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    In Portugal there’s a YouTube show full of fun facts you need to know Carl rings a bell and the M show to the GM Morning Show feature guests will come and they will blow your mind the audience will do so in kind little vanity mix with some Insanity on the morning show with GMP hey Gers mson here with a good morning Portugal show live stream and podcast the 1 of 2024 and let me bring on to the stage I think I’m just about remembering how to do this Mrs M that worked is it good morning may I say how fabulous you’re looking this

    Morning consider we went to bed at what about 2 this morning we’ve not been up we’ve not been asleep for very long and also not been up for very long yeah so um if you are in a similar condition do let us know in the chat we

    Love to see who’s here this morning as we ease our way back into live streaming and into this new year what are your impression so far as you look out of the window and it looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day actually yeah but the

    Year oh so far can you tell it’s New Year by looking out the window no I can’t you see that’s the thing isn’t it oh you’re so it’s an entirely abstra however lots of people the world over came together didn’t they to acknowledge the drawing a line and lots lots of

    People acknowledge that um there’s a significance to it soly including well I mean there are astrologers out there that do forast and and if you’re interested in your forecast I can pop a little link into the chat you’re an astrologer yeah me okay no I’m just talking about

    The third and perhaps standing a little bit cheerish it might be because I haven’t had a lot of sleep we had a coffee yeah I was making the point yesterday on social media same old and I won’t use the word I used on social media but same old hooa um about this

    Particular night uh in time is there an astrological real significance of the 31st of January because we know don’t we when when we decode Christmas time we know that it’s Loosely based around the solstice isn’t it the 21st of December yeah and the historical figure Christ of course was

    Thought to be born on the 25th of December and there quite a lot of things coming together lots of people say he was actually born in September exactly yeah you and you know once you start digging around and having a look at these things and and similarly the 31st

    Of December coming in you know from one year to another is entirely made up isn’t it according to the is it the Gregorian calendar no idea now that says now that said thank you for doing your research this morning that said you could have told me that said is important if only because

    Lots of people say it’s important yes and that’s that’s the that’s when it grows in importance if lots of people believe the same thing yes then all of a sudden you get some kind of oh Annie’s here hello an effect an effect good morning to you and to George and all the

    Animals at your house Happy New Year to you Annie thank you for being here let’s say a few Hells actually and come back to this significant moment and how people are looking forward well drawing a line under I think that’s a good practice during a line oh isn’t it just

    Yeah because I’m cherish about that as well but anyway come come back to that coach Turner in look at him he’s hitting a ground running he’s got his Traders on and some nice 80s tube socks I’m imagining him some nice tight shorts I don’t know why I’m imagining this yeah

    Why I don’t know a singlet perhaps some how do you know he’s in um is it because you got have you got a photo this just my mind’s eye my God you want to a look at my mind’s eye no you’re you’re creating people in short I think do you

    Know why it’s because we watched Maestro and Leonard Bernstein I mean the way they dropped off on you a little bit I’m well leard I think he’d like no one is allowed to rub off on me without my permission okay I’m giggling and even though I’m in Show

    Business I’m wiping my eyes and giggling as if I’ve had a skin full last night isn’t that interesting the irony is I I just haven’t um my eyes are just kind of like whoa so maybe the hangovers you’ve had in the past weren’t hangovers they are this and you had alcohol and not

    Because you had alcohol you see you don’t know there was there’s there’s no um control group is there with these hangovers there and who’s who’s got a hangover this morning who’d like me to talk quiet more quietly this morning because I’m not going to we went and um

    We we celebrated the new year with some friends and um that’s a nice easy URL isn’t it and they were very very very drunk and I imagine there having a massive hangover today yes um how much can we say about our neighbor who we were with well they’re

    Really nice people and they were partying they were partying like Germans yes right when it came what a legend we are going still standing just before midnight still standing only just is your phone okay okay all right let’s um let’s see people coach Turner is in and the only

    Reason I’m imagining him in tight very brief running shorts and a singlet yeah and with a great big Tash and perm is because we watched burn Maestro it’s called isn’t it what an extraordinary movie Bradley Cooper good job Bradley Cooper um extraordinarily done and I have to say I didn’t come away whistling

    Any Leonard Bernstein music no I wouldn’t be to I mean what an incredible story to be told but I’m not no bigger a fan of Leonard Bernstein I was which I wasn’t when when I started watching the movie but an incredible production and young Carrie Mulligan uh who was also

    Superb as co-star so Oscar nominations for me at the very least oh you look like you’ve gone to sleep already it’s your camera your camera isn’t got a hangover that’s for get over how blury eyed I look you look beautiful if I may say so you don’t look at all blury eyed

    You I know you you might feel it and my eyes are a little sandpapery this morning and I have a little confession to make what I was awoken by the sound of a cat scratching some furniture yeah and he was on the ridge of the sofa that

    Is at the bottom of our bed yeah and I got a pillow and I took him out with one swift move and then I woke up again a little bit later to see him staring at me from the top shelf like Batman but more like the Joker than Batman with it

    With his with what I was thinking he was going through his head at that time he didn’t take that I mean if I will scratch the f they are going to get a water pistol we haven’t got a water pistol I mean I know some people think

    That’s very coel you know we had one in our house with new kittens yeah had what water pistol did it work yeah totally okay because it’s not working so far yeah we can’t water pistol in that area because of oh it’s technology be oh gosh there be another reason to for me to

    Come on let’s check in let’s check in coach Turner with his tight shorts is is in and he’s got a god Squad tip of the day James is in he’ll be joining us around 9 this morning as well with he’ll ask you this himself come on for Al no T

    Duck the legendary tck great to see you both um just recently bonders B no from you as well come back to your comments and the dadj hitting that ground the the he’s hitting our funny bone with some dadj well we’ll see if that’s the case

    Or not a little bit later on I’m sure they they are very good and some of some of you will be seeing them others who are not here live and hearing this on the podcast will be I’m sure already anticipating some fabulous dad jokes to

    Start the new year T dock went to bed before 10 and still still Legend party animal we’ve done that before I love that I’m going back to B after this nuban net happy New Year all the bombs fireworks are keeping me bombs I mean that’s how loud they are aren’t they

    Last night and that’s the opening sequence this morning waset nuet will still be going through the New Year it’s what 2 am where you are what are you doing up still is that just because of the fireworks yeah I imagine so sounds awful and um yeah I mean I couldn’t help

    But thinking last night when the fireworks were going off there are people in war zones at the moment it’s just slightly there’s an irony there isn’t there and there were a lot of bangs and explosions in the sky that was a weird moment was it not Mrs M at the

    San martinho deporto celebrations uh they do it brilliantly in the bay here I mean it’s a natural Amphitheater isn’t it for a firework display but what was weird about it the two first fireworks which I don’t think were part of the official display um we saw the bomberos

    Scrambling about 20 minutes blues and twos on the go and just as well because before the fireworks started there was that lull wasn’t there I don’t know if it was a dramatic sort of show busy type pause before the the um Fireworks started exploding in the sky and the and

    The uh the display started in Earnest as it were but a drone went up first didn’t it yeah I mean that’s always really creepy and I’m thinking is that the first is that the first of 200 drones in this guy is it going to be an electronic

    Display this year no it was traditional very traditional um gunpowder type fireworks and then a a um a flare went up didn’t it I thought this firework a flare or a fir fireworks taking a very long time to explode into a million pieces in the sky it looked like this

    Bright red firework that went distress flare to me and then it landed on somebody’s balcony in so it went up and then um it didn’t like it failed to explode and delight and um and it just yeah it was never going to okay you’re saying it was

    A but why would they do flares because Portuguese people love Fireworks of any kind they love big bangs big lights they like a bang they do like a bang don’t they and this these these were big red flares one on each side of the B did

    Yeah they they like two went up in different directions and landed in the town which is not not the best of ideas it’s not the best way for some for those two people whose Gardens those flers landed in maybe it’s lucky here maybe maybe we’re not up to speed on a

    Particular tradition if the lucky red flare lands in your garden yeah do you get like you don’t have to pay tax for a year or something maybe I’ll check on the finances portal after the show to see if me it’s two it’s 12:41 in California bless you Happy New Year to

    You yeah and so what because you’re still celebrating let’s see let’s do the check quick checklist um after we’ve said a few more hellos on whether you you uh celebrated the New Year in the true Portuguese style so the three wise men of the gum apocalypse great to see

    You here gentlemen you’ve made it into another year Well Done 2024 newbi at 12:41 in California We’ve Got Annie with us and lots of love to you and George and all your creatures there colen felish anovo whose lovely um meme basically I borrowed Colleen because I

    Think it’s a good one here’s a a resolution from colen I think this is yours more sleep more music more tea more books more sunsets more creating more long walks more laughter more hugs more dreaming more road trips more fun more love sounds right doesn’t it yeah

    That should be the sort of prescription you get from a doctor I think that’ be great wouldn’t it um and who else is with us this morning yeah newb net and we’ll come back to more please say hi if you’re watching uh we are easing our way

    Into the new year and um we are open to your what you’re glad to see the back of perhaps in 23 and what you’re looking forward to in the New Year if this and we’re here now if I were if I were still writing checks I’d still be putting 23

    On them because I’m still not feeling it yet ah see I um I did it the other way around this year um I have no idea why because normally like you know when I’m working all the way through January I’m still writing 2023 but I actually I think because I’ve been doing forecast

    For 2024 for the last month I’ve already gone there in my head ah very good that’s been quite helpful head of the game yeah okay look if a flare lands on your balcony you want to visit Rush hi guys yeah yeah here’s a calendar um well failed the first

    Resolution on the first day what’s that then he’s he’s not is’s a resolution to not make a resolution perhaps I’m not sure or vice versa let’s then have a look to see if we celebrated you were talking about significance and I I don’t think January the 31st is um you know in

    The 1 of January astrologically is a good day ever to start any New Year’s resolutions oh can we come can we leave that hanging there like an ominous astrological bad smell for a minute because look Portuguese New Year I’ve not seen this lady before this is Karina

    Uh Portuguese Affair a Blog it’s Vaguely Familiar but it’s not one we visit very often oh she says thanks for checking out a Portuguese Affair I’m Karina a proud Portuguese blogger look blogging is such a terrible word isn’t it nothing I was just going off for a Blog okay it

    Just does it’s an ugly word isn’t it I’m a blogger myself a blogger and a vlogger but it’s not the most attractive of words what would you like it to be doesn’t sound as nice as Journal does it I’m going to enter my something into my

    Journal dear I’ll be in the study okay oh I’m if you Se Me and coffee I’m offer a Blog yeah same learn more about this blog in this the about section I I’d have figured that out myself uh come back and visit me often says Katarina

    Who here and she wrote this when we were first in Portugal back in 2017 wonder if she’s still plogging actually have not checked Portuguese New Year’s Eve traditions you should try my money money I’ve sung that on stage in panto it’s a rich man’s world well that was a that

    Was a good entry onto the stage even if I say so myself don’t make the mistake of ringing in the new year with empty Pockets or risk spending the rest of the year in exact same way the exact same way according to Superstition having cash in your pockets will bring you

    Money in the next year that makes sense doesn’t it on all sorts of levels and and we wedged up didn’t we before we went out we gave the children a Euro each just to make sure I gave the youngest one twoos we had some of these

    Golden raisins didn’t we yep and we made little packets didn’t we to give out to other people that didn’t happen in the end but I ate my 12 raisins me too a little bit after because I was busy live streaming and filming but you ate yours

    With the kids yeah and um before yeah absolutely before the 12th dong and um in my head I said this one’s for the whole family just in case nobody else could man that’s nice okay so you’re meant to eat 12 raisins it used to be grapes but I think probably the EU might

    Have banned that because it was quite dangerous much might be choking R yeah choking risk there so if you haven’t done it already you can still time isn’t there to probably it’s pinch punch first of the month sort of thing oh Cy yeah I can imagine that people might do this

    Before midday today um and but it might remind them of all the wine they drink they might not want to pots and pans we didn’t do that did we no we didn’t and we didn’t hear anyone else doing it either did we what were people doing what were our Portuguese neighbors and

    Associates everyone was getting absolutely hammered were they is that what you noticed yeah is that what I noticed so our evening went like this we popped up the road people getting hammered to see people getting hammered Hammer Time Hammer Time and also singing karaoke and it was brilliant it was epic

    And then we walked up the road and there were just loads of people obviously people weren’t parying so much in town loads and loads of people were coming to watch the fireworks and they were already really tanked up with cans in hand I’ve not really seen I’ve not

    Really seen Portuguese people like that oh really but there were lots of youngsters getting absolutely wasted binging perhaps yeah almost like Western culture is really caught up with them um I was quite surprised but not much banging of the pot sometimes but you know what it was all um one thing I did

    Notice and it was all really um jovial so even though everyone was quite quite hammered um it it was still very light-hearted there wasn’t uh you know one of those no riness yeah there wasn’t um a sort of feeling of maliciousness or you you know underlying threat of

    Violence yes that’s exactly what I was trying to say there was no underlying threat of violence it just felt slightly like things could get fun uh yeah rather than go downwards the spiral was heading upwards definitely the spiral was lovely way of looking at it yes but the other

    Thing I notic was like in the UK um people all just hug a stranger don’t they SN snug quite a lot it has to be said I remember once um New Year when I was about 14 or 15 we were celebrating my n’s and midnight everyone piled onto

    The streets and some hunky stranger sned me and it was like I I was 14 but looking much older delighted weren’t you I I was delighted and shocked like really like oh I had no idea what I might try that again never hopefully hopefully not have to wa a whole year

    For that but um like there was no I didn’t notice anyone um Snogging hugging and going like a bit like you know your weird Uncle at Christmas h you know he’s a bit too touchy feely there’s none of that going on but there was there was

    Well it didn’t happen to me I’m so glad to say right but it was just very light-hearted and very boozy yeah and I saw a couple on the way back from the celebrations and they had a little basket with an empty bottle of champagne in it and two glasses and they must have

    Tak yeah they taken a bottle of Fizz probably a Portuguese es to be fair and um enjoyed themselves watched the fireworks you also commented did that a lot of people just went and watched the fireworks they were obviously put on at Great expense and and then went home

    Again didn’t get involved in spending I don’t think I mean we obviously we didn’t see what was going on on the beach we were at the top you know the top elevation where we could see stuff so all the Big Spenders I imagine were down at the beach and incomers to the

    Town yeah yeah I think a lot of locals are up on the top bit we’re locals and we can’t reveal the the exact location now of that I’m sorry sorry but I think um I think a lot of people were enoy en doying the the the the fireworks for

    Free very good which is you know um you they’re right absolutely they have paid tax we we all have we’ve all paid for that yeah I don’t think of it it’s free anymore no and and it was it was quite a display it it was pretty good do you

    Know what I really noticed like you know this was the first time we’d really gone out um with our kids to see fireworks it just hasn’t kind of happened um so much like we shall we sh we we we weren’t sure were we if but like when I was

    Thinking about fireworks when I was like seven or eight you know with my parents at fireworks day and other other events you know we would have this long trudge you know to the the wreck you know like the the waist ground muddy firor yeah and then and and it would seem really

    Really big and really really important and um boomy and whatnot but we had space between each firework to guess which color it was and if you do you remember doing that were they in color or were your fireworks in black and white they were in color so we’d be like

    It’s G to be red it’s gonna be red oh it’s green it’s going to be blue happy time things were definitely simpler but you just there’s no way in hell you could do that last night because it was like like like you couldn’t particularly you couldn’t single out any fire they

    Will be drones at some point this won’t continue and there were no like um Catherine wheels that suddenly failed Catherine I mean if they were to have a Catherine wheel for this generation it would have to be big as a ferris wheel wouldn’t it like there’s no way you’d

    Have to give everyone binoculars to see a ferris wheel it’s over there at CIA depto the guy is lighting it now oh it’s not lighting he’s he’s he’s just having to pull the wick out a bit more do you remember that that’s how bad fireworks

    Were as fir used to be very very risky and like Dad and Mom shouting don’t go just leave it put it in the bucket of water no no I’ve spent I’ve spent three Bob on this I’m definitely going to make it light those were the days weren’t they when people got their eyebrows

    Burnt off yeah and Dad tried to make a firework light for half an hour yeah and then a Catherine wheel that he’d not attached to a post very well it didn’t actually spin did it by the time he got to light it it just stayed

    Still and that was it it’s like so I wonder where you all celebrated last night let’s get back to this let’s come out of like this 70 sitcom and and bring it back into tight shorts Catherine wheels and the banging of pots and pans which it sounds like we didn’t very much

    Off so thank you very much to Katarina and Portuguese Affair for that Joel dut is here passing along several greetings from friends happy now here there we go happy now here I like that happy few fears happy new beers that’s good all right so you were talking about um the

    First we got actually God’s got to for the day to come we’ve got dad jokes we’ve got all sorts we’ve got James jining n before then then astrologically you would say what first of all I just like to acknowledge what T Duck’s saying I hate more than 12 raisins of course

    Sorry I ate more than 12 raisins of course they were soaked in tanker that was my grandmother’s a go grandma that was her remedy that is the way help with her arthritis no but did she enjoy eating them yes and so did everybody else quite frankly so that was

    Definitely I at tip for 202 very good T excellent stuff Katherine’s here as well good morning to you the Whit bees in the south of the country bovo Sarah y bondia felici anovo Pam Smith good morning to you bovo great to see you here Pam as well um good to see

    You and um J dut yes that’s a wonderful greeting happy now here uh Happy few beers happy sorry happy few fears happy new beers is that John Lennon who wrote that oh that was his earlier greeting Bond da right first of January then yeah

    Not a good time to start a year is that what you’re saying um it’s it’s um it’s a weird time to start new news resolutions I mean it’s an arbitrary like line drawn in the sand and it’s got nothing personal like you know it’s it’s

    A line that’s been drawn in the sand for everybody to adhere to yeah it’s not a solstice of any or an equinox is it it’s it’s just it’s it’s just a time it’s a point but like from an astrological entry yeah from from an AS ological perspective everybody’s coding is very

    Very different according to the exact time place and date of their birth and so there are really really good times that you could choose to use to start a new way of being um and it doesn’t necessarily happen on a yearly basis you might find you know there is like one

    Particular year out of every five that really really works well for you and it starts in April um so I just think these broad brush Strokes you know like this massive like this is what we’re doing is not necessarily effective you couldn’t do it any other way could you because if

    Everyone started their own New Year personally which I suppose they do on their birthday but still they share that with lots of other well actually that’s that’s a much better time to start a new year’s resolution around the time of your birthday right because the sun has

    Got back to the exact spot it was in at the time place and date of your birth and it’s like you are revolving you know it’s it’s like the energies are going around you again it’s um it’s a really nice metaphor okay but there’s um um

    There’s a point every month um which is also another good time to start new things and that’s when the moon gets back to the exact place it was in at the time place and date of your birth so for instance if you’re born with like your

    Moon at nine degrees in sign of cancer each time the moon gets to nine cancer that marks the new start of your month okay um so there are natural naturally really good times easy times and the the what the sun sign forecast the year ahead is all available on

    Your I’ve put links in already should yes thank you I put I I bombed I bombed the chat room with links if you just um go to YouTube and type in Feelgood astrology um there’s um a forecast if you know your ascendant sign then just click on the sign associated with that

    And and you’ll find it and you’re good to go okay abolutely and the cancerians are already moaning aren’t they um not moaning they’re say p me thank goodness I need a better year that’s not a very nice caricature of me and my cancerian buddies right Malta from B look say see you

    Later this month I can say now I was saying yesterday see you next year I can say see you at the end of the month we’re going to the strong beers Festival in Queen BR I believe at the end of the month we’ve been invited by Royal Decree

    Royal Decree was that the organizers said come back and the piece that I wrote up in the Portugal resident about a quebra included that and some coverage of the epicura brewery who we were the last time I saw by Andy was in that bar he should be called bar Andy frankly

    Malta B no 24 from a bright and Breezy Bournemouth he’s in Bournemouth oh wow which would be a nice place to be you like absolutely I’ve had a few um New Years in Bournemouth in fact I celebrated the um Millennium have they got a place they called hangover GB head

    There husb head not hangover ISB head okay H back to my that is a good place to observe fireworks from I used to fly my kite up there it’s beautiful right back to M bad tomorrow listen to him he just sounds like the lufile doesn’t he

    Back to my beloved B tomorrow well enjoy the journey back home and have a great New Year you and to the all the actually when I’m giving individual greetings here please extend that to your loved ones you and yours he can’t wait I think

    That’s to be back in the by oh no that’s to be in coimbra at the strong beers Festival a good name for a beer festival Mrs M’s gone to sleep for a moment really why does it always freeze when you got your eyes sh I don’t know but um yeah I

    Got that normally and I get Frozen yeah it just looks like you’re having a little snooze at the moment it I could do it would be more logical for the first day of the new year it should be on the day after the winter equinox don’t you think yes of course yeah I

    Believe so yeah or well I mean the astrological New Year starts at the Spring Equinox so it actually starts them on the 21st of March okay but I mean the point I think John’s making there is that it make it a natural thing rather than just something that the or

    The Chinese New Year goes on um new moons see that’s my beef our whole world seems to be designed by marketing people and people who who print Diaries yeah well I mean the Chinese New Moon and the whole idea of the astrological New Year based on equinoxes and that I mean

    That’s based on um astronomical data astronomical yeah that’s marketing again I never I never start New Year resolutions on first of January too much pressure I always see my birthday as a time for a new start there you go a natural a natural smash that like button

    Says oh I think that’s really really wise because like the worst thing you want to do is start your new year feeling disappointed in the first week and frustrated like I mean some people love that though they they want to start the year the way the way they mean to go

    On but I you know I think we should have a little bit more kindness for ourselves and um oh that’s a nice resolution yeah I mean and that’s an easy res Sol it can’t be a single person watching or in the world who couldn’t do with giving themselves a little more kindness can

    There you can never have too much kindness I don’t think no it’s true isn’t it just like be kind to yourself that would be quite a good experiment though and I’m offering myself up as the subject of that experiment the the man who they Tred to

    Be too kind to it’s a book it’s a movie it’s a whole concept isn’t it right there yeah I’m sitting and waiting everyone right let’s play this music music cuz he’s going to join us after this yes come on [Applause] James Fel somebody’s happy oh you got your card you got card my driver’s license happy new year did Santa bring that for you well it was a little early about a week a week before Christmas but yes it only took 20 months so I didn’t I didn’t make I didn’t meet thunderducks record

    On that of over two years joiz it’s the simple things in life it really is congrat look at this outpouring of Joy where’s my fireworks all right driving license what way to start the new year have you been sorry I didn’t have you got a car are you going to be

    Driving no no no for me for me the license was important uh my hope is to never need to own a car in Portugal I I went 15 years in Santa Cru without a car because public transportation worked just fine for me and for what I needed to do um

    But there are areas of Portugal that are very well let’s say much more difficult to access without a car than uh you know on public transportation to train mostly so my plan was oh I’ll have this license so that if I want to rent rent a car I can

    Do that and I can drive legally so I I don’t know that if I had had the license James I ask I want to ask a question do you not worry about um not having driven for like so many years because I’ve barely driven for 10 years

    And I’m getting ready I’ve just got some glasses so I can you know see where I’m going which is that was my first step but I’m going to start practi see for me I don’t think I could just go and hire a car get in the car and drive or feel

    Safe doing it I want to have a little bit of a practice before I I get back behind the wheel what what what are you doing like what thought process are you going through then well hold on a minute I’m I’m just making notes if you could

    Talk slowly because I’m writing a guide to the Elder expat on the roads of Portugal step one project step step two glasses get glasses step two Mr M step three then James uh you know I I hadn’t even thought of it before and now I’m really

    Scared happy New Year that’s my gift you not at all not at all I I don’t know it’s having driven I mean since I was 16 years old it’s a lot of years of driving and and riding a bike or anything else you know you just get in and do it

    And for me it’s no different than being in a brand new car you know even if I’ve been driving I need to orient myself to the vehicle I’m in so yeah it’s only that kind of orientation spatial orientation for me I thought I would run

    Into that because I I had my first um standard transmission in years and years and years because everyone in the United States drives with automatics right the automatic transmission and you can’t it’s hard to find a a what you call stick shift yes um so

    When I finally got a new car I said I want a stick shift I enjoy driving with a clutch and a shift and having something to do other than just sort of sit there and hit the gas here we go it doesn’t like a clutch and a shift first

    Thing in the morning eh but it had yeah it had been probably 30 years since I’d driven a stick so I had that same kind of apprehension like oh man I don’t know I haven’t done this for years I’m going to need to give myself some practice and I

    Did I you know I found an empty church parking lot on a Tuesday morning or something and and I got in there and I said oh it just like i’ never left I didn’t need practice it was just there so on a Sunday in a church but that’s

    Different in Portugal isn’t it I’m thinking about English churches the car park would a BN on a Sunday as well well in the United States and we do it more like Portugal okay well there’s always a little car park nearby isn’t there so yeah yeah that’s for Camp fans Dutch

    Camper I will and to be honest I’ve spent the last two plus years in Portugal studying driving because I ride I ride with with uh uh sidono and Louisa a lot so I’m looking at the lines on the road why is he going around the roundabout to go

    Into that why didn’t you just take a leftand turn oh there’s a white line in the road can’t do that here noticing all these marks on the side where there’s intersections that I’ve never seen before what are those what are those that they they seem to be oh they’re at

    Every every time there’s a street that comes out here is to Signal the driver that there’s could be Crossing traffic ah okay so learning and learning reading the the road signs watching the behavior uh you know I even read about roundabouts because I wanted to be able

    To manage that correctly on my bicycle what I read bicycle law in Portugal to figure out what am I think if if you’re um cycling quite a bit that’s probably really all the preparation you need isn’t it you know because you’re already observing the rules of the road you get

    A heighten sense of being on the road that’s for sure for me that was the bigest on the road yeah yeah yeah well and I think Portuguese drivers their reputation is to be different to what you might be used to and very respectful of cyclist generally speaking Sarah is with a

    Um cycled extensively around Portugal and has found it a good place to cycle and you wouldn’t necessarily think so would you with the driving style that the Portuguese have you wouldn’t think they would be respectful towards cyclists but they’ve probably been cyclists as youngsters and maybe that’s

    What helps well there is an aspect I don’t know where it goes with the driving as I have noticed there’s some strange stuff that happens uh with other people St in the middle of the road and and then start a conversation with somebody on the P yeah yeah or just park

    Your truck in the middle of a lane because you need to unload it you know things like that it’s like to to be fair sidono is a very safe driver you know and he’s a very very level human being good-spirited kind friendly good sense of humor and the car

    Like me very much like me the car is the only place where he’ll get like noticeably angry at something and he’ll start muttering to himself if someone does something stupid doesn’t change his driving you know which is great but these women get across all all the um road rage

    Incidents that I’ve been involved in and it’s not that many to be fair but like of the I think probably three notable times someone’s balled me out which I think is the American phrase all been women who’ve done that from we almost got mowed down last night by a drunk

    Woman that was a man was it a drunk woman there I think he did stop there yeah right at the last minute he was about to pile into our family gravel is that equivalent I almost got hit by a car when I almost fell on the road we we we

    WIS this guy is not stopping but he did right at the last minute he decided to stop and we were very grateful for that look yes is here saying cycling road conditions here are terrific compared with the US that’s good to know and Pam is slightly nervous anxious about

    Driving in the UK in June the traffic and the wrong side of the road oh and su’s just in good day I’ve not done that I’ve not done that I’m curious I would like to have that experience but like what driving like whenever when you’re driving in a mirror reflection you know

    That’s essentially what it is like don’t you drive on the same side of the road as the Brits in America no no so you drive on the same side of the road as the Portuguese yes yeah it’s only former British colonies that drive on your side of the

    Road anymore which America isn’t anymore okay has we’re not anymore well I guess we were a former Colony but yeah yes India and and Japan and I don’t know where else those seem to be the three places in the world where people drive on the left side that I know of actually

    I think in Indonesia we drive on side of the road but you D on side you wanted didn’t you some countries drive whatever side they want to drive on it doesn’t matter here’s one way of dealing with it I just drove down the middle that is an option

    As well you’re never on the wrong side right you’re on both of the wrong sides with that approach Jim Jim is here Bond I NOA we will come back if anyone who’s got a New Year’s resolution to get fitter we will come back to the god

    Squad tip of the day and we got some more fireworks from thank you Owen for your video as a season driver imagine him with like a Pam just grinding some freshly ground black pepper on his head as he gets into the car as a season

    Driver I find I was hoping for a bigger laugh I as I find the biggest challenge in Port bit of rock salt no I find the biggest challenge in Portugal for me is watching for suicidal pedestrians yes now pedestrians act differently because they know the LW is on their side I

    Believe if you if you uh Hur somebody on the road you are liable which you probably are in most countries but to some great degree I believe here in Portugal at night all in black on a narrow street with no sidewalk nor shoulder yes and therein lies a greater

    Respect for The Pedestrian here in Portugal as well good point there Shard not I have noticed that I mean that’s that that’s quite an interesting thing to observe because like in the UK we have Pavements usually between houses and the road and that was one of the

    First observations I made when we came to Portugal was where are the Pavements like where do people walk yeah um true yeah my wife uh likes driving in the West Indies you meant to say Jamaica Jamaica no she wanted to and over there they drive on the left in Jamaica oh come on

    It’s the first this is a compliment to a dad joke thank you that’s a compliment Australia and South Africa also that was in my wedding speech wasn’t it yeah all of those do you know do you know um they drive on the left and Gena very good Geneva Genoa what was the

    Other one Jamaica um Australia and South Africa also drive on wrong you can’t go at the wrong side it’s the right side to them Pam if you drive yeah I mean the point I was going to make about this if I can speak is it’s like the

    31st of December isn’t it if everyone’s doing it it makes it easier and that’s part of civilization and Society I guess guess doesn’t make it right but it makes it what everyone’s doing and it makes it easier if everyone does a similar Thing by Randy I always drive with me in the

    Middle of the road on a motorbike it’s a bit more CH yes I’ve I remember driving and seeing you before I knew you you’re that guy who we encountered in the bada there and in the US Virgin Islands they drive on the left using cars from the mainland with steering wheels on the

    Left they seem to just fine but okay there’s one I i’ never heard of yeah interesting and who you never know what people are going to attach themselves to in the conversational threads of the good morning Portugal show what I wanted to ask you James is you’ve been adopted

    Basically and it occurred to me this is a very good um source of material for a book or a film one day the American who was adopted by Portuguese family it’s a fascinating Story how was Christmas in that regard I’m only laughing because it’s it wasn’t a whole lot different than my

    Previous experience es of Christmas and of course this is was my third this has been my third round for Christmas and New Year’s here um because I always the the introvert in me enjoys time to myself holidays are not a big deal I don’t go out and party going to a

    Crowded town full of noise and people is not my idea of a good time so you know staying home and having a quiet evening is like ah this is nice I like this for me it helps me to be mindful on the New Year especially one of the things I

    Realized is what’s important to me on New Year’s Eve is remembering the first thing that happened in the new year so if I and if the memory is that I spent time with family or close friends enjoying good conversation that to me it’s like what a great memory this is

    How I brought in the new year so I’m not I’m absolutely not your typical partying holiday celebrator type person and uh sidono and Louisa are uh I think more like that than people inclined to go out and want to go be at a party somewhere they they like to to do it at

    Home and I think my sense is that’s more a Portuguese thing too that the holidays Christmas anyway especially is about family you know so it’s being close with family it may be a big party because you may have a big family but in this case the family is fairly small so and I

    Always get invited to be part of it because frankly I am a part of the family now they are family to me so and I to them so you you are I don’t know if you’re familiar with the storyline of Paddington Bear but um his mother I

    Think put him on a boat from Peru I believe um with a little label around his NE please look after this bear and a family in London did that didn’t they they found him at Paddington he kind of ended up in Paddington Station and that’s how he got his name and then was

    Looked off offed by a British family um and had his marmalade sandwiches and all that sort of stuff and that’s you isn’t it but instead of marmalade sandwiches it’s going to be Balo isn’t it possibly and we can make we can use this whole storyline of you you know please look

    After this American a in a little duffle coat some Wellies and then being found on I don’t know which which um Portuguese or Li Libo railway station should we name you after what do you want to be called You Want To Be Santa aalona well I was I was actually very

    Proudly uh there’s traditions in in various um uh cultures where uh you spend time with the people or the culture and at some point they give you a name with that process well well sidonio gave me my Portuguese name he says I’m and so did so did um uh Jan Fara they

    They both said well actually I guess sidon that he adopted J J said from now on I’m going to call you XA he says you know what your Portuguese name is don’t you I said uh I think I do I think I remember that

    He says it’s j I’m gonna call you J from now on so now on whenever you hear someone call you J you’ll know it’s me said that’s a scene from the movie right there isn’t it yeah he can play himself so speak and he he had I don’t think he

    Had any idea in the moment how proud I felt it’s like oh wow this this is so cool um and then I told Sidonia that story so now every time I get in the car Sidonia always gets the car ready for Louisa to go he’s the chauffeur of the

    Family so whenever cars need she D she has a license she drives but he does all the driving um so and typically I get in the car before Louisa does um and he he’ll not he’s now saying you know B like that always with a sort of a

    Laugh in his voice he’s having fun with it but uh that is a moment that is a special Portuguese moment anyone else here been christened in that way um with a Portuguese name I mean you’re looking at Louisa J and Carlos on your screen this morning anyone else want to join us

    With that some are easier than others aren’t they with this approach yeah I mean it’s kind of kind of fun actually that both our names are aw Portuguese yeah that’s right that’s quite actually I mean there there’s a translation to names everywhere but yours are much

    Closer I’m I I have to say that I was mistaken for portuguese man uh at our last networking dinner and and it took quite a while for this guy to disabuse himself of the fact that I was Portuguese and I’m thinking of getting um ID cards for people like myself who

    Constantly thought of to be Portuguese well I can just get it out this this man is not Portuguese we need lard you know like you could just get a tattooed on your forehead not Portuguese if I go if I go for citizenship I have to have

    Laser surgery AR I I could just take off the knot bit couldn’t I or put a plaster over there and walk around with your mug but says be Portuguese about it that would be very confusing for people don’t need more confusion do we oh Pete’s in as well morning um good afternoon should

    I say Bond de what a wonderful day Pete looking across the land he’s seeing young deer frolicking on his land um I love that that’s a great word froling who doesn’t like a good frol first in the morning and a seven and a half earthquake in Japan with a tsunami

    Warning international news coming in and ero is here good evening sorry good morning I don’t know why I said that but probably because it still feels like evening right vat abas from Oro and our other new Portuguese friend our pal Carl and Co are live this morning absolutely just

    Because it’s a public holiday here in Portugal doesn’t mean we’re not live streaming glad to see this in my YouTube feed excellent and byandy I often call myself the Portuguese Andre now that’s got a real jigo ring to it isn’t it when he announ that’s a tight shorts name for

    Sure isn’t it Portuguese Andre yeah yeah yeah as the Portuguese find it easy to pronounce I was listening to um a podcast yesterday um and this psychologist from I know Harvard or somewhere was about the importance of names and how people you’ve got easy to pronounce names that everyone knows how

    To pronounce it they do better in life because oh apparently apparently um there was some studies done and they were saying that um they like there was somebody like looking to recruit people and they sent a lot of um fake CVS to them with different names on to see who

    Would get selected so they pick people with the same experience erience the same um qualifications but gave one an easy to pronounce name um and one a difficult name and they always went for the easy to pronounce name because people would much rather address the people they’re talking to um and so if

    There’s any easy if yeah if there’s any doubt that you’re going to like if if you are worried that you’re going to pronounce the name wrong you won’t bother so you’re more likely to engage ignia have been unemployed for years for example well I was so I was thinking

    That’s weird and then I realized through my whole childhood people didn’t know how to say Louisa because they still don’t do they Louise I yeah like in um in um England I just spent most of my childhood being called Louise or Lisa because people just couldn’t get it and

    Now I’m in the land of Louisa Louisa life has just got easier has well actually no because people know I’m English and so you just assume I’m a Louise not Louisa L this is why my mother and in England they wouldn’t go with Lou cuz Lou is something they would

    Do in the United States but there Association with the B I do I do have a few people that like Mage hey Lou how you doing yeah funny don’t call Lou then I was thinking about our children um our our children Digby Minnie and Solomon um nobody gets their

    Names they’ be much better off called Steve Steve Claren um Mark Allan Alan Allan’s solid isn’t it lots of Portuguese people call me P Pala that’s good isn’t it pela becomes Pala which makes me think of delicious wine that’s a good I an Italian Frank called Poma

    Okay she when you think about it John is probably one of the most used first names in the world or some equivalent of John yeah I love Pedro Blanco that is a good name again the Portuguese cludo kit lead piping Library Pete pretty easy Pedro Blanco sounds kind of cooler too

    It’s true but bleach is a pretty uh cool name as well isn’t it um and I often call oh he’s Portuguese Andre we did that so we’ve got Pedro Blanco Portuguese Andre liking this and pamella I think we might go with P but my favorite was pamella people trying to say your name

    Keep those coming they’re excellent Jo dut obviously in early with he Rec christened himself I believe oh Pedro Leiva yeah that’s what I was thinking are you Italian lovely film if Padington was real these days he would probably die in London a cheerful thought stepped on in the gutter

    PT he yeah what I suppose he spoiled it for himself in a way didn’t he because it’s like if someone saw a bear at Paddington now they would just think well you know you should be rich and living in a nice Georgian house along the road a novelty’s worn off he’s

    Ruined it for himself um if you have any issues Just sh Mone pretty much every one female and maybe the occas occasional male yeah well I just read interestingly you know how they do these surveys um and I just read that in the most last year survey of the most common

    Male and female names G given to babies oh yeah excellent the male was uh Francisco which surprised me I was expecting xall so in 20 years you know Francisco May Place Joel because that’s all the adults will be that name named after anyone in particular is is a pope

    Francisco I don’t think so well I mean there’s a saint for sure there’s a saint with so many names and that’s close to where I came from in California there’s use all those saint names for cities um but but Maria was the number one female name and has been

    Since 2007 or something 15 years running I go well so that was kind of my joke it’s like in Portugal If you need someone’s attention either shout Jan or shout Maria yeah absolutely but now 20 years from now you’ll have to shout Fran School you will but there might be a

    Maria in there somewhere because if it’s not the first name it might be one of the compounded names might one of eight names yeah and that can be male or female I think you can be a Maria can’t you in in your name somewhere if you’re male to acknowledge a female antecedent

    Relative I think so as as Maria’s often have a in there somewhere exactly Maria see okay uh coach Turner then for anyone who wants to get fitter this year and we will talk more about the uh advantages disadvantages of resolutions you off M she’s slamming down the headphones

    You’re talking about getting fit and she’s going no the there’s no the power’s gone so I’m gonna make coffee oh the power’s gone on that computer I can still see you interestingly this is like proper TV where you can be seen and that face you just made at me could everyone

    Could see that so which R was that you g if you could plug the that in that would be great I don’t know why I thought no I haven’t plugged it in you’re right so if you if you plug that back in we’ll get you back on after you bring back some

    Hot steamy coffee I will get some coffee excellent all right and we’ll say thank you for the time being to Mrs M and we will look I know this isn’t necessarily for you James as soon as I said anyone who wants to get fit you started shaking

    Your head it’s okay thanks but some do okay and if you do I need to be fit I don’t know that I want to but I need to so I do it I do what I need to do okay well maybe reading this then will give you the inspiration required B no hope

    You are well and have had a wonderful week of festivities I’m currently in chroma on the North Norfolk Coast looking North Norfolk looking forward that’s the the the uh stomping ground of Allan Partridge I think isn’t it looking forward to the famous fireworks on the pier looking forward do they have them

    Tonight then rather than on New Year’s Eve or was that really late last night maybe that was really late last night well North norfol reminded me of the the F the fourth and then you add famous if you add the famous fireworks to fth the

    Fourth I was like wow that would be fun they should do them on the 4th shouldn’t they or February yeah that would be great the fourth of February that make it perfect help us out here coach you’re looking forward to the fireworks okay or maybe that’s next year or the end of

    This year got to or maybe that’s just because they were in front of him I mean who knows oh he’s really messed it up with the um he thinks it’s New Year’s Eve today he’s been he’s been enjoying himself so he’s so reled in Norfolk he told his whole family that the fireworks

    Are tonight and he is going to be in so much trouble later on where were you what was all that noise last night I’m I knew it we finished last year focusing on walking so let an easy start then so I thought this week we oh no not an easy start

    We’re going to hit the year running we’re going to talk about R we’re going to talk about it if not do it as always if you’re unsure this is the caveat standard caveat if you’re unsure about your health check with your doctor and start slowly which is what I do every

    Time I go to make love now try and add add a few one minute efforts that’s also like my love life try and add a few one minute efforts of jogging into your walk and build up to running one minute on and one minute off farle in the bedroom once you’re

    Comfortable it’s too late you’re stuck there you’re not coming back and again I can see another book franchise in this inging once you’re comfortable hold on right let me just compose myself try and I thought you were making coffee try try and add a few one minute efforts of jogging into your

    Walk and build up to running one minute and one minute off okay so that doesn’t sound too onerous once you’re comfortable with and then do it in the supermarket for added effect and drama once you’re comfortable with that then begin to extend the run and actually do

    A lap of Honor in continent because this is a special moment for people who haven’t done anything like this for years I recommend a short lap of Honor probably not in the olive oil section in case there’s been a spillage but maybe in the um more in the vegetable section

    Or the bread you should be able to talk easily while running so if that’s not possible then slow down that’s a good marker very thoughtful coach Turner thank you we’ll look at a little technique tomorrow how to run correctly and efficiently superb thank you so that’s for you um if you’re thinking of

    Getting fitter and you said James that you failed the first one here more sleep should we go through these for the benefit of everybody here this morning and know before we do I mean you’re not a fan as a psychotherapist you are not and as a as a coach to people a life

    Coach and advisor generally on people’s lifestyle and so on and you are here because it’s Monday and you’re a mindful Monday man when it comes to migration you’re not a big fan of the resolution to kick off the year no not not as as the definition would would Define a

    Resolution I’m all about changing I mean that’s life and especially if you’re struggling and you don’t want to struggle anymore change needs to happen so I’m not anti change I’m not anti- improvement over one’s life um but I don’t believe that resolutions as a thing work no fair

    Enough as people prove year after year and still they they give it a go but but the urge I think like you say the urge can be admired can’t it the wish to change and transform is is is essentially a good one yeah I I would

    Say maybe the resolution is a good start yeah you know it raises your awareness go oh I realize I would like to do this but if that’s as far as I ever go you know it’s the power of of 12-step uh program in uh Alcohol and Other abuse

    You know it’s really one day at a time it doesn’t work to say I’m done forever I’m going to do this from now on is not generally not going to work occasionally it does some people do that and they do it but it’s very rare most

    People succeed by saying I’m going to do that now I’m going to do that today and then tomorrow I’m going to make the same choice and one day at a time I’m going to get into eventually a habit but to declare it especially on as you said a

    Token holiday well not token per se but Nom it’s not really arbit it’s not really arbitrary either but it’s like because it’s January 1 it’s like life doesn’t care that it’s January 1 life just yeah it’s like who who cares so but if you got to find a day to do something

    I think that’s the the power of birthdays and other days is it it does raise our awareness at least that moment to say oh that’s right I can make a choice and I’m more aware of that now than I might be next Wednesday so true and this is my not

    Beef exactly but I I came up with this phrase and I know this sounds very nihilistic and um negative but I did have this sense of peak meaninglessness does sound very negative and realistic doesn’t it but these all of these things that are just chosen because of the

    Calendar and because we’ve always done them become more and more Hollow as each year passes don’t they because people if it’s just a a kind of hollow ritual and it has no deep or profound meaning for people and is more stressful than it is um a blessing in people’s lives this

    Might Mark the transition away from those things because I was thinking it was quite primitive last night the fireworks were very impressive but they are quite a primitive form of Celebration aren’t they the sea in San martinho must be filled with the debris of thousands of fireworks now and

    Presumably it will go to drones won’t it at some point and the Christmas dinner will change there’s all sorts of reasons why that will change and so the point I’m making is you know we we some of these things come and in history don’t they and we might be in a part of

    History where they are on the way out rather than on the way in and being deeply and profoundly enjoyed by people and I’m not saying they should go for that reason no I understand yeah inevitability about it isn’t there well I I think when it when it comes to human

    Arrogance in general you know this is one of the reasons I love the astrophysicists that do things on Facebook because they they talk about this insignificance and you know they talk about you know the arrogance of assuming we’re the most intelligent form of life in the virtually infinite Cosmos

    It’s like yeah that is pretty arrogant um and and then bill nine talks about you know me as a human on this planet I’m just a spec a speck of dust I’m just a speck on this planet and this planet is just a speck in the universe so I’m a

    Speck on a speck know so this notion of being significant is like just puts me kind of back in my place and it fascinates me I’m in awe of it as well but it’s like okay get over yourself yeah well that contradiction is good isn’t it that that that tension if

    You like between you know the the beauty of things and the consideration of is is still profound or not these are good I think these are good processes to be going through and we can’t stop them either can we this is what’s going on no and that’s I was to say his historically

    What we’re doing for Christmas has been a blip I mean even in human exist existence if you assume human existence 10,000 years how long has a Christmas celebration been yeah maximum 224 which is a tiny little time frame and also from our Christian Centric point of view it seems big but of course

    It’s not for for many other Millions perhaps billions of people interestingly so which is why you yeah you look at the Chinese uh uh restaurants in the United States and in America they do they they’re the only place that are open on Christmas yeah or New Year’s I mean not

    It’s that’s changing too you know for profit it’s like oh there’s a lot of people out there who would like to go to a restaurant on Christmas day but Chinese Christmas is not a thing it’s it’s just not a part of the culture well it’s an opportunity to serve people who

    Do celebrate Christmas and don’t want to cook to to serve them theist so the interesting point Pam I think people families can develop their own Traditions these days and dip in and out of the mainstream these are the times we’re in aren’t we in so many ways

    I think these are the times that we’re in so thank you for that and that’s what I was thinking you know we we we re uh invented Halloween for ourselves when we were in Port that was one of the great things about moving country actually is

    Is it becomes easier to redefine uh and um reimagine rethink these these celebrations because you’re away from some of the factors that hold them very dear and steady as an expert a foreigners someone has moved abroad you can come up with your own ideas and we did that for Halloween um because that

    Is that revolves around a very real thing doesn’t it of the the veils between the worlds and you know that that the the the night of the Day of the Dead and you know the night of the thin veils um is is profound I think and

    Something useful to teach kids um and of course those things are there at the beginning of a new year you can still talk about the profundity of drawing a line from what’s gone behind you the past and what you would would hope to do in the future and on a mindful migration

    Monday perhaps talk about how you might spend more time in the present doing the list of things that Colleen put forward here so let’s go through this checklist James uh do you fancy sleeping more this year no not sleeping more I I just the joke I made was about I’ve blown that

    One on the first day because I didn’t get more sleep last night so I wake up on my day going oh my resolution more sleep ah I didn’t do that why did I choose to do that on New Year’s Eve and so many people this is the thing oh I

    Screwed that up never mind I’ll just get it off I already blew it right I blew that more music that would have uh you could you could have hit the ground running with that one there’s a lot more tea I’ve started to drink loose

    Leaf o gray uh so that’s a check for me there do you like a te are you a tea or a coffee go never asked you that I’m definitely more coffee I have coffee not a lot but I have at at least a cup of

    Coffee every day and tea is kind of when I feel like it kind of if I’m cold at night a nice cup of hot tea is nice for me herbal tea not caffeinated because that would keep me awake but yeah more coffee than tea um I could live without

    Tea I think without missing it coffee I would take a long time to get over missing it okay um thank you Pete for sending the uh video we’ll have we’ll squeeze that and we got got 20 minutes until 10:00 how amazing this year that’s flown by thank you

    Everybody for being with us this morning to see the new year in this is like our GMP first footing the back door has been open to let the old year out and the front door is wide open the front door to gumdam is wide open and ready for the

    Community to have a fabulous 2024 more books then do you still read James does anyone still read I do um but not so much books it’s mostly you know uh well a lot of it’s gone digital but you still magazines and and mostly selfhelp stuff I mean

    I’ve I’ve read a lot in my life but I just I don’t know I don’t sit on with a book anymore interesting I wonder if anyone’s going to resolve to do that sitting down with a book I I can’t remember the last time I did that it was

    Fairly recently because I thought I’d try it and see what it was like because it had been so long but it’s not it’s not something I’ve continued with right I read articles digitally but I don’t read books digitally because I I love the tactile experience of holding a book

    And turning pages and things like that I just don’t get that same feedback from on a screen you don’t you really don’t do you very interesting sociologically Pam reads books there you go more sunsets well aren’t we past tense you know know in English more Lang I read

    Books books Once Upon a Time Farm in I read book right um okay I think she probably does read books and there was I think so yes there was talk of a book club which could be useful because I’m sure a lot of people are also going to be reading Portuguese and learning

    Portuguese so there’s still an opening for that this year more sunsets is an easy one here in Portugal we’re very blessed with that aren’t we and I know you are in Eddie s you’re going to get you’re gonna get sunsets whether you like it or not James Franklin more

    Creative do you are you would you say you’re a creative person are you going to be doing any of those sort of uh handicraft hobby type things this year I think we get confused around the word creating I think people think you if I don’t paint and I don’t sculpt then I’m

    Not creative but you can be a creative writer you can be a creative thinker uh you creative Problem Solver there’s all kinds of ways that we’re creative I’m not sure that it’s possible to be human and not be creative in some way right exactly so yes I I I

    Create this is definitely one for me sorry to interrupt there but yeah you are I yes definitely and I take your point about being creative it’s like you can’t not be creative as a human being can you we’re always creating something rather for better off for Worse some

    People create drama I mean exactly okay what do you want what else do you want to create yes yeah we are essentially creative beings aren’t we and I guess maybe the distinction there is what exactly might we create in this year ahead more long walks I’m definitely

    Going to do this I elongated my um my walking distances anyway last year I’m going to take it a stage further I’m going to go for some very long walks I think from San martinho as as my epicenter and going to venture out and I’m I imagine myself with a backpack on

    With a pack lunch um some Stout walking boots maybe I’m overdoing it and that’s what’s going to stop me this can happen on your way to far not that long what about you you like you like a hike don’t you I know I would do well to just take long off of

    That at this point I it’s definitely something that that I imagined I would do more of but again owning the lazy in me I don’t like the hills it’s too much work so I don’t do it right if if I was in a flatter area I at least I tell myself I would

    Walk more uh I love walking I just don’t like sweating and falling down because it’s exhausting it’s like don’t like sweating and falling down brilliant okay I don’t like being exhausted so have to find a way to be able to walk and not be not feel my knees hurting and be

    Struggling for breath and all the rest of it yeah they’re not such No One’s Gonna want that more of that this coming year are they oh we are getting book fans look as not John I’m indulging myself these days rereading the entire Sherlock Holmes Anthology picture rainy evening and a book through

    It doesn’t like 3 Ines late in the evening especially a rainy cozy one by the fireplace and teuck a shared love of the Sherlock Holmes there my dear Watson Elementary um more laughter more hugs I think we can see ourselves especially with this Portuguese Summer of Love idea

    That I’m hoping to promote the bit after the Carnation Revolution because of course that’s coming this year conation Revolution 50e celebrations and a new government and I propose a Portuguese Summer of Love and I think we can count on the gumpers can’t we James for more laughter and more hugs whether they be

    Real or virtual that’s us I think isn’t it sums us up yeah yeah laughter comes easily for me so I I don’t know that that needs to be on my list but was a good reminder keep laughing keep keep being funny or at least thinking you’re funny that’s enough the mirror and hugs

    Is definitely is being being a solo in a new country uh where virtually everyone is a stranger there’s a lot less hugs since I’ve been here but that will improve with time yep okay more beer more cigarettes more coffee that’s not actually on the me but that’s what Le

    MGR is hoping for and I’m sure he’ll do a very good job with that good morning people he says and a happy New Year as well so more dreaming um do you do you approve of fantasizing and projecting into the future in this way I think people should be a lot more practical

    Frankly yeah it’s all about the money man who needs dreams just make money Chop Chop busy busy no I like creating I don’t know it’s possibly human without being a dreamer um some people I imagine have had that almost literally beaten out of them which is very unfortunate

    But dreaming is something we do we imagine better things we imagine better places I I think that’s how we improve life in general and and I think that’s I’m hoping that’s the trend historically that we’re doing more of that dreaming more and accomplishing more yes now that’s yeah that does connect with my

    Portuguese summer of love Manifesto because I do think there’s a bit of a vacuum of Hope at the moment for some generally speaking so in that vacuum nature AB HS of vacuum I think humans do as well and there is a a famous inspirational quote isn’t there without

    A vision people perish so yes more dreaming from that point of view thank you Colleen for this list more road trips that’s definitely a thing isn’t it for gumpers getting to see more of Portugal we’re going to brag it in May we’ll be in Kash having a lovely Curry

    And filming it on the 17th of January and going to the Kimba strong beer festival at the end of the month have you got any trips planned around Portugal has anyone else let us know in the chat what about you James where are you going I’m just laughing because uh I

    Have an unintended trip that I’m attempting to schedule and that’s to get my residency renewed wow living the dream it’s like the the appointments are all online if you try to find a phone number nobody answers um and at this point when I first got online to try this uh

    They had like seven or eight different locations in the country and a couple of them had two or three so probably 10 different places you could go um and every single one of them when you clicked it as a choice it said no no appointments available for this location

    Every single location throughout the country and I did this repeatedly every couple of minutes every day for a week and nothing um but so then you get to the place of well okay f is a location I’m in Annie said I’ll take an appointment in far if it’s

    Open and I’ll just take a little vacation so you know that’s why I laugh for more road trips yeah definitely just to get my re my residency renewed I’ll travel yes well I’m visualizing that more dreaming of you holding that card up uh on the screen you’ve got your

    Driver’s license now so the uh yeah it will happen it’s just it’s such a different way of managing these types of things I I said bureaucracy is bureaucracy doesn’t matter where you go it pretty much sucks but it’s it sucks in different ways and in the United States my experience it’s not difficult

    To get an appointment it may take five years to actually go see someone but you’ll know that five years in advance because you’ll get your appointment when you call to make an appointment that kind of thing here it’s you have to do it every day over and over and over and

    Over and over until it’s finally accomplished so maybe there’s a sense of accomplishment at the end of that but there’s a lot of anxiety between that’s in that space it is it is true and um if you if you’re struggling with anything like that you can always come and see us

    On a Monday and we’ll do our best to put your mind at rest on mindful migration Monday first show of the Year James is here we’re looking at this list of kind of resolutions but these are nice affirmations as much as anything yeah intentions hopes things that you like to

    Do yeah Mrs M also with us we can hear you Mrs M if you want to mutter in the background and you can’t see yourself you put your laptop back on there let’s switch it back on and we’ll bring you onto the stage in just a moment then and

    You can go to Porto for a hug there’s another road trip then it’s a long way to go for a hug but I’m sure it’s worth it with Jim well and yeah Jim and and Connie and Hank are three reliable hug sources when I go to go up North so yes

    Who doesn’t like a bit of hug source and you and Louisa When I visit your area of the world yes yeah yes a good dry cleaner should be able to get rid of hug sauce hug sauce hug sauce Pam and I are also enjoying reading Portuguese children’s books uh

    Yes uh the elephant in the room learning more Portuguese this year come on everybody we can do this we’ve got this okay that’s a good way of doing it isn’t that the title of one of the books the elephant in the room it is which is is um I don’t even know

    Elephant or elephant yeah POS possibly um my New Year’s resolution is to eat out in a new restaurant every month that is lovely what a great idea I would like to do that every day quite frankly let me get that list off thank you I kind of do did

    You hear that right we can see you Mrs M so don’t make faces at me um well you can if you like there you go yeah make all the faces you like make all faces you like they’re all lovely anyway yes exactly well said James well said um 10

    Minutes to go we’ll we’ll finish with fireworks we started with fireworks we’ll finish we’ve got we’ve got deer frolicking as well Pete sent us some video footage of deer frolicking in his backyard not a euphemism sounds like d jok to come to their own devices please

    I don’t know if you have found it or whether you’ve seen it but I sent something on WhatsApp this morning that is appropriate for the day that it’s just kind of fun oh okay yeah I’ll I’ll have a look at that as well so any more

    Of these I mean let’s not get too hung up on the fact that they might be resolutions but I love that one Pam or pamella pamella my New Year’s resolution to eat out in a new restaurant every month visiting a new town every month I

    Mean we got so much to to enjoy here in Portugal um what else have we got here surely you mean every week um Portuguese restaurants are usually embarrassingly modestly priced long may it continue and the we go the more we’re supporting that particular part of the economy has to be

    Said as well our next Road Trip J say is to the Kash ranes deand the ancient Roman bath for the legionaires just across the border in Spain from the Jes that sounds lovely doesn’t that sound great we might you see if we go to Braga

    In May or when we go to brager in May you start thinking of things oh I could do that I could do that on the same trip but it’s always been so complicated hasn’t it trying to do too many things yeah on these particular road trips have

    To do more road trips in that case smash the like button and Bor deer Mrs M wishing you a happy New Year yes Antonio F came in Antonio I have to do that you do buddy also I’m not sure if we said good morning to you buddy in Iceland there

    Can you see yourself now Mrs F no you still can’t okay oh hang on we can see you we can see you be very careful Antonio F good morning to you thank you for being um a marvelous part of this community you also said oh okay um I’ll

    Find your original comment there we go Bond and on the subject of names you’re right Carl Portuguese men can have Maria in their name like Maria but it’s not really common and also women can have male names like Maria or there we go thank you for the education Antonio

    Looking forward to more of that this year thank you to our Portuguese friends who join us who bother with us in this way thank you so much ruo and Antonio after to name a few this morning Happy New Year friends from Nicole the S life Nicole lovely to see you here as well

    This morning and are those bars in bados we are planning to go there soon what do you do when you go to a Roman bars do you sit there because they always used to use the lavatory together didn’t they I think those um early Roman toilets everyone will be sat there defecating

    Happily side by side it’s amazing how a cult can change would you want to reenact that or are there other parts of Roman culture James or Louisa that you would prefer to reenact or perhaps no it wasn’t on my list of resolutions defecating Community or an

    Ory I mean build a straight road then might not build a straight road while you’re there or or whatever okay I like the idea of more discussions you know like we’re led to believe that the Romans um like talk Lots yes and kind of studied and and shared a lot and what

    Philosophizing yeah with the great Roman thinkers yeah in hot BS wise group very but I don’t want to share it that’s a lead balloon that idea yeah me instead of being overwhelmed and tired by trips to Lisbon we now have regular trips and just aim to do one

    That’s a very good strategy you can overdo it can’t you by trying to squeeze too much in and you can always go again can’t you another time we went to kashkash didn’t we last week we did really sweet I still got the parking ticket to prove it the machine

    Was out of order wasn’t it the machine was definitely out of order I thought it was free parking over the holiday and I went online to try and pay the ticket and it’s they kind of tricked me into admitting that I’ve committed a crime it’s quite a lengthy process seriously

    And now they’re going to send me a registered letter now that I fessed up to giving it was a weird it’s been a weird a weird situation I won’t go well there’s there’s a number where you can speak to somebody in English on the bottom of that ticket you say that now

    Where were you when I needed you I was going through the options um you bring up a Portuguese uh helpline and fair enough there is a probably an option to speak to someone in English but you’ve got to go through the first 10 options at 100 mph Portuguese first and try and

    Understand those which because like when I looked at that ticket um I was quite surprised it’s it’s in Portuguese and then underneath it’s in English um because obviously they get so many people there well I’m the postman will be delivering a letter soon great I look forward to that doorbell there’s

    Probably for this € 30 F parking fine I imagine the combined effort of people now involved in this process will total thousands of Euros just so that I can pay a 30 fine for parking where I thought I could Anyway said you could pay it online I don’t understand why you

    Have to have a letter to do it no you got to go through this process anyway you’re supposed to pay within the first week or else it goes up to 100 or1 150 all right you think it might es stop it you’re worrying me now and that’s something I’m definitely giving up in

    This year even more so than I did last year yeah guys relax about immigration nobody cares in Portugal do you see all the Brazilians and other South Americans and Africans and rians worried about mindful migration well I don’t know because I don’t know many people I don’t

    Know many Brazilians America I know a few I don’t know many South Americans or Africans or Asians and I want to know more we want you to join us on the show here um with our efforts with the Portugal migration or Portugal immigrant Network we’d love to meet more people from other

    Communities moving to Portugal I think it’s important Antonio F take the opportunity to visit olivenza olivenza a disputed part of Spain by Portugal streets with Portuguese names and people speaking Portuguese in Spain that’s how the whole colonization of Spain begins you know is it that’s indeed a strategy

    There Gary one road at a time EXA yes nice and Portuguese open a new restaurant with a nice pra then the next street then the next street next thing you know we’re going to be in what Italy happy New Year all I know it’s quite a

    Long way to Italy for the summer of love I insist you watch the film I sent you thank you Orica you will understand the situation and perhaps Be Inspired for your project Che and I will put your film suggestions on GMP viip for over from overstayers to straightforward illegalities nobody cares in Portugal

    And the socialist government even tends to legalize everybody in batches so there you go we need to worry about it if the ticket was in cash guys I am quite shocked it was in Portuguese at all interesting un epicenter it was nice to pop over and lovely to see you Henry

    And Nina as well so in these last few minutes um I think perhaps a mindful migration Insight from you both perhaps a slightly astrolog astrologically flavored one from Mrs M oh it’s a big year astrologically well we’re gonna come back to you then we’ll have deer’s frolicking no we’ll do we’ll have we’ll

    Have James with a mindful migration Insight we’ll have you with a bit of astrological flavor we’ll have three D jokes have you actually check sent you it might be he might have sent you something if it’s if it’s is if they are if the deer are fornicating in nature

    That is entirely their business yeah and I will do I will do a David aten BR star voice over okay I won’t it won’t be smutty it will be just nature it will be just nature unfold Pete likes a joke and you know it could be could be a bit of a

    It could be it could be but I think I think we’ve got to we we’ll find out when I play it we’ll find out and we’ve also got a picture of the Roman BS as well which also could be a joke but did you find my Buddhist themed New Year’s

    Thing that I no I’m going to do that now while you issue us with a mindfully migratory uh insight to start the new off as as we mean to continue James okay well for me I I was reminded um Katya Lima posted a question for the new year asking what is the biggest

    Dream um you have for the for the new year so I said all right well I’m gonna take that seriously um biggest dream and I actually copied it so that I have it verbatim um I replied that we the world can finally find a way to take our

    Attention and resources away from hate and War and channel them into taking care of people and the environment and then I said what you did say the biggest so y fair enough well thank you for that say that again uh that we the world can finally

    Find a way to take our attention and resources away from hate and War and channel them into taking care of people and the environment beautiful thank you very much for that James uh here’s to a fabulous New Year of 2024 um and we will expect to see you

    The Paddington Bear of we’ve been sent a picture of Paddington bear as well the Paddington Bear of Portugal well that’s not the Paddington I remember that’s a modern version this is an that’s an AI generated one very quickly I think there that’s Paddington probably in the more

    Modern time looking a bit worried as rui or whoever it was suggested that Padington wouldn’t get such a warm welcome in London these days and here is your meme um The Happy new now um very good little mindful reminder there to live in the now whilst looking at the

    Past and signing it off and looking forward to the future let’s all and doing less when you travel yeah yeah all that this came in from Pippa in botw I believe the planet does not need more successful people the planet need desperately needs more peacemakers healers restorers story tellers and

    Lovers of all kinds from the Dal Lama who had an interesting year it has to be said last year there are some Roman bars um which I suspect used to have a roof on Mrs M we nearly bought oh okay we bought is that the same water

    From when the Romans were using it does look like it could do with a little bit of a SLO quite frankly and you can imagine what they got up to in there I think it probably had a roof and I think me and Mrs MN bought a ruin that looked

    Like that in central Portugal and I just noticed the sunbe in the upper left person doing there they are doing some of that um yeah some of that special yogur I think POS no they’ve got um here is um another little resolution that came in is to smile laugh more yes look at

    Someone laughing smiling and you laugh and smile 2024 the year of smiling and laughing deagle that’s from who’s not been very well so we send Love to You deagle um thank you very much deagle for your wonderful contributions to this community and smiles and laughter to you

    Deagle yeah smiles and laughter mate and get well soon also this one that I received this is from XF at this time of year the following Japanese proverb always comes to mind especially at this part tears come to my eyes Keep It Coming mate precisely that’s exactly

    What I was thinking good job yes yes your command of Japanese is extraordinary um Dad jokes then let’s have those and then deer’s frolicking and also some more fireworks um happy 2024 from Sarah good morning to you lovely to see you here love to you Sarah and Dan better socialist than shager

    Lovers oh is kicking off the Portuguese are having a row in the your chat this morning um from Antonio Lorenzo Anon good morning to you I’m missing lots of political discourse here keep it light keep it late on it’s a first I think maybe this is how the Portuguese people

    Like to start the year with a bit of a political ding-dong um this morning dingdong well done and um Shaga is socialist it’s the law okay steady on that is that could be some political fighting talk there there it is a Chinese it is Chinese and Goble which is

    Great helpful to have a friend who is a translator Pete went to forensic detail with that visual dad joke there well done dad jokes then we celebrated New Year’s Eve with adult beverages metam musil and inure you’re gonna have to translate that for me James are those medication Metamucil is a fiber beverage

    So that you have steady regular bowel movements and ensure is is a is a drink that is uh reinforced with vitamins and minerals and so on for elderly people cheers it’s kind of like baby formula for old folks oh how lovely uh the last night the internet stopped working so I spent

    A few hours with my family we actually did this last night didn’t we nearly yeah no we did me and kids hung they seem like good people they really did seem like good people that’s the great thing yeah great time they’re really really nice kids and the older I get

    This is very barcelos cockc related the older I get the more I understand why rooster scream start Mrs M should they be screaming astrologically the New Year what’s it going to be like 2024 it’s a big year loads of change Pluto’s finally going into the sign of Aquarius um

    That’s marking a new era he’s going to be there for 20 years so this is this is going to be heralding a time of AI type interactions and also lots of socialist um agendas lots of ideas of global narratives Global um structures and this that and the other but Pluto and

    Aquarius is also about independence and also about um inventive uh thinking um and and shifts like that so I do think humanity is going to go through some massive shifts in this next year um that are going to become fully apparent in about 20 years time we’ve got these some

    Really really big epic things happening happening early in the year that um don’t happen that often so we’ve got um Uranus and Jupiter coming together in April um for the first time in 14 years we’ve got um Chiron on the North Node coming together for the first time in

    Forever these are all really big um portents yeah for deep social change but it all starts internally so you know in terms of going into the new year I noticed for migrants you know people like being away from home this is a Time when we often feel really abandoned and

    Feel really homeless um oh well because of the Christmas effect and looking we’re we’re in a new place we’re not part of the culture yet though we’re kind of skirting around it we’re no longer part of our own we’re no longer part of the the new one that we like

    Even you know when you’ve been here for years and years and years you may well still feel that that sense of being in a different place so I just think the more we can do to um be kind to ourselves the better um what what seems apparent

    Astrologically is that we need to build build that sense of being at home and ourselves as strongly as possible that’s that’s the best thing that we can do right now thank you very much op Feelgood astrology on YouTube if you want to to Deep dive into that and the

    Outlook it I break I break it down on a Sign by sign basis so like if you know your star sign you can just check out that star sign but it’s even better if you know you’re ascendant and if you click on my um uh guidance for all 12

    Signs yeah there’s a little bit there’s a chapter called to find your ascendant so if you don’t know it it’s as simple as going to a particular web page putting in a few details and it’ll tell you your ascendant and then you can listen to the sign for that as well very

    That’s more accurate thank you and I do like the way the cut of your jib and what you mean well how you’re talking about this I’m reminded of something I heard over um Christmas time we know what’s going to happen we just don’t know when and this is this is what

    Astrologers who are also been another thing I heard over Christmas time is um astrologers are not fortune tellers they’re Misfortune tellers well it’s funny you say that because um there’s there’s something called The The J the Jupiter Saturn cycle um and the planet cycle and they come together every 20

    Years but the point um in the sky that these two come together at is quite sensitive and so when any Planet goes over it it um picks up it almost sets off a a chain event of things so like at the time that they come together whatever’s going on when something goes

    Over it at a later date that situation seems to explode a lot more so in 2000 Jupiter and um Saturn came together now the point that they came together at is where Jupiter and Uranus are meeting up this year for the first time in 14 years so I’m expecting given that Jupiter is

    About well-being and expansion and Uranus is about technology and insight and inventiveness and social social ideals and things like that I think there could be this massive change um in terms of the way we’re using technology but also banking you know Uranus I mean this point when Jupiter and Saturn came

    Together was around the time that Euro was adopted throughout the whole of Europe so in April time there is potentially this massive planetary shift to do with Europe the way Europe is um funded the way we use our currency um I I see like really deep

    Shifts going on but then um you know Pluto is going to a sign of Aquarius the last time Jupiter and Saturn got together was right before um the the massive change that we went through in terms of that medical um advice that most people around the world took uh it

    Happened just before then so it’s interesting that Pluto that talks about death dying pandemics PL is a massive pandemic the agenda yeah I I think I think um the mechanics of what we went through back then is going to be reignited now Jupiter goes into Aquarius

    At the end of January but also um later on uh because he kind of goes back into Capricorn then later on on the 20th of November he’s he’s back in so I I think there’s going to be a lot of these um Euro coming up yeah what bigger picture

    For the for the specs who are living on the spec who just a speck in the in the Specky universe as James was talking about well we all are specks we are all these little spe but but we are we we um you know you can see a little moat of a

    Speck of dust floating in your window sometimes can’t you as a Sunshine’s coming in and then and then the astrology if you like those those effects could be like drafts where that little moat that’s just floating there suddenly gets a crossdraft yeah and is blown quite uh vigorously across the

    Room that this this might be us and I want to I know we can’t stop talking this morning it’s way past 10:00 I think um like I love your analogy um of how the specs get like shifted across I think of it in terms of use the energy

    Coming in or it uses you float so yeah so for instance like um if I’m remember years ago I used to manage a campsite in France and we had this hurricane season come in and we were digging Moes around all of the different kind of Yeah a

    Different kind of Mo I was digging Moes around all the tents um so that as the rain came in we had a water feature we had a water feature and we wouldn’t be damaged by it so we were using the water that we knew was coming in but now from

    An astrological perspective if I knew that was happening each season I would um also design a soak away and plant a load of blueberries so every time the hurricane came instead of spelling disaster we would use that water to nourish what we wanted to grow so

    There’s a lot of change energy coming in this year lots of Revolution energy coming in lots of um getting back to your roots getting back to your core beliefs energy if I was in your shoes right now I would choose to engage in doing that myself because you know my

    Experience and what I’ve learned from my clients is where we use the energy where we’re aware that shift is happening and that we are going through like you know some migrants for instance they come over and they recreate the same life that they had back home in their new

    Place what I would invite them to do right now is to kind of almost ditch that and live more in accordance to what’s required here you know it’s that kind of change like not half doing the change but going the full monty going that full mile you know like really

    Going for it so you know if you’re if you’re somebody who’s been slightly blocked and slightly holding back this isn’t the year to do it this is the year to go full into your transformation because where we don’t do that that change energy comes us anyway and if you

    Are that Mo like the little speck that you’re talking about yeah floating in the the sunshine the shaft of sunshine see you can you can take your little speck in any direction you want and then you you are part of that Journey you’re you’re consciously changing it but if

    You’re not doing anything when that shift energy comes in you blown mercilessly across the the exactly so I think this is a year for deep change and empowerment and surfing you might say coming back to James and that’s exactly the image I got was facing a wave and

    Deciding to just stand there or turn around and and body surf well yeah and um when you’re surfing you wait for the exact right time so you know you go you go a little bit Yeah if you go a little bit too soon you don’t

    Move if you if you do it too late you don’t really move but if you time it just right and you know if you’re interested the timings and the flavors of these planetary waves then just go and check out my videos and I did detail what kind of energy is coming in if

    You’ve got some big projects some big plans that you want to launch this year or move on um you can work it out see what’s come to mind for me at 12 minutes past 10 not only have we gone way past the time I didn’t think that would

    Happen this morning but thank you everybody for being here thank you for considering just taking over a little bit there yeah welcome to the Feelgood astrology show everybody between Louisa and me you got nothing to worry we’ll fill up three hours if you need it yes yeah but the

    Surfer from California you know can talk about this catching the wave thing that might might be what’s going on at the moment um and um also what comes to mind is us and the be here now for for foreigners it’s like be the emphasis is

    Not on the now but being here be here now be where you are and embrace what being here means that might be you know ramas reinterpreted or Timothy L whoever it was for being here now as we look forward as as a as a foreigner basically a foreigner migrant exper community be

    Here now well thing as I can’t see when you say be here now I’m hearing the here yeah and actually if we were really Hearing in the now and like silencing ourselves to a lot of things like if we were just like really in the moment really tuning into what’s going on

    Around us I think most people would realize that there is this kind of slightly choppiness this is slightly um edgy feeling which is what animals are aware of you know like we’re always you know nature knows what’s coming up it seems to sense it um and if we were

    Really hearing now we might start making choices that are more in alignment with what’s going on all right uh people have got to go but we but we have I mean this this is interesting These are nice words from Roy PS the I don’t know if that’s

    PS a social party or postcript the Portuguese do not blame immigrants for high property prices Portugal is now opening to International money flows this would be inevitable problem is low salary so here’s two Portuguese people earning more yeah this year and also how we can connect politics to the changes

    In the world world and society as you’ve been talking about through astrology it kind of we’re just seeing over and over again aren’t we socialist useless Shake get equally bad opportunistic yet entertaining and a kick in the system we’re seeing that all over the world but we’re also seeing how the Socialist not

    The social the social systems socialistic systems political systems aren’t serving us so perhaps there’s an opening for a new kind of political system to come in May I also add something nope sorry we got to go Port Portugal’s going through its Chiron return this year oh okay so yeah that’s

    That sounds like a program in its own right so yes you can add something um Jim did an I Ching um it sounded like it was a bit itchy when I first read that but he did an I Ching read it uh Tui it teaches us how to come into possession

    Of our joy in search for success and happiness we are prone to think that we must take aggressive actions to achieve them perhaps not the instruction then of the iing is to do just the opposite only those who practice innocence acceptance and Detachment inherit true joy in this

    World yes it’s not like putting your foot down when you’re in the car the opposite happens isn’t it if you accelerate in the cosmic you go even slower uh I think and look at this who knew that rui um would be politically edgy and know that he was an Aries with

    A Capricorn ascendant what should he do in the age of Aquarius oh well it should get much easier for you actually because Pluto’s finally moving out of your sign um the emphasis will be turning on to money and resources but it it feels less for you because um over the last 15

    Years or so there’s been a lot of transformation going on in terms of who you are and how you’re seen and how you’re experienced um he wasn’t exp early early um April is a really really big time for you according to when your actual um birthday is there’s a massive

    Total solar eclipse on the 8th um and on the uh 16th and 17th of April there’s some massive shifts and also on the 21st and that’s all in this sort of Aries area so um I I don’t know we could talk offline if you’re we can’t do individual consultations for everybody we’re way

    Past time James thank wait wait wait he’s got something else to our here over from Ocean Aviva good morning to you and it looks like the Spurs um Villa had a transit in their Reus for or something similar because their match is postponed because of snow how about that that’s

    Incredible isn’t it so we are going to unwind now we’ll finish with some fireworks but before then some deer frolicking in Pete’s back I can’t see it I need to come and stand next to me here so not a euphemism we’re actually going to see some deer frolicking in Pete’s

    Backyard James we’ll see you next Monday thank you so much for being here this morning my friend always a pleasure okay and we’ll see you soon have a great day in Eddie s and let’s have a look at these dear now shall we where are they where have they gone

    They’re very timid and hard to find creatures but I think I’ve located them here stick stick around for some fireworks after this which will frighten the deer away fireworks and frolicking fireworks and froling take care bye for now and we’ll see you in the morning chaa for is In Portugal there’s a YouTube show full of fun facts you need to Know Carl rings a bell and the L show to the GM morning Jo future guests will come and they will blow your mind the audience will do so in kind the little b mix with some

    Insanity on the morning show at GM Hey Gumpers


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