just approached yeah I just get the keeping out straight away now you don’t need to

    Say out de enjoy the rest of day M thank you cheers guys so what do we think then is there a dog in that I doubt it very much I’m finished now okay um there’s just a few things yeah um the site’s completely closed it’s not close Mister

    It’s uh you see the people there we we are here on side for dog handler you know yeah that’s another thing there’s not a dog in your vehicle it’s empty my there’s no dog in there my dog is in the car you want to see my dog

    Yeah you want to see my dog why just to prove that you’ve got the dog here I’m with the dog don’t show me then my car is dog hander in the in the yeah show me the dog then no I’m I’m not sure the dog

    You’ve not got a dog here I hav’t you haven’t I sure yeah show me please yeah by the way you my dog because you’re invoicing the company for a dog sorry you’ve invoiced the company for a dog yeah but there is no dog he he’s not in the car it’s not in the

    Cabin either the Gat house is is in the cabin no I don’t believe you okay the next thing so you you do a du job yeah the next thing is you haven’t got your siia license on display I have it here let have a look can you have ID show me your si

    License I don’t want to read it I just want to see the blue part yeah that’s fine put it away then okay thanks shoelaces are not done up are they okay shoelaces are not done up are they it’s okay don’t worry I okay okay okay okay so but you are from the TV

    Does it matter I’m just a member of the public making a video about an empty Warehouse that’s all I just want professionalism from the security staff okay who who who send you here nobody nobody just just cycling past yeah you you are the boss am I the boss yeah no

    Okay just remember the public yeah yeah okay okay okay are you still saying there’s a dog in there sorry are you still saying there’s a dog in there yeah I have that dog in so if you’re in danger will the dog help or will it make a noise uh yes noise or

    Help or okay let’s try it mister Mis no dog no dog stop please see why why why you doing that Mis you do not have a dog in there I have a dog show me I’m not sure the dog why do you invoice the company for a dog you’re not

    K9 you’re not a dog you’re just a normal security guard yeah where’s the dog inside in the building show me oh in the building no here in the show show me cuz when I make a noise like this the dog should be making some

    Verbal when I say me go then when I say it but why to show me that you’ve got a dog my friend I don’t have time for you please okay please please what you do a the job please leave me alone okay please you free to to walk away whenever you want thank

    You so guys do you think there is a dog protecting this site or has he invoiced the client for K9 dog protection when there is no dog here I don’t think we’re ever going to find out that one do you so we’ll move on I’ll just show you

    The location of the DJ audits key ring it’s just behind this sign here just there look if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want the key ring good luck with that and if you have enjoyed the video

    Do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for now


    1. Been watching your videos now for over a year now. Thou really enjoy them. Keep the good work going. Love the fact you can watch a different video each day. Just wondering is the a way I can get a key ring. Unfortunately i can’t really get out and about due to a medical condition. Also I don’t think you have travelled down as far in the West Country where I live. I know you have been down as far as Bridgewater. love to know how i could get one . Willing to pay

    2. I can’t believe I’ve been watching these on Facebook for so long πŸ˜‚ this guy is brilliant…I’ve got a drone and wjsh I had the balls to do this

    3. He is thick as 2 short plunks. He needs to go to Glasgow for the UK. The company who he worked for should put them to school for the laws in the UK. Cause he hasn't got a clue.

    4. There are lads in my area who go for job after job after job and get turned down all the time, they're decent Lads but no one seems to want them, and yet time and again I watch Auditors turning up to sites and the security can hardly hold a basic conversation let alone do the actual job of security, so I have to ask, What is going on????? How are these people getting Jobs they can't do and are not even equipped with basic ability for? How do they get through the interview, how.

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