Filmed: October 2023

    Description: Welcome to our European vacation! It’s day three of our Western Mediterranean cruise onboard Symphony of the Seas and we’re in Marseille, France! We take a petite train ride, check out some cathedrals, and take a long walk for a Harry Potter book. Back on board in the afternoon, we hide some ducks and play trivia before rope dropping Windjammer and enjoying some shows. Stay tuned for more European adventures including our excursions in Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Marseille, Pisa, Rome, and Naples!

    Join us for travel and cruise vlogs exploring the world for fun experiences, great eats, and local adventures. As travel vloggers, we can’t wait to share our tips and tricks for child free travel. As cruise vloggers (aboard Royal Caribbean and Disney Cruise line), we can’t wait to share room tours, excursions, specialty dining and more as we cruise for the first time ever!

    Social Media Links:
    TikTok: @travels_and_tranquility
    Instagram: @travels_and_tranquility

    Music Used:
    Song: Romanov_Studio – A Cup of Coffee
    Music provided by Tunetank.

    Song: Alexey Anisimov – Journey Of Your Dreams
    Music provided by Tunetank.

    Good morning and welcome to day three of our European Adventure ceiling Symphony Of The Seas in the Western Mediterranean Cruise today we’re going to be in Marseilles R um but as you can see it’s on not even 8:00 yet and we’re still ceiling we’re not supposed to dock

    Until like we be able to get off the ship until around like 9:00 so we’ve gotten a little bit of aise to go we’re going to it’s gorgeous out here we’re going to go do breakfast Lauren already did a Starbucks run uh cuz I had to wait here in the room for a

    Maintenance crew cuz stuff got stuck in our safe yeah that was a bummer that was fun but we’re going to go through breakfast now yeah it it’s really pretty though like all these Jagged oh Cliffs and stuff yeah this is a really interesting Coastline it’s really cool I mean you can

    Can yeah city right down there so it’s a big big city over there but I love all those little boats out there and I love all the little towers uh on these these jaggy little Islands we past a really pretty lighthouse on an island you should check

    Out our Tik Tok if you want to see that video yeah we’re going to go do breakfast I think we’re going to try par Cafe for breakfast today yeah mix it up a bit I saw that they had bananas nice we’ll see you there for breakfast I like it here it’s

    Very cool I feel very chic right W um point we’re at Central Park Cafe which is in Central Park which is a beautiful venue in the morning I think it’s my favorite place on the ship I love it there’s a nice breeze going we’ve got Birds there’s always a nice

    Breeze going here they must have built it so it come become kind of like a wind tunnel maybe I don’t know but it’s really nice in here it’s really Pleasant um and they still had really good stuff for breakfast yeah so they have fruit which is always great to see and then I

    Got plain bagel toasting in a chocolate croissant yeah and then Deon got a bacon egg and cheese sandwich which looks pretty good yeah so they and they toasted it too it’s pretty good it’s more of a ham it’s not a bacon it’s a ham that’s no that’s fine

    Fruit and then I already made the Starbucks run which you already saw yeah really cool starbu is starting to recognize me Park Cafe is an included venue with your with your state room so uh it’s it’s nice to just be able to come in and grab and grab and go well and what’s

    Nice is it’s definitely not as crowded as when jamer so if you sawli if you saw our last video um when we were in Wind Jammer that morning it was like a night trying to find a seat yesterday was pretty gnarly was too much when you’re like first thing in the morning you

    Don’t want to see a million people right so it’s it’s nice to just have a a quiet spot to sit cuz there’s like nobody around yeah um it’s not that crowded in here granted I don’t know maybe it’s because we’re docking later maybe but it’s really cute here I love

    All the bird sounds there’s Jamie Itali over there of [Applause] course a where fr All right Lauren we are in France we are in France so shuttle dropped us off back at the Old Port yes and we’re like right in front of the Cathedral yeah this Cathedral this the cathedral major the major Cathedral Cathedral of the major yes um it opens at 10:00 which would be

    Really cool to see I do not see I don’t see the little train no so it’s I don’t know if it’s this it’s supposed to be around here somewhere we got this little information booklet um but we’re not sure where we’re supposed to buy the tickets I

    Don’t know if it’s that there was a little kiosk it says color bus city tours that’s not the same as this so there was a video that we saw that where we learned about the the tiny train and they were at some sort of kiosk so we’ll

    Oh there’s a map on the back okay so we’re going to mess with this map and figure it out and we’ll catch up with you later all right so we have a plan kind of the map we’re going to walk the map that we got lines up with a

    Listing for a laa train uh down on the waterfront so we’re walking in that direction yeah we’re just going to walk for a little bit and see what we can find we do want to come back to this Cathedral we definitely do we just need a minute to figure out where we

    Go okay so what we’re next what we’re walking next to here is uh fort Fort S John it’s St John’s Fort uh it was that thing we saw in the distance in the last bit uh it’s really cool it looks really old and I love it uh but off in the

    Distance I was just remarking on this really cool building up on the hill and then Lauren’s like oh yeah that’s where we’re going dummy that’s where we’re trying to go what’s the goal she didn’t call me a dummy that was me no but uh I’m very excited even more so

    Now yeah I told you super cool we’re going to take a tiny blue train all the way up that hill hopefully as long as we can find it fingers crossed I didn’t realize it was this far from where we were being jocked off right but I guess the tickets the

    Excursion tickets did say Um then it was like a 15minute walk to um to the port area yeah to like the downtown area or whatever cuz we’re still very much in the Old Port yeah so hopefully we’re going to figure ourselves out here I think we’re good we just got to find

    The double decker busos yeah those double decker buses they’re everywhere they’re so popular here yeah that was one of the Excursion options too I think it like sold out although I’m sure you can still buy tickets oh I’m sure here okay I see I think I see the down

    There yeah oh yeah I see it yeah so we’re right where we’re supposed to be yeah we’re pretty we figured it out like adults these cool boats yeah wow that’s a schooner you know it’s really pretty really smells like fish it’s uh L that’s part of the fort

    As well yeah it’s Fort St John that’s awesome and look at like these cobblestones and stuff like that super pretty you know I was reading Tre Le i’ I’ve been reading a lot of U like British Monarchy biographies yes you have lately and most most of them are

    The older ones and it’s funny how antagonistic their relationship has been with the French historically mhm and so now that we’re here it’s just cool to be like in the it’s it’s just cool to be in the spaces that I’ve just been reading about yeah my point but it’s also wild

    To think that like these places have been like these stones are probably older have been placed older than America yeah it’s very impossible get look at this cute little train I know hopefully we get to ride one this is going to be so much fun it’s very

    Cute just have to see if we can get on one I think we’re missing the 10: talk one hopefully I do see the Ley train ticket area though the little ticket booth it is dead ahead it’s the little tourist train that’s what it’s called touristic is that tourist yeah

    Nice good job Deering that one is nearly impossible it’s impressive feel like uh worldly people we studied other languages for traveling the world love It Mercy Vo that was insanely impressive laurren insanely impressive every day continually impressive I did okay perfect you brought you bought I didn’t catch all of it but Lauren just bought train tickets and Perfect Pitch Perfect French no it was not Pitch Perfect and it was barely

    French but it was I heard French words I tried you great what the point is it was funny that he responded in English though cuz he like oh you you’re not French yeah my accent’s not very good but that’s okay Mo you did great at

    Least it’s done all right let’s get on a trend yeah I think we have to catch the next train cuz these are all buckled in so we’ll be on the next one ladies and Gent gentlemen welcome on board the on this journey you will discover a few of the most beautiful monuments of

    Mar the old haror in notam the cornes the fort the Pharaoh the St Victor AB will soon no longer have secrets with you We made the ride was interesting yeah it was interesting was very bumpy very loud um but we made it we’re going up a lot of stairs yeah to get to it it’s pretty cool all right so we’re way up here and there’s a shat way out there love it our Symphony Of The

    Seas oh symphony’s way out there see if I can zoom in not far enough look so tiny it does isn’t it we went very far we did it only took us uh an hour two hours good Lord we get really far from the ship so we’re here at this amazing Place castles and

    Churches and old parts of cities I really appreciate how many like open air markets we passed on the way up here as well yeah that’s really cool huh it feels very European to me yeah like oh look at that staircase just going wow just going out in the morning and

    Grabbing what you need for the day [Applause] yeah wow this is really cool so pretty oh I lost Laur you want to go and pull a little bit more yeah why is every building a million feet tall in Europe I love it we stairs wow a

    Crypt why are we going into a crypt I don’t Know Wow oh I remember from when we were looking at all the ships and boats and stuff all the what all the ships and boats and stuff wasn’t it some sort of uh it’s like an honor about the people that passed in the ocean I don’t know I thought I remember about that that’s

    Possible Miss oh okay got itchy side they bud we’re fascinated by the bird we’re here at this beautiful place and we love the damn bird oh a lot of people just arrived I feel like oh yeah do you want to go back down sure oh that looks like

    A it’s a t oh it’s a oh yeah the state soccer my bird it’s super cool out here like it’s impressive yeah the Europeans have their architecture game down all love it me too what if I go over there and you take my picture from here sure okay Okay so this is amazing it’s really cool huh it’s we’re just walking along Europe yeah we run into this amazing Carousel it’s really cool you get a photo of it with Lauren you see the whole thing most of it okay do you want your photo are you

    Okay no I’m right okay we are going to uh the two broomsticks I don’t know what it is pronounced like in Spanish uh French French but it is a supposedly a Harry Potter themed bookstore SL gift shop slash uh fans Cafe oh Cafe thing yeah yeah you can apparently get butterbeer

    There yeah which I do not want to do cuz butterbeer is gross yeah we’re not big butterscotch fans but what we’re trying to do oh there’s Christmas in there oh okay okay that’s awesome look like there was food in there too okay um but we’re trying to walk there

    But only problem is it looks like they close for lunch at 1 and it’s 12:09 so we’re going to get it’s a 20 minute walk from where we were so I think we’re going to get there with like maybe a half hour to spare maybe yeah but so we should have plenty

    Of time yeah hopefully in the meantime though enjoying this amazing stroll down this Square Lane via whatever you want to call it lots of people beautiful buildings sa Fr What a freaking Journey but we made it and we got it yeah we got for the Ravenclaw Edition in French yes which we’ll take this this going to be a really eclectic set and I’m really it’s going to be really eclectic I’m excited we were trying for hard cover and they

    Only had like the special house editions of hard cover right so pick Raven claw cuz that’s my house maybe we’ll try to find the Italian one for huffle puff which is De this place is really cool it’s amazing so the guy definitely only spoke French

    We but um make sure to check it out survived it’s in this little it’s in this alley um away from all the touristy areas but it is absolutely worth the track the um the trip up you know you got to see a lot of the city that I don’t think you’d

    You’d be able to see on a lot of tour tours and all that no well in how CL this just exist it just exists in the middle of theity it’s just a guy of people who like Harry Potter and now we have to walk back yeah which is stressful it’s a little stressful

    There’s very narrow paths there’s a lot of cars there’s a lot of motorcycles and V buas and I was terrified we’d get here and it wouldn’t exist right cuz every time it was hit or miss whether or not this one actually pulled up when we looked at it cuz

    There’s one in in Paris yeah um and then it’s like well you had to like make double sure that this one was here and it was never a sure thing yeah so but it it’s it’s fantastic we made it out in the middle of all of this gray and city

    Is this beautiful red painted building yeah and it’s 100% Harry Potter themed yeah it’s so cool very much worth the track so if you’re here and you’re uh looking for anything anything Harry Potter related or just want to see a cool store make the track it’s only a

    20-minute walk from the port from Old Port yeah 25 probably but very very much worth it mhm all right let’s uh it’s boogy it was a long journey just to get a book but that’s okay it’s our dream it is our Dream we’re living our Dream let’s go um but now now we’re

    Um walking back the direction that we came yeah we’re trying to get back to that um what was it even Cathedral deor yeah the cathedral I’m not sure how I I can only pronounce it if I was in Spanish so that’ll be cool I didn’t even

    Know it was there when we were looking at maps and stuff same so it’s just right around the corner we got to walk this way and then walk back uh to the right yeah back with a shuttle drop those sock yeah it’s 1:00 now what a good

    Day yeah it was a good day we went off a little bit on our plan we didn’t end up going to the the palace the pal it was really far away it was a lot farther away than we were expecting we’d have to take a taxi there which would be fine or

    The Metro we could take the metro but oh okay it ended up being not what we wanted to do we wanted to Prior prioritize the Harry Potter book and now we kind of want to prioritize that k cuz it looked really cool so that’s what we’re going to do right we’ll see you

    There one’s so high up she stressing me out well you’re technically in the bike lane I’m at least closer to The Pedestrian foot traffic sure there’s no bikes though oh those aren’t cops never mind here’s the cathedral that we’re going to I Love The Design it’s gorgeous it’s so

    Cool it almost looks like a train station yeah I could see I don’t know why I’m getting that vibe from it cuz I don’t know it’s like big and Grand and maybe I get it like the I’m so excited about the Dome though the lines and yeah

    All that I don’t know just the way that it’s structured and then over there is the museum did you say this was an art museum uh art history of the world fashion folklore yeah I think it’s an art art mum wow okay we made it 3 hours later

    Attacking attacked by fly de got attacked by fly and we made it this is so pretty OMG we should St here for a photo absolutely like in the background I just love the stripies I don’t know what the stripies mean but I love them I love the stri bees Me like dress we’re back on board H been on board for a little bit yeah we showered and changed relaxed for a minute um and now we’re on our patio looking out you can see the mer like sign it’s like the Hollywood sign which is really cool it’s

    Just de’s my forehead yeah you’re doing a really bad job sign at where’s the sign at I don’t know oh I see it I see it’s right there okay it’s above my head a lot of people coming back in now yeah we can see see everybody must have just

    Arrived um but we’re going to go explore the ship a little bit and hide some ducks refill Waters all of that kind of thing um we had a really great day in marsill that was an excellent day it it is really nice though coming back to the

    Ship and like having like a place you know all their stuff’s here you know feed they feed us and card us off to other beautiful European vacations yeah to next places we’re only in we only have the one French Port so after this we move on to Italy we have two

    Italian ports three Italian ports three oh yeah that’s right so we have laspia uh chibia and then uh Naples mhm so it’s a lot of fun so chibia day we’re doing uh Rome which is going to be a ton of fun and then we’ve got uh Fu Piza on

    Las beia’s day and with Naples Pizza tour very excited about that personally yeah I’m bed that we’re only in France for one day we had a good day it was fun very tired I’d come back to France though this place was awesome yeah I want to see Parise yeah

    That’ be fun in Euro Disney Oren’s been to Paris that’s what we want to do we want to do Euro Disney it’s in Paris right near near it near it closer to Paris than where we are here I believe anyway let’s go hide some ducks explore the ship hang Out we’re looking for prime location I mean I could just put it here like on the floor here in the corner yeah that’s not bad okay giraffe hello giraffe duck we hid one in Central Park too yes let’s go down one is that a duck a tiny

    Duck no that is a candy yeah I was going to say it’s just garbage it’s just garbage all right one more down going to C room yeah I think Boardwalk is on the next level oh yeah there the card room I can’t remember where the did we miss it

    That’s look at that it’s possible we might have missed it uh or maybe not maybe it’s just on the opposite side oh yeah we miss oh it’s on 14 we’ll do it later we go for the other for the greenery one we can do card room okay

    Right so next to Bardock yeah so down one [Applause] more duck security we’re in deck five now but we got a text from my um mom has pictures of our babies little kitty report that’s Octavian Octavian it’s Marco there’s Octavian again there’s to me there’s Marco work again we do have

    Another cat my mom said Seline disappeared after eating so she ran away but she does that even to us yeah she’s very uh she’ll eat and just get out of there miss them me too it’s the hardest part about going on these trips is that we

    End up end up missing the cats we really do they’re so cute was good all right we’re going to go refill water and continue our duck hiding and just miss our cats we’re going to distract ourselves with cruising Lauren has ideed another excellent spot yeah there’s so many people

    Here I think you’re going to be all right I get nervous hiding it in front of people here I’ll stand right here Go baby go it’s kind of obvious cuz it’s orange I think it’s a tiger we don’t TIG duck okay now to refill water Lauren I just heard somebody in a

    Very heavy with a very heavy accent say double oh I wonder what what wonder what that means too like what is oh double like oh okay interesting you have somewhere thank you I think also I require a slice of pizza that same much weat was not very big well no it was

    A mozzarella and tomato bagette and then we walked 8 Miles it was pretty small it’s Pizza Time Yeah it require we haven’t had it yet that’s true and it’s like day three and that seems like a crime to be on a cruise and to have not had SOS

    Pizza it’s Pizza Time yes it looks like we got fresh stuff it’s very just came out it’s very hot mhm very excited but it looks good SOS is it is it’s a lot of fun too huge huge development yeah I think it’s back I think 1977 is going to happen

    Tonight it is it’s going to happen so excited it’s a normal time that we had originally had our reservations for and it looks like it’s back yes so that’s really exciting we just came down here to check because all of a sudden the reservation was back on our app and it

    Had disappeared when they cancelled it but it’s back back and then right at 9:00 we’re in there for the so hopefully we can hopefully we can but that’s exciting how long does it say 1977 is 50 minutes oh yeah we do both cuz we going to walk across the way

    Just try to leave early or sit in the back so we’re close well because they released tickets 15 minutes before dang I know yeah that’s true we’ll sit yeah we’ll sit in the back sit in the back maybe try to get on a couple minutes early yeah so that’s cool that’s awesome

    I’m happy about that we’ve never been in the Attic So I’m excited to see it tonight so I feel like this in Studio B only open when they’re having events yeah you can’t like walk through mhm this is the Jazz CL we haven’t actually been in here Che this is called Jazz on

    4 never been in here before let’s check it out I feel like she’s taking a video I don’t want to interrupt it’s really cool in here yeah very like 1920s areco that’s what I mean like there’s so many distinct venues here there’s literally something for everybody yeah um so I think they just

    Have nightly Jazz to the band and stuff comes in here but it’s really pretty yeah I love all the plush and you totally nailed it yeah this is like Jazz Age Gilded Age I mean look at it this is everything here screams mhm uh Art Deco 1920s right it’s

    Really pretty Gat the stage yeah it is very Gatsby it’s pretty though you’re decently comfy yeah yeah should we hide a duck in here sure I don’t know where though I don’t know maybe on that cool teered table that’s behind you perfect superhero doesn’t fit at all all right super

    Her oh perfect like maybe down here sure yeah where were you thinking yeah it’s right with me there he is let’s do it all right and let’s run away that’s what it feels like hiding Ducks superhero you got to run away afterwards it’s really pretty in here I like the colors

    Yeah I was a bigger jazz fan I SP time in here I know right but it’s R out by Studio be in the attic and stuff and then there’s also the lollipop sculpture which Devon likes I love it it’s so cool and I have no idea why I love it so much

    I don’t know it is really cool it’s really sh the red I really like that red that color it’s very shiny it’s pretty it says desire obtain cherish on the St that there is Art be good spot I only have one more that’s the thing do you want to put

    Our last one s a single GD duck on this entire thing I don’t know we right by there a royal theater as well I don’t know we can hide our last one there stop by a room and get more all right okay it’s in my bank green ow duck for some reason it’s

    Green hidden so verify hidden let’s get the hell out of here now Lauren what time is it trivia time I think she’s about to say it too hello hello everybody how you doing what is the collective name for a group of um not great this one’s harder this one does seem harder

    Than the first nights the first couple of nights but that’s the thing right don’t they say that they get harder each night yeah Deon knew this one though the name of a grp of frog that’s question number 10 it’s apparently chorus question number 11 legs spoke back to the times

    Those years did you remember the telet toies oh no I can guess your age right now so the question number 11 is what color is tet toi laala God I can never remember these damn that’s question number 11 what color is toala my friend is like what is that yes la ti winky

    Po I don’t know any of the colors I don’t know any of their names if yellow or green just pick one babe yellow yellow all right that was my gut that was going to be my answer but I don’t know let’s move on question number 14 I

    See room okay now everybody time to check we did very bad today very bad get at least two cor daners five at this point you are already a winner yay then a w no oh no that was part one today let’s go back a little bit five six woo seven [Applause] wo8 nine

    10 n we have three teams tied nine nine nine and a half I didn’t I didn’t make half this time wow three-way tie at nine nine nine that’s a lot of people Pizza it’s a lot of pizza it’s okay they will be working hard so Lauren made a good point even

    Though we got seven out of 15 we only the winning teams only had nine nine nine so this was a really hard one it was a really hard one and apparently everybody bombed uh Viv Vivan the person running the trivia said that yesterday’s winners were sitting in here in the

    Crowd so like even they didn’t get get it yeah they only got nine so we still did very good we did proud where to now babe I don’t know dinner’s not until 6 that’s the next thing that we have so I don’t know maybe just back to our room for a little bit

    All right do it that cuz it’s all we have until let’s we eat we’re on our way down to prominade to get some more water and we’re going to do some Recon on ducks ducks gone ducks duck is gone duck is gone duck has been Beed duck has been

    Claimed did she say fined I said duck has been claimed oh claimed he said fine duck has been fine it’s been found it was lost and then it was found so I mean people are finding our ducks cuz they’re never there when we go back to check

    Them it’s just we don’t see anybody else Hing them yeah there are like no other ducks and I know there’s 420 people in the I think I said this yesterday but there’s 420 people in the in one of the Facebook groups for this for this cruise

    And a bunch of people were saying they were going to hide Ducks we haven’t seen a single F and duck besides the ones we put out come on People okay we are unmik she did say that she was Symphony cuz the the people over there I heard her say you better hurry and I said Symphony she said yes Symphony we think we have Runners yeah we have p we have Port Runners people who are running to get back on the

    Ship we are officially have Runners mhm I think we’re out there 15 almost 20 minutes L but we’re still here because we’re not supposed to leave until 6 we’re unmik so hopefully you can hear us but these people are running to join our ship that’s not well they are probably going to make

    It that’s crazy and there’s a couple more right there I think they’re all part of one group that’s wild so they just made it into the Customs building where they’ll have to like be checked and everything like that that’s crazy that is crazy well maybe they made it in it’s 5:48

    Obviously hope they make it all AB board time was 5:30 come on guys y we to play by the same rules crazy this the first time we’ve ever seen that they’re booking it but the gangways are still down well they had to put him they put

    Him back down when that lady showed back up maybe it was a lost suitcase cuz she’s going back in oh like okay yeah that actually makes a lot of sense don’t know we haven’t seen them pop back out yet to not have your stuff for 3 days only got to go through

    Security there they are oh balloon they’re going to let him on run guys run they made it wow A they’re saying they’re so lucky you can hear them from here they are lucky they’re lucky that this was still down McDonald’s bag hope that’s not why they relate they’re back on there’s the cre wow it’s crazy that’s the latest we ever seen mhm czy Lauren says we’re going to go rope

    Drop Wind Jammer and I appreciate the vernacular yeah that’s the kind of ropes that we like to drop the cruise line Buffet the buffet well I mean that in Disney we do that every time it’s true but uh yeah we’re going to go to Wind Jammer for dinner it’s almost 6:00 it’s

    Um Pub night or Pub British food British pub night they’ll also have normal food oh that’s mean not normal but like like the regular traditional Wind Jammer Fair yeah it’s just yeah all General stuff yeah everyone knows what you mean well hopefully who knows but maybe we can get

    A good spot by the window and we can like watch us oh that would be awesome yeah we can take our time with a little bit and sail away all right so we’re at Wind Jammer today with classic British pump there except for my BL except for the

    Pasta station and a crep station I did promise I’d go back so I have to go back it was a very nice me he was really funny he said that the way the order you should eat your dinner was um dessert first then main course then ice cream

    Which is that was really cute he said his grandma taught him that for 20 years so that’s amazing that’s the this person I know he was really cute he was really trying to push people to get the gra what’d you get so they had a pasta

    Station so I got to like make my pasta and choose what was in it so I got like rotini like Spiral noodles chicken spinach and some garlic it smells really good smells amazing like he steamed the or like boiled the pasta noodles in front of him way and then like used this

    Big pan to like make the the sauce that’s awesome yes but deon’s plate is definitely more Diamond a little more British so uh very in the in the British way it’s very potato based um so I got bangers and mash and then Lauren spotted a potato bar immediately so I couldn’t

    Pass that up yeah I know and then I got my bomb salad was good it’s going to be really fun I’m very excited thank you I just hit a new record for my exercise goal according to my Apple watch reward myself with potatoes with wind jamers It’s windy so we just o Jesus we just left uh Wind Jammer and now we’re walking over to prominade because we’re going to check out a t-shirt sale that’s happening and then we’re going to on air to do some Elton John Name That Tune trivia which sounds really cool but

    We’re walking across the top deck and it is exceptionally windy right now for whatever reason whoa I’ll see you inside so Lauren has uh left me to my own devices in uh the on air Lounge and while she goes back to the two for

    $25 sale the um sorry I got to fix my watch here um so they’re having a two for $25 sale I think we mentioned that before on cruise specific like itinerary specific shirts uh we found one for Barcelona she got one for Barcelona I I got one that

    Just said the Mediterranean C and she as we were walking away she saw this really cool Spain one and I kind of want one like hers that said Barcelona and had the um s Familia so she’s gone back and is looking for that we’re in Name That Tune

    Trivia uh it’s Elton John I believe uh and that’s kind of it I’m excited to see if waren brings anything back we’re in trouble we’re in big trouble we don’t know any of them well we knew one we knew the first one let’s try this again number four one of four R

    Apparently we don’t know out John I think we would have done better at all this it’s fun hearing the music though we’re not going have anything to is over though things have taken a turn it got better got a little better so far who’s got seven out of seven they’re Mak some

    I think we have five six te over there so far if you feel like you got zero out of seven Make some noise cuz you’re not playing [Laughter] sir I think she’s just leaving it on for you I think so I’m fine with [Applause] It all right this one gets emotional okay so let’s move on all right what is number six what you got which one it is all right tell me what it is are you sure you sure you want to change your answer confidence audience what do you think I audience doesn’t even know what

    Do he say it’s correct circle of lives all right so I got some amazing prizes for You okay so we’re here in Studio B for the third night in a row yeah uh so 1977 suddenly popped back up on everybody’s calendar and we had already since we had reservations for it before uh we got our reservation back so we are here uh the

    Set is all new I’ll flip this around to show you um it’s British so that’s fun looks to be Themed very excited to see what we got in store for us Lauren’s uh headed up back up to the room to get a sweater cuz it’s actually decently cold the ship today um we’ll update you uh when the show [Applause] Starts so I don’t know what we just watched I don’t know either what is it is it Pitch Perfect 2 where they start the movie and they’re like doing the tribute to the president or whatever oh yeah and then it is a camera yeah is it

    Film yeah it’s a film camera it is so tiny isn’t it and I suppose you just plug it into your your computer you [Laughter] can start off with so it was Pitch Perfect too right where they’re like right so they’re doing the theatrical thing for theatri thing president but then it’s

    Later in that movie where they come out on stage and they have like twirlers they have lighting stuff they have all these crazy things I feel like that’s what that was right so I guess for context I we just we watched a half hour of 197 like 25 minutes of it it was

    Wacky so I mean it’s very much set up like it’s bad it’s very much set up like The Nutcracker where it was just all of these things give me a second how is it give me a second I’m not criticizing Nutcracker my Pitch Perfect reference was way better right so the Nutcracker

    Has like the Showcase of all the different cultures and stuff yeah so this this attempts to do something similar although through the lens of like this weird Time Heist place L but it’s done very poorly and honestly it just didn’t work it was really bad I really really hated it it

    Was really it didn’t feel like they were highlighting the ice skating at all either the ice skating also didn’t seem at least what we saw maybe gets better didn’t also seem that complex um I mean and not that we know ice skating but it also didn’t seem like they were doing a

    Lot of tricks it was more like choreography like dancing sure it was ice it was ice dancing ice skating yeah like it wasn’t a lot of like tricks which is fine right whatever like I’m all here for choreography but I don’t I don’t know I also like feel like I don’t

    I don’t know we’re not of these cultures but it felt like it should be offensive right that’s what I was felt like I should be offended by it right so yeah I mean that’s kind of what I was I was going to get at as well but it was just

    Stereo times it was so cultural appropriation like it just felt wrong and and you know it’s a very white cast sure I don’t know and I don’t know ice skate 2.0 was just so much better had better way better it had better music it had better choreography way better um it

    I think honestly it had a more talented crew cuz there was a lot of different people from ice skate and this one and there was I recognized a couple of faces but it was mostly it was different it was different people for sure I I feel

    Like the ice skate crew was way more talented and that’s not so well I think they were all very but I just think it was bad yeah it was just bad it just wasn’t good they really bad choreography was bad they were trying so hard to Showcase like

    Technology for some reason and it just wasn’t good but it was badad and I do feel like we should be a by it and we love you’ve seen how much we love ice skating bad I feel like for for wasting our time we should be offended you know as well

    Yeah it just wasn’t good I don’t know maybe we’ll break it down later but we’re going to the attic right now to go see hopefully a really good comedy show with this guy yeah hopefully Jeff and John Maloney it’s still in like 30 minutes but I’d rather wait in here

    Than wait in there but we’ll hang so I’m already a fan of this venue you first look at the attic yeah this is our first time here um it’s cute it’s cute I like it a lot it’s definitely small it kind of reminds me of like a a muppet stage show like

    This is what the stage would look like for a muppet for sure but it is funny like it is smaller and I can see the attic feel yeah it’s interesting well and there’s just a bunch of stuff you know yeah Lam are upside down and stuff

    Like that you throw a bunch of stuff in your attic this yeah I get it remember Lauren what happens to Grandma’s Stays at Grandma’s love it I’m here for it so we got cut off a little bit in talking about our ice skating show and now we’re probably in a really loud

    Venue and you can’t hear us as well um I think just overall yeah that’s really disappointing because we are a huge fan of ice skating shows I mean we saw ice skate 2.0 two times if we had seen this the first night like or whatever if this

    Is the only version we would have seen we would have been so disappointed right I just can’t believe that this is the show the main show that’s on this show yeah I think it was bad it was very bad it was really bad when we the show opens

    Up with the Drone light show which was cool and then it just stops being fun after that well but even then it’s like okay drones how is that that exciting that’s not ice skating it’s unexpected it’s unexpected sure but it has no point the music was weird they had like Harry

    Potter music the dmst string song and head WIS theme they had Mission Impossible they had Wonder Woman Like what were they trying to do also calling the show 1977 you expected to be 1977 you’re expected to be that’s the theme the first 6 seven minutes of it

    Are in 197 1977 London and the rest the rest are in places that have nothing to do with either London or 1977 yeah I don’t know I’m disappointed for sure I think the ice skaters are probably great I don’t think it’s their fault I think whoever picked

    This and said that they had to do a theme choreographed play I think was wrong Weir it was weird why can’t it just be like an ice skating spectacular yeah and I feel like a lot of people were leaving we there was a surprising amount of people leaving I

    Feel like I didn’t see that many people leaving on other nights when we saw this no and this was the only time where I checked my phone multiple times right same I mean it’s the only time I’ve been wondering I I would would like was wondering of like well we should

    Probably go I think at like 8:20 it had been on for 20 minutes and I leaned over to Lauren and I was like I’m good whenever whenever you’re done too just wasn’t it wasn’t good no just disappointing oh well but hopefully the comedian will make life better hope so

    But the comedian’s not until 9 and it’s 8:36 so we have like 20 minutes we also have a very bad track record of comedians on ourc ships we do so I’m hopeful this one’s okay me too the dog anyway I guess we’ll let you know so we’re back back in our

    Room um and we’re going to call it an evening I think so there’s nothing left except for all the parties comic show was fun um yeah it wasn’t fun it’s the funnest like standup that we’ve seen that we’ve seen so far on all the cruises for

    Sure first guy was way funnier than the second guy I might be controversial but I typically I know there are exceptions please don’t me in the comments typically Americans just aren’t as funny as European comedians we do end up like usually preferring the British Comedians and stuff like that I think it’s just

    Probably our sense of humor right I don’t know sure and we accents are fun yeah right they’re magical so that’s cool but it was cool the attic was a nice little venue yeah it was fun to go in there the show was Snappy mhm yeah it was quick for sure especially

    With two comedians that’s kind of nice having two cuz then they each get 20 minutes or so and they weren’t any drunk people heckling anyone which was great no it was fun not bad um yeah they weren’t bad at all good day they have another show like later on in the cruise

    In the theater so that’ll be interesting to try yeah he said it was brand brand new material yeah different or different material yeah um well I don’t know if it’s brand new it could be I was just saying yeah it’s cool it’s give me different um yeah good day in Mars I’m

    Excited to go to Italy tomorrow my first time in Italy that’ll be fun same it’ll be a lot of fun um so stay tuned to our Channel and we’ll see you guys in Italy

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