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    Thanks for watching. 🙂

    I’ve been working with artists for the last 10 or so years as a photographer and videographer somewhere in the middle also started doing social media for some of them I got my start touring with bands that were performing in front of the other bands that were on the build

    You know the level of artists that I’ve worked with has just kept getting bigger and bigger people ask me like where do you see this going I always said my goal was I always wanted to work with like the biggest bands never did I think that

    It would happen so fast this year 2023 was when everything changed changed and I went on my first Arena and stadium tour with the iconic [Applause] News [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] One of my favorite moments from all of this was we were in France I think it was Boro Bordeaux France and the fans did something absolutely insane they all I don’t know how they did this but they all coordinated with their cell phone screens to put on like a light show Muse

    Is known has a reputation of having like some of the best production in the world like one of the big best shows in the world but what I saw from the stage out into the crowd was so captivating I was like damn that is the show I use the Sony a6400 most like 90% of the time predominantly shot in 1080 60 frames per second in SL log 2 for video which is really surprising I’m sure but I upcal some of the stuff with topaz video AI so that I can get that nice crispy 4K

    Quality and then somewhere halfway through this tour I purchased a C300 Mark II a Canon C300 MK II you can see my video where I talk a little bit about my experience going from Sony to C300 up here gimbals and stabilization goes I shot mostly on this Fu Tech G6 Max

    Gimble which is a tiny Gimbal and I couldn’t fit my proper 18 to 105 mm lens on the Sony and then balance it on the skimal was just it was just way too small so I ended up just using the 30 mimet that I have on it right now it’s

    Sigma 30 mm it’s quite small uh 12 mm by rokan on which helped me get those super wide shots occasionally I also use the roken on 8 mm 2.8 to get those big fisheye shots but those two lenses kind of where my go to and in the North

    America part of the tour I did use the DJI Ronin to stabilize my camera and that’s when I was using the 180105 and I found the setup really handy for versatility the elements don’t extrude out of the lens the lens stays the same size as you zoom in and so that allows

    You to put this setup on a gimbal you just balance it once you don’t need to rebalance it in terms of what I was delivering on a day-to-day basis the musicians wanted some photos right after the show so that they could post on social media mostly Matt and Dom mostly

    Matt and then the second part of it all the Standalone images basically all the images that I ended up editing and were the best of the day the Third part of it was vertically optimized clips for video platforms like Tik Tok shorts Instagram reals mostly focused on just capturing

    Slice of Life so to speak moments the fourth part of it was a recap video so basically just like a b-roll montage and then depending on how much footage I had I would just compile together a 2 to 5 minute long video for their official YouTube channel everything that didn’t

    Make it to social media was kind of packed in there I didn’t want to B B the guys too much in terms of capturing like interviews with them so I ended up going on YouTube and I just searched up some of the interviews that they had already

    Done around this cycle ripped the audio this was difficult obviously because sometimes you’re working with like a zoom interview and then in terms of the stories that I was telling I would just find interesting topics that they were kind of talking about in the case of this Chris interview that I found where

    He did over Zoom this part of the interview he’s talking about the production I think in a way it’s a little simpler than than what we’ve done in the past the all new production I had this all this footage of the rehearsals that we did and so I was like oh this is

    Great like I can show the process of them putting together the show and I have this audio of Chris kind of talking about the dichotomy between the new show and the old show I think in a way it’s a little simpler than than what we’ve done

    In the past and how the old show was a nightmare because they had drones flying around and sometimes they didn’t work there have been so many stage shows I mean particularly drones was an absolute headache actually had the drones flying around already and this show was sort of

    More predictable and it worked and in the middle of traveling in the middle of airports and stuff I would be sharing and posting this stuff for the for the band we’d be rushed out of the venue so that we could go to the hotel to sleep

    And rest for the next show and I’d be on the drive with my memory cards connected to my MacBook editing as fast as possible so that I could get stuff in if you want to step into this role the one thing that’s going to separate you from

    The bunch is being able to produce high quality content quickly at a high output it sounds hard but with a little bit of practice you can nail down your workflow and make sure that you’re super effective I was using checklists I went on Trello and I made a checklist for the

    Preparation before the show so charging batteries clearing out memory cards uh I did a weekly checklist for backing up drives I read this book like last year called the checklist Manifesto by read I mean I bought it at a store and I sorted it through it and I realized the entire

    Point of the book was just hammering this idea that like checklists are so important the whole book talked about why they offload some of that responsibility that you have in your head of like what am I supposed to do onto a piece of paper onto whatever system you’re using like Trello like I

    Was and you’re able to just kind of see what you need to do and then you’re able to check things off as you do them and so that was super helpful for me especially since I was doing so many things the first like 2 months I was

    Trying to figure it all out but after we kind of got into the groove of things it was a lot easier for me to just kind of like you know all right I don’t need the checklist today I know exactly what I need to do it sort of became second

    Nature you know you do it for seven months you’re an entirely different person by the end of the seven [Applause] Months that feeling of like wow I can’t believe I get to do this and everybody on social media is plugging into this band and seeing the stuff that I’m making for them like that is that’s something else you know uh super Greatful and I can’t wait to do it again thanks for

    Watching welcome to my channel and hello to the new subscribers out there the last one went viral


    1. Thanks for sharing this with all of us, with no filter and being as genuine as you are! I'm still super happy i had the chance to meet you in Milan (i'm one of the guy from "Italian Musers").
      I sincerely wish you all the best! I love your style in the storytelling of the WOTP tour.

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