Stage 1 of the 2017 Tour of Hungary began hotter than an oven set to 30C… not hot enough to cook your chicken dinner, but uncomfortable to ride in never-the-less! But by the 80km mark, that had all changed, and things got weird!

    All right side it is a very very rare pain we’re actually right here where Heidi came in and God is a storm rolling in and it goes right so this person here in the blue she’s the organizer and she just says through hectic the righteous up oh you’re egging big fella a little

    Annoying Neela go pretty good going this would probably go to defend again tomorrow yeah I saw you yes tiles up see 75 you’ll race to the video ah yeah strange things Robbie haka is uh up the road same place tomorrow yeah it’s a strange situation we don’t know what’s going on but yeah

    Robbie’s up the road in a group of eight so I was going well strange times will tell you informed maintain your training your dog to the bandbox rise as I hear Sonia suddenly think oh maybe once but no one is and what do you record it but road racing

    Can be stopped start compared to mountain bike but this is ridiculous I mean it’s just a little weird okay what if you’re a CLE we are I guarantee you will be in disgust right now this is just a typical day heal itself this happened every day

    So Neil what both of our teams the cars up there and they’re telling us to get in the car so we just what do we do I don’t know it down we just yeah back then stick together Oh straight so here yes where exactly we don’t know we noticed a a really old

    Castle on the hill somewhere behind us but yeah the race has been what we called off now it’s not going to review and yeah well if we hope not now because as you can see the up Sunday here we got the yellow jersey and then we’ve got Shawn

    And then just me so look we’re actually just waiting for waiting to just regroup we’re apparently getting picked up from this town wet and we going back to the accommodation so bizarre scenes apparently the storm that we were riding into was was too it hectic with the translation so yeah they’ve called it

    Off which is it’s safe I guess we appreciate that on the one hand like it would have been terrible if we had a road into some sort of students date storm that would have been terrible but because as we’re sitting on the edges of it it really doesn’t seem that bad so

    Bit disappointing but yeah you just have to roll with it what a strange sport this cycling is young there’s not many sports that a lot this and here the others we’re going to get reunited here hey buddy


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