A driver clocks over a tonne on the M62 but claims his stomach is to blame and he needs to get to a loo urgently. A prolific burglar in Hull is caught red handed but swears he’s innocent much to the disbelief of the cops. In Bradford a drunk driver tries to convince the cops to join him on a night out after failing a roadside breath test. And a high speed pursuit for PC’s Andy Barron and Lindsey Pickles leads to a surprising major drugs haul.

    It’s 6:30 p.m. and rush hour on all the major routes in and out of Bradford Motorway cups PC Andy Baron and PC Lindsay pickles are coming to the end of their shift I’m starving now don’t tell me you’re going to get a Chinese no I’m not going to get a

    Chinese but their takeaway is going to have to wait I had an earpiece in on a local Bradford Channel and I could hear um one of my colleagues mentioning a white Sprinter van that were making off from him and at the same time I could hear this a white Sprinter van came past

    Me uh and I can see blue lights from a police van there van had been involved or been seen leaving the scene of a burglary so that’s the only information that we had at that time yeah uh turning try to stop it yet right right right on the vict

    Road Andy and Lindsay are trained in Pursuit driving behind as they catch up with the chase they signal to pass yeah we’re falling over come through Tango 51 51 we’re going to interrup got a vehicle making Off 51 we’re currently on the M Mary’s road towards Lum Lane you get a rush of adrenaline and I recall everything you know gripping the steering wheel and thinking right we’re we’re in for a role here left left left onto Drummond Road you never know what’s what’s going to happen you never know

    What’s around the corner you never know how members of the public are going to react so it’s a dangerous situation now after Chasing the van for 2 miles towards Bradford City Center Andy spots a chance to try and identify the driver and gets alongside the speeding van yeah

    We’ve got an Asian mail driver person there are many many things that that we we have to consider in a split second if that Target vehicle crashes into a Famer uh and causes serious injuries it’s always in the back of our head you know what if that were my family or my

    Colleague’s family left left left onto White’s view Andy and Lindsay called for backup we’re currently on Walker Drive going back towards general direction of Fon Road Lindsay’s directions are crucial for the other units making their way to the chase speed is now 5 mph stand by the stakes

    Are rising as the van heads back towards busy rush hour streets it was tea time people coming and going from work children um it’s a highly residential area the roads were busy uh by the traffic lights Etc so it’s always something that we have to put first and Foremost so trans it’s a Mercedes Sprinter we’re right right right wet Lane again but before they can bring the van to a halt the game plan suddenly changes don’t do that don’t do that no don’t do that don’t do that where he go we’re going to be aborted at this

    Rate what a silly thing to do we will abought um any Pursuit if the risks that they’re taking far outweigh uh the reasons that we need to stop them um it’s just not worth um ending up with a fatality ahead another police car arrives and blocks the road but the van

    Driver is so desperate to get away he’s prepared to do anything we were concerned at that point very concerned very fortunately the van didn’t hit anybody it’s always one of those things that is frustrating if if we do lose them um after a Pursuit but

    If it has to be aborted it has to be aborted we’re now back on to uh wetle Lane we’ve got one front seat passenger uh that’s on the phone and a driver it’s going to be a DEC jamp is this a minute I reckon I don’t think they’re going to

    Keep going for long but then the van driver makes his first big mistake we’ve gone left left left onto Glenn Home Road and then left again oh it’s collided with um a small wall but it’s continuing it’s de Camp it’s lost its rear near side wheel that’s the riskiest point of

    Losing somebody as soon as they leave the vehicle and start running um that’s when you may lose them is losing control as is going around corners because he hasn’t got the stability at the back end as the damaged van speeds down a residential street an unmarked car joins the

    Chase I’m going to we’re as Ashwell road now Ashwell Road the van is going round in circles and Andy gambles on taking a back road to try and cut it off careful they’re head-to-head with the van but the driver spots a way out careful Wonder there was a gap in the

    Par cars that presented itself to this driver let him get through oh now I’m going to kill somebody this idiot getting the 2 and 1/2 ton police car turned in the tight City back streets leaves Andy and Lindsay playing catchup any a location update where now we Walker Drive De camped de

    Camped finally a city center patrol car has forced the driver to stop on your feet mate on your feet nice and steady nice and steady on three 1 two three put in this SP all right two men are pulled from the van get get up now yeah you’re under arrest fulfilling

    To stop for police dangerous driving C that you don’t have to say anything mayam your defense you don’t mention when questioned something which you later Aline in C have you anything on you at all that you shouldn’t have no man any weapons anything sharp that could arm us like that right PC Mark

    Claxton finally brought the van to a halt it seemed a very desperate man to get away for some reason if you looky uh rubber gloves on the floor when that’s usually an indication that um a vehicle’s stolen damage to that’s not going to but we’ll see if we can get

    Into the rear of the van and get out oh wow there you go Fant the smell it is a mobile cannabis Factory that’ll be the reason that they’ve gone to try and get away and why he had rubber gloves on in the front Lindsay and Andy who’ve decided to stop this

    Vehicle and it’s been brought to their attention have just done an absolutely excellent job during the chase Andy suspected the van might be carrying cannabis the stench coming from back at Van even in his car following it were were quite overwhelming to get that uh Hall is is significant really it’s uh

    It’s an excellent result take that amount of cannabis off the street and it’s taking two major drug dealers off at road so yeah could do with identifying them as quickly as possible and finding out where they’ve been grown and and see if there’s any more and confiscating all the equipment now Andy

    And Lindsay must try and piece together whether the Cannabis was being moved from a safe house or if it was stolen when you find something like that in the back of a van it’s not the end of the inquiry it’s just the Beginning 15 mil away PC’s Paul Crabtree and Chris Percy are eastbound on the m62 me ENT entry slep roads nice and clear that’s just what I like to see you can go on the Sleep safe and 7 that think you this is the main artery across England from Liverpool to Hull it’s one

    Of the busiest motorways in the country during the daytime it’s more dealing with accidents and incidents that they come in but at night time the opportunity is there for Speed as the rush hour traffic clears the cops want to ensure no one is tempted to put their foot

    Down yeah if they’re driving that speed and the seers and they slow down jum they’re observing don’t mind that yeah they’re Switched Off I know what’s happening around but not everyone has seen the motorway cops sitting on the slipway oh some silver fers got a bit of pace about

    It yeah my colleagues just uh seen a car come past while I’ve been parked up on the entry slip Road uh at speed in Lane three so we’ve just set off to Chase after it the car is traveling so fast it’s nearly out of sight when Paul and Chris

    Join the motorway where about is it now Paul it’s just over this brow still Le three there he is we’re still doing 110 mph he hasn’t seen us is still going we’ve got a start so we’ll just follow him in see how he uh how he goes now you

    Could think of it as cat and mouse it is dark you won’t be able to see our mark parkings obviously not looking in the mirrors and not been observant otherwise it would be they’d realize that it could be the police is coming up behind them unaware that the cops are on his tail

    The driver keeps his foot down as Paul and Chris begin to gather evidence start the equipment and it measures the time and uh the second button measures distance and then we do the same work to finish the check so it measures time distance of the vehicle in

    Front 98.4 one average time’s just over a minute 1 minute and 4 seconds so we definitely be uh stopping this driver and dealing with him at nearly 100 mph the driver’s stopping distance is over 200 M the length of two football pitches if anything mechanical goes

    Wrong at those sort of speeds if he gets a puncher or a blowout the driver’s going to lose control the cops now have the evidence they need to pull the driver over nice Gap there from him going now we’ve got bles on which he’s taking he’s in his vehicle thinking I

    Want to go at this speed and to hell with everybody else is around me hello sir can you just join us second in our car we need to have a chat in my eyes he needs sting out is it your car yeah what’s your name how how long have you had the car

    Uh it’s uh I’ve just took it off a friend um you bought it off him no I’ve just took it off him two days ago you taken it off them yeah who’s your insurance policy with mine’s with the um going stop this is all getting a little bit vague right let’s go right

    Back to the beginning yeah is it your car no the vehicle’s a it’s a company’s car right so when I ask you to start with is it your car you said yes it’s not a good start when someone uh starts telling you one thing and then changing

    The story halfway through I was fing buying it to be honest with you I’m just driving it right whose car is it there’s no point lying to us because we will find out and sometimes people just need a little chance to to start again do you know why we stopped yet now

    We’ve got that out of the way you don’t okay we’ve been behind you since Junction 22 okay now this might start to ring a bells to while we’ve stopped you you want to have a wild guest now when I now I tell you how long we’ve been behind

    You no it’s good eight miles fair enough what we’ve done basically we’ve seen you go past the junction going quite quick what we’ve done is we’ve done a following check on your speed and you’re out in front of us 100 1001 102 that’s you there okay 106 109 doing those sort

    Of speeds you know all about it cuz it’s making lots of rattling noises and it’s sounding very loud uh and it’s probably feeling a bit Twitchy at that sort of uh speed In fairness you know you’re doing that cuz you’re going to have to put

    Some P into a focus to do 110 up that slope all right what happens fortunately for you is a car comes out in front of you and you have to back your speed off and if you notice there there some lights coming out in front of you speed

    Starts to drop back all right the average check at the end there 98.41% the average did come down and it brought him into the Realms of points rather than a band little bit too quick there is it all right what’s the rush the driver might have escaped an

    Automatic ban but his ordeal isn’t over yet 15 M away back in Bradford the Cannabis Hall is stirring up a lot of interest and he wants it off the streets as soon as possible we’ve got a big crowd in the middle of Garlington uh so we need the Cannabis in the van moving

    As soon as possible you say it’s full of cannabis how full of cannabis is it it’s a Mercedes Sprinter long wheel base and the back of it is full of cannabis um so that’s the sort of volume we’re talking about it’s basically a cannabis Factory on Wheels and moving somewhere else I

    Would suggest it needs to go to Stony wood and be photographed when it arrives the cops now have information that earlier on the van was seen leaving a house only a few miles away seen being loaded up remember the public running into us saying there was some suspicious

    About it it looks like they’re taking a grow either to uh another house moving it or they’re going to clean it up and sell it now the cops have a van loaded with cannabis and an address to raid they race round to see what else they might find there still could be more

    Cannabis back at the house uh and possibly other people at the house but they may be too late the house is deserted officers find what’s left of of a four-story cannabis farm Sergeant Adam crisp is supervising the house search when we’ve got to the address we’ve realized that somebody’s firstc entry to

    The ground floor uh and then they’ve stolen cannabis you can see the trail of cannabis leading to the AC the door the cops are sure that the plants in the van originally came from the house there could have be the people that have set up this this is cannabis Factory or

    There could have been tipped off that you know the police are coming or it could be a rival you know drug dealers cannabis FR that they are trying to rip off a mile away back at the van Lindsay gets an update from Sergeant Adam Chris what they’re saying is they need to uh

    Because obviously they’ve got the uh cannabis plants at the house and they’ve got these they want to take a sample so that they can say that they’re the same one the Cannabis seizure will lead to a major investigation but for now Andy and Lindsay’s work is

    Done has anyone check of this V he got a near side flat I think possibly under limit certainly under inflated on on Andy and Lindsay can finally take a break that would nice little job on the m62 PC’s Paul Crabtree and Chris Percy are still listening to a driver’s

    Excuses they want to know why he was speeding at nearly 100 mph all right what’s the rush I need to get on for what reason I’ve got really bad stomach right you’re going to have an even really bad stomach even more so when you hit Central reservation and

    Splash your intestines all out more to it cuz if you hit something 100 mph that’s what’s going to happen to you there’s not going to be a great deal left and we’re going to have to come and put your stomach in a bag and that’s

    Going to hurt an awful lot more than it will do just toddling home and getting yourself a when you get there who else is in the car with you just a friend of mine a friend of yours yeah yeah to put other people at risk for your own

    Benefit is it’s got to be selfish really hasn’t it obviously not a thought for anybody else it’s just that I got really bad stom offic I need to get to the toilet know call me cynical but but your stomach won hurt when you got in it

    Was you could then see that uh he was starting to screw his face up and make like he was in agony with this stomach problem that he’s got which looked like it was a bit of lastage attempt really to try and get off the offense he wasn’t

    Doing that when he got in so no I didn’t believe him at all what we’re going to do m is going to take some details and I’ll give you a a written notice uh which is notice of intended prosecution and a decision will be made as to

    Whether you are summons to court for the offens of speeding that probably will come through the post within the next sort 4 to six weeks okay it’s just thece offic I’m going abroad so where you going to uh Pakistan and how long are you going for uh end of year to the end

    Of the year so you’re going for a couple of months yeah yeah and then you’re coming back to the UK or not yeah you are you’re permanent resident in the UK that’s another excuse that he’s using to try and get away with it oh I’m not

    Going to be in the country so he can’t prosecute me um he can even be prosecuted in his absence points can be put on his license um so when he does return back to the country those points and a fine will be waiting for him that’s a written version of what I’ve

    Told you there which gives you the details of of what we’ve said to you if you do come back from abroad and you realize that you’ve missed a date on your summons or something contact them just explain it to him you got before Paul can issue a notice of intent to

    Prosecute the driver has one more surprise for the cops have you to put one of these down well one of what down your pants it’s gone hard not it’s got you put it down your pants it’s gone hard yeah it’s not what you want to hear when some that behind you they got

    Something hard down the trousers especially when you can’t see what’s going on to keep me thinking I’m really bad down there you don’t understand keeps it warm yeah I’m I’m not not going to go into what you put down showers yeah sometimes it’s very hard with some

    People some of the things to come out with is to keep a straight face it’s it really you do have to put a lot of effort into it okay you’ll take care see you later okay make sure you build up your speed on the eyesold before you move into the live Lane Okay to P that D ping Chris can’t quite believe there he is I’ve Pol this down my trousers and it’s gone hard that is what he’s just said to me it is yeah yeah what was he talking about he’s got one of them you know them gel things for sports injuries right

    That are all mushet he’s obviously popped it down front of his trousers oh get your speed up don’t pull straight out don’t do it oh he’s doing he’s been all right not too bad it sat perfectly given the fact fact that he has got a sporty thing down his

    P so he sat fine till men speed and then start doing his little sure it was a a story he just invented he knew why would stop yeah it no you just never know what you’re going to come across particular week was just a general National Road Safety week

    Uh so it’s almost a catch all just go out there see what we can find Dale and Helen head to a busy slipway near Junction 27 their job is to pull vehicles in for inspection before they have the chance to get onto theot away if the vehicles are are not safe or if

    They doing anything wrong in general if they’re doing it repeatedly their turn will come Dale’s attention is soon caught by an old recovery van just stands out as vehicle we’ll take it and have a look around it just agent vehicle there could be a host of things wrong with it I

    Suppose some people may think Mountain out of them moo it may seem trival it may seem quite harsh if we start talking about something like a ball tire but it’s that it it only takes a split second for it to evolve into something so much more nothing to worry about I’m sure you’ve

    Been to to us that’s all pick a reserve present up what’s this about this guy it was very chatty but I suppose it just comes with experience you realize some people are just just trying to beend you as a means to an end really it sometimes don’t come up on

    Insurance thing if you give me it with I can’t remember I think it’s trade wise if you give me a producer I can bring you the I can produce we’ll R we’ll ring up and check as we always do all right well you producing sometimes people can

    Seem too Keen to help when people start quoting these phrases these offenses to you if they know it that well they’ve obviously been there uh been there done it and got the T-shirt so it certainly makes you makes you wonder uh who exactly am I dealing with here what sort

    Of policy is it uh recovery policy right I didn’t know if it were recover in sales no it’sot as well because you’re not allowed to use them if they’re moted exempt for personal he tried a little bit too hard uh and everything unraveled from there really Customs officers have run a

    Check on the recovery truck’s Fuel and the News isn’t good for the driver supect this red diesel we KN you before hav’t we not long ago no we tested you before we tested you before it’s about 50p a liter cheaper than the the standard clear greeny colored diesel

    What you’d normally buy running tractor equivalent uh JCB as long as it’s not on a road we fine to use it it’s exactly the same product uh the red diesel just has a die uh placed in it at manufacturer uh to indicate it’s not suitable to be on the roads what will it

    Be then 500 quid well it’s’ been done before so it you have to decide on SE see how many times he actually been done I I definitely been him about 3 months ago so the driver has an excuse not my fault I’ve just put 20 worth of white in at Tesco but the

    Evidence is stacking up and his day is about to get worse it’s almost shake the tree and see what falls out and more often than not more than one thing does while they continue to examine the van 10 m east on the m621 south of Leeds

    PC’s fill Stone B and Dave Robson are also on the lookout for motorists breaking the law I do love my job I mean I couldn’t be stuck in an office you never know what’s going to happen with this job that’s the main thing about it one thing

    They do know is that uninsured drivers are a major problem one in 20 risk driving without insurance adding around £380 million a year to the cost of everyone else’s Bill no insurance is a massive problem particularly around West Yorkshire so we’re doing our best to try

    And combat the problem as best we can he’s not wanting to go past behind he’ll just go to faia just 30 minutes into their shift and a car has caught their attention how play a game with them to see how slow you can get before they do eventually come fast speed limit there

    Is 50 m hour as he coming down into leads and at one point I think we got down to 38 mph uh he just didn’t want to come past us so that immediately sets the alarm bells ringing as the car is finally forced to overtake the car s

    Phil checks the driver’s details on the police National Database male driver want it female owner let’s see who’s on the insurance permitted driver insured only they that’s reason enough to check him out right light out y 99% certain it was a m driver yeah on works bring him

    In these are the people they’re our bread and butter we’re going out there and we’re actively trying to take these people off their own come on in is this your car what’s your name please right marvelous just checking the insurance who whose insurance are you driving on circus according to the insurance is

    Only you on the insurance to drive the vehicle you got another vehicle that you’re insured on have you is the vehicle that you’re on about registered to you it’s registered in your name no it’s it was a bit hesitant but you know it was a plausible character uh you know we

    Get some people it’s obvious for the when he starts speaking to him that the lineon thrw the back teeth but uh we still need to get him in the back of our car just to run the necessary checks what’s your name sir please it’s Aaron Johnson can you spell

    Your first name for me it’s Aaron Johnson what my name is Dean Johnson it’s like just calls me but it’s what name’s on your driving license Dean John Dean Aon Johnson and what’s your home address it’s yeah all right you known to the police at all you ever been arrested already

    Fingerprints no no right excellent you got full driving license yeah excellent do you have it on you no I haven’t no no the driver license check is usually the one that captures them out everybody if they’ve got a driving license will be recorded on the police national computer

    It’s just a case of putting the right details into the computer yeah can you just uh run the driver through for us please just do a driver license check surname of Johnson two for names of Dean and where you heading for then I’m just going to Le to a Chris yeah

    71 go ahead 71 again there’s no trace on those details um there’s nobody with that name no I didn’t we tried post Cod search and everything but uh there was just nothing there which it it sets the alarm bells ringing it was quite obvious that it wasn’t telling the truth and the

    Driver isn’t going anywhere anywhere until Phil finds out what he’s trying to hide just off the m62 the recovery truck driver is starting to feel the heat his vehicle is failing every test and now the lack of tread on his tires is under scrutiny what does that

    Say yeah 39 yeah right in the sentence so you need 1.6 mm to be lawful so this this an illegal tire so I’m going to report to police are here everybody’s going to be dealing with you really uh obviously customers will deal with you for their side of things with running at

    Red diesel vula I be some form of a Prohibition yeah yeah it’s also on your on your brake Floy things are mounting up and all the all the agencies everybody’s writing their own pieces of paper not good news for him when he looks around and whichever direction he

    Turns to see somebody else right in a report on him the ball tire is an automatic three points it’ll have to be a report at 192 for t t will it be P just so I’m all right for this foot license he can if he wants to

    It will take that face Vol does carry points typically all right but because you’re already on 12 points 15 I’m 15 but he kept it in C I kept it in C right okay well we’ll be down to a c with the disqualify you won’t it there’s not much else he could have

    Been doing wrong here today in terms of the people what’s here is license is show expired because he’s not surrendered it after being given more points at cour on the face of his license he’s got six points he’s actually just said he’s actually got 15

    If I was a betting man I would expect him is is going to be subject to a disqualification on this occasion and now he’s also going to lose his van the red diesel in his engine and the ball tire means this vehicle is being seized I don’t feel sorry for these people how

    Can these people expect my sympathy see you later everything what happened and the vehicle ended up being taken away it was all they doing wasn’t ours which leaves the unhappy driver with a long walk home back on the hard shoulder of the m621 Phil and Dave are still trying to

    Confirm the scoda driver’s identity the address on your license Aaron is it this address or is it your previous address no no I was at my mom’s at the time no no and that’s definitely the address that’s on your license no no that’s my address where I live now right

    What address is on your license oh it’s um yeah my mom’s address which is um stand by yeah the second excuse he came up with was it must be his mom’s address that’s on his license and not his girlfriend’s address so we checked on that one go

    Ahead seem to exist in nothingham but there is no no no believe it was hard work with this guy I think he just ended up tying himself up in kns have you got anything with your name on it eron bank cards or anything like that

    Either on you are in the care let me see no I got my gym membership let me see I don’t think this is got a name on it anyway then he came out with his gym card which had no photograph on it didn’t have his name on

    It I was going to go for a morning it so you’re making this hard work for us AR you I know I’m sorry just go the old good lady just let what’s happening okay Phil’s hoping the girlfriend can shed some light on the driver’s identity right what’s his full name Dean Johnson

    Is he called Aaron though don’t here yeah Dean it says everybody calls him Aaron is it Aaron or is it Dean oh I call him Dean you’ll call him Dean yeah how long you been with him a couple of years right it says everybody else calls him Aron speaking

    To his girlfriend I don’t think she even knew the name she didn’t even know where that had come from so that was a clincher for me what do you say people refer to you as is it Dean or is it Aaron well yeah Dean but Aaron like more

    People it was quite obvious that uh he couldn’t lie straight in bed and all the answers he was giving were uh were were just rubbish with all lines of inquiry drawing a blank Phil calls in a second Motorway cop with a mobile fingerprint machine right just jump out for a z and

    He’ll he’ll do it here at the side of the roads a bit more room to stand here and do you’re just going to put your finger on on this machine and just check some details on that but we’re going to have to do it mate we’re not 100%

    Satisfied with your identity we can’t find you on any of the systems this is a problem we’ve got it can be frustrating when you’re dealing with something like that when you know the telling lies uh and it’s a long laborious process to get to the end of it it’s the fingerprint

    Device still save time we were able to identify him within a matter of [Applause] seconds we got no finally the truth is out out and Udin also known as Aaron decides to come clean go on then what do you want to tell us what’s your real

    Name right why didn’t you tell us that an hour ago it’s just that a pan a mon um provisional run the way to the K and I just wanted to get there provisional license holders obviously aren’t allowed on the motorway um full stop the only place that can drive legally is on non

    Motorway roads provided that the supervised by a qualified driver if you do get CAU then you know you’re looking up between five and 8 points in your driving license and two three 4500 fine so it’s just not worth it at the end of the day while he tries to explain his

    Way out of trouble his girlfriend leaves him to the motorway cops she’s abandoned you mate give her a ring She’s Gone without yeah a lucky Escape for her it was quite possible that his girlfriend could have been arrested as well for attempting to pervert the car for

    Justice but the driver is still hopeful he might yet talk his way out of trouble I’m not trying to talk to you like idiots or nothing like that well unfortunately have for the past hour you’ve tried to treat us like idiots by pretending that you were someone else

    And I’ve asked you numerous times if these are your right details uh and you’ve said yes and that wasn’t the case was it no is the answer is it we can get something down on paper and then you’ll be reported for summons and you’ll get

    Summons to the post at the end of the day we’re not vindictive so we just couldn’t Turf him out in a strange city at the side of the road so being the nice guys that we are we decided to drop him off down at the train station he’s not done himself any favors

    He had plenty of opportunity there to tell us his real name right there you go mate we’ll let you out but uh the fingerprint device doesn’t lie uh and it’s just confirmed exactly who he is and that he doesn’t have a driving license he’s admitted he’s not insured

    To drive the vehicle but he’s also looking at going to court for the offense of obstructing a PC by attempting to give us false details that was hard work we got that in the end high five cheesy Yeah as night falls across West Yorkshire a new police team takes to the roads PC Mick Roth and Rob Jones are from the Yorkshire and Humber Regional crime team these officers travel across four counties in search of criminals using the roads we cover the the whole

    Region which is a huge area um and you have main motorways like the a1m and the M1 and the m62 running through it we’re really out to catch criminals organized crime groups burglars car thieves trug dealers that kind of thing tonight they’re traveling in Convoy behind another unmarked car they don’t normally

    Deal with traffic offenses but as they leave the M1 to join the m621 a driver grabs their attention was working not pushing me poor driving annoys every decent motorist and the cops are no different this guy was absolutely right up behind us you know [ __ ] paper between

    Us trying to push his way past and hadn’t twig that we were pleas just tell Ross to keep it ey on him see cuz he might just can it on here and then he might just he’s right the CH of that wagon sett in I know

    Ross just keep ey this um Toyota thing in front of us please mate been right up AR all the way down that last Road the there’s a to just in front of us um come on the motorway it’s got right across the solid white pan on the

    Cou to early which is potentially very dangerous once the driver hits the fast lane he puts his foot down still 50 75 down outside Lane there past the 507 you can have mind rat’s coming out it’s growing is it it’s growing rat’s going to B him in a minute cops have a

    Nickname for their colleagues who dish out tickets the term rat or black rat is is widely known I think as um traffic officers it’s a a generic term and it’s just seen as a bit of a joke really they do a great job and they’re very good at

    What they do R is in a rat is surfac in man he’s thinking about a speeding ticket I have reputation for being the um the rat on the team so it was quite amusing to me that he’s the one that was getting all head up about the way this fell was

    Driving but the driver’s not finished yet every time as soon as he crossed those white lines and pulled that dangerous maneuver that was a point where there’s no going back from this he has death himself we got to the uh the feeding in Lan there he’s gone straight across the

    Chevon are is making his own line up as he goes along so we we’re going to speak and have words about the manner of his driving you over if we not stopped him and spoken to him then I have every expectation that he would have caused an accident at some

    Point how do you going to rush for a particular reason or I just take c as please a quick not to bring your keys here just jumping back M this sidewise you’ll get squashed not M away and that is far too much righting I didn’t like his driving at all

    Now obviously in a rush for some reason but uh far too quick that and he were doing silly Maneuvers as well when you’re joining in rush hour conditions and it’s busy slight maneuver could go wrong really and it could end up in causing all sorts of carnage right pal you obviously committed

    Several offenses there we manner of driveing which is very unfortunate feel that we’re in an car and we’ve seen it all and captured it on video so I’ll CAU you and tell you that you do not have to say anything but it may have your defense if you don’t mention when

    Question something which let on in court anything you do say may be given you understand that anything you want to say to that no okay M just got into full floor straight away um and started trying to educate this fell on the um era of his ways I warn you about your

    Maneuvers join in Crossing solid white paint joining on to 621 and I’ll warn you about your due care and attention as you’ve overtook them cars as it comes to two lanes to one lane on Entry to here you’ve gone all way to outside all of ains cut past three cars and you

    Enjoined don’t you if you remember that de do you have any points on your license at the minute how many six what four what on the average cameras what twice or just once orce right I feel in this fix penalty notice fix penalty is what it says it is

    It’s three penalty points on your license and a 60 fine he may learn one day when you know he’s either if he’s lucky he’ll lose his license but if he’s unlucky he’ll cause someone to be killed or seriously injured at Le to sort himself out he’s got six points uh

    Already both in the 25th of June on the m62 so he’s not learning his lad that qu you’re in a rat for the evening M it’ll never quell Jones’s in a rat 20 M away just north of Bradford PC Andy Baron is back on shift tonight he’s with PC Martin

    Willis in the early hours of the morning the roads may be quiet but there are still plenty of law Breakers around we get people at high on drugs we get people that are are really drunk we get people with prostitutes in the car um that are engaged in sexual

    Activities it could be anything um at sort of time in morning let’s uh run this one let’s just stop it it was a car that was out of place it was late at night there was not a lot of traffic on the road um and I recall this car being

    Driven what we would describe as erratic drink yeah well that’s what I’m thinking everything’s worth stopping too it was doing things that you wouldn’t expect a careful competent driver to do it just heightens your suspicion have a seat could smell the alcohol you could smell it had been drinking something he

    He almost crawled out of the car sorry what did you say your name okay because I can smell alcohol I’m going to request a breath test all right where is it you traveling to is this where you were going to stop anywhere yeah do you live here no I have a

    Business here okay mate all I required to do then is deep breath long continuous blow through this machine until it stops beeping all right have you given a breath test before yeah yeah go on them hard I think yeah do it we’ll see if it goes on that a bit hard we’ll we’ll

    See the driver seems to know he’s in big trouble anything above an alcohol count of 35 and he risks losing his license I think from speaking to you’re probably going to be over at limit and I think and I think you’re expecting to be over

    It’s gone to 112 and what it should be yeah you say how many 35 okay mixing a car with alcohol uh to that level is is more dangerous than a load of gun you’re talking a ton of metal on a road at speed it’s going to devastate anything that it hits what it

    Means is you’ll have to come with us to station we’ll have to get a more accurate sample okay this moment in time you’re under arrest on suspicion of driving motor vehicle while Ser limit okay have to same with May har defense you mention when questioned something

    Which L line in court you do say maybe giv in evidence you understand I do yeah 3 four yep his world has just ended um I think he knew about it as soon as I spoke to him he went he’s just blown three or four times over the legal limit so he’s

    Coming with us drink driving so this is going to have a big impact on him unfortunately for him but right now the driver still thinks he can beat the breath test can we stop up and get something to eat please can I have a burger we can’t I don’t want to fall out

    With you we’ve got rules I’m not being rude no no you’re not I’m trying to obviously not fail this cuz if I fail this I’m absolutely yeah he were full of himself um he was in high Spirits it was typically drunk I got the impression

    That if he thought that if he could be really really ping and confident with us that we’d you know take him down Curry shop I think and buy him a takeaway can I call myself before I even do any of this I’m not trying to R but I’m I’m

    Probably going to blow over so you can’t delay the actual evidential sample you seem to think that if he delayed it he would be much more likely to get off and he was quite happy to tell us that and tell us that were his tactic and as they

    Pull into the police station the driver makes another desperate attempt to get off unless you all want to go out we all just get L easier reverse incredible some of the things he were coming out with but again we expect everything when you drunk come on in mate not surprisingly it doesn’t work

    His only destination is the a custody Suite where he’ll be providing the breath test that will really count 70 M away on the m62 near Hull Mick and Rob are still on the road they’re racing to a suspected Breakin when that kind of call comes in

    You know that there could be a job in it you get that bit of adrenaline Spike and you just know if we can get into the air area and get everything sorted and catch these people it’s just why why you come to work they’ve just passed a job out of

    A local channel saying there been some burglar has Disturbed on premises uh somewhere nearby we’re less than a half a mile from the address at the minute and there’s a couple of cars making the way there’s no descriptions of anybody uh we don’t know what’s been stolen if

    Anything has I get so we’re going to get there and see if we contain the area hopefully gra two burgers get out it’s all gated and ter it Mick and I were making a bit of an area search to try and find out find people running away from the address if

    You like hopefully swag bag in hand as soon as someone’s Disturbed or they commit a crime they’re off on the toes they’re not going to be at they’re seeing the crime who’s that come around that corner quick there I could see a guy uh run from right to

    Left and he came running into the Terrace towards us and I instantly thought this is in this has got to be in hey buddy how we doing B two seconds set your hands out Pock what you up to Pal been for a walk you been running aren’t

    You no I haven’t been running I suffer with ask my M yeah what’s your name pal right there’s been a bur nearby pal me we don’t know that here well speak can you me please for now you the purpose of a search mate under Poli criminal evidence I’ve done nothing

    Wrong there you been searched all right pal all I’ll search you no I don’t know you do I no I for some reason calm down ultimately he could be doing anything by putting his hands in there he could have a weapon he may want to attack me he may have some evidence

    That he wants to conceal your your you’re a going to put your hands up in air just it’s not America it’s just when people start going to the pockets I don’t know what’s in there as my M explain mate there’s been there’s been a burglary not two streets away you’ve

    Come around corner running aren’t you no Haven come around corner mate like you can running out end to me no I come walk him WR M you didn’t I did no you never I did I’ve done nothing wrong mate it’s how you known to us it’s not what you

    Known for bur no excuse me let me finish bur in the past how long since has it past last time I got B yeah 4 six last time you were charged or last time you were arrested this guy uh I knew at the time is a career criminal

    He’s he’s committed burglaries all his all his life really from being very very young up until how old he’s now I mean he’s as old as my dad cuz that’s from when it’s really that’s me torch what’s that for me torch me lamp CU on my bike

    It’s not a bike lamp it’s just a I know I know that cuz you oh Ain looking good for you no listen come on he’s just a pain he’s just a bit of a blight on society really he’s never going to be rehabilitated he’s never going to stop

    What he’s doing he will commit crime all his life that’s me money like this going we put it on top of the spin all right I’ll tell you now and I’ve been Nick with him before and I’ve been let out I’m going to find some here build

    No no no some barbarians that I used for stressing me hand barbarians are stressing your hand yeah listen not smashing Windows no I don’t smash Windows mate I don’t you no they’re not stress balls they’re ball bearings for breaking windows but from then on I

    Think he knew in the back of his mind that he was on an adding to nothing because before I’d searched him and found things he started to offer explanations for them I’ll tell you now I’ve got some spark plugs I’ve R in my pocket for months oh some some bit spark

    Plugs as well I’ve had him for months I’ve even been nicked with Forester by him right and hav done nothing strange that you nicked with me now as well is it no so what it’s the ceramic coating around the top of the spark plug it’s mega mega sharp when it’s broken off

    Into pieces it’s classic tools to um smash Windows the cops have more than enough evidence to arrest him next he’s going to take his car off and have a stripy jumper on and a a black mask or something like that cuz it’s just absolute classic burglar it couldn’t

    Have been a better job for us I almost could have pulled out a bag a bag that said swag on it put the cffs on what what cuz at this moment in time you’re under arrest on suspicion of burglary that’s happened two to do with me we

    Good reason aren’t I what good reason if it’s not to do with you then it’s nothing to do with you to do with me we’ll see what you try to not to laugh and you you obviously got to remain professional but in the back of your mind you’re thinking these are

    Ridiculous excuses I know what you’ve done you know what you’ve done why you even bother him I don’t do bakies now that is God I was last week you’re out of breath you’ve got gloves on you to smash Windows information the lad we’ve got locked up on suspicion of this

    Job has got ball bearings in his pockets and apparently spark plugs on his person so if you can find any uh B bearan be good while the man protests his innocence nothing to do with me a minute Rob waits to hear back from officers at the burgled house right B all list in

    Here and then finds his own key piece of evidence watch is completely shattered at that point I was thinking this lad is bang to he that watch has to be from the burglary get that CH up my face hey list calm down shut up and the burglar seems

    To know that his fate is sealed by back in Bradford Andy and Martin have arrived in the custody Suite with their drunk driver okay um it’s com sat on the back of the vehicle could smell intoxicant on his breath and has provided a breath sample um of 112 micrograms in 100 m of

    Breath that’s a reading more than three times over the legal limit and what have we been drinking seasoning how much would that six seven this driver had had consumed an awful lot of alcohol what time did you start drinking um five then stopped 3 hours

    Um then 9 till 11: I think no matter how drunk you are there at some point is that conscious decision that you’re going to get in a car and drive it when when you’re not fit to drive it first question would you like us list yes anybody in particular yep who would that

    Be I would need yellow PES or the internet please yeah internet Yellow Pages uh for braford and W field please the cops think the driver could still be trying to delay his final breath test he were coming out with various various tactics he wanted to read a yellow pages

    In the phone book at one point which clearly would take you all night uh that wasn’t going to happen are they criminal citizens don’t know yet that one speak CU they’re not criminal solicitors and not on our list you won’t be able to have them need to

    Find another one well what we can do is we can contact the juty solicitor which is the local I’m not I’m not jewi okay absolutely I have no sympathy at all for people like that um they’ve taken the risk um they’ve been caught they deserve everything they get keep going keep

    Going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going that’s brilliant that’s good right put that down your lowest reading is 83 microG of alcohol and 100 m of breath

    Okay uh it is over the limit the legal limit is 35 so what will happen you will be charged with driving while the prescribed drink Drive limit our priority is to save lives uh and we deal with death and destruction on a regular basis far too regular uh we want to stop

    That or reduce it if we can and the only way to do that is to take these uh these drivers off the road cuz they are an absolute hazard in Hull mck and robber with a suspected burglar waiting to hear if a watch has been reported stolen from a nearby

    House DK y yeah that’s it happy days what taken from this one it gets better already there’s a DK women’s DK W watch been taken from this burglary he’s got that in his pocket so he’s obviously done the job so he’s caught red-handed so to speak yeah done nothing wrong and he

    Thinks he’s clever cuz he’s getting me me for something I haven’t done he’s going to get off it apparently fact that watch fromont burglar is in his pocket two streets away from burglary I don’t think I don’t think he’s going to get away with so we’ve got

    A torch some ball bearings the spark plugs and then now we’ve got the watch from the house from the burglary which absolutely ties it up for us it’s a hole in one it don’t get any better than that with the case sewn up the cops arrange

    For the burglar to be transported to a police station in Hull while they follow on behind hey result or what result or what happy days it was this watch I found it oh did you watch someone’s house did you see me spark plug out of his pocket as well oh

    There I’ve had them in there ages have you yeah all right yeah like you said every time you went into a pocket it were like and I’ll tell you this as well he was absolutely banged to rights there was no way he was going to wiggle out

    With that no matter how much he denied it but at the station they find him still sticking to his unlikely story hey mate all right call don’t talk to me yo what’s up we here you arrested me Hey Hey listen all right hold can I just say something you’re arresting me come let’s

    Go here no you arresting me for some come why have you got ladies watch in your pocket then what why have you got the ladies watching your pocket cuz I bought off somebody did you yeah all right come stand at desk here buddy the fence Burgery not

    Guilty we made an area search and cited this gentleman running in into Vermont into Vermont Villas when I spoke to him he was out of breath yeah cuz I suffered with Asma I conducted a search of his person and see throwing a silver women’s DK Andy watch from his rear pocket of

    His jeans and he was arrested on suspicion of burglary it’s harassment that’s all it is he never stopped coming out with excuses because I think he’s just a career criminal and I think he’s got in his head that he has to deny it to the end because he knows if he makes any

    Admission throughout we will use it against him and we will he’s been in the game long enough to know to deny everything up until the point where you stand before the jury I got arrested every stand at the down Cal yourself down I before you just take him I could have a SE

    Clothing so if I have you got any brown bags I can Bor pleas going get off what your shoes off your shoes off please pal it is a bit of a game to them um as much as it is to us and that’s not to to

    Trivialize it it’s just as much as um cops and robbers if you like we’re out there to catch them they’re out there to evade capture we see his clothing for you know kind of glass transfer and all that kind of stuff if he’s going to smash a window

    He OD is covered in it so I think why that would be no perhaps he brought that off somebody as well it’s a shame now that we have to sit and do about 3 hours of paperwork just to just to prove he a vehicle I know yeah

    The driver stopped with a van load of cannabis pleaded guilty to possession of drugs dangerous driving and failure to stop he was given an 8-month prison sentence suspended for 12 months no further action was taken against the passenger there was insufficient evidence to prove there had been a

    Burglary at the Cannabis house the driver who claimed he was speeding because he had a bad stomach was given six points on his license and fined £00 the recovery van driver was disqualified from driving for 6 months for having an expired driving license for the Bold Tire he was issued with

    Three penalty points and fined 250 and for running his truck on illegal red diesel he was fined £500 the man caught on the m621 without insurance and the correct driving license was also charged with obstructing a police officer he was given eight points on his provisional license and fined

    £10 the tailgating driver who took off at speed on the m621 was given three points and issued with a60 fine the drunk driver was disqualified from driving for 16 months and fine £235 and the man caught red-handed with the stolen watch pleaded guilty to burglary and was given 2 years and 4

    Months in prison

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