Sanctuary praise him in his mighty firmament uh praise him for his mighty acts Praise Him according uh to his excellent graceless greatness praise him on the sound of the trumpet praise him on the loop and the harp praise him on the tempal and the dance uh praise him

    On string instruments and fluks uh praise him on the loud symbols uh praise him with clashing symbols uh let everything let everything uh let everything uh that has breath uh praise ye the Lord did anybody come to praise him this morning anybody grateful that he brought you from 2022 uh last year

    This time until 2023 the last Sunday of the year anybody grateful can anybody look back over the sh and know that it was nobody but him that brought you through if you know he’s good you ought to say yay say y hallelujah praise God hallelujah is he not good has he been

    Good to anybody in here hallelujah father we lift our hands in praise to you Hallelujah let us Lo to the throne of grace oh most holy and everlasting father father God we come to you right now in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ uh thanking you for you

    Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit father God we’re grateful and we’re thankful for we know that if it had not been for you uh we would have fallen by the wayside a long time ago uh but look what you’ve done for us look how you

    Kept us and never left us uh look how you brought us father but not only that you are God that fill us with your Amazing Grace every day uh Mercy every day uh that you forgive us from those times when we did things that we shouldn’t have done uh when we said

    Things that we shouldn’t have said uh when we acted in ways that we shouldn’t have acted when we gone places that we shouldn’t have gone it was nothing but your mercy that kept us and Lord your favor that you pour on us every day you are Mighty God and we thank you for

    Being an everlasting father your word say you are counselor you a mighty God you are the Prince of Peace and so Lord we thank you for allowing us to be in your presence right now dear God for in your presence we are made whole and complete in your presence is

    The fullness of our joy in your presence is healing in your presence is Deliverance uh in your healing and salvation and so Lord we just praise you and we ask you in this service this morning to allow your Holy Spirit to take over and take control dear God uh

    That we’re doing the things that you have created us to do praise in your holy name uh and so father God for the shepherd of this house we say thank you uh we pray that you continue to empower him dear God that you continue to guide

    And lead him in the way that you will have him to go and so father God we praise you right now when we thank you for 2023 Lord we thank you for this very moment right now dear God we praise and lift you up we ask dear God that you

    Continue to allow your peace to rain in our lives around us With Your Love Empower us with your Holy Spirit and allow your joy dear God to uphold us for this is a day that you have made uh we are rejoicing and we glad in it let every blood wash believer say

    Amen amen and amen come on and bless us praise sing come on choir good morning everybody praise God for this is the last Sunday of the year and that sh we should rejoice and be glad let us stand for our morning him Jesus the light of the World Heart The Herald theel of the world glor to the morning Jesus the light of oh we will walk in the light for come where the do of Mercy are bright shine all around us by day by night Jesus the light of the world joyful Christ Jesus the light of the world the Tri Jesus the of world oh we will walk in the Christ the [Applause] highest Jus of Christ the Everlasting Lord Jesus the of world we Willus the Jesus the light of the world the son of right Jesus come where the sh Us by by Jesus oh we will walk in the light Will [Applause] in Us by and by night Jesus the light praise the Lord Macedonia praise the Lord how many know that trouble don’t last always let’s get [Applause] It [Applause] [Applause] I’m so glad [Applause] That’s the good news today say hey trouble don’t last our he may not come when you want him but he’s on time and the times of trouble I found him to be a friend of [Applause] mine when storm CL R in your life I know he’ll be there And every one of your bur I found for myself you said I’m so glad yeah trouble don’t last the good news today say on last can I say it one more time I here may not come when you want him but he’s on time and in the times of

    TR I found him to be a friend of mine when storm clouds rise in your life I know you’ll be there and everyone of you everyone everyone everyone of your B to you I’m [Applause] soad trouble don’t last way TR don’t last that’s the good news today say trouble trouble last star said one more time one more time yeah trouble don’t last last that’s the good news today say hey trouble on that star said we been made [Applause] we keep [Applause] the we’ve been made we in the keep the faith you will be all right Let Go Go [Applause] Set all three Bo no no [Applause] no [Applause] [Applause] trou trouble trouble come on Church y’all sing that real Quick one more time one more time [Applause] hold oh TR [Applause] [Applause] TR Noble [Applause] TR [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] how many know that trouble don’t last always anybody know we got a way maker by the name of Jesus anybody know that troubles don’t last always praise God thank you choir amen wo come on and get the choir another hand come on bless his name Hallelujah now is the part of the

    Program where we set aside to welcome our visitors if we have any visitors in the house we ask that you stand at this time any visitors in the house amen please remain standing hey on behalf of our of our pastor The Shepherd of this house Bishop Gregory Maurice

    Fuller and the entire Macedonian family we say welcome and just by chance you are new to the area are you are looking for a CH Church home guess what tell them Macedonia you found it please remain standing and the ushers have something for you thank you amen now prepare your hearts and

    Your ears for our announcements which will be coming from our media Ministry amen good morning Mac family these are your announcements for New Year’s Eve Sunday December 30th 2023 in the year the right way right here at the Mac make sure to come back this evening for our New Year’s Eve

    Service at 5 pm. and lastly save the date and get ready for our first Friday prayer praise and proclam Proclamation service on this upcoming Friday January 5th 2024 at 7 pm don’t miss it this concludes your announcements for today come on if you’re happy in your

    Know clap your hands bless the Lord this is the day the Lord has made we are rejoicing and we are glad in it on this last Sunday of this year how y’all doing amen come on bless the Lord for that bless the Lord praise God good to see

    You all this morning let me share a few uh other announcements with you again in reiteration today at five o’clock we are going to have our New Year’s Eve service some may ask why are you doing it at five o’clock because God does not count time like we count time it’s just a

    Matter of us worshiping and acknowledging the fact that God has brought us to the end of what man has designated as this year in the entrance into the new year and the other reason is because the message that I Minister this morning and this is still New

    Year’s Eve uh the message that I Minister this morning and the message this afternoon I want you to spend some time before you go into the new year contemplating I want you to think about I need to deliver the message to you at a time period where you can spend some

    Time just kind of meditating on the word so that you enter into the new year with the word of God in your mind and in your heart amen bless the Lord so five o’clock come on we’re starting right at five o’clock come on and bring somebody

    With you they’re not g to be in church so bring them with you tell them to come on in Macedonia at 5: and worship with us all right also now we start this week we start or next week this week this is the first day of the week this week we

    Start our our first and so we have our first fast every Wednesday uh of the month of January there’s five Wednesdays and so every Wednesday we are fasting uh from Midnight to midnight Midnight Tuesday to midnight Wednesday night all day Wednesday we are fasting this uh I

    Will have the schedule for you I I post it I apologize it slipped my mind I send it to our uh media department but this Wednesday we we want to all kind of be fasting around the same thing of course you’re fasting for whatever your concerns are there are some concerns

    That I have some things I’m fasting for that are personal to me but I want all of us to be online and together praying for certain things as we fast on these Wednesdays and so this first Wednesday this coming Wednesday and let me say this also this Wednesday we restart

    Bible study so make sure you’re here for that uh this first Wednesday we are fasting and as we fast we’re praying uh and we’re praising and thanking God for bringing us into the new year so this Wednesday’s fast is praise and thanks amen sometimes we get so caught up in

    Asking God for stuff that we forget to thank him for what he’s already done and so this Wednesday we want to just fast and say Lord thank you and we’re just going to praise take some time spend some time on your way to work on your

    Way to uh I don’t know if school starts or not wherever you are take some time and just praise God just let me do it this way and when I say praise I don’t mean just you know just celebrate love on him just love on him I love you I

    Love you I love you I love you I love you Lord just spend some time loving on him don’t you like being loved on God likes being loved on also so let’s just love on God on this coming Wednesday thanks praise worship that kind of thing this coming Wednesday I’ll have the

    Other list of for you next week uh on Wednesday actually all right and also our first Friday prayer praise and Proclamation coming up this Friday 7 o’clock we have Pastor Don Darden who’s going to be ministering for us and then brother Tommy pow who’s gonna be ministering their church is going to be

    Here we’re starting at 7 o’clock this is our time again for prayer we’re going to be uh just praying to God about certain things our nation needs prayer the world needs prayer Augusta needs prayer and you know what you need prayer too don’t you amen so let’s just come together at

    7:00 we’re going to pray we’re going to pray everybody’s going to pray we’re going to pray in teams we’re going to you don’t feel feel feel the pressure of standing in front of everybody we’re just gonna pray about specific things together we’re gonna pray we’re g to

    Praise I should say it this way we’re going to praise praise and worship will begin first and then we’re going to pray then we’ll hear a word of God the proclamation then we gonna go back to praising and prayer and then the word of God Proclamation so 7 o’clock on this

    Coming Friday all right you got that now before I move to the next uh first which is first fruits let me say again Bible study starts again this coming Wednesday 12: noon and um and then 6:30 I am asking every member of Macedonia please be here for Bible study uh the month of

    January because the month of January we’re dealing with the theme today’s message uh this afternoon I’m going to be dealing with our theme for the year which is going to be something that God has placed in my spirit uh back in August September um and um well I’ll

    Talk more about it but the Bible study is going to cons be going to con uh going to the topic of the Bible study will be concerning our theme for the Year let me just share our theme our theme for the year is our year of transition and transformation our year of transition

    And trans I want you to just say this next year 2024 is my year of transition and transformation amen praise God Amen bless God for that all right so we’ll talk more about that but come to Bible study now I’ve got two things I have to

    Do um one thing in particular uh uh Minister Angela Davis please come please please please come on up come on up you are qualified to come up in the pull pit on Sunday morning now amen two weeks ago excuse me two weeks ago uh sister now Minister Angela Davis

    Ministered her initial sermon and let me tell you it wasn’t a speech it wasn’t a recitation this girl preached did she preach for those of you she preached and um and we we we acknowledge that the spirit of God has moved upon her and called her into the gospel Ministry um I

    Had this downstairs then but I didn’t bring it up but then I thought about it I didn’t want uh anyone to go down down to my office and get it because I wanted to do this publicly in front of uh the whole congregation on Sunday morning

    Worship but I want to uh present to you this Bible from it presented to Angela Davis and we need to change that I need to put Minister Angela Davis by Bishop Gregory uh Gregory Fuller and the Macedonia Church of Augusta Sunday December 17th that’s when she did her initial sermon uh

    2023 this Bible is um it’s uh was it Christian Standard Bible this Bible is not an um not a translation it’s more of an interpretation giving you another perspective of what the scripture says um you have enough King James Version New King James Version translations I

    Wanted to give you something so you can see the scripture a little differently amen so praise God let’s give God praise for it here’s your Bible praise God one more thing I need to do an acknowledgement um Reverend Reverend tamarra Balwin please stand up come on stand come on up here come on

    Up here all of us who know her are indeed proud of her extremely proud of her um we have watched her grow as a person we’ve watched her grow as a minister we’ve listened to her grow in her preaching and I just want to acknowledge today um uh something that God has

    Blessed to be able to do she is now doctor Tamra Balwin amen praise God praise God bless the Lord the Bible tells us to study to show ourselves approved the workmen that need not be ashamed rightfully dividing the word of Truth she now has her Doctrine in Ministry from the Andersonville Anderson

    Andersonville uh Theological Seminary come on let’s give God praise for that amen doctor Dr bwin amen amen amen amen we got all these the old preachers used to say when there’s so many doctors in the house the case must be serious and so we got all these

    Doctors in the house praise God and now it’s sewing time amen we bring our gifts to our god with gladness because the lord loves what the lord loves a cheerful giver and and praise God listen I need to share this with you um I am so proud of some

    Of our members um I’m so proud of some of our members and I’m so honored by our members also that they they follow the leadership they follow leadership and they trust uh the god in me last week we went to the um what what is and will be

    Our worship center and we shared with you the vision for where we’re going to be going and what we’re going to be doing in the worship center and um and we I shared first fruits we’re asking every member of the church for first fruits for next year to give $300 and

    That that what you give is going to go toward us fixing up uh the Worship Center so that we can go in the vision is the prayer is that we’ll be in the uh worship center by June of next year by June I’m saying by June because it’s

    Possible for us to be in before June of next year and so we need every member to give at least $300 on last week while we were in there I stated that uh and the leader always leads that’s just just what leaders do I’m going to be giving

    For my first fruits not $300 but $1,000 uh praise God um but what really blessed Lord for that but what really blessed me is that when I said that that uh brother brother and sister Lee also declared that they’re going to be giving $1,000 brother maricus and and my sister

    They’re giving $1,000 and then after we all had given the benediction we were going out one of our mothers came up to me and said uh Bishop um I’m giving $1,000 also and not only did she say it but she brought it to me this morning a check for

    $1,000 this work you’ll hear me say this in the message today this work will not get done unless we do it amen it will not get done unless we do it we have to put our hands to the plow if you want to harvest you got to

    Sow something amen and a lot of people are expecting Harvest but they not doing no sewing but I declare for all who will follow leadership and follow the word of God and will sew into what God to God’s Worship Center for all who will do it

    You will suffer nothing and I I prayer a a blessing of a thousandfold return to you amen the scripture says some said when when some sold into the good ground some brought forth uh 30 fold 60-fold 100 fold but we we serve a multiplying God who can take two fish and five

    Loaves of bread and feed five 5,000 men plus women and children I pray a blessing of a thousandfold upon everyone who will follow leadership and who will seow into this work let’s pray father God master in the name of Jesus thank you for those who have already committed

    In their tithing giving 10 10 a tenth of all that you blessed them with but then this extra this first fruits that we give oh Master this seed that we swow oh God that your kingdom may go and grow we thank you for it and we pray you bless

    It and bless all those who give that they will re they will lack nothing but indeed they will see the windows of Heaven open in their lives and you will pour out that blessing room where they will not have room enough to receive so much that they will not have room enough

    To receive we thank you for that your word it’s a promise to us we believe your word and we stand on it and we follow it in Jesus name amen please stand the users will direct you from the wall you can begin giving your first fruits now if you like [Applause] 2 Sh Yeah [Applause] [Applause] Hallelu salvation and glory honor and unto the Lord Our God God is Mighty the Lord of God is UN the Lord God he Is Hallelujah salv and Glory H and power unto the Lord Our God for the Lord our God is mighty yes the Lord our God is the Lord Our God He is Wonderful Hallelujah Salvation and glor honor and power unto the glory god for the Lord of God is mighty yes the Lord God is the Lord God He is wonderful hallelu Sal and Glory H and power unto the Lord Our God for the Lord our God is mighty yes the Lord our God [Applause] Is PR to the King the Our God He is Wonderful to the and the Lord God He is Wonderful to the king of King God he Is [Applause] hallu hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Hallelujah he is [Applause] hallelu hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah He is [Applause] Wonderful hallelujah hallelu hallelu Hallelujah is [Applause] Hallelu hallelujah hallu hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] H Hall hu Hu H Hall h Hall Halu hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Hallelu hallelu hallelujah hallelujah Hallelujah hu hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Hall [Applause] Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] Hallu Come on if he’s wonderful let’s say it Hallelujah come on let’s lift them up hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah H come on come on Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Hallu One More Time One More Time One More Time One More Time come on Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah [Applause] H come on and bless him come on and bless him yes he is yes he is and the testimony of his wonderfulness is that you’re here today on this last day of 2023 come on and bless the Lord how many of you know he really is wonderful hasn’t he done

    Wonderful things for you this year aren’t you expecting him to do wonderful things next year come on if you’re expecting God to do wonderful things next year come on and give him praise come on and bless his name yeah yeah yeah oh bless his name praise God thank

    You choir thank you thank you thank you oh bless his name we serve a wonderful Savior and he keeps on blessing us over and over and over again oh bless his name I’m going to go into the scripture and then I’m going to deviate just for a moment Nehemiah chapter 4 verses

    1-9 I’m going to deviate if the Lord so leads I’m not sure uh just for a moment Nehemiah 4: 1-9 the word of God records but it so happened when sellet heard that we were rebuilding the wall that he was Furious and very indignant and mocked the Jews and he spoke before his Brethren and the army of Samaria and said what are these feeble Jews doing will they fortify themselves will they

    Offer sacrifices will they complete it in a day will they revive the stones from the heaps of rubbish stones that were burned now toia the ammonite was beside him and he said whatever they build if a fox goes up on it he will break down the stone

    Wall Nehemiah prays and he says here oh God or Our God for we are despised turn their reproach on their own heads and give them as plunder to the land of captivity do not cover their iniquity and do not let their sin be blotted out from before you for they have provoke

    You to anger before the builders so we built the wall and the entire wall was joined together up to have his height for the people had a mind to work and it happened when samlet Toby the Arabs and the ammonites and the asites heard that the walls of Jerusalem were being

    Restored and the gaps were beginning to be Clos that they became very angry and all of them conspired together to come and attack Jerusalem and create confusion nevertheless we made our prayer to our God and because of them we set a watch against them day and

    Night today I want to uh my message title is a new New Year’s caution declaration and attitude a New Year’s caution declaration and attitude I want to deviate just for a moment don’t play anything I’m going to need some help here I want to uh this this this

    Old song has been in my spirit for some some days and I want to I’m I’m gonna need brother brother elim and you old enough brother Adam old enough brother dun I’m gonna need your help um who else I saw brother Johnson brother Ron Johnson brother R Johnson

    Did you here in the choir all right I’m I’m gonna need some of you you old heads and you country folk to help me with this um I’m gonna need y’all to help me with this one so y’all I’m I’m feeling a bit nostalgic um I’m feeling a little bit

    Nostalgic and um this is something that I I heard in my grandfather father’s Church where he pastored and I heard in Alabama some Alabama with my grandmother and it goes something like this guide me oh thou great je pilm through this Be let say it again God me come on Chris you know it Great pum through this bar land I am weak but thou are Mighty thou powerful hand I am weak but thou are my young folk are looking like what do they say it hold me with can I get some drums powerful strong deliverer y’all know this one strong deliv strong de be thou still my strength this year be thou still my strength and shield strong

    Del strong Del be thou still my strengthen anybody love Jesus watch this I love Jes I love Jesus I love yes I do Jesus yes I do anybody love them I love Jesus I love Jesus I love Jesus yes and then they were just moaning watch this watch [Applause] This they said the devil didn’t know what you was talking about with you M one more time I love Jesus come on if you love him come on I love Jesus I love Jesus I love Jesus yes I do yes I do I love Jesus I love Jesus I love Jesus yes I do come on and bless the Lord that takes some of us

    Back that just brings some of y’all up to it but Tak some bless the Lord every now and then you need to visit where you came from every now and then you need to visit where you came and somebody would say well that’s you know that’s that’s

    Too churchy well we are where we are because of the church did y’all hear me we are where we are as a people because of the church it wasn’t because of the mosque it wasn’t because of the temple it wasn’t because of it was because of the church

    And if we’re going to be anything it’s going to be because of the church in fact Jesus is not coming back for a mosque he’s not coming back for a temple he’s not coming back for a shrine he’s coming back for the church amen amen amen a New Year’s caution declaration and

    Attitude okay we’re going into this new year now this when I read this scripture it really hit me that um and this is the first of these two messages your New Year’s Eve messages you’ve got to go into 2024 with an attitude I’m talking about I ain’t playing

    Attitude I didn’t say I’m not playing I said I ain’t playing you can’t go I ain’t even playing I ain’t playing not even playing playing I’m not talking about passively you can’t go into this thing passively you got to go into this this this 2024 with with an aggressive attitude and the

    Determination letting the world the devil and even yourself know that I ain’t playing and I want to help you go into this because sometimes we go you know we make these resolutions and everything and we are we are all all emotional about our resolutions but we’re emotional about them at the

    Moment but we don’t make a declaration and determination that no matter what comes or may we gonna stick to it and so I want to help you I want to help you to go into 2024 with the right attitude with a caution some declarations and the right attitude now last week we went

    Into um we went into a worship center and that kind of thing and and I’m kind of basing this on that um and we made some things I made I made a statement we are going to go into the worship center next year amen I ain’t say if God

    Wills why because I already know that it is God’s will so I don’t even have to say if God will God willing no we’re going into the worship center next year prayer prayerfully by June of next year and I say prayerfully because things do come up but by next year by this time

    Next year in fact New Year’s Eve service is going to be held in the worship center next year I ain’t playing I ain’t even playing that’s the Declaration that’s the attitude I have toward Macedonia and where God is taking Macedonia for macedonia’s future but you need to have something some Resolute thoughts about

    Where God is taking you and what you’re going to do for yourself and your family for next year you know gym memberships are up everywhere EV up everywhere gems are G to be filled in January those of us who normally work out in the gym ain’t going to have space

    To get our work out on for all the folk who going to decide next year is my year to get in shape that’s going to last about a month and a half two weeks some folk have bought gym equipment spent thousands of dollars on gym equipment then next

    Year next year I’m going to get my work on we bought bikes pelaton bikes you got elliptical you got treadmills all that kind of stuff and for about the first two months not you but a person sitting next to you the first two months it’s gonna

    Start out oh it’s gonna start out great oh got it’s gonna start out sweating Oh I Feel So Good by the end of January what once was once every day is going to come every well you know they all they say you need to do is three times a

    Week by February you going to be hanging clothes on it’s gonna be another closet or hanger not you but the person sitting next to you the reason why that happens is because people don’t make declarations and don’t have an attitude that no matter what happens I’m going to stick to it persons have

    Decided I’m going to lose weight I’mma lose weight next year I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m GNA cut back on this I’mma cut back on that that’s gonna last two weeks and then it’s gonna be I just got to have my meat I got to have some

    Chicken I got to have some sweet tea and some soda and I just I got to eat some sweet after every meal I know I’m messing with some folk let me get off the food and the diet thing some people are going to make some determinations about Bible study

    I’m gonna go to Bible study I ain’t go all year 2023 trying to see who ain’t been here all year 2023 now okay I’m G leave y’all alone I’m leave you alone but if it rains if it’s cold well you know it gets dark early but we go everywhere else we want

    To go when it rains when it’s cold and when it get dark I’m I’m not trying to mess with y’all I’m not talking about you I’m talking about the person behind you I’m gonna pray more I’m gonna get closer to God I’m gonna study I’m gonna spend more time with my children my

    Family I’m going to laugh more I’m going to enjoy life more if you don’t sh change your attitude what you did this year you will do next year I’m gonna get rid of some stuff I’m gonna get some people out of my life I’m gonna not take Sol take some stuff that

    I took if you don’t change your attitude you will not change your action because your attitude is based upon what you think and first you think it you’ve heard me say this before first you think it and then you do it and if you don’t change your thoughts you will not change

    Your actions because you will not change your attitude I want you to go into 2024 with the right attitude watch this this scripture Nehemiah building the wall nehemiah’s task sees Israel uh Israel uh 70 years earlier the walls have been torn down by Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonians not just

    Torn down but burned and the temple has been torn down that kind of thing Nehemiah finds word find just word uh while he’s the king’s cup Bearer in Persia he gets word that the walls are torn down and and the people uh enemies are coming in ammonites asites and

    People are coming in from Samaria they’re coming in and they’re they’re looting basically the Harvest of all the people in Jerusalem all of the the Jews in Jerusalem Nehemiah gets that word he goes back he does a uh does a does a a a a circumference uh or does an inspection

    Of the wall and then he tells the people you see the state that we’re in we need to rebuild the wall and so they begin rebuilding the wall and then chapter 4 lets us know that when the wall was about half the height the enemy who had

    Been looting them and robbing them and that kind of thing pillaging them gets a little upset and Nehemiah praise and all that kind of so you got that there like every great thing that you try to do there are always haters always always somebody say always

    I’m not kidding I don’t mean I don’t mean sometime everything you set your mind to do that’s great there’s always gonna be some haters some negative folk some folk who will tell you it can’t get done won’t get done and you can’t do it and if you don’t have a right

    Attitude you will listen to that foolishness and miss the blessing that God has for you I want to help you today I want to give you some cautions we G to make some declarations and then we’re going to we’re gonna get it if you ain’t got an attitude yet you gonna get

    One I don’t even care if you’re mad at me just have an attitude leave here with some kind of an attitude today so in order for nemiah to build this wall let me give you some cautions and and in order for you to do what you have resolved to do your

    Resolutions and that kind of thing and prayerfully you’ve decided some things are going to change in your life because everybody needs some change in their life come on let me do that again maybe I should have started there everybody in here needs something to change in your life am I right your money

    Health relationship everybody in here needs something you need to change maybe I should say me I I there’s some change that need to take place and in order for that to happen there are some some requirements and let me give you the first one I got them written

    Down you’re GNA get them there first thing first thing here’s here’s the caution don’t think that it’s going to come without opposition I just said that don’t think that whatever you resolve to do is going to come without opposition Nehemiah has sellet to toia the asites the amonites

    There’s always going to be opposition to the great thing that you decide you’re going to do even if that opposition is time well I don’t have time you I want I want to pray but then some you you ever notice when you pray something always come

    Up when whenever I pray the enemy always puts in my mind something else I got to do there’s always opposition there’s always something to oppose what you are trying to do the great thing you’re trying to do for yourself for your family for your future that kind of

    Thing you you you got to know don’t don’t think that it’s going to come opposition is going to come but you got to resolve that no matter what the opposition I’m still going to get it done Satan works you know we we now first of all opposition you know the first first

    Enemy you have the scripture says that Satan the Devil is he he’s as a roaring liy seeking who he may devour Satan is your adversary that’s why you can’t play with him and some of us flirt with the devil yeah some of us flirt with him television shows movies music

    Internet flirt with them and you when you know what flirting with the devil you’ll end up in bed with him or her am I right you can’t flirt with the devil you can’t play with him you can’t play foot seed with Satan because Satan will always he’s more powerful than you

    Are he’s more powerful than you are not God in you but see when you flirt with him you’re actually telling God God i’ rather be on this side than with you and God will step back and say if that’s where you want to go that with me here so you have an

    Adversary the enemy who will tell you you know oh God not I’m M who will tell you you all right just the way you are you don’t need to change everybody it’s the problem ain’t you the problem everybody else no the problem you if you ain’t got

    No friends it’s because of your funky attitude if nobody want to be around you it’s because of you they they they it ain’t everybody else you know every everybody else ain’t crazy just look at somebody don’t say nothing to them just look at them and when you look at them looking and look

    At don’t say nothing to them but just think it there’s some crazy in them there why you point at me I said look I ain’t say Point there’s some crazy in all of us am I right there’s some watch this some of us are just two words from

    Snap come on am I right all it take is two words and snap and we done oh God what did I say we just because there’s some crazy in all of us and and and the enemy the enemy plays on that thing because he knows you better than you know you

    He’s done his homework he watches you and so and so you got to know and he works through other people and so you gotta you got to know don’t think you will not have opposition to what you want to do you’re going to have opposition you’re G Jesus said watch

    This if they crucify me if they turn their back on me if they persecute me they’re gonna persecute you don’t be surprised why you so surprised when folk when you got haters why you so surprised when people come against you don’t be surprised it’s going to happen in fact

    If it don’t happen you got to wonder if you’re really doing anything you know what I learned folk folk who don’t do nothing don’t get nobody talking about them if ain’t nobody talking about you is cuz you ain’t doing nothing worth talking about that’s why I love my haters my

    Haters remind me that I’m doing something I got something going on and as long as you’re talking about me just let me know you got me on your mind somebody thinking about me you’re gonna have opposition don’t think you have second second thing don’t think it’s going to be

    Easy too many people give up or don’t start because they want it to be easy there’s a book that I read it’s called Hager Curry I read it a number of times Hager curry book of a samurai uh written by perhaps the arguably the most profound and uh celebrated Samurai I

    Love Samurai movies that Samurai whoever Liv he mastered fighting with two sword uh uh I forget his name right now but he wrote this book and in the book he writes this if it was easy everybody would do it if it was easy whatever you thinking

    About if it was easy everybody it’s not whatever losing weight is not easy exercise is not easy you know starting a business is not easy if it was easy everybody would have a business but the reason why God put it in your spirit is because God knows that you can conquer

    The not easy you can overcome the not easy it’s not going to be easy but you can do it okay I’m not gonna have you talk to your neighbor right now I want you to speak to yourself say I’m going to do it yeah I don’t care I don’t care how

    Hard it is I am going to do it somebody said you know we’re we’re fasting or what no I can’t fast 24 hours have you tried and watch this it’s not supposed to be easy it’s a sacrifice and sacrifice means you’re giving something up that you want but if

    You trust God and if you if you if you give God this time I promise you you will see spiritual and material rewards in your life because God old folks said you can’t beat God’s giving and if you give up food for one day and just call

    On the Lord God God will bless you and your family it’s not supposed to be easy it’s not going to be easy but stay with it that’s what makes you proud when it’s done I’m proud of my accomplishments that I accomplished because I did it and it wasn’t

    Easy I’m more proud of the stuff that I fought to get achieve than the stuff that just came easily that’s the reason why a lot of children don’t appreciate what you gave them because they ain’t do nothing to get it and and and watch this and and and oh

    God let me kill this devil there not y’all but there are some people whose children are waiting on Mama and Daddy to die so they can live in Mama and Daddy’s house why because they don’t want to go out and get a job they don’t want to get their get their own they

    Rather live on someone else’s blessings the Devil is a Lie I’m not going to live on what somebody else worked for I’m going to work and get my own it’s not supposed to be easy not going to be easy third third thing watch this don’t expect God to do it all for

    You let me share this with you get off your knees get on your feet and get off get up and do something for yourself pray yeah we pray we pray listen to what Nehemiah say Nehemiah says uh Nehemiah prays he says he says the scripture says

    And they prayed and they prayed and said this is verse six he said so we built the wall they prayed but they built the wall because God won’t do for you what you can do for yourself and too many of people are on their knees where God we I

    Want you to do it God bless me God but if you ain’t getting up and doing nothing for yourself you ain’t gonna be blessed don’t expect God to do for you what you can do for yourself what are you doing to better yourself I want to be a better

    Person but you ain’t you’re not willing to change I want to be I want to learn more but you sitting in front of the TV watching foolishness what are you reading are you reading somebody said on the phone gaming I bought a PlayStation I my brother my brother helped me bought

    Bought a PlayStation play PlayStation 5 sat there I sat there one day for about hour and a half hour and a half went by so quickly I didn’t even know was hour and a half I didn’t I did I’m G tell you how

    Just went by I’m like oh my God I got to get up I got to go to a meeting because you can get so caught up in stuff that’s Entertainment and miss the stuff that helps you to be a better person okay all right so don’t don’t

    Expect God to do it all for you you gotta get up and do something for yourself you got to give you got to sacrifice you got to seow if you want to harvest number four fourth thing don’t think is going to come without a fight or struggle now this sounds like the

    First thing that I gave you now listen to this watch this verse seven and eight now it happened when sambalat toia the Arabs the ammonites the the ammonites and the asites heard that the walls of Jerusalem were being restored and the gaps were being uh closed that they

    Became very angry and all of them conspired they became very angry and conspired together to come and attack Jerusalem and create confusion don’t be surprised when spiritual warfare happens help me Holy Spirit there’s something that I’m dealing with right now um just right now something I’m dealing with that that this been dealing

    With it for um actually since my birthday party that I didn’t recognize it until last night that it’s not an emotional attack it’s a spiritual attack let me just be a little more direct um the day of my party and I mentioned the day of my party before the

    Party Pastor Gerald here um was here and the family I had a major Katrina no it wasn’t just a Katrina moment I had a major emotional moment thinking about uh Kathy my mother Katrina the sickness that all that I had a major breakdown the day of my priority I told Pastor

    Gerald after I was glad it happened at my house rather than happening at the party because if it had happened at the party would have messed up the party I’m glad it happened before the party but since then I’ve been having these moments these moments that just been

    Coming and and and and I’ve been I’ve been struggling I’ve been really really struggling as recently as last night I was struggling and then the Lord reveals I’ve been praying and all day yesterday I was praying I came to the church last night and in the sanctuary here I was

    Praying said Lord what am I you got to deliver me from this and then the spirit said to me it’s not just emotional it’s spiritual and then I start thinking about it because of where God is taking me and taking us Satan is attacking through the

    Emotion because if he can God help me here if he can bring you down he can keep you from getting up if Satan can keep you depressed depressed people stay in bed depressed people don’t see Joy depressed people can’t see happiness if he can keep you down emotionally he’ll keep you from

    Getting up and going after your destiny but the Devil is a Lie and his sister Shaquita I declare in the name of Jesus I will be delivered I will be set free I will hey I will in the name of Jesus now I’m not I’m not trying to bleed on y’all

    But I know I’m not the only person in here who’s been dealing with some spiritual stuff and you’ve been thinking it’s emotional and it’s somebody else it ain’t that it’s the devil coming after you trying to keep you from going after your destiny but you got to get an

    Attitude right now and tell the devil I’ll beat you with my wig I I’ll strangle you with my weave I’ll take my shoes off and beat you across your head I will not be held down It’s going to come with a fight and you can’t play when you fighting oh thank you Lord that’s the problem too many of y’all don’t have your game face on y’all sitting there looking pretty looking cute for the person next to you but baby when you really want to fight

    When you really get in a battle W you got to put on your Mike Tyson oh go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah come on come on come on if you gonna come on come on you gonna come but you ain’t you gonna come walking but you going back they G have

    To carry you you got to have I need some mean ugly folk to get mad with the devil and tell the devil you may bring it but you can’t leave with it I’m going to destroy you say it Bishop say it Bishop uhuh no no not me baby not me not me not me not me I said I don’t mind getting ugly for Jesus cuz he got ugly for me I don’t mind say I don’t I don’t know I don’t think after 24 years 25 years here with you I don’t think y’all

    Know who I am I’m a fighter always been a fighter I look for fights I will bust you over the head with a chair where my white chair at I’m like that brother in Alabama I will bust you praise the Lord God has delivered me from fighting folks A little bit but when the enemy and the demons come after me in mine I will is I need a qu a question are there any parents here whose child got sick and you had to get ugly with the devil and even ugly with God and say God

    Deliver my baby God save my child God save my marriage God deliver is there anybody here who ever had ever had to get ugly even with God that’s where you got to be right now cuz we’re heading to something y’all we may be heading to another another Donald Trump

    Term if that don’t make you ugly I don’t know what it will and y’all playing y’all just want to shout in church okay shout but after you get finished shouting you better go to war you better put your battle clothes on you better have your full armor of God

    On your helmet of salvation your breastplate of Faith your your sword which is the word of God you better have your Shield of your Shield of Faith breastplate of righteousness your feet sha with the preparation of the gospel of peace and you better go into war because this fight is real

    Y’all and as my brothers NWA NWA used to say the revolution will not be televised it’s going to happen right in your own home right on your block right inside of you y’all sit sit sit let me go to the next one sit don’t think it’s gonna come without a fight

    Number five I’m almost done number five don’t let your guard down baby baby baby baby don’t let your guard down don’t think that the good times are going to be lasting always we sang the song Cho sing the song they blessed me with that that trouble don’t last always aren’t y’all glad trouble

    Don’t last always woo I’m so glad trouble don’t last always but you know what good times don’t last always either because as sure as you are here today you will have a good one day and that same day I didn’t say tomorrow that same day things will turn all around am I

    Right about it so you can’t let your guard down in the good times you got to keep as I said put that for Armor of God on and keep it on you got to stay prayed up I mean it you can’t Pray when times get hard no you better pray in Good

    Times so that when times get hard you’ve already old folks you say send up some Timber you already built up your strength your your your your your your your your strength so you can go into the fight you can’t just read the Bible and quote a few scriptures when when

    Time get higher you got to have some word inside of you before the time get high so when it get high you can strike the enemy down as soon as he comes don’t turn to somebody tell them don’t let your guard down Nehemiah says watch this Nehemiah

    Says so we built the wall no no no the scripture says nevertheless we may pray to our God and because of them we set a watch against them day and night you got be watching day and night don’t let your guard down number five number six number six here’s the

    Attitude part here’s the attitude part and I need y’all to say this don’t think I can’t do it I only heard about five of y’all come on you no no no you with an attitude say it don’t think I can’t do it Sis I need to see some sisters rolling their neck don’t

    Think mother held up her fist and said don’t don’t no no no no no you must not know who I am you must not know who you’re dealing with don’t think in fact the more you tell me I can’t that’s just inspiration for me that that’s fuel in

    My in my tank that tell if you tell me I can’t that that makes me go after but don’t think I can’t do it you must not know who I am I’m more than a conqueror greater is he that’s within me that he that’s within the oh okay I’m I move too

    I move too fast I say declarations we gonna make some de that so so do it again don’t think I can’t do it you must not know who I am I’m a Child of God I’m a king’s kid I’m more than a conqueror greater is he that’s within me than he that’s within

    The world no weapon formed against me form will prosper I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me he walks with me he talks with me he tells me I’m his own and if he tells me I can do it I can do it baby and it’s going to

    Get done come on and give God praise in here you got to have an attitude Attitude don’t think I can’t do It I can raise my child to be a good child I can get on my report car I can start my business I can make it through this in fact here’s the last one put the last one up first one is don’t think I can’t

    Do don’t think it won’t get done come on say it don’t think it won’t get done the scripture says Nehemiah said we built the wall what Nehemiah was saying was it got done you g to turn around one day and see that what you said I couldn’t do

    Is already done come on somebody you are give come on attitude don’t think it won’t get done come on don’t think it won’t get done it’s going to get done now see y’all messed up cuz I heard it it’s going to get done see that’s too

    Cute it’s going to get done come on son I need somebody it’s going to get done and I’m going to do it just watch come on just watch with God by my side all things all things all things are possible and it’s gone and it’s gone get done now give God

    Praise as if it’s already done come on bless him like it’s already done come on bless him like it’s already Done we serve a savior who got it done pilot asked me a question are are you are you are you child of God are you the are you the Son of God Jesus said are you asking me this do you believe that or Pilot said that’s what they saying Jesus said well listen

    Tell you what you go and do what you got to do go go on do what you got to do I know you going you gonna do what you go do what you go to do hang me on the cross but in three days I’m coming back

    Again now you may not see me pilot right now but one day you going to stand before me and you asking me am I the king of God the Son of God one day you gonna stand before me you g to declare because your knee is going to Bow and

    All these other folk who crucified me their knee going to Bow and they going to declare I am the Son of God the king of the world see you got to have that kind of attitude go and do what you got to do because I know where I’m going in three

    Days in one month in by the end of next year we will be in the worship set don’t do what you got to do it’s going to get Done and because he did what he did we can do what we do the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is living in You it’s working in you say it’s working in me I want you to get this I want you to get the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is working in you which means when you get down that power will raise you up also I’m coming up battling but I’m coming

    Up I’m going up the rough side but you know I’m going to stand on the top of it too I ain’t falling down I ain’t stopping while I’m going I’m not turning around I’m going up and it’s gonna get done and I can do it is there anybody else’s testimony I

    Need some folk who just come on ah everybody stand up y’all stand y’all stand this is part one of the message you got to go into this next year with an attitude because there’s great attack coming great opposition I’m let me tell y’all something let you share this with you

    Because I’m expecting it before before it even comes um the city has allowed for bins and bargain to go into the Worship Center Center go well going to the the shopping center there let them have their business they’ve been operating there for three years four years four years city has allowed them

    To go in no restrictions just let them go in they be operating in business but as soon as the church goes in there where this colde needs to be done and this why you got this why the Devil is a Lie if you let them go in with a

    Store you going to let a weekend in I’m telling you right now it’s going to happen it’s going to happen they G to come after us why because we represent Jesus but we are more than a conqueror through him who loves us I wish they would I wish see that’s

    The other thing you got to have an I wish a I wish they would attitude y’ y’all kept pray for Bishop okay you do you got to have that kind of I wish I wish I wish I wish You some some of y’all some of y’all too holy y’all head all up in the clouds and the Halo we don’t live in the clouds we live down here and we fight spiritual wickedness in high places but we conquer spiritual wickedness in high places I and you know you know when a person

    Really get mad when they talk and they don’t open their mouth their teeth Don’t separate I wish a n you m you you meet somebody who talk and their mouth don’t open you better walk away baby you better walk away okay I’m I’mma stop I’mma stop or or they

    Start you better walk away baby you better walk Away they start asking for Vaseline you better walk away I got I got a whole jar just waiting cuz I know the enemy is coming and I ain’t dying before my time and I’m going to be happy while I’m here I’m going to smile I’m going to laugh

    I’m going to accomplish everything that God sets in my path for me to accomplish and I wish a negro would the doors of the church open let me stop doors of the church brother brother Campbell I said I’m gonna stop he start clapping but I’m serious y’all I’m

    Serious we laughing but I’m dead serious I’m mean and I’m serious you got to had a right attitude going into this next year here’s the other thing I got to say this I don’t need no pansies and no punks next to me in 2024 I don’t need no punks I don’t need

    No sissies and I’m not talking about sexuality I don’t need no people who are just gonna be wishy-washy and no faith and don’t want to work if you ain’t willing to put your sword on and go into battle with me then stay your butt at home don’t come near me stay back and

    Watch us who are working get it done I need some Fighters I need some sisters who are who know how to pray I need some brothers who know how know how to who know how to work who know how to get their hands don’t mind getting their

    Hands and you know what amazes me I got sisters who want to get their they don’t mind getting their hands dirty but the brothers don’t come and they they stay at home sisters who want to paint but Brothers don’t show up for nothing all right I’ll work with the sisters

    Then cuz I don’t need no punks I don’t need no sisters can get it done if they pushing out babies these are the folk I need I need folk who going to push out who going to birth some stuff I ain’t I ain’t talking about nobody I’m just saying if you ain’t

    Willing to push nothing out stay home I need some pregnant folk who GNA get birth to some Destiny next year is there anybody who feels like you got something in you that got to come out Daughters of the church over listen listen this last day of this year is a

    Good day for you to give your life to Christ and have the attitude that you know what what the devil put me through all all this past time I’m not going into the new year with that I’m going in with Jesus I’m going in with Jesus come my

    Brother if you’re looking for a church home my brother my sister there’s a brother here there’s a brother here the Lord is already speaking to you I already know it there’s a brother here I don’t know where you are the Lord is already speaking to you about your

    Coming come on and come on and Unite with us come on and Unite with us wherever you are sisters come on Unite with us more than anything else give your life to Jesus give your life to Christ come on come on I don’t know where you are brother I don’t the Lord

    Don’t show me where sometimes he just tells me that there he is there’s a man here come on Unite with us there’s a sister here come Unite with us yeah we’re here by the grace of God come my brother and my sister come on God is still

    Here come on my brother come on and sister if you’re online and you want to unite with us just write us a message write us a message you can be wher whatever City you’re in you can still Unite with us here at Macedonia come today come come

    Come yeah yeah yeah come on come give God your heart I am still here I’m still here it’s not even by my actions it’s by his grace that I’m still here cuz I’ve done things to take myself out but I’m here by his grace come on my brother come on my Sister come on give God your heart today you got your life today I know the Lord is speaking Some come come come come give God your heart today come I am Still come on my brother come on my sister give God your heart today praise God sister I know there’s a brother here somewhere there’s a brother here somewhere I don’t know where you are come my brother my sister Am God I don’t know where you are maybe you’re in the balcony my brother my brother praise praise God somebody in the balcony don’t let the balcony keep you from your blessing your blessing is in Jesus Christ your blessing is in your Obedience God come on is there another coming that come don’t let the Balon don’t let don’t let embarrassment keep you from your blessing there’s nothing embarrassing about accepting Jesus I Still come on my brother come on my Sister Just a few more moments there’s a there’s another brother here in the balcony again don’t let the balony keep you from your blessing brother Mike is there he’s walking he’ll walk with you you don’t have to walk by yourself in fact when you’re with in Macedonia you never have to walk

    Alone when you’re in Macedonia you never have to walk alone we’ll always have somebody to be with you Come here by God’s grace by his Mercy come on come on come on my brother come on my Sister come on my brother Sister [Applause] all right I do this and I always nervous when I do this I I don’t like putting people on the spot my brother and my sister just came in y’all thought we started at a different time y’all thought we started at a different time

    That’s cool um good to see you good to have y’all here if the Lord brought you Here and I’m not I I don’t want to put y’all on the spot but if the Lord brought you here maybe what the Lord is saying is not about the time it’s about your coming you’re coming and so what what I would like to do if you all don’t mind

    The two of you I would like to just pray with you because we’re we’re getting ready to go and I I don’t want you to ever come to church should not receive something I want everybody if yall you don’t mind yall would just come on up let me just pray with

    You praise God I’m going to ask this also is there another brother he was here maybe for the first second time or something like that and you just want us to pray pray with you a brother a brother is there another brother here you just want us to pray with you bless the Lord praise God I don’t ever want anybody to come to church and not receive something and so I just want to pray with him is anybody else another brother here another AB do that another brother or sister who just wants a word of prayer just wants prayer come come on

    Come on come on come on I’m going to wait on you my brother praise God open up the circle open the circle come on another brother another sister just for prayer open up the circle let’s ministers move back move back move back y’all just come y’all stay right here y’all stay right there

    Y’all stay there I just want them to get out of way all right another brother another sister who just wants prayer the Bible tells us that we’re two or three are gathered in his name when the scripture says that it’s talking about prayer it says we’re if if you if

    You’re together praying it’s touching anything or praying about anything together God Jesus says he’ll be in the midst of us and so you don’t have to you don’t have to take your prayers to God alone praise God my sister I saw them in the balcony was that is that your little one that

    Was behind you where she she went to the restroom all right good do you want her to be with you while you pray okay we G to wait on her she has is that your daughter is that your daughter okay we going to pray we going to wait on her in

    The bathroom till she comes back out cuz I want mama and daughter praise God I am still here it’s by the gra Just a few moments I’m not I can’t do anything with without mama and daughter [Applause] Together brother Napoleon and sister nakota and just came in let’s give God praise for them they came in isn’t it wonderful that you never too late to receive a blessing from the Lord never too late he’s still pouring out blessings That’s all right we going to wait they ain’t got nowhere to go ain’t got nowhere to go praise God it’s by the grace of God Church should be praying right now you should be praying right now just pray for yourself and for these who are up here right she’s you want to go get Her I understand she’s n that’s all Right praise God all right here she come here she come here she come I’mma say she’s nervous she’s shy that’s all Right ministers and deacons circle around intercessor circle around circle Around right here circle around ministers deacons come on circle Around let’s pray father God master in the name of Jesus we come before your presence and we thank you for your word today your word gives us hope it gives us inspiration your word oh Master tells us us how to think and the attitude that we

    Ought to have as we go into spiritual warfare we pray for this brother right here master who came into worship today master has come now seeking a word of prayer you know what he needs I pray for my brother brother Napoleon sister nakota uh who came in who came in after

    The message but never too late I pray whatever blessings they stand in need of whatever struggles they they may be dealing with that they know that in you they are more than conquerors that Master whatever whatever the struggles are whatever the issues are oh Master you will resolve them in their lives oh

    Master and they will know that it was because of you oh God that it was done I pray for their strength I pray for every aspect of their life their finances their their health I pray oh God a blessing upon them now that they will know that you are the bless or and

    There’s nothing oh God that you won’t do for them because of your love toward them I pray for this mother and this daughter right now that you would be with them that whatever reason this mother has come even out of the balcony oh master that you will bless oh God

    That you will pour out a blessing upon this mother this daughter this family this home protection oh God upon my young sister here oh God that you will bless her oh God as she goes back to school oh God that whatever old Master she’s classes she’s dealing with oh

    Master that she will conquer that in Jesus name for my sister who’s here whatever oh God the struggle is whatever the issues are oh God I pray your blessings upon her I pray oh God that you will remind her of Your Love toward her and oh god of her purpose in and

    Destiny that you have for her oh God and she will accomplish all that you have purpose for her life oh God she will have peace she will have joy she will have happiness she will have gladness in the name of Jesus and God she’s going to

    Look back on all the struggles and all the hardships that she’s been through oh God on that day and know oh God that everything she’s been through is worth where she is at that time oh God she is more than a conqueror we thank you for

    It right now I pray oh God for my sister here that you will bless and my young brother that you’ll continue to bless and keep them oh God you know her love for you oh God you know her struggles oh God but God Master no weapon formed against her will prosper in everything

    Oh God you’ve assigned and purpose for her life will be accomplished and will she will raise this young brother oh God and he oh God will grow to be a man after your own heart he will be a conqueror in Jesus name because of this mother bless all these who have come

    With a blessing bless everyone in the sanctuary oh God With the blessings that they have they stand in need of bless us as we go out of 2023 into 2024 with the right mindset with the right attitude with the right purpose knowing oh God we are more than conquerors through him who

    Love us in Jesus name everybody give God a hand up and praise God bless you have a good day see you at 5:00 Today you got It

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