Ride highlights from the Winter Spring Summer & Autumn of 2023.
    All filmed on my local patch in the Sunderland & Durham area. Lots of sights & sounds “sorry for singing” there are a few surprises & i still reeling from riding in the river wear. The change in leaf cover is most obvious but also the flowers that magically rise up in the most barren winter, then its the bird song & drastic changes in light that show just how amazing the seasons are the varying grip levels can be heard too from that ultra hard pack of winter to the dust of summer, then theirs that treacle mud “UK Rain” the kind that wants to stop you in your tracks, oh not forgetting the snow/ice however brief.

    2023 was mostly a sunny year with a wet & windy autumn. After almost 4 decades i still find new places to ride new sights to see & most importantly I still want to ride here in my fair city.

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