Top 17 Rare Humans Who Have Abilities That Will Shock You. From the very moment we draw our first breath, the world endeavors to define the boundaries of our capabilities. Yet, across the annals of history, there are those exceptional individuals who have boldly defied these boundaries, showcasing extraordinary abilities that not only astound but also inspire. Their remarkable talents span a wide spectrum from the artistic to the physical. What if the extraordinary, against all odds, is concealed within the ordinary? Join us as we show you seventeen rare humans with abilities that will shock you.

    For business matters: Disclaimer: The content presented in our videos is intended solely for entertainment purposes. While we may draw upon facts, rumors, and fiction, viewers should not interpret any part of the content as factual or definitive information. Please enjoy responsibly.

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    15 Rare Humans Who Have Abilities That Will Shock You

    People with Extraordinarily Rare Body Parts XLLSsJUGvco

    From the very moment we draw our first breath the world Endeavors to define the boundaries of our capabilities yet across the annals of history there are those exceptional individuals who have boldly defied these boundaries showcasing extraordinary abilities that not only Astound but also Inspire their remarkable talents span a wide spectrum

    From the artistic to the physical what if the extraordinary Against All Odds is concealed within the ordinary join us as we show you 17 rare humans with abilities that will shock you number 17 the mini Hulk while super strength is usually the stuff of comic books the extraordinary power displayed by Liam

    HRA from infancy shows it can manifest in real life under the right genetic conditions thanks to a rare genetic mutation causing extremely low levels of the protein myostatin HRA was dubbed the mini Hulk for the eye popping strength and muscularity he exhibited even as a toddler born in Michigan in 2005 Liam

    Astounded doctors as early as 5 months old by doing full chin up pulls and standing unassisted by 8 months he could walk up and downstairs without help at 3 years of age Liam could perform multiple angled push-ups without breaking a sweat casually hang from pylons and even ggb

    Back his father for a 30-minute uphill hike hoa’s strength exceeded that of most adults let alone children his age the source of Liam’s power comes from his lack of myostatin as revealed in testing when he was five myostatin is a protein that inhibits muscle growth and prevents muscles from becoming too large

    Those deficient in myostatin experience dramatically increased muscle density and strength researchers found that Liam had much lower myostatin levels than normal for freeing his muscles to balloon in size and power now a teenager Liam can deadlift over 210 lb bench press 155 lb and squat lift over 240 lb

    Well in excess of his body weight footage shows him effortlessly crunching sit-ups with the six-pack of a professional bodybuilder he can also grip squeeze challenges that no one else can budge according to his mother the true extent of Liam’s strength remains unknown they stopped testing the limits

    Of his power to avoid injury as Liam continues to mature his myostatin deficiency may lead to even greater raw power number 16 neurodiverse genius while labeled autistic and epileptic Daniel tamut manifests astonishing Sant abilities that overturn stereotypes his facility with numbers memory and languages paired with synesthetic sensory perception exemplify

    The extraordinary gifts that can accompany neurological differences born in England in 1979 tamut displayed prodigious aptitudes from childhood despite challenges like impaired social skills he experienced early seizures but exhibited Savant talents like reciting over 20,000 decimal places of Pi from memory TT’s numerical fluency extends Beyond rote memorization however he has

    An intuitive almost emotional sense of numbers relationships remarkably tamt visually perceives integers as complex Lex multi-dimensional Landscapes with unique textures shapes and colors due to synesthesia While most see numbers as just abstract symbols they exist for him as intricate Dynamic entities pulsing with their own personalities this synesthetic perception enables Feats

    Like learning new languages rapidly by intuiting words underlying numerical properties tamit proves brains need not be wired typically for genius to emerge where many see disability his mind overflows with latent gifts and singular talents neurod diversity’s atypical connections can unlock natural Brilliance less constrained by conventional limitations number 15 the real Rain

    Man Kim Peak represents a one-of-a-kind Savant phenomenon possessing a Flawless memory that absorbed over 12,000 books verbatim throughout his life peak’s astonishing recall and syncretic knowledge exemplify the Towering Heights possible when neurological differences un lock dormant mental gifts born in Utah in 1951 peak’s brain diverged from typical Anatomy due to macroy and

    Damaged Corpus colossum despite Grim prognosis his intellectual capacities eventually blossomed revealing uncanny memorization and connection making abilities Peak could read pages of text once and recite them perfectly even decades later but he didn’t just accumulate facts he linked disparate details into an integrated Mosaic of of understanding doctors were astounded

    That Peak absorbed information so rapidly across subjects like history math geography Sports statistics literature and more he could recite random entries and Associated data entirely from memory when asked about a date centuries past Peak could instantly respond with contextual trivia his mental Library exceeded 12,000 volumes entirely committed to Flawless recall

    Equally remarkable was peak’s ability to identify patterns between far-flung facts though unable to button a shirt he could connect the atomic weight of Rubidium with its year of Discovery and chief mining locals for example he drew links between diverse topics leading to profound insights Peak saw information

    Not in isolation but as a unified web of meaning tragically peak’s gifts came at a cost his handicaps made everyday life difficult and social interaction uncomfortable yet through public appearances he found purpose in sharing his talents peak’s Legacy lives on as the inspiration for the classic film Rainman number 14

    Modern-day Samurai blinding speed meets pinpoint Precision in Isa Machi heir to Japan’s ancient Samurai Legacy as an yido Master his sword skills Verge on precognition able to slice targets accelerating faster than perception should allow Machi embodies the exquisite Edge attainable when mind and movement operate as one born in 1963

    Machi practiced martial arts extensively achieving High ranks in karate but his true passion lay with Japan’s elegant sword Traditions after dedicated training Machi attained abilities surpassing textbook techniques his slicing prowess exhibits almost extra sensory control and timing in demonstrations of superhuman Focus Machi has has cut Airborne targets like

    Bullets lotus flowers and bamboo shoots without nicking them slow motion footage reveals machi’s Feats aren’t just speed they combine decisive action with seemingly impossible reaction times he appears to anticipate trajectories before they occur his sword doesn’t just meet the target exactly but aligns to its hidden Meridian in the instant it

    Appears such skill exceeds simple athleticism number 13 French Spider-Man land Robert nicknamed the French Spider-Man perplexes audiences worldwide with his ability to scale towering skyscrapers using just his bare hands and climbing skills without ropes harnesses or any safety equipment Robert relies solely on fingertip grip strength

    To ascend hundreds of feet into the air this Daredevil climber has tackled over 100 of the tallest buildings and monuments on the planet born in 1962 in Valance France Robert discovered a passion for climbing as a young boy he honed his skills scrambling up rocks trees and buildings in the area as a

    Teenager he began street performing by scaling local structures for onlookers his hobby soon became an obsession in the 1980s he pioneered free solo climbing up skyscrapers starting with France’s tallest tower Robert’s extensive climbing experience natural talent and finger and arm strength let him achieve the impossible some of Robert’s most famous climbs include

    Scaling the Eiffel Tower the Empire State Building petronis twin towers and bourge Khalifa often several times he has also tackled landmarks like the Sydney Opera House mon parnass Tower and Golden Gate Bridge though his climbs are always illegal he continues undaunted at age 60 motivated by The Pursuit itself

    More than fame or Fortune his only climbing gear is a bag of chalk dust to keep his hands dry number 12 the bre aarian Mystic the sadu pralad janni claims a supernatural feat most consider impossible surviving over seven decades without any food or water sustained purely by spiritual power devotees

    Regard him as a breatharian who lived for years in a Divine State free of hunger or thirst born in 1929 in Chata India jany left home at age s to pursue a mystic’s path renouncing worldly needs by his late teens he claimed cessation of food and water intake saying the

    Goddess Amba sustained him indefinitely for the next 75 years jany allegedly consumed nothing at all in 2003 after 15 days under strict observation medical exams showed jany’s metabolism remained normal without signs of dehydration doctors conceded he endured through extreme fasting and fluid restriction Skeptics consider breatharianism physically impossible the body

    Inevitably wastes away without nutrients or water however jany’s case remains an extraordinary account of adapting to deprivation through spiritual devotion while deemed unattainable he apparently pushed human endurance boundaries and flirted with the miraculous Johnny passed away in 2019 at the age of 90 his life evokes Timeless Tales of Yogi’s

    Transcending mortal demands number 11 Mr eat everything in the world of outrageous eating Feats no one tops the French enter Entertainer Michelle Lotito who earned the nickname Mr eat everything for his ability to consume metal glass and other objects that should be impossible to swallow While most humans could barely stomach an

    Aluminum can Lotito could happily snack on bicycles and shopping carts thanks to his extraordinary digestive tract born in 1950 in groby France Lotito discovered his unusual Talent as a teenager when he began eating shards of glass and fragments of metal without any harm doctors found that he possessed an

    Abnormally thick stomach lining and Powerful digestive acids that allowed him to consume almost anything for most people chewing through metal wood or plastic could cause severe internal lacerations and toxicity but lotito’s stomach was virtually indestructible capitalizing on his special gift Lotito began performing public eating demonstrations that pushed the

    Boundaries of belief no mundane foods for him he preferred a diet of nails razor blades broken light bulbs and lit cigarettes to shock the crowds in 1966 his first major feat was consuming an entire bicycle over 2 years piece by metal piece in 1980 Lotito stepped it up

    By Downing an entire television set 2 years later he exceeded that by scarfing down a shopping cart neither gave him any trouble going down by this point people were hailing his stomach as a chemical reactor able to dissolve almost anything with its powerful secretions lotito’s most legendary accomplishment

    Came in 1997 when at age 42 he consumed an entire Cessna 150 light aircraft never one to shy from a challenge Lotito dismantled and ate the entire plane except the frame and engine including the glass windows tires and aluminum siding it took roughly 2 years to fully

    Consume the estimated 1500 lb of metal and rubber amazingly despite a diet high in indigestible materials Lotito suffered no ill health effects apart from feeling sluggish after large meals his only side effects seemed to be strange metallic burps and the occasional intestinal blockage after swallowing oddly shaped metal chunks

    Doctors surmised his gut may have developed an unusual ability to compartmentalize toxic Metals preventing wider poisoning sadly Lotito died of natural causes in 2007 at the age of 57 ending the career of one of history’s most unlikely eating Champions number 10 the living camera Steven Wiltshire exemplifies a remarkable Savant Talent the young

    British Artist and Architectural draftsman can draw panoramic cityscapes perfectly from memory after a brief glance his mind operates akin to a living camera taking Vivid photographic mental images that he can reproduce in extraordinary detail Wilshire demonstrated early gifts in drawing and memory as an autistic child born in

    London in 1974 he was mute until age five but became fascinated with sketching animals and buildings from an early age his teachers soon realized he could reproduce intricate scenes like London landmarks from memory alone after briefly studying photographs by age seven Wilshire could draw perfectly proportioned reconstructions of subject

    Matter after a single brief look now in his 40s wilshire’s ability has gained him Fame as one of Britain’s top Vance he has produced countless drawings of cities around the world after a short helicopter ride or walk Wilshire can churn out stunningly accurate pen and ink cityscapes capturing details like

    Windows arches and the exact number of pillars on a bridge his lifelike memory even applies to organic subjects like animals and plants which he can reproduce flawlessly wilshire’s natural eye appears closely linked to his autism reflecting enhanced visual memory circuits in the brain he describes buildings and scenes as Vivid highresolution snapshots imprinted

    Instantly in his mind MRI scans confirm Wiltshire shows hyperactivity and additional gray matter in areas linked to his unusual Savant talents where most Minds record experiences using clumsy mental Polaroid photos Wilshire Burns images onto his brain with laser Precision a Visionary gift autism paradoxically granted him number nine

    The Iceman Stan Lee himself might have created created a superhero like Wim Hoff a man wielding Supreme command over cold able to withstand freezing conditions lethal to ordinary humans but the extraordinary powers of this real life Iceman are no fiction through Decades of intense training the Dutch Adventurer Hoff has mastered his body’s

    Thermostatic abilities beyond what science considered possible he can regulate core temperature using sheer mental willpower combined with specialized breathing techniques ice baths that would immobilize a normal person barely phase the Iceman Hoff first experienced Cold’s Transcendent power as a teenager in Amsterdam taking lengthy dips in frigid water he began

    Formulating methods to endure cold willfully leading to abilities like standing submerged in ice for hours without hypothermia or muscle failure in one stunning demonstration Hoff bundled in a thin coat and shorts remained fully immersed in ice for nearly 2 hours while his core temperature actually increased the ican has completed an astonishing 26

    World records including the longest ice bath endurance in the Himalayas he ascended over 20,000 ft wearing only shorts and sandals his body can prompt Vaso dilation to protect critical organs against freezing when exposed doctors conjecture his skill arises from influencing the autonomic nervous system regulating involuntary functions through sheer determination number eight the

    Battery man when it it comes to handling electricity Serbian slavisa pajkic has astounded the World by withstanding currents of over 20,000 volts coursing through his body enough to power over 5,000 households thanks to an incredible resistance to electricity’s effects he earned the nickname battery man born in

    1966 in lovak Serbia pich discovered his powers accidentally as a teenager while repairing a TV he touched a live wire that should have shocked or electrocuted him instead he felt invigorated realizing electricity had little effect on him pit began experimenting by touching appliances and Outlets he soon realized he was impervious to voltages

    That would seriously harm or kill ordinary people capitalizing on his special gift pkit turned it into a performance career his voltage defying stunts soon attracted Global attention in public demonstrations he allows massive electrical currents to pass through him producing fiery arcs of electricity the sheer power unleashed blows out bulbs melts objects and

    Explodes fruit while leaving him undisturbed in 1980 pakit set a Guinness World Record by calmly withstanding a 20,000 volt shock passed through his body approximately the power of a lightning strike he uses his hands as human terminals taking currents that should trigger Cardiac Arrest or terrible Burns yet he emerges unscathed

    Rigorous medical exams have confirmed that Pit’s abilities are genuine not not an illusion his body somehow redirects electricity through nonvital paths to prevent tissue damage or electrocution he sees harnessing high voltage as his unconventional but useful Talent number seven supervision woman Veronica cider’s visual abilities defy imagination and

    Rewrite the assumed boundaries of human eyesight this German woman claims she can clearly see small text over a mile away and microscopic details magnified to impossible levels uned real world superpowers vintage comic books ascribe to Heroes cider’s extraordinary Vision first came to light in the 1960s as a student at stutgart University in

    Germany she astonished her professor by reading tiny writing on a postage stamp over 200 ft distant formally tested cider proved she could distinguish people waving over 1.5 M away a feat only possible for most humans using binoculars or Scopes but ciders supervision extends Beyond ultra distance Clarity she can also identify

    Objects smaller than the wavelength of visible light essentially seeing underlying Atomic granularity under controlled conditions cider demonstrated reading normal newsprint from over 30 ft away she identified insects and plant Anatomy invisible to others except under a microscope it needs to be clarified how she developed such visual hyperacuity one Theory suggests an

    Elongated eyeball shape reducing light refraction errors Skeptics argue some visual aids must be involved as her reported Clarity exceeds calculated limits yet cider’s abilities withstand scrutiny her site has been repeatedly verified as among the most extraordinary on record whatever its Origins her vision convincingly overturns mainstream Opthalmology cider reveals the phrase

    Hawkeye to be more than just a metaphor her eyes exemplify the Marvels possible at the far far end of the visual bell curve granting a superhuman glimpse of reality’s fundamental fabric she focuses our a at the untapped potential lying dormant within us all awaiting the right mutations to unlock it number six the

    Daredevil vision is something most take for granted relying on our eyes to perceive and navigate the world but Daniel Kish demonstrates extraordinary adaptation is possible even without sight after losing his eyes to answerer as a toddler Kish taught himself to see using sound granting him enough sensory perception through echolocation to live

    A highly active life born in Southern California in 1967 Daniel’s life changed forever when aggressive retinal cancer claimed his vision by age 13 months yet he refused to let blindness restrict him with encouragement from his family Kish pushed traditional limits devising his own unique ways to map his surroundings

    Inspired by bat echolocation he learned to emit sharp tongue clicks and interpret the sound Reflections this allowed him to identify objects and build mental images of spaces to move confidently now in his 50s Daniel has honed his Echo skills to uncanny levels he can identify parked cars trees poles

    And other objects through the patterns letting him hike mountain bike and navigate new places using his Cane with astonishing ease in one demonstration Kish could accurately ident identify which of two trees stood taller based only on his sound Impressions he plays basketball goes surfing and even dismantles car engines activities cited

    People would find challenging Kish believes echolocation comes naturally to humans evolutionarily given the right conditions our brains can repurpose hearing much like bats while unique in degree Kish feels his proficiency shows the potential we all Harbor to adapt when our Senses Fail he sees the visually impaired as different not

    Disabled with innate compensatory abilities waiting to manifest now an expert consultant he promotes echolocation Independence for the blind worldwide mainstream medicine once considered functional adaptation without sight impossible but Daniel Kish embodies the incredible resilience of human cognition his life proves that with creativity and determination New Paths can open to experience life fully

    Even without something as vital as Vision now it’s time for today’s subscribe Iber pick numerous individuals with extraordinary talents have achieved recognition through television but there exist others whose remarkable abilities remain unrecognized take a look at these two images of women with extraordinary skills the jaw-dropping manner in which

    One of them opens her mouth is truly remarkable while an average person can open their jaw up to a certain extent she appears to possess an exceptional talent that sets her apart one can only imagine the sheer power behind her biting Force the second lady displays an impressive level of flexibility are you

    Familiar with either of them or someone with a special gift like theirs let us know in the comments below number five the rubber man contortionist Daniel Browning Smith represents the extreme end of human flexibility with a spine seemingly made of elastic and limbs that bend in unnatural ways his rubbery

    Physique defies musculoskeletal logic and sets new records for Distortion Smith was born in Georgia in 1979 and exhibited unusual flexibility early on at age 4 his parents noticed Daniel could twist his legs behind his head and perform other contortions well beyond normal children they fostered his natural Talent leading Daniel to become

    Fascinated by flexibility extremes he practiced vigorously developing astounding skills that brought him Global Fame some of Smith’s most notable contortions include rotating his legs full 180° and placing both feet behind his head he can also turn his torso 180° allowing him to face fully backward Smith is able to dislocate his shoulders

    And hips partially to squeeze through unbelievably narrow gaps doctors have clinically confirmed that his pliancy is genuine not an act he can touch parts of his body together in ways that seem anatomically impossible Smith owes his incredible malleability in part to genetic factors like hypermobile joints and extra cartilage in his extremities

    Allowing greater movement between bones an extra lumbar vertebrae also increases his spine’s Bend radius with d training he’s gained phenomenal voluntary control over these natural advantages in his 40s now Smith still actively stretches his limits he holds over seven Guinness World Records and continues pioneering new distortions though unique in degree

    Smith believes anyone can become significantly more flexible through training and dedication we all Harbor some untapped elasticity within his own Journey has simply taken natural gifts to prodigious levels number four Russian x-ray girl Natasha dem’s extraord ordinary claims captured the world’s imagination in the early 2000 the girl

    Who could look beneath the human exterior to see internal organs and diagnose illnesses while controversial she demonstrated an uncanny diagnostic ability that supported her Supernatural vision from Early Childhood in saransk Russia demkina said she could peer inside human bodies by sight alone this enabled her to pinpoint medical issues

    And affected locations as her reputation spread she underwent preliminary testing in 200 four led by British researchers in one study demkina assessed seven volunteers six with conditions like enlarged kidneys and sinus cysts she accurately identified problems in five of the six patients further testing proved inconclusive however in later

    Trials demkina struggled to locate implanted Prosthetics and other introduced targets critics suggested she relied partially on cold reading inferring ailments from visible signs rather than actually seeing inside proponents argued she struggled to use use her vision actively on command working best in natural settings her early success rate remains difficult to

    Explain by chance alone demkina abilities never fulfilled their dramatic potential but she focused Global interest on the enormous Mysteries that still reside at human perceptions Frontiers while she failed to demonstrate true x-ray vision demkina offered a tantalizing glimpse of what might be feasible with radical sensory transformation she exemplified that

    Genius often dwells in The Unexplained those who defy paradigms and remind us that incredible potential still lurks Beyond the Horizon of the possible number three Malaysia’s Magneto in a Southern province of Malaysia an uncanny real life superpower has emerged Liang Lin known as the magnetic man for his

    Ability to make metal objects stick to his skin without any evident magnets or trickery this anomalous attraction power has brought Tong Linn Fame and confusion in his homeland a resident of Kong Jawa Village tanglin first displayed his uncan canny talent in his 30s local witnesses gasped as Cutlery pens nails

    And weights seemed to cling to his skin as if coated in invisible glue news spread of the mysterious flesh that transformed into a magnet soon tonglin demonstrated his magic for crowds attracting bulky metal objects like stoves plates and Shavers to his torso and face through an unexplained Force

    Tang Lin’s magnetism is no parlor trick experts confirm extensive testing by Malaysia’s University technology found no hidden magnets or other artificial sources creating skin attraction they also verified no magnetic field emanating from his body normal physics cannot account for metal clinging to his skin of its own accord however one

    Hypothesis does explain the phenomenon extraordinarily strong skin friction creating a suction effect scientists discovered tanglin sweat ducts act like suction cups at the microscopic level aided possibly by sticky skin oils that enhance adhesion his genetic gift seems to induce human suction great enough to affix large objects remarkably Tang

    Lean’s Talent isn’t unique three of his grandchildren exhibit the very same ability to transform patches of skin into a metal attracting surface the family can decorate themselves with Cutlery pots and Kettles as though their flesh were outfitted with invisible velcro Tang Lin and his magnet Clan display a human anomaly Beyond modern

    Biom medicine’s explanation but their wondrous Powers Captivate imaginations Nationwide tanglin Embraces his difference reminding all that strangeness is simply another of Nature’s countless variations number two the sleepless Runner Dean Carnes seems to embody superhuman stamina no distance daunts him though not the fastest runner his ability to keep going without rest

    Over hundreds of miles leaves fellow athletes staggered his body appears immune to exhaustion despite pushing physiological limits to their utmost extremes born in Los Angeles in 1962 kazis showed early passion for sports and endurance but his ultramarathon career ignited in adulthood after he impulsively ran a marathon without

    Training and finished in under 3 hours this improbable success inspired him to test his body’s boundaries he soon tackled ever more grueling distances astonished at his resilience Carnes could run 30 40 even 50 m straight as though it were nothing in 2006 he ran 50 marathons across 50 US states for 50

    Days consecutive most couldn’t complete two such races without days of recuperation cares’ displays of seemingly Limitless stamina continued he once ran 350 Mi non-stop for over 75 hours without sleep his longest Tre exceeded 380 Mi without stopping nearly the distance from New York City to Pittsburgh doctors are astounded at how

    He avoids muscle breakdown despite such distances while unique carnis believes his skills are reproducible his body maximizes fat metabolism for energy and clears waste lactate with superhuman efficiency but much comes down to mental toughness ignoring pain and pushing through barriers most would consider definitive limits for him running becomes almost meditative number one

    Aquaman Stig senson represents the Apex of human respiratory stamina combining extreme lung power with Zen concentration he has pushed the boundaries of underwater breathholding far past anywhere science believed possible his Feats evoke comic book seing at home fathoms beneath the waves born in Denmark in 1976 senson was an

    Elite swimmer who also practiced yoga and meditation these latter disciplines led him to pioneering techniques for amplifying bodily control through sheer mental will an advantage he soon applied to the sport of free diving by regulating metabolism and heart rate senson found he could hold his breath under water for increasing durations

    Once thought fatal exceeding 20 minutes in 202 12 he set a Guinness world record for the longest breathhold while submerged 22 minutes for anyone else this would quickly turn into a death-defying blackout but senson was able to enter a trans-like state of deep bodily calmness that conserved oxygen

    And delayed the compulsion to inhale using specialized breathing he actually increased his heart and lung strength with training boosting efficiency his skills redefine the maximal edge of human lung capacity and hypoxia tolerance now in his 40s snon has set over four free diving World Records by merging extreme physiology with psychic

    Focus he has stretched the boundaries of respiration Beyond academia’s accepted models yet he believes his abilities simply represent untapped potentials within us all accessible through the same techniques his aquatic Mastery offers a glimpse of the tremendous dormant power people can wield over corporeal functions once deemed automattic itic and immutable thanks for

    Watching and we’ll see you in the next one


    1. No 7

      Her name is Veronica Ferres (not Veronica ??? what… "Cider"??? That's nonsense) and she is a German actress. (Born in 1965).
      Then how could she have been at university in the 60s??????

      If she had this gift, we would have already seen or heard that on German television. I'm sure that's not the truth.

      You shouldn't believe everything that is said here. Unless she tells it herself. But here only pictures (no film) of her are shown and something is said about her.

    2. Just for the record, 20 thousand volt (battery man) is nothing compare to the average lightning which is over 200 million volts and 50 thousand amps. This quite some difference as the 20 thousand volt claimed. Please stop spreading nonsense.

    3. ummm … stan lee DID create "the iceman." and he could do all the things you mentioned. he was part of a team that prof x put together at a time when the original team — cyclops, jean grey, storm, and all the other original x-men — were gone to face personal crises, conundrums, and challenges tailor made for them. so there's that. the more you know, am i right?

    4. I am on the autism spectrum. I firmly believe that there’s actually two different types of autism. there’s a type for wand isn’t capable of functioning, and it totally disconnected. Then there are those who have trade-offs, their mind is expanded . a gift that is highly treasured. Ask for myself, I can see things that other people do not. Because I look at a different angle. I’ve saved my employer, millions by my observations. Asking simple questions or pointing out things that are worrisome. I see a world of possibilities.

      At the same time, I wonder. I remember reading about an autistic child where people worked extremely hard to bring language and normality to their life. in doing so the servant aspects of her autism was lost. I do not remember if it was a male or female that type of thing seems to be unimportant to me therefore, I do not remember these things. I know that words confused me. My thoughts were in color, and in movement, and in shapes. I’ve lost a lot and just wonder what I could’ve accomplished, or might have accomplished. I’ve also observed that my art seems to be stunted. I wonder what would’ve happened if I did not have such supportive parents that insisted and did everything they could they help me to learn what I would’ve been. on the other hand, my talents may not have had an opportunity to bloom. And I would’ve been wasted. What has been installed in me is a thirst for knowledge and learning. This is not always been easy because I have stumbling blocks things that I have difficulty in acquitting and grasping.

    5. Hybrid demonic intelligence, like ,as you will soon see, Eoon Musk, whose mother was a witch,thought to have f.ed Charles Manson… Research and learn. But remember,with much knowledge comes much sorrow…. Ecclesiastes.

    6. I don't understand who creates these kinds of countdowns; I’ve seen them before, when the Number One is far less outstanding or fascinating than another very low down on the list… That’s strange in itself! 🙂

    7. Clickbait alert! Came to see the female contortionist on the thumbnail but nowhere to be found, just a brief token spurious mention about a woman with shark jaws and a single contortionist picture with no detail info

    8. Clearly click bait. The thumbnail of a huge gaping jaw and extremely large animal looking teeth is nowhere to be found in the video. It is totally fake & appears photo shopped. The closest picture in the video is also not only without a source reference but likely fake also.

    9. Surely I misheard the mini hulk stats. When I was 14, in the late 80’s, I could dead lift 245lbs and squat 210lbs and I’m a girl. Maybe they meant to say kilograms instead of pounds. That must be it.

    10. That human battery person is a joke. A Van Der Graaf generator can produce those voltages with very little dangerous amperage. The wattage (volts x amps) he is absorbing is very small.

    11. Almost everyone is so negative. It’s like a domino effect. Just be proud of someone else’s gifts. Applaud them for being amazingly who they are. Appreciate them without comparison. Besides the autism, and being a little clairvoyant I can’t do any of those things. Very inspirational. Great video.

    12. The guy that ate everything had a diet that was high in iron & how could he have died of natural causes….the man ate a TV , parts of a single engine aeroplane ffs

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