We’ve been living on Narrowboat Olive for 3 years now, we’d thought we do a Livestream in celebration and for Christmas. so come join us and say hi.

    Link to our Campervan Channel – https://youtu.be/RnVnpXQ5W-s?si=k1Rj8fLoW_-G0OG4

    Hello and welcome to Taylors Aboard. Im Josh and I live on a 70ft Narrowboat with my Parents, Diane and Andy. Together we travel the beautiful waterways of the UK, with the ultimate aim of seeing them all. from crossing the hugely impressive 85m tall Pontcysyllte aqueduct, Battling the great river Thames on red boards to travelling through the centre of ancient cities like Chester. So subscribe to our channel for a very unique experience that you won’t find anywhere else.

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    Said the Christmas sweet spot right here bless him GL is cotton socks shame we can’t change lenses in this I don’t why it always does the wide angle lens what’s happening now five oh That just skip it on now Can’t this bloody song copyright copyright bloody song he heard last Christmas the 60s Channel what Grandad was watching he turn that down he ourselves what’s the name you you belong to me is it you know the name of the B they might know it actually cuz it’s from era everybody hello everyone

    What’s the name of the band go back on I thought you know by now is it spring leg spring leg they do that little leg flick didn’t they it’s Freddy and the dreamers Freddy and the dreamers me64 dad just loves it cuz the the little dance yeah

    1964 his mom that is 6 years old I’m not 60 yet not end of January 29th of January I’m 60 guys God I’m not looking where the time gone I know it’s horrible horrible thought 60 I’m almost 23 now Jesus getting old AR I God don’t say that you can’t say that

    You’re youngest I’m 23 is anybody going to talk to us I’m going to get the fishing mod out fish for some Pake in the dark let me know if there’s any audio issues because yeah I’ve got that microphone and I use that always does the interference so hopefully it should

    Be okay there’s 14 of you watching so does anybody want to ask us anything let’s do our fire Side Track that isn’t refreshing is it what just refresh it stop it see there’s 21 now and there’s of coms oh God hi guys sorry I don’t know what it is there was nothing

    On here just looked at the comments now and they’re all yeah they’re all sh yeah they’re all sh oh now no from chugs on hello everyone from Noah how are the cats Noah I could swap six dogs for one you I don’t think um Gary or your

    Mom would let you do that D I’m gonna call it Noah AR yeah we could call you yeah that’s what I thought that would be a good his channel you need it Gary you need to change chugabug to Noah’s Ark definitely if he get a boat you can call that

    Yeah you could there when you get your own boat in quite a few years time Noah it Noah’s Arc dreamy Drifter hello Taylor looking super cozy there yeah we are very cozy winter now is it yeah we haven’t got the fire on though which we’ve you we’ve had the fire on every

    Night but we’ve had the cooker on tonight so it’s the phone’s on top of the fire actually kept it nice and warm yeah the phone’s on the fire so isn’t on can they see our tree well don’t know christm tree no can’t see our tree the wind’s getting up as well tonight

    They’ve actually got our tree up and the oh the wind is getting up yeah certainly for you Andy there’s more on there there Stephen brenol good evening good evening Stephen Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year Kenny Kingsley hi Penny Penny Juju and is it

    Viv and Judith are okay um Penny’s got two little black kittens and she’s enjoying them at the moment we love black cats oh look what’s on the tree the cats like the dreamies yeah yeah the cats love the dream we’re here for Christmas I’m not you PA me here Josh I can’t see

    It or oh don’t what do you mean well it’s just pause with her Toby on my lap got yeah thanks thanks for all the stuff Penny you gave us the cats love it and uh licorice um I forgot to buy her chew she likes the long chews so she’s had

    The blue ones of the um dreamies yeah they don’t love the dreamies like I said to you when I spoke to you on WhatsApp they they only have the imitation Audi ones from us so it’s nice for them to have a little bit of a treat and be

    Spoiled my dreamies it’s Toby all right yeah Toby’s all right this is this is to to Toby as you know fidgets behind me he always I can’t even move I just get up as soon as I sit down he’s on me yeah so I just show Tre

    Quick yeah I’m just going to show you the tree magnificent a narrow boat tree where’s my little oh where’s my little bird at the top every time you pull the TV back look oh where is he he’s dead oh there he is we hav got an angel on the

    Top of the tree guys but we’ got a bird on top of the tree who’s that in the Box Josh in the a nice little Christmas decoration for Josh from Penny hello you’re going to be seeing a lot more of the cats guys in the coming yeah

    Josh is doing a bit more of the cats hopefully playing and all sorts why would it take time Voyage of chantress oh I like that hi gu hi guys hi there are you on a narrow boat it sounds like you’re on some sort of boat sounds like the name of the boat

    It enchantress thaten Penny says all the little dogs are lovely I think we haven’t got any little dogs on the trip I think she was on about Noah oh oh sorry in the past I keep forgetting we’re going back yeah I know their dogs are beautiful I don’t know how you can

    Cope guys with six dog so guess they say the same about cats I suppose so yeah I suppose cats to take care of themselves more don’t they yeah they’re a bit more independent aren’t they yeah uh Steven Bren all says picture and sound is good fantastic nice vo of enchantress are you

    Planning to be at criek no no probably not oh God don’t say that well we might do depends where we are we don’t know where we’re going to be we’re going to be up North this time we h s narrow rock yeah up that way up that way yeah yes it

    Is very cozy on here Penny it’s even Cozier darling when we got the fire I don’t know what I don’t know what day Crick fall oh course it fall is on the weekend it’s not like some sort of holiday is it it’s on the weekend again

    Is it yeah on the weekend oh yeah we could try and make the Monday one maybe yeah maybe try and make the Monday one cuz Andy doesn’t work on a Monday bank holiday Monday so most most people aren’t there well I think you shut they usually shut the pub don’t they on a

    Monday anyway that’s good we can camp in the the campsite could we down there oh that’s a thought yeah we could take the van be adventure and Camp there today is going to be like 2 hours cuz we haven’t been that we only went the first year

    Didn’t we Josh we hav been the last two years so oh Chris hi Chris hi Chris phone phone’s on the fire probably best to put wood or coal on it Merry Christmas Taylor Merry Christmas Fire’s not on Z right no Fire’s not on Chris and Chris came and visit us the other

    Day and we had a love well he was here for AG it was lovely chatting to him it was great yeah and he’s the one you got to thank him for the live stream he’s the one who yeah Mo motivated me to do a live stream because yeah he keeps on you

    Don’t do that many live streams so here we are used to do them a lot but I I don’t know why we just haven’t done lately we get we got busy year going on I’m at work a lot and then we got the van we’re still doing that we yeah oh PC

    Might hi guys from Martin and Sandra hope you have a Christmas love the flogs flogs well I do flog Andy occasionally oh Nancy hi there Nancy Nancy’s all the way from um Woodland Park ask what time it is and I think it’s probably about 11 o’cl at night

    Nancy and it hi I’m working but have work around patience marry Christmas to each of you oh are we be night we’re ahead of Americans aren’t we we’re ahead five six seven hours ahead don’t oh yeah sorry yeah so you’re be oh that’s great Nancy I why did I say to you earlier

    That we would it’ be 11 o’clock at night men’s would be 11 o’clock in the morning W it I would imagine so yeah we’re Easter them yeah let me know how many hours I can’t remember how many hours I think you’re about eight Nancy aren’t you I think but Merry Christmas

    Darling and Bill and everyone else she’s going to have a white Christmas is she she always has a white Christmas exactly the Rockies is it or something yeah Woodland Park near Colorado Springs Peaks Pike she got lovely Peaks Pike M higher than us even Austria

    8,000 oh come on Nancy tell me how high you are you have told me before but altitude a friend had a problem in altitude and had to move back to Alabama yeah I think she probably was even higher than all the places went in Austria Sy dimok how cozy is that I

    Don’t write often if at all but happy Christmas and a Happy New Year to to Sally oh happy New Year and a happy Christmas to you Sally you need to write one thing we do need guys is more comments don’t we on the Vlogs so I’m probably to start asking questions for

    People so you if you have I ask you a question like um 10 11 in Colorado Springs there you go like I don’t know what’s your favorite Canal something in the video and then you go in the comments and reply oh it’s okay it was just woring

    Woring around yeah just rep just comment we need more engagement on our yeah it’s it’s just a YouTube thing I mean we just not not growing very no just are we we need more engagement more comments more likes yeah dislikes or anything like that just engagements with the video and

    Then YouTube what You’ like to see YouTube uh sends a video out more and thanks for all your support anyway all the people that do subscribe the channel has been absolutely terrible lately it yeah the um if you haven’t been on it but we’ve got another Channel called

    Taylor AB B cber van where yeah that’s what been doing better yeah that’s been doing better this main one I don’t know what it is about our channel YouTube does not like sending out so I’ve been a bit upset about that recently yeah hopefully things will get better new new

    Different types of videos are coming out we have had um we’ve had a really good year this year haven’t we 2023 really we haven’t had touch wood we haven’t it’s not finished yet I shouldn’t say that should I a couple of things have gone wrong with me one that I can’t mention

    Yet because it’s coming up in a video and uh another one I didn’t even mentioned before but I won’t mention again because I’m embarrassed of it uh Voyage of enchantress having a new boat built will be at cek 2024 oh oh lovely that’d be good if we are there

    Then we come and have a little Noy that’d be lovely yeah Penny said it was a chugger buug doggies yeah Josh told me that that’s me being a bit to do some more in the spring w we and get the fishing rod out again get the fishing rod fishing you all seem to

    Like the fishing Vlogs yeah thinking maybe H once every two weeks or once a month with the live streams yeah we’re going to do them bit more often guys we haven’t done one for months and months have we a long long time I think one last time was will on the Leer line

    Fishing competition with Dad God that was a dad W yeah Dad W will where are you one before that was the two years on Olive yeah two years on Olive it was three years on Olive 3rd of December so we’ve had an anniversary as well as Christmas didn’t feel like three years I

    Know gone too quickly and it Marie Su Cliff hi Mary Christmas to you all from Mar and Dwayne Merry Christmas Mar and Dwayne DNE dreamy Drifter Voyage of enchantress exciting for you I’ll see you new boat at Creek hopefully we will as well I and Jay hi hope you’re all

    Well yeah we are thank you hi hope you are oh Keith nson hi Keith one of our I always chat Keith on the comments he’s a long time supporter yeah he’s a longtime supporter so hi there Keith vintage hello Josh Diane Andy and the cats I hope you’re keeping well merry Christmas

    Happy New Year Merry Christmas to you Merry Christmas well that’s just for you cheeky cheeky oh Nancy’s answered now it’s 11: a.m. yeah Andy just had a look Nancy so that means you’re seven hours behind yeah seven I just looked at pictures as well it’s beautiful there isn’t it Colorado oh

    It’s beautiful she’s always showing me pictures TR is is a bit cold for me now get it all that snow it go right time of year I and Jay when can we see you well whenever you like come never see us yeah we we are exactly hit no [Laughter]

    Not Bo your enchantress how have you found the last few years cruising would you do anything differently well for me the way I’ve filmed and uh edited and or everything like that I would love to turn about the clocks and change things certain things that I would have said and wouldn’t have

    Done and certain things that I found now that in retrospect are very controversial and I don’t know I just feel like if I I don’t know if I did things differently you know the channel would have been a bit bit more successful than it is yeah I don’t I

    Guess we could um say that we would uh obviously learn from our mistakes such as not locking the bike up and you know uh letting the cats out and read busy spots on Sundays yes uh and also you know we’ve had a lot it steering lock on this uh on the

    Car on the Audi yeah actually putting that on in the middle of Burmingham cuz that was funny was it cuz I did say to you you’re going to put it on be all right and then the next day was stol so but we’ve had yeah we’ve had

    Many like Andy dropping a nut in the engine and will lovely lovely will um yeah Stak we repaired it for us which is great he’s a lovely guy he’s The Lone Ranger is he yeah um so I don’t think I’d I don’t think I’d change anything

    Really I love I love this life I absolutely love it uh and what about the length for the boat no really I wouldn’t change the of the boat we’re going to miss out on the Lancaster and the lead of Liverpool next year no we have we

    Have a few problems like with and things like that and but the thing is do you think you could have got away with a 62t no not with three of us no not really the thing is if it’s just me Andy fo differ me if it was just me and your dad

    We’ probably s foot is is that Lounge what 7 would we yeah yeah that’s the thing we’ve got a lot what we love about Olive we’ve got a love lot of living living space on her got 57 foot at least or 60 foot of living space yeah cuz the

    Kitchen is about 14t just the kitchen and then this living space that and this is about 14t the same I think and then we’ve got two bedrooms it was hard when we were looking for our Olive it was hard to get one where you had two

    Bedrooms set up wasn’t it yeah most most Nar boats have got one bedroom set up and then you put this up in the lounge yeah that’s one of the requirements yeah that’s what we needed really cuz we all need three separate spaces cuz these SNS

    Like a I don’t know what is a word for some a pig maybe SN too yeah Josh SNS but he don’t snort as loud as he does he snorts loud when it you got sleep in the van of us yes I know I don’t know how I’m going to do

    That like enough it yeah that’s what Mom and Dad thought it was that’s what Dad thought it was in Morocco when we went to Morocco thought do go back to Morocco I have to film that would I dad snoring on the water bed my dad thought it was

    My dad said P um dot dot I think there’s an earthquake and mom goes there was actually one recently there there was there there was yeah and mom goes oh don’t worry Pete it’s only Andy story that would be funny so he’s very very loud right next question uh Diary of a

    Countryman just to say how much I enjoy your videos very uplifting oh thank you very much thank you very much app very kind of you Willie hi Willie I thought you’d be on he said I’m gonna I’m gonna join you on the live stream he messaged

    On the video last video yeah hello all Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Willie you Merry Christmas dreamy Drifter again I really appreciate the advice you’ve given me thank you Louis Lewis Smith Merry Christmas Taylor and the cats hope you all have a good time Merry Christmas yeah Merry Christmas to you and Nancy’s

    On again Nancy again love your outfit oh mine Miss spots and my stripes well it’s black and white actually Jud if my best friend she would have a go at me about this really because it’s what it’s matching but not completely matching shapes aren’t matching love you and see Andy with a

    Blanket no that’s his quilt that’s his bed Nancy not very wi fell off it a few times you were a living heater on your lap a keeps me lovely and warm yes I was right Josh our home is 8,600 is that feet I think it’s feet

    Yeah altitude you are 6:00 p.m. and we are 11: a.m. 7 hours with us being on Standard Time how far how far did we go up in man Austria how far did we go up um 2, fet I think oh was it the highest we’ve ever been up is Mount T which is

    No I think that was further Austria was it than Mount t or not remember I said we’re not going above 2,000 ft because if you go above 2,000 ft you get out sick yeah I think I did have a bit of it over there you know CR is what to be like

    8,000 we did up to that pond in the mountains that one was almost 2,000 ft I think oh Cy so NY is four times in out great no wonder you get snow all the time ncy Penny’s back on kingslee trouble is I watch on the TV and I can’t comment at

    The moment I have it on my phone I will look into changing stuff to do more comment yeah we need more comments please Penny yeah that’s the thing a lot of people watch on their TV so they can’t comment yeah you can’t you have to watch it on your phone or tablet don’t

    You to comment phone or tablet oh hi Lee from anfield Road layout in The Loft having to have you for ages he’s been with us on many a good fishing trip hi Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to you Lee have a great one Voyage of enchantress would be great to

    Meet you as we love your videos yeah hopefully we we try and make it to cck w’t we yeah if we can I might get Andy to do some little kesas and mint pies maybe we can not Min not Min pies it’s cuz I’m fig of Christmas mince

    Pies for Christmas they have mince pies if they want if they prefer that have real mince pies with real the pasties Annie is going to make some mints pies cuz we’re off to my mom and dad’s uh for Christmas yeah so you’ll see that as well do a little Vlog bit

    That when we out in January that’ll be fun oh Lucy Lucy out and hi Lucy off hell Milly Flur narrow boat um how’s the engine well I’m going to touch touch it touch it how’s the engine Andy all right yeah it’s okay at the moment every singing

    What what nothing else to add to I thought he was gonna say something more dreamy drift a questions for you did you do a houndsman course before you set off on a Naro or learn as you went we learn as we went our Hound’s course was the river temps on Red

    Bulls if you look I don’t know if you’re a new subscriber darling but if you look right back at the beginning the boys went on red boards on the river temps when when when we first got Olive so we nearly lost Olive right at the beginning

    So we’re lucky we’re still here well I didn’t think it’d be much different than having a se but it’s a lot different yeah but no we are so much heavier is it power we didn’t do a hson course and I learned in when we first got on the boat

    I learned in the winter on the no you first drove it on the Ashby did I was that winter a that was summer 2021 2021 there’s no locks oh yeah I gave it a go on the ash because there’s no locks there the first winding hole was on the birmingh and

    Worcester remember you cocked that right didn’t you oh God I landed up over the other side of the oh yeah so we’ve had a few yeah and then your first lock was new Martins on the clang goland yeah on the clan goland your first successful wind was at

    Cherk yeah last year yeah but i’ I’m I’m but actually the prone out yeah I’m quite an expert now better than Dad I am better than him but no no the difference between me and Andy is I don’t I don’t get stressed he does and he gets very very stressed

    Especially when he hits things and yeah so he gets very stressed and then everyone else gets stressed so it’s not enjoyable is it but um I can see you in the background there when he’s going like this in the background John holding no you haven’t I saw you he’s making faces behind us

    Again guys that’s his normal thing life too short on land oh I love that life too short on land yeah hello to you all loving the Vlogs as always Merry Christmas you guys Julie Merry Christmas Julie Merry Christmas you are to very right about that life too short on

    Land Keith Keith is back thank you I always love watching your your Vlogs and narab about wills who is near bronston is he near bronston we didn’t know where he was did we first met him yeah that’s where he first met him Josh keeps in contact with him don’t you yeah

    I was hoping to meet up with him again going our line we were hoping he might do the rdale with us where are you someone do the rdale with us cu the first part of the rdale through the outskirts of Manchester I thought bad things Very Bad

    Things oh great Carol fitton hi Taylor hi there Carol Merry Christmas to you Carol Merry Christmas and happy New Year Dar of a countryman again don’t beat yourself up it’s all about learning and just getting better over time yeah that’s probably to you Josh yeah I’ve a

    Lot and yeah you got to learn these lessons before you can yeah you get a bit you get you get a bit down about it they don’t from a marina you know Stephen brenon all a nut in the engine and a nut driving laugh out loud yeah that was we never let Andy

    Live that down have we no never let him forget about that no I bet it was in slow motion went in there even when we when me and Dian had a boat on the sea didn’t we we had that Dory got stuck on a sandbank one day my mate had to come out

    And tow us off yeah but that’s cuz Andy didn’t have a spare share pin so it’s I did have a spare sheare pin but it was in the car in the car park you can see it you throw the sh sh pin in for the electric thingy in the canal that was

    Funny as yeah we’ve done all sorts oh yes I I’ll tell you what guys if you haven’t watched them watch our ding dingy Adventures cuz that’s just they fun yeah dingdong on dreamy Drifter you m drill what was that in I don’t know what that was in I’ve gone too far back now

    What was that about your magic drill oh say question mark Carol fitt what what what the cat’s names oh this is Toby uh little one in the Box up there is Ash fidgets behind me we’ve got a black and white long- haired one called fidget her’s sleeping on my bed then

    Herby is um Ash’s brother and he’s on Josh’s bed he’s a tabby and we’ve also got lick which is she is black and she’s lovely yeah Josh call are black he always wanted to call her black I like her eyes her eyes are lovely it’s just

    Descriptive I call him orange and I call Ash black and white gray gray and white fidgets cow I call she looks like a fian cow I I call hery multicolored yeah and um we got two old ones he’s 16 and fidget is 16 uh lious three four in May and the

    And heran and Ash two in February really quickly any holidays plan for 2024 no no we haven’t actually we were going we were going to go to madira for my 60th in January but we’ve changed your plans because you spent quite a bit of money on the camper van so we’re

    Going down to it’s just it’s just so stressful isn’t it traveling yeah I mean it’s just it’d be nice I think what plans are we as well wen’t it no not herro it was Gatwick G we don’t like gwick last time gwick oh my God yeah

    It’s too too busy I think we might go in the van actually yeah we might go in the van September well January we’re going down to Deon aren’t we yeah a h wor aren’t we me and Dad going to do some sea fishing down at Cornwall haven’t I

    Got a tent somewhere I can set the tent up outside the van away from Diane no we’re going to Hwy no what we’re doing is we’re we leave Mom at holworthy and me and you will go out one night and do some sea fishing in Camp we staying at

    Um that t a tent what have I done I don’t know why you’re doing that we’re we’re staying at um the diamonds tent is in the van at the top but we stayed where we stayed when we went down to see Amy and it’s going to be great actually

    Because it’s the first year I apart from on my 50th Grand Canaria we just spent it with all the kids so it’s lovely cuz Tony Tony Luke and their wives and my grandson George and Amy and Robbie they’re all coming down so going to spend it with them which has been one

    Yeah it’s nice going down here if he wants it to while it yeah where am I you’ve lost me now oh there you go any M Miss bricks hi y hi Miss bricks hello to you all I hope you have been doing well just wanted to wish you

    A very merry Christmas thank you merry chist Christmas to you Louis Smith I bet Andy’s Christmas dinner is delicious yes he’s going to we’re going to be having that on we’re going to film it gonna film it down there with Grandad in it coming in the kitchen oh is it ready

    Andy grab some grabon now are going to be in it Ani Road layout in The Loft just bit busy work on layout and get vids done he’s got a TR on sou is it is he oh oh I didn’t know that yes anfield Road l

    Oh yeah cuz that that’s to do with the football is it anfield we’ said that before know yeah anfield is um oh God I’m not going everyone can say what football club it is I can’t remember football knowledge isn’t really good clar KL Ru LZ good evening Taylor it’s

    Kirsty I’m s oh it’s Kirsty I’m sitting here with my mom penny hi Kirsty that’s Penny that’s Penny’s daughter which they they send us so much stuff and we do really appreciate yeah it’s great little surpris helpful stuff yeah you’ve had we’ve had a Andy had a du pillows for

    And a cover for the van I’ve just got a duv for them they always said got loads of Christmas socks now yeah got lovely Christmas socks we should have wor them and um also in the past like year they’ve sent us they’ve sent us clothes go get someone and also Josh is gonna

    Put a pair of your socks on Kirsty and Penny happy happy Christmas Kirsty love you to do that major Doby’s cat hi Chris question for you all Josh just got up oh hold on hold on Chris we got to wait till Josh comes back he can hear you he

    Can hear he can hear you question for you all what aspects of Naro living have surprised you the most either positive or negative come on then Andy you can answer that one Chris I don’t know it’s difficult positive or negative doesn’t really matter trinks and back miles with

    A with your shopping some of it falling in the canal yeah those those types of things can be a bit annoying and Andy going in to fetch it I don’t know it’s just nice it’s peaceful like here this is a lovely spot no one walking by there’s Wildlife

    Nature we got our bird feeders out owls all around you problem it’s fantastic why problem what my feet are too fat oh no I think um probably Chris the negative for there you go that’ll do uh and you have to be prepared oh I think I think I’ll

    Have to put them on then you have to be prepared to repair tight they’ be all right for Andy me sorry Dandy God that stinks sorry Andy you have to be prepared to repair things yourself cuz you can’t always get someone to come out

    Oh yeah to a boat and do it for you you know it’s not like a home or house so a lot of the things I’ve had to learn to do myself and fix and repair myself yeah after the over the last three years Andy’s leared to fix most things to be

    Honest on the boat you know so which is good um as I was saying the negative for me is probably the cats but no I’m not saying the cats are negative I love the cats but cats on the toe path with the dogs off leads and things like that is probably the one

    Negative but um now we’ve we’ve learned in a lot of ways really after Tabitha dying and being killed by a cat we we being killed by a cat being killed by a dog um now what we do now we don’t really no don’t really more in busy

    Places now do we Josh no we’ve learned our lesson yeah Le we never more in towns and Stu we never want more in towns and there’s Herby herb he’s a big there’s a beast he’s the Beast he’s massive her he was Tiny have you got any positives or negatives you want to tell

    Chris Josh oh no he’s asking the worst person for me to asking I always look at the bad side of things don’t I yeah he always looks I don’t know why because it’s a lovely life like Andy said in nature it’s beautiful like you just lay in bed and

    Look out the other day we had uh had the bird feeders out and yeah that side I think yeah exploring the country you know all sorts on the feed if you think about there there’s no other way except for living in the camper van yeah it’s

    Just a lot smaller room and it’s just the little villages we go through to get like to get to some of the moin where we parked the van these little Villages that you would never even know existed and like that church we saw yesterday D when we drove through that little

    Village yeah yeah we’ve seen so much unbelievable yeah so much over the years Chris that it’s been beautiful down little roads and if you wouldn’t see Villages that i’ never even known known existed living in a house would you you to be honest in a house you’d never see

    The seasons you never can you can never enjoy like the Autumn and the colors you never really see it when you living on a boat you see all that when you’re cruising and you see your first snow drop stick up and then you know that the right side of winter then that’s

    Nice isn’t it yeah and then the daffodil follow and yeah you see every single um cycle of the of the season I think one of my favorite time well I love autumn because of all the colors but one of my favorite times of spring when you’ve got all the ducklings golins

    Signets all the new baby birds it’s beautiful life too short on land looking at putting our home up for sale in New Year looking for an araro any advice about a broker versus private well we went with Pip well only because Olive was there pip for Marina and I probably

    Stick with a broker or a marina or somewhere because it’s a bit risky if you’re paying a lot of money out to go privately um I will say definitely get a survey everyone says that because the main things is really with the boat as long as the hull

    Is solid the engine is good you can’t really go wrong cuz you can change everything inside yeah you can do that inside yourself just look at all the uh example look at all the cars that we bought from private people and all the all the stuff that’s gone wrong with

    Them yeah that’s a bit different car paid the extra bit of money and went for it at a dealership you know things might not been I don’t know we bought that off of a the Mazda yeah the ma we bought off of garage and that I just think that’s

    Cuz it was such high turbo went didn’t it went on that so yeah the thing is at least you’ve got some because there’s no register of ownership with a narrow vote so it’s hard to explaining it it’s not like you buy you have a bit of paper and

    Say now you own the car with the dvla I think yeah the main thing is really when so if you go through a broker you have actually got a bit of paper to say that you’ve paid the money and it is your vat and we’ve got like stuff like that on

    Olive like so make sure when you get you got all the paperwork that you know we’ve even got like like the receipt for the cooker that was put on here and all sorts of things we’ve got and um yeah so I I would say I wouldn’t go privately myself no cuz you

    See a lot of boats for sale on eBay and you know there’s so many scams out there these days is there yeah you know I wouldn’t trust other people selling boats that aren’t theirs and and things like that yeah and Willie said hit the like oh hit the like dreamy drift Ro

    Blamy I’ve watch nearly all your Vlogs but I missed the red balls so I’ll get onto that Claire okay I don’t know what they probably the first ones aren’t they they’re still on there some of them are privated but most of them are still there I think yeah that’s I don’t know

    Some of them might be prived now I’ve been thinking about making a little compilation of our worst moments on the river 10 so people can see yeah that’s a good idea yeah and I think Josh is going to do a vlog of the best moments in 2023

    Or something yeah I might be that guarante all the drones and that no just like the funniest and worst moments oh Keith Keith says it’s a pity you can’t come though the lock that I volunteer on but your boat is too long that yeah I can’t remember where Keith

    Did say Keith said where where I know there’s someone who watches our videos at Thorn lock yeah is that the lock Thorn lock where’s that oh it’s somewhere up Northeast oh let us know where interested country cuz it’s all just flat Rivers Tegan Harris we are

    Hiring a boat and spend Christmas on the clan gothland can’t wait happy Christmas to you all for Nigel T and Sally and Anne I do like that side I know it’s flat that side of the country but good fishing and that John Wilson come from over North Way didn’t he tell I’ll tell

    You what tan you this time of year on the clan gothland you will love it it’s very very quiet and it’s beautiful is it imagine you h your boat from elmir what’s it called Black Water Meadow Black Water Meadow that’s where we hired our first boat from yeah with

    Diamond yeah because uh yeah I think they’re still hiring boats now oh Lucy from Millie Flur is asking you what’s on your Christmas list Josh for the channel to explode don’t really have a Christmas list anymore do I on my eye not for that no I think Christmas is Christmas is for

    Kids isn’t it that’s what we miss I think sort of things that go on my lists uh they would never be able to afford the best drone to expensive taste he wants a very very very expensive drone and he wants very very expensive um laptop maybe a new one I don’t know

    Yeah it’s like two grand if you upgrade my one what your laptop yeah like 12200 yeah it’s a bit it’s a bit battered and P your laptop you’re lucky still got videos guys cuz there’s a massive dent in the back of it that was from a crystal screen yeah the crystal fell

    Down from my sh a Shelf full of lovely crystals but one of them decided to fall off onto his that’s my my stupid idea for putting crystals above the laptop anyway and then there’s a Smash in the screen cuz it I fell asleep with it on

    My bed once and then it fell floor and it made crash didn’t it so it’s supposed to be touchreen but only half it works oh the things we things we’ve done Josh has even had a mouse on his chest when he’s asleep that was a funny night was

    It yeah we heard him screaming and that’s one of the cats have bought it in and it I think it was lorice and dropped it on his chest and it was and he had his hands on this fairy mouth that underne hands oh God I would have put myself I

    Would have really scream funny Louis Smith have to say Josh does a great job with the Vlogs and for the camper Channel really enjoying them all thanks I’m glad you’re Jo them even though we’re not professional campan Fitters Lucy wants to know what Andy is cooking for Christmas lunch home from home what

    Are you cooking for Christmas lunch and well it’s just a turkey dinner that’s all and I’ll be bringing gravy home from work cuz I got proper gravy at work and you um well no we’ll probably have prawn cocktail to start because we love prawn cocktail and I’ve asked Andy to do a

    Little cheese cake for me CU I don’t like Christmas puddings yes we got to get B pieces for that’t we and and Josh don’t like Christmas puddings so no are some I don’t like we got box and daisies as well aren’t we so yeah turkey dinner bit of pork bit of gam as

    Well oh Marilyn baleston hello Marilyn I hope you’re all right darling that’s a lady that sends you the cotwall canal oh yeah I things so I think the subscriptions run out now so but thank you anyway for the last year for sending them really they’ve been really

    Interesting I love the co hello everyone this is from Mar hello everyone and Merry Christmas from Marilyn Maisy the cat we used to have a cat called Maisy didn’t we she was a little psycho yeah and she got run over yeah she was a bit too Brazen for her own good she still

    Been on this boat now she didn’t get over I wish she would sit on my knee like yours but she won’t after a year together have a very happy Christmas and enjoyable 20 20202 200 2224 oh my God 20 years time wow oh bless you Marilyn I think you mean 2024

    Sweetie I bet that’s 200 years time in it yeah I was going to say yeah be like an oak tree I will oh Penny says yay Christmas socks yeah I think um yeah I don’t think we last that long were we 2,224 no Marilyn again I think your Vlogs are

    Very professional I really enjoy them and look forward to the next one thank you very much I just think they could be that’s a lovely comment oh yeah I’m just gonna announce that um oh so I still got something in my eye it’s really annoying me what is it I don’t know swust

    Probably um yeah so starting the next not the next video the video after that I got some in May from the other day the videos are going once they’re going to be once a week um at some point I don’t know when but it will be Sundays

    At at 5:00 instead of 6:00 and no no Thursdays or Tuesdays it’s just so I can put a lot more effort into the video it’s going to be it’s going to you’re going to see how it goes aren’t you because if if you get enough uh views on

    There it’ be okay but if you don’t you probably go back to two won’t you I would have thought trying different things isn’t it yeah just try and uh put a lot more effort into the one video I’ll be making a week CU When I was making three I just didn’t have enough

    Time it takes a long time I don’t think people realize it takes like 7 hours to edit a 30 minute video I used to but I can I do it a lot faster now now B more time I can put loads of effort into these videos to have a little keyboard

    Why would I have a little keyboard I’ve already got a keyboard on my laptop he’s talking about wheel with this keyboard yeah qu note hi guys have a lovely Christmas thank you for all your brilliant film clips from 2020 three oh thanks for watching darling and Merry Christmas to you Merry Christmas Penny

    Again negative has to be the muddy toe Puffs yeah oh my God yeah why do we how do we forget that one oh George is going to show you something guys they’re saying anything through the toath but that’s the state in my shoe at the moment yeah but it was a lot worse

    Than that it weighed about five tons and it had mud coming out to here more like clay was’t it clay yeah yeah you can show mine as well mine is just as bad they were a lot worse but we decided to not go on the muddy toe off we

    Thought we’d cut through the land the other day where we had to go back and get the van and it was a mistake because yeah to house are terrible it was literally the worst walk we’ve ever done before me Mom I mean and the boat ends

    Up with all the mud in it as well and that’s going to be an enjoyable video when it comes out it’s probably the worst time of the year to keep a narrow boot clean when you got the leaves the mud you got the ring def gets annoyed

    Why is that boat so clean and tidy you got some Immaculate boats go by and I for the life of me do not know they come out the marina D they got no Tre on nothing con we had to go for a construction site and the clay with wow

    You you’re have going to have to watch the Vlog when we do it it’s unbelievable then we came to a river when the bridge has been swept away so yeah that was get over was worried about me getting over I managed to get over

    All right didn’t I I had to put my hands in fix silt and mud to try and lift the bridge but couldn’t can I tell him about what I did the other day I painted half my face as a clown and I walked down the road but nobody saw the funny

    Side God I Sly trying to be witty dad joke for you uh Kirsty uh Penny’s daughter again it’s so lovely to see Toby Cur up being a lapka are all your cats lap cats fidget sleeps with me every night don’t she fidget sleeps with Andy every night they’re not all lap

    Cats no um only Ash would say isn’t is Li liquidous usually if I was sat here and we were watching Teddy I’d lay right back like that and i’ him there and I’d have licorice here licorish gets right up here by your chest so but she is

    So little black arms but I suppose Ash Ash comes over rubs us against she rubs her self against anything and then she goes off so and Herby will if I move my legs there he would be there so sometimes I got three on here aren’t I Josh well you’ve got Herby over there

    And I’ve got so really yeah they are and so the fires on as well they’re all in the lounge ar oh yeah they’re all all five of them are in here when the fire’s on CU it’s lovely and warm for them life too short on land good advice Josh

    Brokers it is thanks guys yeah definitely go with the brokers cuz you got if anything happen but make sure you do get a survey I know I’m saying that we we had a survey from with olive that was only three months old so really um we were lucky weren’t we I shouldn’t

    Really say that because we didn’t have a but it she wouldn’t have paid for a survey I like it was only three months old and and the good thing is with that cuz we because it had a survey three months so we only had to give a 000

    Deposit most a lot of the Brokers you have to give 10% deposit oh yeah we looked one and we couldn’t do that because we had sold the house that’s the only thing with if you’re selling your house and you need the equity from the house to buy the boat that’s quite

    Difficult because everyone says oh well haven’t you looked for a boat we said well we can’t look for a boat because oh not we can’t buy it can we yeah no so that was quite good we only had to put a small deposit I borrowed that off my son

    Luke gave it back to didn’t I which is good Willie enjoy all the beauty in the country you present for us yeah it is beautiful I think that is a lot of it in living in nature isn’t it really yeah a lot of it Thomas coin hi Thomas I’m always

    Talking to Thomas hi there hi Thomas hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy the New Year you too darling happy New Year well Chris is back Major Do’s cat question for all what are some of your favorite locations or waterways that you’ve explored during your time on

    An narrow booat oh wow this could uh oh this could take a while Chris I like the bit along this canal where you see the castle in the distance you can’t say that because people don’t know where we are and I don’t want them to know where we are you can’t say that

    You can’t say that right an what is your there’s plenty of canals of castles long what’s your favorite canals and Andy well this one along here with a castle on it I like that that bit um oh there’s so many it’s hard there’s so many spots all the way along

    That I like you might go a mile up you might be here and it’s not that nice but you go a mile up the corner or around the bend and it’s absolutely stunning Chris’s not answering your question absolutely beautiful sorry we want to know which are your favorite canals he

    Doesn’t know any of the canals he’s been on no I do know what I’ve been on and I like the East Coast that was quite nice but I didn’t have much time I tell you that River was nice that we were on with those um Meadows that was outstanding

    River the river was absolutely beautiful and it’s ra quite rivine summer so it’s a good Canal but there’s the locks are tough cuz the wheels gone and round and i’ really enjoyed that and I enjoyed we didn’t have enough time over there really so I’m going to go back over

    There it’s because you were three hours away from work yeah yeah it was a long way from Andy’s work that’s a trouble there one day I’ll get back over there and look at that area again but that was there’s still lots to left to do

    Yeah yeah that was really nice I think I think me personally is probably the Chesterfield I absolutely love the Chesterfield the water is so clear and you can see all that’s probably because nobody Aries on it but what a beautiful Canal crystal clear water yeah absolutely bit shallow

    But other than that have their own weed boats there don’t they like they have on the middle levels on the field also the clang goth and I love the clan goth Autumn and this time of year because it’s just so quiet it’s lovely I wouldn’t know way would have want to be

    On here from April to October there’s a lot of different sections along the lofing canal is there there’s wooded sections Hills B so there’s lots of different there a lot of diversity there I don’t really have a fa no I don’t lovely Ashby Canal is lovely yeah calden I like the calden I

    Mean the first part of it is absolutely horrible yeah just admit it it is but oh yeah the second part is beautiful oh beautiful you go right through the valley and Le brch beautiful and I’ve Roger told me that in the spring that’s the best place

    For blue bells the leak branch is it yeah we just missed it we just missed it we were there Easter which was lovely and it was so quiet wasn’t it yeah Easter I can’t believe it it was really really quiet honest you I think the watch Canal will

    Probably be my favorite I haven’t done it yet but I know that it’s just going to be beautiful that’s the type of canal I like to do yeah ones that go over like with surrounded Hills and Valleys and we do love one oh god oh Cy the list goes

    On Chris I love the mfield I love the peak Forest they all they all amazing North Oxford as well was lovely wasn’t it yeah North SX with aot C the this goes on what ones don’t I like Lester no the Lester arm I like yeah but

    Lester wasn’t very nice was it oh no through Lester no Thomas coin your dad with the shop and trolley tipping can now yes that was very that’s very funny that one and that served him right because he was in a miserable mood stamp forever weren’t you and I

    Think so yeah and he stops off with the trolley we’re behind him and all all keeping an eye on the trolley so that’s fine sorry but all I was concerned about was the 70 qu of shopping that we bought she still even remembers the price of it

    Yeah £69 on the probably still got the receipt somewhere no I haven’t in case she sees it floating down the can oh that was our the Simon hello people happy Christmas hi Simon happy Christmas to you Dar Thomas again um liid was only trying to feed him so she brought him

    Something to eat just happened to be a mouse oh about the mouse that underne here we go rippers riers is back oh no you will you watch the entire seasons of that program it’s absolutely brilliant he’s on about uh Australian Gold Rush Australian Gold Rush that’s

    What where he gets rippers from that’s a ripper is it mate hello Taylor will get H hope you’re all right will we want to do the rock tril with you darling so for it expert at that any he of that area oh he just I don’t know if our he’s he

    Wants to do it with us but if our plans the line yeah if our plans align well s the plans you got to go and do it with us I think the funniest thing I ever saw Will doing was that lock under that enclosed Bridge oh yes oh that’s

    Manchester that you’re going to be doing we’re going to be doing that like right under this bridge yeah that’s lovely that is that oh Colin Colin head hi Colin hi Colin yeah he’s our um local expert no he’s a mon Montgomery expert yes I can’t even say it Montgomery expert um have they

    Opened Schoolhouse bridge yet I wonder let’s hope so we can cruise down there he’s always going along that Canal watch every little bit of it um Keith is back again Keith night and I volunteer out Thorn lock you were right stand forth and key beac Canal on the

    Sheffield and South York navigation yeah we can’t I heard that someone took a 69 ft boat for we can’t diagonally yes God don’t we don’t talk about this Josh is thinking about trying to do it Josh is trying to get down the rufford branch yeah I don’t think she

    Doesn’t think it’s going to happen yeah home I don’t want to take a RIS they have I think someone’s got a 50 no 60 67t boat through before but trouble is we 6 69 I think I think I don’t know we haven’t we don’t really

    Know for sure what L we are well it says on the we always say it’s 70 foot because it’s a lot on the survey it’s 69.5 isn’t it on the S yeah but on the license on the CRT license it’s 69 foot yeah so yeah but when she was surveyed it’s

    69.5 yeah but yeah Josh Josh did say it’s probably without the fender at the back yeah so it is probably 74 but the trouble is that Fender is there to protect the um rder rder yeah Drifter sorry Josh a vlog once a week doesn’t work for us could you do

    Seven a week instead there you go see oh well it’s only like a little tester because yeah well I do what um uh what’s uh boat time is doing vlogmas the thing is with the winter we’ve slowed quite down a lot we’re only cruising like once

    Once once the spring comes in again we have you have a lot more 2023 three I think we Cruise three times a week oh yeah loads and that’s how I lost so much weight cuz I had to cycle back and walk back so many times but um yeah that’s in

    Trouble I’m not losing that much weight because I’m not doing much cycling well you’ve still lost a lot haven’t you really so I’m I’m going to take things to the extreme in the New Year I’m going to fast do a water fast for seven days he’s going to scoff himself silly for

    Christmas JM Atkinson hello we Cru past you this year on the staff some Merry Christmas do you plan this lifelong term oh no yeah for you Jane and Rob yes Merry Christmas to you Jane and Rob and Merry Christmas we do we do plan to me

    And Andy it’s going to be I’m not going back to a house whatever happens but you say that something could happen like with illness or whatever and you might have to but we don’t intend to Josh will be he’s got his whole life ahead of us

    So ah of him no idea doing he hasn’t got no idea what he’s going to do in the near future but hopefully going with the hope he still be with us for a couple of more years because you probably won’t have a Channel Once Josh goes because we

    Me and Andy won’t have a clue trouble so Merry Christmas Jane and Rob Penny oh Josh we’ll have to look out for some new boots for you yeah good idea what size are you 11 size 11 10 11 yeah he’s um yeah mine mine I bought mine not long ago in

    Nework actually so but I’m going to have to I’m what I’m waiting for is for it all to dry and then give a good clean then oh polish eh oh Kirsty we see a lot of Muddy toe pass on Wheels Vlogs and I always say oh

    Josh will sole through that yeah I’m I’m a bit more nervy now with cycling after are falling off pack the bikes away aren we yeah the bikes are pack it’s just too muddy it is too muddy not falling in the canal can’t you and everything yeah so we’re doing short cruises and walking

    Back Josh Josh um Lucy reckons you need a pair of Wellington Boots for Christmas I’ve got wellingtons the ones that go up to your but there’s no good for like hurt your feet as well not very comfortable the trouble is we walk about four miles or something don’t we so you

    Got to have comfortable ones okay next one oh narrow but will is saying hey Keith and Fanny hi Keith and Fanny Keith night Channel as well yeah we all likes what share a lot of the same viewers don’t we sorry we likes what funny dear stop it hey Keithan Fanny

    That’s probably Keith at the half I only speak to Keith okay I had an auntie Fanny as well I said Will likes cuz I didn’t hear what you said and then Josh said and Penny saying baby Bill hello and Kirsty said all hi Bill from Keith and

    Fanny Christine maker is sent a little cat a kissy cheeky and a heart thank you darling Merry Christmas Callin head Monty oh just call it the Monty Colin that’s a lot easier yeah than Montgomery it’s bit of a mouthful is it right Willie where’s your favorite fishing Andy there’s your favorite spot

    For fishing definitely not the clan gothland what canals just canals without the sea okay yeah I would have thought so I think it was that think of the canal now well I got told off for turning the boat around and parking there montgonery no Ashby Canal all love that yeah yeah

    The fishing on the Ashby was fantastic and then there’s some um there’s some really good fish the bream I was catching w i one after the other that night and there’s huh seems to be better in the summer anyway it’s much better in the summer this time of year in the

    Winter it’s mostly Pike and Xander and predatory fish you know and he keeps saying he’s going to catch a Xander because you can eat them but he has he only caught one and put it back oh no you didn’t you had to you’re not allowed to put them back

    Right it was only small though so Genie Armstrong just saying hi from Cleveland Ohio hi there all the way over in the USA Penny again you all enjoyed the wash I held my breath all the way oh that was amazing yeah that was the best thing I think

    That’s well that was my favorite Cruise ever I think very exhilarating just yeah just a shame Andy could one day would do it with Dad it was all planned for Andy to do it on the Thursday with us two windy but the weather was no good all

    Planned to get buses back and all that to get the uh it’s just awful summer was it the weather was aw I had to work you know and I was worried at work that everything was going all right oh everything went fine what’s that oh thanks to Jackie and Jeff

    Obviously our um yeah old neighbors they’re fantastic they’re go which way are they going they’re going north as well yeah they yeah we might catch up with them again guys and in next next summer they only take their boat out um jackar Randa do the real link with them

    Oh wait we can’t CU they’re too long it’s funny cuz we were saying about the is it where’s standage to tunel is it the RO no how does feel we saying about standage tunnel and and Jeff I was speaking to him recently and Jeff said

    Oh we can’t do it because we’ve got a um grp Cruiser which is a plastic boat and they can’t do it they’re not allowed to go in there which I didn’t realize so I learned something because I think lots of stone or that sticks out each side so

    It can be damaged quite easily side there’s no there’s no bricks or some of it there’s no bricks because it’s just been smash through Rock it’s just all Granite I think yeah just smash it through the boat wouldn’t it they don’t need to break it because it’s just all

    Made out of rocks strong enough as it is and I thought and I thought that someone drives a boat through but they don’t they people that own the boat drive it through they’re just pil it on there don’t realize Colin said happy Christmas Happy Christmas Colin happy Christmas

    Colin have a great New Year narrow boat wheel Leon caught a 9B chub and a 17 mirror cart recently lovely oh that’s brilliant wasn’t it 9 Pound chubs very good where was that I don’t know whereabouts was that will z Oh Zena that’s about the same as zen

    Zen roena perin merry Christmas and all the best for 2024 Merry Christmas to you New Year Outback opal Hunters Outback opal Hunters yeah Will saying yeah I watch that as well yeah oh okay he watches that as well will yeah so he’s a bit um yeah into all those sort of things I

    Love it with the yeah yeah that that would be nice getting a metal tector one day going away in the van what can we get see if we get some old coaches in the Winter’s best and you get all the things that you know you can

    Get coin and all sorts washed up on the beaches in the in the winter months with the big storms I I new Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to you darling New Year Kirsty does that mean Leon now gets a trophy and fishing to match his golfing one yeah I really please

    For well we we w’t we don’t keep mention that Andy beat will like when he done his fishing competition oh that was just we won’t say anything about that will that was just Keith again hello narab about how are you doing I think I think he means hello now

    About will I think he means oh will yeah Chris have a lovely Xmas and a really happy New Year love the cruises Etc happy happy New Year and happy Christmas Christine always sh to Christine Kirsty oh yes that proud dad tone of voice I can hear will you keep please get off of

    This channel this is Taylor’s aboard will he’s bigger YouTuber how are you Keith how are you Tak over taking over I think we just be quiet and let um will like take over should we bless hope you had a lovely birthday as well on the 2nd of December will was he

    Like six years old 60 or 59 I can’t not sure 59 get old rips n hello narab will how are you and Tiller man doing we not tiller man noar but we will do lee oh we’re having real conversation with n but we and everyone

    Else here till man says hi he’s in bed with me oh nice uh Lucy got to go and serve dinner Merry Christmas diandy and Josh have a lovely time and catch up Love Lucy and boat dog Rolo happy Christmas have a lovely one Lucy hopefully I’ll catch up for a cup of tea

    Again had a cup of tea with there didn’t I yes you did yeah oh Keith Lucas that’s a fishy tow happy birthday will happy birthday will that’s it now so we need more people to com in com yeah so I refresh it may this yeah yeah refresh it refresh

    It for her yeah refresh it we might be able to get rid of will then horrible to will I’m only joking will he knows I’m only joking bless him he might me let me know if he’s older than me or not I can’t remember if

    He was same age as me or he’s 60 or 70 that wind again’s coming up oh look at Penny yeah he’s he’s left me now Penny said oh look at Toby he loves Josh I tell you what Josh can turn him upside down Josh can do anything with him oh no

    Don’t and I’ve been I’ve been chatting to Penny today guys and I’ve told her how many lives Toby’s had he’s had lots and lots of lives and he’s still going strong he’s even had a tumble dryer a triping the tumble yeah yeah he used to sleep in the cottage I think

    I’ve told you this before but he used to sleep in the um with the washing and I put the tumble dryer on and was went into the lounge th th what the hell’s that he was in the tumble drive and he come out like that you were so the action was thought

    She killed him Josh thought I’d killed him Josh was so upset and take him to the vet take him to Oh I said no he’d be all right by the morning luckily luckily he was all right by the morning but he’s been bit by two whippets on the Glen

    Gothland he’s been run over he’s been run over by a car and and the person someone run him over and the person behind stopped the car not the person that done it and bought them in and his tongue was hanging out like that I thought he was dying and all all what

    Happened was his his tooth went through his tongue so he’s he’s got have lives at one yeah lots more to come it’s a little bit safer on the canals than living near a road now is it oh will was 59 oh I’m older than will then God oh that’s annoying he

    Says oh where he CAU it was a Birmingham and Stafford Canal area oh yeah Birmingham and Stafford Canal area yeah baby God yeah there’s I don’t know if it’s that loads of carp here 9 chub records £9 4 oz thanks for the happy birthday love the van build that’s a

    Good size chub that is yeah it would no the record he says it’s £9 4 oz so Leon nearly made the record by the looks of it well done I thought it was more her H Kirsty will will needs to do a live so the tayor can take over

    That we wouldn’t know how to live does will do does will doesn’t do live CH he got time for that ain’t got time for that Lis Smith any more of Andy’s cooking blogs coming up um no but they are going to be not Standalone videos but they’re going to be mixed up

    With the regular Vlogs now you’ll see how that happens when when the video comes out of when we transition it of regular videos that we do now which are getting a bit stale and we go into a different type of video a bit more like Wheels actually a bit more in the

    Daytoday life of not just cruising but in the daytoday life of no when you go visit I think and shops and I think Josh is going to do more of the cats because everyone loves the Cats I got some good fighting scenes of uh and I’m going to put some epic battle

    Music in that we and’s get off don’t you dare touch his tail he’s very very playful this one don’t touch his tail for me no I’m not touching his tail cuz a see you can’t touch his tail he’s very very playful this one yeah he’s young is

    He yeah and he’s so big compared to as when they play I’m just surprised that I think he just wants to sit with you he don’t want to play he’s just going to sit with me there lovely lovely nice that’s nice he’s just going to sit with

    Me cuz he loves me wish I was a cat oh would be good see he loves me then he yeah that’s it sit where you want sit and sleep as long as you want he’s funny this one only Josh cuz he sits by the side there he don’t to sit on your lap

    Does he like L Louis Smith any more oh we’ve done that the cooking ones haven’t we hopefully what’s wheel’s noise that he makes when he oh Willie is going back to Spain soon oh going back to Spain soon do you me do you mean are we going back

    To Spain soon enjoyed the videos oh I don’t think we we hav went to Portugal didn’t we yes I think we did I don’t know we haven’t been to Spain for a while did you record Spain I did oh yeah you did that was um for our birthday

    Last year wasn’t it SP no year before God time flies God T keep about of it that’s why you got to get and do something with life didn’t you hello oh will says when when catch up with you guys we can do a live show because you

    Know how to do it yeah yeah he had said that I’ve said that oh that’s what he’s thinking oh Birmingham Stafford area he’s saying about the fish again I think you want to re thing it just in case there’s any more on there good boy I think I think it’s updated you’re

    Updated now questions any more questions guys we hav have many questions really apart from Chris keeps asking us questions um so does anybody want to know anything or JY can’t come to my work and do a live stream from the kitchen show them my busy it is and what

    I get up to that’ll be fun do yourself why can’t you do your own live live no I wouldn’t know where to begin I tried it once on Facebook and I didn’t know what I was doing I didn’t know if I was video myself or the wall oh I’ve done that in

    The past haven’t I yeah forgot to press the button video and then you sent me a picture of your eye one day I don’t know what that was about oh Steve Godard hi Steve Steve Godard how are you darling hi guys happy anniversary to you all reason I’ve not

    Been on Vlogs a lot Watching You on YouTube on my fire stick so talking through my phone you have a great time Xmas oh you have a wonderful time have a nice Christmas Ste Steve came and visitors when was we oh suter’s load load suter’s load on the kn

    Mid on the middle levels he came and visited us that’s a lock he went out of B lots of goodies for us didn’t he Steve did so he’s got he’s on his own narrow booat that was good fishing down there actually was it was catching some well

    Steve said it’s really good in Alva cot Marina is it yeah where he’s where he does he catches loads there don’t you Steve stop it the only thing I’ll probably catch on these canals at the moment especially on the Lang than that is because everything’s going dormant now because the water’s getting cold

    It’s probably pke and I’ve got some um macro and squid in the freezer so I might give that a go one day dead bait I’d say we do a live stream when we do that fishing down on cornall but I think it’ll be dark oh probably I’ll I’ll be

    Recording on my phone but yeah probably will if we’re going to go out catch whiten and Pollock then it will be dark cuz that’s the best time of night for him we’re sent go out with some Mel Squid and ragor was that nice place running corn with Richard it was like a

    Little pig quiet little place brick Oh I know where you are no that’s Deon is it yeah that’s a nice little paer that wasn’t it big tidle drop where did you go was it brixon I don’t know can’t remember I’d have to look it up I know it’s a cob they call

    It a cob it’s a a wall that you park up and we just walked around the wall and fished off the end didn’t we oh Keith kns and again I wish our cats would sit on me like your cats yeah most of them most of them are he’s gone now Herby

    Yeah he ining his own thing I don’t know where he’s gone now Lord stiff upper lip oh I like that hello hello guys hello hello hi hello hello Lord step up I think Andy used to watch that program I never really like that hello hello oh I was just pissing

    By I thought I’d put in to say Hello that’s Andy’s um impression of a that was the police officer on it I don’t know I never used to watch it police officer I was pissing in the hall I thought I’d Po in you know 1973 Bean 1973 oh what do you love best about living on a

    Boat don’t look at me well keep on looking at at Josh why do we keep looking at Josh Andy there all sorts it’s very relaxing I can’t wait to get back to the boat sometimes and it’s nice of the nature the wildlife especially in the spring and the summer and the long

    Evenings and the sunsets and all the young chicks and birds it’s just lovely oh yeah I’ve actually I’ve never seen sit out the front with a cup of tea and take it all in yeah such amazing sunsets that’s probably the besto and Veranda you could ever have was on the front of

    I I just suppose love the fact that you just uh get to explore new places and have somewhere else to wake up something different it’s a freedom isn’t it it’s like you know we’re here for a couple of days and then Friday we move on again to

    Another spot and then we see another spot and you know it’d be nice to get on to a different Canal we’ve not been on before so that’s why it’ be nice to me and forget where we’ve been half the time so speak to yourself mate it’s a new spot is

    It it’s a new spot though is it because we go oh I don’t remember this spot but Josh remembers everything oh Josh does yeah every intricate detail yeah unfortunately we’re not going to be on new Canal until like March we no cuz of Bloody Mar marel flight yeah we’re

    Waiting for that that’s been shot for how many since last August open in Easter so what’s the matter with it I think sidence told about that lock it’s collapsed is it I think chugs um Gary got food didn’t he sh well we were on there when cuz they disappeared out of

    The bugsworth Bas that was like a they knew we were coming I think and they yeah went is there only one lock isn’t it that’s gone down yes 14 the walls slumped didn’t it or something yeah there’s mining obviously underneath it and besided yeah oh Colin Colin head is

    Asking we’ve been anywhere on the dinghy recent no we haven’t what was the last one we done I don’t know Grand no it Canal no there’s one after probably be next year be next year when it starts warming no it was the Chester Field oh Chester Field yeah Chester Field oh yeah

    You kept getting weeding yeah we just didn’t have time to do it on the Montgomery no we wanted to do it on the Montgomery but because we had we working on the van every day and yeah you were on that doing that load Nar whe again I

    Don’t know how to do live feeds I think you need a good signal for that yeah we haven’t got actually our last place was a much better signal than this that’s what we a bit worried well about this time just Happ place we more in is rubish internet but Mom’s internet’s

    Better so using that yeah phone uh majority I’d say 80% of the network three is brilliant but then I’ve had to on the CL we have to use it’s not very good three on the Lang it’s never been very good on there has it 1973 being 197 love narrowboat

    Will yeah we love narrow boat will yeah cheers 1973 he says he’s taking over again Josh Deborah I’m not going to say how to you know who you are don’t know how to say your your second name Joe said when are you coming to go what D he go go that’s uh over

    Northeast again oh yeah uh I don’t know when that’s probably going to be sorry to BST your it’s probably going to be one of last there as we go yeah Joe said that’s probably Jo on the boat yeah one but then again if we go that way you

    Know because of the length of the boat we can’t go everywhere like we can’t go out to Rippon because of Linton lock which is just past York on the Ooze uh not the same oo that we went on different oo different oo yeah yeah and then don’t even if we could get to

    Sheffield we don’t want to go into Sheffield um but I think the locks are too short in Sheffield and then there’s forn lock which is really short as well yeah that’s that’s the only doubtful with olive really cuz if you’ve got 57 foot you can go everywhere then we can’t

    Cross over again we can’t cross over on the the lead of Liverpool rdale or hwood now we have to go back down the Trent so is a bit of a nightmare right 1973 being 1973 we got we’ve got to give will a big filthy thumbs up filthy thumbs up

    Will he loves his fil few thums up Steve Godard I slid down the bank when met you real time I remember that but yeah real time and and you you great fishing H has Andy caught better on the rivers so no did you do much FID fishing on the

    Rivers time did I were working no I think we were cruising a lot weren’t we that’s trouble I don’t think he he went fishing much at all Steve on the rivers but yeah I do remember when you came and you slipped down the B it was like that

    Wasn’t it yeah where we were M that was good fishing there actually I enjoyed it there was and all sorts there that was a good spot that was wasn’t it tried a bit of sea fishing but I didn’t get anything down there oh will says my

    Thumbs f u m PS my thumbs are filthy and they’re up oh yes oh bless him I don’t want to ask what’s on them that makes them filthy but oh Louis how’s your daughter getting on in the Caravan oh god well it’s a bit cold this time of year certainly tell them what

    You’ve been doing then what you’ve been using your diamond points oh yeah I have been yeah as it’s very cold that’s one thing we couldn’t sort out for really is Heating in there is’t it yeah so what I’ve been doing is every sort of back we

    Were going to we’re going to go down in November but yeah canel it because it’s 5 hours drive well yeah long long way but bless her but no we’ve um we’ve got the diamond as you know and holds Worthy is about an hour from Amy so every like

    Well I think I’ve done it about four times now I’ve let her stay five days and then another five it’s not many points as far as I’m concerned so then I know she’s somewhere warm and safe and and everything HS so yeah it’s it’s thing is in a caravan’s all right summer yeah

    Like because we did put solers in for her and all that nice carav she needs a nice they just paid the too cheap for it and it it needs so much work doing but they the thing is they can keep the they got a couple of dogs and they got eight

    Cats that have kittens so they got loads trouble is you couldn’t in first of all they couldn’t afford the flat that they were in really it’s just too as everyone knows bills are all going up and they just couldn’t afford it so they fancied

    It off grid but I think I’m not sure if they’re regretting it this time of year because being winter I knew they would but well I keep her warm from a distance yeah and can’t wait to see her for her birthday which would be great be nice to spend it with all the

    Kids Louis Keith Lucas how easy it is it for Josh to find a young lady when you’re on the move all the time you made you made him go red Now Keith he’s met a couple of 50y olds but they’re a bit too old for him

    No this is the thing with Josh I want him to I want him to have his own life I want him to meet a nice girl and yeah that’s what life’s all about is’t it darling meeting a nice girl I just call this my traveling years at the

    Moment it is yeah I’m just TR you know some people like Luke and lebby my son and his wife they went they went traveling for like years Australian I don’t traveling across the world but I do like just I get homesick so yeah this is your travel this is your travel thing

    Really isn’t it yeah Great Britain who knows maybe I’ll buy a boat and yeah on a boat maybe will that’s a trouble most of the people my my age who like living on narat so uh I don’t know how to put it the there lack for a lack of a better

    Word the hippies and I’m not really happy so we wouldn’t really get along you know what I mean yeah I know but it it’s very hard it’s it’s quite a social life really in some ways plus I’ve got I’ve got a cringy know I’ve got to love

    Myself before I can love you know and I don’t love myself at the moment oh you got to have a bit more he’s got to have a bit more confidence in himself guys there’s a lot of people out there that like themselves but they you just got to

    Get on you would believe it I was very very shy when I was at school and once I lose once I lose weight which I’m going to you know try and like I said you’ve done lost a lot though I know but I need to get down to a wait that I feel

    Comfortable I think that’s a lot of it guys with his confidence I think the weight side of it once he gets that off and I think he have a lot more confidence won’t you and yourself you feel much better about yourself w’t you you know go go Nar about will says go

    Fantastic great wide Canal very quiet love it yeah Watch Remember watching his videos on that s Bridge the Will’s video on the middle level when he kept going rever oh God RI I got reverse what have I done going down here I got reverse rips ever done this I don’t get stressed

    Out I don’t get stressed out I’m get stressed out to watch that video again takes it in his takes it in his St he has to reverse about two bths reach load I think you went down I’m going to have to watch it again cuz that was really cool

    That my favorite video oh God your breath smells like dead Dogfish Harbor Toby oh 1973 being 1973 Josh has a young lady every morning up and down the country he wish his name Kei Lucas I went out with a young girl on an arrow booat didn’t last we drifted

    Apart usually Andy doing J like that dreamy DF is doing a laughing face 1973 being 197 laughing face uh Penny Penny’s but all the traveling will be good for Josh because he’ll settle one day or meet someone who has a traveling Soul he’ll be fine yeah that’s from Penny she

    Penny always knows what to say Jackie hi and happy Christmas to you all including the cats hi Jackie happy Christmas happy New Year little fishy breath will says I’m good at reversing now that was just so brilliant cus makes perfect will that was just brilliant I absolutely couldn’t stop laughing that

    Was so good oh dear that is Real Entertainment that video was real entertainment yeah I’m going have to watch it again Keith nights and can Santa to get down your chimney and if can what’s he bringing you wow oh I don’t know see that I don’t know I don’t think we to be

    Honest we don’t it’s weird because we don’t really buy each other presents do we no we just save the money no I do give no I say that I do give all my kids money for Christmas so they all have money for Christmas we doing up the

    Camera at the moment so we can go off on little holidays to Scotland and Welles and little places M wants I need to have I already got Dad new a new tablet for his birthday yeah he got a new tablet for his birthday didn’t he we we paid

    Half didn’t we for Dad and um yeah I’m into my sort of games on my tablet now like Tetris and that no Tetris I don’t like Tetris it’s just I don’t know I don’t like that but there’s lots of little games I like um on there and yeah

    So I’m going to get more up to dat tablet for my 60th birthday I’ve asked yeah Tony and Luke to you got my hand me down from like yeah 2014 dat so I’m getting that from luk 10 years old next Luke Tony and you aren’t I hopefully so that’ll be nice Steve

    Godard so guys how are you going through winter because I know you have the power station but solar’s a bit I know Josh loves his Xbox I’m thinking of getting a coil in my diesel fire so get hot water actually we’re not since we’ve got

    Lithium it’s not not too bad is it the solar the the trouble is you don’t get much solar not in the winter no get a little bit but not a lot really if you’re not on the boat and everything’s turned off the solar is fine it will

    Look after the boat for you but for living off of it it’s not much good in the winter the engine running I usually turn my freezer off at night cuz everything’s still frozen the next morning is it so you turn that off to save a bit of even though it’s 12 Vol I

    Still turn that off does SA power yeah so we we we do all right really don’t we I think Steve we’ve got used to it over the three years this is our third year now this is the best year really because because of the lithium you don’t really

    Have to we probably only have to have the engine on an hour and a half two hours I suppose to get it up yeah so got it up up really quick don’t they now we’ve turned the inverter off now we don’t we only put the inverter on when

    We need it don’t we when you watch Telly and Josh like I say with Josh you haven’t pay the Xbox much lately have you watching The Walking Dead yeah me and Josh are into the walking dead at the moment we’re watching that from the beginning Wen we aren’t we Andy gets a

    Bit peeved off though mom’s just seen uh Glenn get his oh that’s horrible if anyone watched it you know Glenn is and you know what happened to him oh that’s that would very nice I’ll find you Maggie Jackie yes Happy New Year to you will I even walk back backwards to the

    Toilet now how’s your how’s your engine and gearbox all right yeah oh wow yeah absolutely great thanks to you will the engine the gearbox has been sorted as well thanks to um the guy that done our BSS he’s he’s put the new G was it a

    Gasket went on had to put a new gasket on yeah it was a new o-ring a new o-ring on the selector um when you select the gear it was that that was leaking it was the O-ring it was coming out of the o ring under pressure and dropping down

    Through the gearbox so you’ll be pleased to no will that’s finally been done yeah so yeah she’s touchwood it’s a fiddly job though so I’m I’m not going to do that myself it’s got a little spring and a little ball bearing behind it yeah he wasn’t he wasn’t um happy about doing

    That himself yeah I know what you say will yeah go on do it you’ll be all right but yeah same whe wasn’t in the area yeah a FID little fiddly little job you got to get it just right and you got to put it in just right I was you have no

    Gears uh Nick middle Hall mid milen Hall sorry happy Christmas to tayl happy Christmas to you ni and happy New Year Jennifer shood hi Jennifer I speak to you you view your comments great to see you all watch all your Vlogs but never comment oh where did she comment I

    Thought you comment oh probably on here or Facebook Facebook Maybe Jennifer have you comment on chat Facebook so I’m always on there um as I normally watch them as I’m going to bed it helps me unwind is that is that a good thing yeah helps you relax I suppose

    Yeah cruising along it’s very relaxing most of the time it is anyway uh 1973 being 1973 when are you going to go out in the Campa van and where is the first trip going to be well obviously so we had to wait for the weather to be nice don’t we yeah got

    Wait for the weather to be nice and to be honest I don’t think it’d be ready until about then anyway yeah I think probably I wanted to go out to the Peak District for my birthday um I think that’ll just be day trips though because we’ll be we’ll be

    On the Calen Canal I think in January so we could just C Canal is literally right next to the Peete District so we go for day trips yeah we’ll be driving to the Peete District we can make a cup of tea and all that out there can’t we yeah yeah first time

    We be staying in it though is probably in the Peak District again which will be in like March and and uh I think yeah next year although we can’t go north and new Lancaster and Le we might be taking the caban to maybe go see him and do we may

    We might I had thought of taking the dingy with us and doing bits of the Lancaster and uh leading Liverpool with Dy and the campan and go and see uh uh Yorkshire Dales and maybe take a trip to Scotland the dingy on the bloody roof though W

    You oh Jackie’s asking what we be cooking for dinner I think and he said we’re going to have probably turkey and pora cocktail and cheesecake for pudding and and Christmas pudding yeah I don’t know what cheesecakes he’s having yet I don’t know chees white CH D done a white chocolate in

    Rasberry before didn’t he that was years ago not last year year before that was like years ago you have that again have to get some raspberries oh Keith is just going to go and put the kettle on I’ll put the kettle on me with a nice cup of tea ke I

    Think I might put the cat on now oh will said yeah the O-rings always leak it’s all sorted darling so no worries Deborah we do watch your vogs they’re comical de Debra is then Deborah no not not not W though is no we do watch your blogs of their comical

    Probably bump into you on a Ben one day it’s a good life have fun sorry can not buy you a cup of tea um a Yorkshire man Huddersfield lad oh Huddersfield we might see you when we’re on the HS field you never know that’d be nice Deborah

    With Deborah yeah I think Joe Joe other half is a is a Yorkshire man I think 19737 can you say happy Christmas to Carl Smith Hurst loves the video Happy Christmas Carras have a fantastic New Year as well will happy crumble and an apple New Year everyone

    Hope hopefully with custard I’ve got to upload tomorrow’s Vlog so I need my phone back stay tuned rippers all right then see you later will oh that’s all right we might get more people talking to us now will happy Christmas New Year will love you tons Jenny Armstrong Josh I think you’ve

    Got some of the best Drone footage of the countryside and a very professional and calming voice over yeah everyone everyone always compliments my Drone footage which makes me happy um yeah I do take a lot of risks with my Dr that’s that’s how I obviously make get some

    Good ones but yeah the a taking a lot of RIS Aqueduct and the I’m not going to say the big one Aqueduct that was amazing Drone footage this is what he puts everything into it and we got hardly any views on them we can’t

    Believe it I I do everything I can uh to try and get my videos out there but I don’t know I don’t know why Lord stiff up a little are there any canals in mid and South Wales mid and South Wales think it’s all like yes there is Mom

    What is it there’s the bre the bre M bre oh M Breen yeah but that is detached m m sure and Breen it’s detached from the network yeah um did join to the uh Bristol Channel but it’s been built over so you could have theoretically crossed

    From Bristol to I don’t know where it is Cardiff near Cardiff somewhere near there yeah Cardiff is South like um and then you could have gone on the canal but yeah it’s been do over um and there’s also the ne neif canal in South Wales there’s a little bit of that left

    And also swansey Canal there’s a little bit of swansey canal left I really do want to go down there and take a trip down in the Dy one day cuz they are still there there’s a few locks and they’re beautiful but um so far away

    Yeah have to make a for a few days the only place the only time we be near is when we’re down in the gloss and sharpness yeah so which hopefully probably be next year it yeah oh Kirsty saying bye bill I think she means um now will we shall look

    Forward to next uh Vlog from Keith and Fanny adventures with so hi there hey up Ducks up Daniel hi hi there you always comment and I always go hey up Ducks which I love that I love that we we got called it where was it we where were we

    Get I kept getting called it when I was walking along the toe path Chesterfield oh yeah it was Chesterfield was it Josh yeah that when we got further up up up the north of Chesterfield Canal everyone was calling me Ducks Lind over the top he goes right

    Duck yeah it was great I love it I love all these different accents you get uh that’s it come on guys I’m making a tea oh Andy’s Tak a nice cup of tea for me that’s all right then we need any more questions from anyone any dollar dollar dollar everyone

    Keeps wishing us Merry Christmas and everything but you want to know any more questions about our lives or anything that’s happening in our lives and fishing Andy the expert in fishing Roger Roger yeah Roger that’s Roger yeah Roger where are you exactly from R2 now about

    R2 I did tell him actually today I told you Roger today we were on on what that I think he’s traumatized from what happened to him yeah yeah you going to say that oh should I oh should I tell him about that no reason why not to oh God know where

    They are Roger Roger let me know today Roger goes Roger goes abroad to tler protection cats protection in soers I think we’ve told you before and looks after the cats there there’s about 900 cats there and he volunteers there and he only got back a couple of days ago

    And um yes he was in he was in the marina and very very sad his next door neighbor that lives on a boat had um fallen off his narrow boat broke his back and was found in the um Marina floating in the marina so very very sad

    That’s insane I think we’ve we’ve heard so many things about things like that as well the wford arm wasn’t it someone down there fell off off the amount people was jumped off of I can’t say it I said it in the video that’s because I searched out how to say

    It but I’m not going to say it the big actor yeah so many people jump off that that I think the that’s the only thing like like Nar about will is a single Bo so is Roger there lo Lo and loads out there but the thing is if you’re danger

    Yeah it’s very dangerous because if you know if you don’t you don’t realize you can just fall off hit your head or whatever yeah so very sad for his family right on Christmas horrible so Roger’s got to get over that and he’s off he’s off now I think he’s

    Off for a couple of months he goes and helps people out that are disabled and that doesn’t he so very rewarding oh Willie said do you have any questions for the viewers oh yeah uh I guess uh what do you want to see more of in the Vlogs yeah what is

    Their main thing that makes them laugh yeah and and the thing is to help Josh out really uh what do you like to see in other people what do you like in enjoying from other people’s Vlogs that you want to see in ours yeah that you think would be more enjoyable because

    There’s a lot of lot of new vloggers out there that are doing very very very well with subscribers and Views and we can’t see what we’re doing differently so that would help I just think it’s have something to do with the YouTube algorithm it’s all but run by an AI yeah

    Just J thinks it might be that which is to do with YouTube I don’t know don’t know maybe YouTube just don’t like us but anything like that can help us oh no like yeah you the algorithm doesn’t like our adventures with SOG is well as Natty

    In real life as he is on his videos worse yeah I think he’s worse actually Dar he’s got a filter himself for the YouTube channel but when is with us oh yeah he’s funny like when we showed up to pick him up in that red van oh my God

    It stinks of petrol I’m not getting in that and then when you had a fuel you had the fuel leak and he had to do something to get under there oh my God had some adventures with him it was a shame we don’t see him that often like

    To see him more he’s never on the same canals as us I don’t know what someone’s giggling in the background there he’s thinking about the pub and whales with the stew oh yeah we went to oh where’s that what’s the pub called the bridge I don’t know the one just before chk Aqueduct

    Yeah the one just for bridg in oh I can’t remember we went we had a fantastic IC time when we went we he treated us to a stew this is on the clan gothland couple of years ago he treated us oh we’re going to take you for a stew

    So we’re going add a stew with him bless him he’s not watching now but he might see it later but he um yeah he treated us to and it was and I said oh well really it’s not a stew I said where’s the dumplings and and we went in stew and

    There was no dumplings how can you not have a shoe without dumplings it’s unbelievable but he’s yeah he’s he’s such a character he’s fantastic will is he’s just as nice in real life he’s blonde and fluffy oh Penny Penny says good one Willie any questions for us well well if

    They restored all canals back this is Steve Godard well if they restored all canals back it would go to 2 700 wonder what we are at now cuz some of them been restored what’s Andy working over Xmas plus 12 quid now in Basin up there from six I know this is

    This is why Steve we didn’t um more in the Basin clang Gotham Bas no 12 quid is unbelievable it’s ridiculous just to stop people moreing there is it yeah they doing it for when we were we last year we didn’t go down there but the year before we went down there in

    November and there was no charge at all you couldn’t have electric but there was no charge at all so they obious introduced that last year didn’t they the six this year and God things just keep getting worse and worse and more expensive don’t they yeah the six pound

    Was last year and we were told it’s it’s £12 this year and also someone on a boat told us that yeah it’s 12 this time of year and you don’t get electric don’t know how true that is you might know Steve but I down there and go and

    Explore whales but couldn’t because we wanted to stay there for a few days but I don’t know I’m too tight I won’t pay 12 quid I said to George don’t we staying like a couple of nights so again we missed out on exploring whales we have to drive even further and explore whales

    Yeah we will we did you say about um when we’re at the leads in Liverpool that sort of area that we might yeah Liverpool’s actually quite close all you have to do is cross the bridge and then you’re into North oh you got Licor on camera now Hyo baby

    We never get to explore I want to go and see bouth and that but never seen to explore it do we yeah oh oh dreamy Drifter this is a good one Josh I enjoy the howto Vlogs oh yeah so howto well yeah do certain things actually like when Dad does the next

    Service on live film that as well I filmed him on the air filter for Olive so people can see how that’s done yeah that’s a beat a marine air the same his wheels narrow about cuz it’s easier to get hold of than IU a oh Ash is here now having a little

    Scratch um Jackie says I like the walks in the countryside you do yeah there’s going to be more there’s going to be more of them anyway there we took a me took a walk up to Marbury to have a look at the church on the lake there yeah

    Which was oh beautiful reny oh that was absolutely beautiful wasn’t it you got your claw the chair claw stick yeah don’t ever get chairs nice chairs no he get ripped apart Penny Josh is very good at putting across history he makes it interesting so maybe some more of that the less known little

    Bits yeah like history I’m interested about it as well I made that uh documentary on the uh shb Newport and now didn’t do very well so yeah but I think a lot of people are interested it but they yeah they don’t do so well as but like like we’ve

    Said we’re going to probably try and do more everyday life because people seem to like that Josh has watched a few other vloggers and they do a little bit of their everyday life more don’t they and that Josh and not just cruising oh Paul Paul Simpson hi Paul and Sarah

    Oh happy Christmas and happy New Year to you guys hi guys loving the Vlogs on both channels just carry on doing the same love the camper Vlog been in the hysterics happy Christmas of Sarah and Paul on the ashb happy Christmas and happy New Year on Nar about what’s next what’s next

    Yeah Sarah and Paul have been probably watching us from the beginning so thanks thanks for watching us and giving yeah our support and when we were on the ashb last they even bought us a bag of cold we still have the bag as well yeah we

    Use it for Vlogs yeah we still have the bag that we yeah we do we use it for Vlogs Vlogs use it every time sorry LS sorry here she comes oh Jackie Jackie wants H your dad to do more cooking what he is I do lots of work so the other day I

    Filmed him making pizzas for us um but on the barbecue no do you remember me filming you doing that no the time before that so it will be inwind the cooking now will be interwin with the regular Vlogs yeah so yeah cuz but he can’t be bothered to then do any

    Cooking he hasn’t cooked once this week so whenever he does cook I will film it yeah I thought I cooked Yesterday Once he’s cooked oh yeah you did but L I don’t blame him M about though W you yeah he did moan about it but I don’t blame him because that’s

    What he does for living Cooks all the time but it’s just nice to for me to have a bit of a break after and he’s been away for four days and I’m I do cook as well and Josh Cooks a few different things don’t you Josh

    Yeah aventures with so up Duck I like it when Josh gives his information I’d also like to see Andy doing some fishing also looking forward to seeing some van life vids yeah yeah again like when Once the fishing starts again starts doing it like instead of it being all separate

    Vlogs and it’s just going to be you know it was just us doing a cruise it’s going to be everything now the walks back to get the car sunset from sunrise to sunset they yeah sunsets and sunrises I feel that well sunsets out Sunrise um

    You’ been feeling a bit of the birds on the feeders and that sort of thing cuz it’s just the whole thing of what happens on when you live on an Arab and I think that’s what’s going to make the channel grow hopefully let’s hope so and make it more entertaining what we need

    Like this is what we like about talking to you so we need your advice to try and get it that’s the stuff that’s the sort of stuff I can do now not not editing all the time and I’m only doing one video a week I have time to film these

    Things like before I didn’t really have time to film down making dinner or uh doing fishing yeah uh Paul Paul Simpson said hope to bump into you soon glad to see you all well Sarah and Paul yeah it’ be nice to do the ashb again yeah I love

    The ashb yeah so quiet on there you got spend a long time yeah we do we do really like the ash B very nice I do regret rushing it in that week yeah we rushed it that God we’ll take more time guys next time we come and we’ll come and see

    You miss and we’ll get more call off you please only joking I tried to try and yeah if we didn’t do that we wouldn’t have got frozen in on the PCN because we’ve already been past that yeah and down the other side of the that’s a good thing

    About this year isn’t it little Butterfly Effects set yeah we haven’t been frozen in yet this year but I think it’s going to get a bit cold round about Christmas Time Again well we might do you never know uh Miss bricks where is the best place you have

    Mor that’s hard to that’s hard to answer because we so many places I don’t know I think C Scot was it Kevin Scott oh on the temps yeah oh oh yes there good internet good solar swimmming a moing spot where no one else could get

    In front or behind you yeah you had you there you had a gate and you had to have the code to the gate secure parking right next to the boat yeah so nobody could guess swim you could jump in and swim in the hot sun I mean I don’t that

    Was a good year to be on it last year because it Wasa it’s a beautiful part of the TS up there yeah I I’m looking forward to going back there just just for kem’s C cam Scott it couldn’t have been a better place to have to cuz we have to stay

    There for ages didn’t you didn’t we they look after George yeah C Cam’s gotot Manor I think it’s we just near Cam’s Gott Manor it’s a beautiful part of the TS oh Lech lady is beautiful yeah up through there on a canal though on a

    Canal go I don’t know we’ve been so many beautiful places haven’t we think of the most beautiful one that you’ve ever looked can’t think so I’ll tell you what up on the L Goin overlooking that Valley is are nice more and spot with whe that time yeah just past Trevor that’s

    Beautiful there yeah we didn’t we didn’t more there this this time did we but you’re more there and you can see right across this Valley it’s absolutely beautiful we got hit with a storm didn’t we those last year it was the three storms in a row was it oh we love it

    When there’s like would like Josh will say like he loves canals where like the the macers field the peak for us of clang goth all when you got Hills and it’s not just flat yeah it’s like the the river n the Ooze the middle levers

    Was lovely but it was just so well it was so flat was it the middle levels it was unbelievable how flat it was there yeah just boring I guess I’ll tell you what in the winter over there would be fantastic though with the wildlife the wild flower that you get in millions of

    Birds that would be awesome to see and some of the best murmurations from starlings in the country over there I don’t know how the what the middle levels was like in the winter well it can get a bit Frozen but it’s all right isn’t it it’s it being flood a ditch so wouldn’t

    Yeah and the they all being flood you wouldn’t no you’d have to stay on the actual middle levels would you or the all the fence itself the middle levels are used for water relief aren’t they yeah yeah so they probably get flooded would they mean they might be shut yeah

    You don’t I don’t know a voyage of enchantress I liked some of the underwater filming Josh did thought that was different to other tubers yeah yeah I’ll definitely try and do some more of that next year with a GoPro uh but we’re not really going on any rivers the only

    River we’re going on next year is Weaver actually yeah we don’t have to pay we don’t have to get a gold license that’s the thing when you go on rivers that aren’t including the CRT license you have to pay a lot of money to go on apparently at the moment cheaper to get

    A gold license for next year than it is to get a regular license because if the gold license starts in January but the regular license starts in April so yeah if you were to get this is what I can I found out from my research when I was doing that video

    About how much it cost to live on a boat apparently it’s cheaper next year to buy a gold license in J crazy yeah I was talking to somebody yesterday and he said about the sear charge for CCS continuous cruise and it’s going to go up we we haven’t talked

    About that because we don’t like getting into politics guys it’s going to go up 25% over five years or something we haven’t even mentioned that in any videos but yeah that is it’s going to be like what is your license going to be then in 4 5 years I don’t know 25%

    More 50% more well don’t know cuz the the search charge you’re talking about which is different to the licensing fees going up so your licenses fees will go up and your and your SE charge is added on so the guy I was speaking to yesterday he reckons in five years it’s

    Will be doubled yeah that’s what he reckons but I did say to him it’s cheaper than living in a house yeah oh Marina and look at this wonderful Beauty around us Nick middle middle Hall mid mod sorry sorry Nick I just call you Nick darling God

    Love your Vlogs always puts a smile on my face oh thank you darling and Paul said it’s a pleasure oh it’s a pleasure to get some more coal off you then Paul brilliant no I love the ash really and that’s that the ashp is where we met r as well was it

    Roger we’re trying to talk to Paul and Roger comes along and that’s right yeah Paul’s like okay I’m gonna go I don’t want to be stood six hours I stood stood outside for six hours talking to Roger as you can see if you do the what you

    Done it worse is year you were out there for like 10 hours weren you on the remember that time more next to us on the US great oh yeah for AG well on the we were out there getting bit by mosquitoes on the wash we were chatting

    Josh had to Josh had to cut all that out on the wash cuz me and me and Roger were like that on the back of the boat Jackie when you looked for a narrow boat can I ask how many boats you looked at wish have documented it no yeah yeah

    We looked at we looked at the I think Josh our first video I think Josh is we’re looking on a Aaj or something it was called was it on the uh k&a on the k&a at just what was before Kan Hill it was Daddy Long Legs was there as well wasen

    It I don’t know devises that’s it devises Marina we went there and we looked at that one and that was about 40 40 something thousand 42 2000 or something that was and it was 19 I can’t remember 200 2004 I think it was yeah 2004 it was and we went if you

    Watch a vlog we went on there and I just I just got in there and in the in Olive you come into her and you just like it’s easy to get in but with the one we went on you couldn’t get you couldn’t get in

    Josh had to sort of turn and like he couldn’t go on the back it was so thin in there the corridors was it Andy I said oh God I don’t my first I said first oh God I think I might have to get a w b I don’t

    Know if I could live on here and um yeah it needed a lot of work doing to it didn’t it inside and then we and then someone the guy said oh that one’s just coming up for S daddy long legs that was 1990 something and that was yeah about

    30 or there was Gerald number 10 Gerald number 28 which was Ashwood Marina on the St and wor yeah that was a really nice boat and we really liked it um you want you you were thinking about putting a deposit down weren’t you but yeah I was thinking about putting a deposit

    Down uh but it was 70 it was 72,000 oh God that’s that’s a lot and we had to find £7,000 which was we couldn’t do that so um that was out and it was and I think oh then we looked at at rugby boats L go I’ll tell you

    What guys we fell in love with this boat pictures wise we fell in love with it 2004 65 foot had a oh it had everything Andy didn’t it had a big engine it had yeah 52 horsepower engine generator separate office separate utility where you keep your washing machine and all unbelievable it

    Was look on on your phone or on it looked absolutely lovely and I don’t when they last done the photographs cuz we got there and it was just it was just horrible inside on it’s just so and it was I don’t know something like 75 grand

    Or something it was so we did we did so that’s the ones we looked at until we and it’s a shame because Josh didn’t Vlog us looking at Olive because because I thought tell what funny thing is I thought there was too much competition to make a mar about YouTube channel yeah

    And now there’s loads much more competition um but we didn’t really I was like you know I’ll give it a go when we actually got on the we didn’t really look at the thing is we we kept seeing Olive and we kept going back to her oh

    But thing is she was about 80 80,000 so she was too expensive for us but we had this discussion I said to Andy were you either going to get a boat with 40 Grand 40,000 you got to spend 40,000 on it or you spend more money on one so that’s

    What we done in the end and we watched Olive come down in price she was 80,000 then she came down to 75,000 then she came down to 70,000 and I said oh come on let’s go and go and have a look at her and in the end we got her for

    67,000 in the end and like now probably she’s probably worth a lot more than that because narrow boats have just gone up and up and up I think she’ be close to 100,000 now but I I and I don’t know about Josh but Andy and I when we came on her we just

    Fell in love with her I actually preferred lgo I think but it’s your money it’s your boat I don’t really have an input but we fell in love with her but like inside hello she does she didn’t need anything to doing inside really apart from we we changed it

    Inside because we put a door on Josh’s room and made a little office for him but other than that outside it needed doing paint workor and that but which we’ve done over the years yeah and that’s something think if you do ever buy a boat that’s something you got to

    Keep on top of all the time every year because they always get scratched and hit and even even if you’re a really really good driver on the tiller you still get have accidents nearly had a head on collision the other day just didn’t we again good

    Girl you’re good girl where are we yes you are you all got to catch up with people now everybody’s is there now wants a cuddle uh Jackie no pressure Andy laugh out loud um Voyage of enchantress has Andy ever tried magnet fishing in the canals only have only if we have to

    Retrieve something when I’ve Dro things in yeah but other than that you haven’t have you Andy I don’t really no they don’t like you doing it and know my Lu I’ll do it and get hold off so I I’ve just only pulled things out that I’ve lost sometimes I’ve actually had to go

    In in locks but I haven’t really picked much up nice windless be we dropped one there is one somewhere of our own windless we Dro probably some of the nice windless is now are um aluminium or alloy and it just won’t pick it up uh Jennifer Sherwood is asking have

    You seen any other YouTube vloggers this winter we bumped into anybody yeah we’ve seen Fran and Rich oh we saw Fran and Rich from floating our boat I don’t they really know us though uh we just waved them as we went by and we not talking to

    We’ve seen our Bo life unlocked a couple of times hav we’ve gone past them I think that’s about it this winter isn’t it yeah last winter was quite busy cuz we bumped into Gary and all sorts yeah we haven’t seen that many there wasn’t that many on the CL off this no this

    Year they all came last year on the clan gothland they haven’t seen n any this year P pirate Nar what’s her name Heidi from thear Pirate she was on here last year and that yeah I don’t know where she is this year they all seem to go somewhere

    Different each year don’t they oh Jackie saying I do like the fact that you do not change as you get more popular with your channel thank you we just be ourselves to be honest you know just that’s all we do is it just try and be ourselves and that’s

    It if people like us they like us if they don’t they don’t that’s Lish is showing you a good side oh yeah Lish has come now Steve Godard just keep it real like you mostly do guys and ups and downs on how to do and lots of voots

    Like that CU coming across the situations of every day 100% wow I’ve got to go now take care stay safe thanks Steve yeah it’s getting on see you later have a lovely Christmas darling Miss bricks would you ever consider moving back to a house no no I wouldn’t I don’t know about Andy

    Josh I might Josh will but he’s young is he yeah Josh might get his own house eventually or he might get like living off grid so yeah he loves living off grid so he might I wouldn’t want to live on a boat by myself if I had a

    Significant other to then I wouldn’t mind yeah if you got a partner be raing kids on an hour but I would not want to do that whatsoever it’s already ra hard hard enough raising kids as it is and do just not practical no I don’t think it’

    Be that practical would it is so some people some people do it but I just don’t think I would be able to do it some people bring families up and things don’t they uh Thomas coin uh good night all shall see you in the next Vlog good night Thomas have a lovely Christmas

    Paul would like to see some oh Paul would like to see some of Josh’s photography I think he photography you haven’t been doing much of that have you now get the time isn’t it I thought about occasionally doing a few photos and putting them in in the

    Video um just like photos of sunsets and it so I might do that we’ll see oh Rebecca hi Rebecca danaha hi hi Becky hope you’re okay Merry Christmas to you all I would like to see more everyday life in the Vlogs but I also enjoy them

    As they are keep warm yeah I think that’s what a lot of people like to see which is what Josh is going to do in future isn’t it in a in a few videos time yeah in a couple videos time I think oh God the Vlogs will be changing

    Chang dramatically he’s going to change and see how it goes uh n will be in a videos look at lish’s eyes AR they lovely yeah beautiful is’t she lovely eyes hold on I’ve lost everybody now have you yeah where was I everybody flee Rebecca there we go how’s the van John

    Collins how’s the van coming along slow but sure well they haven’t done much recently it’s having time having the time of being able to park in a decent spot you got to have it get a littley when you’re on the main road the main road to here pass theyy yet because it

    Is a bit weird converting a van in a lby people think what the hell they there we were parked in the car park but we got told off so thank you high high Boat Company yeah very kind of you let us park there uh Jenny Armstrong as an American

    I love seeing the UK Countryside cities and Villages from the rivers and canals however a vlog Style video is enjoyable it’s like a little Peak into everyday life yeah I think we might be right hopefully everyday life to be honest I think my videos are a bit Bland you know

    A bit boring really so spicing up a bit by uh filming they God knows what’s going to happen now um Miss brick says if I had a Nar Bo I would name it living the dream I think we’ve seen a few of them yeah living the dream or narrow

    Escape yeah narrow Escape Maxine W hi guys love your Vlogs maybe do some daytoday like life stuff like shopping cleaning and stuff so we can see what you get up to when you do not want to see the shopping okay just do not want to see that actually we hate each other

    In our shopping our shopping our shopping videos will probably make good videos yeah me and Andy go shopping we end up arguing usually so Jos doesn’t come she walked at the shop yesterday yeah cuz she spies on me let’s put it this way I don’t know Andy mentioned something about he wants

    P or Sherry so he goes off over to to see look at the drinks I just casually looked over see where he was going and that was all wrong he thought I was critici it wasn’t casual you pulled yourself into reverse you slipped the top part of your body around the aisle

    And you were looking directly at me like an eag no I didn’t so I let and let’s put it this way guys I just left him to it and went and sat in the van so in a busy Christmasy Audi and I had to do all the packing everything that’s all

    Right m is it I’m retired oh God uh yeah that’s a good idea I don’t know about the shopping though Maxine uh Raymond C I’ve just had to subscribe for some reason I had been a subscriber for a long time so I’m not sure what happened there anyway great Vlogs thanks

    Raymond well thank you I’m not sure what happened there no YouTube does weird things yeah YouTube Just does what they want when they adventures with SOG a app dock if you were if you were all pushed which one Canal is your favorite of them they all for scenery

    Etc to H CL golin is nice but yeah the only really nice part of it is probably like um past cherk isn’t it yeah past cherk past the massive I like the union myself but I don’t like the shoppy Shelf cuz it scrapes the boat yeah but the

    Shops of unions are nice going because of the countryside around I don’t know I think one of my probably favorites for the countryside and that is North Fox no the peak forest and the M yeah they were lovely weren’t they absolutely beautiful what’s the one you said we’re going to

    Go up to Josh that you we haven’t seen yet watch H watch Jos records the RO is going to be his favorite yeah it might even be ours so we’ll wait we we’ll update you on that at the moment though I think God it’s hard Chesterfield you L that I did love

    Chesterfield but oh Chesterfield love the Chesterfield what I loved about the Chesterfield was so quiet you know it was a summer and didn’t see a boat did you we didn’t even see a boat did we when we went up to the closed tunnel this guy said yeah he for

    A week with no V that guy we passed Andy wasn’t it he said you’re the first boat I’ve seen for six months Ser dodging maneu getting onto the Chesterfield that’s why a lot of people don’t do yeah if we had to pick a canal that we had to

    Stay on it probably would be yeah it is quite hairy that maneuver it really is hairy you got to spin the boat around just at the right point and then you facing this torrent of water where the Tide’s going out and then you got to

    Get into the lock you CED out didn’t you got pushed down I got pushed down and into the basically into the Hedge let’s put it this let’s put it this way guys I’m not going there and I’m not critical but Jeff and Jackie did say the way to

    Do it and and he ignored them so that’s why he messed up I know it’s the first time I ever did that maneuver so they told you when to do it when to turn yeah I know I was just worried about the mud Bank on the other side but I know now

    Next time when I do it oh Deborah was saying Joe said this is our other half I think how much would do you use each winter I have been doing it for the last six years I cannot believe how much I have gone through keeps me fit yeah it

    Depends on how cold it is doesn’t it yeah what how much did we collect the other day all that all that wood I’ve collect we collected on the a good ton of wood the other day I would we went down over the aqueduct and there all on

    The offside I think we could have made about 200 quid on that lot that we it’s all gone and it is all gone and actually we in the process of getting some more today aren’t we yeah luckily we have found a tree down tree that we can uh

    It’s good that people do pick up wood these days because none of the woodlands are managed anymore and they’re literally suffocating under dead trees and I mean a certain amount of rotten wood is good for Woodland but for thousands of years man’s managed Woodland and now we’ve just stopped and

    They’re all overgrown and yeah so need someone in there chopping the wood as long as people don’t chop trees down that are still alive yeah you know I well I was on the clan Gotham this lady it’s her a bit of land there and she came up and she’s really

    Really nice I said I’m just collecting some kindling along the thing oh she said no worry she said it’s absolutely fine she said and you can even go down onto my land if you want and and have some wood she said that the people that annoy me are abouts that come along here

    And chop fresh trees down and do it which is’s probably a few around but we don’t we but the thing is it don’t cost anything does it we even collect it in locks when it’s been caught up and stuck around lots and it’s been put up in big

    Piles we collect that that’s good wouldn’t it we had to buy I had to buy a bit of kindling the other day cuz I do collect kindling but the t is it takes quite a long time to dry so sometimes to start the fire it’s not I have to not

    Dry enough is it yeah Jennifer Sherwood if there is one thing you would change on Nara Olive what would it be the length I knew he was going to say that me it’ll be changing the glass in the front of the P the door oh God something simple like

    That you know what’s hilarious dad yeah there is a old black prints above that lock that looks like it’s really old older than ours and the glasses are maculate at the front yeah but you know why because Olive was mored facing into the sun and it blows double glazed glass

    Every time when the sun on if anybody out there knows where we can replace the glass yeah we got to replace the glass unfortunately but no I think probably I’ll probably be right what Josh is saying the length probably because yeah um we do get a we do get a lot of

    Predicaments because of the length but I do love the length of her because of the living space sometimes we’ve been literally on the L golin in the storm in the wind we’ve been pushed against the AR and have to Mo up because we can’t get off the Armco I don’t think that

    Makes any difference what length you are I think all Naros get blown by that can be awful can Kirsty do you have regular vloggers you enjoy watching on YouTube oh Kirsty that don’t know whether we don’t really watch any vloggers really I once you live once

    You live on here Andy isn’t it once you live on here yeah I do drop in and out time to time and the same as like other Narrows like we’ll all drop in time to time yeah we watch we the trouble is when when you live the life and I’m busy

    Working and we’re collecting wood and we’re walking we’re moving the boat we’re cruising just you don’t get time for tell I know it sounds awful that we’re so busy I’m retired but I’m still busy yeah you know we are still busy but I you know and we do busy in a good way

    We do um we do love all the vloggers and we all we’re really friendly and we get on well with them when we see them but we don’t watch that many we the thing is it’s funny CU When you’re thinking about I A lot of people are thinking when they

    Think about getting an Arab boat selling the house they watch loads and me and Andy Josh kept coming downstairs every time loads of times oh they’re watching more vloggers they watching walking now foxes a FL yeah what started us Fox a float Journey with jonno cruising the cart araro experience crazy when you

    Move on the boat and you see them it’s funny you watch watched all those and then it escapism it gets you out out and about covid was in what yeah they’re all gone aren’t they really now all those main ones we watched KY do you have right oh that one

    Jackie I remember seeing you sand sanding Andy and Josh sanding you have done lots of work I have seen so well done I seeing you s sanding Andy and Josh oh yeah we’ve done a lot of sanding on the boat yeah oh yeah oh you so you

    You have to um sand the paintwork down and everything back to do as well I’ve got some lining to go down and you’ll be pleased to know I’ve actually I have actually WR the name all live on the other side of the boat now yeah I haven’t finished it but they already

    Know that show them have you already shown them yes remember you did it um I don’t know where it was um de Lord stiff upper lip says Heidi’s in norid North witch nor is close then oh is North witch near here then yes yeah it’s not far might we

    Might see hi no we might see Heidi then yeah cuz we s we saw depends she’s going she’s always around the area family yeah last year we did see well we saw Gary on here Heidi didn’t we will came to see us there other two guys what

    Were they we saw them now life unlocked yeah one more day yeah one more day board uh Martin and Julie from rap and blue we met them all last year we met hardly any this year see many people I think they’re all different places now yeah that was this year it was January

    And February January February oh God been on twice this year yeah this year oh miss bricks have you ever thought about a Taylor’s of War calendar yeah I have naked one God we won’t get anybody people buying that if we’re naked one God well maybe if I lost loads of weight and put

    On loads of M something have a cat calendar maybe a cat calendar e all the beautiful cats we maybe my old photos if was going to take photos again maybe or maybe I could do some drone photos yeah yeah I don’t know could you do photos with your drone yeah

    Oh Jackie says sanding the roof down I mean yeah that was a hard job I have to keep on top of that every year now the roof that’s one of the main things that the gunnels and the roof on an arrow boat yeah Jackie said you could do a scene one

    Yeah most beautiful parts of the canals in the British aisles see I mean sorry that that heart was in the way a scenery one she means yeah you could do a scenery one wrap things up then H hold on Keith Lucas is asking do you suffer from trolls and playing nasty people oh

    Yeah yeah it’s funny because um get time don’t get that many on the Naro Channel Taylor’s AB board but Josh has had so many nasty comments on the Campa van one you don’t expect us to C van to absolute perfection with no experience whatever just DIY we and not much money you

    Know but we we’ve just done our best we look nice that cozy all tiled around the fireplace it’s lovely in the evening satting there spoiling it oh only comment just a hint towards what’s going on I only comment on the um Naro Channel and Josh comments on the

    Cber van it’s lucky it’s Josh comments and removes them because I yeah I would I don’t know what I’d say on there but there are a lot of trolls everyone gets them I just ignore them but you give them what you want what they want yeah no I don’t most of

    Them luckily like I said I don’t get that many on the Naro one now I get a lot that say oh when is Josh going to get a job there’s quite a few of those and I do just say that he got all his life to get

    A bloody job yeah this is his job really doing the channel so um oh Kirsty said cats on the C calendar would be great oh yeah like when we saw Ash today again down on that River there didn’t we yeah oh Paul Paul Sim says good night from

    The ashb good night Paul good night and Sarah have a fantastic Christmas we get going now we will I think we get going now anyway guys we’ve been on here for quite a long time so if anybody wants to ask us anything it or say goodbye etc

    Etc do it now yeah and hopefully the next one will be fishing one or something in those lines it’s Penny Penny still there because I want her to see lickorish on me she’s got her two little black kittens she can always replay it back can’t she yeah she Bo

    Absolutely bootful right say good night to everybody then Paul said ditto Jackie I will not take any notice there are people that just cannot be nice that’s true Jackie yeah and majority of the people on the canals fantastic blesses good night from Bristol dreamy Drifter good night darl Deborah Deborah and Joe

    Says we live on a 30 foot and boat live live small live cheap on my pension keeps me and and wife happy yeah perfect a 30 foot that’s all right I tell you what Deborah and Joe you could swing that round anywhere fantastic I could

    Live in that camp B to be honest I’ve got everything I need in there toilet kitchen oh don’t temp me don’t temp me that’s not 30 foot long so perfect that’s 11 foot of living space it’s a massive van so yeah the nice I do like those Miss bricks is saying take care

    All uh Nick have a great Christmas have a great Christmas Nick bye for now Keith Lucas good night have a good good evening I can see lrish my two are sleeping sh I have to be quiet Penny I don’t want to wake him up they’re little sods aren’t they Jackie good night and

    Merry Christmas from me and my cat Morgan oh Merry Christmas Jackie Keith Lucas thanks for the entertainment oh glad you joined us us Keith happy Christmas and happy adventures with SOG uh much love guys have a lovely Christmas and you darling take care thanks for joining us everyone have a

    Nice Christmas good night guys caught you a little bit late take care lovely Christmas Jacqueline Nosh Willie great chat everyone Merry Christmas Voyage of enchantress Merry Christmas guys see you all in the new year love Justin t have a happy Christmas wave as you come down the M5 we will night all have

    A great Christmas from from Rebecca Becky see you later Lord upper lip bye bye Kirsty good night everyone Jonathan wil everyone’s talking now hi guys Merry Christmas Maxine take care guys Merry Christmas to you all David now about Tumbleweed have a great Christmas and you David Penny lovely evening with

    Lovely people and cats happy Christmas Merry Christmas Penny C meras Merry Christmas everyone happy New Year Happy New Year


    1. Missed the Live stream Josh didn't receive a notification like usual 😏 Watched all your vlogs right back from when you were buying the boat. Good evening viewing.
      Yes I agree. Add more day to day living aboard in all volgs, from wood burner prep. Shopping daily chores little bits, more day in the life of Tailors aboard 😎

    2. Sorry late to the gettogether, hope you all had a wonderful Christmas & wishing you all a fantastic 2024 on the waterways and in your campervan.
      You have given us many hours of enjoyable viewing and I just love the 'Taylor Family' plus all your beautiful cats, thank you so very much. Much love to you all xx

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