The Columbus Crew made a terrible mistake by allowing two of their star players, Darlington Nagbe and Aidan Morris, to join the show in-studio for a hilarious interview about their victory in MLS Cup Final! We get the players’ perspectives about what it was like to play in the final, congratulate Darlington on his fourth MLS Cup and overall legendary career, and ask the guys about playing under Wilfried Nancy. You won’t want to miss their reactions to Christian’s trap remix of his postgame press conference! Plus, Christian and Alexis recap the final Champions League group stage matches and remember their friend, Kenny DeForest. Let us know what you think of the interview in the comments!

    Please honor Kenny DeForest’s legacy by checking out his latest stand-up special: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbORmRRvtJ8

    0:00 – Intro
    4:43 – Darlington Nagbe and Aidan Morris join the show!
    27:29 – The Champions League group stage has concluded!
    53:34 – Were Red Bulls behind the bull on NJ Transit?
    57:20 – RIP Kenny DeForest!
    1:02:10 – Wrap-up

    Who Are The Cooligans?
    The Cooligans are two New York Latino stand up comedians who love soccer/football/futbol/calcio and do live streams, podcasts, and YouTube content around the sport. Imagine if you walked into the best comedy club in New York City and two comedians on stage were talking about the sport you love. That’s the Cooligans!

    Exclusive content:
    This is where we put everything we shouldn’t say 😉

    Two full YouTube episodes every week:
    Mondays 8pm ET
    Thursdays 8pm ET

    Multiple weekly clips and shorts @SoccerCooligans

    Alexis Guerreros https://www.instagram.com/NotAlexis/
    Christian Polanco https://www.instagram.com/christian_polanco/




    Weekly audio podcasts:



    About The Cooligans:
    Two professional stand-up comedy who love being funny about soccer, MLS, USMNT, US soccer, USWNT, Premier League, La Liga, Bundesliga and much more. Alexis is of Cuban descent and Christian is of Dominican descent, two futbol POWERHOUSES in the Caribbean. Shhh, let us have this. We’ll help you enjoy the game after the 90 min are up.

    #columbuscrew #mls #mlscup #mlscupplayoffs #soccer #futbol #football

    Yeah that’s right another cooligans episode you’re welcome everybody you are well we that’s it we we just tell you as soon as you hit play you’re welcome Hey you probably said thank you as soon as yeah as soon as you’re play as soon as you saw it you refreshed the feed you’re

    Like thank heavens what are we going to be rude and not say you’re welcome that would be disrespectful to you we are nothing and how we were raised we’re nothing but proper host uh hello everybody proper what host oh I was like damn bro okay we are

    Refined hoes I don’t know what you thought I said yo we ain’t one of them Fly by Night hoes we are some proper Dy in the wool hoes bro sir uh hello my Grandad was a ho his Grandad was a hoe and I’m a ho okay proper oh was in the

    Blood okay uh me it’s a condition kig bu what’s good right already you’re already getting that um brand cooligan humor yeah there’s a question mark there uh there’s there’s two MLS couples on the show we should be a little we spent this whole time talking should how my

    Great great great grandfather was in fact the proper ho yeah yeah we should of any episode we should be the classiest ho we can on this one in fact I’m sure people associated with the Columbus Crew and nonetheless will be listening and they’ll be like we did exactly what

    Now we brought two of our players on what show don’t worry we class it up real soon but no today’s episode uh is going to be absolutely fire we’re we’re joined by two MLS Cup champions let me guess you’re excited for today’s episode yeah no you know what Alexis uh I am

    Thrilled for this epode okay we ratchet it up a little bit Theus this morning how word the word of the day calendar we are joined uh shortly by Aiden Morris and Darlington nagby of the Columbus Crew your MLS Cup champions they came through in studio and we’ll have a a

    Nice little convo with them about it’s crazy they were in this studio this very Studio it’s just every you know a lot of times getting them on the phone getting players on the phone we’re just like wow you called in on Zoom it’s like yo you called in that’s crazy bro they’re like

    Wait you sat in front of a laptop instead of just holding your phone in your car at a Starbucks drive-thru wow cuz we’ take that yeah we’ve done that plenty of times but no uh they came through they flew in they were they were on a little media tour we flowed them

    Out bro we flued them out okay say it right my bad did I say flowed them out because bro you uh you’re not being uh you know a proper hole right now you don’t know speaking of we called dington say you’re getting flued out my apologies Major League Soccer and

    Columbus Crew we’re just Jing let’s be honest they don’t know what any we love we love these you seen people that work at MLS they have no clue so uh look this is going this going to be and the one person who does know is not saying anything like look I know

    What fluid out me I’m not I’m not going to bring this up in the in the M who’s getting flued out to Columbus though bro you got to charge triple get flued out to Dubai you’re like all right fine I guess I get to be in Dubai Columbus you

    Know it’s not great to get flued out to uh to an affordable City you know what I mean that’s not a good sign wao the holiday in downtown is quite nice they have a rooftop pool that’s open for three weeks out of the year not a great

    Sign cookies from the Double Tree yeah like bro you get flued out and there’s a waffle stational breakfast included damn I didn’t know I was dealing with such high rollers damn I feel like a queen all right we we we got to get these jokes out now cuz we can’t make

    Them with Aiden and Darlington so uh it is what it is I hope they listen to this comedy podcast and soccer comes up once in a while every once in a while and it’s not just donagi and Aiden Morris we’re going to be talking about so many

    Cool things we’re going to be talking about uh yeah you have a list we’re going to be talking about Champions League okay well and yeah after the combo we’ll talk the Copa am draw and a couple other things so uh so much fun stuff be on the lookout for that as well

    So uh so let’s get right to it because it was so fun they they came through yesterday and uh it was just absolutely honest shout out to EML shout out to the Columbus Crew for bringing them along but here it is here is our chat with Aiden Morris and Darlington nagby of the

    Columbus crewp wow we are wow champions in the building four Champions all right we got two MLS Cup winners hot dog eating contest and and you beat out you beat out skin in the game you beat out Joey Chesnut bro Joey ches got nothing on me dog I showed up

    Hungry I said yo you cooked my G no uh we’re absolutely honored because uh obviously you we all saw in Columbus over the weekend yeah everybody knows who these guys are that’s right because we are joined by two MLS Cup champions we saw they came off they got off the

    Bus at the parade and came straight here shout give up huge shout out for Aiden Morris and Darlington nagby everybody bro guys uh thank you so much for joining us how you guys feeling how you guys doing amazing man happy to be here all right I

    Love I didn’t realize I for the R&B album you two so Smo I didn’t realize that much Bas was going to come out of that voice we said hello he said yo what’s up my man I just want to say hello the all the all the moms out

    There we know we know we know which member of boy to men he’s going he walks out say something back and the rest of us got to do all the singing and dancing no right let’s just let’s be for real because uh look it’s we we spent a lot

    Of time talking about the MLS Cup Final and how you guys uh did during it and just the really the dominant yeah let’s just say you bodied them you it was the dominant performance right LFC we all you know the the GL the the the Glamour

    The glitz all the owners and all this other stuff but there’s something up left the Glamour and the glitz at home there’s something about um the community and just I don’t know maybe just the Midwest you know the carbs I don’t know what it is get it done the get it done

    About the milk the milkfed but the corn fed the last few years um W with Columbus obviously the crew being saved and and just the storyline even winning an MLS Cup in in a few years ago and then and winning it again there’s just we saw the emotion between you two a

    After the final whistle but can you just a talk a little bit about just that the meaning of winning it this time in particular I yeah this time was different obviously 2020 uh Stadium wasn’t packed Co miss the game yet I was in there I was in the basement uh watching but uh

    No to get you know me to be a part of it on Game Day this year and to have like our whole stadium and everyone get a chance to be a part of it you know and then playing with my guy uh yeah it didn’t get better than that so when I

    Saw him I got a little bit emotional you know that’s my D love him but uh yeah was great isn’t this the dude that replaced you when you got Co yeah exactly and got to put a negative conation I’m just saying if I couldn’t do if I couldn’t do

    A show and then another comedian got up I would be like that’s not my boy right there yo he’s taking my job I don’t know that dude yo these young Bassy voice soccer players that coming up and taking our jobs I’m going to stop talking

    Man no but it was it was it was beautiful to see not only you know one of the things we talked about is uh that that second goal the game-winning goal uh um from yoa but the the buildup in the play we all saw pass from the pass

    From hiton was remarkable but there’s the the the 30 seconds before that goal happened before the pass even happened there’s just so much movement there’s so much chemistry there’s it’s like y’all are talking to each other without words you all know where to be everybody’s moving everybody’s drawing Defenders

    It’s just it’s literally one of the most beautiful goals I think this season it happened to be the last one uh uh for for the Columbus Crew and the game winner but can you talk a little bit about the chemistry this year I mean it is difficult to have a new coach and

    Bringing new players but to build that kind of chemistry so quickly and I imagine the veteran leadership of AD Darlington Navi helps in building that yeah you know for me that’s just a testament to to to wilfrey and his staff I think they come in uh they lead their

    City where they’re from come to Columbus bunch of new players you know and uh they were patient with us took their time with us and I think we were we realized that so we want to repay them back you know I think just a bunch of a

    Bunch of good guys a bunch of disciplined guys guys that want to be coach guys that are coachable you know I think that’s what you see on that last goal guys that are disciplined and you know that have been doing it for a while together respect each other and just

    Want to go out there and win okay yeah that that’s the media conversation but for real are you like when you get the ball again you’re like yo we still got this ball dog we still got possession I think it’s l like we don’t realize what we’re doing when we’re doing it it’s

    Just all second nature to us it’s just it’s like you do that that much in training where you don’t even realize it’s happening we know we’re like like the stuff he’s told us it’s so instilled in Us and how we move and how we think that everyone knows where they

    Have to be and they don’t even think twice about it bro it’s like you know showering like you can’t explain to someone the steps in which you shower but every time you go in and you do it the same way just is that what you mean

    Alexis comes out of the shower he’s like yo crushed it again bro damn I’m like thank you for the pass I’m like who are you talking to there’s no one else here oh the cool thing about that man is like we sometimes have like training after

    Where you have time to work on things and you’ll see Yao and and malte and they work on that same pass every time wow really to where like you’ll see him in the training and he’ll mess up on it like five times and you get it right one

    Time and then like to see it come to fruition in the game is like it’s no surprise to us okay so that’s like comedy like we’re both stand in comic so like sometimes when you’re on stage you want it you want the audience to feel as if it just happened

    In that moment and some of the stuff does for sure but some of the stuff you’ve worked on over so that it comes across that way that’s that’s poetry all right I got we have a couple fun things planned but I got some questions from from our fans so we have

    Our supporters Group which is called Gully Squad right and uh the first one Speaking of a funny question Luke sterio asked a question uh what’s the worst thing about Ohio and why is it Skyline Chile which is a very Cincinnati Cincinnati thing so figur yeah I don’t know anything about

    Cy where’s Cy I don’t know where’s C okay all right all right good answer love it this was this this is from a from a crew fan this is from uh Dave Hegman he asked a question on a scale of tranquil Caribbean Lagoon to turquoise glistening in the southwestern Sun at

    Midday how the range how blue are Josh Williams eyes in person and those things are glowing I knew it I knew it that’s my God you ever take him to the dealership and go that’s the color I want to call y Josh come with me today this is one more from um from

    Andrew Johnson another crew fan uh he just asked the question he says what is it like having a mentor like Josh Williams and this is for Aiden uh a mentor like Josh Williams and are you okay with taking over as the fan bases quote homegrown kid despite being from

    Florida oh it’s the first one about Josh um it’s weird to say like a 30 like 6 year old 30 I don’t even know how old he is which is old that’s the oldest person I’ve ever heard of it’s crazy like a 35y old I could say

    He’s like been one of my best friends for the past four or five years and guys like Donlon as well um even when I was 18 man like hanging out with 33y olds it’s like it’s strange to me kids and families so yeah like having a guy like

    That he’s just helped me so much grow into the person I am today and the Homegrown I mean I am am homegrown so I guess I could step in that role but people always think they come up to me and they’re like hey like

    So you grew up in New Albany I’m like no I didn’t like I’m from for I’m a Florida boy so interesting but yeah I’m here for whatever the crew wants what I love about southern Florida there’s a little bit of a New York accent that kind to my

    Voice man no no you said you said you said full out of there you do it in like one syllable and there’s that there’s that little bit of the New York accent you know what I’m talking about when you go to Florida like it it exists it is we

    Wish we had your voice okay oh 100% okay I go home and I say to my wife I’m like what’s up babe and she’s like no can you try again you smoke a cigar and try again well speaking of of of South Florida obviously um inter Miami has

    Made a lot of uh a big splash and a lot of news obviously lonel Messi uh uh joining the club but for you know it’s kind of nice winning an MLS Cup when you know you know Messi was watching the final and he was not there so that must

    Be a bring a little bit of confidence but just having uh Messi in the league and knowing that you know the year that he arrives you guys are lifting the trophy how does that make you guys feel no it feels good I mean it just shows

    That you know we’re a good team I think we knew that I think we went out and showed that but yeah we’ll see how it is next year with Messi you know they get a full season so we’ll see okay a said at the at the celebration right let’s run

    It back let’s do another one do you think this puts a Target on your back cuz this whole season you guys were good all season but you weren’t the the focus because Messi came in took a lot of that shine you think now there’s going to be

    A Target on your back next season yeah for sure I say for sure I think towards the end of the season I think you kind of saw that a little bit oh in the playoffs for sure teams people started saying you know we got a good chance to

    Win it so I think for sure next year yeah I mean what you watch the the Columbus inter Miami game Darlington fouled 42 times bro you get fouled a lot but you still you have possession of the ball right now it’s under the table this

    Guy we talk about this so much but D this it’s it’s remarkable the the style of player that you are I think for for for Americans we’re not used to you know you’ve been I’m sure you’ve been seeing it and reading it they’ve been calling you the greatest MLS player and and that

    Debate has has happened but you’re the type of player that’s a little bit unique in in the way Americans think about soccer right we think about goalkeepers we think about the Landon Dons goal scorers but you’re just a dude that will never lose the ball there’s just so much confidence and and

    Discipline but what made you that kind of player what made you focus on on focusing on that sort of strength and being and and making that your kind of main priority I think just reading the game you know kind of seeing what the game needs what my what my guys need on

    The field you know sometimes I you know I could do something different but I make the decision to keep it just like just the flow of the game okay my guy’s tired or we need to do this or that he hasn’t touched the ball so just making

    Decisions like that yeah and then the occasional 45 yard Banger from just the hit in the prayer he like here we go about to load up it’s funny there’s either two outcomes that go with it yeah it’s either a fi or no between man no Taps we do easy

    Joint I want to ask you Aiden young coming in I know you were hanging out with 35 year olds and all that but but when you come in to know that you’re and I’m sure you did this in training but that step of being like Oh when you go

    From the youth levels to the to the senior team it’s faster this and you get there and you’re like actually I still kind of got it you know like I’m still that guy what was that moment like and do you think that helped you sort of

    Taking over you know a big role on a big team yeah I wouldn’t say it happened easily uh I mean in 2020 people don’t realize like I didn’t start at all and get rostered for like the first half of the season so I mean I don’t want kids

    In my doing the same thing I’m doing to think it’s going to be easy you know what I mean there’s there’s it takes a growing process so I think like I said earlier having guys around me like this they they believed in me and um they always pointed me in the

    Right direction so yeah were you easy to criticize like did he take notes well I’m always open to feedback man yeah he was always not only did he take criticism well but he was always asking questions he always wants to learn I think that’s the biggest thing that

    People don’t I think you see like you know on game day you see him in trainings if you’re his teammate and stuff but I think the thing for me like just working with him and knowing him I think his you know his ability to kind of see something and and do it see

    Something and replicate or see something and say I’m GNA do that I think that’s probably one of his biggest strengths he accepts feedback except if you talk about his voice apparently said if you tell him he’s he’s a tener speaking of asking questions wi for Nazi comes to to Columbus Ohio right

    At what point did he come to you a leader on the team and say hey where are the rest of the restaurants in Columbus where is it there got to they got to be hidden somewhere they’re all on one street have you been to the eight

    Uh you you guys been to Columbus Yeah Yeah we actually performed there we uh the east in Funny Bone Funny Bone yeah yeah we headlined it yeah well the the area was like it was like fairly new at the time like the downtown area E’s like

    Not in Columbus so we had to go to like it’s like just outside so we had to go to Columbus the invite must have went to spam then huh no well you were you were too busy hanging out with 35-year-old uh no I think 2018 I think that was were

    You 16 uh was there no 16 yeah 16 okay dam was I wasn’t big enough he was in training dog you really want to come watch a fat guy tell jokes about being married well we were talking W for nzi uh if if you guys didn’t I don’t know if

    You guys saw this but this was uh basically went viral so I mean dont’s in the background but you’re not listening yeah but yeah you’re not here there’s a lot going on in this moment Nan he uh he he he dropped these this gem uh if you guys didn’t hear it

    Guys impossible is an opinion bars bars I assume I assume you heard that um you know maybe first day of the Season or maybe was that the that’s not your first time hearing that okay he said that before he said that before so when he first said that did everyone just

    Stand up and clap did someone challenge him to a rap battle by any chance because we absolutely love this this what and I think the internet did as well this just it it brought a um this like yo like I want to run through a wall for this guy

    And and I’m sure he said he’s dropped a lot of like great lines but there was something about this one and it it was so popular that we were we we joked about this on on our last show we like yo this is just such a bar that this

    Should be like almost like uh at the intro of a song right like the beat will drop right after that right so we got some we got some beats for you guys we want just want to see what you think about it okay so here goes I said in

    That moment while he pulls this up in that moment he was the best rapper in Columbus Ohio right when he said that right when he said that that’s how dope those bars were so okay his pen game lethal wolf for Nazi so here goes this is uh this is one of

    Them and you hear it right M starts off nice Uhoh and I told them guys impossible is an opinion Yeah initial reaction let me know let me let us know what you think that’s crazy yeah actually sick that was actually sick I thought I thought it was going just be like not good honestly I didn’t think it was gonna be great I thought know we got for a home

    Open okay and you know what there are some people that are you know not really into hip-hop as much all right so we figured all right let’s see if there’s any any alternatives uh for that let’s see if it can be used in another way and I told the them

    Guys impossible is an opinion right that’s for the CL stick crowd you feel me the neon the neon crowd so look you got you got two options any any preference for for which one you like more I’ll stick with the first one okay yeah first one was legit

    Yeah okay there it is all right bro I mean look this is uh by the way he made both of them I like 25 minutes ago okay I was I was like bro I hope they take a little bit longer I’m really rushing I’m not a producer like that but I’ll do my

    Best so all right look I look it’s a it’s something that you know this partic there’s something Wolford n has been in the the media a lot more publicly but there I think there’s we’re all sort of seeing why why is so inspirational about him I mean there e either it’s in his

    Tone the French accent uh there’s something where people really really want to play for him and is there anything the the the this season what did you take the most from him that helped you win this MLS Cup uh title um man it’s just such a good person I

    Think that’s the easiest thing and like you said a little bit ago it’s like when you look over on the sideline if you want to fight for a guy and you see him right there man that’s the guy you want to run through W for so I think just him

    Being a good person whether I think the coolest thing was it’s not easy on teams when guys aren’t playing right it’s easy to have that victim mindset and think like okay like screw this coach screw that guy it’s not my fault person every single guy in the locker room like if

    You played zero minutes or you played every minute had nothing but good things to say about him amazing so I think that speaks so much volume to the guy he is all right well put my mother won’t even return my phone call you know what I

    Mean when you just think about it you know damn okay just INSP shout out M at least text back I saw you read it any family therapist watching hit up Alexis about to get a boat uh uh guys this has been I got one more question did you see what Diego

    Valer put up about you that’s right the Poetry bro the last sentence was when my grandkids ask me about American soccer I’ll tell him about doll wag bro that must have felt nice yeah it was good I mean it wasn’t I he knows how I feel

    About him and I know how he feels about me so I think the only surprise was like he said it publicly you know but he’s told me that for a while and I’ve told him he’s told you that in person like something of that K he’s had that type

    Of energy with you yeah every time I see him more yeah same oh we got to become friends with DAR just be friends with a poet do you write that with a Quil pen how do you write that with a quill pen and get it on Instagram beautiful all right guys thank

    You so much for joining us this has been an absolute honor for real again congratulations on will winning uh MLS Cup uh best of luck next year as well uh but this has been a really really dope experience for us and we’re actually honored uh that you would come through I

    Know there’s a lot of class your places you’ve been to today so this wear the back of a popey this this is just like the New York Stock Exchange same VI same VI same bro yeah well wrong button there just hit the Aden Morris Darlington nagby absolutely honored thanks so much

    For joining us guys best of best of luck next season unless it’s against nycfc thanks guys thank you guys shout out to the homies the deep voice homies say whatever you do do not comment that aen moris has a yeah yeah yeah that kid I think he likes it I

    Think just like an annoying Uncle he’s like oh yeah no I P get l I do this Wet Willies and pinching them he loves it he loves it uh no shout out I mean I mean Aden Morris has a pretty deep voice but Dy nagby nagby is no slouch when it

    Comes to these voices no no they’re both what is it baritone baritone they tell like gon y oh damn they do okay can I you at the show toight oh they um they uh they they both like are uh smooth without a doubt the same way they are on

    The pitch they are in conversation without a doubt but I will say I’ve seen a lot of with both Aiden and dton nby and it props to you my guy not many times do they both laugh okay not not many times do they both laugh not many

    Times do they get uh you know little little hip hop with their coach Christian producer okay the EDM I don’t think but the but the trap beat they were all about bro okay shout out to the free YouTube beats that I found buto sh the royalty free music you keep this

    Whole system going okay so shout out to you uh random producer that made that um just to you young man in Cyprus but I had to put in the Wolford N Stuff and everything it made it work it’s it it it works so uh if anybody uh

    Wants me to rap over that track just let me know please don’t okay I’m asking you not if you we get enough patreon subscribe I swear to God I will rap on that beat wow bars bars I will bars I will write a full 16 a full 16 I don’t

    Even know what that means I got to look that up but I will write that I redo it before KN what it was I’ll write the words full 16 if you want it in the in the rap what does it mean full 16 go write that down I’m giving you free free work

    So let me know patreon.com cooligans if you want uh cooligans uh you know I mean hopefully Alexis will participate I will sing behind you I will be a hype man I got at lips for days okay so there it is we going in the St is what’s happening if

    We if we can get to how many uh uh patreon if we get I think we’re at like let’s do the 200 200 that’s I I think we’re like at 110 or something let’s do 200 all right if we can get to 200 bars bars you’re going to have you’re going

    To have a rap track that is introduced by wolf for NTI let’s go we’re going to do fire in the booth I was going to say we could get Bradley ride Phillips maybe to come on it former Columbus Crew player we could get him to rate the bars let’s go all

    Right there it is patreon.com Sherin get in on it all right uh let’s uh let’s get to it a couple of things to talk about Champions League UFA Champions League uh the last two days uh some crazy games the the stage is over we know who’s

    Moving on to the round of 16 we know who going to Europa and we know who’s going back to Manchester guess which Manchester Club you could figure it out on your own I left it’s like Blues Clues episode so uh yeah so I mean we’ll start there Manchester United knocked out of the

    Champions League they’re not going uh they knocked out of Europe entirely not not doing Europa or anything they can’t even go to Europa last place in the uh in in their group in group a and this is where Manchester United fans are with the situation there was uh there was

    This lingering hope and I would say even through the first half might have even sort of remained or a good portion of the first half that they might be able to pull this out they might be able to make this happen they needed a little

    Bit of help it wasn’t just a win in your but a win would have at least kept him in Europe win and [Laughter] urine okay just some of the bars that you will hear if you join today patreon ask you to not join the patreon patreon.com stop at

    199 I need you to not be the 200th one uh because then I blame you um there was a chance that they could have stayed in Europe had they won and I think there was some belief in the fans now we’ve had some conversations about Manchester United and where we’ve talked about

    Their fans we’ve talked about their owners we talked about their players and where where the fans should be and how they feel what I wasn’t expecting was a video I saw from Flex recently which I saw as well friend friend of the show where it wasn’t

    Even I don’t even know the word it’s not even like a despondent it’s just a you know what fine it’s an acceptance resignation resignation is a good word but without not in the business term right like it was just like a fine if this is who you’re going to be then I

    Want to have no emotional connection to any of you wearing that shirt you can’t hurt me anymore yeah and it’s just like the I don’t care who leave all of you should leave I’m fine with any of you leaving and there was a time and he

    Brings it up there was a time where you’re like not this player oh not that we need to get rid of these players but not this player he is and flex is a a rather uh sort of logical fan which is rare for some of these fan yeah he’s not

    He not he’s not troops he’s not Expressions he’s just like yeah he’s like he’s like hey let me tell you exactly how it is and for him to say this just really I think sort of really shines a light on what’s happening with the fans and they’re just like you know what we’re

    Done being heard yeah I want to play like just like the first 10 seconds of it just so you fle shout out to flex 5 UK which is where he was on you can just hear the the tone in his voice now I’m past the point of like I think this

    Player has a place or this play they can all go until we look at it and it’s all gone it’s all different manager coaching staff the main players and I’m talking about the big names I’ll name names rashford Bruno Shaw D Maguire Lindelof I’m not scared to to have a a Detachment a

    Deflection from them players look I mean that’s just what a what a it’s like a it’s like a a man who’s been who’s caught his wife cheating multiple times and he’s finally done taking her back he’s like you know what I’ve seen I honestly I don’t care about the house I

    Just let me have the dog and I’ll leave he’s just completely accepted that this is uh and I mean he’s done being hurt yeah and and he is um it look we he’s we’ve even seen him be frustrated with ownership with coaches but he’s an emotionally mature guy without a doubt

    So for him to get to this point and not even be able to sort of see a future where this could work out and we’re talking about Maguire who’s had this Redemption yeah you know we’ve play of the month yes we’re talking about a a Bruno who for being the most punchable

    Human being on the planet uh is playing really well it’s his face bro uh we’re talking about Luke Shaw who suffered through injury and has come back and is showing signs of getting back into that that that Luke Shaw that we remember being so essential down the left he’s

    Playing Center back you know when you bring up Lindelof as a big name you know your Club is struggling but there he is Johnny Evans came into the game yesterday bro this to to to hear and see Flex like this a friend of ours ju it

    Just feels like damn yeah how much have they hurt you I mean it’s a look this is I guess the the expectation I had from Manchester United in Champions League wasn’t very high because we’ve seen you know how they perform in the league them finishing we no no but let’s

    So that look Bayern Munich uh FC Copenhagen uh galatas and Manchester United where did you see them finishing well I we did galatas I think I said second and and we had the conversation about you galatas might surprise I thought galates Finish First to be honest with you I

    Thought Bayern Munich and Manchester United would kind of and galates would like fight each other and galates would sneak to the top so I was I was very wrong they’re in Europa but copen I mean and the game between Manchester United and Copenhagen really wasn’t there a red

    In that game from the the the last one if I I don’t remember let me double check exactly I remember that Rooney baji kid I think there was a red in that game if I’m not the joke was a guy named Rooney just uh beat Manchester United um

    So I mean that is just such a tremendous result that FC Copenhagen is The Vibes FC of this of this Champion Marcus rashford um and and that ends ends up kind of being a little bit of the difference at least for getting knocked out of Europe entirely no one saw

    Copenhagen playing as well as they did I mean they they got they finished with eight points in in these six games but they just show they were amazing at home at parking that’s the name of their Stadium the park and uh they were incredible in this competition they’re a

    Little bit different in the league do you know there their Center back no I do their left Center back who look it up click on Copenhagen okay kuen oh God I uh Defenders who are we looking at uh you’ll know which one Al is looking for when you’re oh Kevin dicks the homie

    Hilarious shut out Kevin dicks Hope come on you can’t beat dicks nobody’s getting past dicks no I did dare you to dribble p i watch the game dicks is everywhere dick is everywhere I think I was watching the wrong thing uh I Googled strong dick in the middle let me tell

    You I I don’t know why transfer market couldn’t pull it up anyway uh so anyway okay Jokes Aside FC Copenhagen obviously The Vibes the the whatever the opposite of Vibes is is I think we’re Manchester United ended up and I think because the teams were worse than Manchester United

    Royal anwp only one once and it was against Barcelona doesn’t make any sense it doesn’t make any sense Celtic couldn’t put anything together Red Star Belgrade lost but they but they got they were heart and soul Manchester United I mean Newcastle had we had high expectations they also got bumped out

    But tons of injuries but man Manchester United man they were like okay fine if you’re gonna be mediocre in the league uh maybe they can put some there was this hope and belief the fans had that maybe they could put something together in Champions League and it just didn’t

    Happen and now you have to have the question what what happens from here and then if you watch the the the flex video you’re like damn yo they’re like fans are checked out yeah I mean when was the last time you saw that from Manchester United ten hog in in the post game

    Interview said played well when he was speaking to Peter schmeichel right and he was just like you know he was getting Iz for those comments as well but he just also kind of resigned kind of checked out just like knows he’s I think he’s I think he’s he’s reached the

    Bottom of his recip as soon as you start hearing I don’t know if Fabo Romano tweeted this or somebody but just as soon as you start seeing the tweets that are like um uh you know reporters saying that players are unhappy with uh you know the to be [ __ ] though it might

    Be but as soon as you start seeing it it’s not a great sign no that’s the smoke and where there smoke there’s fire right you’re like okay either they opened up a factory over there it’s it’s not that farfetched that you know players could be unhappy because I mean

    Look at look at these performance I think the report and I read some of them but the one like the the most official I can’t remember where it was that said like some of the players have decided that Eric ten hog the M it’s like yeah of course probably

    Sancho start there did he only ask him yeah were you in the u8 Cante when you found this is like you know if we’re trying to think a little bit more macroscopically and look at Manchester United that word of the day calendar coming in crazy it’s a like

    Realistically they there has to be some kind of leash to be the Manchester United manager to just even have a little bit of time whether it’s two three two years three years Manchester United are not in a bad place in their league table so there has to be some

    Kind of like look this is where we’re at right now and we’re working towards something bigger but what this is hold on no but no no but what you just said makes sense if you’re a fan of a team that’s mid-table or can like an Austin Villa or

    Someone like who can fight for that top spot we have to look at Manchester United the same way we would look at a Real Madrid or a Barcelona or an Ajax they are perennial winners for the for the length of time that the that the premier league has existed they have

    Been the most successful club with within that it’s I think it’s okay for their fans to expect that level and if you’re not going to say all right man we’re going to have a rebuild we’re going to start from scratch we’re going to go get new players and all that if

    You’re just going to continue to Patchwork this then the fans are going to expect that you’re making decisions for them to be winners not for them to win in two or three years even Arsenal fans artetta came out and said for like every interview I have a plan it’s a

    Three-year plan players were saying like he told me it’s threeyear plan it’s Five-Year Plan he has these plans I so I gave him that grace period a lot of Arsenal fans did not and I’m I’m I think of myself similar to to flex in the sense that I’m like all right I’m

    Reasonable like all right I’ll give you some time as long as we don’t get relegated or we’re not like absolute laughing stocks I’m fine giving you that time Manchester United never took that route and now you’re at a point where they are embarrassing themselves in European competition which is not

    Typical for Manchester United 100% yeah but I think this is not not having that little bit of Grace I think is hurting United they could use it but if they would have come out and said yo Eric tanh is our guy and it’s going to and if

    He would have said it’s going to take me two years look our even said we got to get rid of the Dead weight we’ve got work to do we’ve got to bring in players blah blah blah he gave him he bought himself out he also won a trophy right

    Away which helps but I I mean I was going to say because Chelsea is kind of going through something similar right now where it was like a great period you sp a billy dog you can’t talk about so no hold on Manchester United maybe it wasn’t a billion dollars and everybody

    Likes to throw that number out there but you can’t say man pretty significant Man United probably spent something like 850 900 million I bet it’s a lot closer than you think it is we’re going to go to transfer Mark and we’re going to find out by the way are we calling it

    Transfer market or transfer market I think it’s Market it is Market this is like from the old era where you took like a vowel out at the end like Tumblr remember Tumbl 2005 transfer market my point only being that people like Chelsea the board players managers have

    All been saying the same thing about a project and it doesn’t look like there’s any project going on so as much as you want to give the lip service if you don’t actually get the results I don’t think the fans are going to be happy no

    Matter what you say but I think because the fans didn’t the fans were expecting that this would turn around this season they went out and they spent a lot of money they went out and got a new goalkeeper when you probably didn’t really need one that’s a decision for the for the for

    The um manager to make but it felt like the decisions in the market they made in the last season were refinement decisions they were rounding out those rough edges decisions not a foundational decisions and now you see again you mentioned the name Johnny Evans the fact

    That they had to go out and get a guy who played under Sir Alex Johnny Evans was supposed to be an assistant coach for one of the youth teams and they basically Drew him out of retirement and we’re like dude we need you to play Hey

    Man yo yo get them boots on bro dude get off the training I did not know that that’s fascinating so if we look at their purchases this is for 23 24 so this is the market if you go down it’ll tell you what that value is all all the

    Way where yeah wait no hold on go to go to uh overview or go to transfers transfers all transfers all transfer okay this I feel like we’re going to be here a while I no no we’re not going to be here a while we well we’re just going to scroll

    Down and figure out current transfer record is minus 148 so this is so far not great so uh arrivals they’ve spent 200 million uh this year go down okay I’m looking at all the years they’ve spent over 100 million every single year pretty much yeah but that’s

    I mean there there they have massive Partners scroll down again I mean but so 142 yeah look not not a billion you’ve got to go back to hit a billion but they’ve made a couple hundred million uh dollar purchases or obviously some major purchases obviously look Anthony big

    Money came from his last club didn’t really work out uh hasn’t worked out yet I’m going to give him whatever Grace perod the team gives him uh you look at a player like Lisandro martinz little bit of a slow start but great player okay player Absolut incredible Defender

    So Chelsea this SE 23 24 they spent half a billion they spent so far they spent 467 million euros Euros they spent half a billion American dollars okay um but and their squad still too too big but I don’t know the point I’m trying to Simply say is I’ve never seen Manchester

    United fans be like you know what fine go ahead yeah get rid of them all it’s uh I can you think of what time it’s it’s weird to be at that place but it’s to me it’s I I don’t necessarily respect that not that not not that I

    Don’t respect it but I I don’t value this this point getting being last in in Champions League as that moment that it’s like all right I’m done get them out I I don’t think it’s it to be a mtable team look they are are what 27 points uh

    On sitting on 27 points right now yeah they’re in sixth place I think not it’s not that bad they look theoretically Manchester United could still win the league it’s not it’s not unheard of no oh yes mathematically sure they just had a big a 3- win against Tottenham against

    Um against Everton and uh you know and now and who are Everton are a hot team right now so it’s like it it’s not that bad that’s that’s my genuine feeling it’s not that bad who did they just lose to to their last their last match Bournemouth which shout out to

    Bournemouth on Tik Tok dog you what they did they did something hilarious they they took the highlights of the three goals they won three- nil they they took all they play all their highlights but they took the the the like twitch like the the streamers of man Manchester

    United streamers from all over the world and they put those highlights into their uh into their goal highlights you know what I mean so they took the clips of the Manchester United fans reacting to Bournemouth goals of just being them frustrated like Angry breaking stuff like pain

    Porn bro they it’s uh it’s yeah it’s Mark goldbridge flipping out getting upset and they they they put those clips on all their highlights and it’s the beautiful thing it’s uh hilarious the great that’s how you do it folks that’s great banter um also did you see the uh

    The contract for Dean Smith yes Charlotte FC manager had the contract so like you are the manager of Charlotte FC confirmed you are the manager of FC is the next one the top of it said uh um a very official very official coach contract that he’s signing it says uh

    One of the things you have to have a meeting a weekly recurring meeting with sir minti which is their their like you know so funny so that’s a another interesting uh signing Dean Smith for for Charlotte FC we’ll see how that goes I think a lot of people even I uh you

    Know shout out to MLS UK those two guys um they were talking about it because obviously they’re familiar with Dean Smith and they they cover MLS out there from England and the the reaction to Dean Smith is kind of similar to kind of what it was on

    Morning footy where everybody was like I don’t I don’t know what he’s going to do here I mean I hope I hope it works out well I mean on his CV is he’s been relegated twice and we’re all like well you can’t you’re not going to get a

    Third one while you’re in MLS although it would be hilarious if they finally inst and he’s the first one to get relegated so it’s interesting because uh you know I think from American footy fans I’m like oh you know maybe they don’t know Dean Smith too well and so I could

    Understand maybe the the lack of knowledge about his career but then I listen to the English people and I’m like I’m here in their accent and they’re not speaking very highly of you know I don’t quote Drake very often on the show but he said something that

    I 100% he’s a big big Smith no he said tell me how they feel about you your city and I’ll tell you how I feel about you you know damn bro right so like yo if your own people respect you then I’mma respect you yes oh look at that Drake and also Christian

    Palanco capable of dropping absolute fire this why reason I brought it up I’m talking about people of your elk patreon.com it might have a feature by Drake you don’t know you know what 2,000 we will get we get a feature from on a track if we get to 2000 we’re going

    To tell you which Drake uh but we’ll get a drake feature um but no but I part of the reason I said that is like all we’re not sure oh let’s listen to the people who know him best you know that’s like if you’re going to marry someone and

    Their mom is like the which by the way my mom said this so maybe this isn’t a good point my mom’s like said to my wife like you might not want to do this that should scare you a little bit thank you baby girl for not getting

    Scared so uh the other um who shocked you the most so Newcastle I would say shocked me the most positive or negative you’re allowed to say this is meaning so who surprised you the most for good or bad reason yeah yeah I mean Newcastle Newcastle negatively didn’t you know

    Given how strong of a start they had in the season uh obviously the the signings the players that they brought in that FICO tamori uh you know or whatever foul block or whatever on migy Wow wait I took migy out like the what saw I saw

    The goal but I didn’t see the game so just a defensive beast on migy um I mean I saw Christian ptic skull which is awesome to see the pass from giru bro let’s go this remember jiru when he was at Arsenal he would just like I would

    Get so frustrated cuz he’ like no look no nothing one touch and we like you got look you got to tell the other person it’s coming man it’d be H in the face and now he did it and bistic was like boom ready to go absolute tapping was a

    Great uh lead up to the goal uh uh as well on like a on like a messed up cross just quick reaction talking about defense though the Dortmund PSG game the the clearance from nichas unb unbelievable I’m like bro this is what I’m saying like I can’t tell you who

    Your best player is but somehow as you keep winning or you keep doing stuff how’d you end up top of the group with this group so um yeah it was look yeah they had a impressive um run in Champions League it seems like they almost prioritize the Champions League

    More than the league because I I mean I just watched uh at the watch part and Bayern you’re like what are you going do yeah Dortmund they you know Matt tummel got the got a red in that in that game in Bundesliga and uh lusan is the last

    Team in the top five of Europe or all of Europe actually to not lose a game not lose a game yeah so they they’re playing pretty well in Champions League Bundesliga I guess I have no interest in ever winning bues we’re going to focus on this smaller competition by the way

    This is the last year with groups last year with groups yeah this is the last time we go to group we go to what’s the Swiss model confusing yeah love Swiss models yeah come on tell me more yo we’re gonna switch to a Swiss okay um all right so yeah so

    Impressive this episode has been absolutely unham shout out to aen more I’m sure I’m sure they’re super proud dude they wish they could be here for this part of the conversation the one thing I did want to mention I also uh on Tuesday I had watched The Real

    Madrid Union Berlin game uh not really a game with any real of any real consequence because Madrid are chilling I’m surprised they even started like their best team yeah and uh uh so un Berlin they’re playing Berlin they’re playing at home um but I did a little

    Single game parlay in DraftKings to me remember I did the other one for Tottenham City I I just I went for a draw I just so this is where on DraftKings they already have the parlay set up for you it’s up to you to decide

    Whether you want to do it or not exactly and this was the parlay they had it was uh Real Madrid it’s like a ready meal like so you know what I mean yeah yeah no I’m talking about a ready to eat meal sure sure and so it had uh the Real

    Madrid money line so Real Madrid wins and then it had uh eight shots on target um just this is all just for Real Madrid eight shots on target uh one shot on target from Jude Bellingham one shot on target from Rodrigo and over four and a

    Half Corners I was like all right this the odds are like plus 600 I’m like all right this is I’m learning but I’m like this feels like plus 600 is good return yeah I’m like this feels like they might do this cuz they are clearly so much

    Better than un Berlin and first half uh they we’re not doing it they un Berlin end up scoring first Luka modri I put 20 bucks okay it’s not bad not bad it was just but you’re like yo this is lunch yeah so uh luuka Mar misses the penalty

    And then uh you know un Berlin scored immediately right after that I’m like all right well well you know what I didn’t even need those 20 points I had no interest in keeping I’m not going to tell my wife I did this at all and then second half comes out I

    Don’t know what Carly Anila told him he’s like I’ll leave to Brazil right now I think he just ra he just raised the eyebrow he’s like and Dr I’ll call him right now bro and second half they came out and just uh everything sh every shot on target so I

    Was just like a bro they’re hitting everything you they haven’t scored yet but like they’re they’re taking a lot of shots and and and Rodrigo gets his shot on target Juke Bellum gets his shot on target I’m like all right cool and then uh josu let’s go and then he gets a he

    Gets a brace they up 2-1 in like the 78th minute they have to win they have to win so I’m like who It’s Real Madrid so boom you checked all the boxes you’re like I’m goody let’s go thank you DraftKings where’s my money yeah oh the

    Game is still going but we got this in the bag don’t why you just Clos it now might might not remind you un Berlin I think lost 16 straight not like not like couldn’t win no lost 16 straight so you’re like this is done though yes and

    Then uh un Berlin tie the game in like the 81st or something like that and I’m just like bro what is this how you about to F my money up and then my man Danny SE seos yeah bro saving the day Arsenal Loney Real Madrid don’t even want it

    Okay uh and he scores in the 90 something in the 89th minute that’s it was a a shot from outside the box a slight deflection keeper was rooted to the spot and he cuz zaras was like yo I’m going to look after my homie chrisan how did you celebrate a Danny Sabo

    SK I mean I did the uh you know so I’ve learned my lesson because um uh Mato my son he’s eight months old uh I’ve I’ve learn to relax on my C my goal celebrations cuz he gets pretty rattled so you’re blaming yourself and not the

    Fact that you’re an Everton fan okay i’ learn to be a bit more reserved so in that one you know it’s not a team I support but you know they r j supporting my bank account I was going to say I was going to say they support you bro might

    Have to put him as a might have to put him as a what what on your taxes I lost a bit right off right off dependent Finance guy bro I’m all about the money bro so uh yes and I ended up winning $40 from that 20 buddy that’s a

    Good amount so shout out to Danny saos again DraftKings more like Daddy saos bro fly me out there do you about to get flued out dog uh oh as always uh bet responsibly okay I got to say I’m I’m just having a good time with you I’m

    Fluing out dicks bro Kevin Kevin dicks Kevin I’m talking about bro a familyfriendly program 100% he’s a great Center back what are you talking about all right we should let’s wrap there uh thank you everybody for tuning in oh wait no uh okay I just got to wrap this because I

    Want to make sure uh we do this but um the uh this this was going viral today um on on Twitter Red Bull finally spending those marketing dollars we’re I I take the New Jersey Transit pretty much every day uh you know especially to

    Come to the studio um and uh so I don’t I don’t have to go through nework pen but I I go through regular we going to pronouncing it correctly uh nor nor nor Pen Station you’re saying n but fastor anyway does that make sense I

    Feel like you got to pronounce it like n o a r k like NC no it’s like it’s it’s like n did you hear it yeah I’m saying newor but I’m saying it in one syllable new so it sounds like cork or Fork without but it’s not like it’s not gorc

    It’s it kind of sounds like nobody cares all right goad tell us about your little viral video okay tell us about your cute little viral video from two days ago this this happened today this morning in New Jersey in norc um because there was

    A a an animal that was you have no idea how much this means to me so this is there’s a for real there’s a bull there’s literally a bull running through the on the tracks of New Jersey Transit and I will say this about nor I I live

    In Brooklyn now I’m on the subway all the time I look down I see little rats I think bro it’s disgusting but I get it this how this how gangster nor you look down you see a bull my Straight Up Bull with the horns and everything horns he

    Got a tag on him too this is somebody’s bull do this is a bull on the loose bro how you end up on the track B okay it is a uh just like the Rage Against the Machine is a bull on Parade bro okay wow that’s a great song it’s also the

    Also that’s the goal song for New York red buol but this would been the joke people making people like how do you think they’d feel about a single entity Lake this is um people are making the jokes about this is the you know probably one of the best marketing uh

    PLO for the New York Rebels They Don’t Really they don’t really advertise that much I mean you see you see a couple signs on the subway here know they sent an intern out with a can of red spray paint you need to get this bull you need to find this bull

    So spray this bad boy red yeah this is a uh I mean shocking also disrupted uh the train yeah there’s a bull on the track can’t just plow through it a lot of people were quite upset uh cuz a lot of trains were delayed uh because of they I

    Mean obviously I think there’s something like two million people a day that that ride through New Jersey trans there might be more than that um but so this is it’s it’s quite disruptive this is it’s not it’s cute and fun but um you know people from New Jersey not really

    Happy when they can’t get it into the city yeah I would say the infrastructure is uh teetering at so to throw a bull on the tracks it’s not exactly part of the part of the plan and by the way the Northeast Corridor is the single busiest train station area or whatever track

    Route if you will route whatever that is in the country so this is this could this hurt the GDP 100% this is this is like the the Suz Canal getting blocked 100% this is the the northeastern corter version of the SE Canal getting blocked this is

    Billions in in you know uh uh produce and products not getting through eight months from now when you’re like yo why are computer chips in cars so expensive I want you to remember this bull running down the tracks in Nork cuz this is exactly correlates to that this is is

    Damn bull bro uh I I want I want to say something else before we end if we can get the bull off the screen um okay we’re a good a good friend of ours uh Kenny DeForest a few days ago very funny comedian has a great special on YouTube

    I’m actually a part of it uh he asked me to be in a sketch they ended up not using the SK he was going to break up his jokes with sketches he ended up not using it but he used the the part that we filmed as his intro um so he is very

    Funny comic originally from I believe Indiana uh moved to Chicago when you’re a comedian this you’re from the place you started uh so he’s a Chicago comic so we say he’s from Chicago uh a few days ago he was riding a bike uh from one show to another I believe and was

    Hit by a car um it’s very shocking it’s very upsetting there was emergency surgery uh there was signs where that he was going to pull through uh yesterday we received a phone call that he did not unfortunately he passed um I don’t want to make this sad because if you knew

    Kenny you know there’s nothing he would have wanted less than for this to be sad he was legitimately one of the funniest people in the city he was legitimately one of the sweetest people you could ever meet I know people say this about comedy I know people say this about a

    Lot of people who they pass I mean it this man if you a good example is sometimes you get text to be a part of a show hey do you want to do my show next week y I got a show this week do you

    Want to do it you say no I can’t blank and they’re like all right cool and they move on to the next person right the last conversation I have with Kenny on Texas him asking me to do a show on a Sunday night and I mentioned hey I can I

    Got to get to bed because of this new gig by 9: at the time it was still 9: and he said oh cool what gig and now he only has a few days left before the show he has to book it but he took time out

    Of his busy schedule producing a show to ask me what gig it was I mentioned it was the CBS show and he’s like dude I’m so happy for you I’m so excited he’s not a massive soccer fan in fact he could have played pro basketball uh at a

    College uh so he’s a big basketball fan but he just understood how hard it is to break into sports not having played and we had a long great conversation very funny conversation about that and he said he was so proud of me the next time

    I saw him he gave me a big hug uh and that’s what Kenny I think was known for most were his hugs uh besides how funny of a comedian he was and just how great of a person uh it is a serious loss uh to to our friend group to our group

    Chats to our community as comedians but also just to the world uh that he is no longer with us he is one of those people that made every room he was in a little bit brighter and I know that sounds like [ __ ] and what you say every time

    Somebody passes but I promise you I mean it he is he was a very special person and I’m very sad that he’s gone yeah I mean the only thing I’d add uh Kenny used to come through when he moved from Chicago uh he used to come to my Open

    Mic that I did in Brooklyn uh just again one just one of the kindest dudes really really funny uh just one of those guys that like pushed you to be better because he was just you know especially as a comic in New York who started in

    New York you’re like yo these dudes are moving in and why they so funny they come like why they so damn funny and um and then and also you mentioned basketball I used to I would play in Joe wallowski’s uh basketball tournament that he would do in comedians do a big

    And and I would play with Kenny and we were on the same team uh once and this dude could ball he could B he was he really really good and it was just great uh uh playing with him uh and just and working with him I mean he used to do my

    Show and stuff like that and it’s just it it sucks um obviously it’s just so incredibly tragic and obviously feel for his his family and his friends and I know that he was with his family and friends uh when he passed as well and it’s just these are the these are the

    Things you just don’t want to you’re just tired of seeing this and we’ve been dealing with you know way too much death with people close outs and it’s it’s really really hard especially when it’s just such so unexpected and tragic in something like this so I would say this

    Comedians are really good about sharing their thoughts they’re not always great about sharing their emotions unless it’s anger uh I was having a conversation with another comic friend of the show I don’t want to say his name just in case but he’s a great guy uh and we were just

    Talking about what what do you do in these situations there’s so many great comics and friends that have been lost sometimes it’s for reasons that they chose like know whether it’s like drugs or something this is one of those situations where it was an absolute accident it was tragic and it sucks uh

    So what do you do and I look I don’t know I don’t know the answer to that as I’ve gotten older what I’ve decided to do is take all of those losses I’ve had in my life and say you know people oh uh this person was put in your life for a

    Reason I don’t know that I find that to be true but what would be the benefit of that being true is to say okay let me take something from each of these people I’ve met if they were put in my life for a reason what was I supposed to learn

    And if it’s what I Lear learn from Kenny it’s to hug your friends it’s to tell them you care it’s to listen to their stories and to not just walk away when it doesn’t work out your way find out why they’re upset find out why they’re

    Happy care care a little more and if we all do that a little bit maybe this world’s a better place I love you Kenny well put uh all right everybody thank you so much uh for tuning in and uh we’ll see you on Monday take care guys


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    2. Since Alexis was asking. It is transfer markt. The site is german based and the word “market” translates to “markt” in German. In the end, you get the same idea either way you say it!

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