Russia has launched another massive missile and drone assault on Ukraine – targeting its two biggest cities, Kyiv and Kharkiv.


    Five civilians were killed and more than 100 were injured. Russia has ramped up its air attacks over the last few days. On Monday, President Vladimir Putin vowed that shelling of the Russian city of Belgorod, which Moscow says killed 25 people, will not go unpunished.
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    First the air raid sirens next the Frantic Spotlight searches then the explosions lighting up Dawn Skies like the middle of the day this is part of an enormous wave of Russian strikes on keev har and other Ukrainian cities in the last 5 days combined the largest Air Attack since

    The almost 2-year-old War Began different types of missiles were used in har fragments identified in craters so large ladders needed to access them the mix of ordinance designed to confuse and exhaust Ukraine’s air defense systems in ke the mayor ran through the list against the backdrop of the damage they

    Did ke was hit with a combined attack of Shahed drones cruise missile Hypersonic kinal missiles we’re in solomans District you can see a large blast crater 10 m across there would have been a lot of casualties five people were killed around a 100 injured dozens of homes destroyed this morning as people left

    For work or school and as always personal things retrieved normalities umbilical cords whether it’s a picture or religious icon or a pet Anna sva’s flat was destroyed describes this morning as a horror and asks why is this happening what’s happened is a pure Terror there is no military building or

    Military station on anything military nearby Kira rudik is a Ukrainian MP we’ve interviewed her several times on the program after strikes on Ukraine this morning though the windows and doors of her own apartment in cave were blown in you know as a citizen as a human you can be training you can be

    Supporting your army but there is absolutely nothing that you can do against the huge pile of metals that is coming from the from the air from the sky to to kill you and everything that you love the majority of the missiles fired at Ukraine were taken out by the

    Country’s air defense systems here for example a projectile falls out of the sky into the water of the denpro river cave as well as retaliation for recent Ukrainian strikes this morning’s bombardment is part of a renewed Russian offensive along sections of the front line the Russians released this footage

    Today said the attacks this morning targeted Munitions supplied by Ukraine’s Western allies the Kremlin is playing the long game here Bank on Western divisions affecting weapon Supply they see the gap of uh the Gap in supplies and they see for them the opportunity uh because of these postponed decisions with the uh

    With the support and they obviously wait for the wave of election uh in in United States and Europe Aid Sirens also sounded across the border in Russia Today Ukraine targeted the city of belgrad for the second time this week and the new year begins as the old one ended in another cycle of



    1. Россия не бьет по мирным. Если бы это произошло, жертвы исчислялись бы тысячами. Удары нанесены по военным. Эти видео запрещены к показу украинскими спецслужбами.Россия не может этого показывать, потому что раскроет свои возможности по съемкам из космоса.

    2. The whole burden of this disaster falls squarely on UK and US they instigated this hostility on Russia by overthrowing Ukraine Government and then forcing Ukraine to be a proxie tool to attack Russia. All the agreements were blown out of the water, the last one in Turkey was forced off the table by Boris Johnson himself!!

    3. Kira was on X sayinf things like death to all russians, and that Ukrainian counter offensive will see off the russian army. Its funny to see ger on flannel 4 news moaning about her apartment after everything she has said.

    4. Why? Because it was said that there is no expansion of NATO to the west. Because it was said that Ukraine will be attacked in that case. That's why! Because a lot has been said and the West is not listening, but is pushing Ukraine into war. That's why! Now that so many people have died and so many have been displaced and left homeless, millions of Ukrainians have fled, was it worth joining NATO? And in the end, Ukraine will never join NATO, certainly not within these borders.

    5. i dont support mad man Putin anymore but ukraine should just come to peace talks and stop trying to join nato Putin is just trying to protect Russia security Nato doesnt care about Ukraine they just want to use Ukraine as a launchpad to Invade Russiasee no longer sending supplies

    6. Russia only hit,Munition and Weapon Depots and Usa and Nato Spystations and cyberstations.And they launch the rockets to weapons transports railways,Streets.When Selensky killed in Belgirod Civilians on the same way,normal that Russia hit back.

    7. The Poor poor defenceless civilian people of Ukraine being Relentless targeted by a Little man bullying by using Russian people to do his Coward Dirty work, because he is SO So insecure He lives in The largest country on earth BUT Still wants more land!!! Gosh the Greed is Absolutely Appalling!
      WHAT AN IDEOT, when HE COULD have been THE Best most Humane And Leader (Not now) that Russia EVER had!


      Can you do that IMPRESS ME VLADIMIR PUTIN that you could!

      JB. UK.

    8. All because of 1 man. Yes, one man who refused to remain NEUTRAL AND SAY NO TO AMERICAS NATO.
      Thats it folks. Thats all this fool Zelensky had to do.
      But no, he had to fall into Americas trap to be used as fodder for Americas hold on to world domination.

    9. NATO udara po Rusima ,a Ukrajinci tope tenkove sto im EU pisalje ,naplate i vrate u te zemlje kao poluproizvod.
      Ovo je najpokvareniji rat od strane Amerike i EU.
      Ne intetesujun ih zivoti ni zemlja.

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