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    #podcast #lamborghini #hybrid

    Hey Nathan guess where I was at uh I’m going to guess I don’t know on the throne at your home well I was there every day but uh place that you rule I was also just in Rome um when Roman’s in Rome driving the new Lamborghini rev

    Welto which is a mouthful that’s a hard name a V and a w together is not natural at least for uh for us for us yeah uh and uh I was there because this is the replacement for the Aventador which I finally learned to say properly and now

    That I have they have this whole new name which is crazy but the car it it’s nuts it is nuts and um I did a couple things uh which we’ll show in this episode um because of course this appears both as a podcast and then on

    Our um YouTube Talk uh Channel tfl talk I did a walk around of the car oh okay uh and because the car is crazy complex I interviewed the chief technical director for Lamborghini that is awesome but before we get to that I wanted to mention something very important what’s this is

    Our 200th episode wow 200th wow well how many years is that 52 it’s like four years it’s it’s a lot of years worth of doing this actually of podcasting yeah yeah and uh do you feel any smarter because we’ve done this no quite the opposite in fact I want to apologize to

    Everybody for all the brain cells we’ve killed of yours um in addition though I do want to thank everybody out there including uh all those who have supported us on patreon uh thank you guys so much without your support without you guys tuning in we wouldn’t

    Be doing this yeah you guys are the best uh and we appreciate you coming here to the podcast to kind of get the behind the scenes you know inside on what’s happening at tfl uh so let me tell you something I noticed oh please first about Rome I feel like every smart car

    In the world and every mini in the world is in Rome and rightfully so because the streets are so tight exactly so you think you go to Rome and see a bunch of Fiats maybe a bunch of uh Fiat 500s you know you see the old ones the chento I

    Don’t see the new ones I certainly don’t see the new I didn’t see the new electric ones but man there were a lot of smart cars and a lot of Minis and the smart cars were actually parked butt in to the curb yeah well that’s because the

    Italians can do that like yes look what I can do and then then when you see like you know the the the odd American car it just looks gigantic d i I saw a cheap Cherokee which isn’t all that big right no it’s not the new one right actually

    There’s a lot of jeeps in Rome surprisingly I think Jeep does well in Italy well FCA and all that whole combination I think is part of it Fiat Chrysler right which is now of course uh yeah but yeah I was amazed at all the little tiny ass cars and they’re all

    Like banged up all to hell I think it must be like New York where it’s really hard to have a car yeah uh but once you start moving towards the countryside you see different Vehicles which is what I’ve noticed especially when you go to places that aren’t quite as popular as

    Rome at least the last time I was there by the way I know where all the Fiat 500s are all the Fiat 500s have moved to Germany which makes almost no sense but like in the eastern part of Germany going towards yenna and those areas um

    It’s I lower thoria I think they call it it’s like where all the Fiat 500s went is in that area I don’t know and all the smart cars and minis went over to hey do you remember um a few years ago when the Acura NSX came out yes I

    Did and it was very technically Advanced it had two Motors it had uh torque vectoring uh not by braking but by actually speeding up or slowing down the motors on each of the front wheels uh it had this big uh uh you know 500 plus horsepower V6 in the back um and

    Everybody just kind of said this car is not what we wanted it’s not what we you know expected from the next NSX yes but at the same time I noticed that people really started to hate the fact that it was going away when it was

    Going away now uh you know the new um Corvette eay yes it’s got battery and two electric motors on the front wheels torque vectoring yeah sounds sort of familiar and so did the McLaren P1 yeah one of the McLaren yeah well guess what what they did with the

    Uh uh Lamborghini rev welto uh was they took their V12 and turned it 180 degrees so you know where you would have normally the the transmission poking up out of the uh tunnel um they got rid of that fli the engine around and put a

    Battery in the tunnel it’s like a 17 Kow hour battery uh then uh put uh two Electric engines I’m sorry Motors on each of the front wheels put another motor uh and made it through this very trick and that’s why I’m interviewing the uh in this podcast the director of

    Technology because it’s a very complicated dual clutch with the motor also as part of it uh gave it four-wheel drive um gave it a top speed of this get this 350 km so that’s 20 well unofficially 23 miles an hour unofficially 223 that’s what that’s what

    I got told with a nudge nudge and a wink wink uh 0 to 60 in like 2.5 seconds jeez um 11 kilometers of all electric range so seven miles six miles yeah with a top speed of 80 km in electric and a plug so you could actually plug it into the wall

    Which ironically is in the frunk so like you really can’t do it on the street because you’d have to open your front to plug it in oh so you actually have to pop the hood or well the the front trunk or whatever yeah and so that’s a little

    Okay yeah so basically this this car is designed to be never never plugged in but if you really had to and you really wanted to you could plug it in can we call it a compliance car well it’s got 1,000 horsepower I know but I mean imagine you I think I

    Don’t know if that battery is large enough to get the discounts uh for a certain you know certain programs that are out there like you know hey if you have a plugin hybrid you actually have a small discount coming I don’t think that’s the case so I was a little

    Terrified cuz they took us to a track about an hour and a half outside of Rome uh and you know they separated us into three groups and of course I was in the first group of course and you know jet lagged and very early in the morning

    They threw me in the car and said go at it okay I think Paul would have had a ball you know I was like oh my God I hope I don’t wrap this thing you know around the racetrack in a way that is not fixable uh they put a race car a

    Lamborghini race car driver in front of me who was really nice uh and uh like most Lamborghinis uh I don’t fit Nathan with a helmet they gave it a little gurnie hump to make it a little bit taller yeah I could see it but basically the the only way I could drive that

    Thing was to lean the seat all the way back and of course I had the sports seat not the comfy seat right right which I don’t fit into very well so I know I’m winging you know I’m in Rome the capital of gelato and I’m winging about driving

    A race car around a racetrack U but you got to keep in mind that you know you don’t want to have your face tweeted around or I’m sorry xed around the world when you put it into a barrier because you know you’re you’re kind of jet lagged and not not necessarily you’re

    Not functioning on all cylinders yeah anyway so yeah so I was like laying back back helmet on fongs and I was too scared actually to look down but then uh uh a little video we’ve got a little po video coming up and I think I got up to

    253 km all right okay on the straightaway uh but the good news is that it’s very uh uh easy to control because of the torque vectoring so it actually uh does a lot of uh a lot of good stuff to keep you on the track and make you look like you’re uh for

    Stopping uh when you’re not okay well before we get to Max and before before we get into the next to the video clip that we were talking about yes quick question for you and this is the most important one that I have for the entire thing does it feel like a Lamborghini

    Yeah so it’s kind of a hybrid it is a plug-in hybrid and because of that screaming uh we’ve got sound of that too uh 12 cylinder it definitely feels like a Lamborghini don’t don’t worry they have not toned it down uh in fact it’s got these giant exhausts coming out the

    Back it’s got active Arrow rear wing uh and it’s got Massive Tires crazy colors uh and it’s only 600,000 and it sold out for the first well almost three years oh only 600 yeah only 600 okay um so yeah let’s uh let’s cut to the walk around

    And I was a little out of breath uh mainly because I was so nervous I wasn’t like like unhealthy I was just nervous you know you you you you put me in a $600,000 car and it’s a little bit outside of my comfort level right right well let’s check out that

    Video hey guys welcome to Rome I am here in Italy for the world premiere the first drive of the brand new Lamor Lamborghini rev welto and this is the fastest Lamborghini that has ever been produced it is also the very first plug and hybrid Lamborghini and in this video

    We are going to do a complete walk around it’s hiding back here I’m going to knock on the door I’m going to show you everything about the car we’re going to talk about the design language we’re going to talk about the engine we’re going to talk about the horsepower uh

    We’re going to talk about how much it costs and at the end I’m going to even tell you how you can get one or can’t stay tuned for that anyway come on in here um and if this looks familiar it’s because it shares the same design language that Lamborghini has had since

    The cach and you can tell that by coming over here and looking at this poster now the designer that I just spoke to said he was inspired by a spaceship but there’s the Countach there’s the Diablo then of course the morago finally the Aventador and now the Rev welto and you

    Can kind of see the design language and where it came from same thing from the back obviously the exhaust locations have changed but Countach Diablo mercil Lago Aventador and rev welto and I got to say you know this is a car that well is kind of a bridge between the past and

    The future and when I say past I mean the V12 this car does have a V12 but it also has an electric motor now if you’ve been with tfl for a long time you’ll note uh that H maybe 5 years ago I did the first

    Drive of the NSX uh and the kind of the architecture of this car the internal architecture is very similar to the NSX but before we get to talking about the powertrain and how much power it has and how it works as a plugin hybrid let’s

    Talk about the design so let’s go to the front and let’s take a look at it uh and there’s another thing that the designer used and you’ll see it everywhere um the letter Y so spaceship and the letter Y and of course the most prominent letter

    Y is right there uh that has become kind of a classic of modern Lamborghini design you’ll also see it over here in the wheels so once again the letter Y and by the way um you can have two setups you can have 21s in the front

    Or and 22s in the back or you can have 22s in the front and 23s in the back depending if you want performance or Street ability more wise of course right here in the in the tailights once again a y um and it’s just very wiish

    Everywhere you look you can kind of see a Confluence of the why and of the modern spaceship design uh the designer was also proud of this which is kind of the hump uh and I just spent I don’t know about half hour on the track and

    The hump here once again the Gertie hump if you’re looking back into the days of old racing allows you to have a little bit more room when when you’re wearing a helmet now the car is a little bit bigger than the Aventador a few centimeters bigger and quite a bit wider

    Uh and um that gives it a really I think interesting stance uh and a lot of Road presence now here’s the interesting part you may be thinking to yourself what’s different about this is this car that different from the Aventador and it is it’s a completely groundup design so

    Everything both on top of the skin and underneath the skin has changed from the Aventador but perhaps the most interesting thing that has changed is right here under the hood by the way carbon fiber check this out look at this yep it’s got a plug and that’s because

    This car has a 3.8 kilowatt battery uh and the front wheels are not connected and you can hear it out there so if you hear the sound of a angry V12 it’s because of course we’re at the racetrack but I was saying so the front wheels are

    Not connected with a drive shaft to the rear because this vehicle has not one not two but three motors and so what you have is you have two independent Motors in the front um V12 in the back another motor in the back uh for a combined 1,000 a little bit over 1,000 horsepower

    Um with the V12 putting out 850 horsepower 0 to 60 yeah get this 2.5 seconds top speed of over 350 km give or take 220 mph 223 I’ve heard um which is pretty phenomenal and of course all-wheel drive all the time but here’s where it gets super interesting not only

    Do you have all-wheel drive all the time but you also have torque vectoring uh so basically not torque vectoring by braking but torque vectoring by power so in other words if you’re going around a curve and you want to make sure that the car cuts that perfect Apex the car will

    Send power to the outside Wheels which will spin a little bit faster giving you a beautiful line allowing you to cut that Apex just right which I did not do when I drove it on the track now let me show you of course the most key figure

    We’re not going inside yet but of course every Lamborghini has to have scissor doors uh as do this one but check this out you’ll note there’s no cover on the engine it’s just exposed and in fact let me open up the hood or in this case uh

    The trunk I guess so you can see what it looks like carbon fiber when you lift it up you see much more of the engine bay uh this is how of course you fill your windshield wiper actually windshield wiper is in the front there’s your oil

    Uh here is your rear electric motor uh dual clutch 8-speed transmission um yeah um the other cool thing about of course not having a cover on top of the engine and not only can you see it uh but you can also cool it better so all of these cooling ducks are

    Meant to give this vehicle much better air flow much more downforce um there is a wing right here and we’ll talk about this a little bit later that deploys there’s also a control on the uh steering wheel that allows you to deploy it manually in three different positions

    Uh and unlike let’s say the Porsche GTRs uh this is not a downforce car so it’s not a car that generates a ton of downforce so when you’re going around the corner quickly you got all this downforce push you get down it does generate a little bit of downforce my

    Favorite feature you can probably guess it are these two enormous exhaust pipes look at that and you know you may be thinking to yourself it’s pretty cool to have exhaust pipes here but you’ve got the spoiler right on top of it and all that heat coming off could potentially

    Damage that and Lamborghini has thought of that and has actually created an exhaust system that that won’t damage uh the spoiler um now besides the cool and unique powertrain you also get uh rear wheel steering so not only do you have uh uh vectoring torque vectoring but

    Also rear wheel steering about half a percent or less when you’re on the racetrack up to 5% of either this is inphase steering so imagine these are the front wheels or out of phase steering where they turn like that making for easier parking because this

    Is a very wide and fat car all right let’s go on to the inside Mato why don’t you hop in there next to me and I’ll kind of show you the inside of this car Lamborghini says what they’ve done is gotten rid of many of the buttons but

    Kept the ones uh that are important so for instance you know the way you start the car if you’re fan of the Aventador this is very jet fighter like starter button right there little placement for your lamborghini key right there uh you’ve got your hazards here and you got

    Your regular fuel flap uh if you you’re wondering just how fuel efficient this is I actually did ask them that and they said this was interesting it’s 30% more efficient uh than the Aventador and the Aventador on the American Cycle gets 10 MPG combined so 30% more effici you’re

    Looking at uh 13 MPG combined which obviously isn’t uh what most plug-in hybrids are designed to do and keep in mind this plug-in hybrid is specifically designed for performance not as much for fuel economy but it is 30% better than the Aventador which for you know a big

    1,000 horsepower car is still really good so let’s talk about uh some of the other controls uh I’m pretty tall and Lamborghini says that it has generated more or created more space it is a tight car uh for me when I was in here driving it around the racetrack I did have some

    Headroom issues especially with the helmet but you know that is uh one of the um one of the downsides to to you know sports cars especially little slung sports cars now if you can come over here I want to show you what’s on the steering wheel so come on over here and

    I’ll show you the kind of steering wheel we’ve got uh four rotary controls uh and they all do very specific things so this red one right here let me see if I can get this car to turn back on I wonder if this all started there we go there we go

    There’s the car uh this red one uh is your mode selector switch so if you can look right there you’ve got Sitta I think that’s City strata and Sport there’s also Corso which is Racetrack and if you press the inside the little flag right there uh that’s your launch

    Control um now this does two things um launch control and lets you pick the kind of mode you want and over here are your uh shock absorber settings so not only can you push this which is a front end lift so if you’re on a very low

    Driveway or going over a big bump you can raise the front of the car so you don’t hit the spoiler but then if you rotate this you can change the damping on your shock so you can can have let’s say sport mode with much more comfortable shocks which is kind of

    Interesting over here is your EV button so if you push this uh you can go all EV uh that’s kind of interesting the battery like I said is 3.8 kwatt hours uh and it allows you to either do recharge you can see that right there recharge hybrid or performance now in uh pure

    Electric mode uh the car will go about 11 km on battery power only and up to about 80 mph or 130 km or you can go in hybrid mode of course which allows you to use both the engine and the three different Motors or you can go in

    Performance mode which is what I was doing um which allows you to actually use the battery to get as much performance out of the car as possible the battery lives right there uh in between um the front of the car and the back of the car uh and Lamborghini says

    It’s got about a 54 46% weight distribution so not that ideal 50/50% but there is a big battery here lithium ion uh it’s also cooled uh so it should last and the thing that Lamborghini was really stressing about this car is that when you’re on the track you’ll never

    Deplete this battery you’ll in fact run out of fuel uh before you will run out of battery power U now paddle shifters of course 8-speed transmission and perhaps one of the coolest things on here let me see if I can get to that if I can get to that screen oh maybe it’s

    Two fingers what you can do is you can swipe uh where is it here maybe it’s over here there we go no that’s the climate control that’s not what I want okay I’m not great at this oh here it is vehicle so there’s your vehicle settings there’s your Dynamic settings

    And now we do have three screens so let me show you so right here is the speedometer uh this tells you that I’m in park right now but what you can do is you can like take two fingers for instance uh and take this G meter and

    Swipe it over there and it appears right there how cool is that or if you want your TP mess you kind of swipe over and then it’s over there same thing if you’d like it to appear over here you could take it and it’ll show up if I can get

    To the right screen which I don’t know how to do it’ll show up over here so I remember watching Star Trek and seeing people kind of flipping screens from different uh or different features of screens and you can do that in this car as well um like I said 8-speed

    Transmission and then back here uh you’ve got buttons as well which which allow you to control whatever side screen you have so if you have like your radio set up over here and you can control the radio and if you have something else set up over here you can

    Control that uh now uh the interesting thing and let come on over here Mato let me show you them this I change it okay yeah come on around yeah come on around Mato it’ll be easier to show Mato is my videographer today thank you very much

    If you come over here uh like a Tesa those are your turn signals um so Tesla obviously pioneered or maybe they weren’t the the first to put turn signals on the steering wheel uh and Lamborghini has copied that and you may be wondering what this stock is

    Cuz it goes up and down like a turn signal stock uh that is actually your cruise control uh now this is the first uh Lamborghini to have full in other words um you know Blind Side monitoring monitoring of the um of the road so you can stay within the lanes

    Not full self-driving but nevertheless a lot of the controls uh that most modern cars have you can also adjust a steering wheel right here uh and it even has a little glove box right there so if you wanted some glove box space you have that uh it does come with both Apple

    Carplay and Android auto and I do love uh the feel of this steering wheel of course leather beautiful uh French stitching everywhere you touch it feels very expensive with a lot of carbon fiber because the tub itself is a carbon fiber tub so it does um you know the

    Superar proud let me get out for a second and we’ll kind of wrap up this initial walk around I want to hit the videographer and and Lamborghini says it’s actually pretty easy to get in and out of and I have to agree you know cuz

    I have a hard time being a taller driver getting it out of these cars I me let me turn it off punch it off here there we go uh and it’s not that difficult to get out a little bit harder when you have a helmet

    But I got to tell you even though this car is very much track focused I’m not sure how many people will actually take this on the track so let’s kind of wrap up what this car is and what it competes against uh the sf9 stradal would be an obvious competitor

    Obviously a Porsche GT 3 RS a lot cheaper because I was going to tell you how much it costs $600,000 give or take for the new rev welto the downside to that is if you’re looking for one of these uh Lamborghini says that they have pretty much sold out

    The first two maybe even 3 years of production so unfortunately uh this beautiful car is already sold out I guess um people really want a car that’s kind of this hybrid not just in terms of what it is but in terms of where Lamborghini is going now you’re going to

    Hate hearing this but it’s true the Auto industry is going electric and this is kind of a bridge so if you still love the passion and the power and the performance of that giant engine in the back um I get 6.5 L 850 horsepower you

    Can get it and if you want the technical sophistication of having a car that runs on electricity and then then has torque vectoring has four-wheel steering uh and is computer controlled so that you can get the most performance out of it on the track and at the same time have a

    Comfortable driving experience well uh this could be your car uh deliveries should start start before the end of the year uh and I got to tell you uh I really want one I just don’t have $600,000 to spend on a car but it’s absolutely stunning uh certainly everything a Lamborghini should be and

    Maybe if you can show them kind of going around the track oh look at that over there is the L LM what is that 2000 the Rambo Lambo do you see it Mato hiding behind the uh Urus the red car let’s show them the car on the track actually

    Let’s go you know what let’s go to the front we’ll show them the car on the track so you can see what it what it’s like when when it’s on the track and you can listen to it because uh the sound of that uh engine is just

    Glorious so let’s go uh let’s go see what they look like they’re all over here many colors I think uh they said up to 400 different colors uh to choose from I love this uh matte gray color but I’m kind of a fan of the orange even though the yellow’s pretty good

    So these guys should be leaving pretty soon I we’ll get a sense for what it sounds like there he Goes and then maybe we can zip over here and go to the track and we’ll see one as it come as they come by uh this is a very fast track uh the straight away I think you get up you know I was driving

    It and I was too scared to look at the speedometer but I bet you it’s you know well in the 200 kilometer Range and let me know in the comment below what’s your favorite color and we’ll end this video as as they come around in Full Tilt and you guys can get a sense for what it sounds like uh you know I kind of feel like we’re living in interesting times because obviously

    We’re going from internal combustion to electrification uh and this kind of in between step oh even though it’s you know uh something that uh a lot of people out there think is uh not great because you’re carrying around basically two power in this case three powertrains right you’ve got three

    Electric motors and this big giant uh V12 in the back not exactly the lightest thing in the world but when you do combine them in such interesting ways that it makes it much easier to drive the car makes it much easier to steer the car especially at its limit uh it

    Does make for a very entertaining car and I got to tell you I was really scared here they come Listen we’ll wait for the next one here comes some more yeah we’ll show Them that’s great I got to say when I first came here I was invited to this program on my birthday and I was both excited and a little terrified you know taking a th000 horsepower car on a racetrack uh where you’re you know at full boil unless you’re Paul is rather

    Scary but this car is a cat uh so Nathan is this a car that um if you had won well as of this taping there was a $ 1.7 billion Lottery that somebody won if you had won that would you go and kind of bribe your way into buying one of

    These so that you could get to the head of the line or would you you know it competes like with the I think it’s the sf90 stradale stala stradal stradal Ferrari uh or you know would you just settle for basically an eay which cost about uh you know $500,000 less but it’s

    Very similar in terms I guess there’s like this thing now where all the manufacturers of supercars and performance cars are kind of hedging their bets right they want to make them you know more green and I’m using air quotes here um so uh they still have electrification as part of the vehicle

    But it’s used to actually increase performance not to actually make it any less I mean I I don’t know what the fuel economy is but I did ask the old can you guess okay here let’s play a game can you guess what the Aventador was

    Combined 11 close very good 10 10 and I did ask they haven’t had they didn’t have the official numbers but they said that this one is about 30% better so if you do the math you’re at 13 combined maybe 13 yeah yeah oh that’s hey that

    But that’s that’s quite is but is it premium or is it you know cuz that matters yes I’m sure it’s premium I don’t think you’re going to Sam’s Club and putting in the 85 come on see that’s a that’s how but does the design it’s a a little bit longer a couple centimeters

    Longer it’s a little bit wider uh does the design does the look of this thing make you like want to Swoon and mortgage your house it’s a really pretty car I like uh what they did with the front light effect which really draws out the front end design which is super super

    Sharp so it sort of kind of has a Gallardo feel to it you know what I mean like really exotic lines big air intakes all that if you look at the headlights you’ll notice the why basically and you’ll see that everywhere you look so if you look on the front hood you can

    See the Y if you look you see the Y yeah on the back too it has the same type of thing yep it’s the there their signature on that car that part’s cool um I’m I’m not a Lamborghini guy I’m not a Ferrari guy either um you know in terms of what

    I I long after and everything else um but I would say between Ferrari and Lamborghini if I had to choose between the two of them of course I choose this this thing looks fantastic yeah I mean you know it’s still going to spit fire out the exhaust yeah I like Spitting

    Fire if you really wanted it to do that uh and it’s certainly going to get the premium space at the restaurant uh you know what the Val does with it once you go in well I’m sure there’s some sort of special valet you know mode or whatever

    Um actually I would rather get the new alphao that they came out with super car yeah yeah that’s St oh that thing is pretty but I wouldn’t fit anyway it doesn’t matter what car it is my big butt won’t fit in them anyway but yeah goodlooking car I’m really happy to hear

    That it still sounds like a proper Lamborghini the question is how does it drive you know um I I can show you so we can do is we can cut to the video of some raw sound so you can hear what it sounds like uh you could see me

    Trying to keep up with the race car driver in front of me and luckily he was kind enough to you know uh show me where the apexes are it’s remarkable how much easier it is to go around a track when you’re following somebody who knows the

    Way around the track Le follow is the best way to learn any track in my book yeah yeah and they they were great about that uh the other great thing about uh you know going on this program was uh just how Lamborghini had set up the

    Content creation for us uh so they had well they had one thing I didn’t like so get this uh before we go to the sound of it I’ll tell you the story um there’s actually a guy with an lm002 who showed up oh cool yeah yeah yeah we put that up

    On uh up on our uh um uh Classics no Tik Tok a little Tik Tok with it alf.com anyway uh they they broke us up into like four groups and we had four things we could do one of them was of course do track time and I got to say I whed out

    They gave us four sessions of four laps each uh and I did two and I was like okay I’ve had enough well you’re not a professional race car driver right I mean if Paul was there he would do nine as opposed to just four he would be like

    Racing the guy in front of him oh yeah and then they know he would because he’s that good yeah and and you know uh I don’t pretend to be a race car driver so uh for me I think I had learned about as much as I could after the uh second time

    Out there plus I didn’t fit in the car you know when your helmet is and that’s that’s really it’s not you don’t it’s hard to get comfortable when when you’re you know in in this a very tight cabin and it’s bigger than the previous one

    Anyway so they had that U they had a design uh Studio set up so they could kind of show you that’s how I know it’s the Y design language but the freakiest one uh and being jetlagged uh was kind of weird was uh they did virtual reality

    So so you you put on uh the virtual headsets uh and then basically uh they spent a half hour going over the brakes you know the the the rear oh rear wheel steering as well uh you know they were just cut away the car uh and by about 20

    Minutes I was feeling pretty sick to my stomach zipping around this car with a you know with various layers being like exploded off of it and and here’s a question I have okay here and I maybe you answered it already but it is so complicated right rear wheel steering no drive shaft between

    The front and the rear engine this dual clutch transmission with an electric motor sandwiched in between torque vectoring on two Motors in the front right a battery that on the track the uh director te director of Technology said you will run out of fuel before you use

    Up the battery right so it’s it’s meant to be used but why not just go all electric it would be so much simpler I think that that’s their next step eventually I mean for one thing uh very simple reason people who buy a Lamborghini want a Lamborghini they they don’t want an electric

    They want a v a V12 that’s they want the V12 or they at least want a V8 that sounds you know like a monster um their bestselling vehicle is their V8 which is in the Urus I mean that thing is out selling everything else they’ve ever produced and the whole point of

    Lamborghini is to be Folly and crazy and out there and everybody’s looking at you and if you’re cruising by in a you know it’s about flexing FL can’t stand that term but yeah it’s about showing off right and that’s the whole point so I would say that they’re waiting as long

    As they humanly can until they absolutely must only build electric vehicles then they will do you remember when we had the merci Lago a long time ago the guy brought it up I think it was it was either merci Lago or the what was the other one the later one there two of

    Those in that no it was a mercio and he uh he showed up and he didn’t have his shoes on I don’t know if it was we did it like this is a long long time ago yeah I remember hearing about this I wasn’t there there for that yeah and he

    I was like why aren’t you wearing your shoes and he’s like I can’t fit my he had big feet I can’t fit my shoes in the foot well without taking my shoes off so he showed up and he’s driving a Barefoot and this is the thing right Lamborghinis

    Have always been about like you know going in a straight line kind of like a muscle car an Italian muscle car you know with a lot of design and showing off to your friends and showing off to the rest of the world whereas Ferraris you know because of their Formula 1

    Right Enzo has always been more of a race car driver than he actually I don’t think he cared about the road goinging cars for a long time he didn’t he didn’t really want to ever build them he had to at but here’s here’s the kind of the

    Conundrum of this car because of all the technology and because of course you know it’s owned by Lamborghini is owned by the Volkswagen Group which also owns Porsche and so there’s a lot of parts in there that are shared with many of the Audi and whatnot exactly uh the car is

    Actually really good on track previous cars built by Lamborghini have been great but not you know not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to being on track this thing like I said was incredible on the track uh and it still had that kind of classic

    Lamborghini DNA so um I worry about the complexity of it if I owned it I think you know you probably make sure you do all your required maintenance well that’s what your Butler’s for I mean you know have him give him a hey here’s a treat take the car have it maintained I

    Know it’s only four miles away but go ahead live it up so let’s do a deep dive on the technology but first uh let me jump in this thing and you guys can hear what it’s like like uh for me to be in this thing uh after doing a couple Laps

    On a very highspeed Racetrack so what’s it like to drive a uh Lamborghini uh RTO on a track well it’s quite exhilarating but in a lot of ways for somebody who’s not a uh race car driver like Paul who usually use it’s actually not as terrifying as you may think uh because of uh the weight

    Distribution of the car and mainly because of the all-wheel drive it can send power to the rear it can send power to the front wheels it could do torque vectoring and it makes uh you know going around a track uh much easier for novice drivers like

    Myself but does that make it any less exhilarating in some ways yes but sometimes being terrified can be fun but often times being terrified is just being terrified by 1,000 horsepower car and it’s nice to be able to feel like you could take it on a very fast high-speed track and not look

    Like an idiot doing it so I’m going to give this car the Roman approval uh for highspeed driving on a racetrack my name is R Mo I’m the chief technical officer of Lamborghini well thank you very much uh for taking the time to show us the

    New uh RTO did I say that right yeah it’s it’s really excellent the pronunciation is excellent does that come is that a bowl is that exactly it’s a in based on our tradition we always use bull names for the cars and also this was a very successful Bull and on

    Top it has the meaning in Spanish RTO is something like mixing up you know therefore we mix up let me say the best of the combustion world the V12 with the electrification bringing into the New Concept so we’re here um at the racetrack outside of Rome where we’ve

    Just been driving the new car uh and obviously this is a replacement for the Aventador uh but you guys have made the car faster you guys have made it more powerful you guys have made it more more fuel efficient and you guys have made it actually better on the racetrack and

    You’re the man who’s done that technically not not only me I mean I have a huge team so it’s always not a single one man show you know so why don’t we show them the car so they can see it so from a design standpoint I noticed that the Y is very prominent

    Yeah yeah you want to show them the Y material just show them that you can see the y in the headlights you can kind of see it in everywhere you look in the car there’s a y in the wheels yeah exactly I mean the Y we have two characteristic

    Shapes it’s a y shape and the hexagon this is based on the history always some iconic elements that we use in some cases to to underline our characteristic shape of the car so would it be fair to say that this is a car that’s kind of a bridge between internal combustion and

    Electrification cuz you’ve got kind of The Best of Both Worlds here right you’ve got that traditional V12 and you’ve got uh two no three electric motors uh two in the front and one in the rear that’s a that’s very technical there’s a lot going on and you’ve got

    All you got rear whe whe steering you got true torque vectoring not by braking so so tell me about how you decided to do the next and the fastest eventor like that I mean to be honest you’re right it’s from the complexity a very Advanced drivetrain and we have decided to go in

    This direction to avoid any compromise because we we said okay if a Lamborghini goes in the electrified World it has to have advantages for the customer so not only the good numbers on the paper so Real Performance performance consistency and also very high level of emotions because we know that we and our

    Customers love that the car has a character we didn’t want to lose this character in The let me say only by introducing new technology so for us the let me say the fundament was improving the performance improving the drivability the driving thrill remaining and even increasing the level

    Of emotions well let’s go inside we’ll close the door and we’ll sit down and talk about that some more because it’s going to get loud can you close the garage for us do you mind so 3.8 KW battery how does the battery interact with the internal combustion engine tell

    Me about the Dynamics of that I mean first of all I have to say that the the main I start always with the targets because you at the end of the day from the engineering perspective you need to have a clear vision and Mission and based on this then you define the

    Components because it’s not if you start with the components eventually you are limited so what was the vision I mean the vision is to have for sure bring the performance on another level but also to ensure the performance consistency and performance consistency in this context means that the performance of the car

    Has not to depend strongly on the state of charge of the battery this was one point and secondly that we ensure that under even under hard pushing driving conditions you were pushing today very hard you are not able to empty the battery and therefore you end up with

    A number of recuperative energy that you need based on this you desire the battery size and electric motors and then you have then you end up with the architecture not the opposite way around so you set a goal and then you bring in the architecture to meet that goal

    Exactly I mean at the end of the day all the single technology has to support the task of the car and the task of the car is for sure to to allow the best performance of every street Lamborghini but also to have this kind of emotional involvement so we’ve got some pretty

    Impressive numbers 0 to 60 or 100 km in 2.5 seconds top speed around 330 Kil or about 350 K 350 sorry even a little bit higher and like just over 220 uh 30% better fuel economy than the outgoing Aventador which if you do the math is around 13 MPGs so it’s not

    Great it’s still a super car yeah yeah I mean for sure it’s clear but but this was also part of the concept we didn’t want to have downgrade from the performance perspective we want to have more we have more combustion power we have on top the electric component not

    Only for the power but also for the drivability I I mean probably you can confirm that the drivability of this car is not only one step forward it’s even several steps forward compar compared to the predecessor yeah now one of the things obviously that this car is not is

    A high down Force car right there’s a there’s a uh there is a a spoiler that’s movable but it’s not like a Porsche 911 GT3 R a different category yeah it’s a different category uh so tell me about how you use torque vectoring to make it

    You know drive better on the track yeah I mean at the end of the day this is the key for for the re or this is the reason why the car drives like it drives because we use this flexibility on the front axle with two Independent Electric

    Motors extra flux Machine by the way to control the positioning of the car following the trajectory what the driver wants to have there are two different scenarios scenario one is the the the car recognize oh the driver wants to go in the corner then we use the torque

    Vector and the rear wheel steering to shorten the radius means we position the car that the car is easier turning in the corner which makes it makes it feel smaller makes it feel more Nim smaller exactly it feels much more compact much more comp yeah I mean for sure this is

    Part also of the DNA because the Lamborghini is always an optical statement also if you see the car you have to say okay I respect this is really an let me say aggressive car on the other hand what you mentioned we use the torque Vector in fast Corner

    Situations also to stabilize the car so we make technically wise exactly the opposite we are controlling the your angle in the sense that before the ESG the control let me say the control umbrella would jump in we use the torque vectoring to position the car in a most

    Stable way so and this gives you the impression that the car has subjectively more doubt has more downforce than in reality it has and then you’re not using downforce as much which is also detrimental to power they all top speed I mean you know that in our for our brand also the top

    Speed is a huge a huge kpi we didn’t want to have a I mean because you have to you have to live with compromise if you have if you build up a huge downforce car you sacrifice the top speed and in this car we didn’t want to

    Sacrifice the top speed was it a challenge putting all these components into one car cuz when you deconstruct a car there’s a lot to it right I mean it would be easier if it was all electric right cuz you wouldn’t have to marry all these different components so you’ve got

    A dual clutch transmission which is eight-speed you’ve got uh you know a big inter internal combustion engine you’ve got three motors you’ve got a battery that you got to cool there’s a lot going on this car you got rear wheel steering I mean therefore from the technical

    Complexity is more complex than a full electric car and for sure also more complex than a than a combustion car the real complexity I have to say is not so much for sure you have to package all the things so you have to bring the let me

    Say the hardware in the car the real uh the real deal is the electronic interaction and also then if you have the control strategy of the car to do it seamless and homogeneous because there are also the the risk is that you lose a little bit let me say um your way and

    That the driver feels some strange movements some strange reac I mean I guess what you could get is a car that feels like it’s being driven by a computer right because there’s so much going on so nothing against PlayStation but a little bit like like you you lose

    Computer game you lose the soul yeah and and this is this is something for sure we have to we have to avoid as much as we can because Lamborghini is about soul I mean we are always also in the past we were always about performance but not

    Only we are not the brand that is defining the brand value the brand positioning only via the lab time for for sure we want to improve we want always to beat ourselves to beat the competitors but it’s not only about lap time it’s also about the smile of the driver is he if

    He during his driving and to have this you need a you need an authentic behavior and you need let me say also a limit that a driver not a race driver can exess because at the end of the day the majority of our customers are not race drivers and if they cannot enjoy

    The car sorry it’s not the right uh it’s not the right target you think that this car has come along at the right time so what I’m thinking to myself is you know 8 years ago or something there were these hyper cars that were hybrids right

    The NSX is very similar to this in its makeup uh the P1 but maybe those cars were just a little too early for their time mhm you think that we’re at the right time now for for this kind of a hybrid where you get I think what 11 km

    Of pure electric yeah but you have a hybrid that’s meant for track as much as it is for fuel economy I mean to be honest for sure there is always in in in the history there is always this kind of Forerunner that by the way you need also

    For the technical uh for the technological progress so I I would not say that it was too early for them uh because I mean if I look at the for instance the 918 spider it was also a very sophisticated car with a with a with a very let me say good integration

    Of all the things but for sure you feel that in the technology 10 years after or even more for sure you have today much more possibilities and therefore for us it was now the right time because now we have the ingredients that there is no disadvantage for the customer there’s

    Really no disadvantage I mean the hybridization brings more performance brings more drivability and even in more more let me say more emotions I give you give you one stupid example for instance the Hybrid Power allows us to focus on the combustion engine more on the high

    Ref region so we have even increased the refs we have from the C cam shaft from the timing we we could focus from the torque curve much more on the high ref limit because we have the electric torque at the beginning at the end you are faster out of the corner and you

    Have more fun if re if you’re reving up the engine so there is really only plus points so this is my I call it softball question the easy one what’s your favorite part of the car if you know if you look at it what are you the proudest

    Of what’s the thing that you would point to and say that is something that is so interesting and unique that no other vehicle has it for my point of view it’s that for my for my personal taste it’s the first hybrid Supercar that is not permanently indicating the driver ah I’m

    Driving a hybrid I’m doing this it’s simply a very fast highly emotional super car and on this I’m proud on yeah yeah well Lamborghinis have always been as the youngsters like to say about flexing too right it’s it’s not just about like you said lab if you want lab

    Times get the the St right if you want something that obviously you know has a beautiful stands you take to the restaurant and it’ll get parked in the front that that’s what Lamborghinis have been about but by the way if you speak about stance this also good point

    Because meia and me worked also and for sure the people that were involved we worked a lot on the on the um let me see on the r tide as well as on the on the offset of the of the of the rims yeah it’s interesting you you can get 21s and

    22s or 22s and 23 so 21’s in the FR 22’s in the 22’s in the FR and 23’s in the back why that choice why those two different tire and wheel size combination I mean this is a little bit for sure first a design topic because for us

    Let me say how the car is really like you said on the from the stand point of view is looking let me say standing on the wheels this makes um especially for car guys there are it’s makes a huge difference yeah I mean it makes huge

    Bigger the better and then for for sure if you let me say based on the new tire technology it’s also from the tire point of view um in the meantime possible to have let me say this this bigger wheel at the at the rear without any disadvantage and the fact that we offer

    Also 21 20 swap them no this this will not make so much sense but you could try no I’m joking I mean the fact that we offer also let me say the smaller for sure from the pure driving performance point of view the smaller rim size is the better choice because you have

    Much more possibilities with the tire compound I noticed that you didn’t put the charger uh plug on the outside of the car but you put it inside the frunk and so I don’t think this is a car that somebody’s going to be pulling up to a public charger and plugging in right

    This is more of a car that you plug in at home or you never plug in right theoretically this is therefore I mean for sure the fact that the block is not or let me say the the charge the opening for the charging is under the underhood is has aesthetical reasons because we

    Don’t wanted to avoid it may say an additional opening this is reason one the reason two is in reality you’re right in fact you are not enforced to charge the car because based on the recuperation concept and the power management in the car the energy management basically you can really recharge doing

    Driving extremely fast in in 5 to 8 minutes depending on your driving profile the battery is full again so you were saying that there’s never situation where the battery will be completely empty yeah I mean for sure if you drive fully then you can empty the batter but on the

    Track so you you run out of fuel before you run on the majority of the tracks never because you run out here for instance I can give you the example on this track and you have still also some really high let me say high load sectors

    So it’s not that is it’s not a tiny RAC track valonga you have also reach up to 270 kph and here you can deplete I I was wondering how fast cuz I was too scared to look at the spedometer when I was I mean it depends a little bit on your

    Speed of the last Corner before the straight line but you can you can reach up to 270 but then you are really fast I mean if you have 240 you are already fast and to be honest in this racetrack after five laps you have to refuel the

    Car so the the the gas tires as well and the tires after probably 10 laps depending a little bit on how how how much you’re pushing and the the the depleting of the state of charge is 10 15% so will you ever get to a point where the car electrically derates

    Itself because the wires are getting too hot or the batter’s getting too hot or have you not gotten there uh on this to be honest we uh we made a really strong test of the car we stressed that the car really a lot especially in the south of

    Italy where in the summer it’s really close to 40° also here I mean today it’s not so but yesterday and the day before it was also a hot and there is no derating of the battery because the battery itself is a is only one line of

    Of modules in series and we cool the battery actively from both sides so so we have we have really a good thermom management of the battery itself it’s not like in the if you speak about full electric car sometimes you have the problem that you cannot bring out the

    Heat in the inside of the battery because if you have not a direct cooling or really cooling from every side it’s hard let me say to bring the the heat out of the battery in our case it’s not so an issue because we have only one one

    String at the end of the day now I noticed that you can also change the uh dampening on the on the shock absorbers and what you can do is you can pick like Strada right which is street but you could also then get the kind of um

    Stiffness out of the shocks that you would have in Corsa mode that’s kind of cool that you can customize the uh the you know how how how firm you want the ride to be based on not just the pre-program but based on your individual needs and this is also a thing that for

    Sure today at the at our track day it’s it’s not the main focus point but I can tell you that also on this the the new RTO is a huge step compared to the to the predecessor because the bandwidth of between driving comfort and handling and performance capabilities is incredible

    Because on this Also regarding the shifting behavior for instance you have in sport and cor are still a very emotional shifting a very fast shifting yeah I noticed that very fast but if you drive on Strada you have also in automatic mode a very smooth shifting so

    It’s then you can also let me say longdistance traveling is easier you’re not so stressed also in the city center you have not this kind of nicking so it’s really uh from the from the let me say from the purpose that the customer can use the car it’s really uh

    Incredible step forward does the car have over the a updates can you update some of the things over the air can you change them we we have the we have the over the air update capability in the car I no I noticed it has carplay and

    Android auto as well and full Adas as well which is cool yeah is that first Lamborghini that has ads all of the you know driver AIDS in the Ws we have it okay but in our super first first super car I mean in the in the Avent door we

    Even didn’t had um cruise control okay I’m not speaking about adaptive cruise control about cruise control but regular cruise control yeah and and this is for sure especially if you are in a in a country where there’s a speed limit I mean this is a big Advantage if you have

    It I noticed that you’ve got the turn signals on the steering wheel I know Tesla kind of pioneer that do you think that people will like that I’m not sure you know cuz when you do this the the the turn signal switch sides basically but it’s a little bit it’s a little bit

    Also in our history you know I mean the the the the hurakan also has it I mean the steering wheel yeah yeah so I guess it’s so the our customers uh should should be familiar with it um we only have it at the Urus for

    Sure we don’t have it in the Urus we have a classical indicator but in the OS we have also let me say the steering wheel fixed paddles in our supercars we have the uh the the fixed pedals on the steering column my favorite part I think

    On the car besides the look of it is how you can then SW swap uh some of the functionality like you you take two fingers and you swipe from one side and you take the app and you put it on the passenger side or you put it on the

    Driver side and this I mean this is also a thing for sure it’s a gimmick but it’s something that is that also I really like because especially the younger customer generation they expect even if you speak about a super car they expect that you have a coupling of of your cell

    Phone that you have the latest state-of-the-art of connectivity that you can control the car with your app and so on and I think also on this we are really um Benchmark in this segment at least now this car was um ground up new right uh new new chassi new carbon

    Fiber tub um and of course Lamborghini is owned by the Volkswagen group will this be shared with some of the other companies in the Volkswagen group is this something that eventually Audi will get or Porsche will get you know I mean at the moment for sure it’s first of all

    It’s a big Advantage for us to be part of this group because we can share competences technology but we can also let me say rely on um on the expertise on the experience I give you one example I mean even if for Lamborghini it’s the first um electrified car in the group

    For sure not and uh you can based on the Lessons Learned you can avoid a lot of mistakes coming back to your original point if it’s planned that these components are shared in the group at the moment not but never say never I mean let’s see what is what are the

    Plans for sure we are like we are also using let me say part of the group that are not brand defining for instance the air conditioning system or the basic electronic architecture we are also providing the competence and uh the technology uh in the the other way around it’s not in a

    One Direction road yeah so it makes development little cheaper I suspect you don’t have to you don’t have to completely reinvent the wheel every time exactly especially for things that are really not brand defining because it would not make sense to develop or to scout for a different air conditioning

    System if you have one available or if you have a a working electronic architecture why to invent it new but for sure for the things that are brand def defining like in in the case of the RTO monoco completely developed by us new gearbox completely exclusive for us

    Completely new engine new front axle completely new battery completely new so at the suspension so at the end of the day in the car there is no carryover part no relevant carryover part from the from the Aventador and no have you driven it on the autoban yet sorry have

    You driven it on theut a yet on the auto yeah for sure no have you driven it on the auto you have yeah what’s it like to drive it on the autoban to be honest I mean this is part of our test procedure not only me driving Engineers but the

    Others engineer also but me also I mean I’m someone that that also I want to know what I’m talking about you know I’m not someone that is only a PowerPoint engineer that is only giving the results I want to experience myself and I can tell you that’s amazing because the the

    Highspeed stability of this car is incredible and also let me say for sure the power the acceleration if you Accelerate from from 100 for instance to 200 it’s incredibly fast well thank you very much I really appr pleas thanks for taking the time guys thanks for watching

    And uh we’ll see you next time ciao


    1. I remember when the NSX did that hybrid system people were pissed off now that Lamborghini Chevy's doing it and possibly more it's okay now that sucks for the nsx.

    2. If I remember correctly, Roman, you weren’t a fan of plug in because you’re carrying around two powertrains lol. Maybe I’m wrong but you seem to like it now.

      Anyways I remember when I drove a Lamborghini on a track and I’m 6’4 and it was extremely uncomfortable. I was too tall. I also could barely move my foot from the gas and brake which was nerve racking going over 120mph. It’s unfortunate how many sports cars don’t let us tall folks drive them. Theyre beautiful cars though.

    3. i personally think the NSX failed not because of the fact that it was a hybrid nor because of the arrangement of the hybrid system but rather because they made a GT car when everyone was expecting a track weapon, in my opinion they should have had the Type S alongside the base model from the very beginning instead of as a send off after announcing it was going to die.

    4. Do you think GM should compete against the hypercars I.E. Lamborghini Revuelto, Ferrari 296, McLaren Arturo, and Ford GT? Should the Zara be it's own brand to compete in performance and quality as well be in the Hypercar price range?

    5. not releated to the video but, does TFL know about the 2023 Japan Mobility show & talk about it? will one of TFL's crew go to Tokyo to cover it? I wanna hear your opinions about future vehicles from Toyota, Mazda, & Nissan

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