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    A little Inspiration one day when the war is won Victory will be yours Victory is going to be yours it’ll be yours one day when the kingdom comes it’ll be All it’ll [Laughter] be it’s a long way up long way up and a short way down just don’t let nobody come and take your crown take your crown trying to make it through the system but the doors are locked the most high got you covered you’re going to rise to the top

    You’re going to rise y’all this battle will bring Victory on with the greatest book in history check up your great it’s the Myst yeah yeah you know this battle has just begun batt just your hated by everyone All Nation The Chosen son yeah yeah yeah this song is such an inspiration we

    Get the kingdom though there’s much tribulation every day I set my prayers up I even read where yahwah said he raised us up he gave Abraham the covenants on the shoulders of Christ will rest the governments the forces the Nations got to bring to me The World Is Ours are gates open

    Continually praise yahwah cuz he gave us life and sacrific the W as you could re with Christ yes true the father made us Sons to get a crow and endure until the Savior comes in the sight of God no man is Justified to be approved I read that

    Gold must be tried in the end with the greatest folks in history malach sing to them about our Victory battle willing Victory we going get the victory greatest book in history the greatest it’s my mysty yeah yeah you know this battle has just begun battle has just Beg by everyone but

    Remember you’re Theos Son we give all praise honor and glory to the most high God yahwah for giving Abraham Isaac and Jacob the covenants and for choosing our nation we appreciate that hope this song inspired You Before I ever knew you knew Me you chose Me before I ever knew my purpose you molded me Looking at my past in discretion I’m thinking I’m dirty I’m so dirty broken pieces some I’m Missing yes saying I’m worthy I’m still Worthy on my everyday survival living my life in captivity I was not prepared for what came next my judgments is this life worth it before I ever knew you knew Me you chose Me before I ever knew my Purpose you molded me at first I didn’t understand why you love me I should have been dead bullets in my head how many times will I defy you but you still call my name you still call me Crea in me a clean heart oh yeah if I deserve it fix what is bro Release what I’m holding cuz my life was hopeless yes it was but your love’s been my focus it’s so Perfect know me you chose me Before I ever knew my purpose you molding me cuz you love me you save me you more in me it’s you show Me All right all right all right all right giving all praise honor and glory to the most high God yahwah and of course I do so in the name of his only begotten son yahawashi who the world C Jesus Christ I want to say peace and blessings to all the brothers

    And sisters that are in attendance uh everybody knows what tonight is I I don’t have to tell you everyone already knows what tonight is you don’t need me to tell you right so as usual as the teachers in Israel you know we have a job to do right that’s to come before

    The people not necessarily that everyone is gonna watch the video today some people watch it today some will watch it tomorrow and some people will stumble across this video in the future so it’s like a time stamp in history you know you never know when you’re gonna somebody’s gonna you know come on

    YouTube looking for one thing and they find something else so we’re going to run it down you know again like I told you guys uh yesterday and like I told my Academy this afternoon some things are just repetition repetition is always good to confirm understanding so we’re

    Going to run this whole New Year’s thing down we’re going to run it down really quickly and we’re not going to be before you too long if it be the most High’s will all right you know I got I always tell you guys I’m gonna try not to be

    Longwinded and sometimes I am I think I got through Christmas in about two hours so we’re GNA see how I do on this one right here okay with that being said I see El Elders Z just came in so shal what’s going on hey shalawam King

    Shalawam I’m here man all praise to the most high go ahead you got it yeah yeah so without further Ado brothers and sisters it’s 8 o’clock Eastern Standard time so I’m just going to run this down I’m not going to be before you brothers and sisters very long uh so you guys can

    Go back to doing what you’re doing for those of y’all that are here live with us right now so I’m going to get and open up the PowerPoint and we are going to get started all right okay so for anyone that doesn’t know by now January 1 is just as

    Pagan as Christmas in terms of it being celebrated as the new year that’s not by happen stance that’s on purpose for a lot of reasons some of which we’re going to touch on in this PowerPoint this evening so what you guys are looking at is the god Janice the god of endings and

    Beginnings right he is the patron God of Rome that represented the month of January or the so-called New Years all right so let’s go ahead and let’s go to the next slide now how many people know what Freedom’s Eve is that’s where you get the whole idea

    Of watch night what is that right so let’s just pretend that nobody in attendance knows and we’re all going to learn what Freedom’s Eve is together all right one second give me one second guys that PowerPoint is a little bit out of order I kind of want to

    Uh change the order of the slides just a little Bit okay put that right there okay good here we go okay so let’s go let’s watch this video and we can see what is Freedom’s Eve what is that and why is it important let’s go and I’m going to give some commentary as we watch the video

    Together let’s go and elab of course if you have anything you want to say you can always jump in as well real quick all right the volume comes up slow guys so just pay attention it’s coming Now on the night of December 31st 8 1862 as America was in the midst of a civil war blacks who had freedom living in the United States gathered at churches or other safe places while thousands of their enslaved black sisters and brothers stood knelt and prayed on plantations and other

    Slaveholding sites in America all for the same purpose they waited anxiously for President Abraham Lincoln to sign the Emancipation Proclamation into law so now we got to stop right there so the purpose of them meeting at these churches on December 31st was not because they were celebrating the new year that’s not why

    They were meeting at the church they were meeting at these churches and other meeting places to celebrate or to await Abraham Lincoln signing the Emancipation Proclamation that’s how this custom of so-called watch Night Service so Freedom’s Eve started how many churches are teaching their congregations that when they’re meeting in church

    Tonight for watch Night Service of freedoms Eve they’re not telling the congregation members this especially not the black ones they’re not let’s keep going this act began the tradition of watch Night Service among the black community in America it symbolizes the historical fact that on September 22nd 1862 President Abraham Lincoln signed

    The Emancipation Proclamation a document which legally recognized that the Civil War was fought for slavery and the end result brought an end to over 300 years of human bondage in the United States unfortunately this ritual would not be known or practiced by the slaves of Texas for another 2 and a half years

    As southern slave owners struggled desperately to maintain their standard of living they continued on in open Defiance of federal law until June 19th 1865 when Union Major General Gordon Granger arrived on the island of galvaston Texas to take command of more than 2,000 federal troops who had

    Recently arrived in Texas T to enforce the emancipation of its slaves and oversee a peaceful transition of power so juneth is related to December 31st not because of any other reason than slavery and the so-called end of slavery or at least chadow slavery via the Emancipation Proclamation that’s why

    These blacks were meeting in these churches and other places it was one of the few safe places where they could meet and white people really didn’t have a problem because at the end of the day they still were worshiping white jesus so they really didn’t mind that it had

    Nothing to do with celebrating New Years whatsoever but these black churches don’t teach their congregations that though let’s keep going additionally nullifying all laws passed within Texas during the war by Confederate Lawmakers it might surprise you that long before it was known as a watch Night Service black congregation especially those in the South already had a tradition of gathering on New Year’s Eve prior to the Emancipation Proclamation listen to this guys even prior to the Emancipation Proclamation black people would Gather

    In church on December 31st every single year but why listen according to valdasta State University history Professor Dr David Williams blacks offic met on New Year’s Eve because New Year’s Day for many black people in the slave era South was known as heartbreak day so it was known as heartbreak

    Day it was known as heartbreak day why let’s keep going New Year’s day was often the day when slave holders Soul slaves when families parents and children husband and wives were separated permanently slaves gathered on New Year’s Eve because that may have been the last time many families had the opportunity to be

    Together so we don’t have to watch the whole video you guys get the point December 31st the tradition in America at least was celebrated by black people every single year as heartbreak day because in the beginning of the year in January a lot of the slave masters would

    Sell off their relatives so forth and so on and that was probably the last time many of them would see each other then the tradition continued on because Abraham Lincoln had signed the Emancipation Proclamation and December 31st was now the day before the proclamation actually went into effect

    So they met in the churches to commemorate that where do we see that they got together to watch the dag on ball drop drop confetti in the church and have a party we don’t see that but that’s what the churches are doing right now let’s go to the next slide

    That’s why they were meeting in the 1800s on December 31st in church why are they do what are they doing now well let’s watch together coming in Jesus name in the name of Jesus well it’s two minutes to a new year so I want you for one minute to

    Just begin to magnify God and then we we use the last minute to do a countdown come on begin to Magnify Him come on begin to magnify the Lord so no teaching no history lesson no this is the reason why our ancestors gathered on December 31st none of that just rhetoric

    Entertainment and Feelgood BS that’s all it is period that’s all it is let’s keep going Al and Omega the beginning and the end who will not serve a God Like This he’s bigger than the biggest he’s greater than the greatest he’s mightier than the migh if you were to ask any of these

    People on the stage anything about that history they couldn’t tell you theer he’s deliverer he’s our salvation our joy our healer for Al be for bread of life she Christ so now he’s up there saying his alphabets but he ain’t teaching the people Nothing let’s go for God Jes in Jesus name in the name of Jesus I want you to begin to give God a big cl cl see that’s what our people like they like that [Applause]

    Boy you get some good music you get some good songs you get the pyrot Technics at the back you get all that good stuff but you don’t learn nothing you don’t learn Nothing all right let’s count 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and after all of that you leave the church just as ignorant as you came in not even knowing what the custom was was was created for to begin with that’s the sad part and these are the people that will come to camp and argue with us let’s go to the next

    Slide and and there’s this too first thing you guys should notice in this video they got all the Pagan symbolism of Christmas up on the walls the reads and everything else if you asked anybody in this church where the custom of these reads come from they couldn’t tell you

    Don’t look like they learning nothing about that History either huh all they getting the concert boy your boy got some lyrics he got some you got some you got some lyrics We got some raps but you ain’t learning nothing why spend a bag at the club you know

    Because New Year’s Eve everybody knows when you was in the world New Year’s Eve you go to the club especially the women get in free the women get it free but the men everybody charge you $100 to get in that night the bouncer the club might

    Be charging 50 and the bouncers put an extra 50 on top of that man to make some money for themselves since they have to work why go there when you get a free concert at church the same thing but you ain’t learning nothing Uhhuh same thing you see in the clubs what’s the difference same thing you see in Tom Square what’s the difference you guys get the idea and they leave out of there just as ignorant as they came in you ask any of these black people about that history of Freedom’s Eve and watch

    Night and heartbreak Eve they couldn’t tell you anything but they’ll sure as hell come to the camp and argue with us and curse us out and tell us we don’t know what we talking about this is the condition of our people this is what we’re up against so really quickly I went to

    Dictionary.com so that we can all see together that the custom of celebrating New years’s is a new thing because even going back to ancient Rome you guys can see that on the ancient Roman Calendar the 10th month was December see the origin of December it says the 10th

    Month of the early Roman year apparently death which is the uh the root word or the prefix for 10 it’s the 10th month not the 12th month let’s go to the next slide now the custom of the day starting at midnight comes from Rome see what these people in these churches don’t

    Realize let’s take it from the beginning from the Inception you had the Roman Catholic church right then you had the Breakaway during the time of the Protestant Reformation where you had a lot of uh people that left the Roman Catholic church but they took the Roman Catholic Church is dogma

    And Doctrine for the most part with them on the way out the door including this the Church of England as I’ve gone over over before Henry I when he broke off from the Roman Catholic church because he wanted to divorce his wife and the pope said no he started his own

    Church called The Church of England but he took that Doctrine with him so in essence really if you’re celebrating New Year’s Eve at 12 midnight on December 31st you are just following what ancient Rome was doing whether you realize it or not because the origin of a day starting at midnight

    Comes from Rome so this is a book that we have here called Roman Antiquities or an account of the manners and customs of the Romans and we are on page number 332 we don’t have much reading to do here the day among the Romans was either civil or

    Natural the Civil day which is Dice civilus was from Midnight to midnight so the Romans celebrated the day from Midnight to midnight that’s where America gets it from because America’s Rome all over again so you’re following behind ancient Roman custom and practices whether you realize it or not especially if you’re in a

    Church but try telling one of these Christians that they ain’t trying to hear it they don’t care they saved and Sanctified that’s all they know they don’t need to know anything crazy we were all there we should give the most high all praise and honor that the most high brought us out

    Of these things you know that we had a mind to actually listen when the truth was presented to us and when we saw that it was the truth and it was undeniable the most high brought us in all praise to the most high for that because many

    Many people have desired to see the things which we see they can’t see it and it’s right in front of them that’s the sad part let’s go on to next because these these books if I could find it anybody could find it if you’re looking

    For it if you’re seeking it let’s go to the next slide so more proof besides the fact that America starts its day at midnight like ancient Rome of course you know the architecture is also proof that America follow was behind ancient Rome right you have the Lincoln Memorial excuse me the Washington

    Monument right here I mean yeah the Lincoln Memorial soaka right and you guys can see the Roman architecture and the way it’s built and of course you have ancient Roman you can see the way it’s built it’s literally built the same way as ancient Rome right more proof

    Again that America’s ancient Rome as well is the names of our months so as you guys could see the names of our months January is from Jarius February is from excuse me Jan January is from Janice Roman god February is from febu Roman god Mars is mar March aphrodites April so forth and

    So on Juno is June July is named after Julius Caesar August is named after Augustus Caesar right and then September the root word is seven October the root word is eight like OCT a stop sign that’s a eight-sided thing right you have November that’s the ninth month

    In in Spanish or in the Latin you say no that’s nine and then the root word for December is Desi which is 10 like a decimal point so even the words themselves show you that America is pattering itself after Rome that’s what they’re doing and if they’re pattering

    Themselves after Rome we just saw let’s go back a little bit let’s re let’s refresh our memory we just saw according to the dictionary where is it that December is the 10th month it’s only the 10th month which would make January really month 11 and February month 12 and then around

    March early April that’s when the new year comes in the calendar itself teaches you that furthermore if you look at your legal terms that they use in court these legal terms all go back to ancient Rome that’s the reason why a lot of people when they go to court they’re at a loss

    What the courts is actually talking about the terms that are actually being used right like the color white in legal terms is not the same as the color white in layman’s terms so forth and so on right so you don’t even know what these words actually mean because there’s a

    Legal meaning or legal ease and a lot of those words go back to ancient Rome the judge sits on a bench right the bench in Latin is the name bankco right because the judges actually work for the banks that’s why they adjudicate all these fines and penalties on people when you

    Go to court for minor things why because the judges really work for the banks they bring you to court for not completely coming to a stop at a stop sign assign you a $100 ticket and you go to court for that $100 ticket and you

    Got to pay it if you know if you go to fight you got to pay it right and that money is going to the to the government to the municipality that’s what’s happening because these judges work for the banks but it’s all encoded in the word let’s move on to the next

    Thing this is an image of Zeus enthone did you guys know that there’s also a monument for George Washington George Washington in Throne do you guys see that right there George Washington enthroned and Zeus enthroned because America is pattering itself after the Roman Empire it’s an Open Secret meaning most

    People don’t know but they’re not hiding it you just have to know a little bit about history so you’re celebrating your New Year’s Eve and everything else around you in the society is all based on Ancient Rome if you did a little bit of studying

    You would know that let’s go to the next slide guess who else sits like that baffet baet sitting just like George Washington and just like Zeus let’s go to the next slide so who is the Roman god Janice who the month of January was named after Janice is the god of Beginnings

    Gates transitions and time another name for Janice because a lot of these deities depending on what Society you guys go to they have different names but they’re all the same deity just remix depending on what region of the world that you’re in and all these deities go back to ancient

    Egypt and furthermore to ancient Babylon so Janis being the god of time is another name for Janice would be Kronos right maybe Kronos Kronos is the god of time same God just a different name let’s go to the next slide now let’s get into the history of Janice real Quick Janus is a d of Roman mythology the son of Apollo According to some versions Janus was born in talian region in Greece but left for the region of Lazio located in current Italy there he was welcomed by the mythical King Kess with whom he divided the power Janus

    Edified several cities and according to some Roman mths Janus welcomed the God Saturn after his banishment from Greece by the hands of we got to stop it right there let’s go back we missed something watch listen again some Roman Janice welcome the God Saturn after Janice welcome the God

    Saturn that’s going to be important later on in the PowerPoint Janice welcome welome to God Saturn don’t think that Christmas alone is Saturn worship no Christmas is a part of Saturn worship but watch this New Year’s Eve and New Year’s on January 1 is also Saturn worship it wasn’t one day

    It was a an extended period of time let’s go from by the hands of Jupiter Saturn would be the equivalent of the Titan cronis of Greek mythology and as a form of gratitude for being welcomed the old God began the Golden Era of mankind during this period men started to live

    In a world of extreme happiness and abundance cronis also blessed Janus giving him the power to know the past and the future Janus was the deity accountable for teaching men how to use boats and also introduced them to coins after the end of his life among the men

    Janus became a deity as a God he would be the deity responsible for protecting doors and Gates this God was depicted with two faces and had a key in his hands when he opens the door the god unleashes a new cycle and this can be a new cycle of harvest so

    When he opens the door he unleashes a new cycle he’s the god of beginnings and ends and times and so forth and so on and that’s the reason why they put the new year around this time it’s all calculated the powers that be of the society they know these these ancient

    Histories right and so they pattern their society after these ancient histories because these are the deities that they actually worship and venerate that’s what they do and they pray on the ignorance of the people that the people will never go back and there how many people outside of people that go to

    Colleges and universities sit down and actually read books or read watch videos about ancient history to try to really understand what ancient history was about not many outside this truth we do it because we’re in the truth so we want to know but outside this truth people that don’t aren’t

    Going to college they’re not trying to learn this stuff so they’re not worried about that the people will never know it’s an Open Secret let’s go to the next slide so as we went over before these are the meanings of the months this is what they actually mean

    All right we went over that a little bit earlier we don’t have to continue doing that all right now September is seven that’s what it is okay it says this is from dictionary.com it says according to the original Roman Republic calendar September was the seventh month of the year rather than

    The ninth month as we have it today the Roman Calendar was only 10 months let’s go to the next one October 8 October was a October was the eth month of the year rather than the ninth month like we have it on our calendar today November November meaning nine November

    Was the ninth month on the Roman Calendar not the 10th month like we have it today and as we know already December was the 10th month the word December means 10 so why do they have December on our calar at this time in this Society being

    The 12th month of the year because they got the people fooled they want you to celebrate New Years at a particular time because it’s during the time of saturnalia not just the December 25th but this entire cycle is the worship of Saturn and they know it and that’s the

    Reason why they have it at this time of the year Saturn worship right how many people know about the calendar reform Act of 1582 have you guys ever heard of that before the calendar Reform Act of 1582 so prior to 1582 we operated under What’s called the Julian calendar that’s what most people

    Operated under but the calendar was reformed in 1582 by Pope Gregory the 13 he’s the one that reformed calendar let’s go to the next slide so let’s go ahead and let’s watch this video about a little history on that in case it’s new to you let’s Go have you ever wondered why we celebrate New Year on January 1st well it wasn’t always so there’s been a lot of toing and frowing over the past 2,000 years before this dat was Consolidated welcome to intrigued mind where today we will go back in time to discover why

    January 1st is the day that we celebr celebrate the coming of a brand new year the earliest recorded celebrations of new years were made by the Babylonians in around 2,000 BCE these ancient people held a festival that went on for several days in honor of The Rebirth of the

    Natural world they called it U and it took place at the beginning of Spring by the time of so in the ancient world so in the ancient world in the ancient world the the Babylonians they actually uh worshiped the New Years in the spring they worship the New Years in the spring

    Okay one second y’all one second so that’s how it started out that’s how it started out right let’s continue Rome’s legendary founder Romulus the Romans had developed their own calendar based on the phases of the Moon it is believed that the Romans developed their lunar calendar using

    Knowledge that came to them from the Babylonians and the Greeks however this 305 day long calendar which was based on the 10-month long phases of the moon did not match with the solar year 365 days ran closer to 12 months at this point in time the Romans celebrated New Year

    During the vernal equinox which is one of the two days each year when day and night are of the same length and generally Falls around March 20th in the northern hemisphere enter Numa pompilus who according to Legend reigned from 7:15 to 673 BCE as the second king of

    Rome after Romulus it is Numa pompilus Who is credited with the establishment of a fixed calendar this calendar used C which was the first day of the month and is where we get the word calendar from nonis which was the ninth day before the eyes of each month and I which was the

    Day that fell roughly in the middle of each month the leftover months that had not previously been accounted for in the old calendar were simply known as winter and the calendar year commenced in March which coincided with the start of spring Numa pompilus added two extra months so

    That the length of the calendar now matched the length of a solar year the first month was named Jus after the Roman god of time transitions beginnings and endings the second month was named februari as in reference to the purification ritual that the Romans undertook on the 15th of February each

    Year thus the calend was the first day of January which was the first month so it made sense that the first day of the new year was on January 1st this concept which was Loosely adhered to in Rome was Consolidated in the year 153 BC when

    January 1st was chosen as the day on which the new consuls of Rome were inaugurated this was during the years of the Roman Republic when the position of Consul was the highest ranking political office in Rome so it was an important day for the Romans by the time 46 BCE

    Rolled around there was a new sheriff in town so to speak just don’t mention the eyes of March and Julius Caesar was the head of the Roman Empire Caesar worked with Greek mathematicians to fix an error in the calendar there were were too many leap years so these were

    Reduced to one every four years to use up the leftover time from the 365 days that made up one year which was 025 days after this amendment it took 455 days to get things back on track but they got there in the end January 1st was still

    Considered the new year and with the expansion of the Roman Empire this custom was adopted throughout Caesar’s vast lands so a lot of the Nations follow behind the Romans in celebrating January 1st as the new year so remember it’s started off in the ancient Babylonian Empire all the way back going

    Back to the beginning their new year was because the Babylonians were the first major civilization After the flood right when you go back and you read Genesis chapter 10 and Genesis chap 11 they were the first civilizations to spring up and become great After the flood right and

    They celebrated New Year in the spring by the time we come now down thousands of years later the Romans are celebrating the new year January the 1 and when their empire expanded a lot of Nations started following behind them once the Roman Empire collapsed and Christianity took hold throughout Europe

    From the 4th Century CE onwards the custom of welcoming the beginning of a new year on January 1st was cast aside in favor of a date that was sacred to this new religion March 25th the day of the anunciation so now what happened was once the Roman Empire fell right a lot

    Of a lot of European countries started celebrating the new years’s in the springtime again that’s what they started doing right let’s go with the Archangel Gabriel appeared before the Virgin Mary to tell her of the Immaculate Conception indeed the lurgical calendar was now the most important calendar to Christians January

    1st was not an important feast day for this religion so they did not Mark the coming of the new year with this date this lurgical calendar was predominant throughout Europe in the early medieval period in terms of special days used alongside the Julian calendar to Mark

    The passage of one year it was not until the year 1582 that the pope at the time Pope Gregory VII decided that the Julian calendar needed an overhaul up to this point the number of leap days in the Julian calendar was still causing problems especially at Easter time which

    Was supposed to fall on the Sunday after the first full moon that’s why yahawashi has to come and restore things that’s why we always tell yall Brothers don’t really get caught up on when you see people with like you know holy days they might be a couple of

    Days apart depending on what camp it is don’t really get caught up in that stuff because Christ got to come back and put all this stuff in order because the Calendar’s been out of order since Esau has been ruling it’s been a yo-yo effect Back in Forth with them moving the New

    Year from the spring to the winter to the spring to the winter so forth and so on moving from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar it’s just been a lot of confusion so yahawashi has to come and restore all these things we just have to keep the Commandments to

    The best of our ability and try to track the holy days to the best of our ability that’s the best we can do let’s go to the veral equin incidentally this was the same time that the ancient Babylonians celebrated a the Festival of rebirth just as Easter is the time of Jesus’s resurrection

    Christianity always tried to match their important times of the year with Pagan celebrations to make the transition from paganism to Christianity more appealing but that is a story for another video back to Pope Gregory he had his calendar printed and issued in a pole bow which

    Meant it was canon law and therefore had to be adhered to this P bull stated that January 1st was once began to be considered the first day of the new year and it listed all of the feast days in the Christian now Catholic calendar in order from January 1st up until December

    31st however by this point in time the Catholic church was not the only Christian superpower in town Italy Spain and Portugal had no problems getting on board with Pope Gregory’s new calendar but Protestant countries shered the use of the Gregorian calendar because why should they adhere to something issued

    By a Catholic pope so the Protestant countries of Europe Britain and the British colonies stuck with the Julian calendar incidentally even today the Eastern Orthodox Church still uses the Julian calendar finally in the year 1751 the new style act calendar was issued in Britain which declared that New Year’s

    Day would be celebrated on January 1st this calendar was an act of the British Parliament Lord Chesterfield was The Man Behind it and he had the good sense to see that it was time for Britain and the British Empire to adopt the Gregorian calendar in other words he was a puppet

    For the Roman Catholic Church is what he was crap as P bull stated that getting on board a New Year’s Day would be celebrated on January 1st this calendar was an act of the British Parliament Lord Chesterfield was The Man Behind it and he had the good sense to see that it

    Was time for Britain and the British Empire to adopt the Gregorian calendar this calendar was also known as the Chesterfield act or the British calendar Act of 1751 it was declared that this act was for regulating the commencement of the year and for correcting the calendar now in use the new style act

    Calendar Chang changed the start of the legal year from March 25th to January 1st so you guys could see we ain’t got to watch the whole video so I guess you guys could see uh the yo-yo effect is what I wanted you guys to see how the

    New year has kept bouncing back and forth throughout Antiquity we know it should begin in the spring the Earth itself shows you it should begin in the spring but of course the Bible tells us the white man would change times and laws and that’s what he that’s what he’s

    Done let’s go to the next slide did you know that okay now I’m in the zandan Bible dictionary and we are looking up the month abib right zandan Illustrated Bible dictionary we’re going to look up the month abib right it says abib means ear or grain it’s the name of the first month

    Of the Hebrew calendar this is important because the Bible is a Hebrew document every prophet of God that was sent to the children of Israel from Moses all the way to the last book that was written by John the Revelator on the island of Patmos they were all

    Israelites so they were all observing the New Year in the spring in the month of Abid so the question would B if the Christian church is based on the Bible and the prophets and the word of God why would your new year be December 31st and not in the month of

    Abib like the Bible like the prophets like the children of Israel why not that’s the question let’s go to the next slide what is an April Fool you guys have heard of that before April Fool in the world a lot of people celebrated April fools did April Fool’s

    Jo so forth and so on but there’s a deeper history to April fools than what you think let’s go to the next slide April Fool’s day’s origin and it’s important watch this today on the daily dose the history of April Fool’s Day while the exact origins of April

    Fool’s Day remain shrouded in debate some historians have speculated that April Fool’s Day dates back to 1582 when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar as mandated by the Council of Trent in 1563 since the Julian calendar places the new year on April 1st people who

    Were slow to get the news or failed to recognize that the new year at moved to January 1st became the butt of jokes and hoaxes when dards continued to celebrate New years’s on April 1 see we would we were Tau his children it was just for pranks haha April fools

    No there’s a history behind that if you were still celebrating after the Roman Catholic Church in France move the New Year’s back to January 1 the people that did not go along with it and stayed celebrating the New Year in the spring like it’s supposed to be you were called

    An April Fool that’s where that’s the issue that’s where it comes from Frenchmen in the know would place a paper fish on the back of ignorant revelers calling them plon deil or April fish other historians have linked April Fool’s Day to ancient Roman festivals such as Hilaria which is Latin for

    Joyful when people trust up in disguises and mock both average citizens and magistrates alike still others have speculated that the day was tied to the vernal equinox or first day of spring in the northern hemisphere when mother nature frequently fooled people with changing unpredictable weather despite these comp origin so you

    Guys saw what you needed to see like I don’t have to play the whole video the point is is the origin of that comes from France because the calendar was bumping back and forth it was the same yo-yo effect that we talking about it was moved from the winter to the spring

    During the time of the Julian calendar and then when Pope Gregory became Pope they had the Council of Trent they moved a New Year back to January 1st and the people that didn’t go along with it they were called April fools you were considered a fool for not following

    Behind the Catholic church when the Catholic Church are actually the fools so when is the biblical New Year this the book of Exodus 12 vers1 and the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron and the land of Egypt saying this month shall be the beginning shall be unto you

    The beginning of months it shall be the first month of the year to you Exodus the 12th chapter is when the Israelites exited Egypt the most high said it shall be the first month of the year to you what month is that this is the book of Deuteronomy chapter 16

    Verse1 observe the month of abib and keep the Passover unto the Lord thy God for in the month of abib the Lord thy God brought thee out of the land of Egypt so the Israelites ex exited Egypt this took place in the month of Abid which is the first month

    Of the year so what the Christians should be doing is they should be searching for when the month of abib is because according to the Bible that they claim that they believe in that’s when the New Year actually is so when you look up that word abib in the

    Hebrew abib means ear or green ear of corn in other words this is the time of year when your corn starts to air or earring that’s not going to happen on January 1st it’s too cold even in the Middle East even in the leevon it’s too

    Cold so you’re not going to be growing any type of crops or your crops are not going to be airing or sprouting on January 1 that’s common sense so that cannot be the new year this is the Book of Exodus chapter 34 Verse 18- 22 it says the Feast of unle bread shalt

    Thou keep seven days remember the Feast of unleavened bread is another name for the Feast of unleavened bread is what brothers and sisters the Passover the Feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep seven days Thou shalt eat unleavened bread as I commanded thee in the time of the month of

    Abib and in the for in the month of abib thou came out of Egypt verse 19 all that openeth the Matrix is mine and every firstling among thy cattle whether ox or sheep that is male but the firstling of an ass Thou shalt redeem with the lamb

    And if thou redeem him not thou sh uh then shalt thou break his neck and the firstborn of thy son shalt thou redeem and None Shall appear before me empty six days Thou shalt work but on the seventh day Thou shalt rest in the earring time and in the Harvest Time

    Thou shalt rest and thou shalt observe the Feast of weats of the first fruits of Wheats Harvest and the Feast of in gathering at the Year’s End so this Feast of unleavened bread takes place in the earing time which is in the month of ABB aing

    Time or when the when the crops are sprouting right is not January the 1st so the Bible is giving you the clues if you just take the time to actually sit back and read what the text is saying it’s telling you when the new year is the

    Problem is is that most people go to church to be entertained to get some good singing to feel good and to hear what it is that they want to hear that’s it and so that’s what the preachers give them because if they don’t give the people

    What they want the people are not going to give the preachers the money so they tell the people what they want to hear you want to celebrate New Year January 1 you want to come to church and feel good and then go to the club you go to

    Church and you leave church 11:30 right and you head straight from church to the club or you go to church and you stay at church until watch Night Service is over right you stay there till midnight and then after watch Night Service is over you go to the club

    See if you’re able to do that you good so that’s the reason why a lot of our people don’t want to hear this truth and the preachers don’t want to tell the people the truth because trust me this is not groundbreaking information these preachers and pastors I would say the majority of them

    Especially those that have actually gone through Seminary they have to know this it’s impossible for us to know this and they don’t know this they’ve spent thousands of dollars sometimes tens of thousands of to go to Seminary school to learn these things or to learn the Bible this is a part of the

    Bible at some point through our Seminary School somebody’s G to ask where in the Bible does it say that Christ is born December 25th I know that comes up when the Bible does it say New Year in January 1 I know it comes up because pastors and preachers are confronted

    With this by lay people all the time so they ask the questions to these professors and the professors tell them the truth but they also teach them how to circumvent it yeah you could tell your congregation that uh December uh December 31st is not really the New Year

    In the Bible but we’re under grace we’re under mercy and we live in America and America’s new year is January 31st so that’s what we’re really doing which is just talking around it that’s all it is because America says in God we trust on their money so if they trust in God America’s

    New Year should not be January first either so there’s no circumventing it whatsoever there’s no excuse now I want you guys to notice something saturnalia and Capricorn both worship uh worship Saturn it’s both Saturn worship I want you guys to look at the zodiac sign Capricorn its ruler is

    Saturn Capricorn the dates begin December 22nd what does that let you know December 22nd 23rd 24th 25th the 25th is Christmas so we’re told or we’re told or we know that to worship or celebrate Christmas is to observe saturnalia why because uh Christmas Falls during the

    Sign of Capricorn it whose ruler is sat so that makes sense but what most people don’t know it doesn’t just stop at December 25th it extends all the way to January 19th which means January 1 is also under the sign of Capricorn which means it’s also Saturn worship too it’s

    A part of saturnia too the same thing which makes it just as Pagan as Christmas Saturday encompasses Christmas and it encompasses New Year it’s all Saturn worship all of it just know that tell that to somebody in church though they’re not trying to hear that same people that go to church is

    The same people that believe in these zodiac signs it’s the same people that will go to a site you go to your pastor on Sunday have your pastor lay hands on you and fall out talking about you have the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues rolling on the floor foaming at the mouth on

    Sunday and then on Friday you’re gonna go to a a a psychic to have them read your palm right to tell you your future they can’t tell you the number but they can tell you your future and all the days in between Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday before

    You go to the psychic every day you buy the newspaper and you turn it straight to the to the pages that talk about your zodiac for the day it tells you don’t cross the street don’t go outside when you go outside to if you do go outside

    You go to the store play lottery numbers 10 15 and 30 those are your lucky numbers but nobody hit the number a lot of you sisters go to these psychics and every psychic is telling you that your man is having is cheating on you every last one of them because

    That’s what you want to hear anyway that’s why you went that’s what you want to hear they know that’s that’s what they’re gonna tell you that’s what they’re gonna tell you and that’s all you need to hear whether it’s happening or not it’s all worship of the dag on devil all of

    It can’t tell the people in the churches that though so since you don’t want to listen to me uh I G call him a d celebrity at the time tells you the same thing that we’ve been trying to tell you and he said it on a very big platform which is Vlad TV

    On YouTube which has 5 million plus subscribers so it ain’t like black people have not hurt vlad’s main audience is black people young black people people that listen to rap music and Hip Hop and grew up in that culture so they’re exposed to this information it’s not just coming from Israelites who

    They hate this is coming from rappers and select they some of them know it too well in your your new song fair use fair use uh last time you put out king Judah right you said in the in the chus Chingy was an Israelite this is the guy Chingy from St

    Louis he was uh he had I I wouldn’t even call it 15 minutes of fame I’m G good to say he had about five minutes of fame he had that song called right there and he had another song I forgot what the hell it was called that’s how I know for a

    Fact that his his run wasn’t too long but I remember that a few few years ago maybe now about 10 years ago not even a few he called himself coming into the truth acknowledging he was an Israelite that lasted for I wouldn’t even say six months and then within six months of him

    Being an Israelite then he jumped on that whole conscious Community metaphysical bandwagon and now he’s back being Mia so we don’t know where where the hell is guy is but when he was in his Israelite bag for that short amount of time he made a record called King Judah which

    Vlad is going to question him about that’s what he’s questioning him about right now let’s go uh last time you put out king Judah right you said in the in the chorus you said and by the way just for the record this proves that Vlad knows about the Israelites he knows

    About the Israelites that’s why he’s so salty at Kyrie for what Kyrie did love him or hate him that’s why he’s so salty at Kanye for what Kanye said about Judah being black love him or hate him and we know Kanye is out of his mind half the time

    Time he’s off his meds half the time whatever the situation might be with the brother only the most high knows but at periods of time the most high us most high could use anybody to take a message mainstream and so he’s so he’s familiar whether he tries to act like he’s not

    He’s familiar with this movement and at the time he brought Ching on chingi was claiming Israelite that’s how we know he knows but he’ll never bring on an Israelite that actually knows the doctrine that actually can defend the doctrine he don’t want that conversation so he brings on somebody like this that was

    Unstable the whole time which is why he fell out just as fast as he came in but nevertheless the most high used him too let’s go uh last time you put out king Judah right you said in the in the chorus you said got them Gentiles busting at me

    Uhuh now a a gentile from what I understand is a is a non-jew uhhuh but Europeans Europeans yeah Gentiles they not Jews they they they worship sat they That’s what Satan is just saturnin in the Bible and we talking about the Vatican and all of them they worship sat and

    That’s Saturn Gentiles are not Jews but when you think about it Jews come from the Judah so so even even the people who think they Israelites yeah you still of that because you’re you’re born in one of those Zodiacs so you still of that but you taking it literally and you’re

    Not supposed to take it literally even in the Bible it says these it says these are allegory you know what an allegory is it’s a made up story that got a deeper meaning so so you said that the Vatican worship Satan the Vatican worships Saturn the Vatican worships

    A fish gu and it goes back to you know you know if you ever know anything about the Assyrian Assyrians and Sumerians and you know if you know anything about that you know Dey was this fish guy and the Vatican them you you gotta always look at things with a knowing

    That they have a deeper meaning like I spend every day studying and stuff you know even from the roads that they were them black Roes in the churches you see those you see the I forgot what they call but you see the priest and stuff wearing them black robes those Roes

    Represent Saturn they’ll never tell you this and I ain’t even fa I ain’t going to even get really too deep into all that I’m just I’m just touching on it a little bit to get people you know a little a little awareness so they can go so they

    Can go do some researching they self like a lot of these things that I’ve learned you know it’s a lot of good people out there that got a lot of knowledge like Dr Phil Valentine um and that’s where he went off that’s where he went off because he’s spitting Israelite stuff but then

    The people that he’s he was actually quoting right now these are not Israelites these are the guys that’s into that metaphysic stuff which is why he wound up falling out the truth as soon as he came in Dr Clark um Booker T colan um Jordan Maxwell um llo P Michael

    Tellinger um Santos Boni it’s a lot of all these people that he was listening to that’s why he wasn’t in the truth long and the little bit that he said there was some truths in what he said as far as the worship of Saturn the Roman

    Catholic church so forth and so on that was definitely true but the scripture he quoted which speaks about these things are an allegory that has nothing to do with Saturn that’s Galatians chapter 4 and that’s talking about the two covenants the New Covenant and the old Covenant has nothing to do with Saturn

    Whatsoever so he wasn’t qualified to get up there to really have that conversation from a Biblical perspective when he was talking about how the Roman Catholic church and their worship of Saturn and Christmas and it being part of Saturn the New Year’s being part of Saturn that stuff is

    True that’s true but when you try to tie the Bible in you got to make sure you tie it in correctly and that scripture he quoted is not and a lot of our people follow behind Gods like this and we constantly tell these celebrities not to do

    This you get out there and try to teach the doctrine before you have a grasp on the doctrine and get out there and say stupid stuff and where is he now nowhere to be found nowhere to be found Saturn worship is really Horus worship I need for you guys to know that

    Saturn has the head of a bull corresponding to his traditional Egypt name Horus bull the sky Jupiter has the head of a falcon with two cow horns a disc and two feathers or simply two horns but I want you guys to know Saturn actually goes all the way back to

    Horus that’s what it does it goes back to Horus I told you all these gods that the Romans and the Greeks worship go back to Egypt and really go back to Babylon the Romans just gave them different names and guess what a lot of those guys are worshiped today

    And just given different names in our modern times and a lot of our people don’t do research so they wind up worshiping these Pagan deities like Santa Claus and everything that goes along with Christmas and all the demonology that goes along with it and Halloween and all

    The demonology that goes with it New Years and all the demonology that goes with it and Valentine’s Day and Easter nothing but Pagan deities behind all these you our people worship it and they don’t know they don’t do no research because they just want to be entertained see the most high warned us

    About these things this is The Book of Leviticus 18 verse1 and the Lord spake unto Moses saying Speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them I am the Lord your God after the doings of the land of Egypt where ye dwelt shall ye not do so we weren’t supposed to worship

    The gods that we saw in Egypt or keep any of their Customs the problem is we went into the land we violated the most high so the most high allowed these other nations to put us in subjection and we wound up being forced to worship these Pagan deities

    Anyway and that goes for all the captivities we were in right up to America because everything we know about the most high when we were in slaved slavy was taught to us by the slave masters who were really worshiping Pagan deities that go all the way back to

    Egypt where the most high said we shouldn’t worship so we wound up in the midst of worshiping these Pagan deities by extension because we broke God’s laws so we were scattered and under these na under these nations we wound up doing the very thing

    That the most high told us not to do as punishment which is why we’re at the bottom because we’re the on that made the Covenant with the most high that we would do everything in the book that’s why being obedient to the most high is so important that’s why

    We’re so passionate about teaching our people to repent it’s the only way out of this captivity you got to drop everything you know and start all over Christ said you have to be born again through the Apostle Paul you got to be born again no Christ told

    Nicodemus in John chapter 3 you have to be born again Nicodemus took it literally like you have to go back into your mother’s wom no but you got to become like a little child all over again and drop everything you know because anything you know as you know it you may think it’s

    Harmless but when you study it you’re gonna realize it’s Pagan nine out of ten times and we’re still learning things it was only in the last I’ve been in this Israelite War for a minute is it was only within the last I want to say 10 to 15 years

    That Israelites realize that the the custom of wearing wedding rings is Pagan that goes back to Pagan we isra Israelite women Israelite Customs was not a wedding ring there’s nothing wrong with jewelry or rings but that was not our custom that custom comes from from the other

    Nations and you had Israelite camps and leaders that fought against it for years until they started doing research so every little thing sometimes you think it’s harmless but a lot of this stuff goes back to Pagan deities and Satanism it does that’s why studying and researching is so very

    Important even certain phrases that we say sometimes go back to Pagan deed the whole entire English language is nothing but a demonic spell that’s why when you write words out it’s called spelling words are spells you say certain things sometimes and you don’t even know what what the hell it is you’re

    Saying the clothes you wear Pagan a lot of times you don’t even know the names the names of clothes of companies go back to Pagan deities you don’t even know our people have been seduced the Bible says in Proverbs 12: 26 the righteous is more excellent than his neighbor we the righteous the

    Israelites are the righteousness why because we receive God’s laws so our righteousness is keeping the Commandments of God so we’re more righteous than all the other nations that was around us and all the other nations that were created we’re more righteous than them but The Way of the

    Wicked seduces them our people have been seduced by all these different societies that we find ourselves in a lot of our people have been seduced by these customs and these ways and we don’t even know it even even some of us in the truth even when we

    Find out certain things we’re slow to move away from the things that we find out because we’ve been so seduced and become so comfortable in doing certain things like I went over yesterday about the dietary law right I went over how in The Book of Leviticus chapter 11 and Deuteronomy

    Chapter 14 the most high tells us you can’t even touch the carcass of dead swine and I pulled up that article about the 180 uses of the pig and I guarantee you that everybody that was listening can check one of those boxes that of of you actually

    Still dealing with the carcass of a pig whether you realize it or not just by buying a bottle of wine and pulling a cork out that cork is a lot of times made out of of coagulated blood or the intestines of a pig the laundry deterrency detergents you wash your

    Clothes with the powder and the liquid and the fabric softener is pig unless you’re buying the organic ones it’s Pig why do you think it’s on why do you think you could go to Dollar Tree Dollar General I know they have them up here in the Northeast I don’t

    Know if they have the Dollar Tree Dollar General down south or out west but I’m sure y’all have brand a company similar to that you go up in there you can get things for a dollar$ two dollars whatever like that and you go like wow you can find you some uh laundry

    Softener some offbrand laundry softener and some fabric softener and some and some detergent offbrand and it’s much cheaper than what you would find in in a in a in a higher brand like like a shop right or something or a wind Dixies I’ll give yall that for those of y’all that

    Are in Florida right you go buy the offbrand joint because it’s cheaper what you think is in that pig we’ve been seduced by the ways of the Wicked on a low level all the way up to following after their Customs or on a high level their holy days and everything that goes with

    It and so a lot of our people don’t want to leave that alone so we have to be thankful to the most high that the most high allowed us and was merciful enough for us to hear the truth however we heard it and to acknowledge it for being the

    Truth we didn’t put our head in the sand like an ostrich we saw the truth or we saw something coming we just put your head in the ground like an ostrich we didn’t do that we had to acknowledge the truth of being the truth and to change and to do

    Better you know so we have to give the most high a praise for that because most of our people they’re not able to do that real quick I want to go to the Book of Romans chapter 11 if I could real quick Romans chapter 11 I want to read that real quick

    This Romans chapter 11 starting from verse one it says I say then have God Cast Away his people who’s God’s people we’re about to find out I’m not going to tell you the Bible Paul is going to tell you God forbid for I also am an Israelite so that’s who’s God’s people

    The Israelites of the Seed of Abraham of The Tribe of Benjamin God hath not Cast Away his people which he fornew what you not what the scriptures saith of Elias which is Elijah how he maketh intercession to God against Israel Lord they have killed thy prophets and dig down thine altars and I

    Am left alone and they seek my life but what sayith the answer of God unto him I have reserved to myself 7,000 men who have not bowed the knee to the image of baow even so then at this present time during Paul’s time and this is true of us today

    Also there is a Remnant according to the election of Grace the most high has always left a Remnant he tells you that in the book of Isaiah chapter 1 verse 9 as well the most high left a Remnant else we would have been as Sodom and

    Gomorrah verse six and if by Grace then it is no more of Works otherwise Grace is no more Grace but if it be of works then it is no more grace otherwise work is no more work verse number seven what then Israel have what then Israel hath

    Not obtained that which he seeketh for what is what is our people seeking for right now we’re seeking for the truth first and foremost right so that the most high can have mercy on us and Deliver Us from his captivity so we’re seeking the truth we’re seeking for the most high to have

    Mercy on us and redeem us it says but the election have obtained it and the rest were blinded the majority of our people were blinded the very fact that you are in this truth means possibly you are of the elect why do I say possibly because you have to endure

    To the end that’s Matthew chapter 24 you have to endure to the end because the same way you come in is the same way you could fall out I’ve seen thousands that’s not exaggeration thousands of brothers and sisters fall out the truth over the years and go back to their

    Vomit so they were not of the election the most high gave them what the Bible calls a dispensation of the Gospel that’s it for a time for a dispensation they were in the truth and the most high utilized them in this truth to do certain things and then the

    Most high weeded them out so just because you’re here doesn’t mean that you are of the elect but it’s possible that you are of the elect so we should be thankful for the most high that you’re possibly of the elect and try to endure because the rest of our people are

    Blinded you can hold up a book in front of a blind person’s eyes and they’re not going to be able to see it because they just can’t see it the book is literally right in front of their face right in front of their eyes you could wave your

    Hands in front of a blind person’s eyes they can’t see it you’re literally doing it it’s right there they should be able to see it but they’re blind so you could show a hundred people these facts that we just saw we could go to dictionaries we could pull out

    Books we could go into Antiquity we can go into the Bible and show you everywhere you look the new year was celebrated in the spring in the ROM Chang that to January 1st in Comm in commemoration of Saturn it’s everywhere but they’re blind they’re not

    Going to be able to see it just like a blind person can’t see you waving in front of their face it is what it is verse eight according as it is written God had given them a Spirit of Slumber that comes from the most high eyes that they

    Sh should not see and ears that they should not hear unto this day and David saith let their table be made a snare and a trap and a stumbling block and a recompense unto them let their eyes be darken that they may not see and bow down their back all it’s

    Payback because these are the children believe it or not this is a spiritual thing we can’t see it with our carnal eyes but the these are the children of the people that killed the prophets these are the children of the people that was against David and all the prophets that was against

    Moses and David prayed a prayer for recompense against the traitors of our nation the ones that kill the prophets so when you see some of our people not being able to wake up they just can’t wake up no matter what it’s recompense that’s what it is it’s a spiritual thing it’s deep

    Everybody can’t receive that but that’s what it is certain things you see happening to some of our people as judgment you can’t see it with your carnal eyes but it’s judgment you’re watching the news and some something tragic happens to somebody like oh my God that’s so tragic

    That happened to that person I’m going tell you something some of these people are some of the same people that come in front of the camps and give us hell and we forget about it we don’t remember face whatever the situation might be and years later judgment comes in one way or

    Another and we don’t forgot but the most high did not forget he a forget it’s a recompense we’ll understand it when yahawashi come back he’ll show it to us but the men of the Lord understand this we’re sitting here here and because we we’re conditioned to be emotional we

    See certain things and we’re like wow that’s so tragic but you don’t know what somebody was doing in the dark some of these people will be the same ones or the commet boys cursing us out on clubhous cursing us out coming and scoffing in front of the camps or

    Doing other wicked stuff against Israelites we don’t see it but the most high sees it and the most high sends one of the angels to take action like get get him or get her and we we just see the Judgment so we’re like wow that’s so sad but hey it’s a

    Spiritual thing that’s why everybody this this truth is a hard pillar swallow that’s why everybody can’t be in it because you can’t be emotional being in this Truth at all you can’t men of the Lord are stoic men they’re stoic their emotions don’t get too high or too

    Low they’re generally usually the same temperament most of the time to be a man of the Lord cuz you can’t get too high or too low you know what I’m saying but you got to be cut from a a certain cloth to be of that Spirit man right uh first

    10 and let their eyes be darkened that they may not see and bow down their back always that’s a recompense so we got to give the most high thanks that we were able to see these things I give the most high thanks I can remember as a teenager

    And things of that nature like wanting to go down to I never did it I never I’m from New York and I’ve never been in Times Square in um New Year’s Eve but I I desire to go just never did it because I hated crowds but I remember wanting to

    Go to parties and wanting to participate what what the world had going on you know a lot of times that’s that’s that was that’s what it was all about getting some alcohol going to a party maybe getting a girl or something like that that’s what it was all

    About a whole bunch of nothing right and then one day somebody put the bug in my ear about this Israelite thing and it’s been a WAP ever since and you know me coming into the truth I’m not going to get into that right now I’m

    About to wrap it up but me coming into the truth was by happen stance man I wasn’t even looking for this truth I was making music doing music and one of the guys I was doing music with was actually coming to the school and invited me right that’s how I got there

    So I always say to myself if if it wasn’t for the music thing I mean if the most high really wanted me it would have happened another way but if it wasn’t for the music thing you know I may not have come to the truth at the time that I

    Did so I give the most high all praise honor and glory for that because I’m glad I came in what I did so I was able to experience and see everything I did over the years in Israel to have a better View and understanding of what this truth is having been through all

    The ups and downs and endured I can help and guide other brothers and sisters through the turbulent times of being an Israelite when all the hell breaks loose in this nation when there are splits you know what I’m saying there chaos people leaving the truth and and and and

    Falling from the faith and so forth and so on I could be a rock and a strength for people that may not be as strong or rooted as I am because I’ve already seen that a hundred times so the most high knew what he was doing so I give all

    Praise honor and glory to the most high for that like I said I wasn’t going to be before you guys too long I started at 8:00 and now it’s 9 20 and I really been talking for like the last five minutes so we’re going to end it right there

    Like I said New Year is New Year everybody knows it’s Pagan so I’ll leave it right there um Elder Zab you have anything that you want to add oh you’re backstage SL I remember you telling me that okay you back now you have anything that you wanted to add

    Z yeah man repent brend repent n but every n n you brought everything out um that video you played talking about the yo-yo effect I wanted to get in and touch on it but you know it’s all good uh when the people rewatch that video it’s powerful it’s very powerful so um n

    But I don’t have anything to add King yeah when you drop out a streamyard if I the video was in the middle of playing I was like damn if I if I let you back in I gotta stop the video and let you back in so streamyard is a

    Little ill nah King it’s all good it’s all good nah n it’s all good man um you know it’s just certain certain things that you was um touching on it just all Dove Tales cuz you know on Tuesdays I do the class with the calendar and stuff

    Like that and I brought out a lot of that stuff like uh Pope Leo II and and the the Gregorian calendar and all of that it just all um you know it all comes together all praise to the most high man you know what I’m saying I I

    Wanted to touch on um the the the the the fact that uh Leo that same Pope he’s the one that also instituted the inter calerie you know what I’m saying uh because the Julian calendar they touched on it but they never went into it and um

    Pope Leo II I believe yeah he was the one that that really cemented the fact about the um inter calerie month and and so on and so forth so I wanted to bring that out but I will re revisit that on you know for for brothers and sisters in

    Lines of Israel for my class and stuff like that but excellent class King all praise to the most high all praise to the most high yeah so for those of y’all that’s listening that don’t know um zahab is the one that does our calendars yearly um so let me just

    Go to it real quick I always like to bring it up because you know maybe somebody new listening so let’s go to our website real quick uh so this is our website the LOF israel.com oh I got to share my screen D hold on a second y’all

    Um so there it is this is our website the lines of israel.com so if you want to find out about the calendar which like I said zahab is the one that puts it together every year you come to the tab that says more you click on where it says calendar you give it

    Give it a little chance to refresh right and then you have the uh tab at the top where you can actually go forward to 2024 um you guys can see that we’re here now December 31st so let’s go ahead and go to January just as an example

    You guys can see we have the shabbats on there right we have the new moons on there so forth and so on so January is pretty quiet outside of the new moons and the Shabbat February is pretty quiet as well outside of the the uh new moons

    And right around the middle towards the end of February that’s when we are observing PM which is February 22nd now some camps may have it a few days earlier or one or two days later like I said not really a big deal for us we we’re not contentious about stuff like that

    Right exactly PRI right and if I could interject because what you said is is is so timely because you know you got some congregations they’re observing Feast of dedication right now as a matter of fact and it’s important to let you know the people know we don’t get hung up on that

    Because as again that video with the yo-yo effect I got to go rewatch that because it’s powerful because you see the new year gets keep it gets keep pushed back from January 1st the April 1 and and and and from the Gregorian to the Julian so when you see congregations

    Talking about they’re observing this um feast day on a certain time don’t get discouraged don’t get caught up don’t get into a Back in Forth well it’s on this day on that yahawashi is going to come back he’s going to Institute the original calendar and we’re going to

    Observe all these feast days in the right time but for now the most important thing is you’re rehearsing the righteous acts and you’re just keep keeping it in the spirit of the most high that’s it and we’re doing them these holy days as a memorial because some of these holy

    Days are really supposed to be celebrated in the borders of Israel when we have a tabernacle or or or or a Temple and so they’re supposed to be celebrated within the borders so what we’re doing is we’re keeping the memorial at this time just continuing the tradition going and observing the

    Days in terms of giving the most high his praise for delivering us so yeah we don’t need to be too contentious when you guys toggle a little further through March you guys can see March is pretty quiet then in April yeah that that’s where the inter calerie comes in okay and then

    Then we jump into April go ahead then in April we have Passover April the 21st of 2024 um so yes zahab has done a you know a great job over the years of putting the calendar together um you know and you know uh We’ve definitely taught the

    Brothers that are in the academy and in the camp how to put the calendar together how we come up with these dates right if any of you brothers and sisters are part of a camp you really should be asking your leadership how they come up with dates

    Because you guys are training to be priests and so you want to know you don’t want to just be a professional student you want to actually know how these things come about so we definitely try to teach the brothers in the camp how to do it um maybe one day you know

    If the spirit leads the Hop he’ll do the class um publicly on the channel for everybody to see I’ll leave that up to him and also just come one thing I’ll give it to you and also know we don’t live on an island so when he does the calendar he also consults

    With a couple of other Camp leaders as well just to see that you know make sure that we’re kind of thinking along the same lines so we don’t live on an island alone that’s why our calendar reflects quite a few other camps as well because we all are working together and looking

    At you know checking each other’s work and that’s how we come up with the dates that we come up with you going to say something n um I just wanted to to L back on that and say exactly because if you know what I don’t want to call out

    Certain congregations but our calendar lines up perfectly with at least four or five you know congregations so it’s it’s not like you said it’s not us on an island alone you know what I’m saying so you know the most important thing is you as a Israelite you’re not caught up in

    Esau’s Babylonian cust CS you know what I’m saying like I saw a video priest I don’t know if you if you even mentioned this in in in your I saw a video where um the whole idea of making um New Year’s Rel uh resolution so to speak

    Because you know every year people let oh yeah I’mma do this I’m G do that that went that goes back to the Babylonian system where they would make their resolutions to their gods I never even knew that I’m like God damn so even though I was ignorant and I

    Was in the world like a lot of us right and I would say you know what my resolution is I’m a I’m I’mma hit the gym I’m I’mma lose some weight I’mma do this or I’mma Be um you know more responsible this and that that goes back

    To people pledging to their gods with a lowercase G because we know it’s only one right but that’s crazy man so the thing is irregardless of what congregation you’re a part of and regardless if the if if if the um calendar might be here or there a day or

    Two off whatever the case may be just understand we are in the spirit of the most high we’re trying to be in the spirit of Truth and we’re coming out of Babylon we’re coming out of Egypt we’re coming out of Rome right all these uh Nations that had us the Israelites as as

    Captives as slaves were coming out of that so that’s you know that’s the bottom line come absolutely man so all praise to the most side for that um yeah so maybe in the future we’ll touch on that a little bit more in a class on one of

    The channels like I said you know zahab will you know let me know if he if and when he wants to do something like that all right so uh lastly as always I always make sure to tell you brothers and sisters to make sure when you come

    To our website thei of Israel you guys look around all right um there’s PDF books here you guys hear me teaching history there’s PDF books available for you guys to download for free and I know we’ve been meaning to upload more but you know time but we’re definitely going

    To upload more because I have hundreds of PDFs so look at that um of course we have the Russian icons that we put here we definitely want to put some more of those up here as well so bear with us the website is definitely growing it’s

    Just that we’re busy people you know and uh we only can do but so much but it’s growing so just pray for us continue to support us and of course under the more tab is the donations tab everybody that’s continued to support us and send donations uh we appreciate y’all there’s

    Different ways there’s PayPal there’s zel this cash app you know brothers and sisters have definitely been supporting us and it means the world to us you know we put all this effort in and work really hard to teach the people we thank y’all and y’all help us out by doing

    That so that we we can help other people because that’s what we’re us it for to help other people and to push the work of the most high forward that’s what we do so with that being said I’m G stop sharing the screen I’m going say peace and blessings

    To everybody again thank you brothers and sisters for watching we appre appreciate y’all May the most high bless y’all you know if you’re home stay home man stay safe you know what I’m saying don’t get out them streets with all these wild people out there because I’m

    Pretty sure tomorrow you guys are going to be reading the paper or looking at the news and seeing all the chaos that took place how many people done died senselessly overnight for no reason you know what I’m saying so you and your family just stay together chill out

    Relax use it use it as a time to relax as an extra day to relax you know what I’m saying and you was gonna say something to yeah man um this clown Tyrone the master is in the chat man talk typing all type of foolishness bro I I never understand Israelites who come

    On other Israelites channels and and and you know while they’re giving their presentation and choose to try to spam us you know what I’m saying so get yourself right man get your mind he doesn’t he doesn’t have an audience that’s what it is he doesn’t have an audience

    Christ is not a camp is not in a camp we never we never said we never you know so funny you make a that’s what you call a straw man argument I don’t think anybody in the history of man has ever said Christ was in a camp but guess what the

    Bible don’t say that we can’t be in a camp a camp is no different than a church are there churches mentioned in the bible yes was their Church in galatia was their Church in Philippi was there a church in Corinth yes so Camp Church it doesn’t matter what word you

    Use it’s just a body of people come together with similar beliefs like you dudes be so stupid so stupid arguing straw man arguments and argu for the sake of arguing and you know why you come on other Israelites page because you guys don’t have an audience that’s what we

    Know you don’t have audience yeah got come here yeah go ahead and and probably be the same one go to put on a green hat with the 2024 glasses and be in Time Square talking crap right probably he probably is in Times Square texting WR in the chat he’s in time sare

    It’s all right brother it’s cool it’s gonna be all right you’re Israelite brother so we love you anyway bro even though you you guys hate us we love you and for you to spend your time watching people that you don’t agree with for however long you watching that speaks

    For itself man so all praise to the most high we out of here um we appreciate you brothers and sisters that support the channel like we said and make sure you guys are back Saturday 10: a.m. eastern standard time for our weekly Sabbath class uh for elders Zab and myself Lions

    Of Israel we say shalom and we will see you guys next week if it be the most High’s will Shalom I don’t believe in God it doesn’t matter he believe in you I absolutely believe in God let me tell you why TR story they say I act like my mother’s

    Son M verer was the streets that I love to run found myself on the wrong side of someone’s gun breathing hard but I made it damn Right every time I try to get out the Game it’s like somebody keeps P me back in they don’t want me to leave can’t leave rap alone the game needs me I try to get out this game it ain’t easy it’s what they’re telling me but I don’t know because this game is full of jealousy I can’t leave rap alone the

    Game needs me I try to get out this game it ain’t easy it’s what they’re telling me but I don’t know because this game is full of jealous said it’s too late to restore true state SE are too fake because truth the new hate R nobody’s Rhymes are

    Potent for those who Eyes Are Open can see the game is full of liars and these lier coens now that’s an omom that means a name sign how they claim that they woke but sleep the same time how they claim that they flow but they not impressive how they claim rap evolved

    They ain’t no fossil Rec but they push that and so I push back and reminisce about the days when they made good rap and the Beats were fire had to adjust the volume now you got to mumble a a couple thousand yep the game has changed

    They ain’t no standards you got to wear tight jeans and rock a man purse but I’m killing them up in my Street closes second verse watch I’ll drop the cheat Cod can’t leave rap alone the game needs me I try to get out this game it ain’t

    Easy it’s what they’re telling me but I don’t know because this game is full of jealousy I can’t leave rap alone the game needs me I try to get out this game It Ain’t Easy it’s what they’re telling me but I don’t know because this game is full of

    Jealousy and I don’t mean to sound boastful but when she sing she make it sound so Soulful so I made an Anthem for my corn vest these verses ain’t my single they’re just my warmups I praise yahwah on a Salter I sacrifice so don’t think that you can

    Alter me get a sacrifice and I said Al to me misunderstood they speaking P to me and switch my style from random gun lines to top with a slight sprinkle of punch lines and I’m not ashamed I tell them we don’t care flow is tight light outfits that pigos wear and you know

    That that isn’t right in the dark what good is a hidden light and the end is near so we sent the fishes and I speak the truth because I know the scriptures the game needs me I can’t leave the game alone Y’all they keep pulling me back in can’t leave rap alone the game needs me I try to get out this game It Ain’t Easy the game needs me yeah it really really needs Me


    1. Excellent lesson, all praises to the Most High, this lesson is one of many that we need to be schooled on. I pray 🙏 that people meditate on this lesson and allow it to sink in

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