Cycling is a common means of transport in Ireland. It’s popular for several reasons: it’s great exercise, it’s cheap and it cuts down on travel time, especially during rush-hour.

    But cyclists are also a vulnerable category of road user. Every year there are several cycling fatalities on Irish roads and countless collisions involving cyclists.

    As a cyclist, you can reduce your risk of death or injury by following the simple advice in this video.


    1. For those who say that motorists are just as bad at failure to obey the rules of the road, I say think again. Motorists are surrounded by legal restrictions, they can attract penalty points, fines and bans. If you get into the habit of breaking lights, speeding, driving dangerously or without due care and attention you will find yourself in trouble very quickly. As of now, no sanctions are applied to cyclists with the result that many think they can do what they like, whenever it suits them.

    2. i agree,i'm a cyclist and i do every rule of the road,but i do see alot of other cyclists out there disregarding the rules and it pisses me off as a cyclist to see that everyday life,just ta say mate dundalk is as bad as dublin or any other city/town!

    3. Good video but nothing about being visible or wearing helmet?? I am a cyclist and a motorist so understand it from both sides. Some cyclists think that street lights light them up well enough, even when dressed all in black. Gardai should be able to pull cyclists over re lack of visibility and no helmets.

    4. The day when motorists start obeying the traffic laws will be the day when I start listening to their sanctimonious lectures about the rules of the road. Put the phone down, slow down to the speed limit, obey the red light as soon as it goes red, come to an actual stop at stop signs for a change, and get your own houses in order first, you good-for-nothing finger-wagging cretins.

    5. This video is helpful and all but, I'm 14 and ride on the road wherever I am very confidently, I haven't had any problems with it apart from the odd stupid old man opening the door and almost knocking me off.

    6. I got an advert for a swytch kit before I watched this. Where someone didn’t wear a helmet on a penny farthing.

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