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    1. Kasich denounces Colorado ruling, challenges Dems to 'figure out how to beat' Trump in election instead
      Kasich slammed the effort to bar Trump from the 2024 ballot in Colorado as 'going nowhere,' deriding it as 'pure partisan ridiculous stuff'

    2. What happens when humans in space and on Mars adapt and evolve physically differently than humans on Earth? A new race of people, Martians?

    3. People are leaving CA because of the politics and is you are a business owner you can't afford the rules and taxes. California thinks citizens should only have government jobs.

    4. If you want to rethink free speech, how about bringing back the FCC “fairness doctrine” and apply it to all media sources?
      That ended in 1987 and then the MSM started to become very biased with no balanced news reporting.

    5. A forty-year plan that ends with you talking at a computer screen everyday to people you don't know, and hoping you'll live long enough to have a real artificial intelligence friend. What a wonderful life you are having, Scott Adams.

    6. As one very wise old friend said to me years ago: “it seems the more you increase the quantity of your life, the more likely that the quality of your life decreases” so we agreed that prolonging life too much is probably not a good idea.

    7. 7:34 To me it suggests that life on Earth developed faster than Moore's law would predict and that Moore's law is simply the wrong model to use in this case.

    8. 1:08 As a European I would say it's not just France. Europe is lost and will become Islamic territory, simply because of the numbers that already live here and the higher reproduction rate compared to the natives.

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