2023.06.26 ~ 2023.06.29

    슬로바키아를 잠시 뒤로하고 들어온 헝가리 부다페스트에서 마이클 아저씨와의 동행

    #세계여행 #자전거세계일주 #자전거여행


    Insta : jinwcho
    Email : jo930131@gmail.com
    촬영 : Gopro10
    음원 : Epidemic Sound

    From here, there are about 200km left to Budapest, Hungary. The current time is 8:43. I was planning to leave early today, but I overslept and ended up leaving normally. Let’s go~ The area around the Danube River is very good in each country. If you count Korea, it’s 4. It feels roughly the same.

    So, in Europe, there are a lot of bike tours on the Danube River. But (round and round) I got sick of it because I crossed the difficult Balkan Mountains in a really twisty way. I lost a screw in my body. But I can’t find the screw now; The screw is gone, but it’s okay if you ride a bike. The problem is that as the sun gets stronger here and there are no conditions to cool down, that’s when you die. Looking at you riding it,

    It looks like you’ll have to ride in the scorching sun It’s almost similar to the road I rode in Vienna, Austria. I’ll follow the road I’m currently riding today. I need to cover more than 100km today next to the river. I think I’ll get to Budapest easily tomorrow. Since I have a lot of time, I’ll ride carefully and ride a little longer

    . If you follow the road, you will come across a border town, right? I’ll go that far and if I think I can find a camping spot, I’ll go camping . If I can’t find it, I’ll look for accommodation in that border town. That’s the plan for today ~!!

    Wow, does this seem to be going on like this? It’s one of the courses I hate. It’s a monotonous road and there’s no shade. You have to run 90km like this?? It’s not easy, but I can still see the Danube River! It ‘s different when you see it.

    The land you see on the other side is Hungary. Starting from Budapest, Hungary, the Danube River will probably end now. Since I’m going to go all the way north, I think it was early March when I first encountered the Danube River, but it’s still the Danube River.

    Here’s the tent. I see you play fishing and fishing~ I guess camping could be okay? Seeing the locals pitching tents and fishing like that, why don’t I feel a bit hot today? Is it because the wind blows so coolly? Anyway, I’m so happy now. There are so many mayflies. Last time

    , the flies were all over the place. On the second day, mosquitoes followed me, and today, mayflies followed me all day (they’re especially popular with insects). The Slovakian side is completely open I was wondering why it was so comfortable, and there was a fair wind blowing for two days in a row while riding Wow~ It looks like the sea If you get on the boat you see in front, will you go to Hungary right in front of you? Look, I’m going to enjoy Slovakia a little more and then move on to the end (we were able to get to the dock and get on the car).

    There can’t be any shade for this; Haha, it’s starting to get a little hot, but I shouldn’t have overslept today. I should have woken up early today and started at dawn, but it doesn’t end. I’ll stop when I find the next place to sit. The fever is starting to rise Then let’s go together! Where are you from? (Huh~ You?) / Korea I started in London , so I’ve already been traveling for 15 months now (15 months?!) / Yes…ㅎ Shade I want to find it… but there’s nothing here. Or is it there? What’s your name? / (Michael!) My name is Jinwoo Nice to meet you! / (Yes, me too) (How old are you?) / 30 years old How long have you been traveling? Let’s take a break. Ah~ It’s so hot. I’m not sweating right now , but I can’t stop for a long time because of the Schengen visa. But my current situation is so difficult to ride in the middle of summer. So, I’m fighting with my body and the weather every time I want to go north because I think it’ll be much cooler than here. When I go to Budapest, I want to go to the hot springs. Belgium and Luxembourg? (I went from Calais, France to Dover, England) (And then stopped by London) Please exchange numbers today and send me a message. I don’t have data right now, so if I get data later, when you arrive in Budapest (sitting on a bike all day is really hard) I thought I would get really strong if I rode a bike for more than a year with this luggage, but my body is getting stronger and stronger. It’s starting to break down lol I’m on YouTube, but I’m not famous haha; It’s to chronicle my journey with the bike because this has been my dream. I ‘ve been dreaming of this bike trip for 5 years now I thought I wouldn’t go back if I was completely fine. I have a UK visa so I’ll go there next year. I can stay until February, but my current situation and symptoms haven’t improved at all in two months, so I have to stay. I don’t want to give up.

    If I can safely get to Norway and complete my journey, I want to go back to Korea for a bit during the winter. After I get some rest, get treatment, and finish Europe, my next continent will be America.

    So I want to go from North America to Canada and across to the end of South America. Well, Augustus sometimes Sminex Tuhan , but now I want to finish Europe as soon as possible. I stayed in Europe for too long haha. I’m so tired. I miss home. Lately,

    I haven’t thought ‘I miss Korea’ once in the past 15 months, but lately, I’ve been feeling sick. It’s getting so bad that my tension keeps dropping and I’m getting depressed, but I don’t want to give up. I have to keep moving forward and challenge myself I think German people really like to travel . I really like it because I met so many German people during the 15 months of riding . Generally, when someone goes on a bicycle trip, you would expect more than 70% to be German. It’s especially popular in Europe, but in Korea… traveling with a bicycle itself is actually not popular. Koreans only ride fast road bikes or mountain bikes because it’s very difficult. I mean, bicycles are not popular. It’s a really great way to enjoy the trip, and it’s great for saving scenery and scenes

    (seeing a lot)/feeling . I’ve ridden about 80km now, and it’s about 25km to the border village? I have to ride more , but as expected, there is no shade on this course, so it’s all hot; It’s so hot. Oh, but the wind suddenly blows a little? I want to rest, but there is no rest area;

    It’s pretty. Please take a break. There’s nothing here; Ugh, I finally found the shelter after almost 40km… Yes~ Bicycle travelers are crazy. Haha, everyone is crazy about something haha ​​(Michael trying to lie down on the bench) Please help me haha ​​Please block the wind haha… You’re really good at riding a bike! It’s so fast! You’re running at 28 km/h! Haha Uh~ I’m almost there. The border city I’m going to right now is a twin city between Hungary and Slovakia. The name of the city on the Slovak side is Komárno, and the city on the Hungarian side is called Komárom. Just run about 10km more. I think it will work.

    Michael said he would go over to Hungary and stop at the campsite there. There is a campsite in a village on the Hungarian side. I will go with him and check the price. If it is okay, I will stay at the campsite with Michael today

    . The bridge in the distance is Hungary. It’s a bridge that can be crossed. I’m tired now; I can’t keep up with Michael… We have to leave in the morning. It’s early in the morning and it’s past 1pm so ugh;; It’s so hot ah; I’m going crazy Okay, thank you haha ​​/ (you’re welcome haha) I’m going to leave Slovakia for a while, look around Budapest, and then come back. This is Slovakia. This is Komarno. Crossing this bridge is Hungary. Still, I feel reassured because Michael is there. It was a little hot,

    But I think I will be able to finish today’s ride without incident . (Hungarian border city Komarom) Hungary In Hungary I’m in. (Does this make sense? There was nothing for 100km from Bratislava to here) I heard there’s 1.5km left from here to the camping site. Can I use the hot spring facilities at this hotel? Look, it’s good. Then it’s about 19 euros, but 30,000 won?

    However, at 30,000 won including the hot springs (which was very cheap), I never thought I would be able to enjoy the hot springs as soon as I entered Hungary, but I rode 106km. I’ll end here today. That’s it! Michael told me that there are over 4,000 hot springs in Hungary.

    When I looked up Budapest, I came across about 3 famous hot springs, but they seem to be spread all over the place other than Budapest (‘Thermal Hotel and Camping’ in Komarom Village ). There is also a sauna (the water wasn’t hot). It’s really nice. Yes, there are a lot~ Korea also has a hot spring culture. And do you know about the culture of scrubbing? I also push it (It’s healing) Yes, it ‘s healing haha ​​(Both of you feel so good haha) The hot springs open as soon as you arrive in Hungary, right? No haha, there was an outdoor hot spring~ Ah~ It’s so refreshing . It’s the perfect ending to today’s day By the way Thank you! I’m done withdrawing . Ah; There are really too many mosquitoes , so I’ll run away quickly. The mosquitoes are withdrawing, but I’m not even kidding. 20 of them stick to my body, and they ‘re forest mosquitoes . Ugh; It’s so itchy. I think I got ripped off about 10 times while

    I was pulling out. 5:39 AM How does that person… sleep outside like this? It’s raining now. I’ll eat some bread for breakfast and then leave. I woke up at 4:30 this morning, but if I leave and eat breakfast, I won’t be able to leave until 6:00.

    Today, I’m going to Budapest, the capital of Hungary. The shortest distance from here to Budapest is about 90km. As soon as I get out , I’ll rush in as quickly as possible and go to Budapest. If I enter Budapest today, I

    ‘ll rest for 3 days starting today and then set off again and probably go back up towards Slovakia . But it rained so I pulled out before the tent got wet? Haha, I’m lucky . It must be wet. This? Departure Okay, just 6 o’clock.

    From here, you have to follow the Danube River for about half of the way and then cross the inland, but there are a lot of uphill hills in the inland, so you just have to get over that. Uncle Michael and I decided to meet in the capital city of Budapest

    And have dinner together when we meet. Every time I enter the country, I feel a little different. It feels strangely like Bulgaria, doesn’t it ? I just need to ride another 4,000 km~ When I say this, there’s still a lot left lol

    Ah~ Shall I ride the national road? just? Isn’t this side road too bad? It goes all the way from here. Okay~ I can smell the hot spring here. I guess this is also hot spring water. It’s really interesting. Why are there so many hot springs only in Hungary?

    You can get to Budapest just by following the Danube River, but then the distance increases. You have to ride for over 120km. However, the scenery on the Danube doesn’t change very dynamically, so it’s a bit boring after riding for 40-50km. I’m slowly crawling out in a little while. It’s going to get hot.

    If you want to ride while seeing the Danube clearly, it might be better to ride toward Slovakia. There’s a good bike path on the Hungarian side, but you can’t see it (supply time. Banana). After passing this village, it goes inland. Route 10 to Budapest is 51km

    Away. Budapest There’s only 37km left until the beginning. It’s already 9 am? Haha. It’s going really fast. I have to fight with cars on this national road because I’m entering the capital. But the driver drives very gently . I need to

    Take a break before I go over that big thing. 2nd supply with coffee) Ah, this road is rough. Oh, go straight down~ The road is hell! what? Is Budapest from here? I think there’s still 10km left, but I guess I’m in Budapest from here. Oh my, I’m almost there

    . I can see it~~ I’ve come to the Budapest I’ve only heard about~ Hehehe . The view looking towards the old town from the outskirts of Budapest is really cool, isn’t it? Wow, this is awesome . The reason I turned from Vienna towards Budapest is because the capitals of Austria, Slovakia, and Hungary are all close together. If you don’t go to the places where these capitals are close together first, the course gets a little too twisted later. So,

    While the capitals are close together, we are exploring the capitals of the three countries. After this, we have to go up for a long time. How do we get there? Ah, I thought I could ride this place , but it reminds me of London Tower Bridge. Hey, it’s so cool. The city is wow. I want to ride the tram. Is this where you stay? (Central Market Hall Zen Hostel) I rode 91km, and for some reason the conditions were good so it felt a little easy. From what I can see, the sun wasn’t too strong and

    It wasn’t too hot today, so I rode it really comfortably. I’ll finish the ride here and pack up my bags before finishing the ride. I’m going to go to the hot springs with me. Central Market Hall Zen Hostel (friendly staff, reasonable prices, and good location) Hungary is also famous for goulash,

    So I went to the restaurant next door recommended by the hostel staff, had traditional food, and found the hot springs. I’m going to go Hello~ Is the atmosphere nice? They say that Hungary produces a lot of paprika. Most of them seem to cook a lot with paprika. This is Hungarian beer Pronunciation They made it for me and it’s called Kőbánya haha ​​(the beer didn’t really make an impact) They asked me if I like my goulash spicy . It’s really spicy so I’d like to mix it in here and eat

    It. First of all, don’t use that sauce (dadaegi). I’ll put it in and eat it Beef radish soup? It tastes like beef radish soup~ If you just take this when you’re hungry and eat some bread with the soup, it’ll be filling Oh, it’s spicy haha. Just one spoonful of this will be enough, right? It tastes better when you add spicy things like dadaegi~ That’s my style Paprika Cirque Spicy paprika and butter-stir-fried chicken with sour cream. I think the ones here are noodles made with eggs. If you’re looking for Korean food, it’s called a dish like braised chicken (a passing necklace given to Paprika Cirque). It was delicious from the first bite.

    I left the traditional food I ate as soon as I came to Bratislava, Slovakia . It was not tasty and hey, why is this sauce so delicious? Maybe it’s because Hungarian cuisine uses paprika, but it’s all spicy~ It’s totally my taste I don’t think I’ve ever tasted traditional food so deliciously. Most of them are similar and make me happy This is a godsend. This catches all the greasy things. I keep eating this and I get a little bitten. I’m craving goulash I really like this spicy sauce haha ​​(they said you can buy it at the market too) Thank you haha ​​thank you! Chicken is 14,000 won, goulash is 3,000 won? Thank you very much. Have a nice evening. I see your face is red. I want to take the tram, but I don’t know where to buy a ticket. I think I’ll check out this market first. This is called the Central Market in Budapest. It’s literally like a traditional market. But it’s big~

    This accommodation is in a very strategic location, right? But the accommodation fee is cheap , so I’m happy. It’s about 20,000 won per night. Look at this. They sell a lot of chili paprika like this in Hungary. I think it will be more lively if I come in the morning. They say

    There’s some dessert as well. If I get a chance, I’ll try it later because it’s right next to the accommodation. If you come, I’ll go take the tram. Isn’t the market building pretty? Is it the subway? Ah, you can ride this. Ah, it looks like it will go up if you ride from here. I’ve been traveling for 15 months and I rarely use public transportation (I always ride a bicycle), so I don’t know how to ride it, so

    I don’t know how to do it lol I’ll take the tram and go to the hot springs while looking at the Danube River. I can take this Should I add it? uh! You put it in like this and get a stamp. But no one… buys a ticket for this? After looking into it, I found out that the other side of the Danube River was originally a city called ‘Buda’, and

    The side where I am now was a city called ‘Pest’. What year was 1870? It is said that around this time, a bridge was connected across the Danube River and Budapest was merged. Isn’t it interesting? I had no idea until I came here , so Buda is a bit hilly and

    The Pest area here is flat. This is the National Assembly building I saw when I first came in. It is the second largest National Assembly building in the world The hot spring I am going to now is the one that is the furthest from the city. So I plan to go here today and then go somewhere a little closer tomorrow. When I cross this bridge, I am going towards ‘Buda’. It’s strange because I say Buda.

    It is said that the meaning of Buda is taken from the water of Voda. The Danube River, an international river that runs through Europe, is the same wherever you go, but the colors of the cities along the river are truly different . I have seen a lot of European buildings, palaces, castles, etc.

    15 You’ve been sick of it for months. Oh, but… Budapest’s Parliament Building has a different feel, so it’s called ‘Lukacs Baths’ Is this the only one available? This is a swimming pool . I think that’s the only hot spring pool. They say you have to wear a swimming cap in the swimming pool. I couldn’t go in 1 out of 5… 3? The reason the score was lowered is because there are no hot spring pools. One of the advantages is that if you come after 5 o’clock, it doesn’t even cost 10 euros, so you can enjoy it for 13,000 won.

    Looking at the weather, I won’t be able to see the sunset. Now it’s a place called ‘Fisherman’s Fortress’. I’m on my way. It’s on a hill near Buda. There’s a fortress on top of the hill. They say you can see a panoramic view of ‘Pest’ on the other side from there.

    Is this it? The sky has turned pink. The cathedral in front seems to be the ‘Machassi Cathedral’. I guess they built this huge fence around the castle to protect the cathedral The fortress itself is pretty~ It’s amazing. The cathedral here is really pretty. It looks even prettier when the lights are on. Half of the people are Korean. There are a lot of them here? Oh, this place is so amazing, isn’t it? Why are there only Koreans here? Hahahaha It deserves to be said to be one of the top three night views in the world. I guess there was a tour vehicle I really like Budapest It seems like there are many ways to go down. Should we go down here? You have to walk at least 30 minutes to get to your accommodation from here. This bridge is the bridge I crossed earlier in the morning, and it is called the ‘Szechenyi Bridge.’

    It was the first bridge connecting ‘Buda’ and ‘Pest’, which are separated by the Danube River It feels like home-cooked food. I think they prepare the menus they eat in Hungary like this and serve it like a buffet . Probably today, Michael. I think I’ll be coming to Budapest, so I need to get in touch with you. I promised to meet Michael for dinner today. He

    Said he was coming on a bike, so I’m going to go out on a bike too. (Before we meet) I’ll go to another spa to go see the hot springs. The place I’m going today. I wish there was a slightly hot pool. ‘Rudas Thermal Bath’ This place has private lockers and

    A changing room, right? It’s 5,900 forints, so I think it’s about 24,000 won So I’ll enjoy it. I think it’s much better here. There are 5 baths, different temperatures, and separate wet and dry saunas. Now, Michael. You already came (It looks better~) / Thank you haha ​​How was the ride? I didn’t look for it There seems to be a lot of things to eat in the downtown area of ​​the ‘Pest’ area. I’ve never been there, but I think you can easily find something to drink or eat if you go there. I went to that castle. There were only Koreans. Haha. No~ I was embarrassed, so I hid somewhere, took a picture, and ran away. Haha , I’m not used to it. Haha. I can’t believe we met again! It’s nice haha. The center of Pest is also really big here~ I can buy it Thank you so much Michael (You’re welcome) Enjoy your meal haha ​​(What are you going to do tomorrow? Going to another hot spring? Haha) Yes hahaha What time do you plan to start looking around tomorrow? If it’s okay, let’s go have coffee early in the morning! I’ll live there haha ​​(We talked for a while while eating dinner) Have a nice evening and see you tomorrow morning! Michael, I love you so much. You are so kind and kind, right? Why did you come so early? Haha (You came 10 minutes early) Did you wake up early? Have you had coffee already? Ugh Are you going to eat it? I’ll buy it. Would you like another cup of coffee? Apple, cabbage and cottage cheese Strudel: A pastry made by rolling thinly stretched dough with various ingredients As far as I know, strudel is probably originated from Hungary and Austria) Really? Oh!! Thank you so much haha ​​(this strudel is something different) So I think they are trying to show it to us I know it well. Did you choose it? Haha / (Yes) You said you were full before you came in here hahaha But it’s so delicious I can eat more haha ​​(This strudel is really delicious) But I ate it all haha ​​(but I think I need to eat 10 more haha) The cherries take a lot of work haha ​​(I’m going to scold them with my mouth) It takes a long time and I have to check them often. (These are frozen fresh strawberries) This is how you make it~ It really takes a lot of work~ Thank you~ (1 After eating a lot, we leave after time. (Yes!) I heard that the swirl bread you see in front of you is a kind of dessert? (Chimney bread called Kuteskalas) What is this? It’s big, right?… Let’s go It looks like a berry? / (Yes, that’s right, Berry) Thank you! This is my first time seeing it / (Really?!) How about this? Me too I will contact you Stay healthy and travel safely! Please contact me when your bike journey is over You can take your time haha ​​(I’ll spread the word to Germany haha) Thank you!! (I had such a great time with Uncle Michael in Hungary) We had coffee together in the morning and suddenly had a great experience. We really delved into the traditional dessert food called strudel.

    I went in for a bit and did some editing, but when the sun went down, I came out late and went to another hot spring. I’ll go again today. I haven’t decided where to go, but I’m planning to go to a different place than the one I went to yesterday.

    There’s a green bridge right in front of the hostel I’m staying in. When you cross it, there’s a big hill in front of it, and there’s another hot spring right underneath that hill. I’m planning to go there. I think I can finish my trip to Budapest after taking the last hot spring.

    How about langos, a traditional Hungarian snack, before going to the hot springs ? I was about to eat that and go, but um, this is just pizza, what about this? Lángos: Fried dough topped with minced garlic, onion, cheese or various other ingredients. It ‘s worth eating.

    It’s about 8 euros or 11,000 won per plate. It doesn’t feel that cheap, but it feels like the bread is fried rather than baked in the oven. It feels like hotteok or churros in oil . I think this building in front of me is a hot spring

    . The name of this hill is Gellért and the name of this hot spring is also Gellért. ) It seems to me that this is the most expensive? ‘Gellért Thermal Bath’ costs over 9,400 forints and 20 euros (about 35,000 won) . It’s attached to a hotel.

    It’s the most expensive place I’ve been to so far, and I think it has the best facilities . Isn’t this a joke? Are you paying a high price? This place is being filmed~ This place is really pretty and good. It ‘s awesome. Hey~ This place is really cool. It’s easily accessible and good.

    There’s a 36-degree hot spring bath outside like this. There’s a coffee shop and a kiosk above the pool in the center, which is awesome. There’s also a drinking fountain like this. There’s no separate water. You can bring it I liked this Gellert hot spring the most, which I did at the end of the day. Other than it being a little expensive, I was very satisfied. The hot spring bath temperature was varied and I think there were about 4 saunas at the end. I’m most satisfied with the ending , but

    The fact that my arms and legs don’t sweat~ haha ​​I’ll end my trip to Budapest here. (I’ll come out again to watch the sunset)


    1. 2023년도 저와 함께 라이딩 해주셔서 감사드립니다!
      새해 복 많이 받으시고 다가오는 2024년 좋은 일들 가득하시길 바라겠습니다😊

    2. 에구..한국에서두 원인을 못찾는다니..안타깝네요..혹시. 피부가 너무 타서 땀구멍이 막힌거 아닐까요? 예전 세상에 이런일이라는프로에서 땀구멍이 막혀서 열이 배출이 안되어서 화장실서 옷 빨아입고. 사무실서 선풍기 바로쌔고 하던거 본거같은데..ㅡㅡ

    3. 이전의 강철같은 진쓰레블이 조금씩 힘들어하는 모습이 보여 안타깝네요. 지금의 몸 상태는 어떤지 궁금하네요.

    4. 온천의 나라 헝기리 좋네👍👍👍
      부다페스트 야경,어부의 요새 패키지 여행 필수 코스 ㅋㅋㅋ
      마이클씨 넘 좋으시네 귀요미❤
      49:52온천장 럭셔리 하구만^^

      올한해 수고 많았고 내년 원하는바 다이루길 바라며 새해 복많이 받으세요 감사합니다 ❤❤❤❤

    5. 어제 올라올줄 알고 기다렸는데… 목 빠질뻔!
      새해에는 아픈 거 치료되시고, 구독자 몇배 많이지시길~~ 또 새로운 여행에서 안전 라이딩하시길~~

    6. 제일 좋아하는 유튜브 영상인데 오늘은 51분 넘게 올려주셔서 너무 좋아요~ 새해에도 건강하시고 행복한 여행 많이 하셔요~

    7. 많이 무거우셨죠. 무거운 제 시선도 업고 다니시느라 고생 많으셨습니다.^^
      덕분에 저는 세상 편하게 여행을..^^ 항상 감사합니다.
      치료 잘 받으시고 한참뒤에 파타고니아의 똥바람속에서도 멋지게 달리시는 모습까지 열심히 구독 하겠습니다.
      복 많이 받으세요.

    8. 우연히 뜻하지않게 옆자리나 여정이 겹쳐 인사를 트는 coincidental companion
      여행의 백미죠
      진님의 여행기에서 가끔 보이는데 이번편이 더 좋네요
      새해에는 컨디션 회복하고 순풍에 돗달고 쾌주하세요

    9. 여행이 좋은 이유는 멋진나라에서 더 머물수있고 음식도 다양하게 먹을수있고 친구도 사귈수있는데
      그걸 적절히 할수있어서 좋겠네요

    10. 역시 진우님 영상은 길면 길수록 더 빠져듭니다. 진우님 편집으로 괴롭히고 싶지는 않지만 어쩔수 없군요
      자전거라이딩으로 많이 떨어진 면연력 잘 이겨내시고 맛나는거 많이 드세요. 약보다는 음식으로 에너지를 만드셔야 합니다.
      진우님이 올려주신 영상들로 세계여행 편하고 즐겁게 잘하고 잇습니다. 항상 감사드립니다. 꾸벅

    11. 51분이 순삭이네요😊😊
      이번 영상이 역대급으로 잼나게 잘
      헝가리 🇭🇺 온천 ♨️ 꼭 가보고 싶어요 ㅎㅎ
      내년에도 영상 편집 수고 해주세요!

    12. 내가보는 여행 유튜버중에 화면 목소리 자막 편집 최상위인데 …
      구독자가 왜이리안늘지…막몇십만이상되야..
      또 여행 가실텐데
      편집해서 틱톡이나 쇼츠도 올리셧으면.

    13. 27개국 영상 너무 잘 보았습니다. 2024년 땀샘이 빨리 열려 다시금 즐라하시기를 바랍니다.
      영상에 이끌려 마음에만 있던 FULL LOADED TOUR로 5월 유로벨로1 갑니다. 스페인에서 출발합니다. 혹 여행자문 받을려면 어찌해야 하나요?

    14. 부다페스트 온천 여행~~~ 피로가 싹 가시는 느낌이 드네요~ ㅎㅎㅎ
      마이클 아저씨와의 만남과 좋은 추억공유~ 참 좋네요. 엄지척!!!

    15. 진우님^^♡^^
      마이클만나서 위로와 환기가 되었겠어요~
      몸이 아프면~
      고향음식이 땡기는데요~

      덕분에 헝가리 부다페스트함께했읍니다

      진우님 팔 다리에서
      땀이 정상으로 나기를~
      진우님 목소리들으며~

    16. 진우씨 치료 받으시면서 잘 쉬고 계세요? 다음 여정 떠나시기 전에 구독자와 함께 가볍게 카페라이드 모임이라도 가져 주셨으면 하는 바램이 있어요

    17. 자상한 마이콜아저씨 고맙네요 ㅎ~~~ 좋은 정보도 감사~~ 와이프랑 같이 보면서 우리도 저기가보자 하고 있씀 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    18. 2023년 진우님 덕분에 많이 행복했어요아름다운 풍경 멋진 풍경 즐거웠어요 감사합니다 2024년 진우님 더욱 건강하시고 새해 복 많이 받으세요 건강하세요🙏🙏🙏

    19. 몸 상태가 좋지 않은데 마이클 아저씨와 동행하게 되서 안심되었어요.
      인자한 미소에 푸근한 이웃집 아저씨 같은 마이클 정말 인상 좋으시네요.

      2023년 우연하게 알게된 진쓰레블 채널 덕분에 좋은 영상 볼 수 있어 좋았습니다.
      건강 잘 회복해서 2024년에도 좋은 영상 부탁해요.


    20. 리버티 다리위에 사람들 올라가는거 보면서 진짜 아찔했던 기억이 있네요..ㅋ 다리위에서 키스하는거 엄청 멋지던데… 정말 방구석에서 예전 추억을 떠올일 수 있게 해주셔서 감사합니다 ㅎ

    21. 진우씨~몸은 좀 회복되셨나요? 몸 상태가 안좋은데도 항상 웃는 모습이 반갑습니다 ~새해에는 건강하시고 계획하신일 이루시길 ~~❤

    22. 카메라를 조금만 올려주면 좋겠네요. 주행 중에는 길바닥이 어지럽네요. 큰 화면에서. 새해복많이 받으세요~

    23. 진님~
      영상 항상 잘 보고 있습니다.
      이번 한 해도 건강하시고 행복하게
      자전거 타시길 기도할께요.
      항상 응원합니다~🎉🎉

    24. 진우님 댓글 늦었네요
      23년은 진우님 덕분에 유럽여행 같이 달린 기분입니다
      피부 아직 치료중으로 아는데
      아마도 섭생하고도 관련있지않나 생각되어요. 모쪼록 원인 찾아서 괜찮아지기를 바래요
      진우님 덕분에 행복했듯이
      진우님도 행운과 행복가득한 24년 되세요. 고마워요

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