Hi Everyone!

    Join me and Alex on our trip to Copenhagen a couple of weeks back! We stayed in Vesterbro which I’d highly recommend if you want to pay a little less for accommodation but still be an area thriving with bars and cafes (and only 15 minutes on the track to the airport!)

    In this first instalment we go see some sights of Copenhagen including the Glyptotek Museum (owned by the Carlsberg Brewery founder’s son), Nyhavn & the infamous Buka Bakery! We also stop for a delicious Gasoline Grill burger which absolutely SURPASSED our expectations – this may just be a take-out burger but it was the best burger we ever ate! Mad & Kaffe was also delicious for brekkie, and Corsa Pizza (Vesterbro) was affordable and yummy!

    Enjoy the vid – part 2 coming shortly x

    Made it to Copenhagen we’re on the Metro I’ll just I’ll debrief when we get the Metro yeah we’re on the Metro it’s way way way nicer it’s like first class everywhere birthday trip for Lexi Commences and we made it we’re finally at the apartment that we’re staying at which is in somewhere called Vester bro so we got the Metro from the airport we I think it was like three stops and the train was so nice I think I actually said on the train that the standard of

    The trains here is like exceptional we were in first class without realizing and we did actually see somebody else get marched out of first class off the train so it’s a Monday at the moment we’ve got 4 day Tuesday 4 day Wednesday which is Alex’s birthday and

    Then the morning on Thursday and then we fly back so we kind of need to get organized with what we’re going to do we’ve got tily to do we were om and our in about whether to go on the train to Malmo which is actually in Sweden only

    Takes about 40 minutes but a lot of people have said to me that Malmo Is Not Great personally I wouldn’t be mad about sacking off M Mo I don’t know about you yeah I don’t got enough time no not got enough time so I’m going to eat this

    We’re going to shower chill for a bit honestly I could have a night in but we can’t we’ve got to go out what we thinking is or should I say what I’m thinking is we go out for a bit of a walk tonight I do want to try and find

    It’s called gasoline Grill it’s a burger place that looks Sensational but I think it’s just takeout so we’d mentioned that we might walk to find that then we’ve got a full day tomorrow so kind of want to get a good rest tonight I’ll give you a little

    Apartment tour in a minute it’s very cozy what do you think to it Lexi the apartment yeah yeah it’s really nice just got my new am on don’t mind me bit of an ug dupe going on here um I actually can’t hear proper one I’ve got

    Them on so let’s just take them off I’ve not done a apartment tour yet because it is quite dark and I feel like in the light tomorrow be a bit of a better Vibe I’ve got the nebs on I’ve Got My Socks oh these socks are really

    Fluffy we’re going to basically go do a quick lap around the block just to walk down the Main Street see what’s going on down there I mean it’s Monday night I don’t think any of really will be going on plus it’s Copenhagen in winter so I

    Don’t feel like many people get out and about I think people hibernate quite a lot um it’s capital yeah but it still seems quite tiet in Winter I’m saying compared to Summer anyway we’re going to walk to gasoline Grill and get one of these burgers that everybody Raves about and

    Then probably just do a loop back and get cozy in here tonight so I’ll do a proper tour tomorrow I will show you the gasoline grilled Burger when we get it we’re going to rate it out of 10 cuz it’s meant to be a top tier so we’ll see

    Okay oh gosh it is bitter so make sure that’s shut this is our lovely cute street I’ll check in a second this is our building oh little flag in the window little Danish flag yeah we were like right on the top floor about showe in the morning I don’t know

    What these things are they’re suspended from here maybe this gives me like a very like New York kind of vibe ah these are so just fabulous I’m very happy with them for 16 quid I already I mean I don’t want to speak too soon obviously but I get quite

    Say F from Copenhagen so far but we have we have been here about 3 hours and I’ll probably go and get the camera robbed now but oh my God that pink bike is so cute oh bigger time all the ground’s gritted because has snowed a little bit

    Recently and it’s forecast 2 again on Alex’s birthday on Wednesday which Alex is very happy about cuz he loves snow yes so you know it’s just like a plunder one place that I am dying to go to is somewhere called Hotel Sanders because all the Instagram girls go for a nice

    Coffee so I definitely want to go there one day and I say sit outside but actually I don’t think they sit outside in December um but we can see oh I can see a Christmas tree here that’s the first one I’ve seen in Copenhagen so

    Far I’m so excited oh that’s a shoe shop I thought it was an interior shop at first oh these are so cute this is like so scandy a adorable yeah I’m so excited to start looking around some clothes shops all the buildings also just look so nice I just thought that building was

    Really cute there’s loads of pink lights going on in there right I’m putting the camera away now because my hands are freezing made it we’re in the Burger Shop guys this is the most aesthetic Burger Shop I’ve literally ever seen in my entire life and wh old we want to move here

    Well maybe not but also the lady in front she thought I was um she thought I was Danish maybe I give off that Vibe she asked me where my ears are from and they’re from fat face and she was like fat face yeah it’s English oh but yeah I’ve gone for a

    Cheeseburger with no onion or pickle because I don’t like all the funky bits Alex has gone for the hot chicken sandwich cuz somebody next to him had it and it looked gorgeous so we’ve also done a quick little food shop and when I say food shop it’s

    Literally wine and dips and crisps and milk and that’s it um Basic Essentials the essentials yeah so just waiting for our burger and then we’re going to walk back aren’t we we’ve not really gotten far tonight I’ve decided to take the pressure off tonight because you know me and I do pile the

    Pressure on to like boom boom boom we got to see this then this then this but it’s been been quite a long day so burger and the holiday they good for me and uh yeah start exploring tomorrow big reveal guys oh my good freaking God Alex

    Has got the chicken burger I’ve got the beef well the cheeseburger and this is our cute setup for tonight ah this looks nice doesn’t it also Alex has flung the window open because it’s very hot and uh there’s only also one wine glass I’ve got a little baby warm which is actually

    Perfect for me all right let’s okay these burgers were not cheap in the slightest I must say they were I think it cost 35 quid but you know we knew Copenhagen was going to be spny thank you fries yum M classic beef oh my God okay guys so it’s the next day now

    I’m just on a little coffee run for me and Alex and it is absolutely freezing it’s – 6 just walking down the street that we walked down last night to get the burgers there’s a coffee coffee shop like 5 minutes away that look super nice

    So just going to get them to take out and walk back but freaking hell I need some gloves because it’s so cold oh all the interior stores oh really cute that car’s just stopped in the way there annoying but also Del over there is meant to be 10 out of 10 so

    Maybe we’ll have to try that at some point don’t know there just so many Options okay guys I panicked they didn’t have DEA so I got a matcher which half the time I don’t even like but let’s just hope it’s a good one at least they’re keeping my hands very warm right looking a bit more fresh now I’ve had a shower put some makeup on got

    The a must back on again because they’re really cozy and I’ve got a turtleneck on to keep my neck warm since stupidly I didn’t bring a scarf don’t know why but I’ll give you the flat tour now or the apartment tour super cute right let’s go back to the

    Entrance actually then we’re going to head out and go for a walk around and find somewhere for Brey so you walk in here you’ve got the bathroom in here it’s only very tiny I must say it’s a bit smaller than I thought it was going

    To be um sorry it’s also a bit messy already but it’s nice it’s a nice little bathroom so that is the bathroom when you walk in love a full length mirror to check yourself before you go out we’ve hung coats up on here so this is our

    Little kitchen which is really cute oh gosh it’s so bright and tunny so yeah this is the kitchen if we want to use it we’ve got a full oven here we’ve got literally everything cett over there nice and espresso coffee machine which is a good touch sink over here this door leads out

    To another set of stairs that go down I don’t even know just a back stair exit we’ve got few snacks on here I’ve just left my suitcase there cuz there’s not too much room to store them yeah all these Cobbs this is where we ate our Burger last night it’s a very cute

    Little space then you go through into here this is our living room we’ve unpacked our clothes and put them in here it’s our comfy sofa you okay Lex excited to go out and explore yes yes um there a little station there to either do makeup or Al look this br’s

    Laptop in case he needs to do work and there’s a puppy on there this is the view out of the window which I’ve already shown it is such a gorgeous day today so I can’t wait to get out and see everywhere in the Sun and then let’s try

    And not deck it up here you got to go up these stairs to the bedroom and Alex you said that you made the bed f yeah all right okay well this is the bedroom it’s just like in the Attic this the light yeah I mean it’s a mess now

    But yeah that’s the bedroom right let’s try not to fall down here oh my God and I’ve just got changed for the day I’ve decided to put on my Silver Jeans well they’re like silver coated going to get them in the sunlight so you can see them in full force actually

    Let’s just the camera let’s go here so literally just have my silver coated jeans on because I thought they’d look nice in the sunlight today got my a on my Polo neck and then this is definitely going on today I’m going for you know obviously the whole Scandinavian girl Vibe my already

    Did get confused for scandy girl last night didn’t I Alex what standard I just saying that woman last night thought I was Danish yes she did keep going on about it cuz I was really choed that’s such a compliment anyway get this on and then we’re going

    To head out and find some more of Brey right we’re walking to Madden Cafe I think it’s called it’s only 10 minutes away from where we’re stopping that’s why we thought we’ come here oh this looks so cute it’s very highly recommended this place Too very distra it’s got a kick after yeah it does doesn’t it I Know it was how much 3952 do I mean I really enjoyed that but I did only have two rashes bacon half an avocado and a size of toast and a ginger shirt and a ginger shirt I didn’t even get a drink 40 quid whoa okay yeah it’s called would you mind

    Just Googling how to pronounce nen n oh is that like an interior place right n y h a VN that’s the main the main colorful road that we’re walking up to where the water is pronounced nwn nwn n nwn okay we’re going to walk to nwn PE

    Al look has tightened his hood I’ll show you it’s a good idea actually to stop any Breeze coming in it’s pulled the toggle so it’s all tight he did put his hood up but his head looked about the size of it I don’t know something large

    So this is where we got off the train yesterday it’s actually quite a big station oh I forgot to do this last night so gasoline grilled Burger out of 10 out of 10 easily easy easy so moist I couldn’t even feel both of them the chicken burger and the beef burger

    Cheese so now we started walking to What’s called the gter tech which is a huge Museum I think it’s actually owned by the son of the founder of carlsburg and it’s his private art collection which is really cool there was so much to see in here starting with this

    Massive orangery it was amazing I love things like this with all the tropical trees there was also a TV show being filmed in here where people were painting portraits entry was about £15 each honestly with we kind of just went in to get warm but we really really enjoyed

    It this is how Alex stands when he’s waiting for me to get Ready just walking down now towards nwn we think this is a department store yeah it must be it’s huge oh it’s gorgeous that’ll look so nice when it’s lit up at night won’t it and then this place I don’t know what it is again but there’s

    Ballet in there is it the same I don’t know and we’ve made it just before the camera dies it’s Cold strolling back down now we’ve got oursel a glog do you not like it God Is back I cannot believe oh the battery is flashing again but Alex said that batteries die quicker in cold temperatures I think that’s correct cuz it managed to die when we got to literally the main nice bit of Copenhagen so I couldn’t film anything and now it suddenly revived itself but

    We’re on our way back to the apartment just to chill for a bit well it had two bars down on the tube which was warm and as soon as you get it back out here again it’s it’s going to die again so strange and also my pulle charges died

    So yeah anyway we’re going to head back chill for a bit and then go out for cheeky P yeah cheeky P cheeky P cheeky PS oh and it’s snowing again wonder if you can tell got little tiny bits of snow coming down and it’s sunny so that’s actually perfect for

    Me 3 hours have gone by we’ve literally laid on this sofa for 3 hours and then quickly got changed and now we’re heading out for pizza we are so tired I think cuz we’ve been up quite early and we’ve done a lot of steps today we’ve done like a

    Good I mean not that many probably 10,000 steps do you think today yeah we’ve done about 10,000 at least but obviously bearing in mind it has been- 6° so it’s been Baltic but we’re going to go out to the pizza restaurant now which I think it’s called

    Corset Pizza it’s literally like a 5 minute walkway invester bro so we’re going to do that it looks quite small and just nice I kind of a Rudy’s Pizza Vibe can get a couple of drinks there too so we’re going to do that and then just come back and chill

    I mean I’ve just been reading for the past hour or so which has been really nice and yeah we want to save our energy for Alex’s Thursday in the morning what are you thinking Lex any starter or uh so cute in Here olives FIA I don’t really want faaa for having pizza oh we’ve got pizza what’s on yours Alex sausage sausage onion chili onion chili and spinach yummy and I and basic and I’ve got a margarita shock Appo turn up 10 the gin’s super nice it’s just so

    Cute outside here as well and the ceiling’s Cute

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