Today we take a look at Prax Lindsey Oil Refinery, Eastfield Rd, Immingham DN40 3LW.

    We film the 3 Flares and the huge plant from one of the smaller gates.

    We are approached by 2 members of staff, one of which voiced concerns about a spark being possible just like a mobile phone.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    Now I don’t want you flying it over the fence tell you why cuz that’s not it’s not um aex approved so welcome back to the channel guys I’m not sure what this place is called yet but we’re here in immingham and we’ve just cycled past this and up in the sky we can

    See a flame and two more right next to it all that black smoke coming out there doesn’t look good does it doesn’t look good at all that you can’t see the bottom of it we got a few signs dotted around TNI Village entrance can’t quite read that one through the

    Fence high pressure 10-in gas pipeline 1.1 M below hatched area do not excavate bonded installation Duty has not been paid on the oil kept here Customs penalties if you remove okay and much much more of this type of infrastructure in the distance yeah that just caught my eye

    There you don’t see that every day do you and that is called a gas flare alternatively known as a flare stack flare boom ground flare or flare pit is a gas combustion device used in places such as petroleum refineries chemical plants and natural gas processing plants in industrial plants flare Stacks are

    Primarily used for burning off flammable gas released by safety valves during unplanned unpress over pressuring of plant equipment at oil and gas extraction sites gas flares are similarly used for a variety of startup maintenance testing safety and emergency purposes in practice known as production flaring they may also be used to dispose

    Of large amounts of unwanted Associated petroleum gas and then we come down to gate number two car park South Green badge holders only underground pipes and cables private land and we have this sign here PRS definitely no smoking no mobile phones no battery powered equipment no alcohol no firearms non-approved

    Tools No cameras no matches nothing at all but look at that how awesome does that look looks like they’re doing some maintenance to it at the bottom and we’ve got more of the same as we pan around oh we got some coms still fully open and ready to receive

    Cargo I can confirm we’re still fully open and we’re ready to receive cargo okay thank you Chief P will be going on in the next 5 to 10 minutes okay great so reading a little bit about pra from their website headquartered in London the pra group is a British multinational independent

    Global energy conglomerate dealing in crude oil petroleum products and biofuels doing right I saw you earlier on on the on the bio yeah yeah yeah yeah electric one is yeah yeah you’re blocking someone mate is over hanging all right thank you very much could cause an accident no wor thank you

    So security of obviously been called but he saw us earlier he likes the bike and he likes the small talk and he likes to cause an obstruction to others behind him trying to get in don’t do it mate it’s a very busy road this is we come down here pretty

    Fast but yeah how amazing does all this look eh so I think from here we will get David up and we will have a quick look at this place from above so as always we’ve checked on Dron assist there are no flight restrictions in this area we’ll obviously be very

    Careful of where we fly but we can do it obviously put the Drone uh you won’t fly over any units will you say just to make it if you’re putting a drone up you won’t fly over any units will you when you say units you know like the Process Equipment you

    Want me taking the Drone well I’m planning on getting a side shot going around them so I will go over this fence here I’ll go close but no I don’t need to be over things just around them yeah so obviously it’s a live it’s a live process unit that’s all yeah yeah yeah

    But do you know the flares yeah when are they on like who decides and what makes them come on I’m I’m on security is it like to relieve pressure or something or I’m not sure mate so if you’re like I say I want to go I want to

    Go near to them uh I wouldn’t I wouldn’t go near I wouldn’t put a you know definitely not over the uh fence you can go to obviously you can go high can’t you you can see them from there oh I will go over the fence but I won’t go

    Anywhere near what as you leave the next fence yeah will you yeah there’s some tarmac here a lot I can go up towards the tarmac I won’t go too close or go over any of the okay all right then all right mate all right thanks what’s your name by the

    Way I don’t know give it don’t you okay what you want that for fine no just being or who’s asking what’s your name my name is Neil Neil yeah are you security what about the blue badge oh you’re legit you got two got two don’t drive off I’ve got two mate

    We’re talking all right see you later start asking him questions and he drives off coming up Point updated at pra oil refinery doesn’t want us to go over the fence we can go over the fence look some bits of tarmac there that if we fell on tarmac no big

    Deal we’re up at 110 M are we higher than the highest thing no we are not there’s still a couple of chimneys isn’t there look at the state of all this WOW but no we are going to be responsible we are not going to fly over things that

    They don’t want us to fly over so in these pits let’s just make sure that we’re we’re going in an area that’s reasonable what are these for then hey is that the lid is that what fills up yeah that’s a storage cylinder isn’t it look at all this that is

    Amazing Max altitude reach so there we are pra at 120 M there’s no way of getting it all in one shot but there we have it let’s do a 360° photo for Google Maps and move on Landing right all I question to do fire on the units unless finish

    Without I’ve been staying above Tomac that’s all right don’t you on the inside the refinery I went all the way down know where the tomat goes yeah to the to the barrier no I don’t want you flying it off the fence tell you why cuz that’s not it’s not um atex

    Approved look have show you me I can take this mobile on look it’s espcially impr it SPS back canot spark you know allow batteries on or anything on the side so you’re creating a spark risk and if we have a risk we have a gas Le that

    Can generate a spark and we can have a major incident you mean I don’t we can fly a drone that’s fine I disagree with what you just said all I’m requesting in is just don’t fly but what if I disagree with what you’ve just said and I decline

    Your request that’s all well that’s that’s up to you yeah You’ being serious trouble if you caused a major incident on Refinery I can imagine throw s Potential from the Drone so you’ve got a flare there haven’t you yeah so any gas going near the flare is going to be burnt

    Yeah don’t want to discuss anything technical here I just you are you’re saying there’s a spark going down here saying got spark poti I disagree there we go we’ve had a nice gentleman’s conversation there I’m just going to change the battery I’m going to change my position get some more footage the site

    Goes much further down yeah you can do that fine but can you just not over the fence L please cuz we take every single precaution yeah we possibly can not to create a spar potential with in the final and you’re you’re creating a dangerous situation by doing that you

    Know phot your you can’t stop doing that there’s literally a flame there I’m talking safely that’s out that’s out is it Sy for that okay okay so do you know when they say no mobile phones on petrol Four Courts because of Sparks and stuff like that same thing that you’re saying yeah yeah

    See I disagree with that as well have you ever heard of a mobile phone causing a spark what and then causing an explosion why do think we go to what’s the example that you can quote when it happened is it in the news it it will

    Have been the legislation I I don’t I can’t I can’t quote you anything but I just all I’m asking to do I don’t want to get into details and argument with you or anything I’m discussing your your reasoning beond what I’m ask to do is

    Can you just not fly over the fence line that’s all I’m asking I’m going to fly over the fence line I’m going to go above tarmac I’m not going to cause a danger where it could fall on something it causing a danger in my opinion I’ve done the risk assessment for the flight

    Do you know about rep working well I’ve just tried to find out what you’re saying and have you what your experience working I’d like to know more about the spark from my mobile phone what do you think what’s your experience of knowing about Sparks causing a fire all from a mobile

    Phone yes well what from the Dr about from my Dr well your example was the mobile phone I know no i’ like if you can give me an example asking you to do it I don’t want to get into asking you to do is be safe yeah and I’d like to

    Know real life experiences consideration we didn’t get anywhere mate honestly if you can quot consideration I have I have and I I think it’s very low risk very very low risk so it’s all about electronic devices like drones and mobile phones creating a spark which could then ignite gas or Vapors you know

    I’m not sure about that one a good day and you what the road Ro I would have died if you didn’t hadn’t have said that health and safety is very important I agree there we go we’re not going to die on the roads today now because of the advice been given

    By incident controller there we’re trying to be as safe as we can we went above the tarmac down to the barrier and filmed from there but he’s saying only people with certain mobile phones can go that far so our drone has not passed the test so let’s have a quick look down at

    The other entrance and see what we can see from down there the location of the DJ audits key ring on this video is just there behind that wire if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want a key ring good luck with that and then we

    Come down to the main entrance and they’re calling it The Lindsay oil refinery have they they got their flag mounted correctly yes they have look the live this top left they have their own fire station and of course the main security gate house over there to the left which

    We’re not even going to bother going to there’s no point and that was that and also right next to the main entrance we’ve got the road loading operation entrance bit of a gate house down there assign loading area and this vehicle just waiting to come out

    Now so a very secure site it is getting a bit cold now I’m shaking and we’ve seen a good portion of this site haven’t we took the drone over once I don’t think I’m going to take it over again we’re just going to see more of the

    Same got a blue light there I presume that’s some sort of emergency oh yeah emergency vehicles something but security have been decent I bet this site has been filmed before on more than one occasion probably and we’re going to leave that one there we’ll just make our way back to

    The my rider make sure this gentleman doesn’t object at all and then we’ll wrap it up fire station immediately in front of us that big pipe that is very very thick isn’t it leading into that chimney stack there and in the distance we’ve still got them flares burning away should they be constantly

    Burning don’t seem right to me but I’ll leave that one there guys if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one bye-bye for Now


    1. DJ, I can tell you something that I learned some years ago from a senior fire officer, about mobile phones and petrol forecourts. The risk is non existent. Using on them on a forecourt is discouraged for one simple reason, and it's nothing to do with fire or explosive risk. It is due to the possibility in the circuitry of the pumps to display erronous figures for fuel drawn

    2. A phone has never caused an explosion on a petrol forecourt. He's talking absolute nonsense, a phone would never produce a spark strong enough to ignite the gas. You can't even ignite petrol with a lit cigarette!

    3. The spark risk on forecourts is from the days the days when phone batteries could become dislodged and cause a spark if dropped. Flying over or near a refinery could easily be in contravention of the ANO as its a risk you cannot mitigate with the limited knowledge you have…

    4. 11:45 "i don't want to discuss anything technical" it';s amusing isn't it, that anything YOU do is problematic, but a big ball of fire over the tanks on their site – they can't discuss that. it strikes me that this guy doesn't know what he's talking about, this is another case of someone seeing something they aren't sure about and then they make stuff up to suit. if there is a fire risk from a SPARK why the fk have they got a NAKED FLAME on a pole inside the fence line?

    5. Interesting that he didn't want you flying in open airspace as your drone isn't ATEX approved, more interesting is that his car isn't ATEX approved.

    6. The Institute of Petroleum is not aware of any fire incident that has been substantiated as having been caused by a mobile phone anywhere in the world. Presenters indicated that all of the reported incidents are either hoaxes or have been incorrectly attributed to having been caused by a mobile phone.

    7. Don't use the drone, sparking potential.
      Just remind me how a petrol internal combustion engine works…
      Even switching on & off diesel engined vehicles too.
      Great work DJ.
      The waste from the gas flue tho'. 😢😢

    8. 0:25 That, my boy are oil tanks for crude oil/Diesel etc.
      There IS a huge issue of hypocrisy over the issue of electronic devices and anything else that can cause a spark on the premises.
      Starting a vehicle engine (which happens on site here) causes ignition sparks and static sparks carries on all day long.

    9. ATEX Approved. Interesting that im sure theres some real laws and regulations on that? Did you do some research into that? He may have a point ? lol

    10. The human body can generate static electricity and sparks that can destroy electronic devices/components very easily and that's why handheld devices (including drones) have to go through rigorous testing so they can be insulated from said sparks 😉

    11. If he was worried about a spark risk, why was he driving a vehicle on site. Its a big spark when the vehicle starts. Mobile phones cannot spark . They are not banned on garage forecourts only while using the pumps. That is to stop spillage by not paying attention and the offchance it messes with the pump readers. Funny when you ask them where they get their info or to give examples they walk or drive away😂.

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