Wanna buy me a Fish !

    Welcome to life in rural France ladies and gentlemen um I got a lot of uh requests um on the uh last Vlog that I did regarding U my ramblings uh regarding integration so I want to address that but I want to let you guys know that uh in a place called Canada we

    Just uh celebrated something called Thanksgiving uh the US does it a little later but we do it in October so in this episode I am going to give you a feast for your eyes so stick around I’m going to uh bring you to a an amazing Place uh

    We thought it was uh fantastic so stick around uh for that but before we do that um I want to address address a few issues that came down from the life uh in rural France head office um questions that some viewers um wrote in about and

    I just want to address uh address them and let you know what we did uh one person asked about banking how easy it is to uh to get banking here um if you got money you can get a bank account uh that’s basically what it boils down to

    Uh they’re going to ask you all the uh you know the important questions like you know what your passport where do you live all kinds of stuff like that obviously you need an address um but if you have all that your um you know all your passport information an address

    Money um you can open an account here so it was pretty easy for us we had one probably within a week the second question uh submitted to me by the head office at life and Rural France was how easy is it to get a car once you arrive

    In France and um yeah you got money that’s the the bottom line to all of this if you got money identification and a place to live you can get a car so uh I guess the head the main thing here is you got to have a residence you got to

    Have an address to give these people uh if you have that pretty much everything goes easy from there getting a doctor was uh submitted in a sealed envelope by the uh uh people in the head office uh how easy it is uh is it to get a doctor

    Uh I’ve touched on getting your cart vle which you need but you don’t need a cart vle to actually see a doctor um you can pay for one which is pretty cheap um the cost is probably about 20 bucks 25 uh and uh then you can see a doctor um but

    Um yeah uh it’s pretty easy as far as that’s concerned they’re not going to ask you for any uh you know information regarding where you live you just uh can pay up go see a doctor they’ll give you prescription and way you go so if you

    Got cash um that’s not going to be an issue obviously if you have your cart vetal and um a mutual which tops up that card U everything is going to be uh covered uh free of charge so there you go that pretty much wraps up all the questions that were submitted by the

    Head office and uh that takes care of that so before we go I just want to ask you guys to please uh go and check out a site called escape to France cherant and that’s a a really cool site um created by Robin Lisa uh they move their whole

    Family down from the UK and it’s really interesting to watch so uh yeah go uh give these guys a like and a subscribe I’m sure they would really appreciate it all right so get your boots on um we’re going to have a feast for the eyes ladies and gentlemen it is a very

    Special day today it is John Len’s birthday birthday and my birthday it’s a very special day so we are in a place called Albi and we are going to show you around so get your shoes on Alby Alby Land of Lincoln not really more like the

    Land of tus L Trek a very uh famous painter in France and you can visit the museum the tus lre Museum he was a very short man only 4 feet 8 in tall some say he stuck his nose in other people’s business I have no comment on that oh God yeah oh my

    Gosh now it is worth uh making note that the p d formerly The Bishop’s Palace and now the tulo lra museum is one of the oldest and best preserved castles in France these surroundings are simply breathtaking uh something you really have to see for yourself now in 1208 the pope and the

    French King joined forces to combat the cathar here come the cathar again a very common uh theme in this area uh they developed their own version of uh athetic Christian dualism and so herry considered Dangerous by the dominant Catholic church so now we’re going to try and get into this magnificent structure the

    Cathedral s Cil and uh see what it looks like inside they started building this place in 1282 and let me tell you something you got to see this place it is a masterpiece of Southern Gothic style and uh it is characterized by a strong contrast between its aere defensive exterior and its Sumptuous

    Interior decoration let’s have a look inside wow look at the intricate work somebody built that [Applause] it has been 15 16 yeah well I’ll be giving this place a 8.9 on the official life and Rural France rating scale the official rating scale um truly magnificent something you should

    See now that is what I would call a magnificent organ a pipe organ this is a this is a fresco in the church on the uh the happenings of the last Judgment you don’t want to end up Here want to end up there okay yeah oh so it’s it is numbered Yeah the town has beautiful streets and Alleyways which have beautiful homes which uh remind us of Disney like Set wow that’s unreal Albi is in a commune in southern France and the first human settlement and Alby was in the Bronze Age 3,00 to 600 BC that is Old in 584 Gregory of Tours reported that the majority of the uh towns folk that lived there died of the plague well my first and second um opinion on Albi are fantastic and magnificent I really like this place it’s got a really good feel to it this very unassuming uh building is

    The birth place of tus L Trek uh and a very important Monument here in Albi let’s take a moment to just walk through this beautiful Closter Yeah yeah Beautiful these are cloysters right in the center of the Old Town that’s that building that you see remember from the distance Yeah as we walk around these historical places seeing all these beautiful cloysters and whatnot I think to myself there is no better way than to spend this historical day the day of my birth in such a lovely place I don’t know if that’s historical to me it

    Is but seriously folks um it may not be a historical day but uh certainly is a historical Place yeah true right there’s a knock on Scrooge Scrooge I have been Scrooged ladies and gentlemen this is one of the oldest bridges in France I’m going to repeat that one of the oldest bridges in in France it was built in 1040 1040 and um it used to have uh it used to be a toll bridge and it used to have

    Houses along the sides of it and um it’s a very historic Bridge unfortunately it’s under construction right now but uh makes me Think this will give you an idea of what this bridge was like in the days of your it’s a beautiful thing that hotel a hotel right oh there you go you wanted to see that hotel thing yeah it was yeah umbrellas remember they had those in carcass well there you have it folks

    What did you think of Ali wasn’t that an amazing place you know I’m trying to uh bring you guys along to a lot of different places here in southern France in this area and tell you what it’s like to live uh in this area uh so I hope

    You’re you’re liking what we’re doing um if you do please like And subscribe um I loved uh Albi um it reminded me of too quite a bit um a lot of the buildings had that red brick facade uh which really looks cool it was a great way to

    Spend my birthday that’s for sure uh but I’m another year older but you know when I think about it isn’t age just a matter of mindover matter if you don’t mind it don’t matter hey stay thirsty Everybody is


    1. Happy Birthday 🎂. Yes, the years drift by very quickly
      Loved the birthday day out with you viewing the castles and bridges, terrific structures and they are standing the test of time.
      And you answered the question, how easy is it to settle in France 🇫🇷, easy if you have a cash!
      Hopefully you enjoyed a celebration glass of wine 🍷.

    2. Hi Glen. Happy Birthday! To the best tour guide in the South of France. Age is just a number… Thank you once again, for the magnificent and beautiful tour, you continue to amaze us all with such wonderful sights. Albi, truly looks like a picture postcard place, hats off to the Romans too, they sure knew how to build, whether it be, buildings, bridges, forts, roads etc, they sure knew how to make structures last.
      Now sit back and make a wish when blowing out the birthday candles, enjoy, une bouteille de vin. Best wishes to you and Sue. From Taffy.

    3. What a lovely way to spend an afternoon. I could spend a few hours with those frescoes – nothing quite like a good view of Hell to get my attention.
      Happy birthday to you – I hope the day ended with cake, a few candles to blow out – and ice cream. (Always ice cream..)
      Wishing you a year of adventures ahead – may they be jolly.
      Thanks for the buggy-ride.

    4. Happy birthday Glen! Albi is one of my favourite places, especially the Saturday market, where I once bought the best honey!
      We are really hoping to be in France soon…hope you had a great day!

    5. Albi lent its name to the Albigensian crusade. It was a sad and bitter war against a type of christianity that had the temerity to treat women as equals and could ordain women who could also own property on their own threatening the patriarchy of the Roman church. They were vegetarians and fairly austere in their lifestyles. Cathar castles dot the countryside in Aude.

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