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    Hello everyone we have another world cup Banger coming your way a lot of people have slated this as one of the best OverWatch World Cup games ever so it’s going to be team from China I’ll just call him team China because I’m not going to get tradem struck here uh

    Versus Korea and this was this happened in the semifinals because of the way that the bracket ended up working out top top was very heavy and this was an exceptional game uh first of all because both teams were just playing honest die versus each other and we have some of

    The best D players in the history of the game playing up against each other uh I’ll probably do a video of Saudi Arabia versus China as well later like I don’t want to discredit away from that win but overall as much as there were four four

    Five map bangers I think this one by far Takes the Cake and this is what everyone’s been asking me to review so let’s just get into it and we’ll talk about it it’s worth noting for this as well I I’m not just going to be talking

    About this uh this match up I’m also going to be talking about um just the World Cup overall my general thoughts how I felt about everything and stuff like that while keeping an eye on the game and talking about the game so if you did miss this one you’re in for a

    Treat it it was a good one so let’s enjoy it dude the crowd was crazy the Chinese fans and the Saudi Arabian fans for that matter as well were were so passionate and loud sa AR the Finland Saudi Arabia game was also very good if you haven’t seen that

    One like honestly all of the matches from the second day of World Cup were were bangers they all went the distance they were all very close I think it’s by far the closest World Cup we’ve ever had by far like and it’s not even close it is crazy to see Korea did come

    Out on this Lucio K I was like bro ain’t no way they came out on the 2022 playoffs comp they’re like [ __ ] it just full send back to when we were great when are the biddings for the Replay code auction well I don’t have a replay code as well I’m just rewatching

    On YouTube uh I don’t know where the replay codes are I I doubt anyone even has access to them it have to be blizzard employees and stuff like that I don’t know if they play it on like a PB PBE or anything like that so we get to see the gue doing

    Coming back out gu’s Doom was exceptional in this world cup it was very good dude monk gets three and I think that was really the big narrative for team China that I think surprised a lot of people is I think Monk and Lynx have played very well in this tournament I think that’s

    Why even though you can definitely make the argument that dive was not as strong as the sigma compositions it worked really well for China like obviously shy Le guwe all doing their thing but Monk and lens are stepping up in a big way guwe heard everyone calling him a one

    Trick and immediately became the goat tank Doom you mean the the tank two trick obviously guwe is primarily known as just a main tank player but his his doomfist has been very good dude how they have no right winning these fights like that was the craziest

    Thing is like how they would just like they won fights that just they had no right even being close to only M LS made fer andio sweat yeah Korea just had like some weird composition throughout the entire tour had some very weird compositions like I don’t like this Lucio KERO setup I don’t

    Like the doomfist at all like I don’t know what they were thinking they were going to play up against sorry not the doomfist the reaper I don’t know what they thought they were going to go up against where the reaper was going to make sense but well that was a primal beat

    Overclock by Korea that seems like a weird series of alts but they are just winning it because the backline refuses to die dead dude gu is still going though oh my God f is one Health nice Russia’s probably trying to find a way to break the sigma comp yeah but

    Like you know that team China is not going to play the sigma compos team China hadn’t played the sigma composition of I don’t know how Chio fell there he must have slid off a wall into a wall that was unslidable because you can you can wall ride on some of

    Those things I don’t know how he ended up falling off there but like a gentleman’s agreement no I don’t think I don’t think any team does a gentleman’s agreement I think both of these teams just prefer to play Dive like China has played dive the entire tournament and

    Korea’s weakness has been playing the sigma compositions they don’t look as strong when hanin in and I I think if Korea had tried to play hanin on the sigma they would have lost as well there’s no way Korea were like the third maybe fourth best team at the sigma

    Compositions and that that really was a surprising part of the World Cup is that it didn’t feel like Korea with their star started lineup were very good at the sigma composition you would think they would be better out at it obviously they’re great at dive we know they are

    But when they played the sigma they just they kind of got beaten by like you know Finland like Finland pushed them every time they played um and like Saudi Arabia obviously very strong team in there even USA like made it very close right with like some of their Sigma

    Compositions uh in the past so like I don’t know I just I don’t know with with super in maybe I think USA is potentially better at the sigma compositions but that might just be cope don’t they play a lot of dive yeah yeah the Korean teams are always known to be playing dive

    Le and Shai trying to flip it back but they can’t I just think they AR practice I don’t think I honestly that’s how I feel about both Korea and USA is it did genuinely feel like neither of the teams oh good Primal it did feel like neither of those teams were very well

    Prepared for this tournament you know what I mean like it didn’t feel like they were comfortable in either the sigma or the like dive or like any of those things like they were kind they were good because they just had great players but it didn’t feel like they

    Were well drilled in the way that we saw Finland and Saudi Arabia and you know that could be it Iowa right like it could just be they feel they have less to prove they didn’t prep prepare as much they weren’t taking the tournament as seriously and that

    That’s fine if that’s the reason as well but but you know it is what it is right and that’s why it’s almost good to see like you know a new team win right like China they went really far Saudi Arabia great to see them like they you could

    Tell how much it meant to them to win uh the tournament so you know big props to them they are obviously tried could be a lack of identity in those yeah but you only lack that identity if you don’t practice it or put the time in like I also think it’s like

    Worth noting that like I think the meta for Korea playing that where like lip plays like the symmetra doesn’t feel good cuz I think lip on symmetra or Bastion isn’t a good pick for him obviously he tried to play a lot of the sojan but people like started forcing away from that by

    Playing Symetra and stuff like that and then Sparkle on the May is good but honestly like some of these other May players play dramatically better than smarkle on the may as well so I feel like the DPS just didn’t feel as comfortable in this matter Sigma comp is a low Skilling comp

    I wouldn’t say it’s a low ceiling I think there’s a lot of things that happen that there’s not as much skill expression as Dive Right like dive is like I think the most complicated thing where you need a lot of individual play and pop off right and that’s what makes

    You know China and Korea the best at those compositions but I think there’s a lot of new on to the sigma comps that people don’t give it credit for but I agree that like there isn’t as much damn they just couldn’t kill anyone in ker Ban’s really scary because how

    Dynamic it it really is right like there’s so many different point uh types that change the way it works yo cob wey thank you very much for the first sub all right let’s get back to focusing on this game talking about a lot of overarching things oh my God CH almost dies those

    Sticky bombs from Sparkle I wish we had a replay code so I could watch things that oh wouldn’t usually see lip gets gue to sleep on the shy oh yeah good punish as well so lip and leave a premier hyperflex yeah I I think uh lip is lips

    Biggest strength comes that he is a world class hit scan plus he can play Tracer and stuff like that he definitely has weaknesses on certain Heroes as I sort of talked about but oh wow mon just it’s just a dive from Sparkle and felis they didn’t even use the Nano

    That’s kind of crazy di I don’t I wish we could have seen how monk dies to that I wonder if Sparkle goes in duplicates the Anna gets the biot grenade it’s probably what happened actually one second I want to go back and see that I want to go see

    That I think that’s probably what happened right yeah so sparkle goes in you can see we can’t see on the screen but you see Sparkle duplicates the Anna throws the nade hits Monk and ler and that gives F the great like that’s just a good Dive by Korea

    I should get one of those draw on things I I watch I was watching a sesh show stream recently actually and he has one of those things where he can draw draw on the screen maybe I should get one of those for b reviews in the future

    Sparkle gets monk again feel is paral shy off the map say dude this is just not being a close round epic pen it’s free epic pen I’m writing that down epic pen that was a quick too by Korea how long would it take for you to

    Draw a dick on screen well have you guys seen the memes that my my signature looks like a dick the way I do it if you do it in a certain way it looks like a penis which you know I really got to think I really got to avoid GG South

    Korea wins 3 yeah South Korea definitely the better team than China this game’s over WRA it up how long is Spar going to have braces for my God I don’t know you know like I had braces for a really long time when I was a kid as well like obviously he’s

    He’s older but it takes a long time for for your teeth to fix yeah they can be for a real long time I think it’s probably harder the older Ur are as well right so good on him getting it done you know it’s good opportunity all right heading over to P

    ISO both teams going to stick with the dive Sparkle and the Tracer leave on the echo I do like the echo more on this map it can be difficult to play the game against certain things though so we’ll see how uh leave does on this I need to look at my out cards

    Actually pause you guys want to see something cool that someone gave me you guys can’t see it very well and I can’t get it too close cuz otherwise it’s not going to zoom but who’s that Poké man it’s Jimmy it’s your boy Jimmy I miss you in his Chung new

    Hunters Jersey he looks so handsome hand behind and Meg it no my my camera doesn’t have autofocus it’s a long story but it doesn’t have autofocus now the question is does he [ __ ] only in my dreams oh dude I don’t like the positioning of field of cheia there I don’t like

    Playing in that corner because I feel like that exactly happens is you end up you can’t go anywhere you you end up getting caught in this situation where you’re stuck in that corner and like if you get stuck here you can’t make this run to safety and you don’t want to drop

    Because they can just follow you in there so you just kind of die wait what wait what what do you guys huh what defend here they need have some they risky they this is the really the hard point to capture this second point is a [ __ ] night good biotic grenade by

    Monk I don’t know how you hit lip and cheer with that probably in the small room he’s a sleep on the the brig as well I surprised they didn’t Nano way in there I feel like that would have been a pretty effective Nano if they Nano

    Gue what do you think of the lip wash narrative I think the lip wash narrative comes from the idea that people have like exceptional expectations of uh of lip I think lip was great this tournament like I think especially on the soan lip was really good people seem to only remember his low

    Points I definitely don’t think he’s been like MVP all the time 100% of the time but and he’s definitely the best at Sombra but he’s still a good hit scan player this is such a hard fight for a career to take they have a lot of

    Defensive tools to get in at least if China does a good job of forcing these ultimates out and then backing up they’ll be in a good spot shy overclocks oh good sleep on a sparkle used a lot of their ultimates here you can see chy just back up they

    Use their rally later gu still holding on to this Primal Rage now he can go aggressive and now that Korea don’t have as many ultimates up ah there’s still too much with shy falling they lose the damage doesn’t matter what guwe does he’s just going to take too much damage

    No way lip lives through that there’s no way lip lives through that yeah thank you oh nice Kill by Monk on the lip but it shouldn’t change much I do personally think lip played better overall when he was on Shanghai but I also think that that’s easy to say

    Because that Shanghai team was a mega stacked for that on for that year like that team was so good of course he’s going to look exceptional he’s one of the best players on the best team in the league right I think Atlanta he he looked like that when Atlanta were even

    But as soon as like The Meta went bad for them like it becomes a lot harder to have that same level of performance for lip well Atlanta was St and they were good until the tournament until the meta moved away from them right like I it LO it it genuinely looked like Atlanta

    [ __ ] up the meta like the the prep and the scrims going into the to the final like you could tell that they didn’t feel comfortable there were rumors that they were trying to sign a like a Zia player all the way through to the end like they were trying to look at tanks

    It just felt like they were never comfortable in that matter and it showed on the stage on that part of the map the team from China have to play from the low ground that’s why sh is sat there div on I think remate okay dude this is so hard to

    Attack as the attacking teams look you have the backline set up in proper position look at the the Chinese team backline has like walk up through the low ground FS can literally oh he [ __ ] up his jump he’s going to have to Primal early because of that he should be able

    To work it out so oh someone woke him up Shy’s dead like FS can just do whatever he wants in this situation he can go in when he wants to he can go out when he wants to gue doesn’t have Primal yet feels versus gu on man yet FS ver

    Gue Winston mirror like that’s just a treat these are literally the two best winstons in the world like obviously I’m sure some people in in the YouTube comments be like uh Smurf exists thank you very much but you know yeah obviously Smurf would be in the running as well but definitely

    Up there with two of the best oh that was actually such a bad miss this let’s talk about how bad this this duplicate was first [ __ ] up the disruptor shot then tries to slide over a roof that’s unslidable on like that was actually the worst duplicate of all

    Time and I actually think this ends up costing the Korean team right like he ends up helping get leave but they weren’t able to like put pressure on felis tries to overcompensate he ends up falling to the shy overclock Sparkle only gets one for the ultimate you know

    Paired with somebody else like I think that actually had like big implications missing both of those things Z himself out of the fight yeah and that’s just a window for China to capitalize P greater than Sparkle this year yeah I agree I think like I understand Dallas fans think I hate them

    And people think I hate Sparkle because of that one D tier Tracer thing but I think Sparkle’s been an exceptional player but this has probably been the worst year that Sparkles ever had in the OverWatch League probably the same can be said for a lot of these Dallas

    Players but cuz like sparkle was great on the Eternal and then obviously for the Dallas fuel those two years but this year he he just hasn’t shown up in the same way that we like know him for even when he’s been on some of his signature Heroes like he’s been good but

    He hasn’t just being that dominant Force we know him for definitely a hater yeah and I and I think that that does raise the issue of like these teams were chosen so long ago right like I think if you watch the OverWatch League season and you came out of it this is

    Not the Korean roster you would have chosen like someone 1 billion per would have been on this roster regardless of how good felis and haran is someone would have been on this roster I think Pelican would have been on this roster uh you I could even see a worldw checkmates on this roster

    Right Lee brg POG yo the good old duplicate double brri setup choice of one I well I think Choice one’s a hard one to say like choice of one didn’t even really play this year because of the way it worked I would take Merit over lip I think lip

    Has a lot more flexibility than Merritt like Meritt is a better hit scan than lip I would say this year which is a kind of big praise but I think lip has the fact that he can play like a lot of other things yeah if they had someone sing

    Like you can’t tell me if they didn’t have dude Sparkle does such a good job here actually pause on this conversation look at this so actually I I do want to talk about this cuz I actually hit this uh I I talked about this a lot on the co

    Stream So felis goes in so career on the defense right they get leave 20 seconds remaining on the clock this is a perfect opportunity to go in if you clear out the rest of Team China then you you win the map I like the idea of them going in

    This room this is a huge mistake from I believe it’s Sparkle Sparkle goes in with 96% Al charge thinking he’s going to get the duplicate and go aggressive he goes way too far ahead of felis who needs to be the one in they’re almost at rally Nano duplicate and overclock right

    This should be theoretically an unusable fight 5v4 you’re about to have four ultimates online pelic Sparkle goes way too [ __ ] early CH and lip try and go into to follow him pop the overclock Nano and the rally but they’re in a small room [ __ ] Nano overclock is

    Very difficult to get value they try and go too deep they end up trading like one for one going back and forth which isn’t good considering the ultimates and the advantage they have and then China just gets value Sparkle comes back and actually pops the [ __ ] off on the

    Duplicated Anor gets two I think he gets three right no he gets two and he does a lot of work but at this point the damage is done right like we’re in overtime so spawns are super long and Sh just [ __ ] that this was like in my opinion one of the

    Biggest examples of like this is not the South Korea that we expect or the performance that we expect and that’s just a team play thing of like team play Synergy and all that kind of stuff like that’s just a huge fumble from Korea that is unprecedented for the players

    That we expect out of here and yeah so that that ends up leaving uh China to end up capping out the map so I that’s once again also worth noting and this is shouldn’t be me bragging on Sparkle remember the exact same thing happened on the second Point Sparkle

    Uses the sojan duplicate completely whiffed all his abilities and then didn’t pide enough value with the ultimate that needed to get something and enable the dive and then China ends up capitalizing right obviously there’s a lot more other elements that are going wrong but like that’s that’s those are two pretty big

    Mistakes monk having a St perform yeah you know I give Monk and ly are a lot of props coming into the uh coming into the uh tournament and going back to the uh someone conversation right like if someone had been on this roster playing Sigma dude Korea would have played the sigma

    Composition the whole way through and obviously someone knows how to lead first of all as a you know lead from the front as a tank so he was popping the [ __ ] off doing that um and then you have uh like and then he can play Sigma at

    The highest level they just won the OverWatch League playing that composition they would have been so good like you put you put they they could just mirror the the Sigma versus any of the other teams and they’d probably just win like I think you put someone in the

    Tank and you put either like a pelican or a Checkmate just for the Synergy and like obviously the understanding with lipfield a Chio I think they win I think ker wins but that’s what happens when you have the rosters decided so early in the season right and yeah someone could switch to

    The Reinhardt like we saw someone do a lot of Reinhardt swaps against the sigma if that was ever a problem we didn’t see anybody do that we saw Australia try and do it versus uh Great Britain and it didn’t work but that’s hard to know if

    That’s just like a a team mismatch or what if the composition doesn’t actually work that way why do they have to decide the Ross so early cuz their qualifiers happen very early on in the season it’s [ __ ] chaos right now is there some good saggers for ker they

    Can just wait for their spawners fix gets Primal that was a smart early rally by L not [ __ ] around spark get slept on the point good feel as Bubble oh leave gets lipped that’s such a big pick wow how does not only minute remaining this ker attack is B like it just kind of feels chaotic right and I think that’s like the are of this entire Kore it just doesn’t really feel like it has the same

    Synergy that like you would expect from a team that literally won the 2022 Championship together obviously different met in different composition but you’d think they would have a little bit more but it just doesn’t feel like it oh good shots by Le he should have been able to That no we haven’t we haven’t missed the fers I’m waiting for it the bubble on the anade I I want to hit that as well Nano F Us in just to make sure you put the nail in the coffin F us in a small room with the Nano pretty

    Good sk’s best strategy was lip go kill which is worrying because people said you know like people are like blaming lip that they didn’t win but I feel like lip did have some of the biggest pop offs I think felis and lip were the best players on this

    Team throughout the world cup such a good this this isting droing the you want to the ech ech so now all of a sudden it’s career’s turn to try and break this second Point hold you see lip tweet after the World Cup no what did he say I actually missed

    That probably wasn’t happy with his own performance right he seems like the kind of guy that would hold himself at a very high standard like always people forget Chio I think Chio was fine I just don’t think I noticed him anywhere near as much as we saw in

    The he said GG’s feeling sorry I can’t do anymore wait that wasn’t after the tournament cuz ker loses to China to get knocked out so was that before it was that in their last matchup sh just murders Sparkle before they can even get in and that’s so frustrating to deal

    With like this is that’s what makes pariso in general one of the most frustrating Maps is like what do you do as like a player your teammate you just walk in they have The High Ground and they just get absolutely destroyed I think they need to fix this map I’m this

    Just going to go a quick rant they need to make this room more accessible I think there needs to be a pathway up to get into this room because right now the only way you can get onto this High Ground is to go up this like small choke

    In this small room that’s just so dangerous so it’s either walk through the low ground death trap or walk through this tiny as [ __ ] choke and I think it could be fixed if they give accessibility to the attack ATT team in this room cuz that would force the defensive

    Team to actually have to defend the room but they don’t really have to right leave can just sit here with the brg and they don’t have to have the threat that the rest of the team could be showing up sick stick on the shy yo chat watch this wait no it’s not

    What I’m thinking of yeah chat watch this watch the watch FIS here we’re going to we’re going to go to 025 watch this moment FIS sees uh leave and guwe Diving his backland obviously he has good positioning here he recognized the div is incoming they’re in a 5v4 he just

    They just need to live through the dive FIS jumps in sees the duplicated Anor gets on top of him isn’t under any pressure doesn’t have to drop his bubble but he sees Le doing the anad duplicate biotic grenade trick drops the bubble at the perfect time Le’s biotic grenade

    Doesn’t hit the backline in which guwe is currently pressuring he catches it inside the bubble and that that enables his backline to stay alive so all of a sudden leave doesn’t get anything done with this anad duplicate doesn’t get any value the dive can stay healthy because they can heal

    Each other [ __ ] even Sparkle duplicates the brain dude he’s just so wrinkly and they still lose the [ __ ] fight how hard this is like what they get a kill off the bat they kill the lip sojan but they can’t do anything the ls of rally and the GU Primal is just too much

    Add oil it’s actually so fun to me that the the uh that’s what the the chant GI it’s G right means add oil oh my God that was disrespectful by Shai that was straight up disrespect for what he did to Sparkle he just went and just

    Said you you die now and also just confidence that you’re going to hit the shot and yeah Korea this was not a good map by Korea I think there was a lot of mistakes made held on the second they barely even got through the first like team China definitely looking

    Stronger in that uh in that point all right let’s move up games PA I wish we got replay codes for all this stuff whatever OverWatch Esports comes next I hope it becomes standardized that replay codes get released for matches all right now we go back over ker goes back to the 2022 playoffs

    Comp I guess it worked for them in the first map not really like they instantly swapped off the reaper so I don’t really understand why they went the reaper but why is that not a thing in general it’s because like blizzard of host of the tournaments they run on a tournament

    Realm and they’ve just never prioritized doing it and before they used they used to have a replay view oh they just died they used to have a replay viewer which used to be updated so that solved the problem in its own right but then when the replay viewer became

    Defunct and replay codes became a thing that seems like an easy transition but just something that isn’t done I guess maybe I can try and push for that more at least behind the scenes I just really hate the reaper like what does the reaper accomplish in this composition right like obviously in

    2022 this was a composition where you you just play as a rush and like on your team but like that doesn’t work when the opposition team has like a very defensible setup with like shy on The High Ground monk lengtha be able to stand in the back like I just don’t

    Think it works anywhere near as well as it did in that one meta that one time long ago like as soon as he has to use The Wraith he’s useless for the next like what is it 10 seconds targ ideally get shy that was a good dive didn’t really feel like China

    Really put enough pressure to like just suede that dive they just kind of fell over when it came so but that was a good Dive by Korea yeah this is what you want to see you want to see if your Kore start Al now lots of ultimates are coming

    Online China they’re going to have five Korea’s going to have four because Sparkle’s playing Reaper gaming King stri asking the hard- hitting questions theing they want to try find way to it I think Rush can coach players that aren’t just like Rush players right like they they’ve done it in the past

    Obviously that’s the bread and butter and the strength but oh CH gets monk oh there you go okay first cap goes over to China Sparkles getting to his ultimate real soon Fielder goes Moira for a second oh maybe just switching Heroes s’s just so good yeah

    Shai’s Shai is very good at hits scan no one can doubt that no Lucio but still out maneuvering well the thing is China doesn’t have to outmaneuver they just need to play the thing the problem with Korea’s composition is that they have to go if they do not go in is literally useless

    Because he doesn’t provide any flanking pressure like you know you can see leave like we can see leave over here oh wait more you can see leave over here he’s playing like flanking Tracer he’s applying pressure and he’s doing all that kind of stuff brg can pack people

    Lucio only has AOE healing like this career composition has to go so that enables China the ability to outmaneuver just by and this is sort of been the way I’ve been describing it a lot recently is absorbing the pressure right all China has to do is absorb the pressure

    Force a dive absorb the pressure and then go and this is why I don’t like this died by guwe right like guwe goes in to try and stop the cap it feels like and force an engage but he just gets blown up he dives into a Reaper dives

    Into all the pressure from Korea lip just pops the overclock and murders him and then he goes for the the world T and just dies for it the more on this map is actually to get you to the front of the spawn F cuz

    You spawn in the back so you go to moror fade oh so it’s like a mini Tech interesting idea just speed up the what your ability to get to the front of the room with the fade feels probably unnecessary in a lot of regards but I guess that’s what makes

    Them the 1% and the best in the world a that was a good death bossom you know special move from the uh from the death bossom and this is how Korea needs to play right like you see them just waiting for their MO waiting for that moment and going and I think they

    Punished the the Chinese aggression really well I’m dealing with Jake’s new K-pop fans dude Jak Jake’s Jake’s the new K-pop wonder you we’re going to talk about this on the YouTube video did you see Jake’s thirst trap on [ __ ] Twitter bro Jake let let’s just chill all right

    Let’s just chill you’re making us look bad okay you’re making us look bad I can’t even do one pullup on my man’s adding 65 LBS or kilos Jake’s like how do I get the K-pop fans to like me more what if I just post the games [ __ ] [ __ ] genius

    Bro he makes OverWatch plays look good yeah and back muscles I actually think as as a purely heterosexual male back muscles on men are the most attractive thing in the world I don’t know that that that that’s just me like every time I see a guy with big back muses I’m

    Like okay I see you no not more attractive than my wife of course not but hey I I I can admire he hey if he’s going to post a thirst trap I’m allowed to admire okay the them’s the rules of posting thirst traps on Twitter all right back to OverWatch sorry we we

    Got distracted by K-pop and that that that’s that’s once again the Korea have to go right they have to go with their with their composition and they end up getting punished this time China’s able to like see it coming able to deal with it yeah Sparkle going over to the Trac

    And now something like do we need to play Lucio KIRO here I like the GU doomfist swap as well I think it allows him to like there’s not a lot of damage on career and if they’re not going to play the brig then I think the doomfist

    Kind of just gets around for free I don’t think KERO Lucio a very good deal with with doomfist at all so I love this adaptation from guwe field goes Anna no goes over to the mo for the speed to get to the front actually what is this it’s a nasty

    Bionade oh he just got that was just unfortunate for spark he just took so much damage sends meow Li goes in that’s so look at how far back he is when he pops that overclock another [ __ ] up disruptor shot yo walls are the bane of Ker’s existence right

    Now you look at that dive by Le goes over the wall follows up with the gue Doom like look at how good this dive is right this is what makes them great leave goes slowly over the wall coordinates it with gu’s aggression with the meteor strike pops the meteor strike

    Leave Dives with the sticky bombs duplicates the Anor the meter strike lands and it just rips apart the backline right like that’s that is clean gameplay right that’s coordination that like makes China the best team in the world right it was expensive but it was worth it right like it cost only

    Actually it wasn’t even that expensive just cost the duplicate and the uh doomfist ultimate Korea just falls down guwe generates also fast yeah because he if you watch gue of how he does things he’s just on a cycle of he’s going in with the seismic slam hits the AOE you

    Get like between 5 to 10% Al charge every time you hit depending on the number of people you hit and he just charges it charges it and then he doesn’t really even overcommit that much outside of when he has that uh meteor strike as well because it’s a get out of

    Jail free card that allows you to go purely aggressive into the backline so Shai has the ultimate they do like the N the Nano overclock here FIS has the gets Nano though he’s going to get the Primal in this he’s actually going to counter dive on the shy

    Overclock oh lip should have jump there but it’s fine good play by shy to back up this have been a great fight for K uh for China for so many El they they took away the aggression of the Nano and the Primal from fearless and got out the rally

    And they had positioning so they’re already getting percentage up guwe does eventually fall though which is pretty bad and is dead all right that will be a flip coming out from Korea we’ll play teina endan we’ve seen s LJ think the a mons would perfect Doom

    Comp a perfect Sigma or Winston comp is doing no I think the sigma composition is better than the dive I I think Sigma overall is a better composition uh and the only reason China even got close is because of how good they are at Dive

    Right I but I don’t think in general the dive will win against the uh if if both teams are considered perfectly equal in skill I think the sigma composition will win most of the time and that’s why I think Finland and Saudi Arabia were so good in this tournament is that they

    Were the best teams at that composition at the tournament and that’s why they got ahead you know like and this I don’t want this to be taken out of context of me discrediting KSA or finland’s performance is like they don’t have that those neither of those teams have as

    Much flexibility to be able to play the dive and all these other compositions across the board as I would say China or Korea right but push comes to shove at the right time at the right tournament they are here and I also think something that is really cool about World Cup in

    General and what we saw from Finland and KSA is on certain Heroes those players were better than all of their counterparts like I think cloud May was very very [ __ ] good I think the Vesta Sigma was a huge Redemption Arc for him like his Sigma he went toe-to-toe with

    Hin probably died hanin in a meta with Sigma where hen’s considered one of the best right like that’s a awesome thing to be able to see so but at the end of the day right that’s what happened it did feel like you know USA and Korea came in a little

    Complacent probably confident in themselves that they could go to toe totoe and Finland and Saudi Arabia they just wanted it more and you could tell they were well drilled they were exceptional in the compositions and they popped up so hopefully we get to see more representation come out of the

    European region because it feels like the way that the OverWatch League also this fight is crazy the way that the OverWatch league has functioned is that it has not been friendly to European players overall so hopefully with whatever comes to Oat Esports next there’s more investment and more players

    And teams coming out of that region because obviously they can compete with you know Chinese and Korean teams yeah the calari was nutty as well oh wow how does that even happen how does lip just rip Shy’s head off and that’s what the thing is like lip was really good like lipov early

    Picks a lot think USA lost his powers cuz half their team got dropped for out I have no idea like it’s really hard to know what went wrong with Team USA But at the end of the day USA also lost to China like let’s not forget

    Right they lost to Saudi Arabia who were to who took number one seat out of their group which then forced them to play China who was the team that came second right so they literally lost to first and second so I as much as it’s like

    They went out so early they also lost to the best team yeah they weren’t particularly close but they did what’s up EMC was insanely stacked yeah super said yeah I think in their match against China they just didn’t play well as well right all right China getting flash point let’s move over to Esperansa we haven’t seen ATK us dropped some of the biggest balls I’ve seen in that match yeah but they sh like that happens right like I think China played really well and I think you know China is a hard team to practice against like they knew it was coming but

    They just didn’t know how to deal with it is asiran the perfect di map it’s probably the best di map right because of especially in this style because you can play your anab brig on high grounds and very defensive while you can allow the other three players on your team to

    Move around so it’s like there’s a lot of good flanks to where the back line can help so I think it is a very good di map overall waga is best that’s cuz there’s a lot of great megas to play around and like a lot of great offl angles and routes

    So has a lot of things working in his favor ice a with the 15K hot take yeah not accepting criticism yeah that’s B that’s B fair and Bas USA give him the bronze medal dude the the bronze medal match was actually sick by the way enough out there start of the we

    Got I like it was crazy to see how good that bronze medal match was as well like I’m usually not a big third place person but I actually liked it for the OverWatch World Cup because I think there’s like a lot of like Pride there and I think the match was great

    So it was cool to see it was cool to see finam win that SK losing to Finland got to be the biggest fallos of all time I think just goes back to what we were talking about where I think Finland were the best Sigma team I think they like they were the

    Second best Sigma team in this tournament I think they use that to their advantage yeah and if people act like Korea like hard fell off they went to map five with both China and Finland right like they it’s not like they got stomped by anyone they definitely weren’t Flawless and they were

    Definitely worse than some of us give us credit for but they it wasn’t Team USA right that got twoed by Saudi Arabia and got three OED by China it was a three against USA right and I think I think I I definitely think that it was more of a failure for

    Team USA than it was for uh Korea for sure were USA and Korea just not prepared I just think it wasn’t a good tournament for them like the the meter and stuff I think it should have been better for USA but it’s hard to really know what went wrong

    Damn I’m surprised the backline got out for career though Kar oh there it is I blame the weather yeah the weather wasn’t really feeling good for USA I think it really hurt them playing it in America I think I think having the home field advantage really hurt

    America like us Med excuses I don’t think it’s an excuse I think it’s just the the point of it right like I like I just don’t think USA were good like that doesn’t mean that they didn’t deserve to not come where they finish right which

    Was like fifth to eth but I think that’s the reality of it is I think there are definitely certain other Mets that would have been better for them in certain situations right like explanation doesn’t equal excuse that’s a good way to put it right oh my God

    Sparkle it’s crazy because I feel like ker goes from like you watch them sometimes you’re like man they they just not hidden and it’s every now and then [ __ ] lip and Sparkle just like yo hold my beer as lip also murders leave like gu is doing a good job of bringing

    This back dude the juggle so [ __ ] good holy [ __ ] and gets out as well [ __ ] sits on Sparkle oh if he hit that that would have been sick Prim do you agree that LE fed a lot on the final uh yeah I I think the Genji I

    I you could see chy went in with a plan that was leave play the Genji and I don’t think you can criticize it so much cuz leave [ __ ] farmed versus Team USA playing the Genji and the echo stuff uh against Team USA but something about what Saudi Arabia was doing leave did

    Not have good value he was getting value from blade very INF frequently he was getting picked first like a lot a lot in that match like I think it’s just a bad match for Le I think if leave shows up in that match 100% China wins but that’s

    I don’t think leave doesn’t show up because he just had a bad day I think leave didn’t show up because Saudi Arabia put the pressure on and punished him for his mistakes which is impressive right yeah he was probably tied right like he Absol he probably was just tied

    You know that’s a it’s a long weekend right they have to travel they have a lot going on like it is what it is but everyone’s dealing with that as well so like Saudi Arabia had to do the same thing like there’s no excuse that oh this team had to play a map

    Five and this team didn’t both of them had to go the distance that’s a very early Dive by felis support all right not bad and because of that early pick by Shai as well China didn’t have to use a single ultimate to win that like just the pick sort of like

    Offsets the ultimate differential so now let’s see how they use the this old Advantage cuz they’re getting close to five we had Crossing count C I thought that was UN I thought that was just a meme that K crusty and 9k were coaching South uh KSA I thought there was no

    Evidence that pointed to that I I I don’t know I’ve seen like back and forth and I’ve heard so many different stories I think we all know Kell and Kur were doing it because like they’ve worked with these guys in the past and I absolutely no crib was there like I saw

    Him coaching for them but I thought it was a meme that 9k and crusty coach for them did they actually bring as many coaches as Team France that’s Nano overclock that gets one cheer forces the rally K’s kind of in a bad spot now oh LSA cannot die that

    Was a busy rally but he gets it car you hopping on the monk top four an train because I think he might be as oh I I think we need to I want to see more from monk before we do that his recent performances on The Anna for the

    Hongo spark in the playoffs and on Anna in for team China absolutely I agree those are top level performances but I’m not going to go put him with the with the goats of Honor Mount Rushmore after half a season of gameplay like cuz prior to that monk has been good not

    Exceptional like I think monk is definitely a top Flex support in the league but as I said you’re putting him on the you’re putting him on the goats oh feels so l by teamore then what more do you see for monk mid-season Madness playoffs World Cup he’s definitely a top four out

    Anything there are many of play players who have had worldclass performances and like top performances for half of a season who have then fallen off to never be spoken about again do you remember when people were saying that Khan was one of the best Flex supports in the world you guys

    Remember that K was exceptional for that P Eternal team but that like where is he now where is he now people wanted to put him in the [ __ ] on Mount Rush Mall people don’t even talk about him anymore right like that’s that’s my point right you’re putting Shu Fielder and Twilight

    Two of them are [ __ ] Champions and one of them is the greatest to ever do it and has some of the best clips of all time right like over multiple multiple seasons and that’s the point that I’m making about monk is prior to that half of a season where he’s been exceptional

    He’s just been a good player right so I I think you need to hold off before you start putting people on the goat list head toward we’ll see Ian Korea I also think that’s a that’s a big frustration I have with the the community is everyone’s just trying to

    Make these goat lists and stuff like that can’t people just be great players it’s okay to just be a great player you don’t have to be the very [ __ ] best it’s a this was not a particularly close map I felt like Korea had like firmly in control the whole

    Time yeah but it’s f it is fun it is fun but all right we move on CU just mad nobody ever said he was the goat I’m not the goat I I I’ll I’ll be the first to a minute I’ll put my hand up I was I am not the

    Goat right across the but I mean we know what both of these teams are going to do at this point I don’t anybody go Zander I my my the only I think that was the closest I ever felt like I was one of the best in the world which is a

    [ __ ] deep cut but it was like the 2016 era of zeny or 20 early 2017 my Zenyatta was kind of filthy but I think I was still worse than like chipsen and stuff like that but I was I was feeling myself back then and now I’m

    Not my Mercy was pretty good in the league as well six needed you they did go to Korea and we did not I think you want to be the team that kind of like sets the go we still calling a CA yeah people still it’s still my legacy I’m the goat of

    Accidentally pressing alt there you go boom I’m the goat think about it if you think about it and you’re like oh who is known for accidentally fat fingering their ultimate you think of me so actually I am the goat [ __ ] you guys huh I have my legacy I am also the legacy of

    Being the smartest player in the league okay boom done I’m the goat that’s e II that’s actually a funny point I think iaki has done it more times in the league than I have I think I can count like three times iaki as fat fing in the league people just don’t

    Talk about it as much I to he’s I taught Izzy everything he knows I has a ring hey I have the only ring that matters the only ever stage four ring name another team who has a stage four ring oh and I’m married yeah I have that ring as well

    But a championship ring come on get your head out of the gut out yo Patrick thank you for the 64 months didn’t you already watch this I did but people wanted me to watch it again I keep getting distracted talk about random [ __ ] so if you’re here for the hard-hitting analysis I’m just

    Talking [ __ ] glad season 4 won stage four it wasn’t called stage four doesn’t count it was called something stupid like summer Showdown or like the June J yeah it was called something wild oh lip gets dude you know it’s actually kind of crazy you you like you

    Watch back this match people like to blame lip lips had a good match like I would love to see if this was a stat I would love to see first pick stats cuz I think lip would be like leading by a good margin who blame people would have been

    Like lips washed and overrated if they had this player they would have been better straight up people will say that I’ve I’ve heard that I’ve had to endure that in my chat that’s why I get so defensive about it so many people blaming Sparkle yeah but I think that

    Was also fair I I think Sparkle Sparkle wasn’t great in this tournament unfortunately people just like to blame lip because other people like lip yeah I think because of the like lip MVP candidacy people like to point when he doesn’t put on those performances that’s probably a good point people love to

    Hate they’re also playing as sh leave yet do Korea have no ultimates they used everything in that last fight so like how do you get in here like chy to use that didn’t use anything either but they have to get they’re the ones who have to

    Get in w a good bubble to get his team across it’s actually kind of crazy when you look at it like this bubble was absolutely intentionally placed oh no did that just fall oh that was never mind that was gu’s bub I thought that was Felix’s

    Bubble let his team cross but that was he literally just threw it short because that was gu’s bubble never mind feel sucks oh that’s a great n by Fielder it’s a hard to hit that’s a horizontal n oh that’s a great a by Monk though jumps over the sleep easy easy

    For your boy gue he’s not going to Primal for this either he doesn’t need to oh oh 6 hp no Primal well he also I don’t want to praise him too much cuz he absolutely botched the jump to get out of the room this this kind of like Parisa all

    Over again where the defense has The High Ground Anda has to walk through like a tiny choke yeah they they really need to provide some level of support for them like they literally are just getting rolled by these biotic grenades for a monk like over and over again and they make it

    Very Telegraph when they’re walking out as well oh oh oh oh oh he’s alive and like I think lensa unsung hero of this Chinese team as well lensa has actually been so good at covering people feels looks pissed on the on the way out getting the spin still dies too much damage oh

    Okay oh my God he’s Nasty death Shai just like me for real bro if you’re just like Shai you got to start applying for things sh is exactly the way I think I’m going to play all right there we go lip gets another opening kill this time get shy all right those are two Mistakes by

    China no pulse ball thing they have the ultimates to be able to undo this at least they just want to hold on to them they’re doing a really good job of holding on for as long as they can gu ends up primering he’s not going to get

    Anything with this if he can force the rally they got FIS Dude Where’s the Nano where’s the rally anything to okay never mind Lip lip clears lip clears that was kind of a [ __ ] up I don’t know why lyen didn’t rally early I think if L of R’s earlier in that room

    They’re in a good spot like I it’s unlikely that like maybe Li hits those shots as well but the over health and stuff like that might change things or against the Nano oh monk has to jump out is he going to die for that no everyone’s out of BS oh huge biotic

    Grenade by Monk oh my God ch does not die he needs it dude the backline of ker plays so well here China puts a lot of pressure on there there was a lot of pressure coming out so many players could have died multiple times like Korea played that very slowly holy cow

    The hero my go oh good Dodge on the sleep again it’s the thing that makes like the best Winston’s great right is like their ability to just like it looked like he was going to wariana and he just S strapes at the last second Sparkle throws his pulse bomb in

    A lost fight there as well which is kind of a bad call CH what do you do koreal why didn’t Korea play Sigma to beat China like KSA Finland cuz Korea doesn’t feel as confident playing the sigma and China’s shown the ability to play the dive versus the sigma it’s

    Obviously still Sigma favored but I think Korea like China’s just so good at the dive that I think it doesn’t matter oh guwe just gets up F gets monk a don’t matter everyone else is too deed player thinks fi was uncharacteristically quiet I think that’s a fair assessment like for for

    The standard that we hold Fielder at he definitely wasn’t hitting as big a biotic grenades more consistent sleeps like he would he was hitting him but he and he was good I just don’t I see what you mean he wasn’t he wasn’t server defining all good spot for the C to end

    It’s like that’s kind of just like a one fight win and that’s like very difficult to hold on the third Point as well Korea IES youat and you know how much time is on the clock and how many fights you’re going to get here or there put themselves in a position to

    Potentially would beak out ofies this series was so good bro why can’t we just agree to play Dive 100% of the time like I don’t want to like the grand finals was such a good M well actually not the grand finals the uh like the Sigma versus Sigma mirror in my

    Opinion is just so so uninteresting compared to the like the Winston dive cuz it’s like defined by such like little things and like ultimates that it doesn’t feel like there’s a lot like you’re just kind of watching it happen but it doesn’t feel like just there’s as many like pop off big

    Moments Ryan rush I don’t really like Ryan Rush either I think it runs into the same issue as a sigma Rush feel like go to a degree nothing happen until one person makes a m mistake or time dies and like as soon as one player dies it feels like it just

    Ends there’s no like opportunity for people to like bring it back feels like very rarely yeah and I think it it just comes down to the fact it’s like May symmetra stuff anything other than mirror matches yeah o big nade oh my God like how do you deal with

    That if you’re Sparkle what’s WR with may may just kind of like yeah she’s just a snoozer I agree snoozer is a good way to put it wow they K’s doing a good job of staying alive considering they’re trying to stay in a fight that they have no right to

    Stay in they’re getting hurted into a corner big bionade by Monk oh they can’t get Fielder Fielder or Fearless but they have control like this is so difficult for Korea to get out of the small room fortunately they don’t have Nano if China had Nano boost this would be

    Over if they get this Nano boost it’s just over Dude chy Gets another kill on the felis GI rally is good but it doesn’t do anything it’s not going to help them win the fight it’s just going to keep them alive in it and because they don’t have

    F is they have no pressure it’s everything’s pretty much on lip or Sparkles pulse to get a kill he gets monk but I don’t think it matters I think the damage is already done at this point they’re com in the Nano boost as well K is committing everything to win this

    Fight F gets up to the Primal lip oh lip ends up dying I think if lip stays on The High Ground and gets pressure out and gets the overclock they can win that cuz F has the Primal but that’s a feels bad fight for ker supporters D I forgot about

    Stalker why did I forget about stalker I keep talking about like Pelican and stuff like that maybe if they had stalker as well career would have been really good lip stalker like I keep saying like Pelican and Checkmate just like forgot stalker existed and he was so good this

    Year yeah I like you know there are other players that could have been better but like at the end of the day you understand why Sparkle is on this lineup you don’t you can’t be upset he has previous inergy with the Dallas Squad he’s been good in these somewhat

    Of these medals in the past he just came off the championship like I don’t have a problem with sparkle being in this lineup but he definitely didn’t perform at the level he need to Great Primal dude shy dude you know felis was pissed when you like knock someone off and they

    Don’t die you’re like what huh huh how did they not die how did they not die and Shai has some like BS slide after like stopping on the rock for some reason yeah like it was lucky map geometry as well cuz like a lot of the

    SP that where he would have landed he would have just slid straight off and he wouldn’t have been able to get that momentum but he landed somewhere where he just like stops stalker mer someone fi a Cher I would kill still keep lipping over Merit and that is probably the Dream Team from

    Korea in a perfect world I’d actually have proper i’ I’d run proper lip but you know I’m a proper s I’m starting to realize I’m a proper s compared to most like everyone used to S on proper a lot but now I think it’s just me K

    There’s no way four and a half minutes China’s just kind of rolling oh Shai gets lip again bro like how many opening picks has shy G in this oh he dead dude leave doesn’t even give a [ __ ] what spark was doing he’s like bro just go away they’re both just fighting for this

    Position but also don’t want to just fight each other cuz it kind of feels like a waste of time oh my God a it just gets sent to the [ __ ] nether realm we watch that duel for so long he forces the recall and then he hits him oh my

    Disrespectful felis has to go with the Primal but they don’t have damage chio’s rally is over ah it’s he’s dead lip’s getting low not getting the [Applause] heels man Mitch cast this game yeah M Mitch cast are the two big ones he they got this game and they got the grand

    Finals they got some good ones yeah they deserve it after the grand finals of the OverWatch League was actually just so boring I think everyone after the first map of the OverWatch League Grand finals was like yeah this is over but that was a banger series they

    Went back and forth toeo toe individual pop offs you can’t ask for better than that China looking Unstoppable no way they lose to ks a yeah with with Korea and USA out of the pool there’s no way China don’t win the entire thing Pepe laugh all right that’s going

    To be that one thank you very much for watching I think this was one of the best OverWatch World Cup matches we’ve ever seen especially in terms of like individual performance obviously it’s been a lot of years but absolute Banger you love to see it uh I I might be doing

    The grand finals at some point as well I’ll see I’ll see how I feel and uh how this video does I appreciate all of you thank you very much for watching we’re going into the offseason I don’t know what kind of content we’re going to be making but make sure to subscribe I’ll

    Sure I’ll put something up there maybe we’ll do some history of OverWatch stuff let me know what you guys want me to do in the comments and let me know what you guys thought of the World Cup love you all thank you very much for watching and I’ll see you guys next time


    1. Peak overwatch. No sleeper bastion/sigma, no poking for minutes on end.

      Just pure individual and team-based skill. High paced, action packed overwatch filled to the brim with individual plays!

    2. This is one of those matches I'd love to see a Best of 10 of. Both teams are willing to roll in the mud and be aggressive. No boring slow death group comps that poke till they win or are slow to be killed.

    3. Honestly.. I feel like there were a few picks at flex DPS you could argue would have made Korea more stacked. I know it's Rush and he loves Sparkle.. But they could have used that extra boost on a few key heroes. Besides that yeah, they weren't comfortable on a few comps

    4. I would consider this game as the People's grand finals. It was a game between two teams that were showing off just how great of a game Overwatch is. There was no big battle of which team comp is better as much as it was simply which team played better. In the end the team from China won, because they had better synergy and I find that to be amazing. What a fun game, it felt more entertaining to watch than the actual Grand finals.

    5. Due to visa issues, Team China's coach couldn't come to the US and had to coach remotely. He had to watch a stream from the manager for lower delay and send his comments as text, then relayed to the players via the manager.

    6. What went wrong with team USA? I can tell you:
      Which is also the reason a lot of this go wrong in the US.

    7. I still think the 2022 OWL Grand Finals is the best OW match of all time. 2 Teams very close to each other, the meta was decent and every little decision mattered and on top: they went the full distance in a nail biter match. I think the only person that day who "stood up with the wrong foot" was Finn.

    8. We gotta ask, Custa: Does Jimmy have big back muscles in your dreams?

      Laughed when you called out people's ludicrous insistence on making "Top 4 Ana" lists and the like. I was thinking the exact same thing.

    9. Let me propose this; give me Florida Mayhem plus Twilight, and they do better than Team Korea. I mean sure you might take Lip over Merit, and Fielder over Twilight, but what I'm humoring is the idea that there's an entirely different team that could have been composed which would have been better. Hindsight is wild.

    10. Guxue and Fearless are those 2 guys you watch play and all you can thing is* "fml I wish I could play the game like this.

      Aways nice seeing 2 of the top 5 all-time go at it.

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