🇫🇷 Surfers, cowboys, and lemurs know these French accents. . . do you? Time to match wits again. How many French accents can you understand?

    How Hard is French to Learn? 👉🏼 https://youtu.be/s3DEvsiW28k

    ✍🏼 ON THE BLOG:
    Prefer reading to watching? We’ve got you covered!
    French Around the World 👉🏼https://bit.ly/frencharoundtheworld

    Interested in teaching English or another language online? Check out my premier language-teaching course 👉🏼 https://bit.ly/teachlanguagesonline

    Discover how to learn any foreign language faster through the power of story with my free StoryLearning® Kit
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    Discover how to learn French faster through the power of story with my free French StoryLearning® pack 👉🏼 https://bit.ly/slfrenchpack

    Stories are the best way I have found to learn French (and the 7 other languages I speak). Forget the boring textbooks and time-wasting apps, and learn the natural, effective way with my French Uncovered courses:
    👉🏼 https://bit.ly/slfrenchcourses

    Many StoryLearning students have found great success combining story-based learning with 1-on-1 speaking practice. We recommend LanguaTalk for finding talented tutors who can help you become more confident.
    Book a free trial with a 5-star tutor here 👉🏼 https://bit.ly/languatalkyt

    Want to dive into some French stories? We’ve got just the books for you!
    👉🏼 https://bit.ly/slfrenchbooks

    0:00 – Intro
    0:18 – #1
    1:39 – #2
    2:44 – #3
    4:19 – #4
    5:52 – #5
    7:11 – #6
    8:27 – #7
    9:46 – #8
    11:00 – #9
    12:09 – #10
    13:31 – #11
    15:12 – #12


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    You might know what French sounds like in Paris or even on Netflix em Cooper but have you heard it in the sand Junes over here or on the beaches over there yes believe it or not the French world does not end at the edge of Europe so

    Here’s a little accent challenge to get you scratching your berries ready let’s Go what a cool guy and no he is not Heidi’s granddad but it’s about as close to French Mountain talk as you can get now this is an interesting area it’s only been French since 1860 before that everyone spoke a different romance language altogether they say things

    Like instead of and it’s very common to hear at the end of questions the pronunciation is influenced by some pretty old Regional dialects there’s an Alpine P that people speak around here and of course this means some interesting words spill over into the local French but there’s more

    Long ago there were a lot of stonemasons living here who invented their own dialect so that no one would steal their Trade Secrets and apparently this even influenced the French so what do you think this is Sound a bit Swiss maybe a bit Italian or was that cow

    B I don’t know but if you ever go hiking in the Alps near the border of Switzerland listen out for the Curious accent of O only place on Earth where this cute little animal lives and the way they speak French is also pretty cute it was watch a French colony but French rule

    Only lasted for about 64 years so they’ve had lots and lots of time to make the language their own which is pretty cool but people are descendants of ancient austronesians from Southeast Asia and banto migrants from Africa so everything here is a blend of French and Indigenous culture they prefer their

    Traditional languages so only about 5 million of them actually speak French the other 18 million speak something else and that something else is what makes their accent different of course they use words and expressions that you will not hear anywhere else so what do you think you going to add these

    To your word list it’s the accent of the world’s fourth biggest island one you know very well Madagascar this all sounds a bit mean but apparently people in this region used to be haunted by a bit of linguistic inferiority complex cuzz not everyone was cool with their accent but

    Guess what this variety is closer to old French than Mainland French that’s right they just became isolated from France for so long and they couldn’t keep up with Paris also most of the immigrants spoke other languages of France and when they got here they picked up words from

    Indigenous people so if you think it sounds dramatically different well it is one thing for certain it is not easy to imitate the accent is known for its Rhythm and strange sounds not that French sounds were ever easy to copy they have some fun Expressions see if

    You recognize this one my blonde it literally means my blonde but then to them it means my girlfriend and I kid you not they brought this one all the way from the 17 century their equivalent of is and they like to say things like a instead of Al but to me the

    Biggest giveaway is was of vows and if that’s not a clue well I don’t know what is so what’s the accent it is called lenion French and they speak it in Quebec now things are about to warm up so you can take off those winter gloves and exercise those fingers a

    Little bit especially if you don’t want to miss my next action video it’s going to be a good one it’s a gorgeous island with a crazy history full of cannibals and colonizers slavery Pirates and wars and a monster volcano that destroyed an entire town except for that one guy locked in a

    Prison cell and then he became French and now almost everyone speaks French but the accent stood no chance after leaving France there were way too many other things going on here African language is Caribbean Indian languages Spanish English throw French in the pot and what do you get you get a creole

    Obviously but you also get one of the kind French dialect with its own special words and phrases one thing they often leave out is the r sounds in words so me sounds more like me they can have a lovely way of putting things like the way they refer to France

    The other side of the water which it is so how far across the water are we exactly well when Christopher Columbus stopped by fatig in 1502 the island had three different names depending on who he asked these guys called it island of iguanas and these guys called it island

    Of flowers or island of women if you know exactly where this is I’m very impressed it’s one of the West Indies Islands Martin the singing accent it’s impossible not to fall in love with this one it’s strong and warm melodic and rhythmic people with this accent speak quickly

    And use a lot of sound effects and if you want to give someone a hug you can say but they say that the old way of speaking is Disappearing what do you think guys they pronounce all of their syllables it’s quite an Italian thing to do so baguette sounds like B and they add a kind of G sound to nasal vowel so V is pronounced more like Vang and sounds more like pain of clues for you it is the lovely

    Accent of the oldest city in France Mar if you hear people switching between two languages here don’t worry it is normal they have plenty of languages and dialects even their capital city has its own version of French full of words from other languages anything familiar here

    They even have their own way of saying see you soon but there’s one thing a Frenchman would never do if you were to fit rise in just add the words in to the end of everything hear that or you could say it’s like saying come once here in

    English it sounds a bit strange but they borrowed it from a regional language that does the same thing I mean even the grammar can look more Dutch than French that’s right I said Dutch so where are we right that’s enough outrageous clues for you it is of course a Belgian French

    Accent if it was too easy don’t worry the impossible one is coming well I don’t think the laid-back life gets any better than this but son of us you know never grew up in surfing Paradise in the old days a dynasty of Kings ruled them and they still love

    Their mythology tattoos dancing and fishing and any excuse to play in the water is a good one of course one day French came along and now French is their only official language but they still have a very beautiful traditional language that naturally influences their accent and it sounds super cool

    Their French is usually less formal than in France and you often hear indigenous words for example they say n instead of or they’ll use an old French word like B for bike if you want to recognize it just learn a few traditional phrases and listen out for rolled I just notice how fast they speak too just like their music come on guys you know this aha it is Tahiti and you’re welcome get ready to be surprised cuz this ain’t your average French dude [Applause] I didn’t know there were French Cowboys did you well if you heard the word

    Mexican in there that was a clue French in this place has a strong influence from Spanish African and Native American languages especially these people explorers and Colonists came here from Europe and Canada and French was the dominant language for many generations so you had all these different cultures

    Learning French and then even more immigrants joined them Spanish German English refugees arrived from Haiti you had Creoles mixing with Creoles and all these different people ended up here and influenced the French language the crazy part is even now French lives side by side with different versions of Creole and some people speak

    Both so how have they managed to keep them separate I don’t know but maybe the strangest thing of all is the archaic words they have that France last used in old French well there’s no mistaking it this is Louisiana fr Now just to remind you that France itself does have dramatically different cultures and there’s an accent you will have a tough time with when you hear it it sounds like French suddenly changed its tune and very strong and confusing s sounds like sh and just try and keeping up with this guy Well everyone knows it’s a hard one to understand French people included but I’m cheating a bit because technically it’s a dialect of Pika which is very close to French but France only recognizes French so next time you’re in the north ad region there’s a good chance you’ll hear people speaking

    French but throwing in P expressions like this one it’s called T and comes from the World War I era people used to call each other chimi and I guess it’s stuck but be warned don’t go using these expressions in the South why just don’t it was going to be quick so think

    Fast there are four countries where French speakers have this accent and of course they’re not identical to each other but they have one big thing in common see how quickly you can figure it out there’s a significant Berber population in the area so lots of influence from Arabic and Berber

    Languages they do speak these other languages a lot of the time so the thing that pushes French is the media and education systems accent got a huge dose of mrei Arabic and you’ll hear it in well the mreb French countries right right here Arabic accents are cool too but that is

    A story for another day and speaking of stories we’re on a mission here to help you learn a new language like French Fast And The Magical way we do this is with stories that uncover the world around you you see you remember French words more easily when you’re engrossed

    In a story and the language just makes sense to your brain naturally I want you to get a glimpse into this fantastic method so I’m leaving something cool in the description below it’s completely free it’s called the story learning kit so when you’re done guessing French

    Accents go grab yours and figure out how to learn French fast with Stories it is a tiny island with volcanoes waterfalls beaches dodos and Pirates okay the doos and Pirates went extinct a long time ago but anyway almost everyone speaks at least three languages French English and creole when they aren’t speaking Tamil or haaka or any of these and among the palm trees

    You won’t hear only one French Accent never give up the locals mostly descend from India France China the UK and another Island that I can’t tell you or you will get it straight away but it all makes for a very interesting Blended Culture what’s fascinating about this island is it had no indigenous people when it was first discovered by Arabs none the first people to map it were Portuguese and the first people to live here were Dutch so how it ended up is a story I need to investigate I

    Think have you guessed where we are yet here we go is the delightful French accent of morius if you know the island tell us in the comments if you got it I hope his bar doesn’t give him away these beautiful lyrical sounds tell you he’s from somewhere in the French

    Southwest but he has a very specific accent and it’s not from Spanish either if you know what this means you might get it these rural people are French speakers who live very close to Spain but here’s the thing there’s a very ancient culture straddling the France Spain border it exists only here and

    They speak what’s probably the most mysterious language on Earth they’re fluent French speakers too and their accent sounds very pretty and very melodious we are in the beautiful Basque mountains French people living close to the Basque Community pick up specific words and sound patterns from them and

    End up with their own special kind of Basque accent and if I haven’t mentioned your special accent in this video forgive me but you probably speak too be L you should look out for it in my other French videos meanwhile I have a feeling you’re going to love the next one which

    Is right over here


    1. Très intéressant cette vidéo ❤ il m'a semblé que parfois les extrait vidéos étaient "en dessous" par rapport aux accents mais globalement je crois que tu n'as rien oublié !
      Ma grand mère était allemande et j'avais beau apprendre l'allemand à l'école française, je ne comprenais pas du tout son dialecte 😅 c'était assez frustrant!

    2. It is not specific to French. If you take English or Spanish you also have MANY accents, words and variations. Even German. German of Germany and German of Switzerland are almost two different languages even though the countries are very close to each other.

    3. I'm in the heart of "Cajun" country and I had little trouble understanding any of these accents. It's more the speed at which the speakers speak rather than the accent that causes any problems for me.

    4. I’ve learned a lot about my language and you’re right for most of it but I dislike how you put it all together. For example, many accents and cultures use the same words like « bicyclette » or « à tantôt ». But you associate it with just one culture which is so wrong.

    5. I'm a French speaking Belgian and almost all the info he gave out on Belgium and its variety of French is wrong or irrelevant.
      That lady speaking "Belgian French" has almost no accent, worst pick ever! He could clearly have found a better example. Plus, we are not "mixing" languages and Dutch is not our "regional language": French and Dutch (and German) have the exact same status in our country 😊 In fact, more people speak Dutch than French, proportionally.
      I could also criticise the part of "Français chantant", which no one on Earth calls it that way.

      I understand that he needs to simplify the video for everyone to understand, but damn a good portion of it is wrongly done. That's a shame, because this channel is generally pretty interesting.

    6. Québec ici et nos accents ne sont pas comme vous l’avez décris vous n’avez pris que des moqueries et de fausses imitations il aurait fallu prendre de vrai québécois

    7. Little know that within France itself hundreds of different languages or dialects were spoken. It took long and sometimes even coercition to standardize the language when king Francis Ist decided to replace Latin with "French" as an official language.

    8. french cowboys are actually a thing in the center south in camargue, they're called Gardians and are parts of a manade which herds bulls and wild horses in the marshes

    9. Merci pour tes explications. Thank you for your crystal-clear English accent as well. Certains exemples donnés ne sont pas spécifiques à l'endroit cité et certaines expressions existaient ou existent encore en français " hexagonal " comme par exemple " asteur / à cette heure " pour dire maintenant. Par ailleurs, " quoi " en fin de phrase qui n'est qu'une forme de ponctuation. Anyway, you've a jolly good job. Well done!

    10. As a Canadian who grew up learning Quebecois I always think of bicycle as bicyclette, but today I learned that's an old fashioned word… I know Canadian French is different, I did not realize we used old words though.

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